

2010--2011 - 02 影视欣赏作业

学 班 学 姓

院 级 号 名



《在云端》这部片子的背景,是发生在2009的美国,自从全球性的金融危机爆发以后,美国经济萧条,各公司为度过难关,只能不断地裁员裁员再裁员,男主角瑞恩则担当起了裁员先锋大将的重要角色。本片讲述了他在裁员过程中与毕业生娜塔莉和商务美女亚历克斯所经历的一些事情, 着重描述了瑞恩个人的人生哲学观点的转变过程。


一. 乔治·克鲁尼精湛的演技。 老乔依旧保持了他一贯标榜的精明,笔挺和干练,过去了这么多年,他也出现衰老的迹象,由当年的大帅哥,变成了如今的半老徐爹,不过年老色衰并不影响他精湛演技的完美发挥。留给我最深印象是影片开端老乔扮演的瑞恩在机场安检时利索的脱掉西服和鞋子的场景,这可以算得上是惊艳一幕。两句话辞掉一个人是整篇电影重复了近百次的场景,干练,老道,给人以深刻的印象。而类似的细节片断也成为了构架电影情节不可缺失的一部分。

二. 影片主题--裁员。听起来是个很残忍,很现实的话题,尤其是在金融危机后的美国。影片恰好选择了金融危机后上映,多少给我们带来了更多切合现实的感受,它将美国的社会矛盾和角色个体矛盾融为一体,其中的压抑,紧挣扎 ,以及无奈,忙碌和放任的生活


三. 影片的情感描写。电影前段部分将旅行与各种阶段的爱情做了很好的类比,青涩的小女孩、不愿结婚的老男人、已婚熟女,各自都在电影中扮演着旅行者的角色,他们对待旅行、工作的态度,其实也就是对待爱情、家庭的态度。片中结婚的片子,显得尤其温情,让人心里充满暖流。作为大哥,瑞恩去参加了妹妹的婚礼,并在婚礼过程中用娜塔莉所说的话,劝告了临阵退宿的妹夫,使其重新恢复了信心。劝告的过程其实也是男主角内心情感转变的过程。最终, 瑞恩也渴望有一个温馨的家,渴望找到一个将来能共度一生的人,而这个人,他自认为就是克拉里斯, 可惜不是, 主人公再一次回到的以前的云端生活。

四. 影片的结局。如果是一部传统美国商业片,那结局大概就是男女主角结婚,从此过上美好的生活,可这美丽的日子,终不属于瑞恩。他又再次坐上飞机,满美国的跑,而出发那天,偏偏又是圣诞节,何其凄凉! 但这结局又很真实, 让人感慨, 发人深思。

总之,看完影片后我很感慨,瑞恩的悲凉结局可以说是其自己造成的, 也可以说是那个女人或者是美国的社会现实造成的, 谁对谁错已不重要, 我只希望,在现实生活中,不要遇到这样的女人,当我真心付出时,才发现是竹篮打水,一场空!


Up in the Air script This is what I get in return for 30 years of service for my company? And they send some yo-yo like you in here to try to tell me that I’m out of a job? They should be telling you you’re out of a job. You have a lot of gall coming in here and firing your number one producer. And then you’re going to go home tomorrow and make more money than you’ve ever made in your life, and I’m going to go home without a pay check. Fuck you. I just... I guess you leave me dumbfounded. I don’t know where this is coming from. How am I supposed to go back as a man and explain this to my wife that I lost my job? On a stress level, I’ve heard that losing your job is like a death in the family. But personally, I feel more like the people I worked with were my family and I died. I can’t afford to be unemployed. I have a house payment. I have children. I don’t know how you can live with yourself, but I’m sure that you’ll find a way while the rest of us are suffering. Who the fuck are you, man? Excellent question. Who the fuck am I? Poor Steve has worked here for 7 years. He’s never had a meeting with me before or passed me in the hall or told me a story in the break room. And that’s because I don’t work here. I work for another company that lends me out to pussies like Steve’s boss who don’t have the balls to sack their own employees, and in some cases, for good reason. Because people do crazy shit when they get fired. Did I do something wrong? I mean, is there something I could do differently here? This is not an assessment of your productivity. You gotta try not to take this personally. ’’Don’t take it personally.’’ Steven, I want you to review this packet. Take it seriously. I think you’re gonna find a lot of good answers in here. I’m sure this is gonna be very helpful, a packet. Thank you. A packet. Well, anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are right now. And it’s because they sat there they were able to do it. That’s the truth. I’m gonna need your keycard. Great. Okay. Now, I want you to take the day, go get together your personal things, and then tomorrow, you get yourself some exercise. You go out for a jog, you give yourself some routines, and pretty soon you find your legs. How do I get in touch with you? Don’t worry, we’ll be in touch with you soon. This is just the beginning. I’ll never see Steve again. Thank you. To know me is to fly with me. This is where I live. When I run my card, the system automatically prompts the desk clerk to greet me with this exact statement. Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Bingham. It’s these kinds of systemized, friendly touches that keep my world in orbit. All the things you probably hate about traveling, the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi, ar

e warm reminders that I’m home. Do you want the cancer? -The what? -Do you want the cancer? The cancer? The can, sir? No. I’m fine, thank you. How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you’re carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel them? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. You start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers, the knickknacks, the collectibles. Feel the weight as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it’s a studio apartment or a 2-bedroom house, I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It’s kind of hard, isn’t it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can’t even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now, I’m gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can’t remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. It’s kind of exhilarating, isn’t it? Welcome back, Mr. Bingham. Ryan Bingham’s office. You put me in a Dodge Stratus in Kansas City. They were completely out of all full-size sedans. -Did you try... -Yes. I reminded them of your remarkable No.1 Gold Club status and years in the program. They are literally moving mountains to see you in a Sebring. Fair enough. Any other messages? Your sister Kara called. Needs to speak urgently about your sister’s wedding. I told her you were mid-air and not even I knew your final destination. -Well done. -And you got an invitation to speak at Goalquest in Vegas. Goalquest 20? Every once in a while, I do speaking engagements, motivational kind of stuff. But Goalquest? We’re talking major Tony Robbins shit. It’s got a hologram on it. They’re calling it Dos Equis. All right, I’ll check in. -Hold on. I’ve got Craig Gregory for you. -Wait... Fuck. How is my little road warrior? Hey, 20 minutes from boarding into a world of bliss. Real good numbers out of Phoenix, Ry guy. Hey, you know that Big Auto is about to cut another 10K before the end of the month? -No kidding. -Yeah. Christmas came early. I wish I could have you in about 5 places at once, but I do need you back here in Omaha by the end of week. -All right? -I thought you needed me everywhere. Well, you know, we got something real big here, a real game changer. What are we talking about here? You’ll see. Today I took my first crap in 2 weeks, hallelujah. -That’s me hanging up on you. -Great, love that sound. Are you satisfie

d with Maestro? Yeah, I am. A little stingy with their miles. I like Hertz. No, Hertz keeps its vehicles too long. If a car has over 20,000 miles, I won’t drive it. Maestro doesn’t instant checkout. I like to park and go. Hertz doesn’t guarantee navigation. It’s funny. You don’t seem like a girl who needs directions. I hate asking for directions. That’s why I get a nav. That new outfit, Colonial, isn’t bad. -Is that a joke? -Yes. -Because their kiosk placement blows. -They never have available upgrades. Basically, it’s a fleet of shit-boxes. I don’t know how they’re still in business. -I’m Ryan. -I’m Alex. Maplewood card. How dare you bring that into this palace? Hilton offers equal value and better food, but the Maplewood gives out warm cookies at check-in. They got you with the cookies, did they? Yeah. I’m a sucker for simulated hospitality. You know, there’s an industry term for that. It’s a mixture of ’’faux’’ and ’’homey.’’ ’’Faumey.’’ My God. I wasn’t sure this actually existed. This is the American Airlines... It’s a Concierge Key, yeah. -What is that, carbon fiber? -Graphite. God, I love the weight. I was pretty excited the day that bad boy came in. Yeah. I’ll say. I put up pretty pedestrian numbers. 60 thou a year, domestic. -That’s not bad. -Don’t patronize me. -What’s your total? -It’s a personal question. -Please. -And we hardly know each other. Come on. Show some hubris. Come on, impress me. -I bet it’s huge. -You have no idea. How big? What is it, this big? -This big? -I don’t want to brag. Come on! Come on. Let’s just say I have a number in mind. I haven’t hit it yet. This is pretty fucking sexy. Hope it doesn’t cheapen our relationship. We’re 2 people who get turned on by elite status. I think cheap is our starting point. There’s nothing cheap about loyalty. So, we came up with this master plan, which was for me to put gauze, to put bandages on both my hands. Then we got on the plane, transatlantic, flying to Zurich. Walked up... Waited till it was dark, and walked up to the bathroom with her. Everybody was watching the movie, and I was like... Opened up, went inside. She opened the door for me, and came in like she was gonna help me. And then, you know, we gave it our best shot. It wasn’t great. But it was fun. It was tricky. -Give me some details. -Well, it’s not so easy. -Have you ever tried it? It’s not so easy. -Yes, I have. -Really? -Really. -You’ve done that? -I have done that. On a transatlantic flight? On a domestic flight. Regional, actually. -Like nighttime? -No, like daytime. -You... -What? I mean, how do you do that? I’m really flexible. Look. I should throw these out. We can always use that room with the ice machine. Here, look. Good call on that towel rack. I like how you burrit

oed me in the sofa cushions. I was improvising. Shame we didn’t make it to the closet. -We got to do this again. -Yeah. All right, I’m in Newark on the 12th, Modesto on the 13th, Oklahoma City on the 15th. Any Southwest? I’ll be swinging by Albuquerque week of the 16th. No, but I’ll be in Florida on the 20th. -Fort Lauderdale? -Miami. -That’s nothing. -40 minutes. I should probably go back to my room so I can wake up in my bed. I think that would be the ladylike thing to do. Nice meeting you. A pleasure. -Hello? -Hey, Ryan, how you holding up? Every family has the one person who keeps the genealogy in check. That’s my sister Kara, the glue. Fine. You and the kids? Missy’s outstanding, Matthew made varsity. How’s the road? -Couldn’t be better. -Good. So, Ryan? Yeah? I didn’t even want to have to ask you this because I know how you are about doing things for others, but we’re coming up on 3 weeks to go to Julie’s wedding and there’s something we could really use your help on. Yeah? We’ve been sending people these kits so they can print out photos of Julie and Jim on cardboard and then take photos of them in interesting places, kind of like that gnome in the French movie. Why? Because it’s Julie’s wedding and she thinks it would be fun. -Does it matter why? -How is Julie? Would you call her? She thinks you’ve turned to butter. You’re awfully isolated the way you live. Isolated? I’m surrounded. So, your assistant said you were gonna be in Vegas. Did he? Can you get a photo of the cutout in front of the Luxor pyramid? The place is a shithole. Nobody stays there. Jesus, Ryan, I’m not asking you to check in. Can you just take a stupid photo? I’ll try my best. Thank you for trying your best. Last year, I spent 322 days on the road, which means I had to spend 43 miserable days at home. Hey, neighbor. Hey. Hi! Hi. Hey, I signed for this while you were gone. Thanks. -I hope it wasn’t too much of a bother. -Nah. Yeah, it’s my sister. I haven’t met the guy yet. They’re getting married. -Lots of luck. -I know, right? What are you doing tonight? You wanna come over later? I’ve started seeing somebody. Okay. Great. Hey, it’s good to see you. -You, too. -It seems like it’s been a while this time. Okay. I am just... I’m thrilled that everyone’s back under one roof. Welcome home, boys. I know there’s been a lot of whispering about why we’re here, so let me jump right in. Retailers are down 20%. Auto industry is in the dump. Housing market doesn’t have a heartbeat. It is one of the worst times on record for America. This is our moment. Now, last summer, we received a dynamite young woman here from Cornell, and she had some pretty big ideas that she challenged me with. And my first reaction was, ’’Who does this kid think that she is?’’ But after I gave it

