

糖果屋语录心又回到了原点,找到了曾被遗忘的记忆,整理心绪调整心跳的频率,等待着你的到来 忽然间听见来自天空中的呼唤。世界真大,大到云端也有另一个世界。我们却只有一条轨 道可以走 我们走过的路一直都亮着灯,让我们的情谊不迷路,让我们的缘分不孤独 我把星星一一摇坠,藏在你心里当你寂寞孤独的时候别忘了抬头看看,哪有我最深的祝福 守候着你 感情最终不是放在香炉里的香,也没有那种可以装东西的瓶子来装住感情,有人说:感情 与气味的唯一共同特性就是:挥发 一个永恒的名字叫真情,让我们送你一对幸福的翅膀,让你和我们一起飞过时间海洋,带 着思念的糖果,来到糖果屋的世界。我们的故事没有结束,因为只要糖果屋还在,思念一直 都在 在漫天星辰里,躲进黑夜,轻叩甜蜜的回忆。寻找心灵中最亮的一颗心星,翻译成会说话 的眼睛,远远遥望 玫瑰百合是爱情,康乃馨是亲情,那薰衣草就是等待友情,等待友情的奇迹 心情像面深邃的风景,原来童年曾给我们美丽回忆 因为陌生,所以勇敢。因为距离,所以美丽。思念涂在黄昏的小窗,沿着无风的季节潇潇 而去 什么是幸福呢?幸福就是可以拥有很多回忆吗? 美丽的夜晚,星星是灯光,我们都陶醉幻想,双手,是摇篮,轻轻靠在彼此身旁 我要学习蜗牛的精神,我要一步步往前走,小小的我也有很大的抱负 在糖果屋的世界里还有这样一个传说,当“勿忘我”和“薰衣草”的花环结合在一起,我 们身边必定会充满微笑、祝福、温馨帮助,懂得付出爱的人都是花仙子的化身 让心情放一天假吧,什么都不想,让开心冲去疲劳,给你一个微笑的符号。让你知道无论 发生什么事情至少有我在你身边 在那些阳光灿烂的日子里,我轻轻掂起脚尖拥抱阳光。在那些充满幻想的季节里,我轻轻掂 起脚尖拥抱未来 静静为我开放的花儿,突然间被风吹起,散落天涯!明天的天空因为有梦有 friend,心灵 的翅膀将飞得更高。未来的日子,因为有心有 love,梦想的天堂将欢迎你的到来 你走了, 能把影子留下吗?从此以后, 我就可以像个喜欢夜游的孩子打听影子的名字并开始 追寻你。我要走了,带着深深的牵挂,时刻怀念!! 不知道现在的你再做什么, 正听着优美的音乐还是正看着一本好书?还是一个人看着远方, 默默竖着绵羊在梦里寻找我的身影? 每件事的开始注定了有个结束,好好的享受美丽的过程,擦身而过的时候我们应该学着去 遗忘 把衣服都拿出来晒晒太阳,把心情也拿出来,见见阳光,也许一切都变得不一样 走过风,走过雨,我们再度携手回到糖果屋的世

界,鸟儿衔着阳光,喝着思念的曲子,把 你带回糖果屋的世界 在糖果屋的世界里有这个一个古老的传说,传说中有这样一种鸟,衔来了一缕阳光,世界 便有了声音,声音便开始传递思念的音符。如果你也能听见阳光的声音,那么在你心中的那 只鸟儿一定还清醒着,阳光的声音才会片刻不停地留在你生命里;如果你听不到,那一定是 你的耳朵睡着了,当你的耳朵睡着了,那么请你唤醒它吧,你就会听到来自糖果屋的思念祝 福! 远远飘着一群彩色气球,我们的距离也似乎只有一线之遥,只能凭那一线在风中的颤动来 感受彼此的心跳 正如时间可以愈合心中的伤痕,时间同样有轮回,当你收到我的信息便能感受到




A woodcutter and his family live in a forest. He has two children. His son's name is Hansel and his daughter's name is Gretel. They live with their stepmother. She doesn't like Hansel and Gretel.

Times are very difficult. Nobody has any money, so they don't buy any wood from the woodcutter. The family has only bread to eat. The woodcutter can't sleep at night. He worries about how to feed his family. The woodcutter's wife has an idea.

"We can take the children into the forest," she tells the woodcutter." We can leave them there. They will not be able to find their way home. Then we can eat all of the food."

"But that is a terrible thing to do," replies the woodcutter. "I cannot do it."

"If you don't, we will all die of hunger," says his wife.

The woodcutter thinks about his wife's idea. Finally, he agrees to do it.

