









教师给出情景---学生根据示例模仿使用----总结共同点---归纳概念 归纳式语法教学可增加学生和语言的接触,有助于培养学生的语言感觉。通过分析归纳总结语言使用规律可深化学生对用法的理解。归纳教学比较注重语言的运用而不是语言的形式。但这种教学方式对教师的要求比较高,学生对语言的理解未必准确,需要教师更多的帮助。尽管有的学生未必喜欢归纳教学方式,归纳式教学方式却有助于激发学生的参与。








3) 练习(practice)
















让语法教学情景化,以模拟情景为主,通过设计或利用某一情景进行操练。 模拟情景的范围很广,可以是语言描述、出示图表、播放录像带、演示直观教具、动作模拟表演、特殊环境的布置以及教室情景的利用等。模拟情景是教师据语境的需要而模拟相应的情景,用以帮助学生更准确、更快速地推断语境,从而收到更好的理解和记忆效果。模拟情景既要切合教材的需要,又要适合学生的需要。


S1:What was Jim doing at 3:30 last Wednesday?

S2:He was playing basketball on the playground.

S1:Was John playing basketball with Jim?

S2:No.He was playing with a yo—yo.‘



What were you doing at this time last Sunday?

What was your mother doing when you got home yesterday afternoon? Were you sleeping at 10:00 P.m.1ast night?


What’s happening in the picture?

What’s the man/woman? doing?

在教学形容词的比较级和最高级时,教师可以让学生对自己班级同学的外貌特征(高、矮、胖、瘦)进行比较。如:Li Qiang is taller than Xiao Hong,but he is shorter than Jiang Quan./Yao Lei is very tal1.He is the tallest boy in our class? 也可以给学生提供各种不同的图片,让他们对图片中的东西进行比较。如:There are more people in Picture 1 than in Picture 2.The apples in the basket are bigger and redder than those on the table...




例如,在教学一般将来时的时候,我们可以将学生分成5—6人一组的小组,让他们讨论即将到来的周末野餐活动,由此展开一场以将来时为主的主题对话。 S1:Where are we going to have the picnic?

S2:We are going to have it in Yushan Park.

S3:When and where shall we meet?

S2:Shall we meet at the school gate?

S4:I’m going to take some chips and black tea.What about you? S1:1 will take some bread and milk?

讨论完毕后让每组学生完成一份周末野餐计划表,并向全班同学做汇报。 Our class is going to have a picnic in Yushan Park this Sunday.W e will go there by bike.W e will meet at the school gate.Liu Li is going to take some chips and black tea.I am going to take some bread and milk? 通过这一组活动,学生不仅学习了一般将来时的用法,而且对即将到来的野餐活动有了具体明确的安排。总之,要提高英语语法教学的有效性必须多方面入手,真正做到以学生为主体,从学生的需要出发,让学生对所学的知识感兴趣,才能真正提高课堂效率,起到事半功倍的效果。







1.Mum. I’m thirsty. Will you please give me some_________? A.pencils B.cake

C.water D.books

2.Ann didn’t want to miss the_________of seeing her favorite singer in the concert,

so she bought her ticket early. A.bus B.chance C.music D.meeting

3.Are ther any_____________or_____________in the bag?

A.tomatos; photos B.tomatoes; photoes C.tomatoes; photos D.tomatos; photoes

4.---Forests are very important to us, aren’t they?

---Yes. If we have more forests, they will help to keep_________from running away.

A.water B.leaves C.trees D.grass

5.There are about twenty___________in the room. They are having a party there.

A.people B.sheep C.worker D.mens

6.Liu Xiang, in his twenties, was once an Olympic winner in the___________hurdles (跨栏).

A.110-metre B.110-metres C.110 metre D.110 metres

7.John is so kind that he often gives me a_________when I’m in trouble.

A.reply B.seat C.hand D.reason

8.________is spoken the most widely in the world but___________has the largest number of speakers.

A.Chines; English B.English; Chinese C.French; Russian D.Russian; German

9.Jack bought a_________in a shoe shop yesterday.

A.pair of shoes B.pairs of shoes C.pair of two shoes D.pair of shoe

10.Bob is looking at the________to find where Beihai Park is. A.picture B.map C.card


11.There are few___________in the fridge. Let’s go and buy some peas, carrots and cabbages.

A.meat B.fruit C.vegetables D.bread

12.---Why are you walking to school? ----Because my______is broken. A.radio B.watch

C.bike D.bag

13.A child asks all kinds of________-while he is growing up. A.troubles B.matters

C.problems D.questions

14.I have three pen friends. One is___________, the other two are________.

A.Japanese; America B.Russian; Germany C.Canada; Australia

D.English; Frenchmen

15.Tom and Linda are_________from Australia. A.students B.girls C.boys


16.March 8 is___________Day. A.Woman B.Womans’ C.Women


17.A___________is used for keeping warm. A.stamp B.jacket C.key D.clock

18.The boy hurt one of his__________in the accident yesterday, so he couldn’t walk to school this morning. A.teeth B.feet C.hands D.ears

19.What’s wrong with my son’s___________? He can’t see things clearly. A.eyes B.ears

C.mouth D.nose

20.Some_________are flying kites near the river. A.child B.boy C.boys D.childs

21.You may go to the_________if you want to watch Beijing Opera. A.library

B.supermarket C.theatre D.bookshop

22.Look! The________are watering flowers. A.man B.woman C.boy D.children

23.Mr White is a businessman. He works in a_________. A.hospital B.company

C.school D.farm

24.---Where are you going? ----I’m going to the _______to fly a kite. A.shop

B.library C.park D.post office

25.---I’ve got an “A” in the exam.---That’s a good_________.You will surely win a second.

A.news B.idea C.start D.message

26.This is Elizabeth Tina Brown, our new teacher. You may call her___________.

A.Mr Brown B.Miss Brown C.Mrs Tina D.Ms Elizabeth

27.These are__________________bikes.

A.Jim and Sam’s B.Jim’s and Sam C.Jim and Sam D.Jim’s and Sam’s

28.Twelve_____________were hurt, but no ____________were lost in the accident.

A.person; life B.people; lives C.peoples; lives D.persons; life

29.When I asked what had happened, he didn’t say a___________.

A.word B.letter C.message D.sound

30.----Whose dictionaries are these? ----They are the__________.

A.twins’ B.twin C.twins D.twin’

31.The teacher said we needed to choose three_____________for the school concert.

A.farmers B.doctors C.drivers D.singers

32. Will you make________________with Tom? A.a friend B.friend C.the friend


33.Henry runs fast. He won the________800-metre race yesterday. A.boys’ B.boys

C.boy D.boy’s

34.Hurry up! There’s little_______________left. A.time B.days C.dollars


35.Do you know my uncle is________?

A.a worker and writer B.a worker and a writer C.worker and writer D.worker and a writer

36.The old teacher is a friend__________.

A.my brother’s B.my brother C.of my brother’s D.of a brother’s

37.Beth has a beautiful_________. Listen! She is singing very well. A.voice B.look

C.sound D.smell

38.My school is about twenty__________walk from here. A.minute B.mintues’

C.minute’s D.minutes

39.----Jack, would you like something to eat? ----Yes. I’d like some___________.

A.bread B.juice C.orange D.noodle

40.Mrs Jenny gave us___________on how to learn English well.

A.some advices B.many advices C.some advice D.an advice

41.The whole trip cost____________about three thousand dollars.

. 1.

A.the Smith B.the Smiths C.Smiths D.the Smith’s

42.Tom’s handwriting is better than any other______________in his class.

A.students B.student C.student’s D.students’

43.There are many new books in the library. They are____________books.

A.child B.childrens’ C.children D.children’s

44.---Does Lucy like Chinese_________? ----Yes, she does. A.food B.foods C.any food D.some food

45.When we saw the film Hero, I sat between Ted and Ben. That is to say my seat was between________.

A.Ten and Ben B.Ted’s and Ben C.Ted and Ben’s D.Ted’s and Ben’s

46.There is not enough___________in the corner for the fridge. A.place B.room

C.field D.ground

47.You can find the following INSTRUCTIONS on___________.



A.food B.money C.clothes D.books

49.We often watch____________news at 7:00 in the evening. A.CCAC B.MTV


50.They have searched the____________for 3 hours for the information about the Canon cameras.

A.TV B.radio C.Internet D.computer

51.Mrs Green is _______mother. A.Mary and Kate B.Mary’s and Kate’s C.Mary’s and Kate D.Mary and Kate’s

52.----Where’s Mary? ---He’s left a_________ saying that he has something important to do.

A.excuse B.message C.exercise D.news

53.The_________of an air ticket from Dalian to Guangzhuo is about 1,800 yuan.

A.price B.money C.pay D.use

54.---Could you read the English_________on the medicine bottle for me? ----OK. Let me try.

A.instructions B.documents C.pictures D.meanings

55.What can I do for you, sir? ----I’d like two_________.

A.bottle of milk B.bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D.bottle of milks

56.My mother bought ________for me yesterday. A.a pair of glasses B.a pair of glass

C.a glasses D.a glass

57.Mother is the busiest in my________. She always has a lot of housework to do.

A.home B.house C.room D.family

58.---It’s dangerous here. We’d better go out quickly. ----But I think we should let________go out first.

A.woman and children B.women and child C.woman and child D.women and children

59.The guide has___________, she will show them to us.

A.some old paper B.some special food C.a new jacket D.some beautiful pictures

60.Miss Smith is a friend of__________.

A.Mary’s mother’s B.Mary’s mother C.mother’s of Mary D.Mary . 2.


61.There is only one ____________doctor and several ___________nurses in this hospital.

A.man; woman B.man; women C.men; woman D.men;


62.I hear we will have a________________holiday in__________.

A.two day’s; two day’s time B.two-day; two day’s time C.two-day; two days’

time D.two days; two-day time

63.----Are there any________on the farm? ----Yes, there are some. A.horse B.sheep

C.duck D.chicken

64.----What would you like to drink, girls? ----_________, please.

A.Two cup of coffee B.Two cups of coffee C.Two cups of coffees D.Two

cup of coffees

65.Today is September 10th. It’s_________Day while ___________Day is on the second

Sunday of May. A.Teachers; Mothers B.Teachers’; Mothers’ C.Teachers’;

Mother’s D.Teacher’s; Mothers’

66.This is ____________ bedroom. They like it very much.

A.Jane’s and her sister B.Jane and her sister’s C.Jane’s and her sister’s

D.Jane and her sister

67.They have much coloured__________.Let’s go and ask for some. A.rulers

B.paper C.erasers D.sharpeners

68.My mother bought some________for my birthday party yesterday. A.apple

B.banana C.orange D.meat

69.Heilongjiang is in the____________of China. A.northeast B.northeastern

C.northwest D.northwestern

**70. ______ the end of the street you’ll find the bookstore.

A. To B. By C. At D. In

71. John is quite clever ________ painting.

A. by B. at C. to D. with

72. I’m going to bed ______ midnight.

A. in B. at C. on D. by

73. His parents died when he was ________ the age of three.

A. in B. at C. by D. on

74. The child threw a stone _______ the dog.

A. at B. for C. on D. onto

75.China was _______ war _______ Japan at the time.

A. on; with B. at; with C. on; against D. in; against

76.The car is running _______ 50 miles an hour.

A. in B. with C. by D. at

77. The old man was disappointed ________ her refusal.

A. at B. with C. by D. to

78. The Germans drove forward ______ a speed of 50 km an hour and they broke through th

e English

defence lines _______ great speed.

A. at; with B. with; by C. by; at D. at; by

. 3.

79. She came here ______ Charlie’s car, not ________ sea.

A. by; by B. in; on C. in; by D. in; at

80. You should write _______ pencil, that is, _______ a pencil.

A. in; with B. with; with C. in; in D. with; in

81. Can you do the experiment _______ another day.

A. by B. in C. on D. with


1.________earth we live on is bigger than __________moon. A.The; a B.The; the C.An; a D.An; the

2.There’s__________ “h” in the word “hair” and__________ “h” is the first letter of the word.

A.a; the B.a; an C.an; the D.a; a

3.We can see the sun in __________ daytime, but we can’t see it at ________night.

A.a; the B.the; / C.a; / D.an; /

4.I am reading___________novel, _______is ________interesting story.

A.a; that; an B.the; which; the C.a; which; an D.the; which; the

5.My uncle is_______old man, and he likes playing________chess. A.a;a B.an;an

C.the; the D.an; /

6.---Are you_________Chinese or Japanese? ----Chinese. But I was born in Japan.

A.an B./ C.the D.one

7.----It looks like rain. Why not take_________ umbrella with you? ----Thank you. But I don’t think it’s necessary.

A.a B.an C./ D.several

8.David has_________cat. It’s very nice. A.a B.an C.the D./

9.The boys and girls often play________football in_______afternoon. A./; an B.the; an C./;the D.a; the

10.He himself is very rich. However, he often says___________rich should help__________poor.

A.the; a B.a; the C.the; the D./; /

11.Jim is now making____________kite. He’s going to fly__________ kite after lunch.

A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a

12.She is one of ___________most popular teachers in this school. A.a B.the C./


13.Mr Black didn’t go to work yesterday because he was ill in_______bed. A.a B.an

C.the D./

14._____________Greens are on___________visit to a beautiful city in China.

A./; a B.A; the C.The; a D.The; /

15.----I quite like songs sung by Zhou Jielun. ----Yeah, he is really___________unusual singer, you know.

A.an B.a C.the D./

16.I studied________English in_________England and I like ________English language very much.

A.the; the; the B.an; an; an C./; /; / D./; /; the

17.They go to school by_________bus but sometimes there aren’t any seats on . 4.


A.the; the B.a; a C./; / D./; the

18.There is_____________8-metre-long bridge over the river. A.a B.an C.the


19.I have no classes on __________Sundays. A.a B.an C.the D./

20.My mother takes __________walk after supper every day. A.an B.the C./


21.English is___________language. It is_________important tool. A.a; a B.a; an

C.the; an D.a; /

22.February is ________second month of the year. A.the B.a C.an D./

23.She has made __________decision that she will be __________inventor some time.

A.a; the B.a; an C.the; an D.the; the

24.They had_______good time in the party, which is__________success. A.a; a B./;/

C.a; / D./; a

25._________Smiths were having breakfast at this time yesterday. A. A B. The

C./ D. An

26.----Hello,Li Ming, have you got_________e-mail address?---Oh, yes, I’ve got one. It’s .

A.an B.a C./ D.the

27.---What about __________story you read last night? ----It’s terrific, I think. A.a

B.an C.the D.one

28.---What’s on the screen? ----Is there________ ad for a new film? A.a B.an

C.the D./

29.----What’s in _________glass on the table? ----Some milk, A.a B.an

C.the D./

30.She is ________good doctor that everyone wants to see her. A.such a B.a such C.a very D.so a

31.September the _________is Teachers’ Day. Let’s make some cards for our teachers.

A.ten B.tenth C.nine D.ninth

32.----Which is the smallest number of the four? ----__________.

A.Two-thirds B.A half C.A quarter D.Three-fourths

33.__________of the teachers in our school are women teachers.

A.Three quarter B.Two thirds C.Second three D.Three four

34.Tim is ________________-boy. He can say a few words.

A.an one-year old B.a one-year-old C.an one-year old D.a one-year old

35.---Tony, what’s ten plus six? ----It’s___________. A.twenty B.fifty C.ten


36.I was born__________. A.in Oct 8, 1969 B.in 1969, Oct, 8 C.on Oct 8, 1969

D.on 1969, Oct 8

37.He cut the cake_________. A.in halves B.in half C.into halves

D.into half

38.---It’s 9:45. ----Yes, it’s__________.

A.fifteen from ten B.a quarter to ten C.fifteen past nine D.a

quarter past ten

. 5.

39.You can see ___________if you go out at night.

A.million stars B.thousand of stars C.hundred stars

D.millions of stars

40.When Mr Liu was_________, he became a famous professor.

A.on his forties B.in his forties C.in the forty D.in

the forties

41.December is___________month of the year. A.twelve B.the twelfth C.the twelve


42.He was born__________.

A.in 984, October 27 B.in October 27, 1984 C.on 27, 1984 October D.on

October 27, 1984

43.Tomorrow we are going to learn__________.

A.Lesson Second B.the Lesson Two C.Lesson Two

D.second lesson

44.Mr Smith lives on __________floor. A.fiveth B.fifth C.the fiveth

D.the fifth

45.Each of us has to write a_________report every two weeks.

A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-word C.two-hundreds-words


46.Eighty-nine plus_______is one hundred. A.zero B.nine C.eleven


47.It took________men________years to build the Great Wall.

A.hundred; million B.two millions of; hundreds of C.two million; hundred

D.millions of; hundreds of

48.The boy has ___________stamps.

A.two hundreds and fifty-five B.two hundreds fifty-five C.two hundred and

fifty-five D.two hundred fifty-five

49.The film star is going to spend ____________dollars on a new dress for the coming party.

A.three thousands B.thousands of C.thousand of

D.three thousands of

50.----Do you often read China Daily for__________before supper.

A.half an hour B.half a hour C.half hour D.an

hour half

51.They have got only one pencil. They need__________pencils.

A.more six B.six more C.six another

D.other six

52.----Can you write the number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six? ----Yes,

it is________.

A.856620 B.85626 C.58662


53.----If a=3, b=4, what’s the answer to the problem, a+ 2ab + 1= ? The answer


A.twenty-eight B.twenty-eighth C.thirteen D.eighteenth

54.----What’s the time, Dad? ----Let me see. It’s__________.

. 6.

A.June 1 st B.Saturday C.seven o’clock

D.Children’s Day

55.Twenty percent of the students ________from the south while 80 % of the rich land _______in the north.

A.come; is B.is; is C.comes; is D.are; are

56.About____________of the books in our school are written in Chinese.

A.four-fifty B.four-fifths C.fourth-fifths D.fourths-fifth

57.Both of the two rulers are broken. I want to buy a________one. A.three B.third

C.forth D.fourth

58.They have learned English for__________.

A.two years and a half B.two and a half years C.two half years D.both A and B

59.Next Sunday is my brother’s ___________birthday. A.twenty B.twentieth

C.twentith D.the twentieth

60.Nobody thought it easy to finish so much work in_______________.

A.two days’ time B.two-days-time C.two day’s time D.two days time

61.He stepped into the office,_________down and began to fill in the forms.

A.sitting B.to sit C.sat D.having it

62.She said she would telephone but we __________from her so far.

A.haven’t heard B.didn’t hear C.hadn’t heard D.won’t hear

63.When I got to the cinema,the film____________for ten minutes. A.has begun

B.had begun C.had been on D.was

64.I’ll go with you as soon as I__________my homework. A.will finish B.finish

C.am finishing D.finished

65.If it__________tomorrow,I won’t go to the cinema. A.will rain B.rains C.is raining D.rained

66.----Have you got some water to drink? ----Here you are. There________ still some in the bottle.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

67. ________ there many American friends in the school last Friday? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were 68. There ________ great many accidents last year. A. were a B. are a

C. is a D. was

69. In 1850, about a third of U. S. A_____________covered by forests. A. were B. has been C. / D. was

70.Most of our earth___________ covered by water. A. are B. is C. was

D. were

71. Neither_____________right. A. answers are B. answers aren't C. answer is D. answer isn't

72.The population of the world __________ still ___________ now.

A. has; grown B. will; grow C. is; growing D. is; grown

73. The police often____________the children across the street.

A. help B. helps C. helping D. is helping

74.__________ going to England by air next week.

