牛虻 读后感


Whether I’m alive or die, I'm ever a gadfly, flying here and there happily. The Gadfly was written by Ethel Lilian Voynich and published in 1897. It was silent about half century before it was translated into Chinese. The Gadfly has been obtaining high reputation since then. What accounts for all this is? One reason was that the youth in that time even today were fond of reading legendary figures, and imitated their heroic image of brave, unyielding, fighting for independence.

The main synopsis of The Gadfly is: It happened in a hot dusk of June. With all the windows were opening, a student named Arthur Burton was consulting a large number of lectures in the library of Bysa church school. The academician named Padre Montanelli was looking at him of love expression. Arthur Burton was borne in a rich family of England. In name he was the son of Mr Burton and his second wife, in fact, he was the love child of Padre Montanelli and his mother. Meanwhile, witnessing the discrimination from his brother-in-law and sister-in-law and the insult and torture had his mother treated, Arthur Burton did not love his family, but it all were not let him down that he did not know the truth. In Arthur Burton’s eyes, Padre Montanelli was not only a respectable man of broad and profound learning but also a father in the life, Therefore, entertained an absolutely sincerity heart he decided to returned Padre Montanelli’s selfish help.

In that time, the Italy was intruding by the Austria. T o those ardent youth, the thinking of won the national independent from the party of Italian youth had won intensive attraction. Arthur Burton was one of them and he determined to devote his life to this dangerous but significant work. On the contrary, Padre Montanelli was so worried of him and inclined to persuade him as he knew the activities he had done, but Arthur Burton was very stubborn to his thinking, said: “it was not contradication of both a devout Christian and a people fighting for the independence of his motherland”. And at a secret assemble, Arthur Burton met young Gemma and loved her without told anybody. At this time, Padre Montanelli was promoted to be the archbishop of Roman, while John----a spy of police was replaced his place. Under his temptation, Arthur Burton, by the mean of confession, spoke out the action and the name of his companion so that they were arrested. Of extraordinary anger, Gemma slaped Arthur Burton a ear, and Arthur Burton was very regretted of his childish act so much, while knew that Padre Montanelli was his father of blood was a the heaviest shocking. “How could the most respected man of me betray me?” The series of striking put him into piece. To show the break up with the church, He hammered his lovely Jesus status and away from the sorrow place by made a false impression of suicide.

To Arthur Burton, the 13 years in the South American was living in the hell. On the other contray, As him back to Italy, he had been trained of being a Gadfly of strong, unfeeling, seasoned willing. Under the command of the Party of Democratic, he, directly, pointed out that of the leader of the bishop named Padre Montanelli was actually the slavery of the church. And it gained high

favor for Gadfly among the ardent youth. Meanwhile, he met Gemma again, but she did not recognize him, In one of the uprising, Gadfly and his friends were surrounded by the enemy, To protect his friends, Gadfly was volunteering to be the last one escaping. In fact, he had chance to escape, suddenly, Padre Montanelli appeared. Gadfly could not help down his gun and was arrested. While the friends of Gadfly were tried to rescued him, but Gadfly wounded badly that he was faint at the road of escaping from prison, Of fear, the enemy was determined to executed him as quickly as possible, Padre Montanelli was tried to persuade him to surrender by the love of father to a son and the condition of giving up bishop again. Yet Gadfly, in high spirits, was spoke out his misery experience in South American which was to move him having a choice between son (revolution) and God (church). Unfortunately, a compromise was not reached. Than Padre Montanelli had no choice but wrote down his name on the paper of executed his son and dead of crazy. As the day executing Gadfly came, of high ambition and calm to death. Gadfly left us forever, but a letter was left to Gemma writing a little poem: “Whether I’m alive or die, I'm ever a gadfly, flying here and there happily.”

Gadfly---a immortal hero. We are admired of his brave confronted with the alive and die, In his words,“facing up to the dead, I’m a little boy who had finished my work back home.” You can’t agree more. If we had accomplished our mission, who cares alive or die?




三月雪这本书 ,讲述的是党委书记周浩在他调到师范大学的第四天晚上翻阅着五份入党志愿书,突然,一个熟悉的名字跳入他的眼里——李秀娟。从而引出了他的回忆……周浩同志的老同志、老上级李维民的爱人刘云来到了这里,还带着她的女儿小娟,把她们派到了龙山做任务,他们的目的是发动群众,反奸诉苦,建立武装和政权。在那里收获了李凤英和官本才让他们入了党,他们同敌人进行了一系列的斗争,在徐村的战斗中,刘云和农村会长官本才被敌人抓了去,在找到他们时他们被绑在那棵三月雪上——他们牺牲了。


正是由于无数像刘云一样的革命先烈的流血牺牲,才赢得了战争的胜利。我们的共 产 党员是多么伟大,他们保护了人民群众的利益,却奉献出了自己宝贵的生命。我们现在幸福的生活是无数共 产 党员抛头颅,洒热血,用珍贵的生命换来的。


















牛虻 英语读后感 The Gadfly







