海鸣威的黑与白 英文


Bright and darkness

Ernest Miller Hemingway is one of the greatest writers in literature. I had read his novelette named The Old Man and the Sea in Chinese version. At that time I did think Hemingway was not a qualified writer. After finishing about a quarter of the book, what I all had in mind were an old man's finishing days and daily trifles. However, "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" in English showed me a great novelist. The story happened after World War II in America. It describes a usual thing in a cafe. An old man sat late. There were two waiters chatting about him. After the old man was forced to go home, two waiters were off duty. The younger one went home. He ordered a cup of coffee and talked to the barman. The coffee finished, the elder waiter went home and was in insomnia.

In the dark night, people will drink because of their loneliness and mawkishness. The night brings so many things. According to the conservation between the two waiters, the old man is about 80 years old, clean, rich, but deaf. He once had a wife, but his niece looked after him. It was his niece who saved him from committing suicide. When I read upon there, what confused me most was why the old man wanted to kill himself when he owned a lot fortune. Then, I recognized it happened in a hard time. The inflection of the war made the old man became in despair. He saw people's death and how cruel the war was. I was thinking that maybe his wife was killed because of war. For instance, maybe his deaf ears were caused by the war. So did his fortune. He liked to sit in the shadow the leaves of the tree made against the electric light, which made him feel safe. Moreover, he would rather stay in the cafe than stop drinking brandy to go home at night. In my mind, family is a place where you can find warmth, true love, and carefulness. It seems that the old man was unwilling to go to his rich house. Deep down, he may be a little bit afraid of his family. I am sympathetic towards him. Poor man he truly is, I think. The old is in the dark who wanted the bright.

The younger waiter, comparing with the elder and the old man, seems never suffer from any disasters. He complained that the old man made him work that late. Even, he said to the deaf man, "You should have killed yourself last week". He did not serve another cup of brandy as the old man asked. Even though, it did not satisfy him. He urged the old man to go home so that he could be off duty earlier. It is understandable for a young man to do and speak in that impolite style. He is a typical man in a peaceful world. Lacking acknowledges and experience, the young are always so active, creative, and fearless. They know little about death or the dirty part of the world.

However, the elder waiter is different. Honestly, he acted as a person whose character is a combination of the old man and the younger waiter. It was him who linked up the whole story. Also, because of his appearance, pain brought by the war turned up. It is easy to find that he is the hero of this story. When Ernest Hemingway was creating the elder waiter, he might have mixed up with his own personalities. Since the old man should have enjoyed his brandy a little bit more, the elder waiter felt pitiful for him. From his words, I think he was a man in good manners. But, he owned a poor spiritual world. What he did everyday was serving as a waiter. He even did not expect a wife. Still, he considered it as “Many must have it”. That is darkness and sorrowful. A man should not be like that. All the nouns were replaced with “nada” which means nothing.

“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” describes two waiter’s night. It reveals the war hurt people’s spiritual civilization. The old generation has lost hopes for the future, but, the young generation is still fresh and ignorant. Hemingway living in this period saw the changes and development. Fortunately, he wrote them down in his own way. From this short story, I saw a developing world as it always is. Hemingway reminds me of another writer, Lu Xun. He shared a same attitude towards life and the world. In his eyes, the world should be appreciated, no matter how bad the people around you are or the society appears. Darkness and bright, we are the mixture of them and we need to find a balance.

(Some background from Wikipedia)

第二篇:黑与白 教案



1. 同学们你们平时画画一定会用到很多涂色工具吧?谁来说说你们最常用的是哪些呢?(油画棒、水彩笔、记号笔)油画棒、水彩笔彩笔数量很多,优点是可以使画面色彩鲜艳显得很喜庆。但也有不足——就是画笔的数量多,占据了桌面很多地方,使用起来也要不断换颜色,有点小麻烦。今天我们来学习一种新的绘画方法,只要用一支画笔就能完成一幅画,我们一起来欣赏一下这种画的真面目好不好?请大家一起来看一下大屏幕(PPT),谁能帮我找出这种绘画的作画规律吗? (PPT板示)(黑板上贴出文字) (2)

2. 师:这种画因此而得名“单色画”,师出示课题。(注明:并不单指“黑色”,其他单色也可以) (旁白:单色画最大特点就是醒目、有个性,有装饰性。)

3. 师:让我们来研究一下这种新画法是怎么操作的。(见PPT“大象”作品的步骤图)

4. 师:(见PPT步骤图2)(两种分割方法介绍)



5. 师:分割好以后只要有规律的涂色就好了,看来这种绘画方法很容易掌握啊?我们来动手试试看好不好?(动手分割之前,老师有个建议——请把PPT上第三个步骤图自己仔细看一下,看懂为何要在大象耳朵上采用不同分割法后再动手。)


1. 师让三位学生上台练习分割(台下学生用铅笔淡淡的练习分割),学生点评发现的问题,教师强调:分割时不能太密、太空\重叠部位一定要用与周围不一样的分割方法(师可以再从下面学生中找典型例子)(6)

2. 师:通过刚才遇到的问题,现在我们再来请同学们思考一下,为什么步骤图3上的大象耳朵还要进行再次分割呢?(请画正确的学生说说理由)。(2)


3. 师:结论——物体重叠部位一定要用与周围不一样的分割方法,来加于区别.(齐读PPT上所书文字)


4. 教师视频示范分割法并涂色(注意涂均匀)(2)


1.作业要求:请直接用记号笔进行创意分割并涂色 (平行分割/交叉分割)

2.说明:举行设计大赛 自评 “优秀奖”、“快乐奖”

















教案小圆点的魅力 黑与白

教案小圆点的魅力 黑与白,内容附图。



爆料吧 游戏学校的黑与白









