

英语专业全英原创毕业论文,公布的题目可以用于直接使用和参考(贡献者ID 有提示)


1 论《呼啸山庄》中两代人之间不同的爱情观

2 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

3 从美学角度谈英文电影片名翻译策略

4 原罪与拯救:《小伙子布朗》与《好人难寻》比较

5 简析商务沟通中的非语言沟通

6 跨文化营销策略研究--以宝洁为例

7 文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响

8 《善良的乡下人》的喜剧性分析

9 An Analysis of the Gothic Horrors in A Rose for Emily

10 The Degeneration of the Human Nature in Wuthering Heights

11 从功能对等角度看英语动物习语的翻译

12 论中美商务沟通中的跨文化意识

13 东西方隐逸文化对比——试比较梭罗与陶渊明的作品

14 试论任务型教学法在英语阅读教学中的应用

15 中英饮食文化的比较

16 The Comparison of the Two Main Characters in Daniel Defoe’s Roxana and Emily Zola’s Nana

17 卢梭的浪漫主义思想在《远大前程》中的反映

18 英语汽车商标的翻译策略

19 美国动画片名的翻译

20 商标的特征及其翻译的分析

21 探究《蝇王》中的人性

22 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析

23 Domestication and Foreignization in the English-Chinese Translation--A Case Study of Two Chinese Versions of OHenry’s The Cop and the Anthem

24 试论英汉日常礼貌表达的异同

25 Development, Analysis and Prospect of Chinglish

26 探讨法国葡萄酒营销与中国白酒营销中的民族特色

27 Differences Between English and Chinese Euphemisms and Influences on Cross-cultural Communication

28 Satan in Paradise Lost as a Tragic Hero

29 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening

30 英语学习中的性别差异

31 商务英语合同中的语篇衔接手段分析

32 分析《雾都孤儿》中的讽刺手法

33 《格列佛游记》中格列佛的人格探析

34 从语境角度谈文学作品翻译中人物描写的语用对等问题

35 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

36 从信息层面探析语言翻译中的动态对等原则

37 从功能对等理论谈中国小吃名英译

38 美国品牌中国本土化进程中的文化冲突与融合

39 显现的被动?隐现的自我——《看不见的人》中被动语态的身份建构功能研究

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浅谈跨文化交际中的禁忌 论海明威《死在午后》的悲观主义色彩 D.H 劳伦斯《盲人》中的人文主义研究 《雾都孤儿》中的女人们——试析狄更斯的女性观 从跨文化角度论商标的翻译 从目的论角度研究法国香水网络广告语的汉译本的语言特征 从电影《刮痧》看东西方文化差异 小说《黑猫》中双重人格 商务英语信函文体分析 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同 英汉礼貌用语对比研究 寻找真正的自我 追求女性自我意识的孤独灵魂——评《觉醒》中的爱德娜 解读《喜福会》的中国式母爱 浅谈古希腊罗马神话对《哈利波特》系列小说(前四部)的影响 用本我,自我,超我的弗洛伊德理论来解析《红字》 从狼人电影解析狼文学 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 中英委婉语语用功能的对比研究 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中哥特式文学特点分析 中美价值观的比较--以 《老友记》为例 英语学习者对合作学习的看法 精神分析理论观照下的《道林?格雷的画像》 维多利亚时期英国女性文学作品的三个男性形象分析 从喜剧电影《阿甘正传》品味美国梦 An Analysis of Imprisonment and Liberation in Great Expectations 中西葬礼文化的对比研究 基于中西文化差异的翻译策略研究 汉译英语足球新闻中修辞手法的策略 《我,机器人》中苏珊?卡尔文的女性角色分析 毛姆眼中的简奥斯丁 《尤利西斯》的象征艺术 马克吐温小说的语言特征 论凯瑟琳?曼斯菲尔德的《园会集》中的细节描写 论海勒《第二十二条军规》小人物生存模式 浅析《黑暗的心》女性形象的作用 解读《纯真年代》中的爱伦的悲剧原因 从拉尔夫·艾里森《隐形人》看美国妇女解放与黑人自由斗争的关系 《喧哗与骚动》之现代主义写作技巧分析 从《嘉莉妹妹》看德莱塞的女性观 法律英语翻译中的动态对等理论分析 安妮?普鲁《断背山》:同性恋的存在与否定 论远大前程中皮普的道德观

英语专业全英原创毕业论文,公布的题目可以用于直接使用和参考(贡献者ID 有提示)

