

Unit 2 Let Birds Fly (下半部分)

public appeal

negligible: of little importance or size; not worth considering

walrus 海象

eggs rolled off and slaughtered for meat and oil

porpoise鼠海豚 庇护所,避难所; 禁猎区; 鸟兽保护区

conservation area/ protected area

reach a concensus on … 达成共识

Bermuda 百慕大

ornithology 鸟类学

diameter 直径 radius 半径

Protected-nesting sites for turtles have been set up.

sponsored by

the largest-running bird census in ornithology

ire: anger

instigate: provoke to some action

sonar 声呐

metabolically: pertaining to what is needed to function metabolism 新陈代谢 announcer (广播、电视的)广播员,播音员

raise the ire of ..

animal rights activitist

the battle lines have been clearly drawn

sonar bounces off of walls

be kept in captivity OP: live in wild

fractured skulls

Panama 巴拿马

signal changes 下降,降低;降级

esthetic value

crayfish 淡水螯虾



Unit 3 El Nino? La Nina?

alleviate: make sth. less alleviate poverty; alleviate the patient’s suffering almanac 年鉴

devastate: destroy completely

cyclic: happening in cycles

oceanographer oceanography

depletive: reducing the amount of sth. that is available to be used

ripple 涟漪

the coastguard

contact lens 隐形眼镜


Austria Vienna

Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫 Belgrade

Turkey Istanbul

Ukraine Kiev

The Czech Republic Prague

expecting snow


almanac editorial director

alleviate Global warming

climate zone

weather forecasts

cyclone 气旋


El Nino means The Little Boy or Christ Child in Spanish.

there’s nothing to say that you can’t have two El Nino years in a row

in the eastern equatorial Pacific

devastating floods

bet on eucalyptus 桉树

seismographic station seismograph 地震仪


nostalgia 怀旧

trade-off 平等交换 n.

It’s about an hour’s drive from the outskirts of …

Silicon Valley

shape our understanding of the universe

The huge dome, housing Lick Observatory’s giant, one meter wide reflecting telescope, … the gold rush

a memorial to him

view celestial objects

keep track of the skied archive: the historical records of a place, organization, family, etc. Peru 秘鲁

Ecuador 厄瓜多尔

(winter began to) take its grip

shape one’s understanding of


But there’s nothing to say that you can’t have two El Nino years unseasonably 不合时令的;有不正常天气特征的


car exhaust 汽车尾气

sulphur dioxide 二氧化硫

nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮

clean/ renewable/ alternative/ green energy

solar/ tide/ marine/ geothermal energy

live a low-carbon life

reduce carbon footprint

waste disposal

3R: reduce, reuse, recycle

Unit 4 Reports on Disaters & Accidents

magnitude (measuring) 9


hijack: seize control forcibly of (an aircraft, bus, ship, etc.), in order to achieve certain aims or to go to a desired destination

cause/ impose toll on

evacuate: remove (inhabitants, etc.) from (a place or area), as for protective purposes

relief: any aid given in times of need, danger, or disaster

calamity: disaster

rubble: debris from buildings, etc., resulting from earthquake, bombing, etc.

unaccounted for: sth. or sb. that is unaccounted for, cannot be found or their absence cannot be explained hold sb account for

epicenter 震中

(firebomb) go off/ burst out


(tornadoes) rip through

a car ferry

(workers) get a break from the severe weather

hamper/ hinder/ interfere with sth. from doing

be robbed at gunpoint

(men) burst in/ break in


Florida was hit yesterday afternoon by a hurricane of up to 100 miles an hour.

cut transport links

torrent n. 奔流,激流

torrential downpour/ rains


tidal waves

sweep away roads and railway lines

low lying areas


take shelter in relief camps

resemble a burial ground

Homes were flattened/ collapsed.

Nine hours Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

franc 法郎

resume normalcy/ back to normal


casualty figures

are feared to have died

(earthquake) shook large areas of southern Italy

the present toll of 400 dead 继而发生


tremors 小震

ceilingt tiles

stay undercover

alarm or sprinkler systems come on

glass windows can dislodge


overpass, power lines 锚固

install security latches on cupboard doors

high-rise building

reassure: remove sb’s fear or doubts

tune to the emergency broadcast station

a magnitude 9.3 earthquake struck off somewhere


tribute: action, statement or gift that is meant to show one's respect or admiration

e.g. Tributes to the dead leader have been received from all around the world. 世界各地的人们向已故领袖表示哀悼.