A. The Green family are B. The Greens family are C. The Green's family are D. . 7.

Green family are

75. The whole family __________ enjoying the beautiful music now.

A. is all B. all is C. all are D. are all

76.Our class ___________ big. A. is B. are C. were D. will

77. Neither he nor I ___________ from Canada. We are from Australia. A. is B. are

C. am D. be

78. Either you or he ____________ right. A. are B. is C. does D. were

79. Neither Mary nor her brother____________ good at singing. A. is B. are C. is not D. are not

80.Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary _________ busy. A. is B. was C. are

D. has

81. Physics ___________ interesting to us. A. are B. has C. is D. were

82.The news___________ exciting. We got excited at it. A. is B. was C. were D. are

83. Though mathematics______________ hard, we all work at it hard. A. are B. were C. was D. is

84. Ms Wang didn’t mind at all ____________ to the ceremony.

A. being not invited B. not being invited C. not inviting D. not to be invited


1.----Is this dictionary_________or__________? ----It’s mine.

A.your; hers B.yours; her C.your; her D.yours; hers

2.Can I borrow________pencil? __________is broken.

A.you; My B.your; Me C.your; Mine D.yours; My

3.---Wow! What a nice computer. ----My parents bought it for my sister and me. It’s_________.

A.ours B.hers C.mine D.theirs

4.Mary, please show______________your picture. A.my B.mine C.I


5.----Who taught you to play basketball? ----Nobody, I learnt it by____________.

A.myself B.me C.mine D.me

6.The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than__________in Beijing. A.it B.that

C.one D.those

7.This is my dog, that that is__________. A.he B.him C.his D.himself

8.Oh, there is someone in the room.________must be my brother. A.There B.She

C.This D.It

9._______schoolbag is much better than________. A.Her; me B.Hers; my C.Hers; mine

D.Her; mine

10.These are___________cups._________are over there.

A.our; Yours B.yours; Mine C.his; Our D.their; Your

11.Listen to___________sister! A.she and her’s B.her and she C.she and her D.her and her

12.----The watch is so nice! Is it for___________? A.his B.me C.my


. 8.

----Yes. Happy birthday, Mary! ----Thank you very much.

13.----She is too busy to help us finish the work. ----Let’s do it_________.

A.herself B.myself C.ourselves D.itself

14.Yesterday I saw_________enjoy___________in the park.

A.her; hers B.they; them C.she; herself D.them; themselves

15.----Who’s________speaking? ----_______is John. A.this; This B.that; That

C.this; That D.that; This

16.Would you like___________to drink, Lily? I think you’re thirsty.

A.everything B.anything C.something D.nothing

17.----Your tea, please. ----There must be________in the tea. It tastes good.

A.anything sweet B.something sweet C.sweet something D.everything sweet

18.When we got to the city centre, _____________shops were still open, but most of them were closed.

A.the B.some C.many D.any

19.---How many of these books have you read? ----___________of them. Every one.

A.Many B.Some C.All D.None

20.So__________homework really makes the students feel tired. A.much B.many

C.little D.few

21.----Did your parents go to the film yesterday evening? ----No. We_________stayed at home watching TV.

A.both B.all C.either D.none

22.We asked John and Henry some easy questions, but____________of them could answer them.

A.none B.neither C.all D.both

23.---Would you like to watch TV or listen to the music? ----_________. I’m busy with my work. Thank you.

A.Both B.None C.Either D.Neither

24.---Could you tell me_______she is looking for? ----Her cousin, Susan. A.that

B.whose C.who D.which

25.The English novel is quite easy for you. There are__________new words in it.

A.a little B.little C.a few D.few

26.If you want to book a round-trip ticket, you’ll have to pay___________$30.

A.more B.other C.the others D.another

27.There are fifty-five desks in the classroom. One if for the teacher, _________are for the students.

A.the other B.other C.the others D.others

28.The population of China is larger than__________of India. A.one B.those

C.these D.that

29.----Could we eat in the restaurant today? ----No, __________of us have___________money on us.

A.all; no B.any; on C.no one; any D.none; any

30.Russia is larger than___________in Africa.

A.any country B.any other C.the other countries D.other countries . 9.

31.----Is there___________wrong with my daughter? ----No,________.

A.something; nothing B.anything; something C.anything; nothing

D.nothing; everything

32._____________of us has read the story. A.Every B.All C.Both


33.There is__________water in my glass. Will you please give me________?

A.little; some B.few; some C.few; any D.little; any

34.I was walking in the street when I met a friend of__________. So I stopped to talk to___________.

A.me; him B.mine; him C.mine; his D.me; his

35.Your camera is quite nice. Where did you buy__________? I want to buy___________, too.

A.it; one B.it; it C.one; one D.one; it

36.We find___________impossible to work out the problem by__________.

A.that; ourselves B.it; ourselves C.it; oneself D.that; oneselves

37.Mary was so careful that she made__________ mistakes in the exam. A.a few

B.few C.a little D.little

38.__________took us two hours to repair the washing machine. A.This B.It’s

C.The D.It

39.Look at the penguin. __________looking after_____________baby.

A.Its; its B.It; it’s C.It’s; its D.It’s; it’s

40.---Who taught___________English? ----Nobody. He learned all by __________.

A.him; him B.his; himself C.him; himself D.his; him

41.----Is__________here? ----No, Li Lei and Han Mei have asked for leave.

A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody

42.---How many more apples can I have? ----You can have one more. ________are for Tom.

A.The others B.Another C.Others D.The other

43.Have you seen the three apples on the table? You can take_________of them.

A.both B.every C.each D.any

44.Your sweater is different from________, so I want__________too.

A.mine; it B.mine; one C.my; one D.my; it

45.These trousers don’t fit her, _______________are too long and _______________are too short.

A.Some; others B.Some; the others C.These; those D.These; the other

46.Did you enjoy__________last night, Lucy and Lily? A.yourselves B.yourself C.you

D.your time

47.---___________is three plus four? ---_____________seven.

A.How many; They are B.What number; It’s C.How much; They are

D.What; It is

48.We all know James Herriot was a famous doctor for animals, but _____________of us remember when he was born.

A.few B.a few C.little D.a little

49.He thought__________impossible for him to finish his work on time. A.that B.this . 10.

C.it D.him

50.---How many oranges do you have in your basket? ---___________. A.Neither B.No one C.Nothing D.None

51.China is larger than__________country in Asia. A.any B.any other C.all the


52.There are___________ways of doing that. Why not try__________?

A.some; one B.another; it C.other; another D.no; the other

53.My parents______________school teachers. A.all are B.are all C.are both

D.both are

54.There are many trees on_____________sides of the road. A.both B.each

C.neither D.every

55.----Is David__________classmate or___________? ----He is my classmate.

A.our; their B.your; theirs C.her; they D.his; them

56.----How often are the Olympic Games held? ----___________four years. A.Every

B.Each C.In D.For

57.Miss Li teaches______________English this term. A.us B.our C.ourselves


58.---Carl, why not go and help your sister water the flowers there? A.me


---Why_________? I’m busy myself. Jack is lying on the grass doing nothing. C.him


59.Which classmate is the best friend of______________? A.you B.your C.yours


60.---Our teacher wouldn’t give us the answers to the questions directly.

----Why not work them out all by____________? A.themselves B.himself

C.ourselves D.myself

61.----Have you ever heard from your aunt since she went to Hong Kong?

----Yes, I’ve just got a letter from____________. A.her B.hers C.she


62.---Where is my pen? ----Oh, sorry. I have taken________ by mistake. A.yours

B.his C.mine D.hers

63.____________of them has his own opinion. A.Both B.Some C.Every


64.____________of my parents are on business, but I can take good care of myself.

A.Both B.Neither C.Either D.None

65.You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is_____________.

A.something interesting B.anything new C.important thing D.nothing special

66.I asked Lily for__________paper, but she didn’t have____________.

A.any; some B.any; any C.some; any D.some; some

67.The old man has two sons. ____________is a doctor, ____________is a teacher.

A.One; the other B.One; one C.The other; another D.The one; the


68.My favorite is getting stamps. I need___________before I have 2500 ones.

. 11.

A.more one B.any more C.one more D.more than

69.That place is not interesting at all. _________of us wants to go there. A.Neither

B.Both C.All D.Some

70.---Did you enjoy____________at the party, Jimmy? ----Yes, Mum. I enjoyed_________very much.

A.ourself; ourselves B.yourselves; myself C.yourself; myself

D.yourselves; ourselves

71.---A latest English newspaper, please! ----Only one copy left. Would you like to have_________, sir?

A.it B.one C.this D.that

72.My cousin is very busy with his work. He has___________time to read newspapers.

A.little B.few C.a little D.a few

**73.The little boy often has______________ big breakfast,so he looks really strong

A.the B./ C.a D an

74.October lst is___________ National Day of ___________ People’s Republic of china

A.a;the B./;/ C./;the D the;/

75.Things of_______ kind come together;people of _________kind fall into _________ same group

A.the;the;the B.a;a;the C.the;the;a D a;a;a

76.The teacher is writing _________ a piece of chalk on the blackboard while the students are writing _________ink in

exercise books. A with, in B in, with C in, in D with,



1.There is small difference __________surfing and water-skiiing. A.among B.between

C.from D.of

2.The students worked out the maths problems__________ different ways. A.on B.in

C.with D.by

3.Thanks_____________space satellites, the world itself is becoming a much smaller place and people from

different countries now understand each other better. A.to B.for C.in


4._________my surprise computer technology can solve business problem__________ new ways.

A.To; in B.In; with C.To; with D.In; in

5.Paper is made_____________wood. A.of B.up C.by D.from

6.Ji Wei came to say goodbye___________ me because he would leave____________ England.

A.to; for B.for; to C.to; to D.for; for

7.___________the evening of May 31th, the 2002 FIFA World Cup started in South Korea.

A.On B.At C.Of D.In

8.If you don’t know a word, you must___________ the word in a dictionary.

. 12.

A.look up B.look down C.look over D.look out

9.___________the time I got there, the football match had already finished. A.In

B.On C.At D.By

10.The robbery happened__________4 o’clock_________the afternoon__________Monday,

November 19 th.

A.at; on; in B.in; on; at C.on; at; in D.at; in; on

11.I just caught the first bus___________ time this morning. A.in B.on

C.at D.by

12.My mother bought me a new school bag__________the end of last week. A.in B.at

C.by D.on

13.The boy was born___________a hot summer evening. A.on B.at C.in


14.Miss Smith looked___________the studnets’ homework very carefully. A.after B.for

C.over D.up

15.I turned__________ the radio before I went to bed last night. A.on B.off

C.up D.down

16.My father looked __________his key________the bike everywhere this morning, but he

couldn’t find it.

A.after; of B.at; to C.up; of D.for; to

17.His son is good__________collecting stamps. A.at B.for C.to


18.Mary is weak_________science. A.at B.with C.in


19.Reading__________the sun is bad _________your eyes. A.under; with B.in; for

C.under; for D.in; with

20.An apple a day is good_________your health. A.at B.for C.in


21.---What is a writing brush, do you know? ---It’s used____________ writing and


A.with B.to C.for D.by

22.The students are listening____________ their teacher very carefully. A.to B.on

C.for D.at

23.The engineer will return from Macao__________a few days. A.since B.in

C.on D.after

24.English is widely used _______ travellers and business people all over the world. A.to

B.for C.as D.by

25.----Would you like some coffee? ----Yes, please. By the way, do you have any milk? I

prefer coffee _________milk.

A.from B.with C.to D.for

26.Andy often helps her mother_________the housework on Sunday afternoon. A.to

B.with C.for D.of

27.Timmy goes to school_____________ every day. It’s 5 minutes’ walk from his home to


A.in a bus B.by plane C.on foot D.by boat

. 13.

28.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures__________a camera.

A.as B.for C.like D.of

29.She sent her friend a postcard __________a birthday present. A.on B.as C.for


30.Jack has studied Chinese in this school____________the year of 2000. A.since B.in

C.on D.by

31.They didn’t start the work___________their teacher came back. A.until B.while

C.as soon as D.if

32.Call a taxi, _____________you will miss the train. A.and B.though

C.because D.or

33.He hurt her__________badly__________she had to see a doctor.

A.too; that B.so; that C.either; or D.too; to

34.I’ll give her the message____________she comes. A.as soon as B.since C.until


35.________Monday__________Tuesday is OK. I’ll be free then. A.Either; or

B.Neither; nor C.So; that D.Both; and

36.________my sister___________ my brother are doctors.

A.Not; but B.Neither; nor C.Both; and D.Either; or

37._________he is old, __________he can still work. A.Though; but B.Because; so

C.Though; / D.Because; /

38.Jim put his hands behind his back, __________nobody could see them. A.so

B.because C.or D.but

39.Work hard, ______________you’ll do well in your lessons. A.and B.or

C.but D.so

40.None of the shoes are right size. They are_________too big___________too small.

A.or; or B.either; or C.neither; nor D. both; and

41.It is ten years__________ I met you last time. A.when B.since C.before


42.Be careful, ___________you will fall off the tree. A.so B.or C.but


43.I enjoy learning English________it takes me a lot of time. A.unless B.though

C.because D.for

44.The mountain was____________steep__________few people in our city reached the top.

A.so…as B.so; that C.as…as D.too…to

45.It’s_____________cold that I have to put on my sweater. A.so B.very C.too


46.You’d better do it___________your mother did. A.when B.as C.like


47._________Jim__________Kate broke the mirror. The cat did.

A.Both…and B.Either…or C.Neither…nor D.Not…but

48.Little Kate went to school__________it rained heavily yesterday. A.though B.if

C.but D.since

49.You must work hard, __________you’ll fall behind. A.and B.but C.so


. 14.

50.Lucy failed in the mid-term exams___________ she didn’t take her subjects seriously.

A.whether B.that C.because D.till

51.Tom failed in the exam again__________he wanted to pass it very much. A.if B.so

C.though D.as

52.You will be late___________you hurry up. A.after B.when C.unless


53.The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours_________________he realized it.

A.when B.until C.after D.before

54.How did you try to get to school on time___________you missed the school bus?

A.when B.if C.once D.that

55.---I’m going to the supermarket. ----Will you get me some chocolates_________ you are there, mum?

A.since B.because C.if D.while

56.I won’t believe that the five-year-old boy can read five thousand words __________I have tested him himself.

A.after B.when C.if D.until

57.The dress was very expensive, ___________I didn’t buy it. A.or B.and C.so


58.---I’m waiting for the mail. Do you know___________it will arrive? ----Usually it comes by 4:00.

A. how B.where C.when D.what

59.---I can’t find my pen. Maybe I’ve lost it. ----Sorry, I really don’t know __________you can find it.

A.when B.where C.why D.how

60.I’m different from my twin sister. I love dancing, ____________she is interested in reading.

A.so B.or C.but D.and


1.Hainan Island is __________island in China.

A.the second large B.the second largest C.the first large D.the first largest

2.Now I am feeling____________to go to work. A.well enough B.enough well

C.good enough D.enough good

3.This is one of_________in the book. A.the most interesting story B.the more interesting stories

C.some interesting stories D.the most interesting stories

4.Which is_________country, Canada or Australia? A.larger B.a large C.a larger

D.the larger

5.I’m afraid I can’t help you. You’d better ask____________.

A.anyone else B.else anyone C.else someone D.someone else

6.---Mum. Bill is coming to dinner this evening. ----OK. Let’s give him ___________to eat.

A.something different B.different anything C.anything different D.different . 15.


7.We find it___________to do some reading every day. A.easily B.be enjoyable

C.helpful D.interested

8.---In our English study reading is more important than speaking, I think.

---I don’t agree. Speaking is __________reading.

A.as important as B.so important as C.the most important D.the same as

9.The film is so____________that we are all___________in it.

A.interesting; interesting B.interested; interested C.interesting; interested

D.interested; interesting

10.This kind of skirt looks_________and sells__________. A.nice; well B.nice; good

C.well; well D.good; nice

11.As soon as the boy saw his mother, I found him_________. A.angrily B.happily

C.sadly D.pleased

12.He walked___________fast for us__________catch up with. A.so; that B.such; that C.enough; to D.too; to

13.In our city, it’s____________in July, but it is even__________in August.

A.hotter; hottest B.hot; hot C.hotter; hot D.hot; hotter

14.It is____________to work out this problem. You needn’t go to the teacher.

A.enough easy B.easily enough C.easy enough D.very easily

15.---The coat is too expensive. ----Don’t worry. Here’s another one. It’s nice and _________, I think.

A.cheap B.dear C.beautiful D.bright

16.English people_____________use Mr. before a man’s first name. A.never

B.usually C.often D.sometimes

17.They have just cleaned the windows, so the room looks__________.

A.more brighter B.more bright C.less bright D.much brighter

18.If you want to learn English well, you must use it as____________as possible.

A.often B.long C.hard D.soon

19.---Our holiday was_________. ----Yes. I’ve never had_________.

A.such great; the better one B.greatly; a good one C.so great; a better one D.very good; the best one

20.---How are you getting on with your work? ----I can’t do it__________any longer; I’ll have to get help.

A.singly B.quietly C.alone D.hard

21.Some studies have shown that students who eat good breakfast stay___________ and do_________ than those who don’t eat it.

A.thin; well B.thinner; better C.the thinnest; the best D.thinnest; best

22.---What do you think of this surfing? ----Oh, no one does__________. A.good B.well

C.better D.best

23.---The ticket said that the famous singer would come here this evening.

---Yes. It’s really__________ that he didn’t. A.wrong B.sorry C.strange


24.The boss didn’t like James because he was not __________learning new skills.

. 16.

A.afraid of B.worried about C.tired of D.good at

25.I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed_________ than usual. A.early

B.earlier C.late D.later

26.He gets up____________ than his sister. But he leaves home for school__________.

A.early; late B.early; later C.earlier; late D.earlier; later

27.I know I have met the girl before, but I can____________ remember her name.

A.early B.hard C.really D.hardly

28.Tom is very___________ his new mobile phone and he always shows it to others.

A.proud of B.good at C.interested in D.famous for

29.Mrs Brown_____________takes exercise, so she is getting fatter and fatter.

A.often B.seldom C.usually D.nearly

30.---What do you think of the flowers? ----They look__________.

A.beautiful B.beautifully C.more beautiful D.most beautifully

31.Li Lei did quite___________ in the English competition. I did even_________.

A.better; well B.good; better C.well; better D.well; good

32.Which is___________to learn, swimming or skating? A.easier B.the easier

C.more easily D.easy

33.The old woman lives__________, but she never feels___________.

A.lonely; alone B.alone; lonely C.lonely; lonely D.alone; alone

34.---My watch does not work. Could you mend it? ----Sorry, but the worker in the shop may be________.

A.careful B.kind C.hard-working D.helpful

35.---What made you so_________? ---The noise upstairs. A.angrily B.angry

C.happy D.happily

36.This year it doesn’t snow as_____________last year. A.more than B.many as

C.much as D.more as

37.The population of our city is becoming_________.

A.larger and larger B.more and more C.fewer and dewer D.less and less

38.The students often come to help the old woman. Though she has no children, she never feels__________.

A.sadly B.lonely C.friendly D.happily

39.Basketball is a kind of__________ sports. You cannot win the match by yourself.

A.popular B.exciting C.enjoyable D.team

40.----Do you like English? ----Yes, but I think it is__________________subject of all.

A.the easiest B.the most difficult C.the most interesting D.the most boring

41.At last it made them______________. A.happy B.quickly C.friend


42.Which book is_____________, this one, that one or the one over there?

A.more interesting B.much interesting C.the most interesting


43.Can a horse run ___________a truck in five kilometers? A.so fast as B.as faster as C.as fast as D.so faster as

. 17.