84 从《绝望的主妇》的字幕翻译中看文化因素

85 从唐诗不同译本看数字词汇翻译得与失

86 影响大学生英语自主学习的因素研究

87 中西广告语中隐喻比较研究

88 从商业性角度论电影名称的翻译

89 An Analysis of Shelley's Prometheus Unbound

90 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan

91 中文古诗词叠词的研究与翻译

92 从电影《弱点》看美国的家庭教育

93 Analysis of the Symbolic Meanings of the Major Characters in Moby Dick

94 论D.H.劳伦斯诗歌中的救赎意识

95 谈目的论视角下的商标翻译

96 呼啸山庄之人性的泯灭

97 中西文化差异在家庭教育中的体现

98 从合作原则看卡尔登的性格特点

99 浅谈《欲望号街车》所阐述的欲望

100 浅析达洛卫夫人的自我追寻

101 世纪英国继承制度对婚姻的影响

102 Scarlett O'Hara and Feminism

103 “It be Adj of sb to do sth”中形容词语义的构式语法研究

104 The Temptation and Disillusionment of Gatsby’s Pursuit of Dream

105 Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms

106 理想与现实的距离——《麦田里的守望者》中主人公霍尔顿的求索之路

107 冰与火具有毁灭生命的同等威力——《呼啸山庄》主题探讨

108 从目的论角度剖析电影片名翻译

109 中美礼貌用语的跨文化对比分析

110 中国侠士精神与西方骑士精神比较研究

111 xx大学翻译方向学生发展规划

112 Unreliable Narration – The Approach to Irony in Pride and Prejudice

113 传播学视角下的影视字幕翻译研究—以美剧《复仇》为例

114 Different Applications of Iceberg Principle in A Farewell to Arms and The Old Man and the Sea

115 从美国汽车看美国文化

116 中美家庭价值观差异浅析

117 与苦难嬉戏——透析《查尔斯兰姆散文集》

118 从《傲慢与偏见》两个汉译本看翻译策略的选择

119 东方主义视角下康拉德《黑暗的心脏》中西方殖民话语分析

120 试论《武林外传》与《老友记》中的中美文化差异

121 网络英语资源对英语学习的影响

122 英语阅读有效教学活动设计研究

123 The Analysis of Narrative Techniques in William Faulkner’s ―A Rose for Emily‖

124 Study on Translation Methods of Colour Words in Chinese and English Literary Works 125 The ―Monstrosity‖ of Science: an analysis of Frankenstein

126 美国犹太文化与传统犹太文化的冲突——浅析《再见吧,哥伦布》

英语专业全英原创毕业论文,公布的题目可以用于直接使用和参考(贡献者ID 有提示)

127 多媒体教学在中学英语教学中的利与弊

128 英汉“拉”类动词的语义成分和词化模式的对比分析

129 《觉醒》中的爱与死亡

130 《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中的象征主义

131 论莎格?艾弗瑞在《紫色》中的角色

132 从翻译美学探究散文英译

133 Doomed Tragedy out of Desire-Driven Morbid Personalities in Nabokov’s Lolita

134 《阿甘正传》——美国传统价值观的回归

135 从目的论角度研究中式菜名英译(开题报告+论文 )

136 艾米丽·狄金森的诗歌主题分析

137 跨文化意识在初中英语教材中的渗透

138 英汉植物词文化内涵的比较研究

139 Text Cohesion in English Business Contracts

140 An analysis of American Racism and Black Traditional Culture in The Bluest Eye

141 《老人与海》中词语修辞格的运用

142 从无知到成熟:论爱玛的成长历程

143 中美体育报道的比较

144 论AIDA模式在大众汽车英文广告中的语言体现

145 论《瓦尔登湖》中梭罗的超验主义哲学观

146 浅析《双城记》中狄更斯的浪漫现实主义

147 An Analysis of Conflicts between Heroines in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

148 A Study on Differences of Family Education between China and America--A Case Study of The Joy Luck Club

149 《祝福》两种英译本对比研究

150 Study of English Borrowing from Chinese

151 杰克?伦敦《海狼》中海狼拉尔森的性格分析

152 建构主义理论下的教师课堂角色研究

153 《大学英语》听力理解中的石化现象与对策

154 简爱和林黛玉不同命运的文化透析

155 如何在高中英语教学中培养学生的创新思维能力

156 换位思考在商务信函中坏消息的运用及建议

157 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》的主要人物性格

158 视角转换理论在英文电影字幕中汉译的应用

159 种族沟通的桥梁——对《宠儿》中两个丹芙的人物分析

160 论《格列佛游记》的社会意义

161 奈达“功能对等”理论在中国电影片名英译中的运用分析

162 暗夜中的精灵——论《寻欢作乐》中的罗西

163 浅谈英语颜色词汇的象征意义

164 对圣经文学性之赏析

165 新闻翻译中“编译”的合理性分析

166 论海明威作品中的悲剧意识

167 浅析英语粘着词素及其在词汇教学中的实用价值

168 中学英语课堂中的情感教育

169 试论《最蓝的眼睛》中黑人理想家庭的破灭

英语专业全英原创毕业论文,公布的题目可以用于直接使用和参考(贡献者ID 有提示)

170 臻于完美的人物魅力——对简?奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析

171 理想与现实的距离——《麦田里的守望者》中主人公霍尔顿的求索之路

172 微笑着流泪——欧亨利小说赏析

173 商务英语中的缩略词研究

174 A Cross-cultural Interpretation of Chinese and English Euphemisms—Interpersonal Culture and Psychological Culture

175 《呼啸山庄》中的哥特元素分析

176 从合作性原则看品牌代言中广告语的使用

177 从自然主义视角审视《嘉莉妹妹》中小人物嘉莉的命运抗争与幻灭

178 A Study of Narrative Strategies in Beloved

179 对中西方传统节日之文化差异的研究

180 A Comparison of the English Color Terms

181 从礼貌原则看《威尔与格蕾丝》的对话

182 中美家庭教育的比较研究

183 论应变能力在同声传译中的应用

184 英汉音节结构对比

185 从功能理论视角研究公示语的中译英翻译

186 论莎士比亚十四行诗的特征

187 浅析凯特肖邦短篇小说中的女性意识

188 《麦田守望者》成长主题解析

189 从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒

190 A Comparative Study Between the Novel To Kill A Mockingbird and Its Film Adaptation 191 解析斯嘉丽的性格及其对现代社会女性的借鉴意义

192 情景教学法在小学英语课堂中的运用

193 文学翻译中的对等

194 中西文化差异在广告创意中的影射

195 与身体器官有关的中英文习语对比研究

196 浅析语用含糊在外交语言中的应用

197 从《阿Q正传》译本看民族文化的可译性

198 An Interpretation of Initiation Theme in Heart of Darkness

199 英汉“悲”、“喜”情感隐喻的认知比较研究

200 中西面子观的比较研究



Culture Differences in Term of Family Education between

China and America


专业 级 班

学生姓名 学 号

指导教师 职 称


Abstract: Family Education plays an important role on the development of children. The children’s behavior will be influenced by their parents’ evaluation for them in the future. Meanwhile, compare with the concept of family education on four aspects and analyses the source of culture differences between China and America. It can be explained intimate connection of family education and culture in two countries. List the feature of family education between China and America and their difference of selfish departmentalism, value orientation, and national character to state the concentrated reflection of different culture in two nations.