a listen, she really knocked me out. So, with a peek into our future, Natalie Keener. If there’s one word I want to leave you with today, it’s this. ’’Glocal’’? Glocal. Our global must become local. This company keeps 23 people on the road at least 250 days a year. It’s expensive, and it’s inefficient. When I came to Craig 3 months ago with this, he told me, and quite astutely, it’s only a problem if you have a solution. Well, today I stand before you with just that. You all know Ned in reception. Today I’m gonna fire Ned. Sorry, Ned. I’m sure HR will hire you back this afternoon. We’ll see about that. Now Ned could be any employee in any one of our clients’ locations worldwide. Strategy packets will be shipped in advance. Ned would be given a seat and find one of our transition specialists waiting for him. Mr. Laskin, the reason we’re having this conversation is your position is no longer available. I don’t understand. I’m fired? Hearing the words ’’you’ve been let go’’ is never easy. Change is always scary, but consider the following. Anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are now. And it’s because they sat there that they were able to do it. That’s my fucking line. But what happens now? This is the first step of a process that will end with you in a new job that fulfills you. Yeah. But how does it work? I want you to take the packet in front of you. Review it. All the answers you’re looking for are inside. Start filling out the necessary information, and before you know it, you’ll be on your way to new opportunities. Now, Ned, I need you to go back to your desk and start putting together your things. As a favor to me, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t spread the news just yet. Panic doesn’t help anyone. I understand. Give it up for Ned. You can start the morning in Boston, stop in Dallas over lunch, and finish the day in San Francisco, all for the price of a T1 line. Our inflated travel budget is eviscerated by 85%. And more importantly to you guys on the road, no more Christmases in a hotel in Tulsa, no more hours lost to weather delays. You get to come home. Tell me you’re not taking this seriously. That’s why I brought the entire company in from the road, because we’re not taking it seriously. There is a methodology to what I do. There is a reason why it works. Coke and IBM have been doing this for years, all right. Are you familiar with them? Now just like anything else, you know, it’s gonna take a few months of sort of transition and then everybody is gonna settle in. Who are you taking off the road? How are you not getting this? You’re grounded. Everybody’s grounded. It’s done. What we do here is brutal, and it does leave people devastated. But there is a dignity to the way I do it. By stabbing them in the chest inste

ad of the back, is that right? -You wanted to see me? -Well... Yeah. You know what? Yeah, come on in. -Come on in here. -Great job out there, Natalie. -Thank you. How’s everyone taking it? -Great. Listen, I admire your... Your zeal. And I think you have some very good ideas. But you know nothing about the realities of my industry. You can set up an iChat, but you don’t know how people think. -Actually, I minored in psychology. -Nice. -Okay, kiddo, fire me. -Ryan. Well, since she’s gonna be doing this on a regular basis, don’t you wanna know if she can fire somebody? -She’s fired Ned. -My dog can fire Ned. Fire me. -You don’t need to do this. -No, it’s okay. I got this. Mr. Bingham, I regret to inform you that your position at this company is no longer available. -Who the hell are you? -My name is Miss Keener. -I’m here today to discuss your future. -My future? The only one who can fire me is Craig Gregory. Mr. Gregory hired me to handle this for him. Handle what? Handle me? Mr. Gregory hired me, he’s the only one who can fire me. You know what? I’m gonna go talk to him. -Mr. Bingham. -No, no, no. You can’t follow me. You’re on a computer screen, remember? -Ryan. -All right. Let’s try this again. -Fire me again. -I just did. Actually, you didn’t. Fire me. That’s enough. I think we get it. Mr. Bingham, I’m here today to inform you that your position is no longer available. -I’m fired? -Yes, you’re fired. -Never say fired. -You’ve been let go. -Why? -This is a mythical situation. How could I possibly know why? Why doesn’t matter. You never know why. It’s important not to focus on the why and rather to spend your energy thinking about your future. Well, I’m gonna spend my energy on suing you unless you give me -a good reason why you’re firing me. -Mr. Bingham, the reason’s not important. So, you’re firing me without grounds? Now I really have a lawsuit. I get what you’re trying to say, Ryan. -Don’t take this personally, Mr. Bingham. -Personally? This is the most personal situation that you are ever gonna enter, so before you try to revolutionize my business, I’d like to know that you actually know my business. That’s a hell of a way to welcome her to the team. Am I the only one that sees that by doing this we’re making ourselves irrelevant? No, frankly, we’re making you irrelevant. -Nice. -Don’t blame me. Blame the high fuel costs. Blame insurance premiums. Blame technology. You know, you better watch yourself. You’re a little too young to become a dinosaur. I’m not a dinosaur. I want you to show her the ropes. What do I know what goes on here? Get Ferguson to do it. I’m not talking about here. -No. -Yeah. Come on. You’re very, very confident this girl -doesn’t know what she’s doing, so... -Well, I’m sorry. I don’t think a MySpace page qualifies yo

u to rewire an entire company. Well, then great. Here’s your chance. Go out there, show her the magic, take her through the paces. I’m not a fucking tour guide. Now here we go. Bingham, here’s the boat. And here’s you. Do you want to be in the boat? Yeah, alone. We’re ringing the bell. We’re rounding everybody up. You want to stay out there a little bit longer, you’re welcome to do it, but you will not be alone, okay? You let me know. Christ. -What? -Follow me. I really like my luggage. That’s exactly what it is, it’s luggage. You know how much time you lose by checking in? -I don’t know. 5, 10 minutes? -35 minutes a flight. I travel 270 days a year. That’s 157 hours. That makes 7 days. You’re willing to throw away an entire week on that? You don’t need this. Sorry, you don’t need that. You’re not gonna need that. They have neck pillows on the plane. This, they have better ones there. I’ll get rid of this. I can just meet you at security. Thank you. Bingo, Asians. You can’t be serious. Never get behind people traveling with infants. I’ve never seen a stroller collapse in less than 20 minutes. Old people are worse. Their bodies are littered with hidden metal, and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left on earth. Here you go. 5 words. Randomly selected for additional screening. Asians. They pack light, travel efficiently, and they’ve got a thing for slip-on shoes. -You’ve got to love them. -That’s racist. I’m like my mother. I stereotype. It’s faster. Are you mad at your computer? I type with purpose. What is it that you’re working on so furiously? I’m building a workflow of firing techniques. It’s questions and responses, actions and reactions. It’s a script taking you through the steps of firing someone. Who’s it for? Well, theoretically, you could put it in the hands of anyone and they’d be downsizing immediately. All you have to do is follow the steps. Natalie, what is it you think we do here? We prepare the newly unemployed for the emotional and physical hurdles of job hunting, while minimizing legal blowback. That’s what we’re selling. It’s not what we’re doing. Okay. What are we doing? We are here to make limbo tolerable, to ferry wounded souls across the river of dread until the point where hope is dimly visible. And then stop the boat, shove them in the water and make them swim. That was really impressive. Are you gonna put that in your book? I got to grab this. I’ll meet you at the car rental. Okay. Hey, I was hoping I’d hear from you. I’m in Hotlanta, and I need a rib-joint recommend bad. Fat Matt’s. Bring a bib. You never called. Well, I wasn’t sure what was appropriate. Appropriate? Ryan, I’m not some waitress you banged in a snowstorm. That word has no place in our vocabulary. I am the woman that y

ou don’t have to worry about. Sounds like a trap. Listen, the next time that you’re worried about manners, don’t. If you wanna call, call. Just think of me as yourself, only with a vagina. When am I gonna see you? Well, I’m out of Hartsfield into IAD, with a connection at ORD into SDF. -Sorry. -Yeah, tell me about it. How long’s your layover? They got multiples into SDF. Think you could push? Yeah, I can push. All you have to do today is watch and listen. And when I talk about a strategy packet, hand them one of those. Sounds great. So, although I wish I were here with better news, the fact is that you and I are sitting here today because this will be your last week of employment at this company. -Why me? -What am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to feel better that I’m not the only one losing my job? This is ridiculous! I have been a fine employee for over 10 years, and this is the way you treat me. How do you sleep at night, man? How? How’s your family? They sleeping well at night? Electricity still on? Heat still on? Refrigerator full of food? Gas tank full of gas? Going to Chuck E. Cheese this weekend or something? Not me. No, my kids, we’re not gonna do anything. What do you suggest I tell them? Perhaps you’re underestimating the positive effect that your career transition can have on your children. The positive effect? I make about 90 grand a year now. Unemployment is what, 250 bucks a week? Is that one of your positive effects? Well, we’ll get to be cozier, because I’m not gonna be able to pay my mortgage on my house. So, maybe we can move into a nice fucking one-bedroom apartment somewhere. And I guess without benefits, I’ll be able to hold my daughter as she, you know, suffers from her asthma that I won’t be able to afford the medication for. Well, tests have shown that children under moderate trauma have a tendency to apply themselves academically as a method of coping. Go fuck yourself. That’s what my kids’ll think. Your children’s admiration is important to you? Yeah. Yeah, it was. Well, I doubt they ever admired you, Bob. Hey, asshole, aren’t you supposed to be consoling me? I’m not a shrink, Bob. I’m a wake-up call. You know why kids love athletes? I don’t know. Because they screw lingerie models? No, that’s why we love athletes. Kids love athletes because they follow their dreams. -Well, I can’t dunk. -No, but you can cook. What are you talking about? Your resume says that you minored in French culinary arts. Most students, they work on the fryer at KFC, but you bussed tables at El Picador to support yourself. And then you get out of college and you come and you work here. How much did they first pay you to give up on your dreams? 27 grand a year. And when were you going to stop and come back and do what makes you happy? Good question. I see guys w

ho work at the same company for their entire lives, guys exactly like you. They clock in, they clock out, and they never have a moment of happiness. You have an opportunity here, Bob. This is a rebirth. Now, if not for you, do it for your children. He just waltzes in and cuts in line? We reserve priority assistance for our Hilton Honors members. The promotions are great. You should check it out. Hungry much? Our business expense allots $40 each for dinner. I plan on grabbing as many miles as I can. Okay, you got to fill me in on the miles thing. What is that about? Are you talking about, like, frequent flyer miles? -You really want to know? -I’m dying to know. I don’t spend a nickel if I can help it unless it somehow profits my mileage account. So, what are you saving up for, Hawaii, South of France? It’s not like that. The miles are the goal. That’s it? You’re saving just to save? Let’s just say that I have a number in mind and I haven’t hit it yet. That’s a little abstract. What’s the target? I’d rather not. Is it a secret target? It’s 10 million miles. Okay. Isn’t 10 million just a number? -Pi’s just a number. -Well, we all need a hobby. No, I... I don’t mean to belittle your collection. I get it. It sounds cool. I’d be the 7th person to do it. More people have walked on the moon. -Do they throw you a parade? -You get lifetime executive status. You get to meet the chief pilot, Maynard Finch. And they put your name on the side of a plane. Men get such hard-ons from putting their name on stuff. You guys don’t grow up. It’s like you need to pee on everything. Now who’s stereotyping? Fear of mortality. It’s like, ’’Yeah, you’re gonna die one day.’’ And why do you suppose that’s singular to men? Probably because you can’t have babies. The baby argument. If I had that many miles, I would show up at an airport, look at the destination board, pick a place and go. Thanks for the advice. Jesus. Okay. Closer. Way closer. Still closer. Closer. Okay. A little left. Okay, down a little. Too far. Up. Up one more inch. I don’t get it. Why does your sister want a fake photo? My sister is kooky. She thinks this is charming. It’s like the gnome thing. No, I mean, why would your sister want a fake photo in front of the St. Louis airport? Are you kidding, Lambert Field? The Wright brothers flew through there. That domed main terminal, it’s the first of its kind. It’s a precursor from everything, from JFK to de Gaulle. -Pretty sweet. -Just take the picture. Well, that’s a keeper. Let me see it. Why she wants dozens of reminders of all the places she hasn’t been is beyond me. Well, I’m sure she’ll be crushed for having missed this airport. Look, before Lindbergh could cross the Atlantic, he took off from one of those runways. Do you ever wonder why they ca