The mourners stood in silent tribute as the coffin was laid to rest. 灵柩下葬时, 送葬者默立致哀.


emergency warnings 临时代用的;权宜的

relief camp/ workers/ effort/ operation

dislodge: move or force sb/sth from a previously fixed position

overpass 立交桥

latch 门闩;弹簧锁

Unit 5 People and Places (1)

Inuit: a group of native people of northern North America

Knapsack: rucksack, backpack (US) 水肺 (深潜)

Breathing apparatus

Snorkwl 浅潜

Platform diving 高台跳水

Trek v./n. go on foot; make a long, hard journey

Guesthouse: a boarding house

B&B: breakfast and bedding

Hectare: 公顷(a metric unit) abbr.: ha

(excluding Alaska) Today Saudi Arabia’s vast oil resources are paying for the modernization of the country. Scandinavian – place where sth. is based , or where an activity is carried on

The Arctic Islands

Bleak : (of a landscape) bare; exposed; wind-swept


Quebec 实际上;差不多

You’ll find restaurants, coffee shops and snack bars to Moose: elk 麋

Ethnic food 民族食品

Waffle 松饼;华夫饼

Syrup 糖浆

Good buys in Canada

Moccasin : flat-soled shoe made from soft leather, as originally worn by North American Indians 平底鞋

The unit of currency

Startling diversity 工厂 plant

Lush: growing thickly and strongly; luxuriant

…, dotted with sheep and herds of cattle


Do it on the cheap

The Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁


Prospector 探矿者

There’re different places to suit different pockets.

Be alert to

There’s a 纪念碑;墓碑;里程碑

“the-mile-high” city

Storms moving east across the country lose much of their strength in the Rockies.

Food processing

Land forms

面积:Saudi Arabia’s area is …

Denmark proper has an area of…

…with an area of …

15944 square miles in area

Unit 6 People and Places (2)

Graze: snack all day instead of eating regular meals

Correspondence school函授课程

On fire: greatly excited; full of ardor (激情;狂热)

Reserved SYN: conservative

Of …’s origin/ descent

Hassle: a troublesome situation

区别:hustle hustle and bussle

Turnover: 营业额;交易额(上升是好事) the turnover of staff 人员调整率;员工更替率(上升是坏事)

Outskirts: suburb

Cosmopolitan 大都市人

Metrosexual 都市型男

…, who’s just flown in航班名吧?

Don’t “graze on the ” 蹄子

Dugout 独木舟

Huge income gap

Polarized 两极分化的 polarization n.

Nine-year compulsory education 九年义务教育

Literacy rate is high.

Correspondence school sponsored by the government

Be of British descent


Poverty is practically unknown.

Constitute a larger share of diet than other part of the world 赛马场

Rugby football 橄榄球

Ice hockey 冰球 field hockey 曲棍球

Jamaica 牙买加


It’s mostly roast and – offhand – there’s … (weather) bleak : (of the weather) cold and dreary

Vibrant : full of life and energy; exciting

Greasy 油腻的

But it usually takes some time to actually open an English person up – if you like.

There is a wider selection of dishes in Greek food.

Sparsely populated

Caribou(s) 北美驯鹿


草皮 浮木 罐头工厂

In wave after wave

Siberia 西伯利亚

Start herds as an additional means of livelihood


The Interior Plateau

Present-day Alaskans

Maritime Indians

Follow other occupations such as logging, shopkeeping, …

Isn’t there

Took the brave step of closing down its London office

And there’s no doubt that we’re

Unit 7 Aspects of Education (1)

Extrovert adj./n. OP: introvert

Tyranny 发音

Plateau: A period of time during which the active development of sth. is not continued. Posh accent: very fine and splendid way of speaking a language

Intelligibility: speech or writing that can be understood

Spoof: parody 哄骗

Mundane: ordinary, with nothing new in it

Limerick 五行打油诗 Instrumental/ integrative/ mixed/ external motivation

Eternal problem

Out-of-classroom/ in-classroon learning

In theory/ in reality

Starting point

Education is on our highest agenda.