Keywords: culture difference; family between China and America; Family Education






Introduction ····································································································································· 1

1.Family Education. ························································································································ 1

1.1Different Concept of Family Education. ················································································ 1

1.2Different Concept of Dealing with Affairs in Family Education. ·········································· 2

2.Comparison of Family Education between China and America. ················································· 2

2.1The Feature of Chinese Family Education. ············································································ 3

2.2The Feature of American Family Education. ········································································· 3

2.3The Direction of Evaluation for Children. ············································································· 4

2.3.1The Standard of Evaluation for Children. ··········································································· 4

2.3.2Critical and Praiseful Words. ······························································································· 5

2.3.3Affirmative and Negative Words. ························································································ 5

2.3.4Specific and General Words. ······························································································· 6

2.3.5The Detail of Evaluation between Chinese and American Parents. ···································· 6

2.3.6The Analysis of Causing Different Evaluation between Chinese and American parents. ····················································································································································· 6

2.4The Diversity of Family Education between China and America. ········································· 6

2.4.1The Main Part of Family Education. ··················································································· 7

2.4.2The Subject of Family Education ························································································ 7

2.4.3Perspective to Cultivation of Independent Thinking Between Two Countries. ·················· 7

2.4.4Perspective to Cultivation of Equality between two Countries. ·········································· 8

2.5The Different Attitude on the Children’s Failure and Success ··············································· 8

2.6The Creation of Equal and Harmony Family Relationship. ··················································· 9

3.The Main Cause of Different Family Education between China and America. ··························· 9

3.1The Difference of Selfish Departmentalism. ·········································································· 9

3.2The Difference of Value Orientation. ··················································································· 10

3.3Pursuit of Steady and Challenge Life. ·················································································· 10

3.4Collectivism and Individualism ··························································································· 10

3.5Love Socialism and Pragmatism. ························································································· 11

3.6Dependence and Independence. ··························································································· 11

4.The Influence of Family Education Between China and America. ············································ 11

4.1The Cultivation of Independent Children. ············································································ 11

4.2Make Children to Be Confident. ·························································································· 12

4.3The Assignable Moral Education. ························································································ 12 Conclusion ····································································································································· 13 Bibliography ·································································································································· 14 Acknowledgement ························································································································· 15


Education is the social activity of cultivation and the inheritance of experiences in our daily life. It is a sort of social culture phenomenon which reflects different social cultural implication from different ones. In a sense, cultural transmission is education which is also cultural originally. Family, school and social education are the three main part of the education. But family education should not be replaced by school and social education. When our children were born they had been in the atmosphere of family education, Generally speaking it indicates that behaviors of criticism, guidance, cultivation and administration by our parents. It plays an important role not only in modeling values but also cultivate a unique nationalism to our children. For instance, Chinese culture attaches importance to the harmony between human and nature but westerners pay more attention to overcome the nature by them. The family education between China and American exist a significant difference. For example, in the mutual relationship of family members, Chinese parents almost in the dominant position of it but American parents attach more importance to get along with their kids equally. About the concept of childcare ,Chinese parents almost hope their kids can find a good job to be prosperous in the future but American parents lay stress on promote their kids’ capability of living adaptation. About the ways of education between China and America, Chinese parents willing to undertake the whole things for giving their kids more time to spend on study but American parents tend to make their children do many practical things all by themselves. The disparity between two countries result in the living adaptation of Chinese children is inferior to American children. It is meaningful to promote children to grow healthily and enhance their own integral quality if we can good understand and take example by foreign advanced means of education for children. When we treat to others and society, Chinese prose golden mean and harmony but westerners competition and strive for life. Charles Laughton thinks that the methods of education are the choice for a certain social culture. Through the comparison of education between China an America analyses the distinction between two countries in cross-culture communication.

1. Family Education.

At present, the majority of family educational expert consider that family education can be divided in narrow and broad sense. Generalized family education indicates that family members teach each other in their daily life. In a narrow sense, it indicates that the elder members (especially for parents) of a family teach younger in their daily life. Family education as one part of family, school and society education has an irreplaceable meaning to other two educations. Family education is not only attaching importance to the health of children, but also their mental health which makes them more adaptable to competitive society in the future. More often than not, education is also an interaction between children and parents which means that they both be educated during the process of it.

1.1 Different Concept of Family Education.

As parents have an inborn love to their kids which is the common love both for Chinese and American parents. The only difference is that the expression of them is absolutely different. In our country, it’s deniable that we belong to our parents and should conform to our parents whether they are right or wrong. In United States, children are regarded as an individual who belong to themselves and have their own favorite, option, private and friends circle. In China, parents have infinite responsibility for caring for their children. When their children were born to

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grow up, they almost undertake the whole thing for their kids such as cooking the meal ,doing the laundry , cleaning the room and spending their weekend holiday to accompany them studying. But Chinese parents are willing to do all these thing for their own children who are give the hope of finding a good job and living happily in the future by their parents. In United States, parents have limited responsibility for caring for their children. And they will not to do all things for their children but kids should undertake some household chores such as setting the table, cleaning their own clothes and trimming lawns. Children can find a part-time job or help their parents to do household chores to earn the money. What is the limited responsibility of American parents for educating their children? First, they want to make their kids to know their own value. Second, they want to make their kids to know how to control themselves. Third, they need to teach their kids enough sexual knowledge to make them manage easily when they have physiological change. Fourth, they need to teach their children a whole set of social norm to get on in the world.

1.2Different Concept of Dealing with Affairs in Family Education.