44.Kate is really_________. She is never angry with others. A.tall B.friendly

C.lucky D.clever

45.---What do you think of her singing? ----Oh, no one sings________. A.good B.well

C.better D.best

46.---Did the plane land at Jinan International Airport at 12:00 am? ---__________. Neither earlier nor later.

A.Hardly B.Nearly C.Exactly D.More or less

47.This kind of food smells__________ and_________ well. A.good; sells B.well; sells

C.good; is sold D.well; is sold

48.---Didn’t Bob get ready for his English speech? ---No, he didn’t. During his speech he was very________.

A.excited B.worried C.nervous D.confident

49.The Huancheng Park of Heze is_______________beautiful a place that___________ many people come to visit it every day.

A.so; such B.such; so C.such; such D.so; so

50.----Tom is six and he is_____________ his sister Jane. How old is Jane? ----Three.

A.as old as B.two years older than C.three years younger than D.twice as old as


1.---How long can he__________the novel? ----For a week at least. A.borrow B.lend

C.keep D.return

2.The Longman English-English Dictionary___________me $25. A.paid B.spent

C.took D.cost

3.----How long________Paul_________Toronto? ----For 2 years.

A.did; leave B.will; be away from C.has; away from D.has left

4.Could you tell me when the Communist League was__________? A.found B.founded

C.built D.build

5.This is our new English teacher, Miss Evans. She_____________many European countries.

A.has gone to B.has been in C.has gone in D.has been to

6.John’s father____________in a traffic accident. He’s been___________for 3 years.

A.died; died B.dead; dead C.died; dead D.dead; died

7.It’s cold and wet today. You___________go out. Stay at home and sit near the fireplace.

A.had better not B.had better not to C.would like not D.would like not to

8.Miss Lee_________her students and she_______________by them.

A.has loved; is loved B.has been loved; loves C.loved; loves D.loves; is loved

9.----When__________the bridge________? ----Last year. A.did; build B.did; built

C.was; built D.was; build

10.----I have finished my work. ----When__________you___________it?

A.do; finish B.have; finished C.did; finish D.will; finish

11.I________read a lot of novels when I was a little boy. A.was using B.use to

C.used to D.was used to

12.In a few years’ time, those mountains_____________trees.

. 18.

A.have been covered with B.are covered by C.will be covered with

D.will cover by

13.Don’t worry! Your father_______________well in hospital.

A.will take care B.will look after C.will be looked after D.will be taken care of

14.----What are you going to do this weekend? ----I_____________yet.

A.haven’t decided B.won’t decide C.have decided D.didn’t decide

15.In some places there are watchtowers on the beaches to______________people about sharks in the water.

A.prevent B.allow C.warn D.advise

16.Sorry, I can’t hear you clearly. Will you please__________your E-mail address? I’ll write it down.

A.review B.recite C.report D.repeat

17.---Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Dick? ----John_________. A.cleaned B.does

C.did D.is

18.When she was 22 years old, her dream to be a teacher_________. A.came true

B.come true C.came real D.come real

19.---Look! The bus is coming. ----But there are too many people. We can’t___________it.

A.get off B.get down C.get on D.get up

20.Jack always runs faster than Peter, but this time he____________him.

A.went over B.fell behind C.put off D.dropped off

21.----Do you like the music the Moonlight Sonata? ----Yes, it____________really beautiful.

A.feels B.sounds C.listens D.hears

22.---________! The traffic is moving fast! ----Thanks, I will. A.Stop B.Look out

C.Watch D.Don’t move

23.The children planted more trees and flowers after they____________Greener China.

A.joined B.took part in C.became D.joined in

24.What a nice bag! But she____________only thirty dollars for it. A.cost B.took

C.spent D.paid

25.So far, man-made satellites have been____________into space by many countries.

A.opened up B.put up C.sent up D.sent away

26.Tom___________his homework yet, so he won’t go out with his classmates.

A.finishes B.has finished C.doesn’t finish D.hasn’t finished

27.Don’t make a noise, Grandma________. A.is falling asleep B.slept C.is sleeping D.sleep

28.The film__________for half an hour. A.has begun B.has been begun C.has been on D.began

29.Wang Hai_________his homework and now he is watching TV. A.has finished

B.finished C.will finish D.finishes

30.---It’s time to do your homework, Jack. ---Yes, Mum. I’ll turn off the TV as soon as the programme___________.

A.ends B.end C.will be ended D.will end

31.Catherine_________the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.

. 19.

A.has written B.was written C.had written D.is writing

32.Mr Johnson’s story___________by everyone who heard it. A.laughed at B.was laughed C.laughed D.was laughed at

33.A lot of trees_________along the river last year. A.planted B.are planted C.were planted D.plant

34.Another new library_________last month in my hometown. A.was built B.built

C.has been built D.is built

35.---Your sweater looks nice, is it__________wool? ----Yes, and it’s_____________ Inner Mongolia.

A.made of; made by B.made of; made in C.made by; made for D.made by; made from

36.---How was your weekend? ----Great! We____________a picnic by the lake.

A.have B.are having C.had D.will have

37.My watch doesn’t work. I must have it__________. A.repaired B.repair C.repair


38.----What’s your brother doing in his room now? ---He_________a kite. A.makes

B.made C.is making D.will make

39.Jenny___________with a Chinese family for two years. Now she’s used to the life in China.

A.stays B.would stay C.is staying D.has stayed

40.----Have you mended your shoes, Bob? ----Yes, I_____________ them twenty minutes ago.

A.have mended B.mend C.had mended D.mended

41.I__________to Canada twice. It’s so beautiful. A.won’t go B.have gone C.don’t go

D.have been

42.----Where’s your father? ----He____________ Shanghai. He’ll be back next week.

A.has gone to B.has been to C.don’t go D.have been

43.----Come and join us, Jimmy! ----I’m sorry, but I’m really busy now. If I______________ time, I would certainly go.

A.will have B.have had C.had D.have

44.----You’ve left the light on. ----Oh, sorry. _________and turn it off.

A.I’ve gone B.I’ll go C.I went D.I’m going

45.Physics___________more interesting than maths, I think. A.are B.is C.was


46.I___________on the computer when Jim came to see me yesterday evening.

A.draw B.drew C.was drawing D.am drawing

47.Every year many foreigners_____________to China to learn Chinese.

A.have come B.comes C.came D.come

48.It is a long time since I last ____________you. A.see B.seen C.saw


49.My sister___________ her book in the classroom when her teacher came in.

A.read B.reads C.was reading D.is reading

50.If it_________ sunny tomorrow, I_______fishing in South Lake. A.is; go B.will be; go C.is; will go D.will be; will go

. 20.

51.----Look at the sign. Reading aloud is not allowed in the library. ----Oh, I’m sorry. I____________it.

A.don’t notice B.didn’t notice C.wasn’t noticing D.wasn’t noticed

52.This pair of jeans______________Tina’s. A.are B.be C.is D.will be

53.----Kitty, will you go to see the film Cold Mountain this evening? ----No, I won’t. I__________it already.

A.saw B.have seen C.see D.will see

54.I____________ my homework while my parents____________ TV last night.

A.did; have watched B.was doing; were watching C.had done; were watching

D.would do; were watching

55.----Is your father a doctor? ----Yes, he is. He_____________in Town Hospital.

A.has worked B.had worked C.works D.worked

56.----When_________you_________the bike? ----Last month. A.have; bought B.had; bought C.do; buy D.did; buy

57.----Listen, what’s the noise? -----My brother___________ the programme of the World Cup in the sitting-room.

A.watches B.is watching C.has watched D.will watch

58.The village is building a school. I hope it___________before August this year.

A.finishes B.will finish C.is finished D.will be finished

59.---That T-shirt with Yao Ming’s picture on it___________ belong to David. He admires him a lot.

----No, it__________be his. He hates black color. A.may; needn’t B.can; can’t

C.must; mustn’t D.must; can’t

60.You__________be caught with fire when you have a picnic in the forest. It’s too dangerous.

A.will B.must C.can D.may

***61.—Have you known Dr Jackson for a long time —Yes, since she _________ the

Chinese Society

A has joined B joins C had joined D joined

62. Mr Zhao, an English teacher, sat up far into the night,_____________ a paper on how to teach beginners of English.

A. and worked at B. and worked on C. working at D. working on

解:答案:D. work at为一般用语,其深度不如work on, work at a problem和work on a problem意思不大一样,前者可作学习中的“计算一道题”解,后者可引伸到生活和工作中的“研究或解决一个问题”. work out意为“计算出”.

63. You will have to work__________________ the weak points in your English if you want to pass the examination.

A. out B. at C. for D. on

解:选A. work out解决;work on在…上工作;work hard at + subject在…科目上努力工作.

64. He got four pounds from the______________of his drawing. A. sale B. sold C. selling D. sales

. 21.

解:答案为A .该句话的意思是“他卖画得了四英镑”.sell的名词是sale, sale作“售卖,销售”讲是不可数名词.

65. They__________________ the train until it disappeared in the distance.

A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed 解:答案选B. 这句话的意思为“他们注视着火车直到它消失在远方”.; saw意思是“看见”noticed“注意到”; observed “注意到,观察”,都强调结果,只有watched “观察”强调动作的延续.

66. There are usually at least two____________ of looking at every question. A. means B. directions C. views D. ways

解:答案选D. 题于意思是“看问题至少从两个方面”.比较四个词的词义:means“方法”;directions“方向”;views“观点”;ways“方面”.

67.mean doing/to do. 的区别 :mean to sth的意思是“打算做某事”;mean doing sth的意思是“意味着干某事”.

eg.—Why haven’t you bought any butter ? —I _____________ to but I forgot about it .

A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected

解:答案选C. 本题难度较大,因为liked ,wished, meant 和expected 都可接动词不定式作宾语,但从句子的意思解,应选meant .这句话的意思是“我本打算去买,但我忘了”.

68.call: call on sb.拜访某人,call at some place拜访某地,call up sb.给某人打电话.

[注意]drop to sb/ at + place 访问某人/ 某地.

1. I called____________ his house, but he wasn’t in. Then I called____________him but I couldn’t get through, either.

A. at , on B. on; on C. at; up D. on; to

2. The other day Li Ming dropped in_______ Li Fang__________her house. A. at;on B. on;at C. but;at D. 不填; on

3. The work_____________ a cot of time. A. calls for B. calls on C. calls at D. calls up

解:选A. call for在此是“要求,需要”的意思.call on“号召,邀请,访问”,call up“给…打电话”,call at“拜访(某地)”.


1.I’ll give the book to him as soon as he____________(come) back.

2.____________the baby____________ crying yet? (stop)

3.I don’t know whether Mother________________(take) me to Beijing next month.

4.She_______________on her coat and went out. (put)

5.----What are they doing? ----They__________________ (get) ready for the sports meeting.

6.The boy asked his mother________________(let) him go and play basketball.

7.I’m sorry to keep you___________(wait) for a long time

8.It_________(take) him half an hour_______________(finish) his homework yesterday.

9.They usually________(do) their homework after supper.

10.Listen! Who__________________(sing)in the next room?

11.If it_________________(be) an interesting film, we’ll see it tomorrow.

. 22.

12.Look! The children____________________(play) in the park.

13.I______________already_____________(walk) for 20 minutes. I’m too tired.

14.How long_____________your father_____________(live) in Beijing?

15.I_______________(not read) today’s newspaper yet.

16.His father________________(be) a doctor since 1988.

17.The foreign guests___________________(arrive)in 5 minutes.

18. I______________(see) her this morning. What’s wrong with her?

19.The boy______________(study) now. _____________(not make)any noise.

20.----Where is Tom? ----He____________(go) to Hangzhou.

---____________he ever________(be) there before? ----Yes. He has been there three times.

----When________he___________(go) there? ----He___________(go) there 3 days ago.

21.The wind__________(blow) hard yesterday.

22.__________you_________(hear) the news last night?

23.They______________(write) letters at this time yesterday evening.

24.One day I________(happen) to be alone at home. He____________(come) and we__________(have) a chat.

25.She often __________(talk) about that book.

26. Let’s_____________(carry) the boxes to the house.

27.Yesterday I___________(go) to___________(see) a film. On my way to the cinema,

I_________(meet) my friend there. We__________(talk) a lot. We__________(be) very happy.

28.They__________(wait) for us for 3 hours.

29.Mike______________(visit) several places since he came to Beijing.

30.He______________(write) four letters to his wife every month.

31.Don’t make any noise. Grandma_____________(sleep).

32.His aunt ___________(do) some cooking when he came in.

33.When they___________(reach) the station, the train had already left.

34.There___________(be) a meeting next Monday.

35.Sometimes my father_____________(come) back home late.

36.I’m very glad_______________(hear) that.

37.Wei Fang isn’t here. She____________(go) to the reading-room.

38.He____________(not do) the cooking yesterday.

39.We____________(have) a good time in the Summer Palace last Sunday.

40.Mary_________________(listen) to the radio when her mother came in.

41.Last night the boy_______________(draw) a picture.

42.My mother____________(work) for 3 hours. She is very busy

43.Tomorrow__________________(be) Sunday. I______________(visit) an old friend.

44.I_____________(fall) and________________(hurt) my neck last week.

45.Sometimes Li Ming___________(do) his homework at school. Now he__________(do) it in the classroom.

46.----What_________Lin Ying________(do) now? ----She_________(help) Wang Lin . 23.

with his lessons.

----________she often__________(help) him with his lessons? ----Yes, she________(help) him with his lessons twice a week.

47.We_____________have) one or two new subjects every year. We___________(have) physics next year.

I_______________(work) hard at it.

48.It’s five o’clock now. The students______________(clean) their classroom.

49.----What_________you usually____________(do) after class? ----Sometimes I__________(go) to the

library and sometimes I___________(have) sports with my classmates.

50.The students_______________(listen) to the radio. ________________(not sing) here, please.


1.Do you enjoy__________football? I hear there will be a football match tomorrow.

A.playing B.play C.played D.to play

2.---It’s too hot. Would you mind__________the door? ----__________. Please do it now

A.to open; OK B.opening; Certainly not C.opening; Of course D.to open; Good idea

3.You’d better_____________to send me an E-mail when you get home.

A.not to forget B.don’t forget C.to not forget D.not forget

4.No matter how hard it is, we’ll keep__________until we make it. A.failed B.failing

C.tried D.trying

5.I spent half an hour_________my homework. A.finshing doing B.to finish doing

C.finishing to do D.finish doing

6.Internet bars mustn’t let people under 18 in or let anybody_____________bad things.

A.watch B.to watch C.watching D.watches

7.Andy, don’t forget_________for me when you go out, ___________?

A.posting the letter; will you B.to post the letter, won’t you C.to post the letter, will you D.posting the letter, won’t you

8.I really don’t know_________about it. A.what to do B.how to do C.to do what

D.how can I do

9.---Do you mind____________? ----Go ahead.

A.to close the window B.your closing the window C.my closing the window D.I closing the window

10.What makes you_________that I’m a student? A.think B.to think C.thinking

D.to thinking

11.__________is impossible for Alex to buy the car with cash because he is poor. A.It

B.This C.That D.He

12.Mr Smith, did you see the accident___________yesterday? A.happen B.happens

C.happened D.to happen

13.Listen! Can you hear a baby___________? A.cry B.crying C.cried


14.No one told us_____________. We need your help.

. 24.

A.how should we do B.what should we do C.how to do it D.what to do it

15.Who do you think you’d like___________with you, a boy or a girl?

A.let to go B.letting to go C.to let go D.let go

16.----I’d like to take a trip to China during my spring holiday. Can you give me any ideas about___________to go?

----I can tell you about the places I’ve visited. A.when B.where C.how


17.I’d like my friends___________the weekend with me. A.spend B.spending C.to spend D.spends

18.Jack hasn’t finished________his homework. But now he is busy_________chess on the Internet.

A.doing; playing B.to do; to play C.to do; playing D.doing; to play

19.The young man was often seen___________by the lake. A.to draw B.to drawing

C.draw D.drew

20.----Do you often hear John_________in his room. ----Listen! Now we can hear him________in his room.

A.sing; to sing B.singing; singing C.sing; singing D.to sing; singing

21.----This physics problem is too difficult. Can you show me__________, Wang Lin? ----Sure.

A.what to work it out B.what to work out it C.how to work it out D.how to work out it

22.The policeman asked the driver________there. A.not park B.don’t park C.not to park D.not parking

23.He found it hard__________his class. A.to catch up with B.to catch up C.catch up with D.catch up

24.It’s time for sports. Let’s_________bowling, shall we? A.go B.to go C.going


25.It’s important____________the piano well. A.of him to play B.for him to play

C.of him playing D.for him playing

26.Our teacher always telll us__________more English in and out of class. A.speak

B.spoken C.to speak D.speaking

27. ----Where’s Mr Yu, do you know? ----Well, it’s hard to say. But I saw him________a football game just now.

A.was watching B.watching C.had watched D.watched

28.It is easy__________the problem. A.for him solve B.for him to solve C.of him solving D.of him to solve

29.----Let’s do something at the party. What about__________? ----No, I’d like___________.

A.to sing; to dance B.to sing; dancing C.singing; dancing D.singing; to dance

30.----What’s the use of this kind of fuel? ----It can make the train________fast.

A.go B.going C.went D.go

31.We’re looking forward to___________another exciting World Cup. A.visiting

B.watching C.looking D.seeing

. 25.

32.Mr Lee told us an interesting story yesterday, which made all of us__________. A.laugh

B.to laugh C.laughed D.laughing

33.Colors can chang our moods and make us____________happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.

A.to feel B.feeling C.felt D.feel

34.There are some dangerous fishes in this river, and I’ve warned Jack___________here.

A.not to swim B.to not swim C.swim not to D.to swim not

35.The new term is coming. The students are busy___________the classroom ________it.

A.clean; welcome B.cleans; welcomes C.to clean; welcoming D.cleaning; to welcome

36.When I handed the report to Peter, he said that David was the right person_____________.

A.to send it to B.to send to C.to be sent D.to be sent it to

37.When you are sleeping, you had better__________all your windows closed, ___________you?

A.don’t keep; hadn’t B.not keep; had C.not to keep; had D.not keeping; hadn’t

38.----Thank you for the great trouble you have taken___________me with my English.

----Think nothing of it! A.with helping B.to help C.in helping


39.In the United States, you’re not supposed______________with your hands. A.to eat

B.eating C.eats D.ate

40.We have worked for three hours. Now let’s stop_____________a rest. A.had

B.have C.to have D.having

41.Neither the students nor the teacher___________in the classroom at that moment.

A.were B.was C.weren’t D.wasn’t

42.The good news____________them happy. A.have B.makes

C.keep D.feels

43.----What’s on the plate? ----There__________some bread on it. A.is B.are

C.has D.have

44.Linda told her headmaster that a writer and singer____________needed at the party.

A.were B.will be C.was D.had

45.Mary with her parents___________going to Korea this summer holiday. A.is B.am

C.are D.be

46.The number of the teachers in our school____________168. A.is B.are C.has


47.A large number of patients_________standing outside the doctor’s room when he got there this morning.

A.are B.is C.was D.were

48.The Greens__________getting ready for their journey. A.is B.can be C.has been D.are

49.The old__________well____________here very well. A.are; looked B.is; looked after

C.are; looked after D.is; looked

. 26.

50.Not only the children but also their mother____________to go to the park. A.want

B.wants C.to want D.is wanting

51.There______________a lot of fruit trees near the village. A.is B.have C.are


52.---Tow months__________quite a long time. ----Yes. I’m afraid that he will miss a lot of

his lessons.

