











(一)重点: 认识各种天气符号,气温符号“摄氏度”、“℃”。 (二)难点: 会记录当天天气情况。







1. 教师播放天气预报。

师“你看到了什么”? 幼:天气符号、温度、城市 。




1.再次看天气预报,引导幼儿观察天气符号,并进行记录我们所在的城市---济南的天气情况。(告诉幼儿今天是星期几,就应该记录到周几的一栏中。) (见下图)





(二) 说说天气预报与人类生活的联系。

1. 根据天气预报我们可以知道应该穿什么衣服。

2. 天气预报帮助农民伯伯知道是不是该播种、收割了。

3. 司机和游客了解天气预报来安排旅游路线。

4. 幼儿上来表演,引导幼儿学着主持人说话的语气,面带微笑。







[01:16.28]That was refreshing. 真提神

[01:19.64]l'm refreshed. 我清醒多了

[01:23.40]l'm refreshing. 我精神百倍

[01:44.32]Welcome back. l'm Bryant Gumbel. 欢迎回来, 我是布莱恩特 甘宝

[01:45.40]-And l'm Anne Howard. -Good stuff today. -我是安.霍华德. -今天有很多精彩新闻

[01:49.76]-We're going to be busy. -We've got pop superstar Elton John. -够我们忙的了 -我们邀请到了著名歌星艾尔顿.约翰

[01:51.44]He's going to be with us. 他将接收我们的采访

[01:52.68]And so, too, will best-selling author Al Franken. 另外还有畅销作家艾尔.福兰克

[01:54.84]Along with some super-smart fourth graders... 我们还将去见见一群四年级的天才.....

[01:56.72]with a great idea for getting schoolbooks... 他们为那些需要课本的孩子

[01:58.04]But here's an idea whose time has come. 那我们快开始吧

[01:58.44]to kids who really need them. 出谋划策

[02:01.20]Why don't we just start with.... 首先来看看....

[02:07.36]Bryant, you put some ice cream on our angel food cake-- 布莱恩特, 请你在蛋糕上涂点冰激凌--

[02:08.96]...and fill the tart shell. ...然后涂在馅饼上

[02:13.16]-How much do you want? -As much as you like. -涂多少? -想涂多少就涂多少

[02:35.68]What are you laughing about? This is Baked Alaska. 你笑什么? 这道菜叫"烤阿拉斯加"

[02:36.08]-This is supposed to be low-fat. -lt is! -可这应该是低糖食物 -是低糖的!

[02:40.36]Did they call? 他们打电话来了没?

[02:42.96]Someone from the show. The Gumbel show. They didn't call? 甘宝秀节目组的人. 他们没打电话来?

[02:45.36]Are you sure? 你确定?

[02:46.12]-Once again, we're out of time. -Thank you. Already? -我们的时间又到了 -谢谢你, 已经到了?

[02:48.40]We still got lots more ahead this morning. We're going to be back.... 我们明天早上还有节目安排, 到时候见....

[03:21.04]-What's up, dude? -Next person in line. -好啊, 伙计? -下一位

[03:22.40]What's up? 好

[03:25.32]-Hey, can l get your autograph? -Next in line. -嗨, 能给我签个名吗 -下一位

[03:30.36]l'm not who you think l am, so.... 我想你认错人了...

[03:32.32]You're not the weather guy? 你不是那个播天气预报的?

[03:35.96]Dan Spritz? 丹.斯普里兹?

[03:36.40]Dave Spritz. 戴维.斯普里兹

[03:38.04]l'm not Dave Spritz, no. But l hear that a lot. 我不是戴维.斯普里兹 人们经常弄错

[03:48.36]You don't have to be a dick. 你不用装蒜

[03:53.32]Look, can you just.... All right, l'm just waiting in line. 你能不能... 我只是在排队

[03:57.08]Bro, l can read your vehicle registration form. 老兄, 我看到你的车辆登记证了

[04:02.88]So, whatever. 随便你吧

[04:04.28]Can you.... 你能不能....

[04:06.84]All right, can you give me a break? l just wanted to wait in line. 好吧, 你能不能安静一点? 我只想排队

[04:11.04]You're on TV, bro. 你上电视了, 老兄

[04:15.72]You're on TV. 你上电视了, 老兄

[04:17.40]-You're on TV, bro. -So what? You keep saying that. -你上电视了, 老兄 -那又怎么样, 你干吗老说?

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[04:21.24]So you're on TV, bro. 你上电视了, 老兄

[04:22.64]if you don't wanna be cool to people. 你应该找份银行什么的差事做

[04:23.04]Go work in a bank or something... 如果你觉得自己不够镇定...

[04:25.24]Whatever. Just.... Can you get out of my face? 随你吧.... 请你从我面前消失好吗?

[04:28.64]Can you get out of my face? 请你从我面前消失, 好吗?

[04:35.36]-Asshole. -You want to say that to my face? -混蛋 -你敢再对我当面说一遍吗?

[04:36.68]l thought you wanted me to get out of your face. 我记得你要我从你面前消失的

[04:40.04]People recognize me sometimes. 我常被人认出来

[04:47.00]Some are dicks. 他们中有些人是白痴

[04:50.80]This is the same system that created those strong snowfalls in Minnesota. 这和引起明尼苏达州大雪天气的是同一个风力系统

[04:53.80]lt's meant some slightly warmer weather.... 这说明, 气温可能会有略微的回升....

[04:54.08]l should cool out a little, l guess. 我想我该歇歇了

[04:56.88]l mean, l'm not just this two-dimensional guy they recognize. 我是说, 我不是人们认为的那个肤浅的人

[05:00.12]l do have a relationship to them. 我其实和普通人一样

[00:03.40]l let them know what they have to deal with. 我向大家播报天气情况

[00:06.08]But listen, these warmer temperatures are not going to last. 但是请注意, 这个回暖的气温不会持续多久

[00:08.68]This wind system will keep pushing colder air across the Midwest.... 风力将推动着冷空气横跨中西部地区

[00:12.72]But they don't, really. 其实他们错了

[00:12.76]l guess that's why they think they know me. 我想这就是为什么 他们自以为认识我

[00:15.04]...our Spritz Nipper of the week with a high of just 24. ....最冈银温华氏24度 感谢收看斯普里兹一周天气节目

[00:18.64]l'm not a hill of beans. 我不是一无是处

[00:21.40]l have a plan. 我有自己的想法

[00:25.68]Okay, see you then. 好吧, 到时候见

[00:27.08]-Where? -Chicago Dance. -哪里? -芝加哥舞蹈学校

[00:27.28]-What's this afternoon? -You're picking up Shelly. -下午的安排是什么? -你要去接雪丽.

[00:30.52]Then you're taking your dad to Northwestern. 然后接你父亲去西北医院

[00:31.96]At 3:00? 三点?

[00:32.64]Do you have that Hello America stuff? 你拿了那份"你好美国"节目寄来的东西吗?

[00:34.80]-The letter? -Yeah. -那封信? -是的

[00:38.92]You have Mike, too. 5:30 at the Norris house. 你还要在5:30到诺李斯去接迈克

[00:39.16]Okay. 好的

[00:57.76]Do they have my cell phone? 他们有我的电话吗?

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[00:59.76]Well, they should have all the numbers in case. 他们应该把所有电话号码都备案的

[01:04.36]And am l supposed to call that guy Dersen? 我是不是应该给那个叫德尔讯的打电话?

[01:05.72]Didn't he want me to call to touch base? 他不要我和他联系吗?

[01:09.24]Okay. 好吧

[01:10.40]-Dad, can we stop here? -What for? -爸, 我们能在这儿停下吗? -干嘛?

[01:16.36]l need a notebook for school. 我要买本笔记本

[01:21.16]l'll just walk home. 我自己走回家

[01:24.32]Okay. 好吧

[01:28.32]-Can l have some money? -You don't have any? -能给我些钱吗? -你身上没钱?

[01:29.10]No. 没有

[01:31.56]You're 12 years old. 你已经12岁了

[01:33.08]You shouldn't be walking around without money, okay, Shelly? 你应该身上带一些钱, 好吗, 雪丽?

[01:35.24]You're not a kid. 你不再是孩子了

[01:38.36]-How's your mom doing? -She's good. -你妈妈怎么样? -她很好

[01:47.00]Can l have a pack of Lights? 我能要一包烟吗?

[01:51.24]-Regulars? -The 100s. -普通香烟? -100牌的.

[01:58.04]Strikes? 火柴有吗?

[02:28.44]How's Shelly? 雪丽怎么样?

[02:30.76]She's doing great. 她很好

[02:33.52]-Little angel. -Yeah. -小天使 -是的

[02:35.40]She's doing great. 她非常好

[02:36.36]-Who's an angel? -Shelly. -谁是天使? -雪丽

[02:39.76]Shelly is grossly overweight and unhappy. 雪丽已经过分超重, 而且并不快乐

[02:42.64]l'm concerned about her, as l am Michael. 我很挂念她和迈克

[02:47.12]-David. -Yeah, Dad. -戴维, 走吧 -好的, 爸

[03:17.68]Robert Spritzel? 罗伯特.斯普里泽?

[03:22.00]Would you get me a paper... 你能在回来的路上....

[03:24.40]-for the way back, Son? -Yeah. ..给我买一张报纸吗, 儿子? -好的

[03:27.08]Fifteen minutes? 15分种?

[03:27.88]Yes. l'll see you then. 好, 到时候见

[03:39.20]Fuck. 该死

[03:40.88]-Hey. -Hey. 嘿

[03:44.28]-lt's getting cold. -Yeah. -已经变冷了 -是的

[03:45.76]-What's the Nipper this week? -Thursday. -这个礼拜的节目星期几? -星期四

[03:50.08]Thursday's the Nipper? All right. 星期四?好的

[04:01.68]Here. 给你

[04:05.08]Yeah, can l get some change? 我能换些零钱吗?

[04:08.96]Not really. 恐怕不行

[04:09.72]Can l just get some quarters? l just need a quarter for a paper. 我能换点硬币吗? 我


[04:14.52]Not really. 不行

[04:16.00]All right. l'll get something then. 好吧, 我买点东西

[04:20.04]All right. 看看

[04:25.04]Small coffee. 小杯咖啡

[04:29.12]No, it says $0.72. 上面明明写着0.72美元

[04:32.32]After the whole everything, it's $0.80. 反正就是0.80美分

[04:41.52]-Hey. -Hi. 嗨

[04:43.32]Where's the paper, David? 报纸呢, 戴维?

[04:44.84]l didn't have enough money. 我的钱不够了

[04:47.32]You bought a coffee. 可你买了一杯咖啡

[04:51.20]-What? -You bought a coffee. -什么? -你买了杯咖啡

[04:54.28]Yeah, that, and then l didn't have enough money after. 对, 没错, 所以就没钱了

[04:58.52]What? 什么?

[05:00.64]l didn't have enough money after l bought the coffee, so.... 我的钱不够了, 因为买了这杯咖啡

[00:06.92]You should carry more than $1 , David. 你不应该只带一美元, 戴维

[00:09.08]You're a grown man. 你是个成年人了

[00:12.72]Let me just move this letter from Hello America. 让我把这封"你好美国"节目 寄来的信拿开

[00:53.24]My father is Robert King Spritzel. 我父亲是罗伯特.金.斯埔里泽

[00:56.08]He won the National Book Award when he was 28. 他在28岁就获得了国家图书奖章

[01:00.40]And the Pulitzer when he was 33. 33岁获得普立兹奖

[01:00.88]President Carter called him a national treasure. 卡特总统称他为国家的财富

[01:05.84]They played racquetball in a regular game. 他们还一同参加了一次壁球比赛

[01:08.24]He was a great writer. 他是个了不起的作家

[01:11.80]But what was the cost? 那代价是什么呢?

[01:14.40]No, he didn't. 没有

[01:16.56]He was a fine father. 他是个好父亲

[01:19.76]More than that, really. 而且不止这些, 真的

[01:20.72]lt's fruitless for Shelly to be dancing. 雪丽去学舞蹈毫无收获

[01:23.40]She should find another interest that would be more rewarding to her... 她应该尝试别的对她有益的爱好....

