



Importance of a single language as an international language

The 21st century can be best illustrated in phrases like standardization, economical globalization and integration. It was under this circumstance that the importance of a single language as international official language is expanded increasingly. With a single international language, it will be easier to communicate with each other. This standardization of language promotes a common mode of communication among ethnic groups as well aspromoting the efficiency for international affairs both in politics and economy and decrease and diminishes the misunderstanding and the differences caused by culture differences, thus expedite strong international links and regional exchange and accelerate the development of the whole world.

While the process is accompanied with the loss of identity and culture of different regions, which cannot be tolerated for most of people who want to protect their ethnic culture. They claimed that the most essential part of language learning is being overlooked, namely the fact that by learning another language people change their perspectives upon another culture and upon your own.

Language is the carrier of culture. People are actually products of our own cultures. My own experience of learning English will be a good case in point, the concepts and worldviews that are transferred through language are so determining in how we perceive the world that I would almost want that all Children all over the world were obliged to learn the language of another continent. Therefore, monolingual policy absolutely exerts adverse impact on cultivating identity and loyalty.

In my opinion, what the world needs is not one presupposed or planned world-language but a population that finds it normal to speak several (inter) national languages. This way they would clearly see the similarities among all men, but also the different ways of perceiving human existence.

Let’s take Singapore as an example, Children must learn English so that they will have a window to the knowledge, technology and expertise of the modern world. They must know their mother tongues to enable them to know what makes us what we are. The bilingual policy, as it evolved, afforded every child in school the opportunity to become bilingual and biliterate in two official languages, by which, the government give official recognition to the linguistic and cultural pluralism within

I therefore plead for more language learning and understanding of other cultures instead of forcing everyone to learn just one artificial language.


Young drug abuse

Various clinical reports have consistently pointed to the fast-rising incidence of drug and alcohol abuse among the youth. Young drug abuse is becoming a serious problem in many countries. It leads to numerous consequences at the health, economic, social and legal level. Apart from its economic cost, young drug abuse lead to juvenile delinquency, family dysfunction, social impairment, as well as psychological problems of youth. In addition, because of abusing drugs, many people become victims of violence, are injured, or engage in risky, unplanned sex.

Drugs like opium, marijuana, heroin, Alcohol, Tobacco are the commonly misused drugs and addictive substances. Generally, when most people talk about substance abuse, they are referring to the use of illegal drugs.

Thanks to the inadequate control and easy availability of various addictive substances in every nook and corner of the state has made the situation worse. Alcohol is our most pervasive drug. Teens have access to it at parties, can obtain it from older friends who are of legal age to buy it, or may simply raid their parents’ liquor cabinets. Like alcohol, tobacco is legally available; Cigarette smoking is also highly addictive.

The media has played an avoidable role in encouraging the use of alcohol among the youth and even teenagers as celebrating various occasions with beer and champagne. Smoking continues to be glamorized by the film industry. A University of California at San Francisco survey of top money-making films between the years 1991 and 1996 found that 80 percent of the leading men portrayed characters who smoked.

Moreover, unlike drug use, the moderate use of alcohol is considered perfectly acceptable in most adult social circles. Parental acceptance of moderate to heavy use, however, may send the message that alcohol use has little inherent danger. Many view cigarettes and "recreational" drugs as harmless

Visiting disco or rave party has given a boost to the problem. Drug abuse has assumed an alarming proportion in youth. Young people in poor conditions seem to be the most exposed population group to drug abuse, especially drop-outs and street kids. Drug availability and peer pressure also increase the likelihood that a youth will begin this self-destructive course.

There are mainly five basic reasons why young ones might be drawn to drugs:(1) They want to feel grown-up and make their own decisions(2) They want to fit in(3) They want to relax and feel good(4) They want to take risks and rebel (5) They want to satisfy their curiosity

It is heartening to note that many social and religious institutions have taken a serious note of the problem of drug addiction and sincere efforts are being made by many individuals and organization

For my part, I think the preventive action is to raising awareness campaigns for the media, the general public, high-school and university, health professionals and the parents. parents should help through early education about drugs, open communication, good role modeling, and early recognition if problems are developing. Government should fund this kind of parental support, such as the Treatment programmes and Rehabilitation programmes because it is no longer a problem for individual families, but for society as a whole.


