


山东省平阴县第一中学  李玉刚

41.agree to


【例句】We agree to leave at once. 我们同意马上离开。

?+n(建议)、pron. etc.

【例句】He’s agreed to our suggestion about the holiday. 他已经同意我们关于假日的计划了。 【总结】agree to后接一件建议或计划或接动词原形。

42.agree with 


【例句】Do you agree with me? 你同意我吗?


【例句】The witnesses' statements just don't agree with each other.


③ (衣服等)适合某人

He doesn`t agree with mutton .他不喜欢吃羊肉。

【词语辨析】agree to, agree on, agree with

agree to: 常与plan(计划)、arrangement(安排)、suggestion(建议)、proposal(建议)、terms(条件)、method(方法)等名词连用。这时agree to不仅指其主语与对方看法一致,而且暗含自己也愿合作、承担义务或效法的意味。
agree on: 指双方或多方在某件事情上取得一致的意见。常与plan(计划)、date(日期)、terms(条件)、price(价格)等名词连用。
agree with: 可用于指人,指同意其看法或意见等,也可与一些名词或从句连用。与agree to不同之处是,仅表示看法或意见一致,没有愿意进行合作或效法的含义。

43..ahead of

?在 ... 前面,先于

He will be ahead of others in English.


?adv. 在 ... 前面

Luckily the van ahead of us skidded off the road on our left, but it was a very near miss.


【总结】ahead of “在。。前面”,是抽象意义上的,如“科技实力”,“时间”等概念 。

44.aim at 瞄准......,目的

【例句】The sportsman did not fire into the brown, but took careful aim at some particular bird.


【总结】aim at后加doing/sth.表力求做到某事/力求达到某事后加sb./sth. 表瞄准某人/瞄准某物。

【拓展】be aimed at+doing   目的是做某事。

45.. All but  A… 除了A以外所有人

【例句】All but a few will say amen to his proposal除了少数几个人外,大家都会十分赞成他的建议。


46..all kinds of 各种各样的

【例句】These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds. 这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。

47.all of a sudden 突然(单用)

【例句】All of a sudden the lights went out.

【总结】all of a sudden  副词短语,做状语。

48.all over


【例句】The game is all over.


 Computers will be used more and more in the future all over the world.


【总结】all over意为“在(遍及)……的各部分”,只接表示地点的名词。

49.all sorts of 各种各样的

【例句】All sorts of lamps are available in that shop. 在那家商店可买到各式各样的灯具

【词语辨析】all kinds of 与all sorts of,都意为各种各样的,前者较正式,后者较口语,后者多指人


kinds of 是很多种;

kind of 表示有点,稍稍;若变成be kind of 则表示某人友善的性格;

a kind of 表示一种;

all kinds of 表示各种各样的

50..all the same 仍然、依然

【例句】Whether they win or lose is all the same to me.



51..all through the(night/year/one's life) 整个……

【例句】Some cold-blooded animals hibernate all through the winter.


【总结】all through意思为“在整个……期间”,后面接表示时间的名词。

【词语辨析】all over、all through

all over意为“在(遍及)……的各部分”,只接表示地点的名词。

all through意思为“在整个……期间”,后面接表示时间的名词。

52..all…not… 不都是……(部分否定)

【例句】All the ants do not go out for food.并不是所有的蚂蚁都出去采食。

【总结】All...not一般表示‘不都是(not all)’这种部分否定意义,但有时也表示‘都不’这一全部否定的意义.要表示全部否定,可把not改为no以避免歧义。no是限定词,在意义上是直接否定所修饰名词的。none,neither,no+被修饰成分等,也不会产生歧义。比较下面的例句:
Not all birds can fly.不是所有的鸟都会飞。
No birds can play chess.鸟是不会下棋的。(《牛津英语用法指南》Michael Swam著)
53.allow doing/sb. to do 允许(某人)做某事

【例句】We don't allow smoking in our house. 在我们家里不容许吸烟

【总结】allow to do sth 也可以换成allow sb to do sth. ;allow doing 却不能换成有sb的形式. 这是二者最大的区别,意思上基本没有什么区别