A.is B.are C.was D.were

53.In our school library there____________a number of books on science and the number of

them______________growing larger and larger.

A.is; are B.are; is C.has; is D.have; are

54.Each boy and each girl ___________to the teacher carefully now. A.listens B.listen

C.are listening D.is listening

55.---____________this pair of shoes yours? ----No. My shoes__________under the bed.

A.Is; is B.Are; are C.Is; are D.Are; is

56.The Chinese_____________hard to turn the country into a strong and beautiful one.

A.is working B.works C.has always worked D.are working

57.Swimming and running___________both good for our health. A.are B.is

C.were D.was

58.One or two days___________enough for us. A.have B.are

C.is D.had

59.Maths / Physics / Politics__________my favourite subject. A.be B.is C.are


60.Don’t worry, there____________enough food in the fridge. A.is B.are

C.have D.has

61.Reading aloud__________very important in learning a foreign language. A.are B.is

C.has D.have

62.These books each__________too much. A.costs B.cost C.is

cost D.has cost

63.Where___________my glasses? I can’t find them. A.is B.are C.was


64.Playing basketball and watching TV_________ both interesting. A.are B.is

C.were D.was

65.You and she________of the same age. A.is B.be C.are


66.There_________a little sheep in the field and all the sheep________gazing happily there.

A.is; are B.is; is C.are; are D.are; is

67.Either Li Lei or Jim_____________going to carry water for Grandma Li tomorrow.

A.was B.were C.is D.are

68.The police____________looking for the lost dog. A.is B.are C.be

D.will be

69.Someone__________knocking at the door now. A.is B.are C.was


70.Everyone in the school___________English well. A.speaks B.speak C.have

spoken D.speak in

. 27.

71.Neither he nor I____________going to the party. A.is B.am C.are


72.Each of the boys__________an apple. A.have B.has C.to has

D.to have

73.John with his uncle________going to visit the Summer Palace next month. A.are

B.is C.was D.were

74.The Smiths_______________China since the summer of 1998.

A.had been in B.have been in C.has been in D.have

been to

75.---How many students are there in your school? ----____________the students in our school__________over two thousand.

A.The number of; is B.The number of; are C.A number of; is D.A number of; are

76.Before May 1 st, 2010 we____________ ready for the World Expo__________in Shanghai.

A.will finish to get; to be held B.have finished getting; held

C.would have finished getting; held D.had finished getting; to be held

77.On her way home, Lucy saw a thief__________a shop. She stopped_______________110 at once.

A.steal; call B.to steal; call C.stealing; to call D.stealing; calling

78.I prefer to offer more money for a better computer___________ less for this one.

A.to paying B.to pay C.not to pay D.rather than pay

79.There is no difference between the two words. I really don’t know____________.

A.what to choose B.which to choose C.to choose which D.to choose what

80.It is__________difficult for us__________climb up the mountain.

A.very; can’t B.too; not C.too; to D.very; to

81.The artist said that he hoped_____________drawing the picture soon.

A.his son to finish B.to finish C.finishing D.his son will


82.Excuse me, would you please tell me___________buy a digital camera? A.what to B.where to C.what I can D.where can I

**83.__________ that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed.

A Seeing B To see C See D Seen

84.I’d like getting up very early in summer The morning air is so good __________

A to be breathed B to breathe C breathing D being breathed


1.---Bob, would you like to come to our dinner party? ---______________.

A.Yes, I would B.Yes, I’d love to C.No, I wouldn’t D.No, I don’t want to go

2.---Shall we go to visit the Museum of National History first? ---___________.

A.Yes, we do B.Yes! Let’s go C.No, you shan’t D.It’s a pity

3.---Please don’t make any noise in the reading-room. ----________.

. 28.

A.Sorry, I won’t B.Sorry, I can’t C.Yes, I won’t D.OK, I didn’t

4._________high the building is ! A.What B.What a C.How a


5.---Must I hand in my exercise book now? ----No, you_________. A.needn’t B.can’t

C.mustn’t D.won’t

6.---_________do you write to your pen-friend? ---Once a week. A.How long B.How

soon C.How far D.How often

7.---You’ve never seen dinosaur eggs, have you? ---_________. How I wish to visit the

Dinosaur World.

A.Yes, I have B.No, I haven’t C.Certainly, I have D.Of course, I haven’t

8.---________? ---We are looking for a pair of sports shoes.

A.What do you do B.What do you look for C.Can I help you D.Do you

need help

9.There is little milk in the bottle,__________? A.isn’t it B.is it C.isn’t there

D.is there

10.---He thinks the World Expo of 2010 in Shanghai is a wonderful one. ---___________.

A.So am I B.So do I C.So I do D.So I am

11.---____________? ----Orange, I think.

A.What is it B.How is the food C.What color do you think it is D.Is there any

fruit around here

12.I want to write to John, but I don’t know__________. A.what his e-mail

address was

B.what is his e-mail address C.what his e-mail address is D.what was his e-mail


13.----Can you see___________? ----No. Let’s go and have a look. Maybe we can help


A.what are they doing there B.what was happening there C.what is happening

there D.what are they talking there

14.---Why didn’t Alice come to the party last night? ----I don’t know________________.

A.why didn’t she B.why she didn’t C.why did she

D.why she did

15.----Can you tell me____________? ----I think it’s his.

A.where he lives B.where does he live C.whose the dictionary is

D.how old he is

16.---What did he ask just now? ---He asked me_________ a meeting at 4 this afternoon.

A.when was there B.when there was C.if there was D.if

was there

17.No one knows___________ in 100 years.

A.what will our life be like B.what is our life like C.what our life will be like

D.what our life is like

18.Can you tell me___________________? Mr Wang is looking for him.

A.where Peter is B.where is Peter C.where was Peter

D.where Peter was

19.----I don’t know______________________. Can you tell me? ----In the school hall.

. 29.

A.where we’ll have a party B.who will give a talk to us C.when we’ll have a meeting D.how we’ll have a meeting

20.________________lucky people they are! A.What B.What a C.What an


21.____________heavily the rain is falling! A.What a B.What C.How a


22.---___________will Mr Green be back? ---In a week, I think. A.How often B.How many C.How long D.How soon

23.He is listening to the music________she is cleaning the house. A.after B.that

C.before D.while

24.We’ll visit my aunt’s family if it_________________ tomorrow.

A.isn’t going to rain B.doesn’t rain C.isn’t raining D.won’t rain

25.He liked collecting stamps ____________he was a child. A.before B.after C.when

D.as soon as

26.She had cleaned the room_____________her mother came home. A.after B.before

C.as soon as D.if

27.Please speak loudly___________I can hear a little better. A.though B.so that

C.before D.as

28.Lin Tao didn’t do his homework______________ he had a fever last night. A.why

B.until C.because D.unless

29.You shouldn’t jump a queue___________ you have something important. A.if

B.unless C.so D.if not

30.It has been three years__________I studied English. A.when B.since C.as

D. before

31.Don’t forget to turn off the lights, ____________? A.will you B.can you

C.do you D.are you

32.She had to get up before six, ___________? A.didn’t she B.did she C.hadn’t she D.had she

33.Let’s go swimming, _____________? A.shall we B.don’t we C.won’t we

D.will you

34._________play in the street! A.Not B.Don’t C.Won’t

D.You not

35.___________delicious food the Frenchman had! A.How B.What a C.What

D.What an

36.___________the snow is snowing! A.How heavy B.What heavily C.How heavily D.What heavy

37.His sister had a bad cough, ___________she? A.wasn’t B.doesn’t C.hadn’t


38.___________beautiful flowers they are! Let’s go and have a look. A.What B.How

C.What a D.How a

39.___________time flies! A.How B.How a C.What

D.What a

40.There is little water in the glass, ____________? A.isn’t there B.isn’t it C.is it

D.is there

. 30.

41.---There is no air or water on the moon, is there? ----_____________.

A.Yes, there are B.No, there isn’t C.Yes, there isn’t D.No, there is

42.---___________shoes do you wear? ---35. A.How long B.What size

C.How wide D.What color

43.Along the road stood some signs, _______________ “Be careful!”

A.that read B.which was written C.where was seen D.on which were written

44.The present________________my friend gave me__________more than 100 yuan.

A.that; spent B.who; took C.which; cost D./; paid

45.The first thing_______________ we should do is to send the child to school. A.who

B.which C.that D.whom

46.The old man wondered__________________.

A.whether the American pilot had seen UFOs B.whether had the American pilot seen UFOs

C.how had the American pilot seen UFOs D.that the American pilot had seen UFOs

47.Mr. Green, there is someone at the front_____________would like to speak with you.

A.he B.who C.which D.where

48.This is the most exciting football game_______________ I have ever seen. A.that

B.why C.which D.where

49.My bike is not the only thing___________is missing. A.which B.what C.who


50.Those________________to take part in the meeting please sign the names here.

A.which want B.that wants C.who want D.want

51.Is this book______________ you borrowed from the library? A.the one B.that

C.which D.who

52.The hotel____________ during our holidays stands by the seaside.

A.who stayed at B.we stayed at C.that we stayed D.we stayed

53.The man________________was a friend of mine. A.that you just talked to

B.whom you just talked to him C.who you just talked to him D.which

you just talked to

54.The weather turned out to be very good, _____________was more than we would have expected.

A.what B.which C.it D.that

55.The only one________________ cost a thousand dollars has been sold to somebody.

A.which B.who C.that D./

56.You can take any seat_______________is free. A.which B.where C.in which D.that

57.The sports meet will continue____________it rains this afternoon. A.if B.since

C.as soon as D.unless

58.I want to know _________ the day after tomorrow.

A.what he will do B.what will he do C.what he did D.what did he do

. 31.

59.________fine weather it is ! A.How B.How a C.What D.What a

60.You could hardly believe what he had said, __________? A.could you B.couldn’t you

C.had he D.hadn’t he

61.I told you not t0 be late again, John, __________I? A.do B.did

C.don’t D.didn’t

62.----It’s a secret between us. Don’t tell anybody. ----Sure, __________.

A.I do B.I don’t C.I will D.I won’t


1.---____________.Are you Miss Gao? ----Yes, I am. May I know your name?

A.Sorry B.Thanks C.Listen to me D.Excuse me

2.---I did quite well in this exam. ----______________.

A.Congratulations B.I don’t know C.So did I D.So I did

3.----Help yourself to some fish! ----____________.

A.Yes, all right B.That’s all right C.Yes, please D.No,

thank you

4.----Is Jim in? ----Sorry, he’s not at home. _______________? ----Yes, please.

A.Do you want to see him B.What’s the matter C.Can I take a message

D.What’s your name

5.-----Happy birthday, Mary. ----______________.

A.The same to you B.You, too C.Don’t say so

D.Thanks a lot

6.----Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? ----______________.

A.Yes, go on B.Yes, you could C.Yes, help yourself D.Yes,

you may know

7.----Would you like to go for a picnic with us? ----_______________, but I’m too busy.

A.No, I can’t B.Yes, I’m glad C.I’d love to D.I’d like

8.----Oh, dear ! I’ve lost my new pen. ----________________.

A.I’m sorry. B.That’s right. C.What a pity! D.That’s

all right.

9.----May I call you Johnson? ---___________________.

A.Thank you, sir. Here you are. B.Of course, if you like C.That’s OK

D.I’ve no idea

10.----Pass me the knife, please. ----____________. A.OK, give you B.Yes, I do

C.Here it is D.Here are you

11.----We’ll have an English exam tomorrow. ---______________.

A.That’s great B.Good luck to you C.Congratulations D.Glad to

hear that

12.----What does your sister look like? ---____________.

A.She’s outgoing B.She would like some tea C.She’s tall with long hair

D.She likes singing.

13.----I hope you don’t mind my pointing out your mistakes. ----_____________.

A.Not at all B.You’re welcome C.Of course D.It’s a


14.----Merry Christmas ! ---___________. A.Thank you B.That’s all right C.The

. 32.

same to you D.And you?

15.---I’m sorry. I’ve broken your cup. ----_____________.

A.It doesn’t matter B.Thank you C.Not at all D.Excuse me

16.----Can I borrow your color pencil ? ---_______________.

A.Thanks a lot B.No, it’s mine C.Yes, here you are D.I have one

17.----Could you help me with my English from now on? ----________________

A.Bad luck ! B.Thanks. C.Not at all. D.With pleasure

18.----Mum. I’ve finished cleaning my room. ----______________

A.Do please. B.Well done ! C.That’s all right. D.You’re very clever.

19.----___________Could you speak more slowly ? It’s not a good line.

----Yes. I say, could you come out and fly a kite with me?

A.Pardon? B.Nothing serious C.It doesn’t matter.

D.Come on!

20.----My mother is in hospital. I have to look after her this afternoon. ---_____________.

A.That’s all right B.That’s true C.I’m sorry to hear that D.All right

21.----Jim, please don’t look out of the window. ----______________.

A.It’s right B.I know that C.Sorry, I won’t do it again D.It doesn’t matter

22.----Well, I can’t decide which one to buy ! ----_______________!

A.No hurry B.Take your time C.Let me help D.You decide

23.----Tell you truth, I became a college student at fifteen. ----______________.

A.You must be B.Thank good ness C.You don’t say so D.It doesn’t matter

24.----I’m sorry to hear your mother is ill in hospital. ----_____________.

A.Thank you B.Never mind C.Not at all D.It doesn’t matter

25.----What can I do for you ? ----_____________.

A.I think so B.I’m looking for a coat for my daughter C.Yes, you can

D.No, you don’t

26.----Hi, Lucy. _____________? ----Hi, I’m very well, and you?

A.How do you do B.What’s wrong C.How are you D.Are you right

27.----Is it time for lunch? ---______________.

A.It’s no time B.No, it is C.Yes, it isn’t D.Yes, hurry, please

28.----Hello. May I speak to Mike? ----_________________. Please call back later.

A.Wait a minute B.Hold on for a moment C.Speaking D.Sorry, he is out

29.----Would you like a cup of tea? ----___________.

A.No, I don’t want anything to drink. B.Yes, please. C.Why not have some cakes? D.No, please.

30.----Do you think it will rain tomorrow? ----____________. It hasn’t rained for a whole month! It’s too dry.

A.I hope so B.I hope not C.I’m sure it will D.I’m afraid it will

31.----Is there anything wrong with my son, doctor? ----_____________.

A.Do it, please B.I don’t mind C.I don’t feel very well D.Nothing serious

32.----What about this bag? ----Well, ______________. I’ll take it.

. 33.

A.I don’t know B.so bad C.can’t you make it better D.just right

33.----Why not come and join us in the game, Jane? ----___________. But I must meet my aunt at the shop.

A.I think so B.I’d like to C.I’m very tired D.I hope not

34.----Will you join us for lunch? ----_____________. A.No, I won’t B.Yes, with pleasure C.Yes, please D.Yes, help yourself

35.----Don’t you think this color is too light? ----______________.

A.Yes, I agree B.Yes, of course not C.No, I don’t think so

D.What’s wrong?

36.----I fell off my bike and hurt myself yesterday. ----_____________. You’d better be more careful.

A.Congratulations B.That’s funny C.All right D.I’m sorry to hear that

37.----It’s very kind of you to help me. ----____________.

A.It doesn’t matter B.Don’t say so C.It’s my duty D.It’s my pleasure

38.----I’m going to the English evening now. ----_____________.

A.It’s good for you B.Have a good time C.It’s kind of you D.You are happy

39.----It’s too late. You’d better go to bed now. ----OK. ________________Mum.

A.Good evening B.I’m going to bed C.Good luck D.Good night

40.----Can you answer this question? ----____________.

A.I can think of it B.I’d like to C.Let me try, please D.Try, please

41.----Long time no see, Jill. How are things going? ----__________, thanks.

A.Too bad B.Quite well C.Not at all D.I’m all right

42.----Why not go to the zoo? Look! What a fine day ! ----___________.

A.You’re welcome B.That’s all right C.Good idea D.It doesn’t matter

43.----I’m terribly sorry to step on your foot. ----_____________.

A.Don’t say that B.Never mind C.You’re welcome D.Don’t mention it

44.----I’d like to take two weeks’ holiday. ----______________We have too much work to do.

A.Don’t worry B.Pardon me C.Forget it D.Don’t mention it

45.----Hello! I haven’t seen you for years. ----Oh, John. _____________?

A.How are you B.How do you do C.How about you D.What are you

46.----Lucy, Let me help you fix your computer. ----_____________.I can manage it myself.

. 34.

A.That’s OK B.No, thanks C.Perhaps not D.Not at all

47.----Jack, will you please paint the door yellow? ----_________________?

A.What for B.What is it C.How is it D.How about

48.----It’s so hot today. Let’s go swimming. ----_____________. A.Cool B.Warm

C.Hot D.Cold

49.----We have watered all the vegetables, Miss Wang. ----___________, boys and girls. Let’s have a drink.

A.Good luck B.Well done C.Never mind D.Best wishes

50.----Excuse me ! ----____________? -----Are you Mr. Scott? A.Who B.What

C.Yes D.Me

51. ---- Walter! __________ ---- I can't eat this. It's too salty.

A. Yes, sir? B. What? C. All right? D. Pardon?

52. ---- ____________ ? ---- No, thanks. I'm just looking around. I'll let you know if I want anything.

A. Have you made up your mind what you want B. What will you buy

C. Can I help you D. Do you like it

53. ---- Thank you so much for the lovely evening, Jim. Frank and I had such a good time. ---- You're quite welcome, John. ________.We'd been looking forward to seeing you.

A. We're glad to meet you B. I'm afraid you didn't have a good time

C. Just stay a little longer D. Thank you for coming

54. ---- I'm interested in that chair. How much do you want for it? ---- $25.00.

---- __________ .I'll give you $15.00. ---- No, that's not enough.

A. The chair is really nice B. That's too much

C. Please lower the price D. Nobody will have it except me

55. ---- I think I'm coming down with a bad cold. ---- _________.

A. Oh, don't say that again B. Then you'd better see a doctor

C. Well, I suggest you have a rest D. But you should go up a bit

56. ----What's going on? ---- __________

A. No, we won't go on. We need rest. B. The Times Theatre is on fire.

C. I'm going on telling the story. D. How about some ice cream?

57. ---- I'm sorry to hear that your mother is ill in hospital. ---- __________.

A. That's all right B. Don't be so sorry. She's well soon C. It's nothing D. It's very kind of you

58. ---- Your name again, please? ________. ---- It's Bell Green.

A.I didn't quite catch you B. I couldn't quite catch you C.I don't hear you D. It's your turn

59. ----What do you think of that tea set as a gift for Mary's birthday?

---- _________, but I don't particularly care for the design.

A. It's the right thing B. I think it's a Chinese style C. Not bad D. Let me think it over once again

60. ---- Bruce was killed in a traffic accident. ---- __________ I talked with him yesterday morning!

A. What a pity! B. I beg your pardon? C. Sorry to hear that. D. Is that . 35.


61. ---- Try this yellow shirt. ---- ________

---- How about the red one? ---- That's OK.

A. But I don't like the size B. I like it very much C. But I don't like the color

D. I'll take it

62. ---- __________ It will help you a lot. ---- That's a good idea. Let's make some.

A. I promise to get you some coffee. B. Would you please make me some coffee?

C. Help yourself to some coffee. D. You'd better have some coffee.

63. ---- I'm so tired, working all morning on the farm. ----Why not take a rest, then? --________.