American children can be optimistic when facing difficulties, have strong curiosity, willing to try unknown things, can bear the hardship and like to put on their thinking cap. On the contrary, Chinese children are always hesitate when facing difficulties, lack of interest, dare to try something unknown things, unable to bear hardship and unwilling to put on their thinking cap. What is the reason of it? The different means of family education between China and America result in it. First, American parents prefer to encourage their kids than to protection but Chinese parents are opposite to it. American parents encourage children try every kinds of activities. They believe that kids can learn, practice, cultivate the ability and interest and the utmost is that can establish self-confidence. Chinese parents excessively protect their children which make them rely on their parents and distrust or lose the understanding and evaluation of self-worth and ability. Parents afraid of their kids being hurt or deceived and consider a lot things are dangerous and dirty so that they do not allow their kids to do that. Second, American parents prefer to lead their children to a right direction that to inculcation. American parents always say to their children: “I believe….will be better”, “my suggestion is …….do you like to listen my opinion?” But Chinese parents always say to their kids: “listen to me; you are too young to make a choice.” “I have been told you to do this way, why do not you listen to my words?” or “look! If you accept my opinion you should have not done this stupid thing! ”. Third, the requirement of American parents for their children is comprehensive but Chinese parents only require their kids to have good test score. Fourth, Chinese parents usually say: “You are too stupid to solve this problem.” , “ Mike is better than you in study.” , “ I have been taught you for so many times but you still can solve it!” which tend to influence and even break down the confidence of children. This kind of situation seldom happened in American family.

2. Comparison of Family Education between China and America.

Education is an activity of cultivating people, inheritance of social culture, transfer of production experience and the primary approach of life experience. Family education indicates that the elder and parents unconsciously or consciously educate their children of the family. The aim of family education can be separated to two parts as follow:

First, the function of family education is that ensure the physical and psychological health of children can be well developed and make a good preparation for their kids’ school education.

Second, it’s helpful for children develop well in moral, intelligent, and physical ability for

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children match up school education.

Nowadays, not only the school education should be valued but also more and more parents attach importance to family education. The position and function of family education between China and America is different from each other. There are some causes of resulting in the different culture between to countries as follow:

2.1The Feature of Chinese Family Education.

First, Chinese parents usually charge of whole things of their kids to make them have enough time to study. Especially for those parents who have only child provide them anything what their kids need. There is also a new phenomenon that we can see most of elementary school students have mobile phones, digital camera, MP5 which are top grade consumer goods. It’s detrimental to develop children’s independent ability and imperceptibly make them spend freely on money which given by their parents. A lot of Chinese parents only pay attention to their kids’ basic necessities of life but not their inner mind which easily make them have mental or moral character problems. In the meantime, it’s easy to make their kids have personality defect and lose ability of living all by themselves. Therefore, this kind of education is absolutely unreasonable and lack short of scientific.

Second, the matters of family education one-sided emphasize test score. Chinese parents only attach importance to intelligent development of their kids but seldom evenly conduct the education of morality, intelligence, physique and art to their children. So that it’s the main cause of uneven in development of Chinese students’ integral ability. We also see a phenomenon that a lot of only children are high intelligent, vulnerable and sensitive. But in the fields of developing intelligence of children, Chinese parents only care for their result of ability of memory, comprehension and computational problem. On the contrary, innovation-oriented society is pressed for practical ability and creative ability.

Third, Chinese parents always regard their kids as private property. They are concerned more about face-saving than their kids. They deserve their kids are their own and have right to control the children’s behavior. When their kids betray their orders, they also use their dignity or effect violence to their children but do not know it is illegal. They believe the concept of family education needs violence sometime to their naughty behavior. Furthermore, Chinese parents also think if they love their kids, whatever methods of expression, the kids should accept it and unconditional comply with it. As the times passes, the children would not like to communicate with their parents who will not be told by their kids when they have something mental problems. It affluence the kids’ mental health and is difficult to form a harmonious family relationships.

2.2The Feature of American Family Education.

First, American parents lay emphasis on cultivating equal consciousness. American parents always like to provide ample opportunities for their kids to perform themselves in daily life regardless of whether the result is successful or failure; they often approve their ability and praise them. The children who grown up in this kind of relax environment are active, innovative and confident. But American parents will not neglect any shortcomings of their kids who are told “they should correct their fault when the find it out immediately” by their parents. Sometimes American parents also punish their children when they do some mistakes. But it mainly depends on the foundation of respecting children’s self-respect and they do not use any insulting words to humiliate them.

Second, American parents pay more attention to cultivate independent consciousness and hardship spirit to their children. When their kids were born, they usually try every means to

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provide opportunities or conditions to train their kids to make them full trained in every condition. It is never be heard of some American children sleeping with their parents when they are baby who need to sleep in a small bed alone and grow up to older they will have their own room to sleep. Large quantities of American parents support their kids to take a part-time job which can practice their capability of independent living. In United States, most of adolescents aged eighteen earn money by part-time job to pay the sky high college tuition. From children to adolescent in western countries take part-time job develop their hardship spirit. The average incomes of United States families are dozens of time to Ceehina, but American parents have a strict limit and requirement for giving pin money to their kids. A survey conclude that fifty four percent of American adolescent students do not have pin money which given by their parents and the more elder will not have chance to get it form parents.

Third, American parents lay emphasis on creative ability of their kids. American parents almost will not inflict more pressure to their kids in studying and think they are willing to learn if are interest in certain knowledge. It will hurt kids’ emotion and personality if they force them to do what they do not want to do. American parents do not make their children to recite a large quantity of formula and theorem mechanically but eagerly teach them how to solve the difficulties and find out the ways of looking for an answer when they face an unfamiliar field. They also try all their best to affirm any effort of their kids and praise every answer of children’s thinking to protect and stimulate whole creative desire and trials. What they want to do which is usually is supported by their parents who make them to be a man who they are.

2.3The Direction of Evaluation for Children.