54..announce to sb. sth. (=announce sth. to sb.)向某人宣布某事

【例句】The manager announced to the worker the decision. 经理宣布了对这个工人的决定。

【总结】announce后不可接双宾语。 在美国,人们习惯在announce后直接加动词的被动语态。 The work is announced finished.但是在英国,人们习惯将被动语态表达完整。 Thee work is announced to be finished.


announce, declare, proclaim, pronounce, advertise, broadcast, publish

announce: 多指首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。
declare: 侧重正式就某事清楚明白地宣布。
proclaim: 指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针,语体比announce正式。
pronounce: 词义与announce, declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。
advertise: 指通过文字和图像资料等的反复宣传而引起公众的注意,有时隐含令人不快或言过其实的意味。
broadcast: 专指利用广播或电视传播消息或发表见解。
publish: 专指通过报刊或其它媒介向公众公布事情

55.. answer for 为……负责任

【例句】You should find out the answer for yourself. 

56...apart from 除……外……

【例句】Apart from Kelly, Joy will go to swim tomorrow.


【总结】apart from 具有多重意义:既可表示besides,也可以表示exept或exept for,还可以表示without的意思.

57..apply for 申请

【例句】Don't apply for that job: you're in danger of overreaching yourself.



apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请 ;

apply for申请;

apply to 适用.

【名师解析】apply for申请;; apply to 适用. ;amount to  总计, 等于;attend to (=give one’s attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;

58..apply oneself to致力于

【例句】He applied himself to learning French.

【总结】apply oneself to "to"为介词,后接名词,代词,动名词等。

59..appreciate doing 感激做……

【例句】We shall appreciate hearing from you again.


【总结】appreciate 不接不定式,还可以用:appreciate +sth. /appreciate +that从句

60...as a matter of fact 实际上,事实上
【例句】As a matter of fact, I've never been there before.

【总结】as a matter of fact 是副词短语,作状语。


41. Is he going to agree _____ our suggestion?

A. with  B. of  C. to  D. from

42.Do you agree ____ me that children should not be allowed to do as they like?


43.I thought we’d be late for the concert, but we ended up getting there ________time.

   A. ahead of         B. in front of       C.  in advance of       D. before

44.He_________the bird but missed.    

A. aimed at  B. aimed  C. aimed to D  aimed for

45. Dr. Smith, but his wife and daughters,     visit Beijing this summer.

is going to     B. are going to     C. was going to     D. were going to

46.His work experience equipped him to deal with ___________people.

A. A kind of   B. Kind of  C. being kind of     D  all kinds of

47._____________we heard a loud explosion that shook the building.

All of a sudden  B. Sudden  C. By accident  D. Eventually

48.The disease spread ___________the country.

A.all through  B. here and there   C.. all over    D all the whole

49.We are interested to import__________ bags

  A.all such    B.all sorts of   C. kind of   D. all styles of

50.It was raining hard, but we got there in time all the same.

 A. all the same

   B. in the same

   C. common things

   D. in common

51.Often their impact on students stays _________their lives

A.within  B. all   C.all through .  D. through

52.(1991全国卷)We couldn't eat in a restaurant because ____ of us
had ____ money on us.
A.all;no B.any;no C.all;any D.no one;any

53.(20##年江苏卷)  –Can I smoke here?    --Sorry. We don't allow _____ here.

A. people smoking  B.  people smoke  C. to smoke   D. smoking

54.Finally he decided to come out and __________ that he is  ­

.announced           B. announce to his family  

C.  announce his family  D. announced n to his family

55.I'll _________ your safety.我会对你的安全负责

A. provide for   B. answer to  C. care for  D. answer for

56._________the injuries to his face and hands, he broke both legs.

A. Owing to  B. In term of  C. In addition D. Apart from

57.(20##年北京卷) ---How can I _______ an online course?

   ---Just fill out this form and we  will see what we can do for you.

