






6. 商店形象由那些方面构成? P70 促使消费者认知问题的因素有哪些?P38 影响消费者外部信息获取量多少的因素有哪些?P50 复杂购买决策中消费者选择规则有哪些?举例说明其内容是什么?P61 消费者购买决策过程分为哪几个阶段?具体内容是什么?相应的广告策略是什么?


7. 8.

9. 10. 从消费者感知心理看优秀广告评价的标准。见WORD

11. 12. 13.



16. 17. ? 消费者行为学的收获及心得体会。

1. 某产品消费研究:内容要求----1、影响购买的因素分析。2、购买标准是什么? 3、

消费者特点是什么? 4、购买过程是怎样的?



相对于计划性购物,冲动性购物是一种更加即兴的、事先没有计划好的、也没有经过深思熟虑的、且更加难以抑制的一种购物行为,冲动性购物者更可能是被商品从情感上所吸引而渴望立刻得到满足。冲动性购物是一种突然发生的、具有一定强迫性的、享乐主义、对后果不在意的复杂购买行为;在这种行为中,购物决策行为的快速性妨碍了消费者对各种信息和可替代的选择进行深思熟虑的考虑。冲动性购买行为与计划性购买行为相对,是一种自发的、无意识的非计划性购物行为,而且具有一定的复杂性和情感因素。 品牌忠诚型购买是一种非随意性的购买行为反应,消费者一旦对本企业产品形成忠诚,很难为竞争品所动,甚至对竞争品采取漠视的态度,无形中可以减轻企业的竞争压力。其次,品牌忠诚型顾客在购买产品时不大可能搜集额外信息,这可以削弱竞争企业所采用的诸如奖券销售、折扣销售等销售方式的吸引。即使因这种吸引购买了竞争者的产品,他们在下次购买时又会回过头来再度选择其所偏爱的品牌。再次,品牌忠诚型顾客的价格敏感性相对较低,为购得所偏爱的品牌,一般较少期待从打折和讨价还价中获益。最后,忠诚的顾客极可能从事正面的口传,从而进一步扩大品牌的影响。


一般分为五个阶段 1。问题认知(有限型:广告诉求由利益承诺向消费者价值推进,找明星代言;名义型:1.忠诚型:感性广告,增强消费者对产品情感上的依赖,2.习惯型:增强对该品牌的认定和增加对该品牌的信心,针对这类消费者对转换品牌时不会作太多的斟酌和思考的原因基础上,运用比较广告,改变其对其他产品的习惯性购买)




4。购买 5。购后行为(对于在满意的顾客中,相当大的一部分可能成为重复购买者,这里可以采用上述的忠诚型决策对应的广告策略和习惯型决策对应的广告策略。)

3.从消费者感知心理看优秀广告评价标准。 感觉和知觉是两个不同的概念,感觉是人脑对直接而作用于感觉器官的客观事物个别属性的反应。而知觉是对各种属性的一个整体反应,是对感觉信息加工和解释的过程,这两者是紧密联系的,也是消费者对一则广告的第一印象,二者都需要一个外界的刺激物才能产生

一则优秀的广告,首先必须具备的首要本领就是引起消费者注意: 广告大小与强度,大的刺激物比较小的刺激物更容易引起消费者的注意,同样较强的广告刺激更容易引起消费者的注意

从色彩来看,广告色彩越明显,那么就越有可能吸引消费者的注意 广告传达信息的对比性,新异度,趣味性,也是影响消费者注意的重要因素,相对于那些与背景融为一体的刺激物,人们够多的倾向于更多的注意那些与背景形成反差的事物,也就是说对比刺激会给消费者消费者造成一种冲突,激起注意。


易理解性也是评价一则优秀广告的标准之一。 优秀的广告肯定是要促成消费者加强性的学习,也有可能广告目标不同可能会促成消费者一种重复性学习: 首先,传达的信息一定要是针对目标消费者,一定是目标消费者想要知道的。第二,广告必须突出产品特色,以引发消费者的需求。第三,广告应与前面系列的广告有关联性,让消费者能够结合以往的经验来理解。例如,广告口号,让消费者一看到该广告口号,就能联想到该品牌。第四,优秀广告中应该传递一种超越产品的理念,也就是品牌的含义,要让消费者消费者能够始终记住这种概念,如,沃尔沃给消费者传递就是一种安全的概念,消费者看到沃尔沃就会与安全这一理念联系起来。


4.家庭生活周期分为哪几个阶段?消费特点是什么?家庭决策方式的影响因素。 消费者的家庭状况,因为年龄、婚姻状况、子女状况的不同,可以划分为不同的生命周期,在生命周期的不同阶段,消费者的行为呈现出不同的主流特性。
















