

2012.09.15 教育类

Money for postgraduate research is limited. Therefore some people think financial support from governments should be only provided for scientific research rather than research for less useful subjects. Do you agree or disagree?



传统来说, scientific research包括physics, chemistry, biology, agriculture, cell technology, 这些科目都是和自然世界(physical world)有关的。而其他方面的研究包括语言学,心理学,哲学,历史,社会学等。这种题型在雅思写作中很典型,意思是“只应该做A事情,而B事情完全不应该去做”。这类话题明显都是一种偏激的观点,写法基本上是一样的。第一种写法:先承认A观点的合理性,然后进行驳斥,讲只做A会产生的负面影响,接下来讲B的必要性。第二种写法:先交代B观点的不足之处,然后对其进行驳斥,然后再讲B观点的合理性。






the findings of research can be translated into profitable ideas immediately. 推荐练习 20xx年6月11日考题:

Some people think governments should focus the spending only on science rather than wasting money on arts (music, printing, etc.). To what extent do you agree or disagree?一些人认为政府应该把钱花在科学研究上而不是浪费钱在艺术上(音乐,绘画等)。你在多大程度上同意还是不同意?




Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.


如果一方的观点过于绝对,出现类似“every”“all”“the only”,等关键字,建议考生在最后个段落中不同意此方观点。此题一方观点中“directly”过于绝对。但即便如此,考生需要用一个段落阐述快乐部分取决于经济上的成就。



第二段: (论述为什么经济上的成功在一些程度上是人快乐。)

人们对生活的满意程度部分取决于一个人的经济上的成就。我们生活在一个世界里,身在其中的绝大部分人将一个人的赚钱能力同一个人的社会地位相等同。当一个人必须经常考虑如何能找到体面的工作来缓解家庭经济压力时,他无法真正享受生活。当一个人能在一天赚的钱比他人一个月转得更多时,他更有可能获得别人的尊重,这种尊重is widely thought to be closely related to one’s sense of fulfillment.被广泛认为是紧密相关的充实感。

People’s contentment with life is partly determined by their economic achievement, which could be explained by the fact that we are living in a world where most people associate one’s ability to make money with one’ social status. An individual, constantly having to consider how to relieve his family of economic burden, is deprived of the chance to enjoy life. And a worker capable of earning within a month what others cannot earn within a year is more likely to gain respect from others,and this sense of being esteemed is widely thought to be related to one’s sense of fulfillment.人民安居乐业的生活一定程度上是取决于其经济成就,这可能原因是,我们生活在一个世界里,大部分人将一个赚钱的能力与一个'社会地位。个人经常不得不考虑如何减轻家庭经济负担,是剥夺了享受生活的机会。和一个工人能赚别人赚不到一个月内在一年内更有可能获得别人的尊重,而且被尊敬这个意义上被广泛认为是相关的充实感。

第三段:(论述其他因素同样影响一个人对生活的满意度。这些因素包括:一个人是否有归属感, 工作中的成就感,认同感。)


However, economic success is not necessarily the only criterion for measuring how people feel about life. Their sense of identity is also a decisive factor for their happiness. We are living in a social net, which allows us to be approved by others and to have a knowledge of which community we belong to. An individual unable to set aside enough time for family union would fail to feel satisfied, despite the great wealth he could create. Besides, recognition that what one is doing could contribute to others also brings happiness, which could not be acquired by coins.而,经济成功不一定是测量人们如何看待生活的唯一标准。他们的身份还是为他们的幸福的决定性因素。我们生活在一个社


2012.10.13 文化类

We have a mixture of people from different culture and ethnic groups in a country. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. 一个国家由来自不同文化和种族的人组成。原因是什么?这是一个积极还是消极的发展趋势?


1)注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子) 2)两种思路:

1. 正面

a. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,这是一个积极的发展趋势

b. 人口文化与族群多元化的原因(城市化和移民)

c. 这是一个积极的发展趋势(有利于经济发展,带来文化多样性,增进相互理解与交流)

d. 总结,重申论点

2. 反面

a. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,这是一个消极的发展趋势

b. 人口文化与族群多元化的原因(城市化和移民)

c. 这是一个消极的发展趋势(不利于社会稳定,犯罪率上升)

d. 总结全文,重申观点

重点表达Urbanization, immigration, social stability, crime rate, be detrimental to, play a vital role in, mutual understanding, cultural diversity



The popul说ation of the mix of people from different culture and ethnic group, why, and is it positive and negative.国家里不同文化的积极或者消极影响 人口结构不同文化和种族群体的人,为什么,这是积极的和消极的



1 飞机和通信技术 2全球化,人口流动增加 3 移民政策的影响


1 文化冲突 2 文化同化或边缘化,年轻一代的文化认同危机


1 文化融合,促进经济繁荣与文明 2 促进创新与发展



1. Metropolis 大都市 2. co-existence 共存 3. be attributed to 归因于

4. temporarily 暂时地 5. permanently 长期的 6. beyond the national border 跨越国界

7. facilitate 使…更容易 8. without limitation of space and time 没有时间和空间的限制

9. mobility 流动性 10. to be specific 具体来说 11. involved 相关的 12. immigrate 移民

13. distinctive = different不同的 14. tolerate v.容忍 tolerant adj 15. inclusiveness 包容

16. accommodation 容纳 17. multi-culture 多元文化,Multiculturalism

18. embodiment 代表 19. melting pots 熔炉 20. collide 冲突 21. dominant 主导的

22. the tendency of 倾向性 23. assimilate 同化 24. marginalize 边缘化

25. identity 身份认同 26. idealistic 理想主义的 27. egalitarian 平等的

28. reverse 扭转 29. deny 否认 30. as …as 和…一样 31. adapt to 适应

32. Cultural diversity 文化多元 33. stimulate 刺激 34. enhance 加强

35. prosperity n.繁荣, prosper v 36. productivity 生产力 37. brilliant 灿烂的

38. civilization 文明 39. featured with 以…为特征 40. exotic 异国的

41. integration 融合 42. widen their horizon 扩大视野 43. accelerate 加速

44. keep pace with 保持步 see people from different ethnics or cultures living and working together. How this comes into existence and what influence this exerts on our society will be discussed as follow? 在世界各地的许多城市,尤其是在英语国家,你不难看到人们从不同的民族或文化生活和工作在一起。这是怎么开始存在,这对社会的影响将讨论什么?

