





“西北大学交换时的一封牛推对我的申请起到了关键作用。”(哥大IEOR PhD,GRE仅1200分)



这里要介绍一个申请中的“推销制”的概念。很多人总爱问“到底GPA重要还是GRE重要”,“PS和推荐信到底重不重要”的问题。答案莫衷一是。但是我们可以换个角度来考虑。比如你要卖一瓶矿泉水,那么申请截止日期,就是保质期,营养成分就是GPA,PS就是产品介绍,GRE和TOEFL质量机构的鉴定结果。显而易见,过期的产品肯定卖不出去,营养成分嘛,跟别人差不多就行,质量鉴定嘛,合格就行,而真正重要的首先是里面装的要是矿泉水而不是橙汁,这就是你到底是什么材料,其次就是消费者的朋友对你的评价,这就是从第三方角度写出的推荐信。由此可见,我们需要将传统的五点制(GPA,GRE,TOEFL,PS,RL)申请观念,转变成为推销制,即在满足基本条件的前提下,最大可能的推销自己。 所以,我无法回答推荐信到底中不重要的问题,一瓶水卖出去就是好水,但是第三方的强力推荐势必事半功倍,但是也有可能你都被录取了,推荐信还没有被committee打开(夸张点)。



进步,终于获得了参加其研究的机会,于是,一封推荐信水到渠成。另外,笔者选修某教授的课程,坚持每个office hour时间都去讨论一些问题。(注意,一点小的经验是这些问题要可持续讨论,比如做点改进后下周再去)结果顺利拿到暑期项目机会,另一封推荐信搞定。如此,笔者没有开口索要,反而教授们在得知我要申请时都主动提出为我撰写推荐信。因此,推荐信的索取是一个长期的,动态的过程,要考验一个人的机智、策略和耐心。推荐信的索取往往是困难的,在无数次想放弃的时候,都需要坚定的信念来支撑。殊不知,推荐信的价值恰恰在于它的难度,不是每个人都能弄到有价值的推荐信。如果老师不了解你,或者除了上课以外并无其它关联,一封推荐信上只有某某学习努力,经常提问,在我的课上考的前三名这样的话是没有多大力度的。俗话说,“攻心为上”,如果老师真的愿意帮你,写出来的推荐信还是不一样的。




Recommendation Letter

May 4, 2009 Dear Sir or Madam,

During studies at university, he is enthusiastic for every specialized course. With a diligent and surefooted attitude and striving for excellence,

he has completed each specialized course excellently, and in particular, he has learnt a lot about English culture and history. With strong abilities in writing, reading and communicating, he pays great attention to the improvement of his comprehensive qualities and energetically takes part in social practices. He is friendly to classmates and always ready to help others. I am quite satisfied with him.

Judging from these qualities, I believe that the young boy will make brilliant records in future studies. I fully support his application, and I will appreciate if you take him application into serious consideration.

As an associate professor of English Department of Foreign Language institute, Jilin University. I am writing the recommendation letter with great sincerity to furnish you with my knowledge of my student You name, who was born on October 8, 1988 in support of his admission to your honorable program. Should this letter be of any assistance of your processing of his application, I will be much delighted. I have known You name for almost two years and his capability and self-confidence left me a deep impression. In professional study, he was savvy and could master what he was exposed to quickly. In class, with agile thinking, he positively devoted himself to the study.



Dear Admissions Committee:

Among all the students who have received my instruction in the courses of “International Marketing” and “Strategic Management” at ABC University, Mr. John Doe is one of the few who stood out and left with me a positive impression. Therefore, I am confident to recommend this young man to your prestigious MBA program.

John is a bright and aggressive individual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his course work. Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, John would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share his ideas with the class. In addition, as an open- minded individual who never let go any learning experience, John often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered in his coursework.

I would like hereby to draw upon an instance that I believe fully exemplifies John's academic ability. While attending my class he presented an excellent report focusing on the research of the European Community (EC), in which he shared with us his careful observations on EC, and proposed a number of innovative suggestions for Taiwanese industries that wished to gain successful presence in that market. Having noticed his superior ability to conduct independent research studies and to support his arguments with logical quantitative analyses, I recommended John to submit his paper to the Accounting & Statistics Quarterly published by the Executive Yuan of R.O.C.. Needless to say, John has acquired very high marks in both of my courses.