A. Because I can't afford it B. Maybe I should C.I don't know D. Sorry, I can't tell you

64. ---- My daughter has passed the exam. ---- Congratulations! She's really


---- ______________

A. No, no, she is nothing. B. Oh, thank you! C. Sometimes she is intelligent. D. You are right.

65. ---- My children are always arguing. ---- ____________

A. Just ignore them. B. That's all right. C. Are you sure? D. How old are the boys?

66. ---- Don't forget to phone me when you get home. Just to let me know you've arrived safely.

---- I won't forget. Good-bye then. ---- _____________

A. With pleasure B. Have a nice trip C. Don't mention it D. It's very kind of you

67. ---- I'm sorry I broke your mirror. ---- Oh, really? _____________

A. It doesn't matter B. Don't be so sorry C. It's OK with me D. I don't care

68. ----If I were you, I would tell her frankly. ---- ___________

A. It's none of your business B. It's my pleasure

C. I will think about it D. It's very kind of you to help me

69. --- I was so sure that our experiment was going to succeed, but something went wrong at

the last moment.

---____________ , but don't give it up.

A. You don't mean that B. Find out the reason C. Never mind D. I'm sorry to hear that

70. ---- Have you heard that Susan has been appointed director of the Engineering


---- After working so hard for so many years, _____________

A. she surely welcomes it B. she certainly deserves it C. she is welcome to it D. it's good news

71. ----Were you late for yesterday's conference? ---No. Fortunately, I _______ catch the last

bus to the place.

A. could B. ought to C. was able to D. was to

72. ---- Why didn't you make a phone call to tell me about it yesterday?

. 36.

---- _________, but I forgot all about it after a meal.

A. I did telephone you B.I should tell you C. I might have told you D.I ought to have told you

73. ---- Do you think our basketball players played very well yesterday? ---- ____________.

A. They were not nervous at all B. They were still young C. They played naturally

D. They couldn't have done better

74. ---- How did you enjoy the concert last night?

---- ____________! My favorite singer lost her voice and didn't even make an appearance.

A. What a failure B. What a disappointment C. Awful D. Very dissatisfactory

75. ---- My computer doesn't work. Can you repair it for me? ---- __________.

A. OK, I'11 try B. Of course not C. You're welcome D. Yes, you've found me

76. ----We've got to do something about pollution. It's getting worse. ---- ___________.

A. Yes, it certainly is B. Yes, it is certainly C. Yes, we have D. No, you haven't

77. ---- Is that Mike speaking? ---- Yes. ___________?

A. Who's this B. Who's that C. Who are you D. Who's Mike

78. ---- Have a nice weekend! ---- __________.

A. The same to you B. The same as you C. You do too D. You have it too

79. -- --I'm afraid robots will replace man in almost all the fields of society one day. ---- _________.

A. Yes, they do B. I'm glad to hear that C. I'm sorry, but I can't agree with you

D. I'm sorry for man

80. ---- I'm sorry, but I can't hear you clearly.

---- I say the meeting has been put off till tomorrow. Can you hear me?

----Yes, _________. A. I see B. I know C. Let me see D. go away

81. ----Are you close to your uncle and aunt? ---- ___________.

A. Yes, but we seldom go to see them B. No, they are not all right

C. In fact, their house is some distance off D. Not particularly

82. ---- Your notebook? ___________

---- My god! How can you do it on what doesn't belong to you?

A. No, I didn't B. Yes, I did C.I threw it into the waste D. I left it as it was

83. ---- I know it's getting late, but this problem will be over in 10 minutes.

---- OK. __________ It may trouble your neighbours.

A. But turn it down. B. Then you won't get enough sleep.

C. But turn it off a while. D. But when will you study for tomorrow?

84. ---- You couldn't have chosen any gift better for me. ---- ______________.

A. That's all right. I’ll give you a better one next time. B. I'm sorry I can't let you be satisfied.

C. I'm glad you like it so much. D. You have a gift for music, don't you?

85. ---- Why didn't you tell Anna the truth? ---- __________.

. 37.

A. Yes, I was afraid to be scolded by her B. No, but I wanted to C. But I did

D. I always hate telling lies

86. ---- ____________? ---- No, I didn't know I had to buy one.

A. Where's your ticket B. Did you bring any money

C. Didn't you buy a ticket D. Why didn't you buy one for yourself

87. ----___________ ---- Yes, I think so.

A. Am I supposed to get over and see Caroline? B. I went to see Caroline yesterday


C. I hear that Caroline's ill in hospital. D. Why is Caroline staying in


88. ---- ___________ , did you do it yourself?. ---- I'm glad you like it. My sister did it

for me.

A.I don't think so B. I like your new hair style C.I have no idea D. You look

nice today

89. ---- I've got your invitation. ----Oh, good. __________.

A. Can you come? B. Thanks a lot. C. I'll take it. D. May I

help you?

90. ----I'll be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? ----Not at all.


A. I've not time B. I'd rather not C. I'd like it D. I'd be

happy to

91. We have finished learning this lesson and we’ll

____________the new one.

A. go on learn B. go on learning C. go on to learn

92. You ____________do all the writing now. You can hand in some B. needn’t C. need

time later. A. needn’t to

93. The teacher told us that some of the exercises A. could B. could C. could be _____________home. take took taken

94. Old people like watching A. to play B. playing C. are playing children_____________.

95. If all these exercises____________correctly, you are sure to B. you do C. are done pass the exam. A. do

96.The farm we will work on this Sunday ________________.

A. is not very far from the B. not very far from the town C. 10 miles away from the town town

97. Ann likes the mooncake __________very much. A. my mother made them B. were made by my mother C. that my mother made

98. We will all take part in the sports meeting _____________.

A. that will be held next B. the school will hold it next week C. the school will be held week next week

99. The Great Wall which is more than 600 kilometres long _____________.

A. in the north part of China B. that is in the north part of China C. is in the north part of


100. What do you think of the man ______________? A. we just talked B. we just talked with . 38.

C. just talked with us

101.Teacher Zhang is ill, so I am going ___________________her B. to take C. take

class instead. A. taking

102.The boy made up his mind to try _________________talk with B. will not C. don’t to others in class. A. not to

103. That’s unimportant, A. is that B. is it

___________? C. isn’t it

104. Hurry up, ____________we’ll be late for class.

A. and B. if C. or

105. She is no longer the careless girl ______________. A. like she was before B. she was careless before C. that she was

106. There is a soldier________________ at the gate of that B. stand C. to stand building. A. standing

107. We must be strict not only ______________ourselves but also A. with; with B. with; in ______________our work. C. in; in

108. They said that they would finish the work_______________an B. in C. later hour. A. after

109. _______________she helped an old woman to carry the


A. On way to home B. In her way to home C. On her way home

110.The sun ___________________looks like a red ball.

A. which is rising in the B. rises in the east C. that rising in the east



Test One

1. ---Who is that man over there? ----He is our new teacher, and he will

teach________ English this term.

A.we B.our C.us D.ours

2. ----Must I come here at eight o’clock? ----No, you___________. You may come

a little later.

A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.may not D.can’t

3. He has gone to another city and he’ll be back___________ a week. A.at

B.on C.for D.in

4. When the teacher came in, the students stopped____________ and became quiet.

A.talking B.to talk C.saying D.to say

5. Flight CA 1506 had to be________ because of the bad weather. A.put up B.put

on C.put away D.put off

6. Don’t let the children play with knives, or they may hurt________. A.them

B.themselves C.they D.theirs

7.---No matter__________ he does, he is always careful. -----You are right. He is the

most careful boy in our class.

A.what B.where C.when D.how

8.----Which do the young people prefer, music or sports? ----Both. Music

is___________ sports among them.

. 39.

A.as popular as B.not as popular as C.more popular than

D.less popular than

9.----I hope you will enjoy your trip. ----Thanks. I____________ you as soon as I

arrive there.

A.will call B.call C.called D.can


10.----Has he returned the book to our library? ----No. He has___________ it for

only one week.

A.borrowed B.lent C.kept


11.----What question did the boy ask the scientist? ----He asked if________ into

space by spaceship one day.

A.he can fly B.could he fly C.can he fly D.he

could fly

12.----I’d like to buy this kind of bike. ----Sorry. It___________ out yesterday.

A.has sold B.is sold C.was sold

D.had sold

13.----What’s the weather like tomorrow? ----The radio says it is going to be


A.bad B.worse C.worst


14.----What did your friend ring you up for just now? ----He told me that

he___________ the driving test.

A.will pass B.passed C.has passed D.had


15.----Merry Christmas and best wishes to you! ----________.

A.Good luck to you B.With pleasure C.The same to you D.You

are welcome

16.---Would you please help me_________ my English, Jim? ----Certainly. A.of

B.for C.with D.about

17.---Let’s go to the classroom. ---Don’t hurry. There__________a few minutes left.

A.am B.is C.are D.be

18.----Where is Uncle Bill? ----He is in the children’s room. He is telling

them_________ interesting story.

A.a B.an C.the D.不填

19.----Please tell Mary to call us. ----I will tell her as soon as she____________ from


A.comes B.come C.is coming D.will come

20.----Which do you want for supper, fish or meat? ----Neither. I like

chicken________ of all.

A.much B.well C.better D.best

21.----Do you speak Chinese, Mr. Green? ----Yes, I do, but only________. A.a few

B.few C.a little D.little

22.----What is the headmaster like, do you know? ----She is very kind__________

. 40.

she looks serious.

A.because B.though C.if D.when

23.----What did the teacher say just now? ----He told us not__________ games in the


A.play B.playing C.to play D.played

24.----Must I go to bed now? ----I’m afraid so. It’s____________ late that you can’t

get up on time tomorrow morning.

A.very B.quite C.too D.so

25.----How long________ Mrs. Black___________ in our school? ----Ever since she

came to Beijing.

A.has; been B.is; going C.has; gone D.will; go

26.----Would you like to play football with us? ----I’d love to. But I must

finish___________ my house first.

A.clean B.cleaning C.to clean D.cleaned

27.----_______do you have PE? ----Three times a week. A.How often B.How

much C.How long D.How many

28.----Have you received my e-mail? ----Not yet. My_______ doesn’t work. A.radio

B.TVset C.watch D.computer

29.----May I put my bike here? ----No, you__________. If you do, you may lose it.

A.needn’t B.won’t C.mustn’t D.wouldn’t

30.----What did the policeman say to you just now? ----He asked__________ when

the accident happened.

A.what was I doing B.what I was doing C.what am I doing

D.what I am doing

31.He’s a basketball fan and he wants to meet Yao Ming__________ one day.

A.he B.him C.his D.himself

32.Li Ming is a new student in our class. He______________ here for only a month.

A.has come B.has been C.came D.was

33.----May I go now? ----No. You___________ let the teacher know first. A.need

B.must C.can D.may

34.Usually before exams, students______________ two minutes to write down their


A.are given B.were given C.gave D.give

35.I remember she came__________ a fine spring afternoon. A.on B.in

C.at D.to

36.----What do you think of the new movie? ----It’s good, but not so_________ as

the one we saw last month.

A.better B.good C.best


37.Several__________students came to the meeting. A.thousand

B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of

38.This is a busy street. We see buses_____________ all the time.

A.came and went B.to come and go C.come and go

D.comes and goes

. 41.

39.Tom wanted to know many English words we__________by the end of last year.

A.have learned B.had learned C.were learning

D.would learn

40.He is s nice person to____________. A.get on with B.come up with

C.catch up with D.look up in

41.He wanted to find out ____________the train had left for Shandong. A.that

B.whether C.when D.where

42.The man___________ is wearing a blue jacket is from the south. A.which

B.whom C.who D.不填

43.Listen! How beautiful the music_____________! A.hears B.feels

C.sounds D.tastes

44.__________you have finished your homework, it doesn’t mean you can watch TV


A.Because B.Although C.If D.Before

45.----Would you mind taking care of my baby for a little while? I have to answer

the phone. ----___________.

A.Of course B.You’re welcome C.Not at all

D.Please do it

46.There will be an important exam___________ June 24 th. A.in B.to

C.at D.on

47.----Is that your car? ----No, it isn’t________. But I am going to buy one like that.

A.hers B.her C.mine D.my

48.----You look tired, Susan. ----Yes. I_______________ last night.

A.didn’t sleep well B.haven’t slept well C.hadn’t slept well

D.don’t sleep well

49.----Coffee is ready. ----How nice it_________________! A.looks B.feels

C.sounds D.smells

50.----How much do those shoes__________? ----Only 150 yuan. A.take

B.cost C.spend D.use

51.—What newspaper do you____________? —China Daily. A. watch

B.look at C. read D. see

52. It’s _____________of the engineers to rebuild the temple. A. right B.

wrong C. foolish D.impossible

53. Many people came in. Mother____________her finger on her lips as a sign for silence.

A.took B.turned C. put D. carried

54. It was August, and the papers _____________a heat wave in Wuhan. A. reported

B. wrote C. said D. told

Test Two

1.David often gets first in exams, but this time he__________ some of his


A.fell behind B.fell down C.fell over D.fell off

2.----I don’t like milk, but mother always made me____________ it. ----Your mum is

right. It’s good for you.

A.to eat B.eat C.to drink D.drink

. 42.

3.----I’m sorry. I didn’t win the race yesterday. ----That’s OK. You__________ win every time.

A.can’t B.must C.can D.mustn’t

4.----I called you at about seven fifty last night, but nobody answered. A.would have B.was having

----Oh, I____________ dinner with my friends outside at that time. C.could

have D.had had

5.----I really hope we’ll see the famous singer. ----Maybe, if we are______________.

A.enough lucky B.lucky enough C.unlucky enough

D.enough unlucky

6.Mr. Smith enjoys reading. He thinks__________he reads, ____________knowledge he will get.

A.the less… the more B.the more… the less C.the less…the less

D.the more…the more

7.I want to see Mrs. Wang, but I don’t know______________.

A.where she lived B.where did she live C.where she lives

D.where does she live

8.----How far is it from here? ----It’s only ten_________ walk. A.minute

B.mintue’s C.mintues’ D.mintues

9.----You needn’t_________every new word when you read. ----I see. A.look for

B.look up C.get to D.get down

10.----Why not visit the museum now? ----I’m afraid we can’t. Look at the sign on the door. It says, “_________.”


11.----What a nice watch you’ve got! ----Thank you. I bought___________in the street market.

A.it B.them C.this D.those

12.----Do you like sports? ----Yes, I do, very much. I pay_________ football every day. A.a B.an C.the D.不填

13.----What do you usually do__________ Sunday morning? ----We usually do some cleaning. A.in B.at C.on D.to

14.----Why did Mr. Smith go to Paris last year? ----He__________ to see an old friend.

A.goes B.went C.is going D.will go

15.----How do you like physics? ----I think it’s a little_________ than math. A.easy

B.easier C.easiest D.easily

16.---Where are the twins? ---One is at the library, ______is on the playground. A.other

B.another C.that one D.the other

17.----Do you enjoy the work? ----The work is OK, but the boss doesn’t let us

__________at all.

A.rest B.resting C.rested D.to rest

18.----When will we begin our party? ----Not__________ everything is ready.

A.after B.until C.when D.since

19.----Can we put our things in the car? ----I don’t think so. It’s__________ small to

hold so many things.

. 43.

A.so B.very C.too D.rather

20.----Where are the Greens, do you know? ----They__________ to England. A.have been B.are going C.have gone D.will go

21.----_____________shoes are these? ----I think they’re Peter’s. A.Who

B.What C.Which D.Whose

22.----Please stop__________. The film has been on. ----Oh, sorry. I’m looking for Mr. King.

A.talking B.be talked C.talked D.to talk

23.----Is Shanghai__________ city in China? -----No, Chongqing is. A.very big

B.bigger C.the biggest D.biggest

24.I’m sorry. I have kept you __________for a long time. A.wait B.waited

C.waiting D.to wait

25.Jane_______a new dress last month when she was in Shanghai. A.buys

B.bought C.is buying D.will buy

26.Mr Li, a nice guy. ___________ our English teacher. A.am B.is

C.are D.were

27.Pass__________the knife, please. My pencil is broken. A.I B.me

C.my D.mine

28.----When do you get up in the morning? ----I usually get

up________6:30________the morning of every day.

A.at…on B.in…at C.at…in D.on…of

29._________is not easy to see a rainbow now because of the air pollution.

A.People B.It C.Man D.Children

30.----Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

A.can’t B.mustn’t

----I’d love to. But I’m afraid I________. I have too much work to do.

C.needn’t D.may not

31.You must work hard, ____________you’ll fall behind others. A.and

B.but C.so D.or

32.I didn’t buy the dictionary_________ my aunt said that she would give me one.

A.until B.because C.if D.before

33.----Have all the students known that our class will visit the factory this


----Yes. Every student __________ about it. A.tells B.told

C.was told D.has told

34.----Excuse me. What did you say you would like to do, Miss White?

----I said I’d like to go back to the office. I___________ someone this afternoon.

A.would meet B.met C.am going to meet D.was meeting

35.There is____________bread in the kitchen, so we don’t have to buy more. A.little

B.a little C.few D.a few

36.----Can you___________me your dictionary? ----Sorry, I’m using it. A.borrow

B.lend C.keep D.return

37.I usually come to this fruit shop to____________.

. 44.

A.buy some bananas B.to have a meal C.post a letter

D.see a doctor

38.----Will you please write a short passage on “Meteor Garden” and _____________it to me this evening?

----What about tomorrow? My computer doesn’t work well now. A.give

B.e-mail C.take D.bring

39.Our foreign teacher will go back for Christmas. We will go and ___________her at the airport tomorrow.

A.say hello to B.say sorry to C.say goodbye to

D.say excuse

40.We can see the notice



A.in a restaurant B.at a school C.in a cinema

D.on a road

41.----When will you take the next English exam? ----____________June 26. A.Of

B.On C.At D.In

42.----Jane has gone to London. ----So_____________ her parents. They have been there for two weeks.

A.has B.have C.did D.do

43.----Excuse me, has Lucy got a new computer? ----I think she has got__________.

A.it B.one C.this D.that

44.Our PE teacher___________us try very hard in the running practice of 800 meters.

A.asked B.made C.allowed D.told

45.----I feel really tired after a day’s work. ----Why___________take a rest? A.do you B.not C.did you D.not to

46.He can’t walk because he___________his leg. A.has broken B.had broken

C.broke D.is breaking

47.----Have you decided____________to go or not? ----Not yet. A.how

B.when C.what D.whether

48.----Yesterday all of us_____________to visit the new museum. ----Really? I can’t believe it.

A.were invited B.have invited C.are invited

D.will be invited

49.----Where is Lucy, do you know? ----No. But I heard her____________with

someone in her room just now.

A.to talk B.talked C.talks D.talk

50.----Please tell me______________ before she moved here.

----Sorry, I don’t know. But I have her phone number, you may ask her.

A.where does she live B.where did she live C.where she lives

D.where she lived

***5I think it a great honor __________ to visit your country.

A.to invite B.inviting C.having invited D.to be invited

52.Many people now make___________a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas.

A.themselves B.it C.that D.this

. 45.

53.__________is very clear to everyone that he's round and tall like a tree.

A.This B.What C.That D.It

54.In the United States, bus travel doesn't cost much as train travel, _____________?

A.don't they B.does it C.do they D.doesn't it

55. My shoes were_____________________. I’ll have to buy a new pair. A. run out B. worn out C. got out D. broken out

Test Three

1.----There is a flower show in the park. When would you like to go, Saturday or


----_______________is OK. I’m free these two days. A.Either B.Neither

C.Both D.None

2.----That’s too bad. I made the same mistake again. ----It doesn’t matter, but

remember to be__________next time.

