





在进入大学之后,我选择的电影制作专业 让我在电影上得到了系统和深入的学习。浙江传媒学院是一个注重实践的艺术院校,我在电影学院这个新独立的学院更是得到了极大的锻炼。老师们对学生个人能力的要求很高。在大一的第一学期,我与我的团队就拍摄了多个电影片段和一个独立微电影。这般经历让我充分体会到一部电影即便再简短,也是主创的无数心血和灵魂。没有充分的器材,我们便自己用奇怪的动作模仿摇臂,用三轮车和轮椅代替推轨和斯坦尼康来增加运动镜头的稳定性。没有充足的经费布光布景,我们只能等雨天,等黄昏,等表演系的专用教室空出来才能获得一个合适的拍摄环境。没有经验和完善的统筹,拍摄过程被不断地拖长,最后只有一天一夜的时间来完成剪辑,那天昏地暗的24 小时将被永远铭记。曾觉得老师布置这样的任务是拔苗助长,但最终发现,这个过程中经历的经验,教训,还有无数的第一次,打开了电影制作这扇大门,无比艰难却无比充实,个人能力和团队意识都得到了很大的提升,此后四年的学习与拍摄都是建立在这基础上的。当时我的剪辑,摄影和导演基础等专业课程都获得了优秀的成绩,其中摄影更是获得了3.9的高分。




Dans les ?uvres de cinéma et de télévision comme un objet, Combiné avec de nombreux exemples, appris à comprendre les caractéristiques des langages visuels, d'analyser comment les principaux éléments du langage visuel de l'application spécifique, et par beaucoup de pratique pour ma?triser la méthode de base de la pensée et le langage visuel. Utilisés dans la production et la diffusion de la direction de la production cinématographique et télévisuelle professionnel médias

In film and television works as an object, combined with a wealth of examples, taught how to understand the characteristics of visual languages, to analyze how the main elements of visual language of the specific application, and

through a lot of practice to master the basic method of thinking and visual language.

Used in media production and dissemination of professional film and television production direction


Personal Statement

“Where there is a will, there is a way.” This motto has played a significant role in my life. I am a person who improves myself constantly and never gives up easily during the pursuit of my own dreams. My strong will is reflected in the decision of choosing Global Leadership and Administration as the starting point of my further education. Global Leadership and Administration is a mysterious world: it’s a perfect integration of research methodology of management, psychology, sociology, linguistics, communications and so on. The world has fascinated me so much that I would like to have a better idea of complicated theories and strict research methodology regarding information collection and analysis, policy making and adjustment, all of which are applied in it. I’m now, therefore, applying for the most competitive admission into your university.

In September 2010, I was admitted by the Department of Management at Huali College Guangdong University of Technology. I was lucky to receive strict and thorough training in my major study with advanced courses such as Strategic management, Human resource management, Organizational behavior ,etc. I have not only laid a solid foundation on Management, but also enhanced knowledge in various fields such as Psychology, Economics, Current Situation & Policy that these courses brought to me helped shape my world view and way of living. As a result of my excellent academic performance, I was awarded the third class Scholarship for Excellent Student in 2011.

These valuable academic experienced have prepared me fully for absorbing new knowledge and ideas. And there is no doubt that the experiences will, in many aspects, ease my transition to future study abroad and be a great wealth for many years to come.

At the same time, I kept a healthy balance among academic studies, athletics and social activities. I urged myself constantly to take part in all types of academic and social activities with an attempt to increase my theoretical and practical abilities. I participated in the basketball match and won the third prizes respectively. Working as an minister of the Propaganda department gave me a preliminary of the management and organization. Taking the office as the monitor of my class offered me a precious experience of being a student leader. What really matters is that I have acquired valuable time management skills, problem-solving capabilities and ways of how to work in an organized manner.

My internship inspired me to continue my study. In 2013, I worked at the a garment retailling company as a retail assistant. My responsibility included

helping the brand manager to coordinate and hasten the store daily works and counting national revenue mainly. I had to communicate with stores across the country everyday based on my boss’s instructions. From the experience, I realized that my knowledge was far from enough. Both my part-time experience and other social activities contribute to my keen interest in the field of administration.

Global Leadership and Administration as an integrated science is very important to social development. The need together with personal interests and dreams supports my decision of choosing this field as my lifetime aspiration and target. It will be my great honor and expectation to have your kind consideration for my application. I hope the learning experience at your celebrated university will become an unforgettable memory throughout my whole life.







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