lled it the Spirit of St. Louis? -No. -Well... Do you know how fucked this place is now? I am the one thing, the one thing, preventing this place from being totally fucked in the ass. Sometimes they just need to vent. Please, for the love of God, can I fire the next one? -Miss Barnes, thank you for joining us. -I’m here to be fired, right? Well, we’re here to talk about your future. You don’t have to sugarcoat it. I get the drill. What are they offering? Inside the packet, you’ll find a clearly worked out severance package. Give me the bullet points. It’s actually pretty good. 3 months’ pay, 6 months’ medical and a full year of placement services through our company, CTC. Placement services. That’s generous. Commonly, it takes one month of searching for every $10,000 you expect to earn in salary. So, I could be looking for a while. -Not necessarily. -Don’t even sweat it. I’m pretty confident about my plans. -Really? -Yeah. There’s this beautiful bridge by my house. I’m gonna go jump off it. Natalie. Hey! Natalie! People say these things all the time. It’s part of the trade. -They do? -Yeah. I mean, they say crazy things. They get worked up. She was really calm. I think that’s a good sign. So, they don’t ever actually do it? No. No, it’s just talk. How do you know? Do you follow up? I mean, no. Nothing good’s gonna come of that. I wouldn’t worry about it. This is what we do, Natalie. We take people at their most fragile, and we set them adrift. You ready to go back in? All right, let’s go. Come on. No, I’m fine. Tell me something sweet. I’ll be back soon. I’m not really sure how long this whole exercise is supposed to last. No, I don’t even think of him that way. He’s old. I’m done? I wasn’t expecting this. Not at all. Just like that? I’m disappointed that I’ve given so much of my life... This is not fair. There are people that are gonna be way more qualified than me now. I don’t know what to do when I wake up in the morning tomorrow. Are you okay? -Are we going? -Yeah. This is how I start every day of my life. Now, this is gonna be a little difficult, so stay with me. You have a new backpack. Only this time, I want you to fill it with people. Start with casual acquaintances, friends of friends, folks around the office. And then you move into the people that you trust with your most intimate secrets. Your cousins, your aunts, your uncles, your brothers, your sisters, your parents. And finally your husband, your wife, your boyfriend or your girlfriend. You get them into that backpack. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna ask you to light it on fire. Feel the weight of that bag. Make no mistake, your relationships are the heaviest components in your life. Do you feel the straps cutting into your shoulders? All those negotiations and arguments and secret

s and compromises. You don’t need to carry all that weight. Why don’t you set that bag down? Some animals were meant to carry each other, to live symbiotically for a lifetime. Star-crossed lovers, monogamous swans. We are not those animals. The slower we move, the faster we die. We are not swans. We’re sharks. -Never? -No. -Ever? -No. -You never want to get married? -Nope. -Never want kids? -Not a chance. -Ever? -Never. -Is that so bizarre? -Yes. Yes, it is. I just don’t see the value in it. -All right, sell it to me. -What? Sell me marriage. -Okay, how about love? -Okay. Stability, just somebody you can count on. How many stable marriages do you know? Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with. I’m surrounded by people to talk to. I doubt that’s going to change. How about just not dying alone? Starting when I was 12, we moved each one of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone. Now, those cult members in San Diego with the Kool-Aid and the sneakers, they didn’t die alone. I’m just saying there are options. Fuck. Brian left me. All right. Okay, okay. All right. All right. Yeah. Hey. Natalie, this is Alex, my friend. This is Natalie. I should give you both a moment. No. No, that’s fine. I’m fine. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Maybe we should just all go up to our rooms and freshen up. Or maybe a drink? Now you’re talking. He broke up with you over text message? It’s kind of like firing someone over the Internet. What a weaselly prick. Yeah. But what does that make me? -Someone who falls for a prick. -We all fall for them. Pricks are spontaneous, they’re unpredictable, and they’re fun. And then we’re surprised when they turn out to be pricks. I followed him to Omaha. You did? I had a job waiting for me in San Francisco when he got an offer from ConAgra. He said we could start a life together. So, I followed him. To Nebraska? I thought I’d be engaged by now. No offense. -None taken. -That’s all right. When I was 16, I thought by 23 I’d be married, maybe have a kid, corner office by day, entertaining at night. I was supposed to be driving a Grand Cherokee by now. Yeah, life can underwhelm you that way. I mean, where did you think you’d be by... It doesn’t work that way. At a certain point, you stop with the deadlines. It can be a little counterproductive. I don’t want to say anything that’s anti-feminist. I really appreciate everything that your generation did for me. -It was our pleasure. -Well done. But sometimes it feels like no matter how much success I have, it’s not gonna matter until I find the right guy. You really thought this guy was the one? I could have made it work. He... He really fit the bill. -You know? -The bill? White-collar, college grad, loves dogs

, likes funny movies, 6’1’’, brown hair, kind eyes, works in finance but is outdoorsy, you know, on the weekends. I always imagined he’d have a single syllable name like Matt or John or Dave. In a perfect world, he drives a 4Runner. And the only thing he loves more than me is his golden Lab. And a nice smile. -What about you? -Let me think. You know, honestly, by the time you’re 34, all the physical requirements just go out the window. I mean, like, you secretly pray that he’ll be taller than you, and not an asshole would be nice. Just someone who enjoys my company, comes from a good family. Because you don’t think about that when you’re younger. I don’t know. Someone who wants kids. Likes kids. Wants kids. Healthy enough to play with his kids. Please let him earn more money than I do. You might not understand that now, but believe me, you will one day. Otherwise, that’s a recipe for disaster. And hopefully some hair on his head, but, I mean, even that’s not a deal breaker these days. A nice smile. Yeah, a nice smile. Nice smile just might do it. That was depressing. -I should just date women. -Tried it. We’re no picnic ourselves. I don’t mind being married to my career, and I don’t expect it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep. I just don’t want to settle. You’re young. Right now you see settling as some sort of a failure. It is, by definition. Yeah. But by the time someone is right for you, it won’t feel like settling. And the only person left to judge you will be the 23-year-old girl with a target on your back. So, what’s the plan for the evening? Well, we were gonna hit that party for the tech conference at the hotel. I didn’t know you could just attend those. I thought you had to be registered. Well, technically, I don’t think -it’s open to the public. -Just gonna stop by. You’re gonna crash it? -They throw a really nice party. -Well, they have more money -than they know what to do with. -And they have a good time, usually. No, no, I get it. I’m in. Jennifer Chu? -Shit! -It’ll be fine. Doing all right? Yeah. This was a great idea. You’re so pretty. You’re exactly what I wanna look like in 15 years. Thank you, Natalie. You should dance. -Come on. -No, no, no. Come on. -Hi. I’m Dave. -I’m Natalie. Who’s Jennifer? I don’t know. All right. How’s everybody doing out there? All right. Right about now, give it up for a very special alpha TECH guest. Young MC! What’s up, alpha TECH? I got a busted computer at home. Can somebody fix it for me? Bust a move! -Say, "Yeah!" -Yeah! -Say, "Oh, yeah!" -Oh, yeah! -Say, "Bust a move!" -Bust a move! -Say, "Bust a move!" -Bust a move! -Let me hear you say, "Yeah!" -Yeah! I want you to have a key to my place. I had no idea we were at that point in our relationship. Yes. Where is she? Lying in my bed I hear th

e Clock tick and think of you Caught up in circles Confusion is nothing new Flash back To warm nights Almost left behind Suitcase of memories Time after Sometimes you picture me... Back home I don’t get to act the way I do with you. -That’s why I don’t have a back home. -I know. You’re so cool. Mr. Empty Backpack. -You know about my backpack? -I googled you. You did? It’s what us modern girls do when we have a crush. Did it bother you? It depends. Is the bag empty because you hate people or because you hate the baggage that they come along with? I don’t hate people. I’m not exactly a hermit. You just don’t want to be tied down with the whole responsibility thing? I don’t know what originally sparked the backpack. Probably needed to be alone. Recently, I’ve been thinking that I needed to empty the backpack before I knew what to put back in it. -No! -I think we’re out of gas. Hey. You’re up? Yeah, I have to fly standby and make a meeting in Cincinnati. Okay. I made you feel cheap. It’s all right. Just leave the money on the dresser. I’ll text you later so we can swap schedules. Hey. I really like you. -I like you, too. -Good. Go catch your plane. Last night... It was kind of out of hand, and I said things... I’m not actually sure of everything that I said, -but I didn’t want you to think... -Just relax. It was nice to see you cut loose. So, did you wake him up or slip out? -What? -This morning. Your new friend. Did you wake him up for an awkward goodbye or did you just slip out and make him feel like a whore? -I just left. -Protocol’s always tricky. What happened to Alex? She had to leave town early to get to a meeting. -That’s too bad. Where does she live? -Chicago. Thinking of going to see her? We don’t really have that kind of relationship. Try right over there. That direction. What kind of relationship do you have? Well, you know, casual. -Sounds pretty special. -It works for us. Don’t you think there’s a future there? I never really thought about it. What’s going on here? -Really never thought about it? -No. How can you not think about that? How does it not even cross your mind that you might want a future with someone? It’s simple. You know that moment when you look into somebody’s eyes and you can feel them staring into your soul and the whole world goes quiet just for a second? -Yes. -Right. Well, I don’t. -You’re an asshole. -No. Look, I’m just dicking around. Come on. Give me a hand. Don’t you think it’s worth giving her a chance? -A chance to what? -A chance at something real. Natalie, your definition of real is going to evolve as you get older. Can you stop condescending for one second or is that one of the principles of your bullshit philosophy? -Bullshit philosophy? -The isolation, the traveling. -Is that supposed to be charming?

-No, it’s simply a life choice. -It’s a cocoon of self-banishment. -Big words. Screw you. Screw you, too. You have set up a way of life that basically makes it impossible for you to have any kind of human connection. And now this woman comes along and somehow runs the gauntlet of your ridiculous life choice and comes out on the other end smiling just so you can call her ’’casual’’? I need to grow up? You’re a 12-year-old. I don’t have a gauntlet... Fuck. Now, listen, these Detroit guys can be tough. They’ve been getting hammered. So, you don’t get distracted. Stick with the simple stuff. You get these packets in their hand and you get them out the door, okay? Hey, welcome to Detroit. What’s going on here? I’ve been looking at those great numbers over the last few days. I thought maybe we should just nut up and give this a try. We could use a little more time. Well, you got to leave the nest at some point. This is a real company, Craig. We’re here to do some damage. I know. It’s a good thing we brought our best, okay. Let’s stop screwing around. All right. Just give me a minute to prepare and get my things together. I was thinking that Natalie was going to take this one. She’s hardly ready for that. I’ve been watching her results the last few days. She’s great. This is a whole other animal. You know, she created it and everything, right? Natalie, are you not up for it? -Yeah, I’m game. -That’s my girl. Just remember, don’t apologize, don’t tell them how hard this is for you. Today’s one of the worst days they’re ever gonna have in their life. How we feel doesn’t even compare. -Got it. -All right. Just keep it professional. You’ll be fine. What’s all this? What’s going on? Hello, Mr. Samuels. I wish I were here with better news. However, your position here at Wertheimer’s is no longer available. What are you talking about? You’ve been let go. Just like that? Who are you? My name is Miss Keener, and I’m here today to talk about your options. I worked for this company for 17 years and they send a 4th-grader to can me? What the fuck is this? It’s perfectly normal to be upset. However, the sooner you can tell yourself that greater -opportunities are waiting for you... -Greater opportunities? I’m 57 fucking years old. Anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are now. And it’s because they sat there that they were able to do it. There’s a packet in front of you. I want you to take some time and review it. All the answers you’re looking for are inside those pages. The sooner you trust the process, the sooner the next step of your life will unveil itself. I need you to go back to your office now and start putting together your personal things. Mr. Samuels, that’s all we can discuss now. Mr. Samuels. Mr. Samuels. Mr. Samuels!