3、家庭决策的阶段 在家庭购买决策中,同样存在着不同的阶段。家庭成员在购买中的相对影响力,随购买决策阶段的不同而异。





近些年来,随着市场营销学研究内容的丰富和发展,对消费者需要中的某些问题越来越深入,在市场营销学的基础上,又产生了一门新的边缘学科—消费者行为学。消费者行为是市场经济条件下社会经济生活的一个最常见、最普通的问题。也是所有工商企业面临的一个突出问题。消费者与企业、政府作为一般意义上的市场主体其行为变化影响到市场经济运行的各个方面。消费者行为学是一个应用性很强的边缘学科。作者在《消费者行为》一书中注意了本学科的特色。既注意了理论研究, 又注重了应用研究。一方面, 对消费者行为所涉及的基本理论进行了系统研究。形成一系列相关的理论范畴与基本框架。另一方面,又避免了纯理论的抽象。而是从发展市场经济的实际出发, 围绕工商企业转换经营机制搞好市场营销、更好地满足消费需要这一核心展开, 加强了应用研究的力度。这也是适应市场竞争需要,培养跨世纪经营管理人才的客观要求。应当看到, 随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立, 随着“统一、开放、竞争、有序的大市场”的形成, 这就要求企业更多地在炼内功和开拓经营上提高其竟争能力, 就更应注重研究消费者行为, 并根据消费者行为的变化因素及趋势来调整企业的经营。《消费者行为》一书正考虑了企业的这一要求, 紧密联系我国市场变化及企业营销的实际, 加强了对消费者行为的应用研究, 使企业有较强的针对性、实用性。 同时, 《消费者行为》一书又较好地体现了边缘学科的知识交叉性、渗透性, 具有较大的知识信息量。作者在书中有机地运用了政治经济学、消费经济学、市场学、心理学、经济地理学、管理学、商业文化学、广告学等有关学科的知识 。并把这些学科的内容有机地结合在一起, 融汇贯通,自成一体。


①Salient belief

53. What are salient beliefs? Briefly explain how it is important to marketers?


Activated beliefs are called salient beliefs. Only the salient beliefs about an object (those that are activated at a particular time and in a specific context) create a person’s attitude toward that object. Thus, one key to understanding consumers’ attitudes is to identify and understand the underlying set of salient beliefs. If activated, any of these beliefs could influence a consumer’s attitude toward a product. Marketers may find that consumers’ salient beliefs vary over time or situations for some products. That is, different sets of salient beliefs about a product may be activated in different situations or at different times.

Page: 134 – 136 第六章

Difficulty: Medium

②Classical and operant conditioning

53. Briefly describe the ways in which classical and operant conditioning vary. Also

explain the marketing implications of the operant conditioning principle?


Operant conditioning is the process of altering the probability of a behavior being emitted by changing the consequences of the behavior. While classical conditioning is concerned with involuntary responses, operant conditioning deals with behaviors that are usually assumed to be under the conscious control of the individual. Additionally, classically conditioned behaviors are elicited by stimuli that occur before the response, while operant behaviors are emitted because of consequences that occur after the behavior.

The methods of operant conditioning include reinforcement schedules, shaping, and discriminative stimuli. Many marketing strategies and tactics are consistent with operant conditioning principles. Most strategies involve keeping product and service quality on a continuous reinforcement schedule, other types of rewards can be offered on a partial reinforcement schedule. Shaping is used to develop earlier behaviors in a purchase sequence to increase the chances of later behaviors. Many store and brand symbols and logos have become discriminative stimuli for some consumers.

Page: 216, 220 第九章

Difficulty: Medium

③Theory of reasoned action

58. Briefly describe/critique the theory of reasoned action.


The theory of reasoned action asserts that the consumer consciously considers the consequences of possible alternative behaviors in order to select the most desirable behavior. This approach presents the consumer as a rational decision-maker involved in voluntary behavior. Primary emphasis is placed upon the purchase intentions that result from this process, not simple attitudes. Intentions are still not perfect predictors.

The consumer can change their intentions or simply tell researchers what they want to hear. Intention research becomes less accurate with the passage of time and is not useful for involuntary behavior.

Page: 145 第六章

Difficulty: Hard

④Modeling effectiveness

60. Explain the factors influencing modeling effectiveness.


The factors influencing modeling effectiveness are: (1) model and modeled behavior characteristics, (2) observer characteristics, and (3) characteristics of modeled consequences.