The very positive impression made by John has been repeatedly re- enforced by his strong performance in various extracurricular activities. John has managed to earn full confidence from me in his sound managerial potential by demonstrating an intelligence, aggressiveness, and leadership quality in both academic and extracurricular contexts.

In general, I consider John a very promising applicant to your esteemed MBA program. I have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuit, and will be more than happy to discuss with you any matters pertaining to this reference letter.

Sincerely yours.


Dear Colleagues:

I am Head of the Department of International Finance in the school of Economics at the Tsinghua University, perhaps the most prestigious university in China, and I am writing to recommend Mr. Hui Buhui, one of my favorite students, for acceptance into your Master's program.

I got to know him personally last semester when he was taking the course of Special Topics on International Finance that I was teaching. In the class, he showed great interest in economics. He studied conscientiously and often talked with me after the class about the questions that he had come across in his readings. Once when we talked about the country's ongoing restructuring of its tax system, he delved into the increasing cost of tax evasion. We then discussed several methods of calculating the cost. As we talked, I found that he was very skilled in expressing his ideas through diagrammatic curves and mathematics. Recognizing that the government's attitudes to acts of tax evasion will affect not only people's behavior but also the cost of levying taxes, he saw possible solutions to the problem in the Game Theory. I encouraged him to pursue this idea. He said he didn't know much about the Game Theory and proceeded to borrow some essays by Nash from me. He thus left me with a deep impression.

Studying with conscientiousness, Mr. Hui often came up with creative ideas. Unlike some other students, he studied not to just pass the exams but to really improve his knowledge and expertise. He stands out among his fellow classmates with an unmistakable thirst for genuine understanding of the country's economic realities and problems. That has won him appreciation from not just me but my colleagues as well. But he did do well in exams too. In the final exam of last semester, he got a high score of 90 for my course.

He often talks with me about his ideal to become an economist. To help quench his thirst for knowledge, I have lent many of my own books to him and tutored him in his self-study program. He has been much more engrossed in doing independent research than preparing for exams, but his grades still keep him ranked among the top 25% of his class. I think he is a very intelligent young fellow.

Mr. Hui has a good command of the English language. As he is well acquainted with me, he has often helped me in my own research by translating some English essays that I am too busy to translate. His translations are usually quite good. His oral English is good too. Compared with other Chinese students who may be applying to your program, I think Mr. Hui should be considered more favorably.

Well grounded in the theories of economics and the methodologies of economic research, and proficient in English, Mr. Hui should make an outstanding student in graduate studies. I have not seen many Chinese students who are so intent on achieving an academic career in economics. If you accept him, you will find that his drive and sense of purpose very contagious among the students. In view of all that I know of him, I strongly recommend him. If you want to know more about him, please

don't hesitate to contact with me.


Hao Zhang

Professor of Economics

Associate dean, School of Economics, Tsinghua University

Head of Department of International Finance


From Thomas Zhang

Department of Finance

Business School,YYY University

XXX, 430072, XXX

P. R. China

Dear Sir/Madam,

In the capacity of the former chairman of the Department of Finance and the associate dean of Business School in YYY University (P. R. China), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Ms. Sophie XXX to your esteemed graduate school.

Ms. XXX is a distinguished student in the department. I know her well through different occasions, besides teaching her a Financial Engineering course last year. I got to know her personally 2 years ago, when she was a candidate for exchange-student program of YYY University. Concerning her unspectacular academic results and her outstanding performance, she was awarded our university’s scholarship and a chance to study abroad in ZZZ University, which only one student from our department can receive every year. Her semester-long experience there turned out to be an impressive success. Ms. XXX showed great aptitude on all the courses she took and her GPA of that semester was 3.80. If you take the difficulty of the courses and strict grading into account, you will understand why her scores are among the top five. Undoubtedly, she got excellent scores on other core courses and ranked among the top 5% of her class when she got her bachelor’s degree.