Chinese parents like to compare their children with others by horizontal comparison. The range of comparison with other children stretches from wide to narrow ones. They also like their children to attend kinds of training classes such as piano, violin, handwriting, painting etc. Chinese children always are taken by their parents to participate in all sorts of competitions for satisfying vanity of their parents which reflect their results of cultivation. Chinese parents also like to tell children others are better than them aim to encourage them to do more hard work for catching up with others. They often regard children as a lower grade and set higher goals to them. Because they think it must be someone do better than their children who engender them feel themselves inferior to others. If their children object to them, they will prone to tell the doctrine to their kids to suppress the thoughts of the children. On the contrary, American parents attach importance to longitudinal development of their children and seldom compare them with other children. The method of family education is usually reward more than punishment to their children , “you are great”(你真棒)is the common words of American parents to encourage children. The ways of it is accordance with “Appreciative Teaching”(赏识教育) which recommended today. ”You don’t need to be a famous man but not an inferior one, just be a normal guy as who you are.” which advocated by “Appreciative Teaching”. Therefore, American children have stronger self-confidence than Chinese ones.

2.3.1The Standard of Evaluation for Children.

Chinese parents constantly take advantage of external standard to evaluate their children’s achievement such as examination performance and ranking in the class which result in former mentioned “Horizontal Comparison” (横向比较)and make them continuously adjust themselves in a higher rank of the collectivity. However, the standard of it cultivates the people like the production which mass produce in the factory that loses their unique personalities. In addition , Chinese parents usually refer to the criterion of adult to appraise their children not in

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accordance with the condition of them which engender “small adult”(小大人) that doesn’t conform with law of somatopsychic development of children. The strong point orientation for Chinese children largely depends on their parents’ life experiences. To some extend, it breaks down the creative development of children by their parents who regards their personal things almost are worthless ones. The only thing they can do just submit their parents. On the contrary, American parents pay more attention to the free development of children who properly depend on their own condition. American parents believe that children are still juvenile guys, if they can acquire some knowledge in the certain development of themselves who are successful. Therefore, most of American children have distinctive personalities compare with Chinese children. Furthermore, the strong point orientations of American children don’t depend on their parents who will teach them to find out their own capabilities.

2.3.2Critical and Praiseful Words.

Critical words is usually more that praiseful ones from the mouth of Chinese parents who also take advantage of ironic, sharp-fanged and threatening words to crack down the confidence of their children. But American parents usually like to reward instead of punishment to children when they do a good job. The attitude of treating to them by American parents is honesty and down to the ground. We also see a phenomenon that Chinese parents always tell their children others are better than you and should work harder to catch up with them,. But American parents won’t do that, they never tell children are worse than others. They always regard their own children are the most smart ones to them.

2.3.3Affirmative and Negative Words.

The evaluation words to Chinese children by their parents almost employ the negative tones. The things all be done by Chinese children regarded a good job by others except their parents who usually nibble their jobs which are not be done perfectly and consider they didn’t try their best to finish it which should have been done better. Chinese parents always said to their children, “Look at what you have done, If you cant finish this completely, what your future prospect will be like? ”. On the contrary, American parents like to find out some highlights of children’s works and encourage them failure is the essence of the success when they are fail to do it.

2.3.4Specific and General Words.

The evaluations to Chinese children by their parents are always general which seem to make sense in any situation and not specific in certain ones. Chinese parents often say “well done or but you do it well” to their children but not tell which one they have done well or bad and why are they. On the opposite side, the American children are evaluated by their parents usually are pertinent to certain conditions. The words of them are often take advantage of specific, kind-hearted, honest, courageous, intelligent ones.

2.3.5The Detail of Evaluation between Chinese and American Parents.

Chinese parents think their most important job is study compare with other aspects which are all secondary. They also stick to the principle of high education background is everything? Therefore they always encourage their children pay all energy to study so that Chinese education attach more importance to test scores and body health not moral quality and mental health. The evaluation of Chinese parents to their children often focus on their children’s test scores and urge them by saying,“You should study harder”, “Why your examine result is lower than before?” Which are not unfamiliar words to Chinese children who are seldom hear the praiseful words or objective evaluation to their works in other aspects. And recent survey manifest that the

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achievement and family happiness of a man eighty percents depends on nonintellectual factor but twenty percent upon intelligent factor which is “human dignity” (人格)----“humanistic literacy”.(人文素养)

American parents attach more importance to moral qualities, capability and integral quality of their children. Parents permit their children to do what they like and encourage them to find out questions in anything and try to solve it by themselves.

2.3.6 The Analysis of Causing Different Evaluation between Chinese and American parents.

Education is a part of culture which has function of opting, transporting and creating culture in that education inevitably reflects different meaning of social culture. Culture influence so many aspects of education and the orientation of traditional culture effect the values of education which deeply influence the mode of thinking of parents’ education to children. Chinese traditional culture is a kind of ethical culture. The orientation of Chinese culture values is that pursue one has a perfect personality. Family education pays more attention to the cultivation of manners and group consciousness and collectivism. About the relationship between individual and collectivity which emphasize unconditionally conform to collectivity because individual should give service to collectivity. It is opposed to freely thoughts. In the family, father is the authority which can not be broken down by their children who will be punished by violent methods if they do it. Therefore, the order of their parents is imperial edict and they trained to have no independent thinking just obey their parents’ dictation. This kind of dominated family education makes the evaluation to children which all be done by their parents without the view of kids. Up to now, a lot of parents only regarded the “respect parents”(听话) as the standard of evaluation which arise us to think about this problem. Individualism is the basic values of American people. About American traditional culture emphasize independence, creativeness, freely development and self responsibility of individual who seldom be influenced by society, politics and religion. The core values of individualism is that mutual benefits and voluntary principle and regard them as the members of the integral collective or the source of individual development. American culture care for people and the aim of education is to promote personal potential and creative development. The collective should satisfy and respect the legal demand of a person. American people are encouraged to develop their own autonomy when they were children. The goal of American family education is to better development for their kids, provide them an optimistic, positive creative and confident environment. Therefore, American parents pay attention to cultivate them to have independent ability and freely development. Furthermore, they also encourage their kids try to do every kinds of new things so that they can be practiced to develop their personal quality. In the eyes of American parents, their kids are person who have independent personality and be equal to their parents. To the evaluation of family education, parents should communicate with their children equally and care for their opinion which will be accepted if it’s reasonable. It can makes an appropriate evaluation for children’s development and helpful to their development of independent personality.