and telecommunication technologies, airplanes, computer and the internet. This advancement increases of human and promotes communication and interaction between globalization of trade and business which expand and people to or live overseas Some countries like USA or

they differences well. In these places, is the of a high level of civilization. 这种共存在许多大城市的赛事基本上可归因于现代运输和电讯技术,要具体、飞机、计算机和互联网。这人类进步增加流动性,并促进人们之间的沟通和互动没有时间和空间的限制。在贸易和商业的全球化展开超越国界和促进人民参与的移民永久或临时居住海外的最早和最明显的表现。一些国家,如美国或澳大利亚移民和他们欢迎独特的文化传统与民族或至少他们容忍差异。在这些地方,多元文化是高度文明的体现。

Of course have caused some concerns or problems. Races with different religions sometimes due to misunderstanding of other cultures. The culture may have or other minor ethnics, leading to the young immigrated generation being confused with their cultural and political aimed at 当然熔化锅有引起一些担忧和问题。由于其他文化的误解种族和不同宗教有时发生碰撞。主流文化可能吸收或排斥其他轻微的伦理学的趋势,导致年轻移民一代和他们的文化和政治身份混淆。旨在建立一个平等社会的多元文化是由某些人视为过于简单化和理想。

creativity and innovation of a society due to therefore and in both economic and cultural terms. Looking back human history, always a high level of 然而,全球化这一趋势似乎是不可能的逆转,并试图否认是不明智的,因为跟它。文化多样性是相信以促进人们解放思想和创造力和创新社会由于住宿和通信不同的想法,在经济和文化方面因此提高生产力和社会繁荣。回顾人类历史,灿烂的古代文明总是特色高水平的外来文化和宗教的包容性。

more contact between distinctive cultures and ethnic groups. Human society would be trend.





1. 人们为了寻找更好的就业机会;2. 人们为了寻找更好的教育机会;

3. 很多国家有很好的福利待遇吸引着全球的人们;


1. 给该国带来更多的人才;2. 给该国带来更多的财政收入;


1. 影响正常的沟通;2. 治安问题没法确保;


Current nation is no longer composed of single or a few individuals from one race. Instead, nations are inevitably characterized with various cultural backgrounds and diverse minority groups. In my view such a new phenomenon is utterly positive to individuals and society as a whole.目前国家已不再由单个或少数几个人从一个种族。相反,与不同文化背景和不同的少数群体的国家不可避免的特点。我认为这种新的现象是非常积极的个人和整个社会。

One of the possible leading causes to lead to such a picture is that a vast number of common average folks continuously come to one country for more employment and higher education opportunities. Undoubtedly, some financially advantaged nations have more comprehensive job vacancies available for more workers and technicians and advanced educational systems and preeminent professors in the university, which can offer dream-chasers with more chances to earn decent salary and attain a higher social status.一个可能的主要原因导致这样的照片是广大普通的普通人不断来一个国家就业与高等教育的机会。无疑,一些经济弱势国家有更全面的职位空缺,更多的工人和技术人员和先进的教育体系和卓越的大学的教授,能够提供梦辛龙有更多机会赚取薪水,达到更高的社会地位。 Companies and schools can enormously become the beneficiary of such a status quo. International and local companies could hunt for their potential staff who can share their distinctly diverse cultural settings with colleagues and meanwhile devote their wisdom to companies. An American corporation making children clothes, for instance, is renowned for its amazing sales record annually. Owing to designing team consisting of varying ethnic groups, this company succeeds in launching tailor-made styles for many customers.公司和学校能成为这样一个现状的受益者。国际和本地公司可以寻找他们的潜在雇员,他可以分享他们明显不同的文化背景与同事同时公司奉献自己的智慧。美国公司做童装,例如,一向以惊人的销售业绩每年。由于不同民族组成的设计团队,该公司成功推出特别设计的许多客户的样式。

Besides, university will earn a staggering amount of tuition from newly settled residents. After all, these residents’ children will continue learning while living in another nation, with which money schools are capable of renovating previous buildings and adding more equipment.此外,新解决了居民的大学会赚学费的数量惊人。毕竟,这些居民的孩子会继续学习,同时生活在另一个国家,用这钱学校能够修复以前的建筑和添加更多设备。

Overall, my viewpoint is that nations filled with people coming from different cultures are fortunate and this should be promoted to an international scale. 总的来说,我的观点是,国家充满了来自不同文化的人是幸运的,这应该促进国际范围内。

2012.10.20 旅游类

Nowadays, it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Is this a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.现今对于人们来说出国旅行越

来越方便容易。你认为这是一个好的发展还是消极的发展? 说出你的道理,并从个人的知识和经验中,举出例子来证明。

1)注意时态,不要出现过去时(除非举过去的例子) 2)两种思路: 1. 完全偏向性 A 完全支持 a. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,这是一个积极的发展趋势 b. 旅游有利于经济的发展,创造更多的就业机会 c. 旅游会使得当地的公众和政府更注重文化的保护 d. 总结,重申论点

B 完全反对 a. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,这是一个消极的发展趋势 b. 过多的游客会过多的使用当地资源,并且产生非常多的垃圾 c. 游客和当地人可能会产生很大的冲突,由于缺乏对彼此之间文化的了解 d. 总结,重申论点 2. 中立 a. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,有好也有坏 b. 参照上文,选取一个好的原因 c. 选取一个坏的原因 d. 总结全文,重申观点 重点表达:Promote the economic expansion; create more job opportunities; lay more emphasis on; protection/ conservation of the local cultures; overuse of some rare resources; generate the conflicts between... and...