A.more careful B.the most careful C.more carefully

D.the most carefully

3.-----Linda knew nothing about your class meeting, ____________?

A.was she B.wasn’t she

----No, she was too late. When she got there, the meeting was almost over.

C.did she D.didn’t she

4.In an English-Chinese dictionary, the word “suffer” comes___________ the word


A.before B.among C.between


5.----John must be working hard in his room. ----___________He may be playing

computer games.

A.Don’t be so sure B.You’re right C.It doesn’t matter

D.That’s all right

6.----Do all the women teachers in your school have a big party___________ March 8

every year?

----Yes, they do. They enjoy themselves very much. A.in B.at C.on


7.I can’t go to the park with you because I have____________ important to do today.

A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

8.Don’t__________your coat, Tom! It’s easy to catch a cold in spring. A.take

away B.take down C.take off D.take out

9.Yesteray afternoon Mr. Green told the boys_______________ football in the


A.didn’t play B.to not play C.not play D.not to


10.Paul has _________ friends, and he often feels lonely. A.a few B.few

C.a little D.little

11.----I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long. ----Never mind. I_______________here

for only a few minutes.

A.came B.stayed C.have stayed D.have come

. 46.

12.----What are you busy__________these days? ----Nothing much. A.doing

B.do C.to do D.done

13.----Do you know anything about the New York City? ----Yes, I do. I_______________there twice.

A.am B.was C.have gone D.have been

14.How long did it____________you to finish drawing that picture? A.take

B.spend C.need D.use

15.Your friend, Ann, will ring you up as soon as she___________in London tomorrow.

A.will arrive B.arrive C.arrives D.arrived

16.The young man broke his leg in the accident and had to______________his job.

A.send up B.put up C.get up D.give up

17.----Could you tell me_________she is looking for? ----Her cousin, Susan. A.if

B.whose C.who D.what

18.----Hello! Is that Mr. Smith speaking? ----____________. He isn’t here at the moment.

A.It doesn’t matter B.Excuse me C.Hold on, please D.I’d love to

19.A new shopping center___________ by the workers in that town last year.

A.built B.was built C.is building D.is built

20.Most of us wondered if Wang Nan could ___________Zhang Yining in the final match. A.beat B.win C.hit D.fail

21.My mother can play___________guitar very well but she can’t play ________chess.

A.a; a B.the; / C./; the D.the; the

22.Please write and tell us_________yourself. A.to B.of

C.on D.about

23.----Can you speak Japanese? ----Yes, but only__________. A.a few B.a little C.little D.few

24.__________important information you told us! A.What B.What an

C.How D.How an

25.Though it’s boring, I _____________it. A.dislike B.can’t stand

C.don’t mind D.hate

26.The man looks funny. Could you tell me____________?

A.how old he is B.how old he was C.how old is he

D.how old was he

27.The food will___________for two weeks, so you don’t need to go shopping.

A.last B.eat C.use D.keep

28.Now there is nothing for us__________. A.worry B.worrying

C.worried about D.to worry about

29.----Have you seen my glasses anywhere? ----Not yet, maybe you____________them in your bedroom this morning.

A.left B.forgot C.missed D.dropped

30.Mr Smith___________come to meet us tonight, but he isn’t very sure yet. A.will

B.must C.can D.may

31.----Your sweater looks beautiful. Is it made______________ pure wool?

. 47.

---Yes, and it’s made_____________Inner Mongolia. A.by; for B.of; by

C.of; in D.by; from

32.As the earthquake happened in the south and southeast Asia, many

children_____________ their parents to fish.

A.are helping B.helped C.have helped D.were


33.Lucy and Jane like junk food, ________________they try to___________only once a


A.but; eat them B.but; eat it C.and; eat D.but; eat

34.Please don’t forget to____________ some sugar___________ the coffee.

A.drop; into B.pour; to C.put; to D.add; to

35.The inside of the spaceship is so small that there is no___________for a big


A.a room B.room C.rooms D.the


36.Lots of visitors come to Nanjing because it is________________city.

A.so a beautiful B.very a beautiful C.such beautiful a

D.quite a beautiful

37.In the exam,_____________you are, ___________mistakes you’ll make.

A.the careful; the fewer B.more carefully; the fewer C.the more carefully;

the less D.the more careful; the fewer

38.It’s warm in the room. You’d better_____________your coat. A.put on B.take

off C.to put on D.to take off

39.Nobody wants to be sick, _____________? A.doesn’t he B.don’t they

C.are they D.does he

40.My shoes are different__________yours____________size and color.

A.from; on B.in; from C.in; for D.from; in

41.Danny wishes he____________a cherry without a stone in it. A.has

B.have C.had D.will have

42.----It has been raining and blowing for three days. I hope tomorrow will be fine.

----____________. The radio said just now, “ It will last for two days.”

A.I hope so B.I’m afraid not C.I hope not D.I

think so

43.Yao Ming has___________as the most popular basketball player in China.

A.be chose B.be chosen C.been chosen

D.being chosen

44.To the people who love flowers, roses smell so__________. A.wonderfully

B.beautifully C.wondeful D.beautiful

45.The Whites had bought a house there___________they lived in it.

A.before long B.long before C.long ago


46.----How long has Julia_________ill? ----About a week. She__________ill five

days ago.

A.fallen; was B.become; was C.been; fall . 48.

D.been; fell

47.Many young adults are________________ in cartoons, maybe more than children.

A.shown interesting B.showing interests C.showing interest

D.shown interested

48.----Would you like to have dinner with me? ----Yes, __________. A.please

B.I’d love to C.I’d like D.I would

49.----Please don’t make any noise in the reading room. ----____________.

A.Sorry, I won’t B.Yes, I will C.With pleasure D.Not at all

50.----Did you go to Jack’s birthday party? ----No, I_______________.

A.didn’t invite him B.wasn’t invited C.haven’t invited D.am not


***51.Someone is at the door, who is ___________? A.this

B.that C.it D.he

52..— It is raining cats and dogs. -----_________. A.So it is B.So is it

C.Neither it is D.Neither is it

53.—My home is in that tall building over there. —_________?

A.Can it see B.Can see it C.Can be seen it D.Can it be seen

54. In England, buses and cars keep to the left __________________of the road. A. top

B. way C. bank D. side

55. Joh’s letter____________me two days ago. A. arrived

B. reached C. got D. received

Test Four

***1._________ raining hard for 3 hours without stopping. A.It is B.It was C.It has been

D.It had been

2. — Has the boy got his bicycle now? — Yes, the police gave_____________ .

A.him to him B.it to it C.it to him D.him to it

3. —Boy, __________ . —It is, looks like spring is coming soon. —Yeh, It'll just be a few more weeks.

A.it's really a nice day today, isn't it?

B.what kind of weather are we going to have today?

C.do you think it is going to rain today? D.what's it like outside today?

4. It is important __________their offer. A.reject B.rejects C.to reject D.rejecting

5. Has _________been decided when we are to hold the sports-meeting? A.that B.this

C.it D.what

6.—Did Li Lei call me while I was out? —Yes, it was __________that called you. A.him B.he

C.who D.whom

7. Nothing is wrong with the radio___________?

A.isn't it B.is that C.is it D.isn't that

8. I don't know _________makes her afraid of having her business discussed.

A.what it is about Mary that B.that is it abut Mary what C.what is it about Mary that

D.that is about Mary what

9. Which sentence is wrong?

A.I felt it impossible for him to take the exam.

B.I found it impossible that he might take the exam.

C.I thought that he might not take the exam. D. In my opinion he might take the exam.

. 49.


I don't think ___________difficult for a Chinese student to master a foreign language within five years.

A.that B.it C.too D.very

11. It's the second time you __________ late this week. A.arrive B.arrived C.have arrived

D.had arrived

12. It will not be___________we meet again. A.long before B.before long

C.soon after D.shortly after

13. It's demanded that we _________there on foot.

A.not to go B.don't go C.not go D.won't go

14."It" is often used to___________ a baby. A.mean to B.stick to C.point to

D.refer to

15. It was not until 1936 ______basketball became a regular part of the Olympic Games. A.that

B.when C.which D.then

16. __________you met the Englishman?

A.Where it was that B.Who it was that C.Where was it that D.Where was that

17._________that she has gone to the UniteA.Was it trB.Is it truC.It is trD.It was true

d States? ue e ue

18._______certain that his invention will lead to the development of B.This iC.It's D.What's production. A.That' s s

19._________ in 1914 _________ the First World War broke out?

A.Was that, that B.Was that, wC.Was it. thaD.Was it, when

hen t

20.It is important that she __________ with Mr WilliaA.speak B.spoke C.will speak ms immediately. D.to speak

21. _________that there′A.It says B.It is said C.It was said s another good harvest this year. D.He was said

22.It'll be the first time _________the play. B.I'll watC.I watch D.I would watch

A.I've watched ch

23. He got on his bicycle A.drove B. ran C. rode D. rushed and______________slowly down the road.

24. About ten o’clock the telephone A. rang B.answereC. said D. sang _______________again. d

25. Who will take part in the A. run B. rush C. race D. match 800-meter_____________?

26. Most of young ladies usually_________________much of their money____________new clothes.

A. cost; for B. spend; on C. pay; in D. take; on

27.The little child fell ____________in her mother’s A. sleep B. sleeping C. asleep D. slept arms.

28. The broadcast came from America by ____________and was heard at the same time in Europe.

A. satellite B. spacedship C. planet D. star

29. The fireman____________the family from the A. saved B. stopped C. kept D. took burning building.

30. It will ____________much time if we drive the car instead of B. spend C. save D. use walking. A. take

. 50.

31. You can ____________the book __________with A. put;

you. into

32. The plane had already taken off A. as

____________we got to the airport.

33. The meeting will _________ next Friday. A. happen B. take; C. keep; D.break; away away away B.before C. after D. while B. have C. take D. be held


34. The food in the restaurant ____________good. A. eats B.tastes C. sounds D. takes

35. Before you make a plan, you must A. go over B. turn it C. think it D. put it ___________. it over over over

36.—It’s March 12 tomorrow. Let’s go and plant some trees, shall we? ——____________

A. You are right. B. That’s a good idea. C. Yes, we shall. D. No, why?

37.—Can I have a different blouse? This one is too small for me. —___________.

A. Sure! Here we are B. Of course! It is C. Certainly! Here you D. OK. See you later


38. —Thank you very much for finding my ruler. —______________

A. Not at all. B. Good idea! C. It’s great! D. OK. See you later.

39. —Excuse me,where is the nearest hospital? —_____________. A. The hospital is very big

B. It’s a new one C. It’s on the other side of the street behind that tall building D. This hospital is the nearest

40.—I’m sorry, I’m late —____________.

A. You can’t come in B. It doesn’t matter C. I don’t want to see D. That’s very good


41.—What day is today? —_____________.

A. It’s Monday B. It doesn’t matter C. It’s November 18th D. It’s fine today

42. —What did you have for supper yesterday? —_________________.

A. I had it at six B. At home C. Rice and fish D. I enjoyed it very much

43. —____________? —I’m having a fever, and I feel sick.

A. What are you doing B. What’s the matter C. What can I do now D. How are you feeling

44.—Can I help you? —____________, I want a radio. A. Of course B. Certainly C. That’s OK

D. Yes, please

45. —Have a good time. —Thanks.


A. The same to you B. Don’t be so polite C. You are welcome D. So have you

46.—I want four cakes and some bread.


A. How much is it B. How much are these C. How many are these D. How many is it

47.—Color the coat brown, please. A. OK B. Yes, I am C. That’s OK D. You’re —______________. welcome

48. —Where’s Class 2? Do you know?


A. I’m in Class 2 B. This way, please C. It is Grade 2 D. Here you are

49. —___________? —It’s ten.

A. How old are you B. What’s six and six C. What is the time D. What are they

50. —Let me help you. —___________.

. 51.

D. Certainly. Here you


52. —Can you spell it, please? —____________. A. Sorry B. It’s a C. Yes, I D. Yes, it is.

book am

53. —What’s this in —____________. A. It’s a B. It is red C. It’s D. It’s English? pen here English

54. —What’s 5 and 7? —___________. A. 5 B. 7 C. 10 D. 12

55. —_____________ —Thank you very much. The same to you.

A. How areu you? B. Glad to meet you. C. Happy birthday, D. Merry Christmas!


56.—Does Liu Hua ever guess the meanings of English words? A. usually B. always C. never

D. sometimes

—He __________guesses the meanings of new words. He uses his dictionary all the time.

57. The meeting will be held in half an hour, but they haven’t got everything ready _____________. A. ever B. already C. yet D. still

58. —How many more oranges can I have? — You can have one more. _________are for Tom.

A. The others B. Another C. Others D. The other

Test Five: 中考英语语法练习题


1. He stepped into the office,_______down and began to fill in the forms. A.sitting B.to sit C.sat

D.having it

2. She said she would telephone but we ___________ from her so far.

A.haven’t heard B.didn’t hear C.hadn’t heard D.won’t hear

3. When I got to the cinema,the film__________for ten minutes.

A.has begun B.had begun C.had been on D.was

4. I’ll go with you as soon as I_________my homework.

A.will finish B.finish C.am finishing D.finished

5. If it_________tomorrow,I won’t go to the cinema. A.will rain B.rains C.is raining D.rained

6.①---Have you got some water to drink? ---Here you are. There____________still some in the bottle.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

②_________ there many American friends in the school last Friday? A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were

③There __________a great many accidents last year. A. were B. are C. is D. was

④----How many children _______in the picture? ----Three.

A. has there B. is there C. have there D. are there

7.① In 1850, about a third of U. S. A_________covered by forests. A. B. has been D. was

were C. /

② Most of our earth____________covered by water. A. are B. is C. was D. were ③ Sunday _________the first day of the week. A. is B. C. am D. be


. A. Thank you very B. Certainly C. See you then much 51. —Oh, it’s a new watch. Could I have a look? —_____________. A. Yes. Here you are B. OK. It’s here C. Sure, you have D. I think it is 52.

④ Neither_____________right. A. answers are B. answers aren't C. answer is D. answer isn't

8.① The population of the world __________still ___________now.

A. has; grown B. will; grow C. is; growing D. is grown

② There ___________many people running in the park every morning. A. is B. were C. are D. have

③ These police often________the children across the street. A. help B. helps C. helping D. is helping

9.①____________going to England by air next week.

A. The Green family are B. The Greens family C. The Green's family D. Green family are

are are

② The whole family ________enjoying the beautiful music now.

A. is all B. all is C. all are D. are all

③ Our class_______big. A. is B. are C. were D. will

10.① Neither he nor I __________from Canada. We are from Australia. A. is B. are C. am D. be

② Either you or he _________right. A. are B. is C. does D. were ③ Neither Mary nor her brother_____________good at A. is B. are C. is not D. are not singing.

④ Not only Tom but also Alice and Mary ___________busy. A. is B. was C. are D. has

11.① Physics ___________interesting to us. A. B. has C. is D. were


② The news_________exciting. We got excited at it. A. is B. was C. were D. are ③ Though mathematics________ hard, we all work at it hard. A. are B. were C. was D. is


1. The boy likes_________questions. A.ask B.answer C. to ask

2. We'll try__________there on time. A.to get B.getting C.got

3. They hoped________their mother soon. A.to see B.saw C.seeing

4. I'm glad_______you again. A.meet B.met C.to meet

5. He often helps me _________my bike. A. mending B. to mend C. to mended

6. I heard Alice _________in the next door. A. sings B. sang C. sing

7. The work is easy. Let him __________it by himself. A. do B. to do C. doing

8. He saw Dick __________in and take a book away. A. came B. coming C. come

9. Does Jack want _________a writer? A. be B. is C. to be

10. The boss had them_________from morning to A. worked B. working C. work night.

11. It's time __________home. A. to go B. went C. going

12. Tom is kind. He would like __________you. A. to help B. help C. helped

13. Don't forget __________your books to school. A. bring B. to bring C. brought

14. I don't know_________.

A.where does he live B.what is he doing C.where he lives D.what he is doing it

15. Ask him how much________. A. did it cost B. cost it C. it D. it costs


16. I wonder ___________used for.

. 53.

B. which was this C. what this room D. that this room was

room was

17. I really don't know ___________.

A. where he was born B. where he is born C. where was he D. where is he born


18. We have no idea __________.

A. how worried was he B. how worried he C. that was he D. what was he worried

was worried

19. He wanted to know___________ there.

A. how long time I had been B.how long had I C. how long I had D. how long I was

been been

20. My mother wants to know __________.

A. how is Tom getting B. how he is getting C. what is he getting D. what he is getting along

along along along

21. What shall we do ____________it rains tomorrow? A. if B. when C. since

22. The doctor didn't have a rest ________the operation was A. before B. after C. until over.

23. She didn't go to the cinema _______she was very busy. A. when B. until C. because

24. His parents didn't send their children to school ______life was hard. A. if B. while C. because

25. Finish doing your homework _________you go to bed. A. before B. until C. after

26. The film was _______interesting __________all of us wanted to see it again.

A. as, as B. so, that C. so; so D. such, that

27. _________he heard a girl crying for help outside, he rushed out of the room.

A. Before B. As soon as C. After D. Because

28. There are ________ students in Class One ___________in Class Two.

A. as many, than B. as much, C. more, than D. so many, as


29. __________I was watching TV, my sister was listening to the radio program.

A. After B. While C. Before D. When

30. Let's wait for him ________he __________back.

A. until, will come B. until, came C. if, will come D. until, comes

31. I'll remember __________her the letter. A. give B. gave C. to give

32. He turned on the radio and stopped _________to the A. listened B. to listen C. listening radio.

33. He had decided ________it again. A. written B. writing C. to write

34. It's cold. You need ________warm clothes. A. to wear B. wearing C. wore

35. Mr. Black mill agree ________there with you. A. to go B. went C. will go

36. They were able to ___________last year. A. swam B. swim C.


37. She is pleased _________her friend. A. to meet B. met C. meeting

38. They were sorry ________ that. A. to hear B. heard C. hearing

39. He is sure ________tomorrow. A. to come B. will come C. coming

40. Teacher told us _________quiet. A. is B. are C. to be

41. He will teach me ________this year. A. to skate B. skating C. skated

. A.what was this room 54.

42. They asked him ________any noise. A. not B. no make C. not to

making make

43. Did you hear her __________ the song in English last night?

A. sing B. sang C. to sing D. sings

44. The students don't know ________next.

A. to do what B. what to do C. what do D. do what

45. The boss made them ________ten hours a day.

A. worked B. working C. work D. to work

46. I'd like my good friend _______to my home.

A. come B. will come C. coming D. to come

47. Will you help me __________this morning?

A. do the wash B. to do the wash C. do the washing D. doing the


48. I'd love __________that film, will it be on tomorrow? A. see B. to C. D. seen

see seeing

49. He told them _________on with the work. A. to go B. C. go D. went


50. We'll try ________the work before seven o'clock.

A. finished B. finish C. to finish D. finishing

51. It's raining hard. You'd better __________. A. go out B. not go out C. no to go out D. to not go out

52. This maths problem is difficult. Let me________ it over.

A. to think B. thinking C. think D. thought

53. Sorry I've kept you ________for a long time. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited

54. It's not easy ________a foreign language. A. B. learn C. to learn D.

learns learning

55. The doctor was busy ________on the woman at that time.

A. operate B. operating C. to D. operated


56. I'm hungry. Please give me something __________. A. B. eating C. to eat D. eaten eat

57. Mr Smith enjoys __________to light music. A. listens B. to C. listening D. listen


58. It was very late at night he still went on _________. A. works B. C. working D. work worked

59. When they walked along the river, they suddenly heard somebody _________for help.

A. call B. calling C. called D. to call

60. “Stop _________and listen to me carefully,” said the teacher. A. to C. talk D. talks talk B. talking

61. The teacher asked me __________the question in English.

A. answer B. to answer C. answered D. answering

62. It was eleven o'clock, she stopped the child from ___________TV.

A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watched

63. He is strong enough _________the box. A. carry B. to C. carrying D. carries

. 55.