2.4The Diversity of Family Education between China and America.

The most important function of family is assimilating a new born baby who is brand new members of certain culture background of a society. The children first should learn how to become a real member of their family and then an integral one in society which is a big culture circle. So that family provides a model which reflects the relationships of people in certain society as a reference for children. We usually say” parents are children first teachers”, every

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word and action of them have a big influence on children’s development. Therefore, family education is the initiated part in integral education processing which has a big influence on children’s habit, interest, life-styles and even the cultivation of personality. The core values of family education mainly exert subtle influence on children who spontaneously learn general knowledge of life and cultural vales by observing and imitating. As a result, the distinct personalities, the methods of solving difficult things and life attitude of children between Chinese and American are fostered by miscellaneous family education.

2.4.1 The Main Part of Family Education.

Confucianism has thousands of years influence on Chinese minds which core meaning is life, ethics and moral principles. Therefore, Chinese parents pay more attention to cultivate the doctrine of Confucius and Mencius. “The first lesson before we entering school is how to be a gentleman”. Chinese traditional culture advocates theory of collectivism, harmonious sight and constraint personality. The Confucian doctrine “仁” which means humanity represent the essence of Chinese culture and “礼” which means manners is the most important elements in Chinese education. Thousands of years being cultivated by these, most Chinese parents prone to teach their own children to be a good kid who require to be self-restraint ,obedience, politeness and modest. They are all accordance with the thought of Confucianism.

Western culture emphasizes “knowledge”----“when children enter school all they need to learn is knowledge” especially in science and society fields. The knowledge derives from the curiosity of children, western parents consider, they often take their children outside to feel nature stimulate kids’ interest in natural and scientific fields.

2.4.2 The Subject of Family Education

Chinese parents take their authority to children. Chinese fundamental rule of Chinese traditional patriarchy is that parents should be model to their kids. Especially for father’s teaching, the kids need to absolutely accept it and respect to them. Moreover, parents need to keep distance with their kids to establish their authority. They attach more importance to develop kids’ one-side capability such as study, physic health etc but neglect cultivation of personality. Parents don’t regard their kids as an individual one but a private property. In this kind of family, the children blindly obey parents’ teaching and dare to challenge their authority which absolutely deprive of children’s initiative and creativeness.

On the other hand, the education of United States puts children as main part which emphasizes individual struggle and equal rights. They respect kid’s personality and self-confidence. Furthermore, they encourage them to think things out for themselves and give more space and time to do anything what they want.

American parents also seldom force their kids to do anything what they unwilling to do and deeply believe it’s helpful to children to do anything according to their interest and potential but not their own. The duties of American parents are explore the interest and potential of their children and lead them to a right way. They understand that real education and interest are not mandatory which is likely to destroy their kids’ ingenuity and interest. For American parents, “the hearts of the kids are not an empty bottle which needs to be filled with but a kindling”

2.4.3 Perspective to Cultivation of Independent Thinking Between Two Countries.

Although most of American families are rich, the children need to do a part-time job from small age to earn their pin money. They stand on their own feet when they are eighteen years old and become an individual in society. Especially in the period of university, sky high tuition fee almost be paid by them. In America, a lot of millionaires prefer to donate their property to

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charity organization rather than leave it to their children. They believe that its not helpful to their kids’ development and even bring a disaster to them when they have abundant wealthy. American parents always say “not matter how rich you are, you can’t spoil your child” so they encourage children look for a part-time job. They believe the methods of this can train kids’ will power because during this period, the kids can be cultivated an independent thinking which enable them to adjust the competitive society.

On the contrary, nearly seventy percent Chinese families have the only child especially in urban cities. More and more parents dote on their only baby who is an apple of their parents’ eye. The excessive protection from parents who don’t give kids freedom and let them contact with complex society without the aegis of parents. In order to provide a good environment for studying, parents who like a full-time nanny charge of anything of their kids. Because of spoiling kids by their parents, Chinese children have the poor abilities to care for themselves who are unwilling to have a meal by themselves when they are three years old and need the help of their parents to get dress when five. Even from seven to eight years old, they still want to be taken to school or pick up by their parents. No matter how poor they are, Chinese parents also take for they should not make their kids to suffer difficulties and hardships. Therefore, lots of “generous” parents should save more money for supporting their all of kids’ material want. In china, there is a common phenomenon that college students still live on their parents money support. Little of students earn money by themselves to pay the sky high college tuition. It is hard train Chinese children how to be an independent one who under the excessive protection from they considerable parents.

2.4.4Perspective to Cultivation of Equality between two Countries.

American parents take their kids as an equal member of the family which permit them independent thinking and free choice. American parents not only respect kids’ opinion, right and self-confidence but also let them opt by themselves and support their opinions which can build an equal relationship between parents and children. At home, kids can call their parents name and express their opinion without doubt. If American kids help their patents to do something, parents should say “thanks” to their kids. Because they think every one of us is an individual and independent one and anyone who helps you should express thanks to them even their kids. American parents often take advantage of courteous terms in communication with their children.

But in China, it’s hard to imagine equal position between kids and parents .The kids are dare to challenge the authority of their father and no one dare to call their parents’ name directly. From the past to the present, Chinese society is still be ranked by classes. When we think of the typical image of our father, it usually is definite authority and severity. Our parents often say “you should do…”, “you must do…” and “you can’t do……” to us. These words carry with mandatory tones to us. In China, therefore, the status between children and parents in China shall never be equal to each other.