   A. apply for   B. apply to     C. amount to  D. attend to

59.We ______________ us.

appreciate your helping    B. appreciate to help 

C. appreciate helping        D. appreciate that helped

60.(2008 全国卷B) –Do you know Anna’s telephone number?

-- I’d rather not . As a ________of fact, I don’t know any Anna, either.

 A. result  B. matter   C. thing   D. business


41.答案:  C. 题意:他会同意我们的建议吗?

【名师解析】gree with + sb. ①(衣服等)适合某人  ③同意、赞同;没有agree to,agree from 短语。 agree (to sth)意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”

42.答案:C. 题意:你赞同我孩子们不应该允许做他们喜欢的观点吗?

【名师解析】 agree on: 指双方或多方在某件事情上取得一致的意见。常与plan(计划)、date(日期)、terms(条件)、price(价格)等名词连用。agree with: 可用于指人,指同意其看法或意见等,也可与一些名词或从句连用。 agree in在 ... 一致(关于 ... 意见一致),后接某事。没有agree for.此短语。
43.答案:A. 题意:我认为我们看音乐会将迟到,但最终我们提前达到。

【名师解析】ahead of “在。。前面”,是抽象意义上的,如“科技实力”,“时间”等概念 ahead of是在一个物体内部的前面; in front of是在一个物体得前面, in advance of:   在...的前面(优于,胜过)
;before用作介词时, 可以指时间“earlier than在……之前”,也可以指位置“in front of在……之前”。

44.答案:A。 题意:他瞄准那只鸟射击,可是没打中

【名师解析】aim at 瞄准(强调动作:对着......瞄准,不强调结果),aim 强调结果:瞄准;aim to:力求,后加do 力求做某事;aimed for 瞄准;以…为目标 。

45.答案 A  题意:今年夏天斯密史医生将不带妻子和女儿访问北京。

【名师解析】考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语中心词是Dr. Smith,表单数,谓语动词用单数形式;时间状语是this summer,表计划性的将来,故时态用一般将来时,选A。

46.答案:D. 题意:他的工作经验使他能与各种各样的人打交道

【名师解析】kind of 表示有点,稍稍;若变成be kind of 则表示某人友善的性格;
a kind of 表示一种;
all kinds of 表示各种各样的。

47.答案: A. 题意: 我突然听到一声剧烈的爆炸,把楼房都震晃了。

【名师解析】all of a sudden 突然;sudden 是名词,不能做状语。By accident偶然, Eventually最好,最终。

48.答案: C. 题意:疾病在全国蔓延开了。

【名师解析】all through意思为“在整个……期间”,后面接表示时间的名词,here and there 作状语,后不接名词。. all over 在(遍及)……的各部分, all the whole没有此短语。

49.答案:B .题意:我们很乐意买进各种各样的袋子。

【名师解析】all such 所有这些……(接名词用复数),all sorts of 各种各样的,kind of 表示有点,稍稍;all styles of没有此词组。

50.答案:A. 题意:雨下得很大,可是我们仍然准时到达。

【名师解析】all the same 仍然、依然; in the same后面需接名词,代词等作定语。C和D意思都不符合。


【名师解析】within,all, through都不能与one`s life 构成固定短语。



53.答案: D。 题意:我能在此抽烟吗?对不起,我们是不允许在这抽烟。

【名师解析】allow doing sth. 允许做某事,allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

(注意被动:sb. be allowed to do sth),没有allow sb doing/do sth.

54.答案:B. 题意:最后他终于决定要出柜了。 

【名师解析】此空应该和come out 并列,选项A,D排除。announce后不可接双宾语,选项C.排除。


【名师解析】provide for作准备, 供养, 规定;answer to 为…的后果负责;care for 关心(喜欢,介意);answer for 为……负责任

56.答案: D 题意:他除了脸部和双手受伤以外,两条腿也断了。

【名师解析】Owing to 由于;In term of就 ... 而言,在 ... 方面; In additionadv. 另外,此外(作状语,后不能接宾语);apart from 除……外…


58.He would very well if only he ______________.