[01:28.12]that she can take more from, David. 这样她可以学到东西, 戴维

[01:31.36]-We've talked about that. -Well, you should do something, Son. -我们讨论过 -那你应该做些什么, 儿子

[01:33.24]We've tried a couple things. We'll keep trying, so.... 我们已经试过几项了, 并且还在努力....

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[01:38.44]How's Michael? 迈克怎么样?

[01:40.36]l think that was an overreaction on Noreen's part. 我想诺玲的担心有点过头了

[01:42.44]l don't think he has a problem with pot. 我想他不会去吸大麻的

[01:46.00]Let's hope. 但愿如此

[01:48.56]How's the weather business? 你的气象预报呢?

[02:01.48]Last September... 去年9月份...

[02:02.68]l had encouraged Shelly to explore some other activities and interests. 我鼓励雪丽去尝试一些别的兴趣爱好

[02:07.96]She picked archery. 最后, 她选择了箭术

[02:11.28]So l took her to an archery range in Bolingbrook. 于是我带她到柏林布鲁克的一个射箭场

[02:13.76]lt was a 90-minute drive. 开车要90分种

[02:14.04]lt was a 90-minute drive. 开车要90分种

[02:16.00]We purchased a junior bow-arrow kit... 我们买了一套初级弓箭套装...

[02:20.12]and a leather wrist/forearm guard. 以及一个皮革护腕和护臂

[02:23.36]Okay, we'll take that. 好的, 就买那个了

[02:23.56]And private lessons. 还进行私人授课

[02:32.12]All right, Shelly. 好了, 雪丽

[02:33.44]You take that one... 你握住了...

[02:35.80]and go right ahead. 然后向后拉

[02:45.84]All right. Okay, just remember... 没事, 要记住....

[02:48.84]pull it straight back, parallel to your ear, okay? 向后拉到于耳朵平行, 好吗?

[02:51.80]You can do it, Shelly. 你能行的, 雪丽

[03:01.72]We purchased a five-pack lesson plan. 我们购买了5次课程的套餐

[03:06.92]We haven't been back. 但到现在还没上完

[03:14.16]Hello? 喂?

[03:15.68]-Hey. -Hey. 嗨

[03:16.12]Can you pick up Mike at the mall on North? 你能去北区的超市接迈克吗?

[03:19.64]l thought he was at a friend's house. Paul Norris. 他不是在他朋友家吗? 叫保罗. 诺李斯

[03:22.64]They went to the mall. He just called me. 他们去逛超市了, 他刚刚给我打电话

[03:25.48]-He finished his rehab. -Okay. -他从戒毒所出来了 -好吧

[03:36.36]-That's one of my counselors. -ln your program? -他是我的一个辅导员 -你的戒毒辅导员?

[03:38.72]Don Boden. He's pretty nice. 堂.波顿.他人很好

[03:41.92]-He swears all the time, though. -Swears? -虽然老说粗话 -说粗话?

[03:42.08]Yeah. To relate, l guess. But he's pretty nice. 是的, 我猜是为了强调吧 但他人很好

[03:58.28]Hey, Don. 嗨, 堂

[04:00.20]-What are you guys doing? -Looking for clothes. -你们在干嘛呢? -买些衣服

[04:03.08]You're just looking for clothes. 你们在买衣服

[04:04.04]-Yeah. -That's great. -是的 -太好了

[04:07.16]l'm looking for clothes. 我也在买衣服

[04:12.52]Okay. 好啊

[04:14.80]-This is Paul. -What's up? -这是保罗 -你好啊

[04:15.88]Hey. 嗨

[04:18.20]lt's cold today. 今天很冷

[04:20.16]-Yeah. -Yeah, no kidding. -是的 -没错

[04:21.36]What is it, like, 20 or something? 多少度来着?华氏20度?

[04:23.08]Yeah, like 22. 是的, 差不多22度吧

[04:23.24]Yeah. Fuck. 没错, 操

[04:26.32]Yeah. 是啊

[04:29.28]Hey. 嘿

[04:32.28]-Yeah, l like this. -lt's good-looking. -我很喜欢 -挺漂亮的

[04:35.60]Yeah, l've been looking for something like this. 我一直在找这样的

[04:37.68]Chuck it in here. 放我这里吧

[04:41.84]-What? -Chuck it in. -什么? -放我这儿

[04:42.84]l'm loading up. l got a discount card. l'll get it for you. 算我的.我有打折卡 我帮你买

[04:45.60]-That's all right. -Mike, big deal. -不用了 -迈克, 我说真的

[04:47.20]-l can get it. -Bro, l got a serious discount. -我买得起 -老弟, 我可以打折很多

[04:52.40]lt's gonna cost, like, $7. 只需要大概7美元

[04:58.04]-l'm gonna take off. Nice to meet you. -You, too. -我要走了, 很高兴见到你 -我也是(<美> 将要(=going to)

[00:07.12]That's my dad. l'll see you later. 那是我爸爸.回头见

[00:08.80]Sure. l'll catch you later. 没问题, 我回头找你

[00:22.28]-Hey. -Hey. 嗨

[00:26.68]-Who's that? -Don Boden. -那人是谁? -堂.波顿.

[00:28.64]-Who's Don Boden? -He's one of my counselors. -谁是堂.波顿? -他是我的一个辅导员

[00:31.52]Oh. 哦

[00:34.44]-That's a nice sweater. -Thanks. -毛衣不错 -谢谢

[00:50.44]l'll walk you up. 我送你

[00:57.28]Hi. Thanks for getting Mike. 嗨, 谢谢你去接迈克

[01:01.64]-l'll see you, Dad. -Okay, Mike. -再见, 爸爸 -好的, 迈克

[01:01.68]-Hey, how was your thing? -lt was good. -嘿, 你的事情怎么样了? -没事了

[01:07.96]-l think he's gonna be okay. -Well, we'll see. -我想他会没事的 -嗯, 走着瞧吧

[01:14.68]What's new? 最近怎么样

[01:15.60]Nothing much. 老样子

[01:16.04]l got a feeler from Hello America. "你好美国"节目给我发了个预约函

[01:19.64]-What? -l got a feeler. -什么? -我收到一封预约函

[01:22.32]Dales is leaving it. l might get called to audition. 戴尔斯要走了 我有可能接替他的位子

[01:24.24]New York. 去纽约

[01:27.60]-lf l get called. -That's good. -如果他们打电话给我的话 -很不错

[01:30.10]What about the kids? 孩子们怎么看?

[01:32.36]lt's just a shot in the dark, that's all. 只是觉得有点突然, 仅此而已

[01:36.92]Well, thanks for getting Mike. 好吧, 谢谢你去接迈克

[01:40.76]l had to take my dad to Northwestern for a test... 我要带我父亲去西北医院作一项检查...

[01:43.64]so l was right there, anyway. 所以我就在那里

[01:46.88]-Oh, is he okay? -l think so. lt was just a test. -哦, 他还好吧? -我想是吧, 只是一项检查

[02:02.28]Noreen! 诺玲!

[02:06.68]Are you okay? 你没事吧

[02:09.36]Yeah. 没事

[02:11.96]Fuck! What are you doing? 该死!你在干嘛?

[02:13.32]l was just.... You turned into it. 我只是....你自己转过来正好碰到了

[02:16.84]l think you cracked the glass. 你打碎了我的眼镜

[02:29.10]So do you have everything you need? 你们要的资料都全了吗?

[02:31.20]Yeah, we got everything. 是的, 都全了

[02:33.92]We'll pare it down to three applicants after we watch the tapes. 看过录像带后, 我们将淘汰剩三个人

[02:37.20]-We'll call if you're one, Dave. -Okay, Mark. -如果你入选了, 我们会打电话给你的 -好的, 马克

[02:40.56]lt's nice to make your acquaintance. 很高兴认识你

[02:41.08]All right. Bye. 好的, 再见

[02:41.36]-You, too. Take care. -Hey, weatherman! -你也是, 保重 -嗨, 气象先生!

[02:42.76]Fuck! 该死!

[02:46.24]Fuck. 操!

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[02:48.20]David? 戴维?

[02:49.44]Hey. 嘿

[02:51.72]-What happened? -l got hit with a Frosty. -怎么了? -我被冰巧克力砸了

[02:56.08]-Why? -What? -为什么? -什么?

[02:58.04]Why did you get hit with a Frosty? What is a Frosty? 你为什么会被冰巧克力砸到? 冰巧克力是什么?

[03:00.32]A Frosty is a shake from Wendy's. 冰巧克力是温蒂店出售的饮料

[03:05.92]Why would someone throw a shake at you? 人们为什么向你砸东西

[03:09.08]-That happens sometimes. -People throw shakes at you? -有时候会发生这种情况 -人们经常向你砸东西?

[03:14.20]Stuff. People throw stuff at me sometimes... 人们有时会向我扔各种东西

[03:15.48]-if they don't like me, or something. -They don't know you. -如果他们不喜欢我的话 -但他们不认识你

[03:19.84]-if they don't like me, or something. -They don't know you. -如果他们不喜欢我的话 -但他们不认识你

[03:20.76]From TV. 电视上认识的

[03:22.64]But you just read the weather. 但你只是读一下气象情况

[03:25.28]Well, l predict it. 呃, 我预报天气

[03:28.20]You don't have a degree in meteorology. 那是你没有气象学的文凭

[03:28.40]l make suppositions, or l.... 我做出推测, 或者....

[03:31.96]What are you doing? 你在这里干嘛?

[03:35.64]-l walked over. -You walked? lt's freezing. -我出来走走 -走走?外面很冷

[03:38.84]l have lymphoma, David. 我得了淋巴瘤, 戴维

[03:40.40]What? 什么?

[03:41.10]l have lymphoma. 我得了淋巴瘤

[03:47.28]-Doctor Pritch called. -What? - 伯利伽医生打电话来的 -什么?

[03:49.04]l was having tremors. That's the reason that l went in. 我浑身发抖, 所以就进了医院

[03:52.64]Pritch read my scans. 伯利伽告诉了我扫描结果

[03:55.24]-What's the prognosis? -Well, it's not good. -病情会怎么样? -不是太妙

[04:01.80]We'll talk about it this week. l wanted to tell you. 我们这个礼拜好好谈谈 我会告诉你的

[04:05.16]Yeah. 好的

[04:05.96]l'll call you after l've talked to Pritch again. 等我和伯利伽医生再谈一次后给你打电话

[04:15.80]l'll drive you home. 我开车送你回家

[04:16.92]l like the fresh air. 我喜欢新鲜空气

[04:18.28]-Well, l'll walk back with you. -No, that's okay. -那我陪你走 -没关系的

[04:23.92]Okay. 好吧

[04:46.52]Every couple months, someone throws something at me... 每隔几个月 总有人会向我扔东西

[04:51.28]a shake, a burrito once. 比如饮料杯, 有一次被玉米饼砸到

[04:53.96]Why? My name, partly, l guess. 为什么?因为我的名字?有可能吧

[04:57.56]l changed it for professional reasons. 因为职业的关系, 我改了姓

[05:00.72]My first station manager suggested it. 是我第一个经理提议的 [00:01.40]He said it sounded refreshing and that they wanted that quality. 他说那听上去更提神, 他们想要这个效果

[00:07.72]That may be true, but it's also annoying. l know that. 也许是真的吧.但也很烦人 我就知道

[00:10.48]What kind of name is Spritz? 斯普里兹是个什么烂名字?

[00:13.48]lt's a bullshit name. lt's a TV name. 狗屁不通.只有电视上才有

[00:18.20]He's bullshit. 他也是陀狗屎

[00:18.60]Well, l like him. He's handsome. 我喜欢他, 他很帅

[00:21.72]He's an asshole. 他是个烂人

[00:23.48]l don't like his face. 我讨厌他的脸

[00:26.96]His asshole face. 那张烂脸

[00:31.84]The other thing, my job is very easy. 另外, 我的工作很简单

[00:36.20]Two hours a day, basically reading prompts. 每天两小时, 基本上就是照本宣读

[00:40.28]l make $240,000 a year... 每年才两万四千美元的收入....

[00:44.28]plus appearances... 还要全勤....

[00:45.44]which are, you know, not comfortable for me... 你知道, 对我来说很难受....

[00:50.84]but lucrative. 但不是没有好处

[00:53.80]''Four score and seven years ago... ''87年前...

[00:56.52]''our fathers brought forth, on this continent....'' ''我们的父辈们来到这块大陆....''

