篇一 :眼 见 不 一 定 为 实

眼 见 不 一 定 为 实







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篇二 :启迪人生_眼见不一定为实






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篇三 :眼见不一定为实




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篇四 :Seeing is not always believing(眼见不一定为实)

As the saying goes,” Seeing is believing”. It means that what you hear about may be false, what you see is true. It is so natural that people rarely doubt it. But now it seems that many things lead us to further discussion on this matter.

Every morning, we see that the sun rises from the east and sets down from the west, so people take it for granted that the sun moves around our earth. Actually, it’s our earth that moves around the sun.

When you watch the close-up magic performance, you may be amazed by what you have seen. When the train disappeared in front of your eyes, when the magician is cut in half by the electric saw,” Oh, my God! It’s impossible”. You may blurt out the words. Yeah, it is really happened under your very eyes. But you know that the train is still there and the magician is not hurt by the terrible machine.

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篇五 :眼见不一定为实


高一十三班 马书光

班主任在管理工作中,常常受到各种因素的影响而做出错误的判断,从而造成了不良的影响,甚至损伤了学生的自尊心和积极性,是师生感情受到挫伤。 一次上课铃响时,我又开始了例行的“监督”工作,同学们都很快地跑回教室。过了一会儿,上课的老师也进了教室,第二遍铃响过后,我的目光刚要移开,突然看见我班颇为顽皮的男同学××跑进教室。我当时就想:“这小子肯定是课间跑操场上玩去了,才会上课迟到!这是我亲眼所见,准没错!”一下课,我就走进教室,把他叫到讲台前,严厉地批评他上课迟到。平日里大大咧咧的他这下可急了,我分明看见眼泪在他眼圈里转。“您冤枉人,我根本没玩,下课,同学们围着李老师问问题,然后李老师又叫我帮她把作业本抱办公室去,这才晚的!”我的脑中“轰”的一下,是呀,我怎么忘了,为了调动他的学习积极性,我和李老师商量好让他当物理课代表的呀!我知道错怪了他,连忙道歉。他却气乎乎地走了,以后几天都不怎么理我。


有一位同学跟我说了这么一件事,说他以前的班主任特会批评人。一次上这位老师的课,后面的同学问他几点了。他回头说:“没带表,别问了。”结果被老师看见了。下课把他带到办公室,从上课时讲话说到纪律散漫,又说到学习不刻苦,成绩不理想,拿出期中考试成绩单分析了他在班里、年级中的位置,说很危险,又说到他不关心集体,逃了两次值日,最后还想起他吃午饭时总剩饭,不爱惜粮食,这位学生说当时他真想从办公室的窗户跳下去,无奈之情溢于言表。 这件事对我触动很大,作为班主任我们一定要树立正确的学生观,学生都是可教育可塑造的。我们不能用一成不变的老眼光看学生,而应该用发展的眼光看待学生,要注意到学生取得的每一点进步。学生犯了错误,只要改正了,就应该原谅,而不应总挂在嘴边。批评更应就事论事,今天的事就说今天的,把以前的、其他的都抖落出来说几句,学生心里会想:“我就算改好了,老师也不会忘记我以前犯的错,也不会相信我!”这样很不利于学生改正错误。

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篇六 :seeing is not believing眼见不一定为实

Good morning,Ladies and gentlemen!It's my honor to give this speech on the topic of "seeing is not believing".

There's a saying goes, seeing is believing. Many of us also firmly hold this belief in almost all aspects of our lives. However, is seeing really believing?

On Television, we saw politicians from different parties argue fiercely with each other. Hilarious dramas such as throwing shoes are put on the stage as often as we brush our teeth. While they might arrange their ties and go out for dinner hand in hand as old friends after the campaign speech. On books and pictures, we saw Africans, with chocolate skin and a head of kinky hair impossibly for ponytails, suffer from AIDS and poverty all the time. But, we subjectively neglect the fact that most of them actually live the normal lives as us.

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篇七 :Seeing Is Not Believing眼见不一定为实

Seeing Is Not Believing

There is an old saying in China “The eyes are reliable; the ears are false.” Nowadays, this saying needs to be considered again. Seeing is not believing.

What is known to us all is that the magic is very popular in the world. The magician who stands alone on the black stage conjures up some new things. For example, we all see that his bare hands turn into a rabbit suddenly. But it is not true.

In the spring and autumn period, Yan Hui who is another student of Confucius is cooking porridge when the something dirty falls into the pan; he wants to scoop out it with the spoon originally, but he eats it owing to the frugal virtue. However, this scene has been seen by Confucius. Confucius blames him for stealing porridge. When the whole thing come to be obvious, Confucius sighs that seeing is not believing. What’s important, some goods of famous reliable brand also exists a great deal of issue of quality hurting people’s health and violates consumers’ right. So it is absurd to follow the tide to believe the celebrity effect.

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篇八 :Seeing is not believing眼见不一定为实 英文演讲

Seeing is not believing

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

As the old Chinese saying goes,” What you hear about may be false, but what you see is true.”We often easily believe in what we see without a shadow of doubt, but as a matter of fact, it is not always so convincing.

Most of you must have the experience that the more distant an object is, the smaller it looks like. The size of it in our eyes seems to be changeable, but nothing really changes. If you put a chopstick into the water, it looks as if it is broken. If you walk in the desert for a long time, you may witness the mirage of the oasis. You can intuitively see these phenomena with the awareness that they are not real. That is to say, you are likely to be taken in by your own eyes and what you see.

What we see at first sight may not be true, since the truth can be covered up. A criminal can arrange the crime scene to make the murder look like a suicide. An entrepreneur can create the false prosperity of the market to conceal the potential economic crisis. Even an ordinary person can draw support from the technology of Photoshop to hide his original appearance. Therefore, it is not enough to merely scratch the visible surface and the most crucial step is to expose the essence. For example, the apple falling onto the ground is the surface, while the gravity is the essence; the bubbles shining in the sun is the surface, while the refraction of the sunshine is the essence. And the connection between the surface and the essence is what we should search for from mere seeing.

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