2.5The Different Attitude on the Children’s Failure and Success

Chinese parents seem unsatisfied with the achievement of their kids and always level up the requirement for their children. Even though the kids have done a good job, Chinese parents only tell their kids should be modest and not conceited. The emphasis of Chinese parents for their children is what they learn but not what they acquire? They are seldom satisfied with their kids and consider they should find out kids’ shortage to it so that they can make progress in the future. In addition, by means of criticism and physical punishment when kids have done something wrong strike a serious blow at the self-confidence and the self-respect of children. Therefore,

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Chinese kids always live in a life fill with failure and disappointment.

American parents attach more importance to praise and encourage their kids when they have done something well. Their trust and praise is helpful to strengthen self-confidence to their kids and will be a motive power for children’s developms` ` ent. They are generous to express their appreciation to kids and not dare engender them arrogant attitude. In that, American children grow up in the successful and joyful environment from childhood to adult. In United States, individualism is very popular which make American parents seldom compare their kids with others’. Parents usually effect effective communication with their kids about their fault when they have done something wrong and regard them as an adult. By this way, the self-respect of kids will not be cracked down and they are able to realize their fault after that and then willing to shoulder their responsibility.

2.6The Creation of Equal and Harmony Family Relationship.

In United States, parents have obligation to foster their kids but the relationship between them are equal. Not only the kids should respect their parents but also their parents should do the same to their kids. The children can call directly to their parents’ name like their friends and parents should not enter their children’s room and see diary or letter without permission. When parents meet some problems, they will let kids to join the family meeting and respect their own opinion.

But to Chinese parents, the kids should obey their order and they are not an individual man regarded by their parents who make whole options for their kids who are not belonging to themselves. In the family children can not communicate with their parents equally so that this method of family education make a lot of Chinese children feel depressive and not help to their development.

3. The Main Cause of Different Family Education between China and America.

As everyone knows, China is a country which dominated by socialist system but most of western countries are belong to the capitalist system. In addition, the history and culture are different between two countries. China advocate Confucianism and western countries promote the Renaissance but the most importance is that the distinct attitude of family education between China and America. In Chinese traditional family, the authority of parents predominate the main part of it but western family mainly emphasize struggle, equal, democracy and human rights. Because of the difference of region and cultural background which makes the traditional family education between China and America manifest the different unique features. Family educations between China and America reflect the difference of selfish departmentalism, value orientation, personality of nationality and mode thinking.

3.1The Difference of Selfish Departmentalism.

The foundation of China is family which construct a big country is the typical characteristic of China. We all know that Chinese care for family which is the selfish departmentalism of Chinese traditional cultural and lay stress on personal responsibility and obligation. There are some characteristics on value orientation as follow;

(1)The function of Chinese family education is strengthened by parents. In Chinese traditional society, family burden some important social function such as it is an integral part of the whole society which highlight the characteristic of it. And the education of children is the part of family education so that the most important function is that shot the target of persistent family education. It is an important tool to maintain and develop the political situation of family.

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(2) The value orientation of education is base on family benefit. The goals of the students are that make their ancestors illustrious. The individual and the family interests integral a whole benefits of family. It relates closely to eternal life view of Chinese traditional culture. But the western culture attaches more importance to the selfish departmentalism of individual, human rights and freedom. About education, American regards the educatee as the predominant part of it and emphasizes the cultivation of personality. The selfish departmentalism relate closely to the transformation of family. This kind of traditional education had been through fourteen to sixteen century of the Renaissance, eighteen century of French bourgeois ideas of enlightenment campaign and early twenty century of ideological trend of pragmatism and then be settled. Rousseau proposes nature and unstrained education. Dewey proposes education is development and life of individual and grasp of personal experience is the main construction of individual. But individual standard is not related to individualism even child centered. The symbol of an American who has abundant personality is that he can control and go beyond himself and own the perfect human dignity which reflects he is a real modern man but not a shelf-concern and strong dependent materialistic man.

3.2The Difference of Value Orientation.

The concept of value is the core value of a kind of nationality. The formation of the concept of value is that the knowledge of human beings to nature which means the conception of nature and world outlook. The traditional world outlook or the attitude to the nature of Chinese people is theory that man is an integral part of nature which indicates the obedience of the nature law and worship of nature. Human beings and nature are good friends who live together harmoniously. Chinese people are influenced by Confucianism which engenders the group of orientation values of Chinese people. It also means that family, society and national interest is

utmost important for everyone who need to sacrifice their personal interest for national interests.

Most of American people are influenced by western philosophy in that they think universe is a self-existent unit. Nature is the opposite sides and external things of human beings. Human beings are the host of nature and they can conquer and change it. Influence by Heaven Phase Separation of world outlook, the value orientation of American people is base on individual which means that respects the human rights, pursue the freedom and advocate equal and democracy. Therefore, “get somewhere”(有所成就) and “individual rights”(个人权利)which is their culture values.

3.3Pursuit of Steady and Challenge Life.

China belongs to enclosed type of inland culture. Daily life of Chinese people regards silent as their own department or unite and their values are mainly base on group. The economy of autarkic agriculture in ancient china engenders the pursuit of steady life of Chinese people. Chinese also have the characteristics of conservativeness, unwilling to risk, tending to like steady life and used to take a constant position.

From the geographical factor which generate American culture, it belongs to open ocean culture which make lively commodity economy in local greatly influence local people attach themselves to their land. What’s more, the policy, economic ideology of American people is open and initiative. American is a country where influenced deeply by the Renaissance and the enlightenment campaign of Europe. Most of civil have independent personality, open minded and wanting of innovation and risk because changeable is their common culture psychology.

3.4Collectivism and Individualism

The most importance of Chinese traditional culture is Confucianism and then Taoism and

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Buddhist thinking which help Chinese people form strong domestic sale-oriented charao8cteristics. The life meaning of them is consciously submitted to it and devotes themselves to group as their final goal. We can not accept the conception of “individual ”(个人),”personality ”(个性),”egotism” (自我)in Chinese traditional background. Influenced by Christianity and Protestantism, American considers that human beings gain the material wealth has unescapable relation to god’s charity. The conception of challenge makes American form the open characteristic of nationality which asks for material from outside from their land. In addition, they emphasize the individual achievement, freely personality, pursuit of freedom, self-fulfillment and innovative spirits.

