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第二篇:Obama Speech At Kennedy Center 911 Anniversary Tribute 奥巴马20xx年911十周年林肯中心纪念演讲

奥巴马在肯尼迪中心的演讲全文摘录如下: The Bible tells us - "weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

圣经告诉我们“哭泣可能会持续一夜,但欢乐会在明早到来。” Ten years ago, America confronted one of our darkest nights. Mighty sisters and brothers; mothers and fathers; sons and daughters - they were taken from us with heartbreaking swiftness and cruelty. On September 12, 2001, we awoke to a world in which evil was closer at hand, and uncertainty clouded our future.


In the decade since, much has changed for Americans. We've known war and recession; passionate debates and political divides. We can never get back the lives we lost on that day, or the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the wars that followed.


在此之后的十年里,美国人经历了许多变故。我们经历了战争和萧条,激烈的争辩和政治分歧。我们永远也不能唤回失去的生命,或是那些在此后战争中英勇捐躯的英烈。 Yet today, it is worth remembering what has not changed. Our character as a nation has not changed. Our faith - in God and each other - that has not changed. Our belief in America, born of a timeless ideal that men and women should govern themselves; that all people are created equal, and deserve the same freedom to determine their own destiny - that belief, through test and trials, has only been strengthened.


These past ten years have shown that America does not give in to fear. The rescue workers who rushed to the scene; the firefighters who charged up the stairs; the passengers who stormed the cockpit - these patriots defined the very nature of courage. Over the years we have also seen a more quiet form of heroism - in the ladder company that lost so many men and still suits up to save lives every day; the businesses that have rebuilt; the burn victim who has bounced back; the families that press on.过去的十年证明,美国并没有畏缩。搜救人员跑进了火场,消防警察冲锋陷阵,飞机乘客跟歹徒搏斗,这些勇士证明了美国人的勇敢。在


之后的十年中,我们看到了美国英雄主义的另一种表现形式:云梯消防队依然有勇敢的队员在拯救人们生命,工商企业开始重建,灾难幸存者重新振作起来,遇难者家属开始了新的生活。 She had lost her husband and brother in the Twin Towers, and said that she had been robbed of, "so many would-be proud moments where a father watches their child graduate, or tend goal in a lacrosse game, or succeed academically." But two of her daughters are in college, the other doing well in high school. "It has been ten years of raising these girls on my own," Suzanne wrote. "I could not be prouder of their strength and resilience." That spirit typifies the American family. And the hopeful future for those girls is the ultimate rebuke to the hateful killers who took the life of their father.

去年春天,我收到了一位叫Suzanne Swaine女士的来信。她在双子塔楼的灾难中失去了丈夫和兄弟,她说“那么多骄傲的瞬间从她的生命里被剥夺了,父亲原本可以看到孩子毕业、在曲棍球比赛中得分、在考试中获得好成绩。”这位女士还有两个在上大学的女儿,以及一个在念高中的孩子。她在信中写道:“十年来,我一个人养育我的女儿们。她们的坚强和勇敢让我骄傲无比。”这一家人的精神就是全部美国家庭的写照。这些女孩用充满希望的未来给了杀害她们父亲的凶手最有力的回击。


These past ten years have shown America's resolve to defend its citizens, and our way of life. Diplomats serve in far off posts, and intelligence professionals work tirelessly without recognition. Two

million Americans have gone to war since 9/11. They have demonstrated that those who do us harm cannot hide from the reach of justice,

anywhere in the world. America has been defended not by conscripts, but by citizens who choose to serve - young people who signed up straight out of school; guardsmen and reservists; workers and business-people; immigrants and fourth-generation soldiers. They are men and women who left behind lives of comfort for two, three, four, or five tours of duty. Too many will never come home. Those that do carry dark memories from distant places, and the legacy of fallen friends.



The sacrifices of these men and women, and of our military families, reminds us that the wages of war are great; that while their service to our nation is full of glory, war itself is never glorious. Our troops have been ability to stay in these places; it comes from our commitment to leave those lands to free people and sovereign states, and our desire to move from a decade of war to a future of peace.


