



The person I admire most is Alexander. Probably, many people do not agree with me. But I still strongly believe that he is a great and excellent leader. He brought the prosperity and civilization to Greece. To a large extent, the history of Europe might be rewritten without him. For my part, I think there are many valuable traits about him. I do consider that he is an incomparable person that all generations had to go forward following his trails.

I envy his magic. For one thing, during his childhood, one day, his father was chatting with someone to sell a horse, which almost no one could tame it. At this time, Alexander asked his father to give him a try. Then he walked towards the horse and touched its neck gently and whispered to the horse. Surprisingly, the horse should have obeyed Alexander and allowed him to ride. Out of pleasure, his father gave him the horse as a gift and said to him:"oh, my son. Go and find a country match you. Macedon is too small to contain you."I do not know why he was so charming that the untamed house only obeyed him. Maybe he had the unique disposition innately. Regardless other people’s opinions, I regard this thing as a symbol that he is definitely going to control and lead the whole country.

His endurance attracts me a lot. As we all know that his father was

PhilipⅡand his mother was Olympia. PhilipⅡdid not love his wife for she was so deceive and invincible. So he did not get love from his parents totally. However, this unsuccessful marriage did not block the rode of his success. And it seemed that his father did not like him very much, which was one of the reasons that he often quarreled with his father after being an adult. And even there was a period of time that his father rejected that he was the successor and drove him out until his father was killed. He should have accepted the respect while he had to on the tramp just for the prejudice of his father. So naturally, he was looked down upon by the noble. He should have been the prince and enjoyed his life and waited the throne while he had to live like the normal people even worse than them. Fortunately, these days did not last long, soon afterwards, his father was killed and he was crowned the new king of Macedon. I think his tolerance was beyond the line that normal people could stand, not in body, but in spirit. He dared to challenge and to lose his respect and waited for the excellent opportunity. And eventually, he drove away the dark and welcomed the light.

His capacity of leading army impressed me very much. And this merit played an indispensible role in his life. The most significant thing he did was conquered so many places and civilized Greece and Persia. He knew how to arouse the enthusiasm and the patriotism of the soldiers. He started lots of battles and the countless victories exhibited his talent

completely. After his father died, there were lots of tough problems in front of Alexander. To win the support of Macedonian, he took advantage of the funeral of PhilipⅡand reduced the tax. To be admitted by the alliance of Greece, he agreed to make an agreement superficially. However, he had already slipped into Sally secretly and then became its new lord. Afterwards, he moved towards south so that Thebes had to surrender and Athens gave in unavoidably. A series of battles exposed that Alexander was an excellent strategist and a great king. His military ideas were totally worth of collection. His army was well-organized and had a strict discipline so that they could defeated many enemies.

I understand and advocate his unsatisfied desires. I know that most of the people condemned his endless ambitions. Nevertheless, I do not think so. Firstly, subjugation is the natural disposition of man. As a king, he has the responsibility to give his people well-off lives. Even though he did not conquer the Europe, there would be someone and did the same things as he did someday. His witness and foresight was worth being supported and respected. Secondly, he did not fight for himself. As we can see that almost all the kings started battles for his own prosperity and fortune and ignored the death of the lower people. On the contrary, Alexander lived with his army and shared his fortune filed with others. Especially, when he realized that Persians are not savage at all, he had the intendancy to combine Greece and Persia. Thirdly, his actions did civilize many places

and spread Greek culture into east. The journey he finished had a profound influence on human history.

To sum up, in my mind, Alexander is a brilliant person and a responsible king. His greatness was far beyond my description. His merits were exactly a successful leader should possess. In addition, his achievements contribute a lot to the development of human beings. The history of the whole Europe will be totally different without Alexander.







大帝转身道别,刚走出几步又停住了,回头微笑着说:“请原谅,我可以再问你一个问题吗?如果你允许我问的话,请问你的军衔是什么?”军人猛吸了一口烟说:“猜嘛!” 大帝风趣地说:“中尉?”







少校转过身来摆出对下级说话的高贵神气,问道:“假如你不介意,请问你是什么官?” 大帝乐呵呵地回答:“你猜!”

























作文讲评材料一 (亚历山大帝)