3.5Love Socialism and Pragmatism.

The values of Chinese attach more important to their quality such as their personal knowledge and behavior. They also like all things in harmony in communicate with others. In the daily communications they used to make others superior to themselves to show politeness. In their daily life they always like keep on the rails and pursue no risk in doing things. On the contrary, American tends to be realistic who emphasize the material interests for themselves and pursue efficiency and benefit. When they make a choice, they more likely to consider their standard and interests even sacrifice their friends or relatives for their own. They believe that an individual interest is more important than personal reputation because person interests can bring them real benefits but personal reputation is not.

3.6Dependence and Independence.

We all know that Chinese have strong sense of being united because of their group values. The center of Chinese daily life depends on their parents and family so that young man like to live together with their parents for good care of elderly person. Chinese people have been inherited fine tradition of respecting the aged and take good care of children. Influenced by self values, American advocate concept of standing on their own foot. In United States, parents like to take advantage of money to promote their kids’ study and stimulate them to compete with other classmates and seldom interfere in their private things. The premature young man of American is caused by the method of economic concept of family education.

4. The Influence of Family Education Between China and America.

Family education between China and America influence their family in distinct ways. For instance, the education concept of Chinese parents make their children feel inferior to others, sensitive, unconfident and incapable adapt to society. But the education concepts of American parents make their children confident, creative, innovative, independent, self-reliant, active etc. These two kinds of result both be influenced by different sort of family education. There are three specific points as follow to show you the influence of family education between China and America.

4.1The Cultivation of Independent Children.

American parents care more about teaching independent ability to their kids and also the character of self-reliance, confidence and creativeness. For instance, parents let small baby sleep alone in small bed and then give him a private room. As doing daily affairs, children should do anything they can do all by themselves on that age and parent only help them to do those they are unable to do. Most of them who are above eighteen years old should find a part-time job to earn money for college tuition.

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Although Chinese parents emphasize the education for children at present but most of them lack of a scientific method to teach their children and some misleading perception which lead to the cultivation of independence of their kids is still a slogan. Especially for only child who is an apple of their parents’ eyes and has a comfortable life so that they are all lack of the independent ability.

4.2Make Children to Be Confident.

For the development of one’s whole life, self-confidence is utmost important not only for children’s intelligence or physical power but also the ability of dealing problems which play as an fundamental role in it. A man who is lack of confidence is short of various initiatives in everything. But the initiative plays an important role for one’s integral performance. American family education attaches importance to cultivate children’s confidence but Chinese family education has its own long traditional patriarchal system of family education. The basic education policy for parents to their children is protection, inculcation and indoctrination. For example, American parents like their kids to participate in every kind of activities which held by community organization such as softball, football, and volleyball. The coaches of these teams also are team members’ parents. Their parents believe that competition can train children’s body and even their courage and confidence to face every difficulty.

4.3The Assignable Moral Education.

American family is the same with Chinese family to attach importance to cultivate the moral education to their children. Chinese parents are good at using some history events or quotations from famous people to persuade their children to learn some moral standard in our society. But in American family moral education, on one side, the religion plays an very important role in it such as go to church and pray to God before dinner which have become a life style for American family. But for ideological education, American parents lay more stress on behavior education of children. They also make themselves to be a model lead their children to be a cultivated man who will not spit everywhere, and throw about garbage. No matter they take the subway, go shopping even go to toile, they have conscious to queue up. Children and their parents who keep a certain distance so that we can see no one push and squeeze and speak rudely when queue up. We can see a phenomenon that everyone is genteel and wear smile when you greeting each other which reflects a peace and friendly atmosphere.

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In conclusion, there is a big difference of education concept between China and America but each kinds of it have its own weak point and strong point. Chinese education emphasize inculcate knowledge to children and they should respect authority such as their parents, teachers, elders etc. It also laid stress on lengthways cultivation for their children which advocate the cultivation of morality and ethics. American parents attach importance to the application of knowledge of children and encourage students to criticize the authority and knowledge and crosswise development. Different methods of education cultivate different talents. For instance, the attitude of settling things for Chinese students is strict and stringent but conservative, hesitate and fear of doing something wrongs which is not helpful to the cultivation of creativeness for children. American students are provided with confidence, self-reliance, and the spirit of innovation but too relaxed and not self-restraint which is easily led to a sky high crime rate of juveniles. In fact, the two different concept of family education is the reflection of various kinds which also manifest in the concept of values and belief of people between two countries. We all know that Confucianism is regarded as moral paragon of Chinese society but Christianity is the leading ideology of American people. Because of the distinction of culture between two countries which bring about the different concept of family education among two countries. Therefore, family education is a kind of culture which interacts and interpenetrates with each other. About family education, we can find some traits and sources of unique culture of certain nationalities. About the culture, we can also see the trace of traditional concept of education. People who live in a certain culture environment will be cultivated to have a specific concept of education. And different method of education will bring about different culture and feature to different nationalities. As a result, we should combine the favorable elements of two countries to our education to establish an appropriate education for children’s development which will cultivate more talents who can adapt the requirement of future international talents market.

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My thanks go to many people who have assisted me in the period of my two-year study and in the preparation of this thesis.Especially, I owe much gratitude to my supervisor Miss Wu for her thoughtful ideas, suggestions, comments and criticism concerning the present thesis. It has been a great privilege and joy to study under her guidance and supervision. Further more, her patience and generosity which help me a lot during the long process of the revision of my drafts spurred me a lot which plays an important role in indicating a bright road in my future writing.

In the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the people who help me in this thesis.

What’s more, I am so extremely grateful to my teachers who have been taught me for two years in Quan Zhou Normal University.

Last but not least, I feel grateful to my parents, for their love and giving me chance of study, who give me support when I feel down and encourage me when I was failed.

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