Several personal characteristics of observed models influence the probability that an observer will imitate the modeled behavior. Observers are also influenced by the manner in which the modeled behavior is performed. If the sequence of the modeled behavior is detailed very carefully and vividly, modeling effects tend to increase. Perceptive and confident people readily emulate idealized models who demonstrate highly useful behaviors. In modeling, the observer does not experience the consequences directly. A major advantage of modeling for consumers is that they can learn effective purchase and use behavior while avoiding negative consequences. Page: 224-226 第九章

Difficulty: Medium

⑤Involvement and knowledge on …

58. Explain the effect of involvement and knowledge on problem solving processes.


Consumers’ problem-solving processes are greatly affected by the amount of product

knowledge they have acquired through their past experiences and by their level of

involvement with the product and/or the choice process. The activated knowledge

about goals, choice alternatives, choice criteria, and heuristics affects consumers’

ability to create an effective decision plan. Also, consumers’ involvement with the

product or decision affects their motivation to engage in the problem-solving process. Exhibit 7.7 summarizes how different combinations of product knowledge and involvement influence specific elements of consumers’ problem representations and the overall problem-solving process.

Page: 176 (Exhibit 7.7) 第七章

Difficulty: Medium

⑥Type/role reinforcement schedule

55. Briefly describe the types/roles of reinforcement schedules in operant conditioning.


Continuous reinforcement seeks to assure that the consumer receives consistent satisfactions at a predictable quality level in every purchase/use experience. In today's market, predictable, satisfactory quality is critical and expected. Conditions can also

be arranged so that every second, third, or tenth time the behavior is performed, it is reinforced. This is called a fixed ratio schedule. Similarly, it is possible to have a reinforcer follow a desired behavior on an average of, say, one-half, one-third, or one-fourth the time the behavior occurs, but not necessarily every second, third, or fourth time. This is called a variable ratio schedule. The variable ratio schedules are of particular interest because they produce high rates of behavior that are reasonably resistant to extinction. Gambling devices are good examples. Property of the ratio schedule is particularly important for marketers because it suggests that a great deal of desired behavior can be developed and maintained with relatively small, infrequent rewards.

Page: 218 第九章

Difficulty: Easy

⑦Various sub-goals .. increase the purchase probability of consumer

54. Outline the various sub-goals that are often hoped to be achieved by a firm that

designs consumer promotions aimed to increase the purchase probability of consumers.


Most consumer promotions are designed to increase the probability that consumers will purchase a particular brand or combination of products. The primary goal may be to get consumers to try a new product. A second sub-goal of consumer promotions is to position a brand or company in the minds of consumers to encourage them to purchase and continue to purchase the company’s brand. Another use of promotion for positioning purposes is to offer to make contributions to charity for each coupon or refund certificate redeemed by consumers. A third sub-goal of consumer promotions is to obtain a brand switch. A final goal of consumer promotions is to develop brand loyalty.

Page: 237 第十章

Difficulty: Medium

⑧Social marketing

56. What is social marketing?


Social marketing is ―the application of commercial marketing technologies to the analysis, planning, execution, and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences in order to improve their personal welfare and that of their society.‖ The end goal of social marketing is to benefit the target audience or the broader society.

Social marketing is typically concerned with influencing and changing consumers’ overt behavior, but can also be used to influence affect and cognitions as an intermediate step. Social marketing can be applied at the individual, household, target market, or societal levels.

Page: 240 第十章,不过是B卷的最后一题10分的。

Difficulty: Medium

⑨Limit/extensive decision making

60. Briefly explain limited decision making and extensive decision making.


Most consumer decisions involve limited problem-solving effort. Since most

consumers already have a lot of information about the product from previous experiences., the basic marketing strategy is to make additional pieces of information available to consumers when and where they need them. Advertisements to increase top-of-mind awareness may help get a brand into the evoked set of choice alternatives at the beginning of the decision process.

When consumers engage in extensive decision making, they need information about everything—including which end goals are important, how to organize goal hierarchies, which choice alternatives are relevant, what choice criteria are appropriate. Since consumers intentionally seek product information during extensive decision making, interrupting their problem-solving processes with a brand promotion is relatively easy.

Page: 178-179 第七章

Difficulty: Medium

⑩Extent of consumer search behavior .. advertising

55. Briefly explain the factors that impact the extent of consumer search behavior. What

role does advertising play in this process?


As a rational decision-maker, the consumer is assumed to seek and use information in his/her choice process. Consumers tend to engage in more search when purchasing higher-priced, more visible, and more complex products—that is, products that intrinsically create greater perceived risk. Search is also influenced by individual factors such as the perceived benefits of search, self-confidence, purchase role, demographic aspects of the consumer, and product knowledge already possessed. Search efforts are also influenced by factors in the marketplace and by situational factors.

However, there are differences in the effort required by consumers to obtain information from different sources and in the believability of the information. Advertising is an easily available information source which, unfortunately, is perceived as having low credibility. While advertising may not directly spur purchase, it can create awareness and assist in efforts to break into the consumer’s consideration set.

Page: 196-198 第八章

Difficulty: Hard









消费者行为学课程总结 -















