better late than never


Better late than never

There is a story that was a person had raised a lot of sheep. One day, A wolf ate a sheep, the master thought the wolf would not come back, so he did not mend the fence, but later the wolf come back and ate the sheep again, the master finaly realized that he should repair the fence immediatly, and later the sheep had not been eaten by the wolf. I think this story tells us that better late than never.

At first,the master make a mistake.But he doesn't choose to make the mistake again,

It's absolutely true that it's better late than never. As is known to all, if you want to be successful, you have to do something. 'Never' means you never do anything. Or even didn't think of doing something.Then, how can people be successful?

Things in the world has the difficult and easy, as long as

you are willing to do, difficult things will become easier, if you do not do, the easiest things will become difficult.

No matter how late it is, just do it and you will never regret of doing something.

第二篇:Better late than never

Better late than never

Now we are eating in KFC

A:it’s delicious!

B:Yes,I can’t remember how many times I have eaten in KFC, but I still like eating the fried chicken in KFC.

C:Today the KFC is very popular in china, and its foods are much more suit our tastes.

A:Do you know the founder of KFC?

C:I know, his name is Harlan Sanders.

B:A person who lost 1009 times but achieve at the 1010 time. A:Yeah, he is the best example to prove the proverbial saying——Better late than never.

C:He dropped out of school at fourteen and hit the road, he tried many odd jobs but never like anyone of them. He used to be a farmer, a soldier, a fireman, tried blacksmithing but failed. At his Fortieth, he become a chief cook and have a famous restaurant, it seems that everything become better until the new highway bypassed the restaurant.

A:Failures filled half of his life, but he didn’t give up. He refused the pension and began a trip of marketing the delicious fried chicken made by himself. He failed 1009 times, but he founded the KFC because of he have the 1010th try.

B:His experience remind me of Lincoln. As a great President, Lincoln also failed many times and he even became a patient with depression, but because of his Perseverance, he achieved and Changed the fate of the United States.

C:As for us, the college students. We should learn from them. Never give up, never lose the confidence, insist on what you believe, and try to overcome difficulties. Better late than never, just do it whenever it is early or late!

Better late than never


Better late than never


Better Late than Never


Better late than never


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better early than late


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