推荐练习 :International tourism has become a huge industry in the world. Do the problems of international travel outweigh its advantages? (2006.05.20)

近期考试趋势:近三个月考到的话题为社会类,媒体类,教育类,工作生活类,政府类。 2012.10.20

Never before was travelling to alien countries so convenient and popular as in this century. This phenomenon is partially attributed to improved technology and cheap flight tickets. Facing this travel frenzy, some are concerned that it will bring about too many side effects whilst others insist that is should be supported and maintained.在前往外星人国家之前,从来没有这么方便、受欢迎的世纪。这一现象的部分原因是改进技术和廉价机票。面对这个旅游热潮,有人担心这会带来很多副作用,而另一些人坚持认为,是应该支持和维护。

Admittedly, cross-border travel has more downsides than one. Firstly, the carbon dioxide planes emitted is reported to be disproportionately more than that emitted by other transportation means. The carbon dioxide will lead to ozone layer thinning and thereby increase the probability of people contracting skin cancer. Moreover, being easier and more convenient to travel among countries means that some criminals could flee to other countries after committing hideous crime. This will pose a threat to local security and community stability.不可否认,跨境旅行的缺点比一。 首先,飞机排放的二氧化碳是报比例超过其他交通工具所排放。二氧化碳会导致臭氧层变薄,从而增加承包皮肤癌的人的概率。此外,作为在国家中的更容易,更方便旅行意味着有些罪犯在犯下骇人听闻的罪行后,可能逃往其他国家。这会威胁当地安全和社会稳定。

However, the downsides cannot overshadow its upsides. For starters, travelling around the world with more ease could expand individuals’ horizons and stimulate their love of life and they will be more productive at work in the future. Moreover, companies could visit foreign markets more conveniently than before and as a result, they could locate potential target market and sell goods there or buy materials from there if the price is competitively enough. If a company could flourish this way, employees will benefit and the society in which companies are operating will be more stable and harmonies. Last but not least, if more and more people are afforded opportunities to go to other

countries, there will be less misunderstanding and more respect among countries. All these will contribute to a diverse but harmonious culture.然而,不利方面不能掩盖其的负面因素。 首先,世界各地的旅行更轻松地可以拓展个人视野,激发他们对生活的热爱和他们将来会更有意义的工作。此外,公司比以前更方便的可以去看看国外市场,因此,他们能找到潜在目标市场和销售商品或购买材料从那里如果价格足够有竞争力。如果一个公司可能会兴旺起来这样,员工利益和公司经营的社会将更加稳定与和谐。最后,如果越来越多的人提供机会去其他国家,会减少国家之间的误解和更多的尊重。所有这些将有助于多元化,但和谐文化。

To sum up, despite the numerous drawbacks mentioned above, travelling to other countries with more convenience and ease is, by and large, a positive development综上所述,尽管上述的众多缺点,前往其他国家提供更多的方便和易用性,一般而言,一个积极的发展。.(感谢陆文波老师提供)20xx年10月27日 媒体与广告类

Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?广告不让人们成为不同的个人,因为它使得我们大家都想做同样的事情,并且看起来一样。你同意还是不同意?

写作指导:题型没有to what extent,因此不能写成折中式。建议采取Disagree。如今做广告的厂商越来越多,广告的形式也多种多样,从电视广告,平面广告到网络广告,因此广告给消费者提供了更多的选择,因此并没有扼杀个性,相反增加了个性。其次,如今的消费者本身也越来越精明,他们具有辨别好坏的能力,广告并不能完全影响他们的购买决定。


Today, many commercial advertisements can be seen everywhere, selling different kinds of products such as cosmetics, toys and clothes. Some people concern that the widespread of advertisements may result in the loss of individuality among people, as they tend to wear the same clothes and use the same makeup. From my perspective, I completely disagree with viewpoint.今天,许多商业广告随处可见,销售不同种类的产品,如化妆品、玩具和衣服。有些人担心广泛的广告可能导致丢失在人民中的个性,他们往往穿同样的衣服,使用相同的化妆。从我的角度来看,我完全不同意这种观点

Admittedly, people from different walks of life have various consumption views. However, most people would budget their disposable income wisely instead of wasting all in a set of clothes without serious consideration. Therefore, despite the proliferation of the commercial advertisements for the same luxury product, people would still make decisions of buying or not according to their limited income.诚然,人们来自不同的阶层有不同的消费意见。然而,大多数人会明智地预算他们的可支配收入,而不是浪费在一套衣服没有认真考虑。因此,尽管同样的奢侈品商业广告的扩散,人们仍决定买还是不按有限的收入。

Also, people are capable of distinguishing whether the clothes in the advertisement suit themselves or not. Being exposed in a sea of advertisements for long, people's immune systems towards advertisements have strengthened. Consequently, fewer people would be swayed by the gorgeous clothes in the advisements as they realize that most clothes on advertisements only suit for models but not for the average.此外,人类能够区分广告的衣服是


Furthermore, so many different advertisements are provided for people's option that it is fairly difficult to be the same with others. Take clothes for example. There are various styles, ranging from classical to modern, childish to mature, conservative to sexy. Therefore, people still could choose their favorite style to meet their demand.此外,很多不同的广告是为人们提供的选项,它是相当难以与他人相同。例如把衣服。 有不同的风格,从古典到现代,幼稚到成熟,保守的性感。因此,人们还可以选择自己喜欢的风格来满足他们的需求。

To conclude, due to the multi-choice of advertisement and people's wise budget, people would not lost their individualities under the strong promotion of the same product in the advertisement.最后,由于笔试的广告和人民智慧的预算,在同一产品的大力推广之下在广告的人不会失去个性。 (261 words)