A.applied for   B.applied to  C .applied  oneself    D.applied oneself to


【名师解析】applied for申请;  apply to适用.   apply oneself to 后须接宾语,故排除。

59.答案:A  题意:我们感谢你们的帮助。

【名师解析】本题考察appreciate后跟动名词的复合结构, appreciate不接接不定式, appreciate helping句义不完整。appreciate that helped 宾语从句缺主语。

60.答案:B 。【名师解析】本题考查固定短语。 即: as a matter of fact




…(money) worth of sth. ……价值……(接数词)

…has a population of… ……人口数量是…… …times as big as ……是……几倍大 …times the size of ……是……几倍大 事(虚拟语气)

advise sb. to do 劝说某人去做 afford sb. sth. 为某人承担…… afford sth. to sb. 为某人承担…… afford to do 能够去做 after a time 一段时间后 after a while 不久 after all 毕竟;终究

after that 从这以后(用一般现在时) agree on 在……达成共识 agree that… 同意……(接从句) agree to do 同意去做

agree to one's plan/suggestion 采纳某人的计划(建议)

agree with one's idea/opinion/analysis 同意某人的看法(见解)厌恶、痛恨、批判等 be done away with 结束、结果 be dressed in 穿……

be due to do 预计……会怎样 be due to sth. 由于、应归于 be dying for 渴望

be dying to do 急切去做…… be eager to do 盼望去做…… be engaged in 忙于、致力于

be engaged to 与……订婚 be equal to 与……相等

be expert in/at doing 擅长于…… be famous as 作为……而出名 be famous for 因为……而出名 be famous to sb. 在……中出名 be favourable to 有助于、有利于 be fit for sth. 适合…… be fond of 爱好……

be friendly/kind/polite to sb. 对某人友好 be going to do 即将做…… be gone ……不见了

be good on sb. 对某人好

be hard on sb. 对某人苛刻、为难某人 be harmful to 对……有害

be honoured for sth. ……因为……受尊敬 be in (the) majority 占大多数,处于多数 be in business 营业

be in danger 处于危险之中

be in darkness 在黑暗之中(无光,用于指状态) be in disorder 没有秩序、乱 be in earnest 急迫、急切

be in good order 有秩序、整洁 be in great need 最需要 be in hospital 住院

be in low/high spirits 情绪低落/高昂 be in poor health 身体不好

be in/under one's charge 受某人管

be in/under the charge of sb. 受某人管 be introduced into ……被引进 be joined to 与……连接 be keen on 喜欢

be kind for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事(对人)有好处

be kind of sb. 某人好

be known for 因为……而出名 be known to sb. 在……中出名 be lacking in 缺乏

be longing for 盼望去做…… be longing to do 盼望去做…… be lost ……不见了

be lost in sight 看不见

be lost in thought 陷入沉思 be made from 由……(加工)制成 be made into 制成、加工成 be made of 由……(直接)制成 be made up of ……由……组成 be marked with 被标上

be measured in 以……来衡量 be missing ……不见了

be mixed with sth. 用……混合 be not in agreement ……是不同的 be nothing more than 只不过是

be of different sizes/colours/weights/ages/ shapes 尺寸/颜色/重量/年龄/形状不同

be of great/no help/value/importance/use to

sb. 对某人(没)有很大(帮助等) be of the same kind 同一类

be of the same size/colour/weight/age/shape尺寸/颜色/重量/年龄/形状相同 be of this kind 属于这一类 be off 离开

be on a visit from sp. 从某地来访问 be on a visit to sp. 正游览、参观某地 be on business 因公(办事等) be on diet 节食

be on duty 值日、上班 be on fire 着火

be on holiday/vacation 在度假 be on sale 待售、拍卖 be on show 展览;上映 be worth sth. 值多少 be worthy of 值得

be/become known as 作为……而出名

be/become widely accepted 被广泛的接受 beat sb. black and blue 把某人打得鼻青脸肿 beat sb. on the head 碰某人的头 beat sb. to death 打死某人 beat sth. flat 把……压平 become a success 成功 become separated 分开 before all 尤其、特别