You did good. You okay? You want me to take over? No, I’m all right. No. Look, we just got here. That’s one place. I think we need to try a few more. Maybe it doesn’t make a difference, but it’s comforting to know that we’re in the next room. I know you don’t give a shit about my comfort. I think we could try a few more, that’s all I’m saying. Fine. All right. Okay. All right. He thought you did a great job. You did. I’m real proud of you. Thanks. They’re pulling us off the road. We’re going home. Really? For good? Yeah. Good job. I’m sorry about what I said about Alex. That was out of line. It’s all right. I understand. I mean, who am I to be doling out relationship advice, right? No kidding. Are you gonna be okay? -What do you mean? -In Omaha? I don’t know. It’s better than you’d think. Ryan. Ryan. Where are you going? I’m grabbing another flight. Something I’ve got to take care of. I’ll see you back at home. Okay, just walk it in a little. A little more. There you go. Yeah. Got it. They’re a cute couple. -You think so? -Yeah, they’ll make cute kids. How do you like Wisconsin in February? I like it if you’re there. And I know a killer burger in Milwaukee. Northern Wisconsin. What are you doing this weekend? -No. -What, I haven’t... -Well, you want me to be your date? -Yeah. Yeah. -At your sister’s wedding? -It’s not like I know her that well. Look, I’m not the wedding type, right? But for the first time in my life, I don’t want to be that guy alone at a bar. I want a dance partner. I want a ’’plus one.’’ And if you can stomach it, I’d like it to be you. Excuse me. Are you available? This line’s for members of our Matterhorn Program. Hey. Ryan. -Hey. -Kara. Hi. -Hi. -Hey. Hi. Alex, this is my sister Kara. -Hi. -Well, hello. Ryan’s told me nothing about you. So, you two are dating? -Not exactly. -Well, hey, don’t worry about it. We’re all getting a little old to be calling someone girlfriend. I remember when Mom used to call Jack her boyfriend. God. Drove me up the wall. Boyfriends are for kids, right? So, what are you doing at the hotel? Yeah. Okay, Frank and I are trying out a trial separation. I’m sorry. So, you’re not staying at the house? No, there was a room on hold here, so I thought I’d just take it for the weekend. -So, the rehearsal dinner. -Yeah, tonight. I’ll see you two there. Nice digs. There’s a packet. Hey, look who’s here. -My God! -He finally made it. -My God! Ryan! -Hey. Hi. -You must be Alex. -Yes, I am. Hi. How are you? -You are so beautiful. Kara was right. -Thank you. Gosh. You look so grown-up. I do? You’re the one that’s getting married. I know, right? You haven’t even seen my ring. -Look at that. -It’s lovely. -Jim designed it. -That’s... Hey, Jim. -Hey. -How’s it g

oing? -Hey. I’m Ryan. -Jim. Good to meet you. -Alex. Pleasure. -Pleasure. Thank you, guys, for coming. Brother! -It’s true, though. -Yeah, it’s crazy. I got the pictures you asked me to get. You can just put them right there. Yeah, okay. You got so many of them up there, I almost didn’t have room. I know. It’s so great. Everyone just chipped in. What gave you the idea to do something so... Substantial. Well, Jim has a lot of our nest egg invested in this real estate venture. It’s a real estate investment. It’s exciting, but we went over our finances and... A honeymoon just kind of at this state in the game just doesn’t really seem affordable. So, you know, we just thought, ’’Just because we can’t travel doesn’t mean we can’t have pictures.’’ -No, I think that’s a fabulous idea. -Yeah, it’s a good one. I mean, the concept is turnkey everything. Okay? You buy a maintenance contract when you get the home. You know, we’ll whack your weeds, we’ll change your light bulbs. Furniture, you can bring your own or else you can pick one of our beautiful packages. Seamless traditionalism, yet all the perks. Nice. And we all need a place to call our own. This is America. This is what we were promised. -It’s a nice touch. -What? The bit at the end about the promise. I like that part. Thanks. You... You still renting that one-bedroom? -No. I gave it up. -So, you own now? -No. -But you’re looking? No, not really. So, you’re just good? I’m good. Well, that’s good. Can you believe it’s tomorrow? How are you gonna sleep? I don’t know. -Well, do you want some Xanax? -I don’t think that’s for sleeping. Yeah. No, I think I’ll just have a glass of warm milk. -That’ll do the trick. -Okay. See you tomorrow. -Okay. -Bye. Bye. Hey. There’s another box inside. -I’ll grab it. -You sure? Yeah, yeah, yeah. -Jim seems like a good guy. -Yeah, isn’t he great? He’s going to make a great husband. You know, Julie, I was thinking, you know, with Dad not being here, I was wondering if you had anybody to walk you down the aisle. Yeah. No, Jim’s uncle is gonna do it. He’s been really supportive. He’s been great. Well, good. That’s great. I just wanted to make sure that you... I wanted you to be covered, that’s all. So, I should be there, what? Yeah, the guests are arriving around 5:00, and things get going at 5:30, so around then. Okay. Let me... I’m gonna help you with those. Got it. It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. None of that was here. This is all new. Really? -Is that all you got? -What? Give me a boost. Watch... Hang on. I took Geography in here. You ever fool around with one of your teachers? -No. Did you? -No. Not until college. That’s me on the right. It’s kind of hard to tell. You can tell by the eyebrows. -You played basketball? -

I was a point guard. Don’t act so surprised. I didn’t know you were such a jock. That’s me, too. And that. -My first fight. -How’d it go? Got my ass kicked. This is where we used to go to make out. Yes. Yeah. This is very romantic. Go, Cougars! I’m really happy I came here. So am I. It’s Kara. -Hey. -Ryan, where are you? We’re having a meltdown here. What’s going on? What happened? It’s Jim. Can you get back here? We need your help. Okay. We got to go. -I’ll grab your suit. -Thanks. -What happened? -Jim’s got cold feet. -Today? -Yeah, that’s how cold feet work. -What do you want me to do? -Talk to him. -You want me to talk to him? -Hey, it’s either you or me. You know my track record. I’ve already struck out once. I haven’t been to bat. I haven’t been in the dugout. Don’t you talk for a living? Motivational-type stuff? I tell people how to avoid commitment. What kind of fucked-up message is that? -It’s a philosophy. -It’s stupid. Hey, it could have helped you. Ryan, you haven’t been around much. Fuck, basically, you don’t exist to us. I know you wanna be there for her. Well, here it is. This is your chance. Hey. What’s up, Ryan? -Jim. -You ever read this before? -Yeah, it’s pretty powerful stuff. -Yeah, I’ll say. Kara mentioned that you were having some thoughts. I don’t think I’m gonna be able to do this. And why would you say that today? Well, last night I was kind of laying in bed and I couldn’t get to sleep, so I started thinking about the wedding and the ceremony, and about our buying a house and moving in together, and having a kid and then having another kid. And then Christmas and Thanksgiving and spring break and going to football games. And then, all of a sudden, they’re graduating, they’re getting jobs, and they’re getting married, and, you know, I’m a grandparent. And then I’m retired. I’m losing my hair. I’m getting fat. And then the next thing you know, I’m dead. I’m just, like... I can’t stop from thinking, ’’What’s the point?’’ -I mean, what is the point? -The point? Yeah, I mean, what am I starting here? Jim, it’s marriage. It’s one of the most beautiful things on earth. It’s what people aspire to. -You never got married. -That’s true. -I mean, you never even tried. -Well, it’s hard to define try. I don’t know, just... You seem happier than all my married friends. Look, Jim, I’m not gonna lie to you. Marriage can be a pain in the ass. And you’re kind of right. This all is just stuff that leads to your eventual demise. -Yes. -And we’re all on running clocks, and they can’t be slowed down or paused, and, you know, we all end up in the same place. Yeah. There is no point. There is no point. That’s what I’m saying. You know, I’m not normally the guy you would talk to about stuff like this.

If you think about it, your favorite memories, the most important moments in your life, were you alone? No, I guess not. Hey, come to think of it, last night, the night before your wedding, when all this shit is swirling around in your head, weren’t you guys sleeping in separate bedrooms? Yeah, Julie went back to the apartment, and I was just by myself in the honeymoon suite. -Kind of lonely? -Yes, it was pretty lonely. -Life’s better with company. -Yeah. Everybody needs a co-pilot. -That was a nice touch. -Thanks. -So, what’s the mood like out there? -It’s not good. -She’s pretty pissed? -She’s upset. What should I do? Go get her. I’m such a fuck-up. I love you so much. Will you be my co-pilot? Yes. Yes. Welcome home. Okay, this is your stop. -When am I gonna see you? -You’re just gonna have to come visit. So settled. You’re not gonna change on me, are you? No. Same guy. Just one address. This is your final boarding call for American Airlines flight number 3972 to Chicago. All right. Call me when you get lonely. I’m lonely. Some guy sits down in a conference room somewhere and our server routes his session to one of our termination engineers. ’’Termination engineers’’? Really? I preferred ’’terminators,’’ but it bumped with Legal. Can’t imagine why. They follow a workflow that takes them through anything from a standard dismissal to a violent aggressor. What are they doing now? Are they practicing? Well, beta testing, role-playing. We go live at the end of the month. Kyle, you’re running through the events too quickly. You need to give them time to acknowledge each statement, okay? It’s a legal thing. -Ryan? -Yeah. There’s more? This is ridiculous. But, you know, Legal’s really starting to come hard at me on this term ’’terminate,’’ so... Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for today’s challenge speaker, Mr. Ryan Bingham. Go get them. Last year, I flew 350,000 miles. The moon is 250. I want you to imagine for a second that you’re carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. You feel them? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. Start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers. Excuse me. What the fuck are you doing? Okay, everyone, just relax. -Hey, you gotta sign. -Thought I did that already. -Okay, thank you. -All right. Hey, you forgot to give me your Hertz No.1 Gold Card! So, I was in the neighborhood. Hey! Hey, wait! Wait, wait. -Hey, honey, who’s at the door? -It’s just somebody who’s lost. Alex? What were you thinking, showing up at my door like that? What do you mean? I... I wanted to see you. I didn’t know you had a family. Why wouldn’t you tell me that? Look, I’m sorry I ruined your evening, but, I mean, you could have seriously screwed things u

p for me. That’s my family. That’s my real life. I thought I was a part of your real life. I thought we signed up for the same thing. Try and help me understand exactly what it is that you signed up for. I thought our relationship was perfectly clear. I mean, you are an escape. You’re a break from our normal lives. You’re a parenthesis. I’m a parenthesis? I mean... What do you want? Tell me what you want. You don’t even know what you want. I’m a grown-up, okay? So, if you would like to see me again, then give me a call. Okay? Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special announcement to make. Our pilot has just informed me that we are passing over the city of Dubuque, which might not mean much to most of you, but means a lot to one of our flyers today. -No. -Because he just hit 10 million miles! Congratulations. -Such an amazing accomplishment. -You must be very, very excited. -Hi, Captain. -Captain. That seat taken? No. No. You’re the youngest yet to hit 10 mil. -Don’t know where you found the time. -Yeah. I don’t know. Yeah. Here you go. 7th card we’ve made. Small club. We really appreciate your loyalty. You know how many times I thought about this moment? Played out the conversation that you and I would have right here. Really? What did you want to say? You know, I don’t remember. That’s all right. It happens to all of us. So, where are you from? I’m from here. Hello, Mr. Bingham. -How did you know it was me? -This is your dedicated line. We reserve them for our most loyal and appreciated flyers. I’d like to transfer some of my miles. Can I open up an account to Jim and Julie Miller? Certainly. How many miles would you like to transfer? How many miles does it take to circle the globe? We have our round-the-world tickets. They’re 500,000 miles each. -That’d be fine. -Got a second? I’ll call you back. What the hell happened to you yesterday? I was trying to get hold of you all day. I was... Some personal stuff. What’s going on? Do you remember Karen Barnes, part of a 30-person reduction a few weeks back in Wichita? Natalie fired her. I fire dozens of people a day. I... She killed herself, jumped off a bridge. Fuck. I need to know if you remember any woman that gave you any signals, depression... They’re all depressed. We’re firing them. Hey, I need to ask you this stuff, okay? No, I don’t remember anything. You never think that they’re... You don’t remember any woman that gave you any signals? -Anything at all, Ryan? -No, nothing stands out. -Natalie all right? -Natalie quit. -She quit? -Text message. Yeah, fucking nice, right? No one’s got any manners anymore. -She say where she was going? -No. She was a little upset. I should give her a call. I need you back in the air. Hey, did you hear what I said? I thought you’d be thrilled about that. It’s fine. What