Have a keen ear 听力好



Frees him or herself from the tyranny of the teacher

Very high on our list

Blame/ point the finger at

Place them from the way they talk

Ghananian 加纳人

Pole 波兰人


Mind you 请注意 流畅;连贯

Mess up the grammar

Lose the tread 失去头绪

Contender 竞争者

The floor is yours. 请你发言

The floor is open. 随意上台发言

Please give a big hand to sb. 为…鼓掌

Group together

Commencement speech

Extra curriculum

Ivory tower

Be engaged

Linguistic imperialism

A mundane word

Cumbersome 笨重的(word)

Unit 8 Aspects of Education (2)

Well-rounded: complete; well-planned for proper balance

Compulsory: required; obligatory; that must be done OP: optional

Be cut out for: be fitted for; be suited for

Burn one’s bridges: destroy all means of going back, so that one must go forward

Those reviews(影评) are overrated.

Apartheid 种族隔离制度

Genocide 种族灭绝 Genocide cleanser

Dispel: cause to disappear dispel sb’s doubts/fears/ illusions

Curricular: of all the courses offered in a school, college, etc. extra-curricular activities Check 钩

Judge every school individually

Formal/ informal education

Housebound 宅的

Homestay husband 不工作的丈夫

Pass on their own narrow views to

Miss out


Meteoroly 气象学

Meteor 流星

Atlas 地图册

Fork 分岔处, 岔口

A vocational school

Glass ceiling玻璃天花板(通常专指女性所遭遇的在工作中升级时遇到的一种无形的障碍,使人不能到达较高阶层)

Street gangs

Last resort 最后的希望

To my mind,

Be stuck with

Change/ swap horses in midstream

Lose years

Swap: exchange swap ideas/ seats

Be accepted for postgraduate work

On-the-job experience

Switch jobs

Acdemia 学术界

Pure learning 纯理论

Co-educational schools

Segregated schools

Impose such abnormal conditions on A true version of society in miniature

Bring sth. into sharp focus


Embraced in In alphabetical order

Be in for

Unit 9 A Kaleidoscope of Culture

conduct rooftop celebrations to usher in the New Year

meticulous: very careful zbout small details

谨慎的 prudent, discreet

idiomatic expressions 习惯用语

mainstay 中流砥柱 backbone

knock-off 山寨品(口) counterfeit (书面)

brewery: a place for making beer or other malt liquors

wafer: a very thin light crisp sweet biscuit

dismount: get down

agility 灵活性 suppleness 柔韧性

bring sth. to muturity

block buster (电影)大片

showcase使展现;使亮相 showcase the talents of varied performers


coping tactics/strategies 处事能力? prioritize

(car) blare one’s horns

a welcoming gesture

push for 督促

the center of attention

Forty giant search lights that line Time Square are flicked on and off testing a so-called “Cathedral of light”

take … to one’s heart

Next years a new considerably more spectacular New York Eve ball created by the Waterford there is little confirmation of …

Yankee Doodle 无法探知

Stories say, British soldiers marching out of the City of Boston stepped in time to the music of Yankee Doodle.

Ball-lowering celebration

herald n.报信者,使者 v.宣布,通报

televise 电视播送



neon sign 霓虹灯广告

seedy衰败的; 破旧的; 破烂的

set foot on

celestial body

consecrate: declare sth. to be holy in a special ceremony

configuration: the shape of arrangement of the parts of sth.

an heir and a spare

belligerent: angry and ready to fight

abdicate: officially give up the position of king or queen

sue for peace: ask for peace

shambles: sth. very disorderly; shuffle: 洗牌;(mp4)随机播放

unleash a shopping spree

annihilation: 消灭 annihilate: wipe out

They were to surrrender immediately or to accept total annihilation.

obscurity rise from obscurity into publicity

a momentous event he eloquently consecrated

plant the flag in the soil

pay tribute to: very positively comment

fire the ascent rocket

module, capsule 航天器中的舱

lasting legacy 永恒的遗产

be chained to

our opportunities are unlimited/ immense

reminisce about 回忆

probe (用航天探测器)探查

landmass 板块;大陆

conserve the earth’s limited resources

harness: control and use (a natural force) to produce electrical power, etc

to your passion; harness the river

harass: trouble and annoy (sb) continually harness your power

navigate the Internet

in the teeth of 不顾

tame the Yangtze

Three Gorges Dam 三峡大坝

lace the country with superhighways He has a bent almost over backwards. ship out 当海员出海
