Having been Ms. XXX’s director while she was completing her undergraduate thesis defense in 2008, I was greatly impressed with her skillful diagrams, and with the unified and coherent manner in which she articulated her thesis. She chose a daring topic – stock index futures arbitrage. In China, this is a very hot event. Although there are several models around the world, not one yet has been found suitable for China. She proposed a very feasible one in her thesis paper. Moreover, she also demonstrated a high level of proficiency in using statistic software in her research. Not only was the committee struck by the display of creativity at her thesis defense conference, her lucid presentation expressed clear and logic thought. Her expansive and open-minded academic perspectives really struck a chord, so it gives

me a great deal of pleasure to give you my recommendation to this outstanding young lady of immense promise.

After she graduated from YYY University, she still keeps in touch with me. I feel very delighted when she told me she would like to pursue her advanced studies in your honored program. I trust her academic excellence, spirit of devotion and pleasant personality warrant your serious consideration of her application. Should there be any way in which I can be of further assistance in your deliberations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Sincerely yours,

Associate Dean of Business School

YYY University


University of International Business and Economics

Beijing 100029, P. R. China

Sept. 28, 1998

Dear colleagues:

This is to recommend Ms. Shan Shan, a graduate from this university’s department of International Business Management, for acceptance into your MBA program.

I have known Ms. Shan as a resourceful and goal-oriented individual since 1990, when she attended a lecture I delivered, at which she asked perceptive and challenging questions. Although she did not officially take a course with me, she often consulted me on issues arising out of her studies. I therefore have come to know her well. I feel strongly that Ms. Shan’s unusual talents and abilities will stand her in good stead for a quality MBA education, which should serve as a major boost to her career.

While at this university, Ms. Shan was an outstanding student, boasting excellent performance in all subjects of her studies and demonstrating great potential. Her overall GPA ranked her among the top 3 in her class of 40 students. But Ms. Shan was no bookworm devoted exclusively to exams. She read extensively in subjects outside her major, particularly in business law, marketing, finance and journalism, all of which seemed to be fascinating to her. In recognition of her intellectual strengths, the department offered, at the time of her graduation, to accept her into its graduate without the normally mandatory examinations. She, however, turned down the offer. A highly independent woman, she already had her own agenda set. She wanted to obtain practical management experience first and then proceed to pursue a Master’s Degree in Business Administrative in your country. She apparently made the rig

ht decision, for she has since become one of our most successful graduates in her crop of students.

Ms. Shan is good at communicating in both oral and written English. Some of he most important undergraduate courses were taught by American professors, many of whom considered her oral English as native and her written English as standard. I am sure that she has since improved her English a lot more in her professional life. In Ms. Shan, we all saw an optimistic and easy-going character. With highly unusual determination, she is not to be daunted by any difficulties. She believes that, with hard work, she can achieve anything she wants. I think her confidence in herself is well grounded in her track record, especially when considering the fact that she entered into this university as the daughter of a most impoverished family, but graduated as a top student.

Judging by what I know of her, I think Ms. Shan is fully qualified to pursue an MB

A degree in your program. I therefore recommend her with enthusiasm. And I shall greatly appreciate if you can favorably consider her application for admission and financial aid.

Yours sincerely


Dear Sir/Madam:

In the capacity of the former dean of "Kellogg Management School" of North- western University (NWU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Mr. Caleb to your esteemed university.

I got to know him personally when he was taking the course--Methodology of Management Research (or Methods of Management as stated in his transcripts), a course I taught, concerning basic research methods, especially quantitative approach to management research. Then he took one of my other courses--Advanced Strategic Management. Mr. Caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and my strict grading into account, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five. Undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked among the top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.

To my knowledge, Mr. Caleb is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activities. He was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of NWU and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years. He was also one of the main founders of the first academic club--"Management Forum" of the "Kellogg Management School" of NWU.

After I left NWU, he still keeps in touch with me from time to time and I am pleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching

position. Therefore I feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program. I am confident that Mr. Caleb will contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the NWU. Please don t hesitate to contact me if you need more information.

Truly, yours

Sample Recommendation Letter 范文一

Reference Letter Sample for Graduate School from a Manager

To Whom it May Concern:

It is my honor to recommend John Doe for matriculation into the Graduate program at Rochester Institute. I have had the pleasure to know and work with John for the last six years. He he first worked with me as an intern in the software development organization at XYZ in Syracuse, NY. Following his graduation from Rochester Institute, I was fortunate enough to keep track of his career so that when the opportunity arose, I was able to recruit him to his current position at ABCD. The characteristics of John that attracted my attention then, and led me to hire him out of Company B last year, make it easy for me to give him an unqualified endorsement for graduate study.