about the videoconferencing? CTC is going to pause the new-media front. They’re gonna give it some more thought. We are gonna get our workhorses back in the air, doing what they do best, okay? -How long are you sending me out? -We’re gonna let you sail and sail. You send us a postcard if you ever get there. So, what happened? -How exactly do you mean? -You graduated top of your class. You seemed to have your pick of employment, including right here. Instead you went to Omaha to fire people for a living? -It’s challenging work. -I’ll say. I can’t imagine doing that day in, day out. Not in this climate. I followed a boy. Well, I guess everybody does that at one point or another. This guy says I’d be lucky to have you. To whom it may concern, I can’t even count the number of people I’ve fired in my lifetime. So many that I’ve actually forgotten what it’s like to hire somebody. We’ve never met, but I know you’d be lucky to have Natalie Keener. My advice? Take her and don’t look back. She’ll be the best decision you’ve made in a long time. I sure hope he’s right. Well, I don’t have a lot of hope, and I really don’t know when it’s gonna get better. There’s a lot of people unemployed, and I really don’t know when there’s gonna be light at the end of the tunnel. I can’t find much to talk about. Talk about being proud. I’m proud of my kids. I think the anger comes from the fact that I just wasn’t needed anymore. I would say, you know, without my friends and my family, I wouldn’t have made it. It would have been a lot tougher if I would have had to make it on my own. When I wake up in the morning and I look over and I see my wife, that gives me the sense of purpose. It’s not all about the money. Money can keep you warm. It pays your heating bills, you know. It can buy you a blanket. But it’s not as... Doesn’t keep you as warm as when my husband holds me. Let me get up. Let me get out. Let me find something. So, my kids are my purpose, my family. Tonight most people will be welcomed home by jumping dogs and squealing kids. Their spouses will ask about their day, and tonight they’ll sleep. The stars will wheel forth from their daytime hiding places. And one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wingtip passing over. Hi, Jason. My name is Kevin, and I recently lost my job. I wrote this song as sort of a statement about uncertainty and having a certain amount of anxiety about the future. So, maybe you can use it in your movie. 精彩对白1Ryan: Poor Steve has worked here for seven years. He's never had a meeting with me before or passed me in the hall or told me a story in the break room. And that's because I don't work here. I work for another company that lends me out to pussies like Steve's boss who don't have the balls to sack their own employee

s, and in some cases, for good reason. Because people do crazy shit when they get fired.Steve: Did I do something wrong? I mean, is there something I could do differently here?Ryan: This is not an assessment of your productivity. You gotta try not to take this personally.Steve: "Don't take it personally."Ryan: Steven, I want you to review this packet. Take it seriously. I think you're gonna find a lot of good answers in here. I'm sure this is gonna be very helpful, a packet.Steve: Thank you. A packet.Ryan: Well, anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are right now. And it's because they sat there they were able to do it. That's the truth. I'm gonna need your keycard. Great. Okay. Now, I want you to take the day, go get together your personal things, and then tomorrow, you get yourself some exercise. You go out for a jog, you give yourself some routines, and pretty soon you find your legs.Steve: How do I get in touch with you?Ryan: Don't worry, we'll be in touch with you soon. This is just the beginning. I'll never see Steve again. Thank you. To know me is to fly with me. This is where I live. When I run my card, the system automatically prompts the desk clerk to greet me with this exact statement.Clerk: Pleasure to see you again, Mr. Bingham.Ryan: It's these kinds of systemized, friendly touches that keep my world in orbit. All the things you probably hate about traveling, the recycled air, the artificial lighting, the digital juice dispensers, the cheap sushi, are warm reminders that I'm home.Waitress: Do you want the cancer?Ryan: The what?Waitress: Do you want the cancer?Ryan: The cancer?Waitress: The can, sir?Ryan: No. I'm fine, thank you. How much does your life weigh? Imagine for a second that you're carrying a backpack. I want you to feel the straps on your shoulders. Feel them? Now I want you to pack it with all the stuff that you have in your life. You start with the little things, the things on shelves and in drawers, the knickknacks, the collectibles. Feel the weight as that adds up. Then you start adding larger stuff, clothes, tabletop appliances, lamps, linens, your TV. The backpack should be getting pretty heavy now. And you go bigger. Your couch, bed, your kitchen table. Stuff it all in there. Your car, get it in there. Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a two-bedroom house, I want you to stuff it all into that backpack. Now try to walk. It's kind of hard, isn't it? This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? Photos? Photos are for people who can't remember. Drink some ginkgo and let the photos burn. In fact, let everything burn and imagine waking up tomorrow with nothing. It's kind of exhilarating, isn't it?妙语佳句 活学活用1. break room: 休

息室,茶水间。2. pussy: 猫,小姑娘。瑞恩在这里的意思是“我在另一家公司工作,为斯蒂夫的老板这样的懦夫出面。”3. have the balls to do: 有胆量。Balls在这里比喻“勇气、胆量”。例如:I don't have the balls to say that.(我可没有胆量那样说。) 4. keycard: 门卡,钥匙卡。5. take the day: 今天休息,在这里相当于take the day off。瑞恩在这里的意思是“我要你今天就开始休息。”6. find one's legs: 对自己的能力开始有信心,找到方向,在社会上站稳脚跟。我们在说幼儿find one's legs时,通常指幼儿开始能站立、行走。而find one's sea-legs则指“开始不晕船,(经过初期晕船后)开始习惯于船上的颠簸”。7. run the card: 刷卡。8. recycled air:循环空气。在大多数商业航班中,机舱里的空气一半来自飞机外面的新鲜空气,一半来自机舱内的循环空气。新鲜空气先通过压缩机压缩,然后再与机舱内的循环空气混合,循环空气要经过过滤。9. dispenser:自动售货机。我们平时所说的ATM自动取款机全称为automated teller machine,也称为cash machine。10.sushi: 寿司,日本食物,小饼状冷米饭配生鱼片等。11.weigh down: 压垮,过度忧虑。此外,weigh down还可以用来表示“加强”,例如:Jane weighed down her repertory with these plays.(简加上这几出戏,使她的演出剧目得到了加强。)这里再向大家介绍几个含有weigh的短语。to weigh one's words 斟酌措词to weigh on sb 使某人心情沉重to weigh anchor 起锚精彩对白:I work for another company that lends me out to pussies like Steve's boss who don't have the balls to sack their own employees, and in some cases, for good reason.精彩剧情及幕后花絮乔治·克鲁尼饰演的是一名叫瑞恩·宾厄姆的公司裁员专家,他的工作是飞来飞去为各地公司去解决麻烦,他人生的目标则是乘坐飞机积攒的英里数达到100万,从而晋升为白金会员。但瑞恩这种“在路上”的生活方式却受到了新人的威胁,一个名叫娜塔莉(安娜·肯德里克饰)的大学毕业新生发明了一种互联网远程会议系统,让裁员变得轻松省事,也让瑞恩的工作显得毫无必要。正所谓不是冤家不聚头,瑞恩的新任务竟然是带领娜塔莉熟悉工作环境,他的飞行之旅终于有了个不那么和谐的伙伴……瑞恩的工作让他必须经常面对各种被裁人员痛苦、愤怒和绝望的情绪,为了证明娜塔莉的想法是非常天真和非常错误的,他把娜塔莉带进他负责的一项裁员任务当中。但正当娜塔莉开始意识到自己的职业是非常令人沮丧之时,瑞恩却开始质疑自己的生活方式……电影还有另一条线索,瑞恩在机场

遇到了他的梦中情人、恰好也是他的同行亚历克斯(维拉·法梅加饰),他们之间的浪漫关系在机场的一次次偶遇中慢慢展开。工作和事业问题,甚至还有那么点爱情都要逼仄机舱和密闭候机楼里完成。他们能体会到局促不安和令人困惑浪漫么?影片的前半个小时有些无聊,但慢慢地你会被编剧的才华和乔治·克鲁尼的演技所吸引。这是一部意味深长的电影,里面的台词很精辟,特别是瑞恩的“背包理论”。考考你1.我在另一家公司工作,为斯蒂夫的老板这样的懦夫出面,他们不敢解雇自己的员工。2.现在,我要你今天就开始休息。3.我刷卡的时候,系统会自动让柜员用这一句话跟我问好。4.感觉挺兴奋的,是吧?精彩对白2Craig: Welcome home, boys. I know there's been a lot of whispering about why we're here, so let me jump right in. Retailers are down 20%. Auto industry is in the dump. Housing market doesn't have a heartbeat. It is one of the worst times on record for America. This is our moment. Now, last summer, we received a dynamite young woman here from Cornell, and she had some pretty big ideas that she challenged me with. And my first reaction was, "Who does this kid think that she is?" But after I gave it a listen, she really knocked me out. So, with a peek into our future, Natalie Keener.Natalie: If there's one word I want to leave you with today, it's this.Colleague: "Glocal"?Natalie: Glocal. Our global must become local.This company keeps 23 people on the road at least 250 days a year. It's expensive, and it's inefficient. When I came to Craig three months ago with this, he told me, and quite astutely, it's only a problem if you have a solution. Well, today I stand before you with just that. You all know Ned in reception. Today I'm gonna fire Ned. Sorry, Ned. I'm sure HR will hire you back this afternoon.Craig: We'll see about that.Natalie: Now Ned could be any employee in any one of our clients' locations worldwide. Strategy packets will be shipped in advance. Ned would be given a seat and find one of our transition specialists waiting for him. Mr. Laskin, the reason we're having this conversation is your position is no longer available.Ned: I don't understand. I'm fired?Natalie: Hearing the words "you've been let go" is never easy. Change is always scary, but consider the following. Anybody who ever built an empire or changed the world sat where you are now. And it's because they sat there that they were able to do it.Ryan: That's my fucking line.Ned: But what happens now?Natalie: This is the first step of a process that will end with you in a new job that fulfills you.Ned: Yeah. But how does it work?Natalie: I want you to take the packet in front of you. Review it. All the answers you're looking for are inside. Start filling out the necessary informati

on, and before you know it, you'll be on your way to new opportunities. Now, Ned, I need you to go back to your desk and start putting together your things. As a favor to me, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread the news just yet. Panic doesn't help anyone.Ned: I understand.Natalie: Give it up for Ned. You can start the morning in Boston, stop in Dallas over lunch, and finish the day in San Francisco, all for the price of a T1 line. Our inflated travel budget is eviscerated by 85%. And more importantly to you guys on the road, no more Christmases in a hotel in Tulsa, no more hours lost to weather delays. You get to come home.妙语佳句 活学活用1. jump right in: jump in用来指“匆忙行事,急于行动”,在此处克雷格的意思是“那我就开门见山了。”此外,jump in还可以表示“打断谈话、插话”,例如:If you have any questions, jump right in.(如果有什么问题,就直接说。)2. don't have a heartbeat:没有心跳,在这里指汽车工业“完全溃败,一蹶不振”。3. glocal: 全球本地化,global和local的合成词。这种进程也称为glocalization。By definition, the term "glocal" refers to the individual, group, division, unit, organization, and community which is willing and able to "think globally and act locally."按照定义,glocal指的是有意愿并有能力“以全球化的视角思考,并在本地做出行动”的个人、团体、单位、组织和社区等。"Glocals" is a term often used to describe a new social class: expat managers who travel often and switch homes often, and are therefore both global and local.而glocals则用来指一种新的社会阶层:经常旅行、经常变换居住地的“空中飞人”管理人员,兼具全球化和本地化特征。4. see about:调查,考虑。克雷格此处是在开完笑说“那可不一定”。例如:Since I am a stranger in this city, I have to see about where I take bus No.3.(因为对这个城市不熟,我得问问到哪儿坐3路车。)5. transition specialist:职业转换专家,也就是“裁员专家”。6. line:台词。瑞恩的意思是“这分明是我的一套说辞。”7. as a favor to me: 算帮我个忙。“帮我个忙”还可以用do me a favor来表示。8. T1:传输速率可达1.544Mb/s的通讯线路。9. eviscerate:除去精华,除去主要部分。娜塔莉在这里的意思是“我们昂贵的出差预算能削减85%”。精彩对白:Retailers are down 20%. Auto industry is in the dump. Housing market doesn't have a heartbeat. It is one of the worst times on record for America. 影片中,瑞恩是一名成功的裁员专家。你听说过“裁员专家”这种职业吗?他们具体又是做哪些工作的呢?经济危机催生的新职业:裁员顾问或许,以往 “裁员顾问”这个职位听上去无关痛痒,但一场金融