20xx年11月3日 犯罪类 双边讨论

Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crime.Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. What is your opinion?很多人害怕出门,因为他们害怕有犯罪发生。一些人认为我们应该采取更多的行动来预防犯罪,而另外一些人觉得可以做的事不多。你的观点是什么? 写作指导:

版本一:题型属于不多见的What is your opinion?。该题与Discuss both views and give your opinion的区别在于,前者可以采纳其中一方观点进行讨论,而后者则必须讨论两种观点。


抛砖引玉:找解决办法! 近年来,犯罪率屡创新高。违法者应该通过为社会多做贡献来接受惩罚。一些人倾向于让犯罪做其他事情作文惩罚。首先,让他们更好地改造。为社会做公益事业就是好办法。对罪犯进行了惩罚,还能够鼓励他们开始新的生活。另外一个原因是:监狱空间有限,可以降低政府开支。最后,对罪犯的监禁丝毫也不会威慑到其他犯罪。到目前为止:没有任何证据表明在监禁罪犯和犯罪率的降低之间存在联系。比如:青少年犯罪、青年女性犯罪的问题。






2、双边支持。正文第一段支持正方观点,即为了预防犯罪可以采取的措施。可供参考的思路有:安装防盗设施,安装监控摄像头surveillance cameras, 加强法制教育legal education,政府出台严格的法律法规constitute more rigid laws and regulations,等等。正文第二段支持反方观点,即很多预防措施仍然不能解决犯罪问题。可供参考的思路有:防盗设施年久失修,质量堪忧;犯罪是由于社会贫富差距导致,预防措施并不能从根本上防止犯罪的产生。



题型属于不多见的What is your opinion?。该题与Discuss both views and give your opinion的区别在于,前者可以采纳其中一方观点进行讨论,而后者则必须讨论两种观点。


Nowadays, an increasing number of peopleare scared to leave their homes alone due to crimes(改写换词很恰当). Some people argue that regardless of what measures have been taken to struggle against thieves or robberies, the crime rate cannot be lowered substantially, while others contend that anti-crime action is capable of preventing people’s lives and properties from being threatened by criminals. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view.如今,越来越多因犯罪而不敢离开家园。一些人认为,无论采取什么措施,以打击小偷或抢劫,罪案率无法大幅下调,而其他人则认为反罪恶行动能够防止威胁市民生命财产的罪犯。个人而言,我较同意后一种观点。

Convincing arguments can be made that taking effective measures brings numerous merits to the protection of properties. To start with, adopting safeguard procedures in advance, such as installing safeguard doors,are conducive to deterring potential criminals. (有助于阻止潜在犯罪发生)Apart from serving as a facility to prevent homes from being stolen and robbed, safeguard measures are more likely to play a practical role in indicating criminals that hosts have taken precautions against crime. Moreover, even if the house is being invaded bylaw offenders(criminals, thieves, robbers, burglars,intruders的替换词,用词富于变化) , the pre-installed equipment, for instance alarm device, can inform policemen to arrive at the crime scene immediately right after they receive the notification. Lastly,implementing necessary guard action can offer a sense of security to people when they are out of their apartments. It is obvious that people can be easily distracted, if they are always anxious about whether their homes are or have suffered from illegal invasion. (此句虽然支持力度不是特别明显,但确实是大实话,放在这里也不难看)出令人信服的参数属性的保护,采取有效措施带来许多好处。首先,采取保护措施提前,如安装维护的门,有利于防止潜在的罪犯。除了担任设施以防止房子被盗抢,保障措施更有可能发挥实际作用,该值指示主机已采取预防措施,防止犯罪的罪犯。此外,如果房子被入侵,甚至附例罪犯,预装的设备,例如报警装置,可以告知警察到达现场后立即对他们收到通知。最后,实施必要的保护行动可以提供安全感的人在他们时,他们的寓所。很明显,人们可以很容易分心,如果他们总是担心家里是否或受到非法入侵。

However, we cannot deny the fact that the existing measures may carry potential drawbacks.

A reason for this is that a large number of security devices are criticizedfor the sake of (此短语用在此处意思不妥,该短语意为:为了。。。。。。的利益,此处改为are criticized/reproached for their inferior quality)low quality and they can be broken through readily. It is remarkable that last year, over 200 types of safety anti-thief systems were identified andexposed (此处想表达安保设施不达标,被曝光,可以写成regarded as unqualified by Products Quality Inspection Bureau of China 或者改成their failure to meet safety standards came to light)due to the inferior

quality and their sponsor manufacturers are penalized accordingly.但是,我们不能否认的是,现有的措施可能会带有潜在的缺点。一个原因是,大量安全设备criticizedfor低质量的份上,他们可以打破容易通过。这是了不起的去年,由于质量低劣的安全手机防盗软系统的200多种发现和暴露及其赞助厂商因此受到惩罚。

In summary, I concede that taking action cannot fully guarantee that people’s housesare able to(此处用法错误,be able to 主语一般为人,改成can 更合适)escape from being intruded by criminals. Despite that, the advantages created by the measures far outweigh the adverse impact. Overall, I am convinced that people should strengthen their awareness of security and in the meantime governments should issue relevant laws to supervise the quality of security systems.总之,我承认采取行动,不能完全保证市民housesare能够逃脱被闯入的罪犯。尽管如此,创建措施的优势远远大于负面影响。总体而言,我深信,人们应加强安全意识,同时政府应发行相关法律监管安全系统的质量。(350 words) 20xx年11月8日 教育 教育和科技的结合

We have three important parts of education reading,writting and Math.some people think every child will benefit from a fouth skill added






首先,让我们来做一个话题判定。关键词:education--教育类computer skills--科技类。由此可知,为教育类以及科技类相结合的话题,第二个关键词的作用就体现出来了,我们需要将这两类话题的万能论点库进行一个“交叉选择”,也就是将教育类和科技类合适的论点进行综合。