[01:09.60]Also, it makes other things easy, being on TV. 同时, 能上电视也会带来很多其他的方便

[01:13.80]Everything's easy. 事事都很容易

[01:16.88]Yeah! 爽!

[01:26.32]l receive a large reward for pretty much zero effort and contribution. 我几乎可以不劳而获

[01:29.20]The shakes and stuff are a reaction to that, l think. 我想那些扔我的东西, 是一种报应

[01:47.96]What must you think of me? 你是怎么样看待我的?

[01:51.28]Your family-leaver. 你的这个背离家庭

[01:53.44]Your non-meteorologist, yet weatherman... 没有气象专业文凭 却在播着天气预报...

[01:54.32]frosty-taking, fuck-happy son. 常被人砸, 到处乱搞的儿子

[01:59.44]Don't die yet, Robert. Give me time to get it together. 别急着离开, 罗伯特 给我一点时间来重振

[02:04.20]Give me a little while. 给我一点时间

[02:05.28]Let me get the Hello America job. l can get it together. 让我获得"你好美国"的职位 我能行的

[02:43.48]Two for High Water. 两张电影票

[02:45.16]-l got mine, Don. -No, it's cool. l got it. -我自己来买吧, 堂 -不, 没关系, 我来买好了

[02:45.36]Thanks. 谢谢

[03:08.52]Tricia's a bitch. 特雷西亚真是个荡妇

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[03:13.68]She's a little cunt. 她是个小贱货

[03:14.16]l hate that little cunt. 我恨那个小贱人

[03:20.04]l'd like to burn her. 我真想烧死她

[03:30.16]Hi. 嗨

[03:32.76]Hi. 嗨

[03:35.96]Today's the company party. l thought l'd take the kids. 今天公司开派对 我想应该来接孩子们去玩

[03:38.24]Oh. 哦

[03:42.12]Well, Mike is out. 呃, 迈克出去了

[03:43.28]-Shelly's home? -She's walking Jackson. -雪丽在家吗? -她在遛狗

[03:45.20]-Where do you want to take them? -The rink. WCH. -你要带他们去哪? -去溜冰场

[03:50.64]Hey. 嘿

[03:54.24]Hey. 嘿

[03:58.32]What? 怎么了?

[04:06.68]Dave. 戴维

[04:07.52]Hey, Tim. 嗨, 剔姆

[04:09.04]-l didn't know you were coming. -l always come to these... -我不知道你会来 -这种场合我都来的

[04:13.92]when l can. 只要有空

[04:14.32]l have some time this week if you want to go back up to Bolingbrook. 如果你想回柏林布鲁克上课 我这周正好有时间

[04:20.96]-What's in Bolingbrook? -Sportsman's. The archery range. -柏林布鲁克有什么? -射箭场啊

[04:23.84]-Okay. -Okay? You wanna go? -好吧 -好?你想去?

[04:27.24]Okay, l remember it. 好, 我记住了

[04:29.52]Well, do you wanna go back up? 那你还想去那里上课吗?

[04:31.88]Sometimes. 过一阵吧

[04:44.80]What's gonna happen? 待会儿有什么节目?

[04:48.40]What are we gonna do here? 我们来这里干嘛?

[04:48.92]What? 什么?

[04:54.36]Great stuff. 会很精彩的

[00:03.28]Ladies and gentlemen, on your marks! 女士们先生们, 各就各位!

[00:07.40]Let's go team Spritz! 加油斯普里兹小队!

[00:10.88]Get set! 预备!

[00:12.64]Go! 出发!

[00:16.24]Go! Go! Go! 快快!

[00:19.24]-Just keep up, Shell. Come on. -l'm trying to. -加油, 雪丽. 加油 -我正在努力

[00:41.76]We should finish. 我们要完成比赛

[00:44.40]We're last. We're way last. 我们最后一名了, 差太远了

[00:46.44]There's a lesson here. Let's finish. 这是一次锻炼的机会 让我们完成比赛

[00:50.56]l'm hurt. 我很疼

[00:52.64]Hon, you can do it. You can finish. Okay? 宝贝, 你能行的 你能完成比赛的, 好吗?

[00:54.44]l don't want you to quit. lt's gonna mean a lot to Dad. Okay? 我不想你退出 这对爸爸很重要, 好吗?

[00:58.48]All right. 好吧

[01:00.88]Let's go. 走

[01:01.84]That's my girl. That's it. 好样的!

[01:04.44]Good. l'm proud of you. 太棒了, 我为你骄傲

[01:07.52]Okay? 好吗?

[01:15.16]Yay! That was great! 耶!太棒了!

[01:18.28]Hon. Hon, you okay? 宝贝, 你没事吧?

[01:22.16]You shouldn't have made me finish! 你不应该让我完成比赛的!

[01:24.84]That was like 100 yards you made me go. 你逼我走了将近100码!

[01:28.12]l'm not a football-jocker. 我又不是足球运动员

[01:35.48]What happened? 怎么了?

[01:37.56]Just.... We got tangled up in a sack. 只是....我们的脚被绑在一个布袋里

[01:37.64]-What happened? -She tore her ACL. -发生了什么事? -她的前韧带拉伤了

[01:40.32]These fucking crutches are too long! 操!这些拐杖太长了!

[01:43.12]-What did you say? -Shelly! -你刚才说什么? -雪丽!

[01:47.00]-Well, what were you doing? -lt was a picnic. -那你们到底干嘛去了? -是一个野餐会

[01:48.80]-And she tore something? -ACL. MCL. -然后她就拉伤了韧带? -前韧带, 后韧带

[01:51.56]Which? 到底哪个?

[01:55.44]Both. 两个都拉伤了

[01:57.24]-Dave! -Well, we didn't go bungee jumping! -戴维! -我们没有去蹦极!

[01:57.60]lt was a fucking potato-sack race! 是操他妈的马铃薯口袋比赛!

[01:59.04]-That's where she got it. -What? -她就是这么学来的 -什么?

[02:02.12]''Fucking'' this. ''Fucking'' that. "操"这个, "操"那个

[02:04.40]No, l never said that around her. 不, 我和她在一起从不说

[02:05.48]You don't know you have, Dave, because you don't pay attention! 你不经意的就说了, 戴维 因为你根本不在意!

[02:11.64]Fuck that. 操他的!

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[02:14.16]What? 什么?

[02:15.84]-Just fuck that, Noreen. You know-- -Dave. -操他的, 诺玲. 你知道-- -戴维

[02:17.92]-What? -Step back. -什么? -离远点

[02:20.32]-Step back? -Step back. -离远点? -离远点?

[02:22.68]What are you talking about, Russ? 你刚才说什么, 拉斯?

[02:23.88]-Russ-- -Step back right now. 马上离远点

[02:27.56]-Fuck you, right now. -Fuck you, Spritz. -操你妈的 -操你妈的, 斯普里兹.

[02:29.44]Fuck you, fat asshole! 去你的, 肥猪!

[02:33.32]Dildo! 痿货!

[02:35.12]David, what are you doing? 戴维, 你在干什么?

[02:37.60]l'm talking to my wife! l'm talking to Noreen... 我在和我妻子说话! 我在和诺玲说话...

[02:40.56]and this clown, whose business this isn't. 和这个小丑毫无关系

[02:41.88]You call me a dildo, it is my business, Spritz. 你叫我痿货, 当然和我有关!

[02:43.56]You are a dildo, pork-fuck. You porker! 你这个痿货, 死肥猪!

[02:47.32]Stop, Son. 停下, 儿子

[02:49.92]Would you? 好吗?

[02:51.44]Why don't you go? 你可以离开了

[02:52.88]Why are you here? Are you okay? 你在这干嘛?你还好吗?

[02:56.20]l came to talk to Noreen. 我是来和诺玲谈谈的

[02:58.56]Dave, come on. l will talk to you later. 戴维, 算了, 我一会儿和你谈

[03:07.80]-Dave, what's going on, Son? -lt's nothing. Just.... -戴维, 怎么了, 儿子? -没什么, 只是....

[03:10.76]l came to talk to Noreen about an issue concerning Shelly. 我是来和诺玲谈关于雪丽的事情的

[03:10.88]Why are you here, anyway? 你怎么会来这里?

[03:14.48]Well, you can talk to me. l'm her parent, too. So? What? 你可以和我谈, 我也是她的家长, 发生什么事了?

[03:19.72]Shelly dresses in clothing not appropriate for her... 雪丽的穿着很不适合她

[03:24.24]clinging stuff. 太紧了

[03:25.32]All kids wear.... Dad, it's a different generation. 孩子们都穿... 父亲, 这是两代人了

[03:28.96]They call her camel toe. 他们叫她骆驼蹄子

[03:34.08]-What? -Are you aware of that? -什么? -你没注意到?

[03:36.04]That her colleagues call her camel toe. 她的同学们叫她骆驼蹄子

[03:37.76]What? 什么?

[03:40.32]lt means the crease in her vagina... 意思是, 他们能从她的裤子...

[03:40.72]What are you talking about? 你在说什么?

[03:44.92]that they can discern through her clothing. 看出她外阴的褶皱

[03:45.56]-What? -Camel toe. -什么? -骆驼蹄子

[03:46.48]Yeah, l heard you. l mean, how do you know they do that? 是的, 我听到了 我是说, 你怎么知道的?

[03:51.68]l heard it. 我亲耳所闻

[03:52.36]l picked Shelly up on Wednesday, heard taunting, the older boys calling it. 我星期三去接雪丽, 听到那些大一点的男孩们这么叫她

[03:56.32]-You might have heard wrong. -No, l heard camel-- -你可能听错了 -不, 我听到骆驼--

[03:59.68]Okay, okay, look. l'll deal. 行了行了, 我来处理

[03:59.80]l want to get her through this ACL thing. 我先要处理她韧带拉伤的事情

[04:02.00]l'm gonna reapply her there. 要再和她好好谈谈

[04:03.20]l'm gonna take her shooting. 我要带她去射箭

[04:03.56]l'm gonna get her talking to me. l'm gonna get to her... 我要让她和我说话 我来处理她的事情....

[04:07.28]and l'm gonna work it out. 我会想出办法的

[04:26.12]A camel toe is pretty much what Robert said it was. 骆驼蹄子的确就是罗伯特说的那样

[04:31.12]lt's basically just when you can make out more than you should. 基本上就是你比正常的勒得更紧

[04:39.48]But it's the kind of thing.... 但问题是....

[04:42.16]She's 12, you know? 她才12岁, 你知道吗?

[04:43.92]lf you're around and paying attention, you catch it... 如果你在她身边, 时刻注意 你就能及时发现...

[04:46.24]then name-calling doesn't start, and maybe smoking doesn't start. 然后就不会有起绰号的事 也许也不会有抽烟的事

[04:52.12]And maybe she can just stay a happy kid for a couple more years. 也许她还能快乐的过几年童年生活

[04:56.68]She shouldn't be unhappy. 她应该得到快乐

[04:58.56]Fuck. What did she ever do to anybody? Shelly. 该死!她又没做错什么事, 雪丽

[00:12.76]-Hello. -Hey. -你好 -嗨

[00:15.44]Listen. 听着

[00:15.84]Hey. 嗨

[00:18.16]Noreen, l was thinking... 诺玲, 我在想....

[00:19.52]this pushing and pulling... 我们之间的这种你来我往...

[00:21.60]the tug-of-war we do sometimes... 拔河似的关系....

[00:24.96]it's not good for the kids. 对孩子们不好

[00:26.80]lt's not. 是不好

[00:29.48]Noreen, let's see somebody. Work it out. Let's-- 诺玲, 让我们想想办法 来解决这个问题. 我们--

[00:32.56]-Fuck! -Asshole! -操! -混蛋!

[00:36.24]Are you okay? 你怎么啦?

[00:38.24]-l got hit with a pop! -What? -我被汽水瓶砸了! -什么?

[00:42.16]A fucking.... 一个该死的....

[00:45.44]A Big Gulp. 是个大杯的

[00:48.36]-Man. -Are you okay? Are you okay? -该死 -你没事吧? 你没事吧?

[00:51.16]Yeah, l'm okay. l'm okay. So... 对, 没事, 我很好, 那么...

[00:53.92]what l was saying.... 我刚才说什么来着....

[00:55.08]See somebody? 解决问题?