John brings to all of his activities energy, enthusiasm, and commitment. This is to be expected in any successful member of an entrepreneurial organization, and in this regard John fits in well. Be it in the parsing of intricate algorithms in a billing system, the crafting of an object hierarchy, or the establishment of best practices with an emerging technology, John consistently delivers high-quality software for our organization. This speaks to his overall intellect and ability to learn, attributes that will serve him well in graduate study.

While John is a relatively junior member of our organization as measured by tenure, he quickly established himself as a go-to person in the product domains in which he has worked. He has been ever-willing to work with members of our organization to share his knowledge and expertise, most notably as a presenter for presentations on product functions. He has a deep-rooted spirit of helpfulness that coupled with his quick grasp of subject matter speaks well to his potential as a teaching assistant or instructor.

What I find most engaging in John's character are his wide-ranging interests outside of software. Two of his abiding interests are game theory and economics. He can be quickly engaged in an in depth discussion, for instance, of the rationale behind EZ-Pass, the lack-of rationality of the financial markets, or the optimal approach for making a few quid on the super-bowl. John's broad range of interests speaks well to

his potential as researcher, both in bringing a wide range of theory to the research at hand, as well as carrying forward new hypotheses of interest to researchers.

John Doe is a valued member of our organization whom we have learned we can rely on, regardless of the difficulty of the task to hand or the novelty of the challenge. His combination of intelligence, commitment, perseverance, creativity, and compassionate character will certainly make him a valuable member of any academic program. I encourage you to look favorably upon his application.


George Smith






留学申请文书—推荐信范文— MBA篇

To Whom it May Concern:

Janet Doe has worked for me as a Resident Manager for the past 3 years. Her responsibilities have included leasing, inspecting apartments, hiring maintenance staff, taking tenants complaints, making sure common areas look presentable, and keeping track of the property budget.

During her time here she has had an amazing impact on the appearance and financial turn around at the property. The property was near bankrupt when Janet took over. She turned things around almost immediately, and as a result we are expecting our second year of profit.

Janet is highly respected by her co-workers for her willingness to help anyone anytime she can. She has been instrumental in helping institute new company-wide cost saving procedures. She is very well organized, diligent in her paperwork, easily reachable, and always on time.

Janet has real leadership potential. I would highly recommend her for your MBA program.


Joe Smith

Regional Property Manager

MBA推荐信范例(From A Manager)

To whom it may concern:

I think extremely highly of Hongbin Wu, and therefore it is my great pleasure to write a letter of recommendation on his behalf, for entrance into your MBA program.

I have known Hongbin for more than one and a half years. I hired him to work for me as a Research Analyst at SRR in July of 1996. SRR is a full-service marketing research firm whose clients are primarily large radio stations and other music oriented media companies such as Capital Records, and MTV Networks. My roles at SRR include manager of new product development (research products and the software to analyze the results), and internal research consultant (sampling methodology and multivariate statistical analysis). In addition, as a member of the management team at SRR, I am charged with constantly working to find more efficient, cost-effective means of gathering respondent level data and producing our research products. Since joining SRR as a Senior Research Analyst, and more recently as Manager of Research and Development, Hongbin has been a major weapon in my arsenal of tools for accomplishing these tasks.

Hongbin is a creative and original thinker. He has native intelligence, great curiosity about people and ideas, and plenty of common sense that he has applied to solving many problems at SRR. In addition, he has demonstrated excellent powers of observation, and an ability to communicate and suggest change in effective but non-threatening ways. To illustrate…

Early on, Hongbin was assigned to an important research project as a fill-in Project Manager. In this role he was responsible for the technical aspects of creating a computer-based survey questionnaire (from one given to him by our client services department), monitoring the telephone data collection process, and completing the data processing and analysis of the survey results.