These ten years have shown that we hold fast to our freedoms. Yes, we are more vigilant against those who threaten us, and there are

inconveniences that come with our common defense. Debates - about war and peace; about security and civil liberties - have often been fierce. But it is precisely the rigor of these debates, and our ability to resolve them in a way that honors our values, that is a measure of our strength.

Meanwhile, our open markets still provide innovators with the chance to create, our citizens are still free to speak their minds, and our souls are


still enriched in our churches and temples, our synagogues and mosques.这十年证明,我们坚定地捍卫我们的自由。是的,我们对那些潜在威胁更加警惕,而且在共同防御过程中我们也造成了一些不便。对于战争与和平、对于安保和民权的争论也一直在激烈地进行着。但是,恰恰由于这些讨论的存在,以及守卫美国价值观的决心,我们证明了我们的强大。同时,我们开放的市场仍然给予创新者革新的机会,我们的公民仍然可以自由地表达观点,我们的灵魂仍然在教堂、寺庙、(犹太)教会堂和清真寺中得到洗礼。

These past ten years underscore the bonds between all Americans. We war against Islam or any religion. Immigrants come here from all parts of the globe. In the biggest cities and the smallest towns, in our schools and workplaces, you still see people of every conceivable race, religion and ethnicity - all of them pledging allegiance to one flag; all of them

reaching for the same American dream - e pluribus unum, out of many, we are one.



的人,我们都忠于一个国家,我们都怀着同一个美国梦,我们都是一家人。 These past ten years tell a story of resilience. The Pentagon is repaired, scene of friendships forged between residents of that town, and families stood, the sun glistens off a new tower that reaches toward the sky. Our people still work in skyscrapers. Our stadiums are filled with fans, and our parks full of children playing ball. Our airports hum with travel, and our buses and subways take millions where they need to go. Families sit down to Sunday dinner, and students prepare for school. This land pulses with the optimism of those who set out for distant shores, and the courage of those who died for human freedom.




Decades from now, Americans will visit the memorials to those who were lost on 9/11. They will run their fingers over the places where the names of those we loved are carved into marble and stone, and wonder at in peaceful cemeteries and small-town squares in every corner of our will see the names of the fallen on bridges and statues; at gardens and schools.


And they will know that nothing can break the will of a truly United States of America. They will remember that we have overcome slavery and Civil War; bread lines and fascism; recession and riots; Communism and, yes, terrorism. They will be reminded that we are not perfect, but our democracy is durable, and that democracy - reflecting, as it does, the imperfections of man - also gives us the opportunity to perfect our union.


That is what we honor on days of national commemoration - those aspects of the American experience that are enduring, and the

determination to move forward as one people.

我们知道,没有任何事情可以击败真正的美国意志。我们将永远铭记,我们战胜了奴隶制、内战、灾荒、种族主义、经济萧条、城市暴动、冷战,当然还有恐怖主义。我们将提醒自己,我们不是完美的,但是我们的民主是持久的,而这一民主——反映出了人性的瑕疵——给予了我们不断完善国家的机会。这就是我们在这几天的国家纪念日中所要突出纪念的,这些价值观念让我们的国家持续进步、让我们的民众团结一致。 More than monuments, that will be the legacy of 9/11 - a legacy of

firefighters who walked into fire and soldiers who signed up to serve; of workers who raised new towers, citizens who faced down fear, and

children who realized the dreams of their parents. It will be said of us that we kept that faith; that we took a painful blow, and emerged stronger. 除了纪念碑,我们还将有其他的9·11精神遗产,它们来自冲进火场的消防队员,来自自愿入伍的士兵,来自修建新楼的建筑工人,来自坚强勇敢的公民,来自继承父母遗志的孩子。我们会坚持这样的信念,承受沉痛的打击,但却变得更加强大。

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." “哭泣可能会持续一夜,但欢乐会在明早到来。”


With a just God as our guide, let us honor those who have been lost; let us rededicate ourselves to the ideals that define our nation, and let us look to the future with hearts full of hope. May God bless the memory of those we lost, and may God Bless the United States of America.



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