64. Please be quiet. You _______talk loudly in the A. B. C. need D. must library. needn't mustn't

65. Don't be late. You __________be there on time. A. must B. can C. may D. needn't

66."__________I speak to Ann?" "Speaking." A. B. C. Need D. Shall

Must May

67. I've looked for my pen everywhere, but I _________find it. A. B. C. D. didn't

couldn't can't mustn't

68. Excuse me, _________I ask you a question? A. will B. C. may D.

do would

69. This science book_______good care of. A. must be B. must take C. must be taken D. take must to be taken

70. “ Must I finish my homework now?" "No, you A. mustn't B. C. D. may _________ ." can't needn't not

71. "You must be here at six tomorrow morning." "Sorry, I _______be here so


A. need B. must C. may D. can't

72. ________you answer the telephone, please? A. Must B. May C. Need D.


73. Don't be late. You___________ be there on time. A. must B. can C. may D.


74. We ___________catch up with you. Please speak a little more slowly.

A. can B. can't C. may not D. must

75. This watch ________next Monday. A. can B. can be mended C. D. can be mending mended can be mend

76. The stars _______ in the daytime.

A. can't be see B. can't see C. can't be saw D. can't be seen

77. Tom was very hungry___________ he ate all the cakes. A. and B. but C. so D. or

78. The teacher is very tired __________she is still working A. but B. so C. and D. or very hard.

79. Mr Wang has worked there _________it opened. A. because B. since C. for D. so

80. We'll go to visit the Great Wall ____________it doesn't rain A. since B. before C. when tomorrow. D. if

81. _________I came into the office, the teachers were having a A. When B. While C. meeting. Which D. Since

82. It's a long time ________we met last. A. before B. after C. since D. so

83. I didn't watch TV ___________I finished my work. A. after B. when C. while D. until

84. I hear __________easy. A. that physics B. if physics C. what D. that physics

isn't isn't physics is

85. She told me _________her teacher. A. Mr Green B. that Mr C. if Mr Green D. Mr Green is Green is was was

86. Do you know ___________to that post office?

A. how much is it B. how far it is C. how far is it D. how long it is

87. Do you remember how many times ____________ to America?

. 56.

A. have you been B. had you been C. did you go D. you have been

88. I didn't know __________in the classroom. A. is she B. if she is C. if was she D. if she


89. Does anybody know ___________for Xi'an tomorrow?

A. if is Lucy leaving B. if Lucy leaves C. that Lucy is D. that Lucy leaves


90. Do you know ___________back soon?

A. when she will come B. if will she come C. if she will D. if she comes


91. I heard __________badly hurt. A. that his son is B. if his son was C. that his son was

D. if his son was

92. I'm not sure _________this way.

A. the word can be used B. if can the word C. if the word can D. that the word can be

be used be used used

93. I don't know ____________. A. what's his name B. what name is his C. what his name is D. what was his name

94. Do you know _________so worried?

A. why is your friend B. why was your C. why your friend D. how is your friend

friend is

95. Do you know_________? A. whose child he is B. whose child is he C. who child he is

D. who's child he is

96. He asked which picture ___________. A. is Mike's B. Mike's was C. was Mike's

D. Mike's is

97. Can you tell me how often _________to see his brother? A. does he go B. he

goes C. he go D. he is

98. The teacher didn't tell me __________to have a test next week.

A. if we are going B. if we were going C. that we are D. we are going


99. My sister usually thinks _________her own language first. Then she turns her words into English.

A. by B. in C. with D. through

100. ___________! It’s the music of Mozart. Be quiet. A. Hear B. C. Sing D. Listen


101. —Which do you prefer, oranges or apples? —________. I’d like bananas.

A. Yes, both B. Neither, thank C. Sure, I would D. No, please


102.—Thank you ever so much for the present you sent me.


A. Please don’t say so B. It’s not so good, C. No, thanks D. I’m glad you like it

I think

103.—Good luck and have a nice weekend. —___________. Bye-bye.

A. The same to you B. You have it too C. You are too D. The same as you

104.—Would you like something to drink? —__________.

A. Yes, I like chick and fish B. One Coke, C. Just a few, D. Oh, no. That’s great

please please

. 57.

105. Oh, hi, Judy. Hi, Jason. Come on in. Make _______________at home.

A. yourself B. us C. yourselves D. you

106.—How far is it from our school to __________seaside? —It is _________ eight-kilometre walk from here.

A. the; an B. 不填;an C. the; a D. 不填; a

107. — Can you give me a hand, Robin? —But, Helen, you ________my help every five minutes. I

__________TV now.

A. need; am watching B. need; watch C. are needing; D. are needing; am

watch watching

108. —Can I talk to you for a minute, Brian? —Sure, I have ________time. A. a few B. little C. few D. a little

109. —Hi, Carol. How was your trip to Disney World? —Hi, Alice. Oh, we ___________a good time there.

A. are having B. have had C. had D. have

110. Now the air in our hometown is ____________than it was before. Something must be done.

A. much better B. more worse C. more better D. much worse

111. Look at those big black clouds. It ___________rain. Let’s hurry. A. must B. will C. would

D. is going to

112. The poor man ate a big breakfast ___________he said he wasn’t hungry. A. since B. because

C. though D. for

113. —It’s time to do your homework, Jack. —Yes, Mum. I’ll turn off the TV as soon as the programme ________. A. ends B. end C. will be ended D. will end

114. The boy said he had to speak English in class, but he ________speak it after class. A. could B. didn’t have to C. might D. shouldn’t

115. Mary is flying to France soon. She will arrive _________Paris__________the morning of July 9.

A. at; in B. in; on C. in; in D. at; on

116. Yesterday afternoon Mrs Green told the boys ___________football in the classroom.

A. didn’t play B. to not play C. not play D. not to play

117. Catherine __________the letter before her mother came into her bedroom.

A. has written B. was written C. had written D. is writing

118.—__________have dinner with me and my wife something next week? —Yes, I’d like to. Thank you.

A. Would you like B. Do you like C. Would you D. Do you

119. The film star is going to spend ____________dollars on a new dress for the coming party.

A. three thousands B. thousands of C. thousand of D. three thousands of

120. Your sister works very hard, and ____________. A. so you are B. so you do C. so are you D. so do you

121. Johnny doesn’t sing quite____________the other boys and girls in his class.

A. so well as B. as good like C. as well like D. so good as

122. When he comes back, Dad always ___________his shoes and leaves them by the front door.

A. tries on B. takes off C. takes away D. puts on

123. Mr. Johnson’s story _________by everyone who A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laughed D. heard it. was laughed at

124. Mr. King has never been to France, __________? A. has he B. hasn’t Mr King C. hasn’t he

D. has Mr King

125. ____________wonderful music it is! I like Beethoven’s better than anybody’s. A. What B. How a

. 58.

C. What a D. How

126. The sun ____________looks like a red ball.

A. rises in the east B. which is rising in the C. that rising in the D. is rising in the east

east east

127. I’ll _________you _____________.

A. ring to; wherever B. ring; wherever you go C. ring; wherever D. ring; where you go you go to you go

128. Do you know the man ______________?

A. with whom she is B. she is going to C. who is she going D. she is going to marry going to marry marry to marry with

129. The question is ___________you a ride. He didn’t even know you.

A. why he gave B. why he took C. where he gave D. why did he give

130. The weather in Dandong is cooler than __________Wuhan in summer. A. it at B. one in C. this at D. that in

Test Six


1. Most______________________(country) use satellites to send and receive messages.

2. My sister is_________________(happy) now because she lost her money.

3. He tried to make 4. The boys enjoy____________________(see) fight us________________(understand). films very much.

5. He left the room 6. Mr Johnson’s cup is___________(break). He is going without_______________________ (say) goodbye. to buy a new one.

7. It was an______________(enjoy) trip. We all had 8. They left Guangzhou on the____________(nine) of a wonderful time. June, 2003.

9. We should brush 10. This book is the lightest our__________________(tooth) twice a day. and_________________(thin) of all the books.

11. To his surprise, the books on the__________________(twelve) shelf were___________________(miss).

12. The ______________(use) truck I bought from Don is far cheaper than a new one, but it’s very________________(use).

13. Could you cut the pear into 14. In the____________(twenty-one) century, there will two_______________(half)? be more inventions.

15. Two______________ (hour) ride is not so 16. I usually go to see my grandparents long. _____________a month. (two)

17. Those doctors and nurses saved many ___________________ in Xiaotangshan Hospital. (life)

18. When we got there, we found the shop 19. My father___________(read) China Daily every was_____________(close) evening.

20. Jinan is changing fast. There _____________(be) more tall buildings next year in the west.

21. Our team did very well in the _______________(two) half of the match.

22. Could you please turn down the radio? I______________________(talk) to the baby now.

23. The earthquake rocked the cities in the north of Algeria. Many people lost their____________(life).

24. Last Saturday, we_____________________(climb) Mount Tai to watch the sunrise.

25. Trees and flowers help ______________(clean) 26. Travelling by air the air in the city. is__________________________(expensive) than by


. 59.

27. She is_____________________(interest) in 28.I don’t feel like____________________(take) medicine collecting coins. even though I am ill.

29. If you make up your mind___________________(do) it, you’ll be successful in the end.

30. They all look forward to______________________(visit) the Great Wall some day.

31. I won’t go to see the film tonight, because I_____________(lose) my ticket.

32.The launch(发射) in 2003 was successful, so China became the third country_________(send) its astronauts into space after Russia and the USA.

33. I’m really getting too fat. From now on, I_______________(do) more exercise and eat less food.

34. He told me that he would have his 35. The bike isn’t worth____________(buy). watch_______________(repair) the next day.

36. Forests are very important to the world. The wind can___________(stop) from___________(blow) the earth away.

The sand can______________(stop) from_______________(move) towards the rich farmland.

37. He was made _______________(sing) an 38.Some of the visitors are____________(Germany). English song at the party. They come from Berlin.

39. Which is the_____________(invent) that has changed the world most greatly, the watch, the telephone or the computer?

40. The________________(fly) to Guangzhuo is at 20:45 on the second of March.

41. There are shops, schools and banks in the_________________________(neighbour)

42. To tell you the _______________(true), I really 43.I hope the__________________(friend) between us don’t like swimming. will last for ever.

44. Please pay attention to 45. Hard work is the key your________________(pronounce). to___________________(succeed).

46. In our province, there are 47.Can you give a___________________(describe) of two__________________(car) factories. your little brother?

48.The girl’s________________(beautiful) amazes 49._________________________(Lucy and Lily) rooms us. are very big.

50. Is there anything important in 51. The ____________ (student) reading room is next ______________(today) newspaper? to the meeting room.

52. Autumn is coming, ________________(leaf) are falling down to the ground.

53. The Greens are____________________(happy) to live in this_______________(noise) street. They have decided to move to another place.

54. The panda has been________________(die) for 55. I like her dress. It looks about two months. very_________________(beauty)

56. Don’t feel_____________(worry) about your child. The whole class would be__________________(friend) to the new classmate.

57. The______________(finally) exams usually take 58. It’s a_________________(please) trip for all of place at the end of June. us.

59. It’s _____________(possible) for an ordinary plane 60.The children in China are living to fly to the moon. a_______________(color) life.

61. It was an ______________match, 62.We all had a very____________________(enjoy) which______________us most. (amaze) time at the party.

63. The death of her____________________(love) dog 64. I received some made the girl sad. Christmas____________(card) from my pen pals.

. 60.

65. We saw a picture of 66. Peter is much______________(tall) than Kitty. a________________(feather)dinosaur in the museum.

67. You should listen to your 68. I would rather________(stay) at home than go teacher___________________(care) in class. shopping with you.

69. The young man works as a________________(wait) 70. Open the window and_________________(air) in a five-star hotel. the room, please.

71. He felt very___________________(sleep) and fell _________________(sleep) soon when he lay in bed.

72. The weather was so_____________(mist) that people could not see any building in front of them.

73. If you want to be thinner and_____________________(health), you should eat less food.

74. The children were________________(real) excited when they saw the two pandas, Tuantuan and Yuanyuan.

75. To be lovely Shanghainese, we should be helpful and______________(friend) to others.

76. Our new flat is on the_________________(ten) floor, and we have a good view of the park.

77. The situation in that country is_____________________(danger). You’d better not go there.

78. The Jin brothers have been to the_________(high) mountain-----Qomolangma Mountain, Kunmingnese are proud of them

79. Must women be good at ___________________(wash) dishes?

80. When some___________________(sing) forget their words, they always ask the listeners to sing for them.

81. Do happy people make more money than unhappy________________________(one)?

82. Hong Zhanghui moves China with a moving story. we must learn from________________(he)

83. There were 32 football teams playing 64_______________________(match) in the World Cup.

84. “Young man, if you talk_____________(little) and eat more, you will enjoy yourself.” the old lady said.

85.----Who is______________(Victor) English teacher? ----The woman who often wears beautiful clothes.

86. Things are getting ______________than 87. The old woman can’t see things well without before. (bad) ____________(glass)

88. Did you go to the teachers’ 89. They played ________________(careless), so ____________centre yesterday? (train) they lost the game.

90. The boys seemed too confident and 91. He tried many times and ________________(relax). _________________(final) succeeded.

92. Can you write this word ________________? 93. She cried with _________________. (painful) (exact)

94. Pets can give people _________________. 95. You must tell the ___________________.(true) (please)

96. What is the 97. Our foreign teacher is from _________________________(print) used for? ________________(German).

98. Outdoor ____________________are seldom 99. The ______________(leaf) fall down from trees in done in our school. autumn.

100. It is ________________(mist) today, so we 101. You may be ______________(trap) by the fire. must drive carefully.

102. It is ___________________for the boy to finish the work in such a short time. (possible)

103. I think picking apples is much _________________(enjoy) than having class.

104. He was so poor that he had to 105. He can ____________(almost not) speak b__________(ask for) for his bread French.

. 61.

106. Which do you _________________(like 107. Boys and girls, let’s play a game. Don’t be better), tea or coffee? n______________.

108. Do you think the population will i__________________(make or become greater in size, number, ect.)?

109. The fish was still a________________after an hour without water. It’s amazing.

110. You can come over to see me at 111.The d_____________________thouht the man a_______________next week. was a thief.

112. He r______________he was wrong at last. 113. The old man has been d__________for two


114. These are many m_________________and newspapers in the library. 115. There will be a famous TV play on C_________________1.

116. Our country needs a man with more 117.He d______________to go abroad for further k_____________________ study.

119. N_______________of us has ever believed his 120. The t______________often travels from one honesty. place to another.

121. The e____________on which we live should 122. He b_______________me at playing chess. be protected for ever.

123. When we play in a team, we should remember 124. I can’t say for c__________when we’ll arrive. t______________.

125. We e_____________ that every day is a 126. What kind of v________________work could holiday. you do?

127. He___________________a rest after all that 128. You should c________________on your study hard work. as a student.


. 62.

1.He cares very little for ___________________(他自己)。

2.I don’t think students should be _______________(允许) to bring mobile phones to school.

3.Yesterday I had a toothache. So I went to see the _______________(牙医). 4.Jenny has a hobby_________________(收集) shells.

5.My brother is not tall or short. He is_______________(中等) height. 6.He didn’t succeed until tried the_____________(十二) time.

7.Tony fell off his bike and hurt himself______________(严重的).

8. “I’ve _____________(长大). I can help with some housework, “ she said to her parents.

9. Please______________(关掉) the lights before you leave. 10.I don’t want to makewrong___________(决定)and regret it later.

11.Paul is quite interested in football. Now he is a member of a football______________(俱乐部).

12.You should be dressed neatly when you_____________(进入)a concert hall.

13.Many people are very _______________(积极的)to do their business.

14.The weather will get_______________(更差) during the day. You’d better put on your sweater.

15.----Would you like to visit the museum with me tomorrow?

----I’d love to, but we’ll play_____________(与…对抗)the basketball team from No. 2 Middle School.

16.The film Chicken Little is really wonderful. It______________(描写)a lovely chicken that wears a pairbig glasses.

17.More and more people like to lie on the______________(海滩) to enjoy the sunshine.

18.Look! The lights on the Christmas tree are shining________________(明亮地) like stars.

19.The group of students are trying to learn more about ________________(太空).

20.Daniel is an active boy and he is crazy about playing_______________(网球).

21.The old man lives alone, but he doesn’t feel______________(孤独的) because he has many friends.

22.They wanted to remind us that we should protect the________________(环境)by showing us the beauof nature.

23.The old engineer made a contribution to developing the __________________(西部的)part of China.

24.The book is well _____________(值得……的) reading again. 25. A good_____________始) makes a good ending.

26. The sports meeting was a great 27. He received a higher _______________(教育)_______________(成功) Beijing.

28. Don’t ________________(把…当作) him as a 29. This work is ____________(大部分)done. child.

30. He _____________(好像) to be ill. 31. Have you ever seen a _______________(侦


32. This ______________(抢劫案) happened at 3 33. He gave us a vivid (生动的)___________o’clock this afternoon. 述)of his life there.

35. The boy who is watering the flowers is my 36. Jim ________________(注意到) it about ______________(表弟). hour ago.

37. It’s not polite to spit in ______________(公共的) 38. My hobby is _________________(收集)stampplaces.

39. We call the waste things _____________(垃圾). 40. This factory __________________(生产) a ki

od new bicycle.

41. Is there anything ______________(特殊的) in 42. What’s the price of the ___________(用过today’s newspaper? desks and chairs?

. 63.

43. Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of _______________(慷慨) lives on tod

44. The boy’s father taught Edison how to send messages by _______________(电报)

45. What kind of _______________(精神) do you need to become a scientist?

46. The room was empty except a 47. He was ____________(惊讶) _________________(单人的) chair. the___________(惊讶的) news


1. The exam begins at nine. (改为一般疑问句) ___________the exam______________at nine?

2. He was at four yesterday ________ _________ he ___________at foafternoon. (划线部分提问) yesterday afternoon?

3. We planted many trees in our school yard. (改为被Many trees______ __________in our school yard动语态)

4. When he was thirty, Tom moved to London. (改为At the ___________of thirty, Tom moved 同义句) London.

5. She had nothing for breakfast, _________

___________? (改为反意疑问句)

6. Didn’t they tell you about it? (改为被动语态) __________________you_________________abou


7. Will the meeting be held in Beijing? Could you tell me? (合并成含有宾语从句的复合句)

Could you tell me______________the meeting________________in Beijing? (划线部分______ ______ did Martin weigh at the a提问) of five?

9. The recitation was kind of boring and I liked the cross talk better. (保持原句意思)

The recitation was__________ _________ boring and I preferred the cross talk.

10. Sam’s grandfather died 10 years ago. (保持原句Sam’s grandfather has been _______ _______意思) years.

11. Your dormitory is very bright. (改为感叹句) _________ _________ your dormitory is !

12.We must keep the noise under 50 dBs(分贝) here. The noise must _______ _________under 50 d(改为被动语态) here.