开拓眼界:expand one's horizon

适应社会:adapt to the society

增加职业竞争力:boost one's competitiveness

营造良好的校园环境:create a favorable school environment

激发学习热情:generate an enthusiasm to learn

缓解压力:relieve stress


增加负担:add a heavy burden

可以课下学:engage in …spontaneously

扼杀学习热情:stifle one's thirst for knowledge

抑制创造力发展:hamper development of creativity



提高效率:enhance efficiency

提高生产率:increase productivity


以指代步:let our fingers do the walking

减少奔波:release people from lengthy commutes

扩大社交圈:expand one's social circles

使人们更加独立:make a transition from interdependence to independence

随时随地保持联系:keep in touch with others much more easily than generations ago


导致失业:make people redundant

导致社会隔离感和冷漠感:lead to social isolation and indifference

加快生活节奏:quicken the pace of life

使得工作和生活界限模糊:boundary between work and study is blurred

现在让我们来做一个交叉选择。在两个话题万能论点库中,发现以下几条适合本题: Positive:

1) 掌握计算机技术可以使我们更好地适应现代社会要求(教育类positive第二条)

2) 掌握计算机技术可以提高职业竞争力(教育类positive第三条)


























Twelve years into the new millennium, individuals have witnessed the universal utilization of computer in the fields of culture, science, military and so forth. When it comes to the education frontier, computer-related skills as well as their diversified applications,to a large extent,have facilitated students and schools throughout the world. However, whether computer skills should be enlisted in our curriculum, as a forth compulsory component, has sparked heated discussion recently. From my viewpoint, computer skills are important but not necessary in terms of public education. 进入新千年的十二年,个人目睹领域的普遍利用计算机文化、科学、军事等等。在谈到教育时,前沿、计算机相关的技能以及其多元化的应用,很大程度上促进了世界各地的学生和学校。然而,在我们的课程是否应登记的计算机技能,作为强制组件,引发了热烈的讨论最近。从我的角度来看,计算机能力很重要,但没有必要在公众教育方面。

Admittedly, youngsters would , for certain, gain more popularity in the future job market provided that

computer techniques are offered in schools, since computerized products and technologies have penetrated virtually every aspect of every industry. In addition, acquiring the essential knowledge regarding computer or even the internet could, to some degree, help children improve the efficiency and quality of their school learning, which tend to be onerous and monotonous based on the current education system. 诚然,青少年会,肯定获得更多人气,未来的就业市场提供学校提供电脑技术,由于计算机产品和技术已经渗入每一个行业的几乎每个环节。此外,获取有关计算机的基本知识,甚至互联网,一定程度上,帮助孩子们提高他们在学校的学习效率和质量,往往更为沉重和单调,基于当前的教育制度。

On the other hand, it seems pointless to add computer skills into the schooling list just like the other three, namely reading, writing and math. Firstly, the burden of students nowadays is fairly considerable. Adding a forth compulsory subject would undoubtedly frustrate and exhaust them, or even undermine their passion for studying all together. On top of that, computer skills, along with the widespread of personal computers in common household, can be gained in various means besides educational institution. It has been a quite common phenomenon that a major group of adolescents learned how to type by chatting online, how to save files by downloading the very first movie, and how to maintain operation system by installing anti-virus software. 在另一方面,似乎毫无意义的计算机技能添加到列表就像其他三个,即阅读、写作和数学。第一,现在的学生的负担相当可观。 添加必修科目无疑会挫伤和排气他们,甚至削弱他们对学习的热情一起。此外,计算机技能,以及普遍在普通的家用个人电脑,可获得各种手段除了教育机构。这是一个相当普遍的现象,主要群体的青少年学会如何键入通过网上聊天,如何保存下载文件的第一部电影,以及如何维护操作系统安装防病毒软件。

Considering all the factors above, I personally reach the conclusion that computer skill should not be added into the current school disciplines, even though it is, indisputably, an essential technique to survive in the modern society. 考虑到上述所有因素,我个人得出的结论,计算机技能应该不会添加到当前学校学科,尽管它是不容置疑的,在现代社会生存的基本技术。

(317 words) 作者:史凯齐

20xx年11月17日 文化、旅游与全球化类 混搭(原因+利弊分析 in the past, people used to travel abroad to look many differences from their home country. Nowadays, the sceneries in places all over the world are more and more similar. What are the causes of the similarities? Do you think the advantages of this similarity outweigh the disadvantages?在过去,人们曾经周游世界来看与本国的不同之处。如今,世界各地的景色变得越来越相似。这种相似的原因是什么?你认为它的好处大于坏处吗?




1. 二战以后世界各国城市的大规模扩张massive urban sprawl使得城市发展空间紧张,因此


2. 文化全球化cultural globalization 导致各国之间的文化同化cultural assimilation.

Pros: 1. 增进了不同文化之间的了解,减少了旅行者的适应时间,减少了“文化休克”cultural shock



1. 减少了游客对当地的好奇心curiosity,从而减少了一定数量的游客。 2. 减少文化多样性cultural diversity,使得少数民族文化minority cultures 处于濒临灭绝的

境地be on the verge of extinction.

