小学英语说课稿 全英文 整理版


Good afternoon, ladies. I am number_______. I’m glad to share my lesson with you.

My teaching content today is Part         of Unit     of PEP Primary English, Book    . (Recycle_)

This unit is mainly about                                       

Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects.

1.      教学内容 (Contents)

Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content.

The lesson is a new one of Unit    .This unit introduces and develops the theme of “___________”, Ss are expected to master the new words___________________ and to use the sentence patterns___________________ in proper situation. The teaching material mainly describes ___________________ , and it shows all of the new knowledge points.

Therefore, it is in the important position of this unit. If Ss can master it well, it will be benefit for them to learn the rest of the unit.

2.      教学目标 (Teaching aims)

Secondly, it is about the teaching aims.

According to the new curriculum standard and the syllabus, and after studying the teaching material and the facts of the Ss, I set the teaching aims as follows:

1, Knowledge objects

1) Ss can understand the content correctly. They can read and play the dialogue;

2) Ss can listen, read, speak and write the core words_______________;

3) Ss can use the sentence patterns ____________- properly.

2, Ability objects

1) To train Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking;

2) To train Ss’ ability of working in groups.

3, Moral objects

To foster Ss’ consciousness of good cooperation and proper competition.           

3.Important and difficult points

According to the syllabus,the important points: have Ss fully understand the content, help them to read and play the dialogue.

The difficult points: 1) Help Ss to read the dialogue fluently, and help them to read and play the dialogue; 2) make sure they can read the core words correctly.

4.教法学法(Teaching methods)

Fourthly, it talks about teaching methods.

In this lesson, I will mainly use “Task-based teaching method”, “Communicative language teaching method” and “TPR teaching method”, and so on.


Next, let’s focus on the teaching procedures.

I will finish the lesson in     steps.

Step 1. Warming-up

It will cost about      mins.

After greeting with the Ss, I will begin the lesson by singing the song                       

together with the Ss.


The purpose of this is to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss, and, at the same time, it provides situations to review the learned knowledge                                                              

for the next step.

Step 2. Presentation

It will cost about     mins.

With the help of the PPT, I set a situation of                                                      


to stimulate the Ss’ interest of the lesson.

By playing the PPT, I                                                                          


And then,                                                            


The purpose of this is to present the new words and sentences in the situation, which relates to the Ss’ real life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easily and naturally.

After presenting each new word (by the guessing game), I will impart the knowledge of pronunciation rules in teaching the new words.

It is called Phonics.

It can facilitate the Ss’ abilities to pronounce the words, and help them to remember the spelling of the words.

Step3. Practice

It will cost     mins, including 1 mechanical activity to help Ss to recognize and read the new words and sentences, and 2 activities in the meaningful situations to make Ss use the new words with sentence structures in                         , to help Ss use the language in a real situation.                                             

Due to the Ss’ age, I make                                                        

The purpose of this is to draw the whole Ss’ attention to the spelling of the words.

It is to help Ss to learn                                                   

through a true situation.

Step 4. Development

In this step, I will give Ss a free space to show their abilities.

I will                                                        


Task-based teaching method and Communicative language teaching are used here.

The activity is to develop Ss’ ability of communication, and also, their ability of cooperation will be well developed.

Making a new dialogue is to check if Ss can use                                  

correctly and skillfully.

Step 5. Conclusion

In this step, I will guide the Ss to conclude the key words                                 

 And sentences                                      

And also, I will                                                               

The purpose of this is to stimulate Ss’ interest of learning English and wide their knowledge about communication across cultures.

Step 6.Homework

6.板书再次介绍(Talking about the blackboard design again)

And, this is my layout design.

That’s all for my teaching design. Thank you a lot for listening.

第二篇:小学英语说课稿 全英文15分钟版


Good morning everyone. Standing here, I’m very happy and excited. It’s my pleasure to present my lesson,

The teaching content is Unit New Standard English, Book The title It

and .

Now, I will explain the lesson from the following parts.

一、 说教材

Firstly, let’s focus on the teaching material. It include 3 parts: teaching status、teaching aim、the key and difficult points.

Now, I will talk about the analysis of teaching status:

1. 教学地位(体现教材的整合)

The lesson is the first Unit .

It focuses on the includes topic of , and serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following unit. So we can see that it play an important role in the whole book.