From the beginning of this assignment, Hongbin began to re-define our expectations of a good project manager. He started by participating in discussions with the client and suggesting and implementing several changes to the script that shortened its length and clarified the instructions to respondents. Without prompting or precedence he spent several days working odd hours, observing and monitoring interviewers and supervisors as they began to field this 2000 person study. Within a few days he had shortened and clarified the script even more - removing redundant questions, collapsing multiple questions into one, and improving the flow from question to question and screen-to-screen - all to the great

praise of both interviewers and the director of our phone center. He had also observed something about a particular aspect of the interviewing process that was common to all surveys at SRR. He wrote a memo to several managers outlining his proposed change in methodology that clearly demonstrated the value of his idea: an annual cost reduction of close to $50,000. At the end of the project, he wrote a several page critique of our interviewing and supervisory staff. He described the characteristics and skills employed by the best interviewers he'd observed and made suggestions for how these skills could be taught to the entire staff. His recommendations were well received and soon implemented by the very manager whose staff was being critiqued; such was the value of his contribution and the skill and sensitivity with which he presented his ideas.

In processing the survey results, Hongbin also quickly learned to use several advanced statistical techniques including Cluster Analysis and Discriminant Analysis with which he had only a passing knowledge prior to the project.

Hongbin has also demonstrated his technical and analytical abilities in helping create a new model for bidding on new business, and in spearheading the development of tool that used a Maximum Likelihood algorithm for ascribing missing respondent data. Recently, Hongbin helped me identify the most desirable qualifications and background of computer programming candidates, and he assisted me in the recruiting and mentoring of two Chinese student interns to this position. They have both made significant contributions in only a few months of employment. Hongbin is not a native English speaker or writer, and thus, he has had to work very hard to clearly communicate his ideas. I have seen him grow in this area tremendously over the last one and half years. His attentive listening and great enthusiasm has helped him overcome any language limitations. He is both self-confident and self-deprecating, and has a great sense of humor that has helped him form strong relationships with subordinates, peers, and members of our management team. Managers in other departments frequently seek his advice, and his name is always at the top of the list when choosing team members to spearhead important company initiatives.

In all of these areas, Hongbin Wu has gone beyond expectations, and has out-shined all others in his peer-group at SRR. His efforts were recently rewarded with a promotion to the position of Manager of Research & Development.

Hongbin is very likeable and ambitious person. I have no doubt that he will be a serious and enthusiastic student, and someday a quite successful senior level manager or entrepreneur that you would be proud to call an alumni.


Mark Peterman

Vice President




How long have you know the candidate:

I have known Ms. W since year X1. Ms. W reported to me as positionA in CompanyA when I was the positionB. CompanyA has been the leading Software Products and Solutions provider in the industryA in China with over $100 million USD in annual revenue.

Two areas where the candidate is the most distinguished:

Ms. W was very dedicated and motivated, and she had exceptional organizational abilities. Her tenure at CompanyA coincides with the height of the Internet boom, when customer expectations grow on daily basis and technologies update rapidly. With her dedication and motivation, she stayed ahead of the customers and the technology team, and won the trust and support of both. Since the team was young with people of differing levels of expertise, she showed her great organizational skills to get the team developed and organized. It was an everyday thing for her and members of her team to fly all over the map in winning contracts after contracts in every major industryAplayer in China.

Areas for improvement and growth:

She joined CompanyA with limited industrial experience. She was a fast learner and had a great career experience at CompanyA. I believe that her experience in recent years in multiple industries has given her a wider and wiser understanding of the IT industry.

Interpersonal skill and abilities to maintain relationships:

She is an out-going person, and her great success as a pre-positionA highlights her interpersonal skills. Well, we haven’t met for X2 years and I still consider her to be a great friend, and I am not alone.

Leadership abilities:

We gave her the opportunity to lead the department because she was always well prepared. When we had to submit proposals to an industryAplayer with new an industryA solutions, her meticulous research and well-organized presentation won the support of our team, and the customers.

Before her tenure, we had to reply on a few high-level consultants. When she was leading her growing departmentA, she encouraged everyone to succeed. For new members, she would gave them in-house training, and sit by their initial industryA solution proposals to smaller customers. In her supervision, we quickly have a team, that each member was capable of leading large-scale solution proposals.

Impact on the organization:

DepartmentA is the most critical department in winning customers. She was regarded by the senior management team as one of the most important contributors to the success of the company in the manager level.
