危机使其听起来令人生畏,当然,这个职位还有一个相对委婉的名称——职业生涯转换顾问。而经济不景气年代正是这个行当景气度最佳的时候。在中国,职业生涯转换是一个新的理念。职业生涯转换是不仅要给员工补偿,还要让员工感觉到裁员也许是职业生涯的一次机会。前提是要把员工注意力吸引到职业下一步,以免他们陷于“受害者情绪”之中无法自拔。现在一些跨国企业只是暂时困难,但世界范围内,高端人才始终缺乏。而且,很多人会发现,现在做的工作也许并不是原来想做的。目前中国有很多企业的员工并没有对自己的职业生涯做出评价,去审视自己,看清楚自己的市场定位。很多人是第一次面临被裁的窘境,因而情绪非常激动,甚至失控。在很多企业看来,裁员是一件干脆利落的事,但职业生涯转换顾问认为,裁每一个人都需要周详的前期准备和后期工作。职业生涯转换顾问建议企业向员工宣布裁员决定的时间要选择在一天和一周的开始,最糟糕的时间是在周末和假期开始前。要在宣布对某员工的解雇决定前就准备好所有文件。包括工资、收入以及该员工还没享受过的假期的资料。 在和被裁员工面谈当天,裁员顾问会提供现场服务,安抚那些情绪激动的被裁员工和目睹同事被裁的人。这一天的服务尤其重要,必须及时处理和开导员工的情绪。不然,容易引起诉讼甚至极端事件。很多时候会遇到员工反复问:“为什么是我”?这时,职业生涯转换顾问会指导客户应回避评价该员工的个人表现,只能说“这是公司长期战略决定的”之类的话。 不要谈及其它员工或是进行比;不要说你个人也不赞成这样的决定;更不要说:“你正好有时间去休个假”或者“天知道我又还能在这儿呆多久” 这类话;也不要表现出被裁员工的岗位不重要;避免提及自己和个人的感受……此时,最好有企业的一位人力资源部的代表在场,以增强裁员谈话的严肃性和确定性,并帮助解答一些人事方面的专业问题,并向员工保证不会有其它任何人知情。在和被裁员工面谈时要表达清楚,言简意赅。谨慎地使用措辞,要保持一种诚恳和同情的语气。有同情心,但是也要坚定;要诚恳,也要有所警戒。在宣布对其解雇后鼓励员工谈谈他们的感想,对员工的未来职业发展给予鼓励。适当时候站起来并伸出手暗示谈话到此为止,对员工过去的工作表示谢意。考考你1.我们的全球化必须在本地得到实现。2.这分明是我的台词。3.帮我个忙,先不要告诉其他人,谢谢。4.我们昂贵的出差预算能削减85%。Up in the air《在云端》精讲之一

参考答案1.I work for another company that lends me out to pussies like Steve's boss who don't have the balls to sack their own employees.2.Now, I want you to take the day3.When I run my card, the system automatically prompts the desk clerk to greet me with this exact statement.4.It's kind of exhilarating, isn't it?精彩对白:Retailers are down 20%. Auto industry is in the dump. Housing market doesn't have a heartbeat. It is one of the worst times on record for America.精彩对白3Ryan: Tell me you're not taking this seriously.Craig: That's why I brought the entire company in from the road, because we're not taking it seriously.Ryan: There is a methodology to what I do. There is a reason why it works.Craig: Coke and IBM have been doing this for years, all right. Are you familiar with them? Now just like anything else, you know, it's gonna take a few months of sort of transition and then everybody is gonna settle in.Ryan: Who are you taking off the road?Craig: How are you not getting this? You're grounded. Everybody's grounded. It's done.Ryan: What we do here is brutal, and it does leave people devastated. But there is a dignity to the way I do it.Craig: By stabbing them in the chest instead of the back, is that right?Natalie: You wanted to see me?Craig: Well...Ryan: Yeah. You know what? Yeah, come on in. Come on in here.Craig: Great job out there, Natalie.Natalie: Thank you. How's everyone taking it?Ryan: Great. Listen, I admire your... Your zeal. And I think you have some very good ideas. But you know nothing about the realities of my industry. You can set up an iChat, but you don't know how people think.Natalie: Actually, I minored in psychology.Ryan: Nice. Okay, kiddo, fire me.Craig: Ryan.Ryan: Well, since she's gonna be doing this on a regular basis, don't you wanna know if she can fire somebody?Craig: She's fired Ned.Ryan: My dog can fire Ned. Fire me.Craig: You don't need to do this.Natalie: No, it's okay. I got this. Mr. Bingham, I regret to inform you that your position at this company is no longer available.Ryan: Who the hell are you?Natalie: My name is Miss Keener. I'm here today to discuss your future.Ruan: My future? The only one who can fire me is Craig Gregory.Natalie: Mr. Gregory hired me to handle this for him.Ryan: Handle what? Handle me? Mr. Gregory hired me, he's the only one who can fire me. You know what? I'm gonna go talk to him.Natalie: Mr. Bingham.Ryan: No, no, no. You can't follow me. You're on a computer screen, remember?Natalie: Ryan.Ryan: All right. Let's try this again. Fire me again.Natalie: I just did.Ryan: Actually, you didn't. Fire me.Craig: That's enough. I think we get it.Natalie: Mr. Bingham, I'm here today to inform you that your position is no longer available.Ryan: I'm fired?Natalie: Yes, you're fired.Ryan: Never say fir

ed. Natalie: You've been let go.Ryan: Why? Natalie: This is a mythical situation. How could I possibly know why?Ryan: Why doesn't matter. You never know why.Natalie: It's important not to focus on the why and rather to spend your energy thinking about your future.Ryan: Well, I'm gonna spend my energy on suing you unless you give me a good reason why you're firing me.Natalie: Mr. Bingham, the reason's not important.Ryan: So, you're firing me without grounds? Now I really have a lawsuit.Craig: I get what you're trying to say, Ryan.Natalie: Don't take this personally, Mr. Bingham.Ryan: Personally? This is the most personal situation that you are ever gonna enter, so before you try to revolutionize my business, I'd like to know that you actually know my business.Craig: That's a hell of a way to welcome her to the team.Ryan: Am I the only one that sees that by doing this we're making ourselves irrelevant? Craig: No, frankly, we're making you irrelevant.Ryan: Nice.Craig: Don't blame me. Blame the high fuel costs. Blame insurance premiums. Blame technology. You know, you better watch yourself. You're a little too young to become a dinosaur.Ryan: I'm not a dinosaur.Craig: I want you to show her the ropes.Ryan: What do I know what goes on here? Get Ferguson to do it.Craig: I'm not talking about here.Ryan: No.Craig: Yeah. Come on. You're very, very confident this girl doesn't know what she's doing, so... Ryan: Well, I'm sorry. I don't think a MySpace page qualifies you to rewire an entire company.Craig: Well, then great. Here's your chance. Go out there, show her the magic, take her through the paces.Ryan: I'm not a fucking tour guide. Now here we go.Craig: Bingham, here's the boat. And here's you. Do you want to be in the boat?Ryan: Yeah, alone.Craig: We're ringing the bell. We're rounding everybody up. You want to stay out there a little bit longer, you're welcome to do it, but you will not be alone, okay? You let me know.妙语佳句 活学活用1. take seriously: 重视,认真对待。瑞恩在这里的意思是“你没有当真吧?不是在动真格的吧?”2. iChat: 网络聊天。3. minor in: 兼修,辅修。主修某门课程则用major in表示。例如:I major in French and minor in English.(我主修法语,辅修英语。)4. without grounds:毫无理由。Ground在这里指“充分的理由、根据”,例如:You have no real grounds for complaint.(你没有真正的理由发牢骚。)5. a hell of a:(用来加重语气)极恶劣的、不像样的、使人受不了的。例如:You did a hell of a job.(你的工作一塌糊涂。)此外,a hell of a用在口语中还可以表示“非常、极”,例如:I like you a hell of a lot.(我非常喜欢你。)He has a hell of a lot of money.(他很有钱。)6. frankly:在这里相当于frankly spea

king,坦率地说。7. insurance premium: 保险费。8. dinosaur: 守旧落伍的人;过时落后的东西。在这里可以翻译为“老古董”。9. show someone the ropes: 传授秘诀。某人知道或学会秘诀则用know/learn the ropes来表示。例如:At first I did not know what to do, but he patiently showed me the ropes(最初我不知道该怎么样,幸而他耐心教导。)Ropes在这里表示“秘诀,窍门,规矩”,例如:We want someone who knows all the ropes of the trade(我们要一位完全熟悉行内规矩的人。)平时我们还用show sb the back door来表示“下逐客令”。10.take someone through the paces: 在这里的意思是“在工作中带带她,教教她做这一行”。类似的用法put someone through his paces 用来指“考查、考验某人”。11.ring the bell:按门铃,成功。这里注意要和ring a bell区分开。Ring a bell: [俗]使人想起某事或引起兴趣。例如:Once you mentioned her plan to be a professional tennis player, then her name rang a bell with me.(每次说起她要成为专业网球球员的计划,我就会想起她的名字。)12.round up: 聚拢;聚集。例如:Both parties had an active campaign to round up the votes.(双方都积极开展竞选运动来拉选票。)精彩对白: We're ringing the bell. We're rounding everybody up. You want to stay out there a little bit longer, you're welcome to do it, but you will not be alone, okay? 娜塔莉开发的远程裁员系统其实是基于一种远程办公的理念。那么,什么是远程办公呢?它又有什么优点和劣势呢?Telecommuting:远程办公Telecommuting, e-commuting, e-work, telework, working from home (WFH), or working at home (WAH) is a work arrangement in which employees enjoy flexibility in working location and hours. In other words, the daily commute to a central place of work is replaced by telecommunication links. Many work from home, while others, occasionally also referred to as nomad workers or web commuters utilize mobile telecommunications technology to work from coffee shops or myriad other locations.Benefits:Telecommuting offers benefits to communities, employers, and employees.For communities, telecommuting can offer fuller employment (by increasing the employ-ability of proximal or circumstantially marginalized groups.For companies, telecommuting expands the talent pool, reduce the spread of illness, reduces costs, increases productivity, reduces their carbon footprint and energy usage, offers an inexpensive method of complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), reduces turnover and absenteeism, and improves employee morale, offers a continuity of operations strategy, improve their ability to handle business across multiple timezones, and hasten their cultural adaptability.For individuals, telecommuting, or more specifica

lly, work from home arrangements, improves work-life balance, reduces their carbon footprint and fuel usage, frees up the equivalent of 15 to 25 workdays a year—time they would have otherwise spent commuting, and saves between $4,000 and $21,000 per year in travel and work-related costs (not including daycare).Telework flexibility is a desirable perquisite for employees. A 2008 Robert Half International Financial Hiring Index, a survey of 1,400 CFOs by recruitment firm Robert Half International, indicated that 13% consider telework the best recruiting incentive today for accounting professionals. In earlier surveys, 33% considered telework the best recruiting incentive, and half considered it second best.Concerns:Employers largest concerns about telecommuting are: fear of loss of control; 75% of managers say they trust their employees, but a third say they'd like to be able to see them, just to be sure.For employees, teleworking can negatively affect a person's career. A recent survey of 1,300 executives from 71 countries indicated that respondents believe that people who telework were less likely to get promoted. Companies rarely promote people into leadership roles who haven't been consistently seen and measured.考考你1.不从后面捅刀子,而是在胸前来一刀,是这样吗?2.其实我辅修心理学。3.那么说,你是毫无理由地开除我?4.你就用这种方法欢迎她加入公司,真是绝了。Up in the air《在云端》精讲之二参考答案1.Our global must become local.2.That's my fucking line.3.As a favor to me, I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread the news just yet.4.Our inflated travel budget is eviscerated by 85%.精彩对白4Lady: He just waltzes in and cuts in line?Waiter: We reserve priority assistance for our Hilton Honors members.Ryan: The promotions are great. You should check it out.Natalie: Hungry much?Ryan: Our business expense allots $40 each for dinner. I plan on grabbing as many miles as I can.Natalie: Okay, you got to fill me in on the miles thing. What is that about? Are you talking about, like, frequent flyer miles?Ryan: You really want to know?Natalie: I'm dying to know.Ryan: I don't spend a nickel if I can help it unless it somehow profits my mileage account.Natalie: So, what are you saving up for, Hawaii, South of France?Ryan: It's not like that. The miles are the goal.Natalie: That's it? You're saving just to save?Ryan: Let's just say that I have a number in mind and I haven't hit it yet.Natalie: That's a little abstract. What's the target?Ryan: I'd rather not.Natalie: Is it a secret target?Ryan: It's 10 million miles.Natalie: Okay. Isn't 10 million just a number?Ryan: Pi's just a number.Natalie: Well, we all need a hobby. No, I... I don't mean to belittle your collection. I get it. It sounds cool.Ryan: I'd be the seventh person to do