Hansel and Gretel have been listening to their parents speak. They are both frightened. Gretel starts to cry, but Hansel tells her to stop. He doesn't want his parents to hear them. Hansel waits for his parents to fall asleep. Quietly, he walks to the door and goes outside. There are many small, white stones in front of the house. He puts some into his pocket, and returns to bed.


"Where did you go?" asks Gretel.

"I'll tell you tomorrow," replies Hansel. "Don't worry. Tomorrow we will be fine."

Morning comes. The stepmother wakes up the children. She gives them both a piece of bread, and tells them to put on their clothes.

"You will come with Father and me to the woods today," she says. "Hurry up. We have a lot of work to do."

The family leaves the house. The sun is just coming up. Hansel walks behind his parents. He is dropping stones on the ground.

"Hurry up, Hansel," says the stepmother. "We have a long way to go."

The family walks for three hours. Finally, the woodcutter tells them

to stop. He builds a small fire for Hansel and Gretel. They are very tired. They have walked very far today. They both lie down beside the fire. Soon, they are sleeping.

The two children sleep for a long time. Hansel wakes up first, and he wakes Gretel. She is very upset.

"What will we do?" she cries. "We can't find our house in the dark." "Don't worry," says Hansel. "We can look for the little white stones. They will show us the way home."

The moon is very bright. Hansel and Gretel walk slowly. They look carefully at the ground. It is not hard to find the white stones. Soon, the


sun begins to rise. Gretel sees their house, and the two children run inside quickly.

"I'm so happy to see you," says the woodcutter.

"You naughty children," says their stepmother. "You have made us very worried. Today you will not get any dinner!"

The family's life is still very hard. Some days there is nothing to eat at all. The woodcutter's wife is very angry. One day, she tells the woodcutter to leave Hansel and Gretel in the woods again. The woodcutter doesn't want to do it. He loves his children.

"Do you love your children more than me?" asks the wife. "I will die if I don't eat more food."

"I love you very much," says the woodcutter. "If you must eat more food, I will do this terrible thing again."

Once again, Hansel and Gretel are listening to their parents. Like before, Hansel tries to go outside to get white stones. He quietly walks to the door. It is locked. He needs to make a new plan.

"What will I do?" thinks Hansel. "How will I know the way home tomorrow?"

The stepmother wakes them up very early again. The family leaves the house before the sun is up. They will walk even farther today. Hansel doesn't eat his bread. Instead, he pulls it into small pieces. He throws these crumbs on the ground. They will show the way home.


This time, the family walks for six hours. The woodcutter again makes a fire for the children, and goes away with his wife. Hansel and Gretel fall asleep again. They are sure they can find the way home, just like last time.

Hansel and Gretel sleep all day. It is night when they wake up. Hansel looks for the breadcrumbs. He doesn't see any, because birds have eaten them all up! The two children try to walk home, but they get lost. They are tired, so they lie down under a tree.

"Don't worry," says Hansel. "We will find the way tomorrow."

When the sun comes up, Hansel and Gretel try to find their way home. They look and look, but they can't find their house. Then they see something wonderful. It is a house made of candy! It has cake walls, sugar windows, and a chocolate roof.

The children quickly run to the house. Hansel jumps on the roof and begins to eat the chocolate. Gretel takes a piece of cake from a wall. They are both very happy. They don't see an old woman come out of the house. The old woman is very ugly. When the children see her, they are frightened.

"Are you eating my house?" asks the old woman. "You must be very hungry! Come inside and eat some more. You are welcome to stay with me."

Hansel and Gretel feel better. The old woman seems nice. They go


into the house with her. There is hot food waiting on a table. They haven't eaten hot food for many days. They eat it up quickly.

The old woman shows the children two beds. They are both tired. They fall asleep very soon. The old woman looks at the two sleeping children. She smiles and rubs her hands together.

The old woman is not really so nice. She is a witch, and she likes to eat children! That is why she lives in a candy house. When children see it, they run to it.

The witch wakes up early in the morning. Hansel and Gretel are still sleeping. She grabs Hansel and puts him into her stable. Then she locks the door. Hansel screams and screams, but nobody hears him.

The witch walks back into the house. She wakes Gretel and tells her to cook some food for Hansel.

"Where is my brother, and why do I have to cook for him?" she asks. "Your brother is in my stable," says the witch. "You will cook lots of food for him, and he will get fat. Then I will eat him!"

Gretel cries, but she can't do anything. Every day, she cooks a big dinner for Hansel. The witch gives her only bread to eat. The good food she cooks is for Hansel.

One day, the witch goes to the stable. She wants to know if Hansel is fat. She asks to see one of his fingers. Hansel gives her a bone from his dinner. The witch can't see well. She thinks Hansel's finger is as thin as a



"Hurry up and get fat!" she yells at Hansel. "I'm getting hungry!" The next day, the witch is even hungrier. She wants to eat something now. She wants to eat Hansel and Gretel together. She lights a fire in the oven, then she calls to Gretel.