写作指导 第一段:阐述主题第二段:中心句——造成这种情况的原因是多方面的: 分论点:1、广泛的文化交流 2、教育方式的改变 3、旅游业的发展第三段:中心句——正面和负面都有,但是负面多一些 分论点:1、不会让人觉得在异地有陌生感 2、传统文化的消

失 3、不利于城市个性化产业的发展第四段:总结——原


重点表达traditional culture and customs; cultural exchange; the development

of the tourism; the transformation of educational system; industrial


20xx年11月17日 信强哥

Every city has its architectural character, but the similarities between cities are more obvious these

days than in the past. In my opinion, one reason for this is the high price of land.个城市都有其建筑



In most large cities, land is scarce and consequently it is very valuable. This has led to the

construction of tall buildings which occupy only a small area of land while providing lots of floor

space where people can live or work. Buildings of this type are made of concrete and steel and can be

built comparatively quickly using prefabricated materials. They do not use local materials, such as

stone, timber or brick. In consequence, many cities now look very much the same and you might not

know whether you were inBrisbane,BangkokorBerlinwhen you are on the street.在大多数城市,土地



它们不使用当地材料,如石头、木材或砖。 因此,现在许多城市看起来很相同,你可能不知道


While I realize that we cannot stand in the way of progress, I believe that cities should try to keep

some individuality. For example, inParisit is prohibited to build very tall buildings in the center of the

city, as this would spoil the overall appearance of the skyline当我意识到我们不能站在进步的道路,


Other cities have chosen to design unique buildings to ensure they look different. The twin towers inKuala Lumpuror the Opera House inSydneyare examples of this approach, and I agree with this kind of initiative.其他城市选择了设计独特的建筑物,以确保他们看起来不同。双塔inkuala lumpuror歌剧院insydneyare这种方法的例子,我同意这样的倡议。

All in all, although it is regrettable that modern cities look similar, I tend to feel that this is unavoidable. However, it can be argued that, even if the buildings are similar, cities will maintain their own character as a result of cultural diversity, the terrain and the climate, which ultimately determine how people live.总而言之,但遗憾的是,现代城市类似,我倾向于认为这是不可避免的。不过,可以说,如果建筑物,甚至是类似的,城市将保持自己的性格由于文化多样性,地形和气候,最终确定人们如何生活。

20xx年11月24日 科技类 议论文(同意与否)

With the increasing use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters. Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely. To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think is letter-writing?随着移动电话和电脑的使用增加,写信的人少了。一些人认为传统的写信技能将彻底消失。你在多大程度上同意或者不同意?你认为写信有多重要?

写作指导:替代类话题大多可以写成不同意,因为即便科技如何发展,传统的方式总是有它存在的价值的,比如上面三道例题中,传统博物馆和美术馆、传统图书馆、传统的课堂,都是有存在价值的,那么书信也不例外。更何况题目中有一问“How important do you think is letter-writing?” 自然还是写书信是有价值的比较好。考生不要被本题的第二问吓倒,其实这一问并不改变这道题目议论文的本质。如果写成“单边支持”结构,考生会发现其实第二问本来就应该交代传统书信的重要性。





现代通讯科技Modern telecommunication technology不仅不会削弱人的写信能力,反而会增强人的这种能力。此外,作为一种重要的技能,书信技能仍然是现代人必须具备的技能之一。

类似话题1. Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (070609)2. Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others believe that it is a waste of money since people can access the Internet at home to obtain information. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. (120112)3. Some people think typical teaching of a teacher and students in the class will not exist by the year 2050. Do you agree or disagree? (101218)一些人认为公共博物馆和美术馆不需要因为人们可以看到,历史文物和艺术作品通过使用计算机。你同意不同意这种看法吗? 0706092。 有些人认为政府应该设立免费的图书馆在每个城镇。其他人认为这是浪费钱,因为人们可以在家中上网获取信息的访问。双方讨论并给出你自己的观点。 1201123。 有些人认为到了20xx年的老师和学生的典型教学中的类将不存在。来解决吗? 101218

2012.12.01 科技类

More and more companies are allowing employees to work at home. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? 越来越多的公司允许员工在家工作。你认为这是好的还是坏的发展? 写作指导



A. 开场交代论题,交代自己观点,在家上班不会成为主流的工作方式

B. 有好处:1. 员工可以合理的分配自己的时间,这样容易兼顾家庭和朋友;2. 如果在上班,没有上级的监督监管,员工会感觉到更大的自由程度,不会那么容易遭受心里和身体上的问题。

C. 有坏处:1. 员工之间面对面的交流基本上会减至为零,对于公司的整体凝聚力非常不利,很容易流失员工,不利于企业的长远发展。

D. 有坏处:2. 如果公司的员工都在家上班,不利于管理并且很多公司里面的机密文件档案将得不到很好的保护,甚至公司已有市场会被窃取。

E. 总结,重申论点,建议为了公司的长远利益,在工作场所上班是最合理的方法。 重点表达

Make use of; more effectively and efficiently; without the supervision of managers; suffer greatly psychologically and physically; reduce the opportunity; face-to-face communication; a sense of identity, belonging and loyalty;

推荐练习 真题20xx年3月



20xx年12月6日 抽象类

Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects does the phenomenon lead to?现在人们总是扔掉旧东西然后再买新东西。而在过去,人们会把旧东西修好继续用。有那些原因导致这种现象?这种现象会带来什么影响?


生活方式和社会观念类 + 环境类


算是比较好展开写作题型了。 “坏了就扔”现象的原因分析 “坏了就扔”现象的后果分析







1)资源浪费 2)环境污染 3)资金浪费 4)助长攀比之风


类似话题:1. Many people say that we have developed into a “throw-away” culture, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we cannot fully dispose of. To what extent do you agree with this opinion and what measures can you recommend reducing this problem? (050806) 。 很多人说我们已发展成为一个"扔掉"文化,因为我们的填充我们的环境,有这么多塑料袋和垃圾处理的,我们不能完全。你在何种程度上同意这见解和你能推荐什么措施减少这一问题?

2. We have entered a throw-away society and fill the environment with rubbish. What are the causes and what are your solutions? (071201) 我们已经进入了扔掉的社会环境和填充垃圾。原因是什么,你有什么解决方案?