before long 没过多久(常用于将来时、过去时) begin with 以……开始 believe in ①信赖、信任 ②信奉、信仰 belong to sb. 属于

benefit from 从……获取利益、好处 beyond reach 够不着;找不到、消失 beyond that 除了那个以外 beyond the sea 在海外

black out 昏迷、神志不清;停止、中断 black tea 红茶

blood bank 血站、血库 blow away 吹走

both of sb. 两个人都……

both…not… 不都是……(部分否定) break away from 脱离 break down ①分解;破裂 ②(汽车)抛锚 break in 打断……的话

break into pieces 打(破)成碎片 break off 折断、中断、罢工

break one's promise/words 破坏某人的诺言、食言

break out 分裂、爆发

break the record 打破纪录 break the rules 违反规则 break up 分解

bring about 带来、造成 bring down 使……下降 bring in 引进

bring on 引起、导致

bring sth. to one's notice 使某人注意…… bring up 抚育、养育 build up 建立 burn down 烧毁

burn sth. to the ground 把……烧毁

burn up 消耗

burst in 闯进、闯入

burst into flames 突然着火

burst into tears/laughter 突然放声大哭/笑 burst out doing 爆发;突然 business sense 商业理念 by and by 不久以后、很快的 by chance 偶然 by degrees 逐渐地 by far 至今为止

by means of 通过……的办法 by occasionally 偶然的

by ones and twos 三三两两地、零零落落地 by oneself 独自地、独立地、单独地 by the end 在……以前

by the hour/day/week/minute/month/year 按小时/日/周/分/月/年算

by the kilogramme/ton 按公斤/吨算

by the time 一段时间前(引导时间状语从句) by the way 顺便说一下 by this means 用这种方法

by weight/length/volume 按重量/长度/容量算 call a taxi 打的 call at sp. 拜访某地 call for ①要求 ②邀请 call in sb. 派人去请

call on sb. to do… 号召某人做某事 call on sb. 拜访某人

call one's attention to sth. 让某人引起对……的注意

call to mind 想起 call up sb. ①使……想起 ②给……打电话 calm down 镇定下来 can't hel;逃跑

cut down 砍倒;缩减 cut off 切断

cut one's hair short 把……头发剪短 cut out 切下;删除

cut sth. in halfw up 草拟、拟定 dream of sth./doing 梦想 drink to 为……干杯

drive sb. to tears 使某人哭 drop in at sp. 拜访某地 drop in on sb. 拜访某人 eage

from coth. to do with sb./sth. 与……有关系 have the habit of doing 有做……的习惯 have trouble with sth. 做……有麻烦 have words with sb. 与某人吵架、口角 head back 调头

hear about sth./sb. (through sb.) (通过某人)听说……ears/appeared (to sb.) that… 对某人来说好像……

It is (high) time (that) sb. did/should do 是该做……的时候了(虚拟语气)

It is A not B… 是A不是B(谓语动词与A一致) It is a pleasure to do… 很高兴做某事 It is believed that… 人们相信……

It is better to do…than to do… (后者)比(前者)好

It is certain that… ……是确定无疑的 It is hoped that… 人们希望…… It is important that… ……重要 It is known that… 人们知道……

It is likely that… ……有可能……(可能性一般) It is necessary that… ……有必要

It is no use/good doing… 做……没有用

It is no wonder that… ……毫无疑问。/……是确定无疑的。

It is not any use/good doing… 做……没有用 It is one's turn to do sth. 轮到某人做…… It is polite/impolite to do… ……(不)礼貌。 It is possible that… ……有可能……(可能性最小) It is probable that… ……有可能……(可能性最大) It is reported that… 据报道…… It is said that… 人们说……

It is suggested that… 人们建议……

It is tempting to conclude that… 我们可以推出结论……

It is thought that… 人们认为…… It is up to sb.(to do) 由某人来决定 It is useless doing… 做……没有用