[00:57.28]We're going to begin with some trust-building exercises. 我们先来做一些建立相互信任的练习

[01:02.76]The Buddy Drop. Up on your feet. Let's go. 自由倒下练习, 大家站起来 我们开始

[01:07.92]Dave, Noreen. Center circle. 戴维, 诺玲. 到中间来

[01:12.60]Okay. 好吧

[01:14.28]Now, Noreen, you're just gonna let yourself go... 现在, 诺玲, 你让自己倒下去...

[01:17.96]and Dave is gonna catch you. 然后戴维接住你

[01:22.48]-Just go back? -Yeah. Cross your arms up front. -向后到? -是的. 两手交叉胸前

[01:25.20]-Now? -Whenever you're ready. -现在吗? -准备好了就可以开始

[01:26.20]Okay. 好

[01:31.16]Good. Very good. 好的.非常好

[01:33.60]All right, Teresa, Mark. You're up. 下面, 特莱茜, 马克. 你们来

[01:37.44]Okay. 好

[01:39.96]Now l want you to name something... 下面我要你们列出一些...

[01:43.44]that you did that affected your partner... 你们所做过的, 对你的伴侣有影响的...

[01:45.00]and that you're not proud of. 并且是负面影响的事情

[01:51.76]l had this thing with porno on the computer, sort of. 在我的电脑上, 有一些色情杂志什么的

[01:55.24]Actually, l want you to write it down, not say it. 事实上, 我希望你们写下来 不是说出来

[01:55.48]l got a little preoccupied-- 我以前很喜欢这东西--

[01:57.20]Okay. 好吧

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[01:58.44]l want you to put it on the paper that you got for a reason. 我希望你们把它写在一张纸上, 列出理由

[02:03.68]Okay. 好吧

[02:04.80]Now make sure it's something the other person doesn't know about... 确保这是你的伴侣所不知道的事情...

[02:09.68]that they don't know. 他们毫不知情

[02:21.16]Then you are going to give it to the other person... 然后你们互相交换纸条...

[02:21.28]All right. 好了

[02:26.36]and the other person is never going to look at it. 彼此不许偷看纸上的内容

[02:32.84]Ever. 永远不能看

[02:34.20]That's trust. 这就是信任

[03:04.52]What's up? 你好?

[03:16.48]l thought Dave's science-fiction novel, or whatever it was... 我认为戴维写的所谓科幻小说......

[03:19.12]was stupid and sucked... 写的既愚蠢又恶心...

[03:19.36]and was a waste of time. 简直是浪费时间

[03:21.64]lt was embarrassing. Four years? 真丢人. 写了四年?

[03:45.12]Well, l thought that went pretty well. 呃, 我认为效果不错

[03:46.10]Yeah. 是啊

[03:59.00]lt wasn't science fiction, just so you know. 这不是科幻小说 你知道的? ?

[04:03.48]-What? -lt wasn't science fiction. -什么? -我写的不是科幻小说

[04:05.56]-What are you talking about? -Did you even read it? -你在说什么? -你难道没看过吗?

[04:09.44]No. One of the side characters was a scientist... 只是他性格的另一面是一个科学家....

[04:10.32]-but that's not even important-- -God damn it, Dave. God damn it! -但这并不重要-- -去你的, 戴维. 你真该死!

[04:14.84]What? l'm just asking, did you ever even read it? 什么?我只是想问你, 你难道都没读过我的书?

[04:17.60]lt was hard to read. lt was poorly written. 因为很难看懂, 写的太糟糕了

[04:21.40]You're an asshole. God. 你是个混球, 上帝啊

[04:24.04]You are a champion asshole. 你真是个大混球

[04:26.44]You're a real blue-ribbon fuck! 你是个彻头彻尾的大混蛋!

[04:30.52]l just wanna make it work, Noreen. 我只是想解决问题, 诺玲.

[04:32.52]l just want to know everything, so l can make it work. That's why l.... 我只是想了解情况, 这样才能解决问题, 所以我才...

[04:39.08]-l want to try again. -l'm not going back. You fucked it up. -我想重新来过 -我不会再去了, 你把事情搞砸了

[04:43.52]l mean, our marriage. 我是说, 我们的婚姻

[04:45.64]What? 什么?

[04:49.60]l want to try again. 我想重新来过

[04:55.28]Fuck you. 去你的

[04:56.76]You know, Dave, you can't even.... 你知道, 戴维, 你连...

[05:00.44]You looked at it. That's dishonest. lt's crappy. 你偷看了, 这是不忠 已经完了

[00:02.00]-Noreen. -Hey, should l look at yours? -诺玲. -嘿, 我应该看看你写的吗?

[00:05.92]No. No, no, Noreen.... 不不不, 诺玲....

[00:06.48]That's all right. 算了

[00:09.20]''Throughout marriage BJs lacked enthusiasm. "在整个婚姻中 口交一直没有激情.

[00:13.28]''Had difference of opinion over how important that was. ''两人对此的重要性 有不同的理解.

[00:15.64]''l thought very.'' 我认为很重要

[00:19.52]You know what, Dave? 你知道吗, 戴维?

[00:23.52]You want to know why my BJs lacked enthusiasm? 你知道为什么我给你口交的时候 缺乏激情?

[00:27.96]l hated you. 我恨你

[00:31.44]l hated your hair. 我讨厌你的头发

[00:31.96]l hated your ugly legs, your forearms. 讨厌你丑陋的腿, 讨厌你的手臂

[00:34.92]l hated kissing your lips, Dave. Okay? 我讨厌吻你的嘴, 行了吧, 戴维?

[00:39.12]And that's why l lacked enthusiasm when your cock was in my mouth. 这就是为什么你的老二在我嘴里的时候 我缺乏激情

[00:46.76]Hey, hon. 嗨, 宝贝

[00:47.96]Shelly, it's cold. 雪丽, 外面很冷

[00:51.76]Your father said it was going to be 65 degrees today, but.... 你老爸还说今天有华氏65度, 可是....

[00:56.48]Go ahead. l'll see you later. 去吧, 我们回头见

[01:00.36]How did it go? 进展怎么样?

[01:02.08]Good. 很好

[01:03.76]l'll call you tomorrow. Go ahead in. 我明天给你打电话, 进去吧

[01:24.12]Did you start my novel yet? 你有没有开始看我的小说了?

[01:27.40]What's that? 什么小说?

[01:28.04]Breaking Point. Did you start that? 《转折点》. 你有没有开始读了?

[01:31.48]No, l haven't yet, Son. l've been preoccupied. 不, 还没有, 儿子 我有一些别的事情没处理完

[01:38.76]Well, that's good, actually. 其实写的不错

[01:39.36]l want to make some changes, so.... 我只是还想再修改一下, 所以....

[01:44.12]l'll give you the new one. 我会给你一份新稿

[02:01.20]What did he say? 他说什么了?

[02:03.48]lt's further bad news. 又是坏消息

[02:07.16]The metastatic plane was too wide for radiation. 病变转移的面积过大, 不能进行放射治疗

[02:11.48]He suggested l see a Dr. Frost in New York for clinical trials. 他建议我去纽约找福斯特医生 进行临床试验

[02:26.56]l got a feeler from Hello America. 我收到了"你好美国"的预约函

[02:30.44]They're looking at 20 guys, but they'll be cutting down to three soon. 他们选了20个人进行筛选, 马上剩下最后三个

[02:30.96]National. 全国范围内,

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[02:34.12]lt's a possibility. 我有希望

[02:35.32]The salary's great. lt's real strong. 薪水很诱人, 非常的高

[02:41.36]lt would mean moving... 可能需要搬家....

[02:43.04]but l'd like to move everybody, you know? 但你知道, 我希望大家都搬,

[02:46.64]Renew things with Noreen. 和诺玲重新开始

[02:47.36]We've been seeing somebody. 我们正在努力

[02:53.12]Let the kids start over in New York. 让孩子们在纽约有个新的开始

[02:56.60]Keep them away from some of the bad influences here that.... 让他们远离这里一些不良影响...

[02:59.44]Just get a fresh start. 开始新生活

[03:04.04]l think that would be great. 我觉得很好啊

[03:07.84]-That would be terrific. -Yeah. -那真是太棒了 -是啊

[03:08.10]You could rededicate yourselves, knuckle down. 你可以重整旗鼓 开始认真工作

[03:24.32]What's this? 这是什么

[03:27.92]lt's a Big Gulp. 这是一个大杯的汽水

[03:38.52]You should say, ''We might see some snow... 你应该说 "可能会降雪...

[03:39.64]''but it might shift south, miss us.'' "但也可能降雪区南移, 和我们擦肩而过"

[03:41.10]l can say it, but l sort of wanna understand it. 没问题 但我想知道为什么

[03:44.36]Why is it? 怎么会南移的?

[03:48.80]Well, it's Canadian trade winds. 这是因为加拿大信风

[03:50.48]Yeah, this will get pushed by wind out of Canada. 是的, 降雪区会受来自加拿大 的信风推动影响

[03:50.64]Behind all of it? 就是它引起的?

[03:53.12]-So what's it gonna do? -l don't know. -那信风将来会怎么样? -我不知道

[03:58.92]lt's a guess. 只是猜测

[03:59.88]lt's wind, man. Blows all over the place. 这是风啊, 老兄, 到处乱刮的

[04:06.08]For some reason... 出于某种原因...

[04:06.16]l don't know. 我也不清楚

[04:09.12]l went back to Bolingbrook. 我回到了柏林布鲁克

[04:13.04]l bought a three-month lesson plan. 我购买了三个月的课程计划

[04:15.40]Hang on. Before you do that, you know... 等等, 在这之前, 你知道...

[04:16.32]let's go out here and do a little stretching exercises. 我们先要出去做一些 拉伸练习

[04:21.00]You got to rotate your.... 你要旋转你的...

[04:22.40]We warm up... 我们先热身练习...

[04:24.24]then do basic focus drills, stuff you never think about. 然后做基础的瞄准练习 还有一些听都没听说过的东西

[04:27.16]Like closing an eye without moving your face... 比如在不动脸部肌肉 的情况下闭上一只眼睛

[04:29.80]because your face is the anchor point for your hand... 因为你的脸部是手的定位点

[04:34.52]that allows you to focus. 这样才能瞄准

[04:38.68]You have to keep your triangle against a lot of force. 你必须在很多力的作用下 保持三角姿势

[00:02.52]We do draws for a half hour, then releases. 我们先练习了半个小时的拉 然后松开

[00:05.12]That's called "loosing," when you release. 松开的动作叫做"释放"

[00:22.92]Great shot! All right! 射的好!好极了

[00:27.36]but that one good shot leaves you thinking... 但那一箭让你觉得...

[00:27.76]lt's hard... 真不容易...

[00:31.96]you might be catching on. 你可能正在进步

[00:34.12]Do you lift weights? 你举重吗?

[00:35.32]-What's that? -Do you lift weights? -什么? -你练习举重吗?

[00:39.32]Yeah. 是的

[00:41.32]-Cardio? -Yeah, you have to do both. -心脏有氧练习? -是的, 两个都做

[00:42.16]Yeah. 嗯

[00:45.68]Are you on any kind of a program? 你加入了什么训练计划吗?

[00:48.84]Yeah, our gym coach gave us a program. 是的, 我们的体操教练给我们布置任务

[00:53.40]-That should be good. -Yeah. -那还不错 -是的

[00:55.44]Yeah. 是啊

[00:56.80]Fuck. 操

[01:00.28]Hey. 嘿

[01:02.28]-You know what would be interesting? -What? -我想到了一个有趣的主意 -什么?

[01:03.44]We should take some pictures. Some shots, like... 我们应该拍一些照片, 比如....

[01:08.04]some now, some in a month or whatever... 现在拍一些, 然后过一两个月再拍一些...

[01:10.12]Yeah. 好啊

[01:10.60]see if you're making gains. 看看你的是不是有进步

[01:11.40]l've got my mom's Nikon. 我去拿我母亲的尼康

[01:15.20]-Whip your shirt off. -Whip my shirt off? -把你的外衣脱掉 -脱掉外衣?

[01:17.00]Yeah. 是的

[01:34.76]You're shredded. 你的肌肉不错

[01:43.72]This is great, man. 太棒了

[01:44.32]We can compare this shit. 我们可以用这个作对比

[01:47.92]That's a Nikon FM? 那是尼康FM?