13. We have already finished our homework. (改为We _________finished our homework __________否定句)

14. Mike plays computer games every day. (改为一_________Mike _________computer games eve般疑问句) day? (划线部分提_______ ___________Lin Tao put the radio? 问)

16. They may plant fruit trees on the hill next spring. Fruit trees may ________ _______ on the hill ne(改为被动语态) spring.

17. Why not ask the man over there? (改为同义句) Why __________ __________ ask the man ov


18. My grandpa joined the Party thirty years ago. My grandpa __________ __________ in t(改为同义句) Party for thirty years.

19. Kate is cleverer than her classmates. __________ _____________ is cleverer than Ka

in her class.

20. Shanghai is the biggest of all in China. Shanghai is__________than_______

________city in China.

. 64.

21. Mr Green is fifty years old. So is his wife. 22. English is less popular than Chinese.

Mr. Green is ______ ______ ________ his wife. English _________ ____________ popu___________ Chinese.

23. If you want to be healthier, you should take more exercise. _______ _________ you take exerci_______ ___________you will be.

24. They had to leave here together. (完成反意疑问句) They had to leave here togeth


25. The girl will get everything ready ________ ________ will the girl get everythi对划线部分提问) 26. Linda asked John, “Where did you buy this new bike?” (改成复合句) 27. Tom has little money with him. (改为反意疑问句) 28. Mary wrote a letter to her friend last night. (改为否定句) 29. He’s already seen the film. (改为一般疑问句) 30. I can get to Tian’(对划线部分提问) 31. The old man told me he was a driver. (改为反意疑问句) 32. I think he is right. (改为反义疑问句) 33. The young man joined the army two years ago. (改为同义句) 34. kate can not only sing but also dance. (写出同义句) (对划线部分提问) 36. She’s never swum. (改为反意疑问句) 37. I’ve already written a composition. (改为否定句) 38. I spent 1000 yuan on the coat. (写出同义句) 39.He borrowed this book two weeks ago. (写出同义句)

40. After Uncle Wang finished his work, he went home. (写出同义句) 41. She was very tired. She couldn’t do anything. (写出同义句)

42. The boy is very strong, he can carry the heavy box. (写出同义句)

43. When does he get up? Do you know? (改为宾语从句) 44.He could hardly wait. (改为反意疑问句) 对划线部分提问)

46. Could you tell me the way to station? (写出同义句) .


Linda asked John where ________ _____that new bike. Tom has little money, _________ __________Mary ________ _________a letter to her frielast night. ___________he seen the film ___________? _________ ________you get to Tian’anmfrom Wangfujing?

The old man told me he was a driver, _______________?

I think he is right, _______________?

The young man _____ ______ _____ the armfor two years. Kate can __________si


_____ ______ has Mr. Black taught in thschool? She’s never swum, ______ _________? I _________written a composition __________I ___________1000 yuan _________the coat. He ________ _______the book for two weeks. Uncle Wang __________ go home________finished his work.

She was _______tired_______do anything The boy is ______ ______carry th eheavy boxDo you know _______he _________________? He could hardly wait, ________ ________? ______ ______ _____the meeting start? Could you tell me ________ ______ __________to the station?


47. All are here, but our English teacher isn’t. (写出同


48. Both of the girls are good at English. (改为否定句) ________is here _____________our Engliteacher. ________of the girls ___________good

English. ’s son. (对划线部分提问) ________ _________is Green’s son?

50. They write to their friends (对划线部分提问) ________ ________________they write to their friends?


1.Boys are always exciting about playing football. 2. How often have you been in Greener


3.There used to have few tall buildings around our 4.They flying kites in the park now.


5.The whole society speaks high of medical workers. 6.We can see lots of sheeps on the hill.

7.There will have a class meeting next Monday 8.The twins are good to maths.


9.Peter, with his parents, are going to have a picnic 10. With my help, he finished made the kite in the country. at last.

11.Father thought the room was not enough big for

both of us to live in.

12.Though the students have finished their lessons, but they are still in the classroom waiting for their teacher.

13.Yesterday was his daughter’s eleventh birthday and he bought a present for him.

14.We had better to send for a doctor because some of the children suddenly fell ill this morning.

15.Ann didn’t know how work out the problem in 16. Why not ask for help when you were with class. trouble?

17.Look! What happy the children are in the 18.We have learned English since two years garden! and a half.

19.I’ll go back home as soon as school will be 20. You’d better speak as more English as you over. can.

21. He asked him why was he doing that. 22. His mother found he a very good pupil.

23. I wasn’t able speak English at that time. 24. She didn’t teach him to read and write.

25. The little girl is very interesting in maths. 26. I couldn’t see it clear.

27. Why didn’t you tell her to use hers own? 28. Which of these do you think are the most

useful invention?

29. He said that he is worried about Jim. 30. Do you know what does he say about Mr.


31.The boy can hardly walk, can’t he? 32. She spent two hours to read the


33. Neither Lin Tao nor Wang Lin don’t like playing 34.Though I am very busy, I won’t go to the football. cinema.

35.—How long will you go to see your mother? —In two days time

36. None of his parents has been to Beijing. 37. By the end of last year, he has written five


. 66.

38. Lucy said that she has seen the film for four 39. Lesson Six is much more interesting than times. the seven lesson.

40.How much is the population of Japan? 41. Though the old man is very old, but he is

still healthy.

42.They have had their lunch at school at half past 43. His grandpa has died for three years.


44. The runner seemed to very tired after he 45.The boy didn’t go out to play when his finished doing the work. mother came back.

46. What to do it hasn’t been decided. 47. My wife will go to her parents’ house the

next month.

48. We haven’t got any books on the history of England at that moment, I’m afraid.

49. He is a quite popular doctor in the hospital. 50. When was this school builded?

51. He said that he has been to Shanghai 52. There are five Japaneses in this factory.


53. We want to find out what would happen in 54. Which subject do you like best, maths or a hundred years. Chinese?

55. Lucy likes to be on red. 56. Neither of them are workers.

57. Can you stop the boy about breaking the 58. We should dig a hole enough large to plant a young trees? tree.

59.People are listening to such an important 60. Many animals will be disappeared unless news carefully. people stop killing them.

61. Most Chinese know the Party was found on

July 1 st, 1921.

62. The young man can’t fall asleep, for he proud of going to university.

63. The doctor told you to give up to smoke 64. Although the old man is very old, but he is still right now. strong.

65. They asked me if I had gone there before. 66. I’m not sure that he is on the team.

67.This child is too young to dress his clothes. 68. I’m sorry I have forgotten my keys at home.

69. When we arrived at the football field, the 70. Don’t get off the bus until it will stop.

game started.

71.Many thousands of stars can seen in the 72. We have another ten trees to plant.


73. All the women who is busy working on the farm will have a five-day holiday. 74. Neither I nor he have been to America.


1.今天的天气真好啊! 既不冷也不热。 What a nice day! It’s _________cold ____________hot.

2.你父母正忙于工作。为什么不自己做呢? Your parents are busy working. Why _______ ________it yourself?

3.当李先生听到这个好消息时,兴奋地说不出话来。 Mr. Li was ________excited ________ say anything when he heard this piece of good news.

4.我一收到你的电子邮件,就告诉你叔叔。 I’ll tell your uncle about it _______ ______ _______ I get your

. 67.


5.工人们建成这所医院花费了都长时间? How long ___________it __________ the workers ___________build this hospital?

6.是我们努力学习英语的时候了。 It is __________for us______ _______ study English hard.

7.你妹妹是医生还是司机呢? ________ your sister a doctor__________ a driver?

8.请告诉我怎样去动物园, 好吗? Could you tell me ____________to get to the ___________, please?

9.请稍等,让我把你的名字记下来。 Please wait a moment. _________me write__________ your name.

10.我妈妈每天花一小时打扫卫生。 It _______ my mother an hour to __________ the cleaning every day.

11.你的朋友吉姆擅长打网球,你擅长什么? Your friend Jim is _________ __________playing tennis. What ________ you?

12.有医护人员的精心照料,这些病人感到少了几许孤独。 With the doctors and ________ great __________, the patients ________ ________ _________.


We________ __________ ________the great success that the Chinese climbers reached the top of Mount Qomolangma again.

14.第四十七届世界乒赛在巴黎举行, 中国乒乓球远动员赢得理所当然。

The 47th World Table Tennis Championship_________ ________in Paris and the Chinese ping-pong players_________ __________ __________.


She _________ ___________the things could be bought with her credit card until the money was ________ _______ ______ the bank

16.这个小男孩对这本有趣的故事书产生了浓厚的兴趣。The little boy became very ________ ____________ this _____________storybook.

17.据说最危险的鲨鱼是大白鲨。 It __________ __________ that the most dangerous shark is the Great White Shark.

18.你必须戒烟,否则会对你的健康有害。You must ________ __________ __________, or it’s _________ _________your health.

19.爱迪生只上过三个月的学。 Edison was __________ _____________for only three months.

20.她五岁时就会游泳了。 She _________ __________ ___________swim ________ _______ __________ __________five.

21.他中学毕业后上了清华大学。After he__________ ___________middle sachool, he went to Qinghua University.

22.你将和谁一起去旅行? ___________will you travel___________?

23.圣诞老人是以历史上的一个真人为依据的。 Father Christmas is _________ __________a real person in history.

24. 邮票用于寄信。 Stamps __________ ___________ ______________sending letters.

25.书是纸制成的,纸是木材制成的。Books are made__________paper and paper is made___________wood.

26.世界上将哪一种语言的人最多?Which language__________ ___________by _________ _________ __________ of people in the world?

27.英语在这些国家中不是第一语言。 English is the first language in _________ __________these countries.

28.全世界四分之三的书和报纸是用英语写的。Three__________ of the world’s books and newspapers ___________ __________in English.

29.请大声讲话以便使我们能听清楚。 Please speak louder________ _________we can hear you clearly.

. 68.

30.这些蛋是恐龙在很久很久以前产的。These eggs ______ _______long long ago by dinosaurs.

31.你在什么地方见到我的狗了吗? ________you seen my dog __________?

32.你曾听过外国音乐吗? Have you _______ _________ ___________ foreign music?

33.我想知道她是否已经完成工作。 I ________ __________ she has finished the work _________.

34.我已经将我的自行车借给Tom了。I _________ _________ _________bike_________________Tom.

35.过去他常在星期天去钓鱼。 He ________ _________ go _________ ________ Sundays.

36.Tom有一本字典。我也有一本。 Tom has got a dictionary and ___________ ___________ ___________

37.她花了很多钱在穿衣上。 She ___________a lot _______________her dresses.

38.你认为丹东的天气怎么样? _______ _________ ________ _________ _________the weather in England?

39.他们到达这个村庄已两个小时了。 They _________ __________at the village ___________two hours.

40.我想要两张票,可一张也没剩下。 I wanted two tickets, but there were____________ ____________.

41.这座城市因为历史悠久而著名。 The city __________ ____________ ___________ its long history.

42.无论发生什么事,你一定要支持我。 _________ ___________ __________happens, you must _________my side.

43.他获得男子一千米赛跑的冠军。 He _________ boy’s _________race.

44.他们不想停止登山。 They don’t want to ________ __________ ___________the mountain.

45.这件上衣很合我身。The jacket _________ me ___________.

46.当一名兽医很值得。 It’s very rewarding ________ ________ a doctor _______ animals.

47.给予比接受好。 It’s better ________ ________ ________ _________ __________.

48.这本书不久就要出版。 This book will ___________ ___________ __________ ___________.

49.我们按照胡老师告诉我们的去做了。 We did _________ Mr. Hu __________ ____________.

50.汤姆与此事无关。 Tom __________ ____________to do _____________this matter.

51. 上星期天他在电视上看了一部反映二战时期的侦探片。 He watched a __________ _________ about the World War II _________TV last Sunday.

52.弗兰克业余时间不是去钓鱼就是去划船。 Frank goes _________fishing_____________boating in his spare time.

53.孩子们最好不要过多地玩电脑游戏。 Children _________ ____________ ___________play computer games too often.

54.这是鲁迅住过的房子。 This is the room in ___________Lu Xun lived.

55.那是我看过的最精彩的电影。 That is the most wonderful film _________ I have seen.

56.是我们惊奇的是,她上次数学考试竟然及格了。 ________ _____________ ___________, she passed the maths exam last time.

57.地球上甚至连站的空间也没有了。 There will not be enough space to _________ ___________on the earth.

58.那就意味着大约600年后,地球上将只有立足之地了。That means that in about 600 years, there will be _________ __________only on the earth.

59.我未曾见过这么美丽的湖。 I have ________ ___________ __________ a beautiful lake.

60.非常高兴见到你,因为我妻子总是夸奖你。 I’m so glad to meet you, for my wife has always ________ very _________ _________ you.

61.那个老人已去世5年了。 The old man ________ __________ __________for five years.

. 69.

62.对不起,明天我会晚一点来。 _________ __________that I will come a little later tomorrow.

63.老师叫我们把两个句子连接起来。 The teacher told us to _________two sentences ______________.

64.醉酒驾车非常危险。 It’s very dangerous to __________after ____________. 65. 醉酒对你有害。 Drinking too much ________ _______ to you.

66.无论是谁这样说,那就是错的。 ______________ says so, it is wrong.

67. 我将尽快地把它还给你。 I’ll return it to you ______ _______ _______possible.

68.我们应该防备孩子们受凉。 We should ____________the children _________ ____________cold.

69.他对那个计划有很大贡献。 He has __________ ___________ _______________ to the program.

70.如果你变得越来越胖,你就必须多进行锻炼。 If you ________ fatter________fatter, you will have to take more ____________.

F. 英语词汇辨析:

1. leave: ①leave sth. done.留下某事被做.

②leave… with,leave…to. 二者都可用来表示“把……托付(交给)”的意思.用to时,有时含有“赠送”之意;用with时,

含有托付某人“保管、 处理”之意. leave后接人的名词时,一般只用leave… with 结构.

eg.@ She had left a number of books with me. 她把许多书籍交给了我.

@Leaving me with a relative,he went to join the Red Army. 他把我托付给一位亲戚之后,就去参加红军了.

(1) ___________alone in the dark room, the little boy was so frightened as to cry.

A. Leaving B. left C. To be left D. Having left

(2) It seems, everybody, that some of the questions will have to be left_____________because of the time limit .

A. answered B. unanswered C. to answer D. answer

2.seat , sit: ⑴sit是不及物动词,而 seat是及物动词,使用seat时要用be seated或seat oneself两种形式. 如:“玛丽坐在书桌旁.”这句话可译为: Mary sat at the desk. / Mary was seated at the desk. / Mary seated herself at the desk. /而不能译为:Mary seated at the desk.


eg. “Here’s a seat for you. 要表达“请坐”. 可以说: Have a (the)seat/ take a (the) seat意思相当于sit down. Take this seat. 请坐这儿.

⑶set 表示“使坐于坐的姿势”. eg. He set the child on his knee. 他让孩子坐在膝上.

eg.1. When the speaker found all the guests __________,he began his speech. A. seated B. taken their seats C. sitting down D. seating

2. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain____________as the plane was making a landing.

A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating

3. convenient : adj. convenient意为“方便的”,常用于it is convenient (for sb) to do ….或sth. is convenient to sb. 结构.

eg. Come and see me whenever_______________.

A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you

解:convenient意为“方便的”,常用于it is convenient (for sb) to do ….或sth. is convenient to sb. 结构. convenient 常用it 作主语,指时间;另外,whenever 引导时间状语从句,其谓语动词应用现在时表示将来.

. 70.


4. remind : remind意为“提醒”,常接宾语从句或用于remind sb. about sth.结构;也可表示“使某人想起/回忆起…..”,常用于remind sb. of sth. /sb 结构. mention(提到、提及)和memorize(记住)都不能用于“v + sb. +of sth, / sb”结构;inform sb. of sth 表示“通知某人某事”.

eg. What he said just now_____________ me of that American professor. A. mentioned B. informed C. reminded D. memorized

解:remind意为“提醒”,常接宾语从句或用于remind sb. about sth.结构;也可表示“使某人想起/回忆起…..”,常用于remind sb. of sth. /sb 结构. mention(提到、提及)和memorize(记住) 都不能用于”v + sb. +of sth. / sb.”结构;inform sb. of sth 表示“通知某人某事”,不合句意,故选C.

5. make(great)progress: eg. He has made a rapid progress in his studies this term. (改错)

解:应把a去掉,progress是不可数名词,前面不能加冠词,英语中还有一些类似的不可数名词,如:news, information, fun, advice等。

6. choose from (有几双供选择)与choose(选择几双).

eg. There are five pairs__________ ,but I’m at a loss which to buy. A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choosing

解:答案为B.动词不定式 to choose from在句中作定语.因为所表示的意思是有五双可供选择,而不是选择五双,所以要在 to choose后加介词 from 。

7. agree with sb. / agree with what sb. said . /agree on (主语是复数,译为“在…达成协议”)。

eg. ① We agreed ____________ here, but so far she hasn’t turned up yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met

解:答案为C. 此题考查不定式作宾语的用法.动词agree后要求用带to的不定式作宾语,故排除A、B.又根据题意所示,meet所表示的动作没有先于agree所表示的动作,排除答案D,故选C.

② At last both sides agreed _________the price and they signed a contract(合同). A. with B. to C. on D in

③ I’m quit e____________ agreement_________ what you say. A. in; on B. on;with C. in;with D. on;on

8. that = so

eg.— Now that you like the portable personal computer so much ,why not buy one? — Well, I can’t afford __________ computer at present.

A. that expensive a B. a such cheap C. that an expensive D. so a cheap

9.fit,match,suit : (1) fit 与suit可指衣服“合适”或“适合”的意思.fit 指大小、尺寸合体,suit指颜色,花样或款式适合.

eg.@ The coat fits me well. 这件上衣我穿着很合身.

@ The color of the cloth suits a woman at my wife’s age. 这布的颜色适合我妻子年龄的妇女穿.

eg. I can’t go that far. Long plane trips don’t ____________me. A. agree with B. agree to C. fit for D. match with

(2) match多指大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配.

eg. The People’s Great Hall and the Historical Museum match the Tiananmen beautifully. 人民大会堂和历史博物馆与天安门陪衬得极为优美.

eg. @ He knows a lot about film. No one in our class can __________ him in that knowledge. A. catch B. suit C. compare D. match

@ The shirt is two sizes ________for me. Would you please show me another one? A. larger B. too large C. more large D. very large

解:B习惯用语问题.说明:英语中,表示“(衣帽等)太大或太小因而不合适“,须用 too large/small for sb. “对

. 71.

某人大几号为”“sizes too large for sb.”

10. enjoy : enjoy done sth. 喜欢某事被做;enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事.

eg. I enjoy noodles ___________by my mother ,which taste very delicious. A. cooked B. cooking C. being cooked D. being cooking

A.What B.Why

C.Where D.Which


A.what B.which C.how D.where

parents say and do has a life-long effect on their children.A.That B.Which

C.What D.As

1. 1 -4 C D A D 2. 1-4 D B A C 3. 1 -3 C C A 4. 1 -3 A D A

5. 1 -4 C B A C 6. 1 -3 C B D

1——5 CAACB 6——10 CACCC 11——15 AABBD

16——20 CABCB

21——25 ACCDA 26——30 BBCBD

31——35 CBCAA 36——40 BAAAC

41——45 ACABC 46——50 DCBAC 51——55 BCCCB

56——60 CCCBB

61——65 BBBBA 66——70 BBCCC 71——75 DDABB

76——80 DCABD

81——85 ACDAD 86——90 BDDCC 91——95 CCCCA 96——98CBB

. 72.





















如何提高英语写作能力 课题研究(结题报告)


如何提高英语写作能力 课题研究(结题报告)