it. More people have walked on the moon.Natalie: Do they throw you a parade?Ryan: You get lifetime executive status. You get to meet the chief pilot, Maynard Finch. And they put your name on the side of a plane.Natalie: Men get such hard-ons from putting their name on stuff. You guys don't grow up. It's like you need to pee on everything.Ryan: Now who's stereotyping?Natalie: Fear of mortality. It's like, "Yeah, you're gonna die one day."Ryan: And why do you suppose that's singular to men?Natalie: Probably because you can't have babies.Ryan: The baby argument.Natalie: If I had that many miles, I would show up at an airport, look at the destination board, pick a place and go.Ryan: Thanks for the advice. Oh, Jesus.Natalie: Okay. Closer. Way closer. Still closer. Closer. Okay. A little left. Okay, down a little. Too far. Up. Up one more inch. I don't get it. Why does your sister want a fake photo?Ryan: My sister is kooky. She thinks this is charming. It's like the gnome thing.Natalie: No, I mean, why would your sister want a fake photo in front of the St. Louis airport?Ryan: Are you kidding, Lambert Field? The Wright brothers flew through there. That domed main terminal, it's the first of its kind. It's a precursor from everything, from JFK to de Gaulle.Natalie: Pretty sweet.Ryan: Just take the picture.Natalie: Well, that's a keeper.Ryan: Let me see it.Ryan: Why she wants dozens of reminders of all the places she hasn't been is beyond me. Natalie: Well, I'm sure she'll be crushed for having missed this airport.Ryan: Look, before Lindbergh could cross the Atlantic, he took off from one of those runways. Do you ever wonder why they called it the Spirit of St. Louis?Natalie: No.Ryan: Well...妙语佳句 活学活用1. waltz in: 大摇大摆地走,如入无人之境。Waltz作名词时指“华尔兹圆舞曲”,而作动词时却有不同的含义,请看下面的用法:waltz through sth:轻易完成,轻而易举地取得。waltz off (with something/someone): 令人讨厌地离开(常带走不属于自己的东西)。waltz with someone:与某人跳华尔兹舞。2. cut in line: 插队,加塞。3. Honors member:荣誉会员。一般能享受优惠服务。4. frequent flyer miles:频飞航空积分里程,也就是“里程点数”,通常可以用一定的点数来兑换机票。5. be dying to do/for something: 渴望,极想。例如:I'm dying to see you every moment of the day.(我时时刻刻都盼着见到你。)6. belittle:轻视,贬低。我们平时所说的“妄自菲薄”,就可以用belittle oneself unduly来表示。7. chief pilot:正驾驶员,在这里指总机长。8. kooky:怪癖的,愚蠢的。例如:That man is really kooky. He has fifty-three cats!(那个人真古怪,养了53只猫。)9. gnome:侏儒,地精。Gnome

常用来指国外民间传说中在地下出没的“地精”和在地底看管宝物的“小矮人”。在实际生活中,我们还常用它来表示“在金融市场上搞投机的银行家”。例如:The Chancellor of the Exchequer doesn't only have to convince the cabinet that his budget is sound, he has to convince the gnomes of Zurich.(财政大臣不但要让全体内阁确信他的预算是合理的,他还得使苏黎世的银行家们信服。)10.from JFK to de Gaulle:从肯尼迪机场到戴高乐机场。11.that's a keeper:照下来了,这个不错。Keeper本意指“看守人,保管人”,这里是说这张照片留念照好了。12.Spirit of St.Louis:圣路易斯精神号,一种飞机的名字。精彩对白:Men get such hard-ons from putting their name on stuff. You guys don't grow up. It's like you need to pee on everything.莱特兄弟发明飞机人类在两千多年前就向往着像鸟一样在天空中飞翔。19xx年,美国发明家奥维尔·莱特兄弟俩制成以内燃机为动力的双翼飞机,在北卡罗来纳州飞行成功,这是人类历史上第一架能操纵的动力飞机。莱特兄弟的第一架有动力飞机看上去与现代的飞机有很大差别,但是,他们的基本特征是相同的,解决了三个最根本的问题,即飞行动力、稳定操作和升力问题。莱特兄弟成功地完成了前人未能成功的事业。在此之前有不少人进行过飞上天空的探索。19世纪,德国的利林达尔就以白鹳为设计模型,为他设计的滑翔飞行提供了关键依据,经过20年的研究,获得了升力与阻力的宝贵知识,他将这一成果汇集成书,起名为《鸟类飞行是飞行艺术之根本》。这本书成为航空文学史上的经典之作,他也因此和达芬奇一样,成为师法自然的先锋,成为空气动力学的鼻祖之一。19世纪与20世纪之交时,莱特兄弟了解了利林达尔的实验后对飞行产生了巨大的兴趣,他们关闭了正在经营的自行车公司,开始研究利林达尔的飞行理论,发现他计算升力有误差,于是莱特兄弟重新开始研究和试验。利用最简单的工具,对不同的机翼进行测试,利用自行车制造不断流动的气流。测出机翼200个不同部位在不同角度受冲击时升力的大小。他们的研究成果成为空气动力学基本规律的可靠数据,后来他们又给滑翔机安装了发动机。美国的基帝·霍克是世界第一个机场。19xx年12月17日,当时媒体报道为:全世界还得等几百年才能看到的有助力装置的飞行机器,成功地飞上了天空。奥维尔开动了12马力的发动机将人类历史上第一次能操纵、有动力装置的飞机飞上了天空,时长12秒。在同一天,他们又进行了两次飞行。最长的一次持续了近一分钟,飞行了260多米。后来,莱特兄弟

又改进了他们已获得专利的航空器,而且制造了一架可以在天空中无限期停留的飞机。莱特兄弟的最大成就是,研究出了如何在空中操纵飞机。至今,他们发明的操纵技术仍然被沿用,只是稍作了一些改进。例如,飞机在空中的俯仰、横滚、盘旋。飞机研究成功后,航空工业发展极快。如今,飞机成了人类活动的重要工具,在运输、战斗防卫和科学实验中发挥着重要作用。飞机使人类的梦想成真。世界变得越来越小。航空科学的发展,已经把人带入了梦想成真的新世纪,一种可以载人500到600人,甚至800至1000人的超大型客机,将投入使用,这种大飞机起飞重量可以达到500到600吨,一种速度超过两倍半音速的新一代超音速客机也将出现。人类还在研制空天飞机,这种飞机可以像常规飞机一样正常起飞和着陆,把人和货物带到太空,使人类在太空开拓一个新的社会。考考你1.他就这样大摇大摆插队吗?2.你说的是常旅客里程吗?3.我妹妹是怪人,她觉得这样很可爱。4.那个有穹顶的航站楼,是史上第一座。Up in the air《在云端》精讲之三参考答案1.By stabbing them in the chest instead of the back, is that right?2.Actually, I minored in psychology.3.So, you're firing me without grounds?4.That's a hell of a way to welcome her to the team.精彩对白:Men get such hard-ons from putting their name on stuff. You guys don't grow up. It's like you need to pee on everything.精彩对白5Natalie: Never?Ryan: No.Natalie: Ever?Ryan: No.Natalie: You never want to get married?Ryan: Nope.Natalie: Never want kids?Ryan: Not a chance.Natalie: Ever?Ryan: Never. Is that so bizarre? Natalie: Yes. Yes, it is.Ryan: I just don't see the value in it. All right, sell it to me. Natalie: What?Ryan: Sell me marriage.Natalie: Okay, how about love? Stability, just somebody you can count on.Ryan: How many stable marriages do you know?Natalie: Somebody to talk to, someone to spend your life with.Ryan: I'm surrounded by people to talk to. I doubt that's going to change.Natalie: How about just not dying alone?Ryan: Starting when I was 12, we moved each one of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone. Now, those cult members in San Diego with the Kool-Aid and the sneakers, they didn't die alone. I'm just saying there are options.Natalie: Brian left me.Ryan: All right. Okay, okay. All right. All right. Yeah. Hey. Natalie, this is Alex, my friend. This is Natalie.Alex: I should give you both a moment.Natalie: No. No, that's fine. I'm fine. It's a pleasure to meet you.Ryan: We should just all go up to our rooms and freshen up.Alex: Or maybe a drink?Natalie: No

w you're talking.Alex: He broke up with you over text message?Ryan: It's kind of like firing someone over the Internet.Alex: What a weaselly prick.Natalie: Yeah. But what does that make me? Someone who falls for a prick. Alex: We all fall for them. Pricks are spontaneous, they're unpredictable, and they're fun. And then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks.Natalie: I followed him to Omaha.Ryan: You did?Natalie: I had a job waiting for me in San Francisco when he got an offer from ConAgra. He said we could start a life together. So, I followed him.Ryan: To Nebraska?Natalie: I thought I'd be engaged by now. No offense.Ryan: None taken.Natalie: When I was 16, I thought by 23 I'd be married, maybe have a kid, corner office by day, entertaining at night. I was supposed to be driving a Grand Cherokee by now.Alex: Yeah, life can underwhelm you that way.Natalie: I mean, where did you think you'd be by...Alex: It doesn't work that way.Ryan: At a certain point, you stop with the deadlines.Alex: It can be a little counterproductive.Natalie: I don't want to say anything that's anti-feminist. I really appreciate everything that your generation did for me.Alex: It was our pleasure.Ryan: Well done.Natalie: But sometimes it feels like no matter how much success I have, it's not gonna matter until I find the right guy.Alex: You really thought this guy was the one?Natalie: I could have made it work. He... He really fit the bill. You know?Ryan: The bill?Natalie: White-collar, college grad, loves dogs, likes funny movies, 6'1", brown hair, kind eyes, works in finance but is outdoorsy, you know, on the weekends. I always imagined he'd have a single syllable name like Matt or John or Dave. In a perfect world, he drives a 4Runner. And the only thing he loves more than me is his golden Lab. And a nice smile. What about you?Alex: Let me think. You know, honestly, by the time you're 34, all the physical requirements just go out the window. I mean, like, you secretly pray that he'll be taller than you, and not an asshole would be nice. Just someone who enjoys my company, comes from a good family. Because you don't think about that when you're younger. I don't know. Someone who wants kids. Likes kids. Wants kids. Healthy enough to play with his kids. Please let him earn more money than I do. You might not understand that now, but believe me, you will one day. Otherwise, that's a recipe for disaster. And hopefully some hair on his head, but, I mean, even that's not a deal breaker these days. A nice smile. Yeah, a nice smile. Nice smile just might do it.Natalie: Wow, that was depressing. I should just date women. Alex: Tried it. We're no picnic ourselves.Natalie: I don't mind being married to my career, and I don't expect it to hold me in bed as I fall asleep. I just don't want to settle.Alex: You're young. Right now you see settling as some sort