[01:48.40]Well, yeah. You know something about cameras? 嗯,没错。你懂相机?

[01:52.88]Yeah. l took a class at Parker. 对。我在Parker上过学习班

[01:55.56]A couple more. 再来几张

[02:02.00]My dad's gonna get the F3 for me... 假如我能学完课程 而且平均成绩达到B

[02:03.48]if l can finish the program and maintain a B average. 我爸爸就会给我买个F3

[02:05.40]lt's like a $600 camera. l'm psyched about it. 那可是600美元级别的相机 我心仪很久了

[02:08.48]l could loan that to you. 我可以借钱给你

[02:11.84]Yeah? 啊?

[02:13.76]l could loan that shit to you if... 我可以借给你这么多钱...

[02:17.44]you wanted it earlier. 假如你想早点拿到它的话

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[02:20.60]Okay. 好啊

[02:29.52]This is gonna go a lot better. 这次应该会好得多

[02:31.44]Why? 为什么?

[02:34.20]Because l got you some bobtail arrows. They're easier. 因为我给你买了一些截尾箭 比较容易射

[02:37.80]Why? 为什么?

[02:38.48]Well, they're thicker at the ends. 因为它们的头比较粗

[02:41.68]See? They taper toward the nock. 看见没?越靠近箭扣越细

[02:43.88]-What's the nock? -The arrow end. -什么是箭扣? -箭的尾部

[02:46.76]-What was l using before? -Chested arrows. -那我以前用的是什么箭? -胸形箭(头细尾粗的箭)

[02:51.04]That guy didn't know what he was doing. 那家伙根本不知道自己在干什么

[02:58.84]Okay. 好

[03:02.64]-What? -Fix your arrow in. -什么? -搭上你的箭

[03:02.88]Fletch it. 装羽(Fletch it)

[03:07.12]That's the term. 这是术语

[03:07.92]Arrow makers were called fletchers. That's where the last name came from. 以前造箭师傅也叫装羽匠(fletcher) 弗莱彻(Fletcher)这个姓就是这么来的

[03:12.32]Here. There's a little bit of a.... 这里,有一点点....

[03:14.64]lt takes a little while. Right there, right below the nock. 要稍微花点时间 就是那里,就在箭扣下面

[03:19.52]There! 就是那里!

[03:23.60]Awesome! 真棒!

[03:23.80]Okay, let's loose a few. 好吧,咱们放几箭

[03:26.08]Let's show our stuff. 亮亮咱们的本事

[03:31.68]Aim about a half-foot above. 瞄准目标上方半英尺的地方

[03:34.36]-Okay. -You wait till you're steady. -好 -要等到手稳下来

[03:36.32]-Are you aligned? -Yeah. -你对准了吗? -唔

[03:38.84]Okay. Let it go. 好,射吧

[03:41.32]Come on, Shelly. Get your arrow. 别急,雪丽。把箭捡回来

[03:42.40]Fuck! 操!

[03:46.40]We probably didn't home long enough. 可能是我们到位的时间还不够长

[03:46.88]That's the pause between drawing back and firing. 我说的是从拉弦到射箭之间的停顿

[03:50.76]Let's pause a little longer. 再停得稍微久一点

[03:58.04]What? 什么?

[03:59.12]Nothing. 没啥

[04:02.32]-Are you just not interested? -Yeah. -你没兴趣了? -唔

[04:04.20]Yeah, you're not interested? Or, yeah, you are interested? 唔什么?你到底有没有兴趣?

[04:06.44]Yeah, l'm not. Really. 唔,没兴趣。真的

[04:16.24]What was it you liked? Let's think of it that way. 那时候你喜欢的到底是什么? 回忆一下

[04:17.32]What? 什么?

[04:21.00]What interested you when you thought about archery? 在你想要学射箭的时候 到底是什么让你真正感兴趣?

[04:25.16]When you wanted to do it. 就在你想要这么做的时候

[04:26.96]l don't know. Going hunting or something. 不知道,大概是打猎什么的吧

[04:32.60]Hunting? 打猎?

[04:33.68]Yeah. 唔

[04:36.28]-For animals? -Yeah. -猎动物? -唔

[04:38.84]You wanna shoot animals with arrows? 你想用箭射动物?

[04:42.56]-Yeah. -You do? -唔 -真的?

[04:45.64]Yeah, to kill them. 唔,杀死它们

[04:46.04]But that's not archery. That's hunting. 可那就不是射箭了,那是打猎

[04:51.68]That's called bowhunting. That's what you wanted to do? 那叫弓箭狩猎 那就是你想干的事?

[04:51.88]-Bowhunting? -Yeah, l saw it on TV. -弓箭狩猎? -唔,我在电视上看到过

[04:59.04]Well, l don't really wanna kill animals with arrows... 我可不想用弓箭杀动物...


[0-1:59.18]Do you know that the harder thing to do and the right thing to do... 你知不知道:难做的事和应该做的事...

[00:04.98]are usually the same thing? 往往是同一件事?

[00:07.98]Nothing that has meaning is easy. 凡是有意义的事都不会容易

[00:10.54]Easy doesn't enter into grown-up life. 成年人的生活里没有容易二字

[00:31.46]l'm not comfortable with an 18-degree variance. 我受不了10度的变动范围

[00:34.10]-Why even forecast? -lt's a technical art... -那还要预报干什么? -这是一门技艺...

[00:34.70]not a science. People get that. 不是科学。人们能接受的

[00:36.98]-Let's narrow it down, Tim. -Dave, it's random. -把范围缩小些吧,蒂姆 -戴维,这是


[00:43.18]We do our best. 我们只是尽力而为

[00:44.14]A day can have that variance. 一天之中是可能有这么大变动的

[00:47.82]-Dave, phone call. -Tell him to take a message. -戴维,有电话 -让他留个言

[00:51.54]lt's Hello America. 是"你好美国"节目来的

[01:16.14]Sure. Where is that? 当然可以。什么地方?

[01:16.46]Can we shop here? 我们可以在这里买东西吗?

[01:19.62]-Bendel. -All right. -班德尔成衣店 -好的

[01:32.78]Dad? 爸爸?

[01:39.62]You know what? Let's go for a walk. Take a break. 咱们去散散步吧,休息一下

[01:42.18]You don't like it? 你不喜欢吗?

[01:44.38]No, maybe we'll come back later. We'll just take a break. 不,我们可以以后再来 现在只是去休息一下

[01:51.26]-So how's everything going? -Good. -你过得怎样? -很好

[01:55.34]-How's school? -Good. -学校怎样? -很好

[01:56.10]-Dance school? -Good. -舞蹈学校呢? -很好

[02:00.38]You know, when l was in school... 知道吗,在我上学的时候...

[02:03.98]l guess the hardest thing was how other kids can be a little mean. 我觉得最难理解的事就是 为什么其他孩子总有一点下流

[02:09.38]Names and stuff. 他们会起绰号什么的

[02:13.02]Do you ever get called names? 别人给你起过绰号吗?

[02:13.10]Like what? 什么样的?

[02:17.02]l don't know, like ''dummy'' if you miss a question... 不知道,比方说你回答不出问题 可能被人叫“笨瓜”...

[02:20.50]or ''camel toe.'' 或者被人叫“骆驼蹄子”

[02:21.14]Yeah. Camel toe. 有这绰号,骆驼蹄子

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[02:26.34]Do you know why? 你知道为什么吗?

[02:28.22]Why what? 什么为什么?

[02:31.14]Why you get called camel toe? 为什么叫你“骆驼蹄子”?

[02:34.18]Yeah. 知道

[02:38.70]Why, hon? 为什么,宝贝?

[02:40.18]Because camel toes are tough. 因为骆驼蹄子很结实

[02:44.02]They can walk all over the desert and all the hot rocks. 可以踏遍沙漠和滚烫的岩石

[02:50.18]l'm tough. 我也很结实

[02:54.50]That's right. lt's because they're tough. 没错。因为它们很结实

[02:57.62]You ready to shop again? 再去买东西好吗?

[03:07.10]l think they make car tires out of camel toes. 我想他们会用骆驼蹄子做汽车轮胎

[03:08.30]Yeah, l think l heard that. 对,我听说过

[03:13.14]l just think you're more grown-up than that other stuff. 我只是觉得你已经长大了,再穿先前 那件不合适

[03:16.66]l don't think l like it. 我想我不喜欢它

[03:17.22]But that was sort of kid stuff. 那件是童装

[03:19.74]l like this dress. lt's New York style. 我喜欢这件。是纽约款式

[03:22.58]Let me see. 让我看看

[03:33.54]Hey. 嘿

[03:33.74]-You like it? -l like it. Yeah. -你喜欢? -喜欢。

[03:38.70]Do you like it? 你喜欢吗?

[03:39.50]Yeah, l think l do. 嗯,我想是的

[03:41.50]Do you feel comfortable in it? Because, you know, that's the thing. 你觉得穿着合身吗? 因为,那才是关键

[03:45.78]Yeah, it's comfy. 嗯,挺舒服的

[03:49.14]You look great. 你看上去棒极了

[03:49.66]You look all grown-up. 完全像个大人了

[03:52.74]Okay, change. Let's get some more. 好,去换衣服吧。咱们再买几件

[03:55.02]Really? 真的?

[03:56.42]Sure, and then we'll go show Poppop some of this stuff. 当然了,我们还要让爷爷看看

[04:24.74]Poppop! Poppop! 爷爷!爷爷!

[04:28.62]-Check this out. -That's nice, hon. -你瞧 -真漂亮,宝贝

[04:31.58]l know. l got a lot more, too! 我知道,还有好多呢!

[04:35.66]Dave. 戴维

[04:39.46]-How are you feeling? -l'm all right. -你感觉怎样? -我没事

[04:40.82]Mike got arrested. 迈克给抓起来了

[04:43.42]What? 什么?

[04:45.70]He fucked his drug counselor's car up. They were on their way to a movie. 他把戒毒辅导员的车敲了 当时他们正要去看电影

[04:56.82]A movie? 看电影?

听电影学英语之天气预报员11 00:02.10]Mike said he was trying to suck him off. 迈克说他想吮他的鸟

[00:07.90]Then Mike chucked a rock through his car's passenger window. 然后迈克就朝车窗掼了一块石头

[00:11.82]What is this sucking and chucking rocks? 什么是吮鸟和掼石头?

[00:17.10]l mean, what is this? 我是说,这都是什么呀?

[00:18.18]What did the guy say? 那家伙怎么说?

[00:21.70]He said Mike tried to jack his wallet. 他说迈克想要铳他的皮夹子

[00:30.94]What is this sucking and chucking and jacking and fucking-up, Son? 又是吮、又是掼、又是铳、又是敲的 儿子,这都是什么呀?

[00:35.58]He's 15 years old! 他才15岁!

[00:39.18]What is this shit? 这都是什么话?

[00:41.78]-Where is he? -He's at home. -他在哪儿? -在家里

[00:43.86]What is this? 这是什么啊?

[00:44.94]Fuck. 操

[00:56.46]Are you ready for the doctors? 你可以去见大夫了吧?

[00:58.66]Yeah. 嗯

[01:04.42]Got you! You're dead. 打中你了!你死了

[01:07.34]l think just what he said happened, happened. 我觉得事情就像他说的那样

[01:09.62]l think the guy was trying to make a move on him... 我看是那家伙想对他动手


[01:11.78]and Mike got surprised and scared. 迈克被吓到了

[01:13.46]Hon, will you get me a pop from the pop machine? 宝贝,你到售货机上给我买杯汽水好吗?

[01:16.98]Can you get your pop later? 你呆会儿再买气水行不行?

[01:18.54]l'm trying to send Shelly away so she doesn't have to hear this. 我是想把雪丽支开,不让她听到这些话

[01:21.62]This guy says that Mike tried to steal his wallet... 那人说迈克想偷他的钱包...

[01:26.82]and that's why they were fighting when the police came. 所以他们就打起来,正好警察来了

[01:28.70]-How is he? -He's scared. l don't know. -他情况怎样? -他给吓到了。我不知道

[01:34.94]l can come home. 我可以回家来

[01:35.06]No, stay there and do your Hello America thing. 不要,你就在那里弄你的"你好美国"节目吧

[01:40.50]-You act like.... -What? -你说得好像.... -好像什么?