It is widely acknowledged that we have entered a “throw-away society”, as people no longer attempt to repair old goods such as clothes and electronic devices. Instead, they simply throw them

away and buy new ones. This essay will elaborate on the causes leading to this tendency and examine the effects that it may bring. 人们普遍认为我们已经进入了"扔掉的社会",因为人们不再尝试修复旧衣服和电子设备等商品。相反,他们只是把它们扔掉买新的。这篇文章将详细说明这一趋势的主要原因,并检查它可能带来的影响。


1. 经济全球化时代,生产力的提高使得消费品更低价。Thanks to econom mic globalization, the industrial output has been raised significantly, which has greatly driven down the price of consumer goods.由于经济全球化,工业产值已大大提高,大大降低消费品价

2. 人们生活水平的提高带来消费观念的变革。Moreover, the ever-increasing living standard of people has revolutionized their traditional consumption concept. 此外,不断提高人们的生活水平彻底改变了传统的消费理念。

这里可以句举衣服、一次性产品disposable products、数码产品的例子。

3. 各种广告的诱惑吸引人们不断购买新产品。Also, a dazzling array of advertisements appear on mass media every day, keeping luring people to purchase new products. 此外,琳琅满目的广告出现在大众媒体上每天保持吸引市民购买新的产品


1. 这种狂热的消费主义加速了自然资源的消耗,加剧了环境的破坏。The rampant consumerism in society has sped up the exhaustion of natural resources, and aggravated serve environmental pollution. 猖獗的消费主义社会加快自然资源的枯竭,加重了环境污染。

2. 助长了非理性消费和拜金主义。Additionally, this trend has also bred irrational consumption and even a money-oriented mentality. 此外,这种趋势亦非理性消费,甚至金钱为导向的心态 结论:回顾+解决方法

媒体应当通过公益广告宣传勤俭节约。The mass media should launch more public service advertisement to promote thrift and frugality.大众传媒应推出更多的公益广告,以促进储蓄和节俭。 20xx年12月8日

Nowadays men and women in many countries decide to have babies at an older age. What are the reasons? What effects does this trend have on society and family life?如今在许多国家的男性和女性决定要孩子在旧的时代。原因是什么? 对社会和家庭生活这一趋势有何影响? 答题思路:


1、 经济压力

2、 现代生活方式,改变传统观念

3、 医学的发展,夫妻可以借此进行计划生育

4、 男女越发平等,女性也能决定是否早点要孩子


1、 家庭孩子数量可能变少,可能会导致家长过分溺爱孩子,这不利于孩子成长

2、 但也有好处,比如,父母可能能够培养综合素质更高的下一代,毕竟父母经济基础可能更好,受过的教育可能更全面,阅历更丰富。

3、 不过,这可能会导致一个比较严重的社会问题的出现:离婚率的攀升。一旦经济基础达不到预期,而年轻夫妻又没有孩子维系感情,则可能导致离婚。

4、 还有一个社会问题也可能会变得很尖锐:人口可能走向老龄化。这个问题在一些发达国家,比如,日本,已经十分严重。目前,中国也可能提前步入老龄化社会。这对社会会产生很大的负面影响:经济发展迟缓,因为缺乏劳动力,且年轻人创造的财富很大一部分要用于税收已支付繁重的养老金和其他用于老年人的福利事业。


Today both males and females are having babies at an older age . Why does this happen? Is this a positive or negative development on society and family?

今天男女生在旧的时代。为什么会这样? 这是对社会和家庭的积极或消极的发展吗? 原因:1. 现在社会竞争激烈,所以人们首先考虑稳定自己的职位而努力;




2.对社会:①人们选择晚育可以集中精力工作,不会因如何照顾小孩子而分神 ② 社会的人口压力会有时间缓冲,否则社会管理成本会急速上升

坏处:1.对家庭:① 晚育可能使父母生完孩子后再就业遇到困难,而早育可以让他们更快的恢复体力投入工作

② 家里的长辈可能会被剥夺掉自己尽早照顾孙女孙子享受天伦之乐


It seems that individuals today tend to give birth to babies at a later age and this is really popular in the world. As for me, this phenomenon is not as horrible as many people believe.今天看来,个人倾向于她们的婴儿在稍后的年龄,这是世界上很受欢迎。至于我,这种现象并不像许多人认为的那么可怕。

The culprit behind this phenomenon of people choosing to have babies at older age is the increasingly fierce social competition. To become more qualified for jobs or more challenging assignments, a majority of staff have to keep updated with their professional knowledge and have no time to take into bringing up children into consideration. In most cases, thousands of middle-aged employees opt for training courses such as computer skills and foreign language improvement even during their weekends or holidays to upgrade their knowledge and stay more competitive.这种现象背后的罪魁祸首选择要孩子年纪的人是越来越激烈的社会竞争。更加胜任工作或更具挑战性的任务,大多数员工都能够随时更新其专业知识和没有时间管教子女考虑。在大多数情况下,成千上万的中年雇员选择培训课程包括计算机技能和外语甚至在周末或假期期间,以提升本身的知


No matter what others may think, I firmly trust that this situation will not be a nightmare for families. Undeniably, most families are capable of rendering better education for their children after accumulating sufficient dollars and securing stable jobs. After all, it is of great financial burdens for young parents with children for cost of raising children is, in fact, very staggering.不管别人怎么想,我坚定地相信这种情况不会是一个家庭的噩梦。不可否认,大多数家庭都能呈现在积累足够的美元后,他们的孩子更好的教育和安全稳定工作。毕竟,这是年轻的父母与儿童养育孩子的成本巨大的财政负担,其实是很惊人的。

Besides, society as a whole can benefit from this choice of their citizens by fueling workers’ efficiency. Most young employees with children, if not all, are more likely to be distracted by caring of their offspring and this could severely influence staff’s working productivity. Concentration on work can be ensured in this way.此外,整个社会的公民可以受益于这种选择加油工人的效率。儿童最年轻的员工,如果不是全部,更有可能分心照顾他们的后代,这会严重影响员工的工作生产力。这样的浓度可确保有关工作。

Overall, my viewpoint is that delivering babies at later ages is beneficial to staff and society and this should not become a prior concern for governments and common people.总的来说,我的观点是,在后世的接生是对员工、对社会有利,这不应成为政府和百姓关心的一个前。


In some countries around the world men and women are having children late in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?现在很多国家的男女都很晚才生孩子,造成这种趋势的原因是什么?这种趋势对社会和家庭有什么影响?