2. 教学目标 (根据具体内容定目标和要求)

The main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of their listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language, so I design 3 aims:



By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and use these words:


And, these sentences:

In this lesson, the skillful aim include 3 parts:

(1) To develop Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) To train the Ss’ ability of communication.


In this lesson, the emotional aim is

(1)To foster Ss’ awareness of cooperation and proper competition.

(2)To foster the feeling of enjoying life/loving the

motherland/cultural awareness.

3. 教学重点、难点

According to the main instructional aims of teaching English in primary school、the understanding of this unit and the feature of the pupils, I think the key-points of this lesson is:

(2) To develop Ss’ interest in English.

It is difficult for Ss to ask and answer the question (1) To make sure that Ss can use the 2

question “?” and make sure they can pronounce(plural nouns) correctly in the class, and I will help them to find out the answers. That is also the special difficulties of this lesson.(读的)

To help the Ss ask and answer the question “?” and make sure they can pronounce(plural nouns) correctly.(写的)

So it is necessary to grasp the key and difficult point.

二、 教法

Next, I am talking about teaching methods.

I’ll mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, to help the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of the dialogue by finishing a task. I will arrange four kinds of activities: singing, guessing game, finishing a survey and having a competition and working in a group. And in this lesson, a recorder, PPT, picture, card will be needed.

三、 学法(根据不同年级的学生,描述其特点)

Thirdly, it is about Ss.

Our students are in

basic They are active and curious, interested in new things. After learning English for years, they have some


English background knowledge, so the teacher should pay attention to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language.

四、 教学过程


Next, let’s focus on the teaching procedures.

It includes 4 steps. Step 1 Step 2 .., so I will explain my first step.


(1)After greeting, I will begin the lesson by singing the song (2)Showing some pictures such as and ask two questions:A. What about it? B. do you know where/What? The question is related to the topic of Ss can grasp it easily by answering the questions.


The purpose of this is to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss, and, at the same time, Ss can review the learnt knowledge


for the next step. (1) Words


The Ss will understand the meaning of the new

words by some pictures of PPT. I will design a poem with the key

words in this unit and play it with the help of my body language. The

poem chant like this:

Do, Do, I am doing something

Do, do, I can do something,

Something, something, I like something.

(2) Sentence and dialogue

I will play the record, let the Ss listen and imitate the

dialogue and then, I will write and explain the key sentence

structure on the blackboard(板书phrase, such make sentences. Finally, a student will be

chosen to lead the whole class read aloud with expression.


The purpose of this is to cultivate pupils’ basic abilities of

their listening and speaking. The poem is much easier for

students to remember the new words.


The whole class will be divided into ~ group, every group

includes ~ students; I will set a real situation according to the~

part of the unit. They should make sentences/dialogue on the topic of 5

One student should ask and the other should answer. Then two students in each group will be chosen to act it out on the platform/last one will read it out on the platform; finally, the whole class will choose and reward the best group.

或者:In this step, I will prepare the different cards before the class; Ss will have a competition by playing a game of TPR (Total Physical Response), named “listen and do”/guessing game. Different card includes different questions/location/action. For . I will choose two Ss. One student will student listen and do/watch and say/answer; finally, the whole class will choose and reward the best partner/imitator.


Role-play method is much easier for the Ss to use the language in a real situation. Proper competition can arouse Ss’ interest in English learning. Group cooperation can develop their team spirit.


(1)In this step, I will prepare the different cards before the class; Students should make a conclusion according to the cards. Different card includes different question. For example, do you remember 6

the key words/sentences in this unit? After discussing, the headman of the group will tell the whole class their answer. At the same time, a student will be elect to write down the useful words and sentences on the blackboard. At last, I will summarize Ss` conclusion, and encourage all the group whatever good or bad, right or wrong.

(2)Homework: to investigate onyourself.


The purpose of this is to cultivate their abilities of summarize and independence.

In the class, students will remember the new words by the poem, and use the key sentences skillfully by working in a group、playing games and role. After class, they can talk

with their friends. In short, everyone will learn happily.

五、 板书设计

And, this is my layout design. At the left, it is the new words. At the middle, it is the key sentences. Student can make sentences or dialogue with the phrase.

about That’s all my presentation. Thank you!


















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