[01:42.42]Like Mike's in trouble... 好像迈克出事...

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[01:42.82]'cause l'm interviewing at Hello America. Give me a break! 都是我在"你好美国"节目面试害的 你少来!

[01:47.66]l don't have any money. 我没钱

[01:51.54]Russ is helping anyway. 反正拉斯在帮忙

[01:54.26]-That dildo's what? -He's been a big help, okay? -那个痿货在干什么? -他帮了很多忙,明白了吧?

[01:57.10]You can stay there. 你可以呆在那里

[01:57.62]Fine. l'll stay here with camel toe. 好啊。我和骆驼蹄子一起留在这里

[02:01.42]You just take care of stuff there! You take care of it! 那边的事都有你来操心! 你会操心的!

[02:03.86]Camel toe? What are you talking about? 骆驼蹄子?你说什么呢?

[02:05.30]l had to find out how kids taunt Shelly about that... 她被人这样侮辱你不闻不问...

[02:05.78]and you're letting her get taunted. 只好让我来搞明白是怎么回事了

[02:08.26]You're not paying attention to the way she goes to school! 你根本就没注意过她是怎么去上学的!

[02:11.06]l take care of everything around here. 这里样样事都由我来操心

[02:11.34]Well, l bought her new stuff. 对,我给她买了新衣服

[02:12.90]l bought her a bunch of brand new stuff... 我给她买了一大堆新衣服...

[02:16.02]-and she told me all kinds of stuff, so-- -Don't be such a dick. -她把什么事都跟我说了,所以-- -别以为自己了不起

[02:17.58]You have her for one weekend. 你只不过陪了她一个周末

[02:17.98]You know what, Noreen? Just.... 你知道吗,诺玲?只是....

[02:21.18]Fuck! Whatever. Let me talk to Mike. 我操!随你怎么说吧 让我跟迈克说话

[02:26.06]He's sleeping, and don't talk to me like that. 他在睡觉,不许你用这种语气跟我说话

[02:27.06]More dildo, more fucking.... 又是痿的,又是操的....

[02:31.02]Listen, l have to go, Noreen. l'll talk to you soon. 我要挂了,诺玲 回头还会跟你谈的

[02:31.90]Whatever. 随你怎样

[02:35.98]l thought you were trying to improve matters with Noreen... 我还以为你即使不想重归于好...

[02:37.94]if not reconcile. 也会想法和诺玲改善一下关系

[02:41.18]l am. What did Frost say? 我想啊。福斯特怎么说?

[02:41.94]He wants to speak to me in about 10 minutes. 10分钟以后他会和我说

[02:46.82]Would you get me a coffee, Dave? So l can warm up. 戴维,给我买杯咖啡好吗? 让我暖暖身子

[02:47.14]lt was cold in there. 里面挺冷的

[02:51.60]Dildo. Jacking.... 痿货....

[02:52.50]Yeah, Dad. 好的,爸爸

[03:07.58]Hi. $0.65. 嗨,0.65美元

[03:08.38]Hi. 嗨

[03:11.78]Fuck. 操

[03:15.74]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨

[03:18.94]Poppop went in? 爷爷进去了?

[03:19.34]-Yeah. -Great. Yeah. He wanted a coffee. -唔 -好极了。他想要一杯咖啡

[03:21.90]Do you have my wallet? 我的钱包在你这儿吧?

[03:29.06]You only had $1 . 你只有一块钱

[03:30.58]You should carry more money than that. 你该多带点钱的

[03:33.62]l know. 我知道

[03:45.46]Well, did he say whether any more therapy could.... 嗯,他有没有说再多做点治疗可以....

[03:48.54]No, he didn't have a different opinion than Pritch. 没有,他的看法和伯利伽没什么两样

[03:57.18]There's too large a plane. 转移面太大了

[03:59.30]lt's a no-go. 没法治

[04:02.86]-Well, did he say-- -He said months. -那他有没有说-- -他说几个月

[04:08.66]-Did he say a lot of months? -Well, what's a lot? -他是不是说好几个月? -哦,怎样算好几个月?

[04:12.62]l don't know, like 12. 不知道,可能12个

[04:14.86]Well, if he meant 12, he probably would've said a year, Son. 假如他指的是12个月,那他就会说 是一年了,儿子

[04:21.34]l think he meant three or four. 我想他的意思也就是三四个月

[04:42.30]Well, you have a big day tomorrow. 你明天还有大事要办呢

[04:47.18]The Hello America show. "你好美国"节目面试

[04:49.90]Yeah. 是啊

[00:55.30]...and here comes the grand marshal, Dave Spritzel. ...现在过来的是大明星 戴维 斯埔里泽

[00:59.06]Didn't his name used to be Spritz? 他以前不是叫斯普里兹吗?

[01:00.78]Yeah, it sure did... 对,没错...

[01:02.86]but he changed it back to the original Spritzel. 不过他现在又恢复了原名斯埔里

[01:03.22]Why the change, Ed? 为什么要改名字,爱德?

[01:04.86]Well, when you're national, there's no more up. 嗯,因为成了全国知名人物以后 就再不用往上爬了

[01:08.10]So he changed it back... 所以他就把名字改回来了...

[01:09.78]like John "Cougar" Mellencamp. He's realer now and more authentic. 约翰·库格·麦伦侃普也是这样 现在他显得更加率真,更加坦诚了

[01:13.10]-Who's that with him? -Those are the wife and kids. -和他在一起的是谁? -那是他的妻子和孩子

[01:17.06]Didn't they used to have a real fucked-up relationship? 他们以前的关系不是很僵吗?

[01:18.58]Not anymore. That's something else that changed. 现在不是了 同样发生了改变

[01:20.14]lt seems Hello America with Byrant Gumbel... 看来"你好美国"节目和布莱恩特. 甘宝...

[01:22.94]gave them all a fresh start... 让他们开始了全新的生活...

[01:26.10]and an increase in salary to $980,000 outside promotional fees... 他的薪水提高到了98万美元 这还没把奖金计算在内...

[01:29.90]which puts Dave well over $1 million a year. 所以戴维现在的年收入大大超过 1百万美元

[01:32.34]-That got his wife's ear, l bet. -You bet. That buys a lot of face time. -我敢打赌,他妻子准是听说了这事 -没错。这给他赢来了很多和老婆相处的机会

[01:37.60]-Did he say that? -Yeah, he told me that.... -他是这么说的? -对,他亲口对我说的....

[01:38.46]Now everything's great. 现在他是诸事顺心

[02:23.94]Hello, America. 你好,美国

[02:29.70]What are your hobbies? 你的业余爱好是什么?

[02:31.54]Writing. Archery. 写作。射箭

[02:38.58]And you don't have a degree in meteorology? 你没有拿过气象学的学位?

[02:41.38]General communications. 我学的是通用通信

[02:44.62]Well, listen. We've seen a lot of your work in Chicago. 好的。你在芝加哥的工作录像我们 已经看过很多了

[02:45.70]Okay. 好啊

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[02:49.02]We think you're great, refreshing. 我们觉得你很棒,让人耳目一新

[02:51.38]We love the Spritz Nipper. 我们很喜欢那个“斯普里兹大钳”

[02:53.60]Why don't we run some blue screen, and we'll do a walk-through on the set? 我们用蓝幕拍几段 作些试演怎么样?

[02:55.46]Great. 太好了

[02:58.74]Great. 好啊

[03:06.42]Here's your station. We'll run some screen. 这里就是你的舞台 我们会拍些片段

[03:09.90]Give me a second to set it up. 稍等一会,我去布置一下

[03:38.30]-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨

[03:40.42]l'm waiting for Mark. l'm running some screen. 我在等马克布置 要拍几个片段

[03:42.30]-Dave. -Bryant. -戴维 -布莱恩特

[03:45.10]-Nervous? -No. -紧张吗? -不

[03:48.26]-Sure? -Yeah. -真的? -嗯

[03:52.42]You look just a little bit nervous. 我看你稍微有点紧张

[03:53.54]lt's not nerves. 不是紧张

[03:54.62]-Other shit. -Yeah. -别的原因 -哦

[04:03.06]As this high-pressure system gives way... 等到这个冈银压离开的时候...

[04:03.46]...mild in the Northwest. ...西北地区天气温和

[04:04.14]we'll see warm temperatures in New Mexico.... 新墨西哥的气温就会转暖....

[04:07.82]l know it's not neurosurgery... 我知道这和神经外科学扯不上关系...

[04:09.14]but green screen is the one part of my job that's not really easy. 不过在我的工作中,绿幕是 不那么容易的部分

[04:10.50]...35 in New York with colder temperatures west to Michigan.... ...纽约地区是1.7度 密歇根以西则更冷....

[04:15.58]You need a sense of where put-ons will come from... 你必须知道该在什么地方比划...

[04:16.30]and a pretty strong sense of scale. 必须有很强的位置感

[04:17.78]...there are travel advisories in New Orleans and Atlanta. ...到新奥尔良和亚特兰大旅游的 人要注意了

[04:20.58]lt's pretty heavy weather.... 天气相当恶劣....

[04:22.02]l've gotten real good at it. 我对这个非常拿手

[04:24.14]l thought everything went over pretty well. 我觉得一切都很顺当

[04:30.82]So we'll let you know in a couple of days. 过几天我们就会通知你结果

[04:32.18]Okay. 好

[04:34.10]This is my father, Robert Spritzel, and my daughter. 这是我父亲罗伯特.斯普里泽 还有我女儿

[04:35.86]We're a little late for our plane... 我们还要赶飞机,已经有点迟了...

[04:38.86]so we thought we'd leave from here. 所以我想现在就走

[04:41.22]-Yeah, l'm sorry. We kept you late. -That's cool. -哦,对不起。耽误你时间了 -没什么

[04:41.26]-So you've got the numbers? -Yes. -电话号码你有吧? -有的

[04:44.70]There's a built-in with Purina l forgot. $42,000. 我忘了,还有一个普瑞纳公司的 内定广告。4万2千美元

[04:45.42]Okay. 好的

[04:46.82]-What's a built-in? -lt's a compulsory endorsement... -什么是内定广告? -这是必须履行的合同条例...

[04:50.06]if l'm offered the job. 前提是我被录用

[04:52.86]-Dog food? -Yeah. Pet products. -狗粮广告? -对,宠物食品

[04:56.42]Dave doesn't own a pet. 戴维没有养宠物

[04:59.82]Jackson lives with your wife and kids. 杰克逊是和你老婆孩子一起过的

[05:00.02]Well, l have Jackson. 我不是养了杰克逊吗?

[00:06.86]We'll let you know. 我们会通知你的

[00:26.98]-Russ is here. -Okay. -拉斯在这儿 -好

[00:29.74]-Where's Mike? -lnside. -迈克呢? -在里面

[00:38.90]-Dave. -Hi, Russ. -戴维 -嗨,拉斯

[00:39.70]He's upstairs. He's still pretty upset about it. 他在楼上,还在为这事烦恼呢

[00:43.98]-Did he talk about it? -Yeah. -他说起过这事吗? -说过

[00:47.82]-To you? -He's told us what happened. -跟你说的? -他把事情经过告诉了我们

[00:51.90]He was with his counselor, Don Boden. l guess he.... 当时他和辅导员堂.波顿在一起 我猜他....

[00:54.38]l don't really know why what happened next happened. 我并不知道接下来的事为什么会发生

[00:59.06]He was talking about my son, and l was taking my gloves off. 他在谈我儿子,而我在脱手套

[01:03.22]Apparently, they were going to a movie-- 显然,他们是去看电影--

[01:04.74]-What the fuck? -Why are you here? -这算什么? -你怎么会在这儿?

[01:08.30]-What are you doing? -Why are you here? -你干什么? -你怎么会在这儿?

[01:08.82]-l'm helping Noreen! -Why are you helping? -我在帮诺玲的忙! -你干吗要帮忙?

[01:10.70]-Dave. -Son. Jesus. -戴维 -儿子,天哪

[01:21.34]Here's something that... 告诉你们一个道理...

[01:22.42]if you want your father to think you're not a silly fuck... 即如你不希望父亲 把你看成一个糊涂蛋...