of a failure.Natalie: It is, by definition.Alex: Yeah. But by the time someone is right for you, it won't feel like settling.And the only person left to judge you will be the 23-year-old girl with a target on your back.妙语佳句 活学活用1. make no mistake: 别搞错。完全可以肯定。例如:The policeman made no mistake that Jack was the murderer in this case.(警察完全确定Jack是这个案子的凶手。)2. cult:(有极端宗教信仰的)异教团体。3. fresh up:使精神饱满,也可以表示“梳洗一番”。4. weaselly: 狡猾的。Weasel做名词时用来指“黄鼠狼”,引申开来,还可以表示“告密者、狡猾的人”,以及“逃避、推诿”的行为。 例如:Their boss escaped to weasel out of his responsibility.(他们的老板为逃避责任溜走了。)5. prick:刺,刺痛。来看看这些带“刺”的短语吧。prick your conscience; your conscience pricks:唤醒良心;受到良心谴责。prick (up) your ears:(动物)竖起耳朵;(人)倾耳细听。6. fall for:爱上,倾心。例如:They met, fell for each other and got married six weeks later.(他们俩一见倾心,六个星期后就结了婚。)7. no offense:无意冒犯。8. none taken: 没事,没关系。这里是对上文“ 无意冒犯”的回应。9. counterproductive:事与愿违,适得其反。10.anti-feminist:反对女权主义的人,反男女平等主义的人。Feminist就是指“女权主义者”。 11.fit the bill:符合要求,也可以说成fill the bill。12.outdoorsy:爱好户外活动的,户外生活的。13.deal breaker:交易破坏者。艾丽克斯这里的意思是“不过,现在人们不会介意这个”。14.no picnic:不容易,不是轻松的事。例如:Bringing up a family when you are unemployed is no picnic.(失了业又要养家,这可不轻松。)精彩对白:Starting when I was 12, we moved each one of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone.娜塔莉说,她并不想说反对女权主义的话。那么什么是女权主义呢?这种理论又是怎么来的呢?来看看下面这段介绍吧。女权主义女权主义是指一个主要以女性经验为来源与动机的社会理论与政治运动。在对社会关系进行批判之外,许多女权主义的支持者也着重于性别不平等的分析以及推动妇女的权利、利益与议题。女权主义理论的目的在于了解不平等的本质以及着重在性别政治、权力关系与性意识之上。女权主义探究的主题则包括歧视、刻板印象、物化(尤其是关于性的物化)、身体、家务分配、压迫与父权。女权主义(Feminism)源自西方,译文理解成一个主要以女性经验为来源与动机的社会理论与政

治运动。 Feminism一词最早出现在法国,意味着妇女解放,后传到英美,逐渐流行起来。五四时,传到中国,定为女权主义。在西方,最初是指追求男女平等,首先是争取选举权。20世纪20-30年代,西方国家的妇女,基本上都争取到平等的政治权利,但在社会生活与人们的观念中,仍与男子不平等。女权主义者开始认识到,这其中有一个性别关系,性别权力的问题,所以女权运动就变为分析男女为何不平等,男女的权力架构,强调性别分析。中国的女权主义,是指女性争取与男性平等,体现女性自我精神与能量的一种女性思想、社会言论及政治协助行为。男女平等是女权主义最基本的目标,在争取与男性平等的同时,女性还要注重自我的价值表现,展示女性的独特魅力,挖掘并发挥女性的社会力量,为社会各阶层女性的思想与行为解放而努力。后现代女权主义开始于上个世纪60-80年代,其产生大概和两个因素有关,一是由于60年代的“性解放”和将男女对立起来的女权思想,带来了无数的家庭破裂,单亲母亲,问题儿童和艾滋病流行,于是人们反思:社会值不值得为性解放和女权主义付出那么大的代价?另一个因素是,80年代以后,越来越多的女人占据了政府企业学校传媒的领导地位,当了老板,男人们惊呼:母鸡打鸣了!女人也开始怀疑:还会不会生蛋?于是,后现代的女权应运而生。如果说第二代的“现代女权主义” 重实践,则第三代的“后现代女权主义”更重视超出女性范围的哲学思考,社会主义和性自由的色彩更浓厚。考考你1.无意冒犯。2.我不想说反对女权主义的话。3.他非常符合要求。4.不过,现在人们不会介意这个。 Up in the air《在云端》精讲之四参考答案1.He just waltzes in and cuts in line?2.Are you talking about, like, frequent flyer miles?3.My sister is kooky. She thinks this is charming.4.That domed main terminal, it's the first of its kind.精彩对白:Starting when I was 12, we moved each one of my grandparents into a nursing facility. My parents went the same way. Make no mistake, we all die alone.精彩对白6Ryan: It's Kara. Hey.Kara: Ryan, where are you? We're having a meltdown here.Ryan: What's going on? What happened?Kara: It's Jim. Can you get back here? We need your help.Ryan: Okay. We got to go.Alex: I'll grab your suit.Ryan: Thanks. What happened?kara: Jim's got cold feet.Ryan: Today?Kara: Yeah, that's how cold feet work.Ryan: What do you want me to do?Kara: Talk to him.Ryan: You want me to talk to him?Kara: Hey, it's either you or me. You know my track record. I've already struck out once.Ryan: I haven't been

to bat. I haven't been in the dugout.Kara: Don't you talk for a living? Motivational-type stuff?Ryan: I tell people how to avoid commitment.Kara: What kind of fucked-up message is that?Ryan: It's a philosophy.Kara: It's stupid.Ryan: Hey, it could have helped you.Kara: Ryan, you haven't been around much. Fuck, basically, you don't exist to us. I know you wanna be there for her. Well, here it is. This is your chance.Jim: Hey. What's up, Ryan?Ryan: Jim.Jim: You ever read this before?Ryan: Yeah, it's pretty powerful stuff.jim: Yeah, I'll say.Ryan: Kara mentioned that you were having some thoughts.Jim: I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this.Ryan: And why would you say that today?Jim: Well, last night I was kind of laying in bed and I couldn't get to sleep, so I started thinking about the wedding and the ceremony, and about our buying a house and moving in together, and having a kid and then having another kid. And then Christmas and Thanksgiving and spring break and going to football games. And then, all of a sudden, they're graduating, they're getting jobs, and they're getting married, and, you know, I'm a grandparent. And then I'm retired. I'm losing my hair. I'm getting fat. And then the next thing you know, I'm dead. I'm just, like... I can't stop from thinking, "What's the point?" I mean, what is the point?Ryan: The point?Jim: Yeah, I mean, what am I starting here?Ryan: Jim, it's marriage. It's one of the most beautiful things on earth. It's what people aspire to.Jim: You never got married.Ryan: That's true.Jim: I mean, you never even tried.Ryan: Well, it's hard to define try.Jim: I don't know, just...You seem happier than all my married friends.Ryan: Look, Jim, I'm not gonna lie to you. Marriage can be a pain in the ass. And you're kind of right. This all is just stuff that leads to your eventual demise. And we're all on running clocks, and they can't be slowed down or paused, and, you know, we all end up in the same place. There is no point.Jim: There is no point. That's what I'm saying.Ryan: You know, I'm not normally the guy you would talk to about stuff like this. If you think about it, your favorite memories, the most important moments in your life, were you alone?Jim: No, I guess not.Ryan: Hey, come to think of it, last night, the night before your wedding, when all this shit is swirling around in your head, weren't you guys sleeping in separate bedrooms?Jim: Yeah, Julie went back to the apartment, and I was just by myself in the honeymoon suite.Ryan: Kind of Ionely, huh?Jim: Yes, it was pretty Ionely.Ryan: Life's better with company. Everybody needs a co-pilot.Jim: That was a nice touch.Ryan: Thanks.Jim: So, what's the mood like out there?Ryan: It's not good. Jim: She's pretty pissed?Ryan: She's upset.Jim: What should I do?Ryan: Go get her.Jim: I'm such a fuck-up. I

love you so much. Will you be my co-pilot?Julie: Yes. Yes.妙语佳句 活学活用1. have a meltdown: we have a meltdown here在这里指“我们这里出事了”。Meltdown单独使用表示“崩溃、垮台”。2. get cold feet: 临阵畏缩。这种说法非常口语化。例如:The groom get cold feet just before the wedding and run off.(就在婚礼开始之前,新郎临阵退缩,溜走了。)3. track record:记录。在这里指凯拉的婚史。凯拉已经和丈夫分居,所以觉得自己没有办法说服吉姆结婚。此外,track record还可以指公司的“业绩”。例如:Does the company have a good profit track record?(业务有没有发展潜能?)4.dugout: (足球、棒球场的)球员席。瑞恩说“我根本就没进过赛场”,意指他根本没有结过婚。5. spring break:春假。美国学校通常在三月中旬放大约一个星期的春假,春假前的一周则为考试周。6. lose one’s hair:脱发。我们平时还常用它表示“发脾气”,例如:I know you've got your driving test tomorrow but don't lose your hair over it, you can always take it again if you do not pass.(我知道你明天要考驾照,但如果你通不过也别发脾气,你总还是能再考的。)7. what's the point: 这有什么意义?8. be on running clocks: 时间在一分一秒地过去。9. co-pilot: 副驾驶员,也称为second pilot,用在这里表示一生的伴侣。10.pissed:愤怒的。例如:Everybody is pissed off with all the changes of plan.(大家对计划的诸多变动均感厌烦。)此外,pissed还可以用来形容一个人喝醉了,例如:After six whiskies Harry was finding it difficult to stay on his feet. "You're as pissed as a newt, " Ted said, "I'd better get you to a taxi." (6杯威士忌下肚,哈里两腿站不住了。特德说:“你醉了,我还是为你叫一辆出租车吧。”)精彩对白:I'm just, like... I can't stop from thinking, "What's the point?" I mean, what is the point?你看过《落跑新娘》吗?那么你一定对“婚前恐惧症”并不陌生。吉姆不敢进教堂与瑞恩的妹妹结婚,这是典型的“婚前恐惧症”。来看看下面这段介绍吧。婚前恐惧症即将结婚的人,都明白从此之后两人的关系会发生质的变化。恋爱是自由的,想什么时候见面就什么时候见面,而婚后则天天在一起。恋爱期间,心情不好时可以取消约会,自己想干什么就干什么。而婚后则不然,即使心情不好,也必须上班、挣钱养家,回家后还得做饭、买菜、洗碗洗衣服、教育孩子。人们结婚是为了满足情感需要、安定的需要及传宗接代的需要等。结婚是一种契约,从此两人都要做其应做的事,承担责任,尽义务,自然也要付出一定的代价。正是由于上述婚前婚

后所面临的角度转换,生活方式的反差,致使一部分人即将步入婚姻殿堂时,对自己的未来人生状况产生一种捉摸不定、莫名其妙的忧虑。一般而言,下面几种人容易产生过度的婚前焦虑:没有责任感和责任能力的人。那些个性不成熟、依赖性强、生活能力差的男女,对即将到来的婚姻生活,容易产生紧张焦虑感。心理学认为,履行婚姻生活的人必须有相当的成熟程度和责任感,需要有一定的理性思考和应付生活的能力。而那些一味依赖他人,为人处世完全听任感情诱导的人,往往留恋不被期待履行责任的恋爱期,而对进入婚姻期产生焦虑。对婚姻矛盾和冲突过度忧虑者。在精神和感情上,总有些人属于敏感型的。他们对婚姻生活可能出现的矛盾冲突提前忧虑起来,这部分人或受到父母婚姻不和阴影的影响,或是看到周围婚姻破裂的实例,或者早已耳濡目染了“婚姻是爱情的坟墓”的说法,因而产生了一种“好花不常开,好景不常在”的婚前忧虑。对婚前自由生活过于“适应”者,这类人已习惯于自由自在地生活,他们担心一旦结婚,会丧失自己的独立性、自由度,缩小甚至封闭自己的社交圈子,因而对可能压抑他们目前多种心理欲求的婚姻,不自觉地产生一种恐惧感。对于将步入婚姻殿堂感到忧虑的人,最好给自己留有一段充分的时间,来进行适当的心理调整。包括明确自己的忧虑所在,根据问题选择应对的策略。可以听新婚辅导讲座或看看此类书籍,也可以学习掌握一些具体的生活技能,与恋人之间多沟通,尤其是婚后生活的安排和设想。当忧虑者着手应付和改变,而不是仅仅陷于忧虑无助时,情绪状态才有可能改变。考考你1.吉姆临阵退缩了。2.我连赛场都没上过,连赛场都没靠近过。3.我一直想,“这有什么意义?”4.时间在一分一秒地过去。Up in the air《在云端》精讲之五参考答案1.No offense.2.I don't want to say anything that's anti-feminist.3.He really fit the bill.4.I mean, even that's not a deal breaker these days.精彩对白:I'm just, like... I can't stop from thinking, "What's the point?" I mean, what is the point?











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