"I'm going to cook your brother today," she tells Gretel. "Get into the oven and tell me how hot it is."

Gretel doesn't want to climb into the oven. She knows that the witch will cook her. "How do I go inside?" asks Gretel.

" You silly girl. It's easy to do," the witch replies angrily. "Watch me. You open the door, and you put your head inside. Do it like this."

The witch puts her head into the oven. Gretel pushes her into the oven. She quickly closes the door. The witch screams because she can't get out. Slowly, her screams get quieter. She is dead! Gretel takes the witch's keys, and runs to the stable.

" Hansel! Hansel! The witch is dead!" cries Gretel. "I will let you out, and we can go home."

Hansel and Gretel return to the house. Inside, there are boxes of pearls and nice jewels. Hansel fills his pockets with pearls, and Gretel puts many jewels into her bonnet. Then, they leave for home.

The children walk for many hours. They cross small streams. They walk over hills and through valleys. Both of them feel very tired again. A


bird sees the two children, and flies down to them.

"You are the woodcutter's children, aren't you?" says the bird. "Thank you for the nice bread you gave us birds before. We really liked eating it."

"I'm happy you enjoyed it," says Hansel. "But we needed that bread to show us the way home."

"Are you lost?" says the bird. " Never mind. I will show you the way home. It's not very far from here."

The bird shows Hansel and Gretel the way home. They do not need to walk far. Soon, they see their house. The woodcutter is sitting outside. Hansel and Gretel run to him and hug him.

"I'm so happy you are both OK!" he cries. "You are very smart to find your way home."

The children's stepmother does not come out to meet the children. She is dead. A tree fell on top of her. Hansel and Gretel show their father the pearls and jewels. They will never be hungry again, and they live happily ever after.















一家人离开了家。这时太阳刚刚升起,汉瑟走在他爸妈后面,同时把一些石头丢在路上。 “快一点,汉瑟,”后母说。“我们有好长一段路要走。”

一家人走了三小时。最后,樵夫要大家停下来。他为汉瑟和葛丽特生了一堆小火。他们两个人都累坏了,因为今天已经走了好远的路。两个人躺在火堆旁,很快就呼呼大睡了。 两个小孩子睡了很久,汉瑟先醒来,他再把葛丽特叫醒。她非常沮丧。











后母还是一大早就把他们叫醒。一家人在太阳还没升起时就出门了,他们今天会走得更远。汉瑟并没有吃掉他的面包,反而把面包撕成一小块一小块,他把这些面包 屑丢到地上,这些面包屑会指引回家的路。这一次,一家人走了六个小时。樵夫又为孩子们生了一堆火,然后就跟妻子离开了。汉瑟和葛丽特又睡着了,因为他们确 定可以像上次那样找到回家的路。 汉瑟和葛丽特睡了一整天,当他们醒来的时候已经是晚上了。汉瑟找寻面包屑,但什么都没看到,因为鸟儿已经把它们都吃掉了!这两个孩子想要走回家,却迷路了。他们很累,所以就躺在一棵树下休息。















有一天,女巫到马厩去,想要知道汉瑟是否变胖了。她要求看看他其中一根手指头,汉瑟给了她一根晚餐吃剩的骨头,巫婆视力不太好,她以为汉瑟的手指和骨头一样细。 “快一点胖起来!”她对着汉瑟大吼。“我饿了!”


“我今天就要把你哥哥煮来吃,”她告诉葛丽特。“进到烤炉里去,告诉我里面有多热。” 葛丽特并不想爬进烤炉里,因为她知道巫婆会煮了她。“我要怎样进到烤炉里?”葛丽特问道。 “你这个笨女孩,这很简单嘛!”女巫生气地回答。“看看我,你打开这个门,然后把头放进去,就像这样。”






“我很高兴你喜欢,”汉瑟说。“不过我们原本需要那些面包来指引我们回家的路。” “你们迷路了吗?”鸟儿问道。“不用担心,我会指引你们回家的路,你们家离这里不远。” 这只鸟为汉瑟和葛丽特指引回家的方向,因此他们不用绕远路。很快地,他们就看到他们家了,樵夫就坐在屋外,汉瑟和葛丽特跑过去抱住他。

“你们两个平安无事,我好高兴!”他叫道。“你们能找到回家的路,真是太聪明了。” 孩子们的后母并没有出来迎接他们,因为她死了。一棵树倒下来压在她身上。汉瑟和葛丽特把珍珠和宝石拿给爸爸看,他们再也不用挨饿了,从此过着幸福快乐的日子。

