Teachers are some of the greatest people you come across in your life. They are not only selfless givers but also the mentors of your life.

At every step of your life, you come cross teachers who devote their entire lives to the enlightenment of students like you.

But teachers can't be limited to just your schoolteachers, because anyone who guides you in your life is a teacher.

Many times in life, you feel like thanking your teacher but you cannot find the proper occasion.

In China, Teachers Day is Sept 10, and it’s the best time to show your appreciation and thank your teachers for being the guiding light in your life.

Please join our month of teacher appreciation by expressing your gratitude in writing:

1 Start a post with #To my beloved mentor# as the start of the title;

2 Forms of writing are open;

3 The deadline for posting is Sept 30.

第二篇:扬州朗阁雅思 新托福独立写作工作与健康类名言


朗阁海外考试研究中心 黄蓉





Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People work because they need money to live.


解析:对很多同学来说,第一反应可能就是金钱是工作的第一驱动力(the primary motivation),这也很符合马斯洛的人类需求原理(theory of Maslow),马斯洛认为人们最基本的需求是钱、睡眠和住所(Maslow theorized that people have the basic needs such as money, sleep and shelter.),但是仔细去想人除了为钱工作或者满足了生活基本需求之后的工作都有其他含义在里面的,比如说,满足感(satisfaction),对工作的喜爱(passionate toward work)都能是人们工作的原因。这时候你就可以实时地用上几句非常优美地道的名言妙语:

1. The fact remains that the overwhelming majority of people who have become wealthy have become so thanks to work they found profoundly absorbing. The long term study of people who eventually became wealthy clearly reveals that their “luck” arose from accidental dedication they had to an arena they enjoyed. 事实仍旧是,绝大多数已变得富有的人要归功于他们认为具有巨大吸引力的工作。对最终成为富人的人进行长期研究后清楚地发现,他们的“运气”来自于他们偶然投入自己所热衷的领域。

——史·布洛特,美国作家、记者Srully Blotnick (1941-20xx)

2. Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.


——亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)

3. It has been my experience that one cannot, in any shape or form, depend on human relations for lasting reward. It is only work that truly satisfies.


——贝特 戴维斯,美国演员Bette Davis(1908-1989), The Lonely Life

4. Do not hire a man who does your work for money, but him who does it for love of it.


——亨利·戴维·梭罗Herry David Thoreau (1817-1862),美国作家、社会批评家



Which of the following would you change to improve your health: 1. the kind of food you eat; 2. the amount of exercise; 3. the amount of stress

题目翻译:你愿意做以下哪个来提高你的健康:1. 吃哪种食物;2. 运动量;3. 压力大小。

解析:同学们看到这个觉得好难抉择啊,好像通过改变这三项都可以达到提升自己的健康,比如说日常的锻炼防止了很多疾病的产生,例如高血压、心脏病、中风、心血管等危险疾病(Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density, improving blood flow, decreasing the risk for peripheral vascular disease, and increasing your heart’s working capacity.还有很多类似的好处如:减肥,糖尿病等。It can also reduce body fat, which is associated with high blood pressure. By reducing body fat, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes.)

再比如说改变饮食方式,如多吃素食,如坚果、全麦食品,也可以给人们的健康带来很多益处,例如降低心血管、肥胖等危险疾病发生几率,预防癌症等。(Maintaining a well-balanced vegetarian diet is healthy and can be beneficial by reducing the risk of diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Eating variety of soy, nut, or wheat based products can substitute for certain meat dishes and dairy products by providing the needed nutrients those normally provide.)



1. Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.


——爱德华·利,英国诺维奇主教Edward Stanley (1779-18949)

2. Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.


——艾伯特·爱因斯坦Albert Einstein (1879-1955),



