It is/was+被强调部分+连词+从句 (强调句型) It is+adj.+of sb. =sb. is adj. 某人怎么样

It is+n.+for sb. to do sth. = To do sth. is n. for sb. 做某事对某人是……

It makes no difference. 没有什么区别。 It occurred to sb. that… 某人忽然意识 到……

It seems that… 看起来……

It seems to sb.… 在某人看来……

It seems/looks/sounds as if/though… 看起来(听起来)好像……(有虚拟语气形式)

It so happened that… 偶然地、碰巧

It turned out that… 好像……(接主语从句) join in 参加(大型活动)

join sb. in 参加……(接名词,表示活动) judge by/from 以……来判断…… Judging by/from…, 从……判断,…… jump with joy 高兴地跳起来

keep (sb./sth.) away from 阻止、远离

keep a certain distance away 保持一定距离 keep a strict eye on sb./sth. 密切地关注…… keep as a young man年轻时候 keep back ①阻止、阻挡、使……后退 ②扣留、保留

keep fit 保持身体健康

keep good hours 保持良好的生活节奏 keep in touch with 与……保持联系 keep off 使……离开

keep on doing sth. 持续做某事

keep one's promise/words 遵守某人的诺言 keep out 使……不进入 keep quiet 保持安静

keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 keep silent 保持沉默

keep sth. in check 阻止、防止、阻碍 keep the record 保持纪录 keep the rules 遵守规则

keep up 维持、保持(精神状态) key points 要点

kiss each other goodbye/hello 与某人亲吻再见/问好

knock at/on the door/window 敲门、窗 knoc

make ends meet oneself 维持生计 make for 朝……冲去 make no answer 不回答 make noise 发出噪音

make one's living (by doing) (以……)谋生 no more…that… 两者都不……

No sooner…than… 一……就…… (部分倒装句式,前句倒装后句不倒装) erson in ten 十个人中有一个

one person out of ten 十个人中有一个 one such+n. 这样一个……(名词用单数)

one's attitude to/towards sth. 某人对……的态度

one-sided view 片面的看法

remain in poor health 身体不好 remember doing 想起来做过

remember sb. to sb. 让某人记住某人 remember to do 想起来该做

remind sb. of sth./sb. 让某人想起……、提醒某人……

remind sb. that 提醒某人…… reply that… 回答说 reply to 答复

report sth. to sb. 向某人汇报…… report to sb. sth. 向某人汇报……

request (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

require (that) sb. (should) do 要求某人应该做某事(虚拟语气)

require doing/to be done 要求(被)…… require to do sth. 请求…… rest room 厕所 result from 由于 result in 导致

return sth. to sb. 把……归还…… return to normal 复原 return to sp. 回到…… right away 马上、立刻 right now 马上、立刻 ring back 回电话 ring off 挂断(电话)

rob sb. of sth. 抢某人的…… rot away 腐烂

round the clock 昼夜地 run about 到处跑 run around 到处跑

run at a speed of sth. 以……的速度前进 run at top speed 全速前进 run in 追捕

run off 跑开、跑掉

run out of sth. ……用光了 run out 用尽 run short 短缺

rush hour 交通拥挤时间

safe and sound 安然无恙

satisfy one's needs/demands/requirements 满足某人的需求

save sth. for 节约、节省 say hello to sb. 向某人问好 say to oneself 心里想

sb. be determined to do 下决心去……

sb. be encouraged to do sth. 某人被鼓励…… sb. be familiar with sth. 某人对……熟悉 sb. be forced to do 某人被强迫…… sb. be likely to do 很可能…… sb. be married to sb. 与……结婚 sb. be not oneself 某人状态不好

sb. be pleased to do…/at doing… 很高兴…… sb. be pleased with sth. 对……感到高兴、满意 sb. be said to do 某人将要……

sb. be supplied with sth. 某人被提供…… sb. be supposed to do 某人应该去做

sb. be supposed to have done 某人本来应该做(却没做)