[01:25.54]don't slap a guy across the face with a glove. 那就别拿手套掴别人的耳光

[01:28.58]Because if you do that, that's what he will think... 因为如果你这么干了 他就一定会那样想...

[01:29.30]unless you're a nobleman or something in the 19th century... 除非你是19世纪的贵族...

[01:32.66]which l'm not. 而我不是

[01:39.62]-You can get inside okay, Dad? -Yeah. -爸爸,你自己进去没问题吧? -嗯

[02:13.06]"When my back's against the wall, l order a chink call-girl... “要是我走投无路了,我就叫一个 中国应召女郎...

[02:17.62]"or l box some rounds with Richie... “或者去找克兰赛拳馆里那个 波多黎各左撇子瑞奇...

[02:18.90]"the Puerto Rican southpaw at Clancey's gym. “跟他打上几个回合

[02:22.58]"'But tonight,' Roy thought... “?但是今晚,?罗伊想...

[02:23.70]"'once l smuggle this fucking plutonium out... “?等我把这些他妈的钚元素 偷带出去...

[02:25.58]"'l'm just going to drink some Scotch and hit the sack.' “?我只想喝点苏格兰威士忌 然后睡上一觉。?

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[02:27.54]"Roy had picked up Oliver at his science lab... “罗伊在实验室里找到了奥立弗...

[02:29.14]"and there he snagged the vials. “在那里偷出了小瓶

[02:30.66]"He stashed them in his computer case...." “他把瓶子藏在电脑机箱里....”

[02:48.60]My mom discovered an idea known as a living funeral... 我妈妈想到了一种叫做“生前葬礼” 的主意...

[02:54.70]in a book she read to help her with Robert dying. 这是她在一本教人应对丧偶之痛 的书里看来的

[03:08.90]lt's where someone's family and friends gather... 在这种葬礼上亲戚朋友汇聚一堂...

[03:12.22]like they might at the person's funeral... 就和出席真的葬礼一样...

[03:17.58]only when the person's alive, so they can see everybody. 只不过葬礼的主角还活着 所以大家都能和他见面

[03:42.50]-Hey, what's up? -What's up? -嘿,怎么样? -怎么样?

[03:46.30]Hey, what's the Nipper? 大钳是哪一天?

[03:46.98]-What's that? -What's the Nipper this week? -那是什么? -这星期的大钳是哪一天?

[03:48.78]l don't know. 我不知道

[03:51.54]You don't know yet? 你还不知道?

[03:54.14]What? l just asked you about the Nipper. 怎么了?我只不过问问你大钳的事

[03:56.82]Monday, okay? That's the.... Okay? 星期一,好了吧?那是.... 行了吧?

[03:59.10]-What's your problem? -lt's February, man. lt's cold. -你出什么问题了? -那么是星期


[04:05.18]Fuck! 我操!

[04:08.78]-Fuck you, then. -Fuck you! -那就操你 -操你!

[04:09.42]Do you know what variance is? 你知道波动有多大吗?

[04:13.34]You think you could pick out a day... 你以为你可以提前一周...

[04:13.94]a week ahead and give a realistic.... You know? 挑出一天,然后作现实的.... 你知道吗?

[04:18.18]-Did you know that? -Weatherman! -你知道吗? -气象先生!

[04:18.30]God! Fuck! 啊!我操!

[04:31.74]l have kids! 我还有孩子呢!

[04:32.54]l have to go see my kids! 我要去看我的孩子!

[04:35.78]You put fucking pie shit on my coat! 你拿烂馅饼往我衣服上扔!

[04:37.10]l have to see my kids with pie on me, man? 我只好身上沾着馅饼去看我的孩子了!

[04:41.46]Go see your kids with shit on you! 你也身上沾着垃圾去看你孩子吧!

[04:42.54]Hey, calm down, man! 嘿,别激动,老兄!

[04:45.14]l have to see my family! 我得去看我的亲人!

[04:49.42]l have to see.... 我得去看....

[00:03.14]-Hello? -Hello? Dave? -喂? -喂?戴维?

[00:06.02]-What? -lt's Mark Dersen from Hello America. -是谁? -我是"你好美国"节目的马克.德尔讯

[00:09.78]Hi, Dave. 嗨,戴维

[00:23.62]-Take care. -Okay. -保重 -好的

[00:28.10]Noreen. 诺玲

[00:28.66]-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨

[00:32.54]Shelly looks nice. 雪丽很漂亮

[00:34.74]We bought that in New York. 那衣服是我们在纽约买的

[00:37.50]Yeah, l know. That's why l said it. 我知道。所以我才这么说

[00:37.54]lt's very nice. 非常漂亮

[00:43.22]Noreen, l got offered the show. Hello America with Bryant Gumbel. 诺玲,他们让我演那个节目了 "你好美国"和"布莱恩特.甘宝秀"

[00:46.58]Well, that's great. 哦,那太好了

[00:52.02]-Are you gonna take it? -l'm thinking about it. -你会接受吗? -我还在考虑

[00:56.54]lt's a pretty substantial salary, and you know the venue. lt's big. 薪水很高,你知道的,收入非常多

[00:58.66]lt's a pretty big salary jump, l guess. 我猜你的薪水要大涨了

[01:05.06]$1 .2 million all in, Noreen. 合计1百20万美元,诺玲

[01:08.70]Can we think about that? 我们可以考虑一下那件事吗?

[01:12.82]What? 什么事?

[01:16.10]What that kind of change could be like for everybody. 就是大家都高兴看到的改变

[01:21.06]Mike, Shelly, you know? 迈克,雪丽,你明白吧?

[01:24.22]lf we thought about trying again. 即如我们考虑从头再来的话

[01:31.18]Dave, l'm marrying Russ. 戴维,我就要和拉斯结婚了

[03:23.62]Accuracy equals focusing on a point. 精确意味着集中于一点

[03:30.98]You point up. 你要瞄准上方

[03:31.02]Gravity pulls an inch a yard. 重力会使箭每飞一码就下坠一英寸

[03:39.42]But you have to factor in wind... 但是必须考虑风的因素...

[03:40.62]But you have to factor in wind... 但是必须考虑风的因素...

[03:42.34]which is the most difficult part. 这是最难的部分

[03:51.46]Noreen. 诺玲

[03:59.94]l had to go in anyway. 无论如何,我都得动身了

[04:00.60]lt was time for my speech. 要轮到我致词了

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[04:12.82]And that's what l know about Robert Spritzel. 这就是我所了解的罗伯特.斯普里泽

[04:16.34]Forbearance, charity, wisdom. 稳重、宽厚、睿智

[04:20.58]There are too few like him. 他这样的人实在太难得了

[04:24.98]And now Robert's son, David. 现在由罗伯特的儿子戴维致词

[04:39.38]Good afternoon. 下午好

[04:46.66]Many of you came from long distances... 你们中有很多人是远道而来...

[04:48.02]and l know l speak for my mom and Noreen... 我要代表我妈妈、诺玲...

[04:51.78]and my family, Mike and Shelly, when l say thank you. 还有我的孩子迈克和雪丽 对你们表示感谢

[05:00.22]When l think of my dad, l think of Bob Seger's Like a Rock. 每当我想到爸爸 我就会想起鲍勃·西格的《宛若山岩》 [00:09.26]And then the power went out. 就在这时候停电了

[00:23.58]Then, when the lights came back on in 40 minutes... 然后,当40分钟后灯光重新亮起...

[00:26.78]everyone had pretty much forgotten that l was talking... 大家都忘记了我要致词...

[00:32.58]and we never finished that part of the thing. 于是这部分仪式也就不了了之

[00:36.62]So my speech was, "When l think of my dad... 所以我的致词就是: 每当我想到爸爸...

[00:38.82]"l think of Bob Seger's Like a Rock.'' 我就会想起鲍勃·西格的《宛若山岩》

[00:45.06]That's all l said at my dad's living funeral... 这就是我在爸爸的生前葬礼上 作的全部发言...

[00:47.18]something about Bob Seger. 一句关于鲍勃·西格的话

[01:08.26]You've reached 272-7638. Please leave a message. 您拨通的是272-7638。请留言

[01:13.70]Dave, it's Mark Dersen from Hello America. 戴维,我是"你好美国"节目的 马克.德尔讯

[01:19.06]Can you give me a call back? l called a couple of times Friday... 可以给我回个电话吗? 星期五我打来好几次...

[01:20.94]and l'm wondering why you haven't called me back. 不知道为什么你没回电

[01:25.82]lf l need to move down on my list, look, l need to know. Okay? 假如我必须考虑名单上的候补人选 请你给我个准信。好吗?

[01:27.70]lt's not "Hello, you know, whatever, Orlando." 这可不是开玩笑

[01:30.50]Look. l'm still jacked about you, Dave. 我还是非常希望你来干,戴维

[01:35.46]l just need to hear from you. Give me a call. 只要你给我个答复就行 给我回电吧

[01:47.58]Your phone's ringing. 你的手机响了

[01:50.38]l know. 我知道

[01:55.14]Why aren't you getting it? 为什么你不接?

[02:00.94]lt's the Bryant Gumbel thing. 是布莱恩特 甘宝的那件事

[02:03.38]So why aren't you getting it? 那你为什么不接?

[02:07.98]Did you bring that stuff? 你把那东西拿来了吗?

[02:09.10]lt's by the door. 就在门边

[02:17.70]You should get it. 你应该接电话的

[02:31.82]Fuck. 操

[02:33.74]lt was a McDonald's hot apple pie. 这是麦当劳的香辣苹果派

[02:36.62]They're not kidding. 他们没有骗人

[02:39.30]lt was hot. 确实很辣

[03:05.02]The other thing that gets to people... 我想,导致人们扔馅饼的...

[03:07.74]that leads to pies, l guess... 另一个原因是...

[03:12.70]are these catch phrases we're required to use... 我们为了让节目吸引人.

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/..

[03:13.30]to single the program out. 而使用的那些广告词

[03:15.66]lt gets under people's skin. 它会把人惹火

[03:17.94]Spritz Nipper. 斯普里兹大钳

[03:26.90]But the whole thing about all of it... 但是归根结底...

[03:29.18]all the getting hit with stuff... 说到被人扔东西...

[03:31.26]the whole thing is, who gets hit with a fucking pie, anyway? 最关键的是:什么样的人会被馅饼扔到?

[03:33.58]Did anyone ever throw a pie at Thomas Jefferson? 有人朝托马斯·杰弗逊扔过馅饼吗?

[03:35.98]Or Buzz Aldrin? l doubt it. 巴兹·奥尔德林*呢?我想没有 (*第二位登上月球的宇航员)

[03:38.94]But this is like the ninth time l got.... 可我好像已经是第九次被扔....

[03:41.34]Clowns get hit with pies. 小丑才会被馅饼扔到

[03:57.94]-Fuck! -l'm Mike's father! Here's your shit! -操! -我是迈克的父亲!这是你的狗屁东西!

[04:08.74]l saw you buy this at the mall on North Avenue! 我看见你在北方大道的商场买的!

[04:12.22]And l'm telling the cops, too! 我也会这么跟警察说!

[04:13.70]So you can cut your crap about Mike jacking your wallet! 所以你趁早收回那些屁话! 迈克才没偷你的钱包!

[04:23.58]He's just a kid. See! 他还是个孩子。明白吗!

[04:24.54]He looks grown, but he's just a kid! 他个头挺大,可还是个孩子!

[04:29.82]You fucking asshole. 你这混账王八蛋

[04:37.62]l mean, l'll bet no one ever threw a pie at, like... 我敢打赌,从来没人拿馅饼砸过...

[04:39.38]Harriet Tubman, the founder of the Underground Railroad. “地下铁道”*的创建人哈丽特·塔布曼 (*帮助黑奴逃出南方的秘密渠道)

[04:43.14]l'll bet you a million fucking dollars. 我敢跟你赌一百万美元

[00:16.26]The first time l was struck with something... 我第一次挨砸...

[00:20.62]a chicken breast from Kenny Rogers... 是肯尼·罗杰斯店的鸡块...

[00:23.50]l was standing next to a garbage pail. 那时我正站在垃圾桶边上

[00:25.50]l thought it might've been an accident, that they were throwing it out. 我还以为那不是有意的 他们只是想扔垃圾

[00:31.86]The second time, it hit me square on the chin... 第二次,正中我的下巴...

