出国留学ps 个人陈述写作注意事项



出国留学ps 个人陈述写作注意事项


1. 什么样的PS可以算在中国学生里面比较outstanding?

凸显你的特别之处,你的优势, convince admission committee why you fit for this program, and why they have to choose you over other applicants

当然无论如何出众,必须是和program 录取要求相关有联系的


上面的那个链接就有Writing the Personal Statement: Top 10 Rules Strive for depth rather than breadth. Narrow focus to one or two key themes, ideas or experiences

Try to tell the reader something that no other applicant will be able to say

Provide the reader with insight into what drives you

Be yourself, not the 'ideal' applicant

Get creative and imaginative in the opening remarks, but make sure it's something that no one else could write


Address the school's unique features that interest you

Focus on the affirmative in the personal statement; consider an

addendum to explain deficiencies or blemishes (可以借PS的大好机会,解释你的GPA,解释你的弱点转化优势等等)

Evaluate experiences, rather than describe them (嗯,这个真的很重要) 每个人的经历都是不同的,如果你一开始动笔就参照网上的各种sample如何凸显自己呢?厚积而薄发,好好审视自己的过去,动机,其实国际生还是有很多优势的,特别是申请私立学校,只需要AD的情况下。

2. PS里对所申专业(项目)和小方向的理解应该占到多少篇幅呢?

和小方向的理解可以考虑PS和Resume互补结合(Resume 上不要写那些不相关的经历,即使你自己认为比较“牛”),小方向的理解部分教授们一看就知道你在什么层次。

3.是否应该写明感兴趣的faculty member呢?

你确定这个faculty member有funding给你吗? 还有, 他/她在program的admission committee里吗?当然, admission committee是由系里大部分的full time faculty member组成。Either way, it won't hurt you to do that, as long as the info you provide in your personal statement is

relevant/helpful to prove your point.

原文地址:/instrument/20150716160.html 留学文书:/instrument/


Personal Statement

I found my faithful love for finance quite early as my uncle, a financial accountant, began to teach me some simple financial knowledge when he provided me with additional coaching of mathematics since I was young. Then as I learned more academic knowledge in finance, E-Finance for example, in college, I gradually made up my mind to develop it as my future career. Thus I’m now applying to your programme of Accounting and Finance MSc to enrich me with more in-depth knowledge in finance.

During undergraduate study, I’ve got a systematic learning in Microeconomics, E-Finance, E-Commerce, E-Marketing and Logistics Management of E-Commerce. In particular, I performed excellent in E-Finance as I scored 91, the highest mark in my class, and I became much more familiar with e-banking, online securities trading and the working processes of call center. In the final year of undergraduate study, I’m now learning Principle of Management, Case Study of the Security of E-Commerce, The Criteria and Law in E-Commerce, Customer Behavior and International Trade Affairs. In terms of quantitative courses, I have learned Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra and Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics and in the last course I’ve mainly studied central limit theorem, the principal distributions, testing of statistical hypotheses, parameter estimation, linearity regression and equal analysis, and stochastic differential equations. With my great efforts, I got 85.66 for current overall average and 87.64 for the average of E-Commerce major specializations and ranked of 5/53 and 4/53 respectively in my class. In addition, I was awarded B-class scholarship and won the title of ‘Excellent Student’ as well in 2008.

Besides focusing on professional study, I also pay a great attention to improving leadership. Shortly after I entered into the college, I joined in the Literature & Art Unit of the Student Union. In a year, I perfectly accomplished my work, such as field arranging and programme planning, etc., in holding the award ceremony of the Webpage Design Competition and the English Culture Festival. For my excellent leadership and organizing ability showed in the above activities, I was elected as the president of the Unit in September 2007. Thereafter, I successfully organized many ceremonies and festivals which were widely appreciated by students and teachers.

When being active in extra-curriculum activities, I also grasped chances to develop my English capacity. I once participated in the shows of English Culture Festival---the English dramas Beauty and the Beast, and Titanic---in which my oral English was well practiced. Meanwhile, I also focused on cross-culture communication as I made friends with several oversea students from England, Finland, and France. I was quite fascinated with the European culture they introduced to me which impelled me to get my postgraduate study in UK.

Through the above preparation, I’m sure that I’ve got ready to study in Manchester. I believe with a hard work I can have a deep insight in the accounting and financial courses you provide and what I would learn can greatly contribute to my career development---after graduation, I will work as a financial analyst in a key investment firm in China, and when being experienced with practical financial investment operations, I then plan to be a senior financial advisor in a world famous investment bank.











出国留学 成绩不理想学生个人陈述怎么写?