sb. be sure/certain of(about) sth./doing 某人对做某事有把握

sb. be sure/certain to do 某人一定会做…… sb. be thought of/as ……被当作

sb. be used to doing/sth. 习惯于……、适应…… sb. be wanted on the phone 某人打来电话

sb. do so/such…as to do 某人做得……是为了…… sb. end sth. with sth. 某人以……结束……

sb. find sth. (hard) to do 某人发现(很难)做某事

sb. get used to doing/sth. 习惯于……、适应 sb. happen to do 某人恰好做某事

sb. have been married for (3 years) ……已经结婚(3年)了

sb. have no doubt that… 某人对……不容怀疑 sb. have sth. for breakfast/lunch/supper 早/午/晚饭吃……

set sb. free 把……释放 set up a record 创立纪录 set up for sp. 到某地

set up 建立组织(团体、机构等) settle down 定居、安居

settle oneself 使某人自己稳定下来

settle the prble in doing… 做……没有困难。 There seem(s) to be… 看起来…… There used to be… 过去曾经有……

There's no need for sb. to do… 对某人没有必要做某事

think about 考虑

think highly of 高度评价、夸耀 think of sb. as 把……当作 think of sth./sb./doing ①想到 ②考虑 think over 仔细想

think sb./sth. (to be) +n./adj. 认为某人 (物)……

think well of sb. 对……评价很高 through the street 穿街过巷 throughout the world 全世界 throw away 扔掉 throw up 呕吐 tie A to B 把A绑到B上

time and time again 一次又一次 time to do 是做……的时候了 to do what 怎么去做(作主语)

to one's joy/delight 令……高兴的是…… to one's surprise 令……惊奇的是…… to oneself 对自己

to tell the truth 说句实话

to the joy/delight of sb. 令人高兴 too many 太多(接可数名词复数) too much ①太多(接不可数名词) ②太多的事(作主语)

track down 侦察、追察

trade in sth. 进行、从事……贸易

trade sth. for sth. 为了获得……而出卖…… trade sth. with sb. 与某人交易……

translate…into… 将(一种语言)翻译成(另一种语言)

treat sb./sth. as if/though 对待……好像……(有虚拟语气形式)

treat sth. as 把……看作 trust in 信仰(宗教等) try doing 尝试去做

try one's best to do 尽某人最大的努力 做……

try one's fortune 试运气 try to do 努力去做

turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见、熟视无睹 turn a deaf ear to 对……听而不闻、置若罔闻 turn against 背叛 turn away 转身 turn down ①调小声 ②拒绝

turn for the worse 越来越坏了 turn into 变成 turn off 关闭 turn on 打开

turn out (to be)+adj./n. 结果是 turn out 出来

turn over 翻动、翻转 turn sth. into 把……变成

turn to sb. (for help) 向某人求助 turn to 把(注意力)转向…… turn up ①调大声 ②出现

turn yellow/green/… 变黄(绿、……) two shoe stores 两家鞋店

two women doctors 两个女医生 under control 受控制

under management 受控制

under one's direction 在某人的指导下 under the pressure 在压力之下 until recently 直到最近

upside down 颠倒着(作状语) use up 用尽

Used sb. to do sth.? 某人过去常常做……吗? using ability 使用的能力

wait for sb. (to do) 等待某人(做……) wake up 叫醒、唤醒

want doing/to be done 想要(被)…… want sb. to do 想让某人去做

warn sb. not/never to do 警告某人不要做……

warn sb. of sth. 向某人发出对……的警报 wash away (水)冲走 wash out 冲洗干净 wash well 洗得好 Watch out. 小心。 water closet 厕所

wave hello/goodbye to sb. 与某人握手问好/道别

wave sb. hello/goodbye 与某人握手问好/道别 way of life 生活方式 w

would rather sb. did… 更愿意让某人做…… would rather to do than do 与其做某事不如做某事

write articles for sth. 给……写文章

write articles on (many subjects) 写有关(许多学科)的文章

write down 写下、记下

write sth. for a newspaper 给报纸写文章 year after year年复一年(不变) year by year 逐年(有变化)

You'd better do sth. 你最好做……。 You've got to. 你非做不可。
