[00:32.82]a soft taco. 软式塔可饼

[00:36.86]Then, pop. 然后是汽水

[00:38.14]A falafel. 沙拉三明治

[00:39.60]McNuggets. 麦乐鸡

[00:44.86]Always fast food. 都是快餐

[00:48.14]Fast food. 快餐

[00:49.14]Shit people would rather throw out than finish. 那些混蛋吃不完就宁可扔掉

[00:53.46]lt's easy. lt tastes all right... 快餐很容易做。味道也还可以...

[00:55.90]but it doesn't really provide you any nourishment. 但是一点营养都没有

[01:02.10]l'm fast food. 我就是快餐

[01:02.66]Hey. 嘿

[01:07.14]Hey. 嘿

[01:11.14]-Did you see him? -Yeah. -你见过他了? -对

[01:16.10]Am l gonna get in trouble? l didn't do anything. 我会有麻烦吗?我什么都没做

[01:21.06]You're not in trouble. l took care of it. 你不会有麻烦了。我已经摆平了

[01:24.86]l got on him. 我找过他了

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[01:28.10]l let him know we're not messing around. 让他知道我们不是省油的灯

[01:29.90]l whaled on him. 我把他一顿胖揍

[01:32.18]What? 什么?

[01:36.38]l caught him one clean one for sure, on the forehead... 我正好砸中他的额头...

[01:37.66]and then l fucking whaled on him. 然后又给他一顿胖揍

[01:41.34]Seriously? 真的?

[01:43.74]He's not going to say you stole anything, and you're not in trouble. 他不会再说你偷他东西了 你不会有麻烦了

[01:54.14]-What are you eating? -Corn dog. -你吃的是什么? -玉米热狗

[02:13.06]You're a kid, Mike. Fuck. 你是个孩子,迈克。妈的

[02:16.10]-l'm not a kid. -You are a kid. -我不是孩子了 -你是个孩子

[02:18.22]Don't put yourself in grown-up situations again until you're a grown-up. 别再掺和大人的事情 等你真正长大再说

[02:22.70]-Okay. -Okay? -好 -好吗?

[02:25.30]Yeah. 嗯

[02:29.54]-Do you want me to get you a corn dog? -What? No. -要我给你买个玉米热狗吗? -什么?不要

[02:33.22]What do you want? 那你要吃什么?

[02:36.50]Nothing. 什么都不要

[02:54.10]Weatherman! 气象先生!

[03:03.86]-Hey. -Hi. -嘿 -嗨

[03:06.74]-Are you all right? -Yeah. -你还好吧? -嗯

[03:12.62]l just wanted you to.... 我只是想让你....

[03:15.18]What? 什么?

[03:17.06]l was eighteen 我十八岁那年

[03:19.46]Didn't have a care 无忧无虑

[03:23.26]Working for peanuts 辛勤工作赚点小钱

[03:27.02]Not a dime to spare 从来都是省不下一点

[03:30.22]But l was lean and solid everywhere 但是我年轻力壮,筋骨强健

[03:33.26]Like a rock 宛若山岩

[03:40.06]l don't really get it. 我不是很明白你的话

[03:42.82]Am l following it? 我没听错吧?

[03:46.78]lt was just a lead up to other things l wanted to say. 那只是一段开场白 我还有很多别的话要说

[03:51.26]Here's the part. 这一段是重点

[03:52.98]And l held firm 而我坚守信念

[03:55.54]To what l felt was right 从不改变

[03:58.90]Like a rock 宛若山岩

[04:00.14]l wanted to talk about that part... 我就是想拿这一段...

[04:04.18]about you. 来说你

[04:05.58]l was strong as l could be 我尽量坚强

[04:05.98]That's like you. 你就是这样的

[04:09.98]Like a rock 宛若山岩

[04:13.82]l got the job. 我得到那份工作了

[04:16.14]New York? 纽约?

[04:20.98]That's terrific. That's a remarkable income. 太好了 那份薪水高得很啊

[04:23.50]That's more money than l ever made, that salary. 比我挣过的还多

[04:26.18]Yeah. 是啊

[04:29.74]That's quite an American accomplishment. 这是典型的美国式成功

[04:31.22]Thanks. 谢谢

[04:38.02]Are you okay? 你没事吧?

[04:46.14]l can't knuckle down. 我没法专心工作

[04:48.90]There's nothing to knuckle down on, so... 我再工作也没什么意思了,所以...

[04:49.42]Noreen's marrying Russ. 诺玲要和拉斯结婚了

[04:52.78]l can't fucking knuckle down. 我他妈的没法专心工作

[04:59.18]Your hand. 你的手

[00:02.34]l just saw Mike's counselor. 我刚才去找了迈克的辅导员

[00:06.82]Mike mentioned that you were gonna fix this business up. 迈克说过,你要去摆平那件事

[00:10.98]He's in no trouble? 他现在不会有麻烦了吧?

[00:14.74]Good job. 干得好

[00:23.58]Your hand okay? 你的手没事吧?

[00:26.58]lt's okay. 没事

[00:27.10]-You certain? -Don't worry. -你肯定? -别担心

[00:31.58]You always worry about your kids... 人总是会担心自己的孩子...

[00:35.86]no matter how old. 不管年纪多大

[00:36.34]There's always looking after. 总是有要照看的东西

[00:51.62]l read your book. 我读了你的书

[00:55.22]Fuck. 操

[00:57.70]l was going to do some more work on it, then l chucked it. 我本来想做些修改,后来就把它扔了

[01:02.90]-You chucked it. -Garbage. -你把它扔了 -垃圾

[01:07.82]lt's just what l do, David. 我也是这么干的,戴维

[01:13.74]l've practiced and l've gotten good. 我练过好多次,后来就会写了

[01:15.82]Like you and the weather business. 你做天气预报也是这样

[01:20.78]But l don't predict it. 可我不是在预报

[01:21.58]Nobody does, 'cause it's just wind. lt's wind. 没人能预报,因为那就是风、风呀

[01:26.02]lt blows all over the place! 到处乱刮的!

[01:26.94]What the fuck? 这他妈的算什么?

[01:38.38]l have to go to work. 我得去工作了

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[01:39.54]David. 戴维

[01:46.22]This shit life... 对这种狗屎人生...

[01:52.70]we must chuck some things. 我们必须扔掉一些东西

[01:59.02]We must chuck them... 我们必须扔掉它们...

[02:02.70]in this shit life. 在这种狗屎人生里

[02:12.38]There's always looking after. 总是有要照看的东西

[02:18.90]You have time. 你还有时间

[02:24.98]Thanks. 谢谢

[03:22.60]Pretty soon after Robert's living funeral, we had his real one. 罗伯特的生前葬礼过了没多久 我们就给他办了真正的葬礼

[04:26.18]l'm sorry for your loss. 节哀顺变

[04:33.14]That's a lovely thing to say to me. 这话说得真好

[04:36.70]His friends. 他朋友那里

[04:37.30]Where'd you hear that? 从哪儿听来的?

[04:46.94]l'm glad one of you brought an umbrella. 还好你们俩有一个带伞了

[04:49.54]l had a feeling it was going to rain today. 我预感今天会下雨

[04:52.98]You're not going to take my job, are you? 你不会也干我这行吧?

[04:55.10]No. l'm going to be a cameraman for Monday Night Football. 不。我打算给“星期一晚间橄榄球” 栏目做摄影师

[05:00.46]ls that okay? 那样可以吧?

[00:06.14]Yeah. That's good. 嗯,那很好

[00:09.86]There are a great many of Robert's friends here, even in winter. 虽然时值严冬,还是有许多罗伯特的 朋友赶来了

[00:15.58]l think it's because Robert was unusual. 我想这是因为罗伯特非同凡响

[00:17.62]l think that's what brought so many of you out. 这就是这么多人来这里的原因

[00:23.30]A loving husband and father for 40 years. 他在40年里一直是 深情的丈夫和慈爱的父亲

[00:26.78]And a good friend to some of you for longer. 和你们某些人的深厚友谊则更长

[00:31.46]l'm sure that's why we appreciated and loved Robert. 我相信正因为如此我们才会 深深感激和爱戴着罗伯特

[00:37.42]He was excellent. 他是杰出的

[00:38.02]Selfless. 无私的

[00:41.10]Resolute. 坚毅的

[00:44.18]l remember once... 我记得以前...

[00:46.66]imagining what my life would be like, what l'd be like. 我设想过自己的人生会是什么样子 我自己会是什么样子

[00:50.82]l pictured having all these qualities. 我想象自己拥有所有这些品质

[00:54.94]Strong, positive qualities... 优良的品质...

[00:58.22]that people could pick up on from across a room. 可以让人出类拔萃的品质

[01:01.78]But as time passed... 但是随着岁月流逝...

[01:05.58]few ever became any qualities l actually had. 这些品质我差不多一个也没得到

[01:09.22]And all the possibilities l faced, and the sorts of people l could be... 而我当初面对的各种可能性 和我可能成为的各式人等...

[01:15.22]all of them got reduced every year to fewer and fewer... 也在年复一年地减少...

[01:20.50]until finally they got reduced to one... 最后终于只剩下一种...

[01:22.78]to who l am. 那就是现在的我

[01:31.22]And that's who l am... 那就是现在的我..

[03:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

[01:37.70]the weatherman. 气象先生

[02:30.14]But first Dave Spritz has the check of our national weather. Dave. 首先还是让戴维 斯普里兹看看 全国的天气情况。戴维

[02:33.02]Well, thanks, Bryant. Well, it feels like spring if you're in the Northeast. 多谢,布莱恩特。现在如果你身处东北部 就会感到温暖如春

[02:36.70]ls it gonna last? Let's take a look. 这样的天气会持续下去吗? 让我们看一下

[02:38.78]We've got a warm weather system to thank for these high temperatures.... 我们能得到这样的温暖天气 要感谢一个暖气团....

[02:41.66]Mike, you ready for school? 迈克,你可以上学了吧?

[02:44.58]Russ? 拉斯?

[02:46.06]Let's go, guys. 走吧

[02:48.06]Come on. 快点啦

[02:50.14]You're gonna get it! 你跑不了的!

[02:50.94]-Bye, Shelly. -Bye, Mom. -再见,雪丽 -再见,妈妈

[02:52.70]That's your national weather. l'll be back with your local focus... 全国的天气情况就是这样 稍后我会...

[02:57.78]at the bottom of the hour. 给大家预报各地的天气

[03:19.98]-Hey, are you Dave Spritz? -Yeah. -嘿,你是戴维 斯普里兹吧? -是的

[03:21.74]-Can l get your autograph? -Sure. -可以给我签名吗? -当然可以

[03:30.42]So is it going to rain today? 今天会下雨吗?

[03:34.30]Who knows? 谁知道呢?

[03:39.06]Hey, Hello America. 你好, 美国

[03:42.14]l've been doing the show for a few months. 我出演这个节目已经有几个月了

[03:44.90]People don't throw things at me anymore... 人们再也没有朝我扔过东西...

[03:47.78]maybe because l carry a bow around. 可能是因为我带着弓箭到处跑吧

[03:49.30]l don't know. 我不知道

[03:58.22]l go back to Chicago weekends... 每到周末我就回芝加哥...

[03:59.02]keep it steady with Mike and Shelly... 和迈克还有雪丽保持关系...

[04:00.90]come back, do the weather. So.... Forecast? 然后再回来做天气节目 .... 预报?

[04:04.70]Come on. 算了吧

[04:07.58]Another man is with my family. 另一个人和我的亲人住在一起

[04:09.78]Things didn't work out the way l predicted. 和我预想的是两码事

[04:13.62]Accepting that's not easy... 接受这个现实并不容易...

[04:17.82]but easy doesn't enter into grown-up life. 但是成年人的生活里本来就没有容易二字

[04:22.78]l'll take this American accomplishment. 我会接受这种美国式成功的

[04:26.18]That's where l live... 这就是我现在的处境...

[04:27.26]behind Fire Brigade 47. Okay. 排在47消防队后面。行啊

[04:30.34]But in front of SpongeBob. 但是在棉球方块前面

[04:36.22]Hello, America. 你好,美国











第13课,猜猜我是谁 教案反思


猜猜我是谁 反思


《猜猜我是谁》教学反思 施敏




科学 猜猜我是谁备课及反思





