


Novel Report of Sense and Sensibility

Sense and sensibility is a novel written by Jane Austen that was first

published in 1811. She was an English novelist whose works of romantic fictions, and earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature, In her short and glorious life, she wrote about dozens of famous novels, such as sense and sensibility, pride and prejudice, Mansfield park, Emma and so on. When I was in primary school, I had once read the Chinese version of pride and prejudice, through this novel, I have a first understanding of Jane Austen’s vision of love, and realize the life of British girl in that period, but not deep, after reading more and wathed every movie adapted by herworks, I totally love her.

Sense and Sensibility is The story about two sisters, Elinor and Marianne Dashwood (Elinor represents the "sense" and Marianne represents the"sensibility") along with their mother and younger sister Margaret, they are left impoverished after the death of their father, and the family is forced to move to a country cottage. Elinor forms an attachment to the gentle Edward Ferrars, unaware that he is already secretly engaged. Edward is a quiet, unassuming young man who does not aspire to be the "fine figure in the world"which his mother and sister wished him to be. Edward's fortune is dependent on the will of his mother. Elinor knows that she would not like her son to marry a woman of as a low rank as she is and does not allow herself to hope for marriage.

Mrs. Jennings, a good-humored widow, thinks that Brandon is in love with Marianne and teases them both about it. Marianne dislikes him in fact. in the countryside, Marianne falls and breaks her ankle. Willoughby, a dashing and handsome man, carries her back to Barton Cottage. Willoughby begins to visit Marianne every day and they become very close. Elinor overhears him calling Marianne by her first name and believes that they may be secretly engaged. Willoughby leaves abruptly one day telling the Dashwoods that he must go to London and will not return for a year. His departure greatly upsets Marianne.

Edward comes to stay at Barton Cottage near one day. However he seems unhappy and is distant towards Elinor, and she fears that he no longer has any feelings for her. Ann and Lucy , cousins of Lady Middleton, come to visit.soon. However, Lucy then reveals to Elinor that she (Lucy) has been secretly engaged to Edward for four years.. Elinor is overcome with grief, but she keeps the information from her family as a promise to Lucy.

Elinor and Marianne spend the winter at Mrs. Jennings' home in London. Marianne writes to Willoughby, but her letters are unanswered. They meet Willoughby at a party, but he is cold and formal with them. He then sends

Marianne a letter in which he denies ever having loved her and telling her that he is engaged to a Miss Grey, a very wealthy woman . Brandon reveals to Elinor that Willoughby seduced his foster daughter Miss Williams and abandoned her when she became pregnant. Later, Mrs. Jennings tells Elinor that Edward’mother has discovered Edward and Lucy's engagement. Edward refuses to end the

engagement and his mother, furious because of Lucy's poverty, disinherits him.

Marianne becomes very ill after a walk in the rain during which she was wallowing in misery because of Willoughby, and Brandon goes to get Mrs. Dashwood. Meanwhile,he reveals his love for Marianne to Mrs. Dashwood.. Mrs. Dashwood wishes for Marianne to marry him too, but Elinor perceives that Marianne still has a lack of regard for him. They learn that Mr. Ferrars has

married Lucy. Mrs. Dashwood realizes how strong Elinor's feelings for Edward are and is sorry that she did not pay more attention to her unhappiness. However, the next day Edward arrives and reveals that it was his brother who married Lucy. He says that he was trapped in his engagement with Lucy, "a woman he had long since ceased to love," but that she had broken the engagement to marry the now wealthy Robert. Edward asks Elinor to marry him, and she agrees. Over the next two years, Mrs. Dashwood, Marianne matures and after growing to love brandonl, decides to marry Brandon. They marry and live close to Elinor and Edward.

The plot revolves around a contrast between Elinor's sense and Marianne's emotionalism; Yet Austen's treatment of the two sisters is complex and

multi-faceted. The ending does, however, neatly join the themes of sense and sensibility though having the sensible sister marry her true love after long,

romantic obstacles to their union, and the emotional sister find happiness with a man she did not initially love, but who was an eminently sensible choice of a husband. a truly happy marriage, she shows us, exists only where sense and sensibility meet and mix in proper measure。The most remarkable characteristic of Jane Austen as a novelist is her recognition of the limits of her knowledge of life and her determination never to go beyond these limits in her books. She describes her own class, in the part of the country with which she was acquainted; and both the types of character and the events are such as she knew from first-hand observation and experience.


中国人说,成也萧何,败也萧何我想说的就是这么一回 寒假读书报告 事吧。虽然以前看过,可是现在最近因为一件事触动了我,于是又把我从此书中摘录的精华拿出来看一下。






我很佩服简洁先生的“大便决定生死”,当然更佩服汪老师可以堂而皇之地把“大便”放在《细节决定成败II》正文的第一页,版面我还是脸面厚呢?一是培训风。培训成为了公司流行病,职员多发病,网上专有人收集培训视频的,几十元买张碟关在房子里十天半月的看不完,当然,看完了你也成不了精英。 二是概念风。以前的中国人不懂得玩概念,所以很难有系统性地留传下来的东西。现在大家都精通此道了,所以一时间跑出来那么多纳米,那么多管理模式。先树起一个概念,再往里面装入规模、复制等等手段,你就不仅仅是刷墙壁了,而是一刷一片天,你想红色的、白色的、黑色的,都可以。经营管理方面的“畅销书”之原罪,就是这两个风。常重视,极力推荐,三者结合起来,难道不是汪老师的成功吗?首先,汪老师站在市场的角度来写书。然后,汪老师看到社会对经营管理学习的弱点和必然道路,将笔锋一转,再来个川剧绝活,摇身一变,针对整个经营管理来写书;再后来呢,汪老师找到了小营销、中管理之后的大蛋糕:政府。所以在《细节决定成败II》中,汪老师全然一幅忧国忧民的、正义凛然的形象,他已进化成为智慧的精灵、精灵的化身。当然,只有这样,才好转向从政府领培训费啊你不得不信大便决定生死,但真正对你的经营有用的是这三个方

面:战略(如果还处于小规模经营,请用计划代替之),流程和执行.人生犹如“迷宫”,每个人都在其中寻找各自的“奶酪”——稳定的工作、身心的健康、和谐的人际关系、甜蜜美满的爱情,或是令人充满想象的财富……的收获。其实心中对变化滋生的恐惧比现实的情况更麻烦。从唧唧这个小矮人的变化来看,要想改变自己就要学会嘲笑自己所做的傻事。改变自己最快捷的方式就是嘲笑自己的愚蠢,这样才能对自己的过去释然,从而迅速朝着新方向前进。不能永远是哼哼正如他的好朋友唧唧相信哼哼一样我们也应该相信自己,我们也一定能跟随着唧唧的“路标”独自克服安逸和恐惧的心理,自己寻找前进的道路。这个过程是没有人能够代替的,必须通过自己的体验来明白变化的好处才行,随着变化而变化并且享受变化。 这有多难呢?其实并不难,哼哼唧唧,不过也就是一念之间罢了!



理 智 与 情 感——《理智与情感观后感》














理智与情感 读后感