原因:现代人忙于工作无心照顾小孩;竞争加大令小孩培养费用激增年轻人无力承担。 优点:晚育能减少人口;小孩有更好的物质条件。




1、 经济压力

2、 现代生活方式,改变传统观念

3、 医学的发展,夫妻可以借此进行计划生育

4、 男女越发平等,女性也能决定是否早点要孩子


1、 家庭孩子数量可能变少,可能会导致家长过分溺爱孩子,这不利于孩子成长

2、 但也有好处,比如,父母可能能够培养综合素质更高的下一代,毕竟父母经济基础可能更


3、 不过,这可能会导致一个比较严重的社会问题的出现:离婚率的攀升。一旦经济基础达不到预期,而年轻夫妻又没有孩子维系感情,则可能导致离婚。

4、 还有一个社会问题也可能会变得很尖锐:人口可能走向老龄化。这个问题在一些发达国家,比如,日本,已经十分严重。目前,中国也可能提前步入老龄化社会。这对社会会产生很大的负面影响:经济发展迟缓,因为缺乏劳动力,且年轻人创造的财富很大一部分要用于税收已支付繁重的养老金和其他用于老年人的福利事业。







Many women in their late 30s and early 40s have postponed marriage or childbearing to obtain their education, establish themselves in careers, and become financially secure.

20xx年12月8日(By 深圳新东方带人正老师)

How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas?What are the importance of museums to society? We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them.在我们所居住的城市里,有许多具有历史和文化意义的博物馆,但是人们却不去参观。人们不去本地博物馆的原因是什么?博物馆对于社会的意义是什么?
















分论点:1、对于young generation的教育意义;




重点表达Traditional culture and customs; cultural exchange; the transformation of educational system; industrial development; the preservation of traditional culture

推荐练习:Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer.一些人认为公共博物馆和美术馆不需要因为人们可以看到,历史文物和艺术作品通过使用计算机。

Do you agree or disagree?



We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural importance, but many people do not visit them. 我们生活在城市或城镇博物馆展示历史和文化的重要性,但很多人不探望他们。

Why do you think these people do not visit museums in their local areas?What is the importance of museums to society?为什么你认为这些人不参观博物馆在他们的地方?博物馆对社会的重要性是什么?


The idea that museums can only be seen in metropolitans is mistaken, as the modern society has gained significant advancement in every aspect with focus on improvement of people’s spiritual needs in the past decades. Therefore we see cities and even small towns own their own museums. However, not all of them receive warm welcome and more often than not, they are seldom visited.博物馆的想法才可以看见大主教在是错误的,随着现代社会的每一方面都取得了重大进步在过去几十年的重点是提高人们的精神需求。因此我们看到城市,甚至小城镇拥有自己的博物馆。然而,它们并不是都收到热烈的欢迎,很多时候,他们很少访问。

The first reason which can be easily seen is that most of these museums enjoy very poor financial support and therefore lack of sufficient money to introduce valuable artifacts and specimens. As one of the most important functions of museum is to enable public to explore

collections for inspiration, learning and enjoyment, these museums are incapable of offering such ideal facilities and environment and hence fail to appeal people. What is more, some of the local museums, in order to raise money for maintenance or reconstruction of antiques or rare collections, choose to charge visitors for entrance, which discourage many people who take interest in arts but can not afford their hobby.可以容易看到的第一个原因是,大多数这些博物馆享受非常糟糕的金融支持,因此缺乏足够的钱来介绍珍贵文物和标本。作为博物馆的最重要职能之一是使公众能够探索集合的灵感、学习和享受,这些博物馆是无法提供这种理想的设施和环境,因此上诉失败的人。更有甚者,一些地方博物馆,以筹集资金进行维修或重建的古董或罕见的收藏,选择收取游客入场,令很多人,他把艺术,但可以不起他们的兴趣爱好。 There is no denying that modern technology also makes its own contribution to this phenomenon, as internet has made exhibition of classic collections accessible for public by displaying most of the exhibits with diverse angles and exquisite vision. Instead of traveling miles to see those artifacts in a distant place, people who choose to appreciate them on their personal computer at home often spare themselves arduous journeys.这里是无可否认,现代技术还使得自己的贡献这一现象,互联网使得经典收藏展览显示,大部分展品为公共访问不同的角度和精美的视觉。行里看到的那些东西,而不是在遥远的地方,人们在家的他选择在个人电脑上欣赏他们往往自己备用的艰苦旅程。

The third reason causing people to show little care about museums is subtle but can never be overlooked. Recently an interesting discovery was made by some researchers that among all the museums visitors young people accounted for the least proportion. One possible reason is that these young people have little knowledge on history and cultural heritage as they are obliged to focus their attention on academic study in schools. The current education which often lays strong emphasis on science or technique skills results in ignorance of arts appreciation and failure to cultivate students’ interest in research of cultural heritage.第三个原因导致人们给小关心博物馆是微妙的,但决不会忽视。最近一些研究人员提出了一个有趣的发现,在所有博物馆参观者中青少年占比例最少。一个可能的原因是,这些年轻人对历史和文化遗产的小知识,因为他们必须集中注意力在学校的学术研究。当前的教育往往强调科学或技术技能的效果在艺术欣赏的无知和失败培养学生文化遗产研究的兴趣。

The importance of museums lies in their roles as a national memory bank. Personally, what matters about museums is that they are the only source of living history and perhaps an insight to the future world that lies before us. Besides, museums provide an ideal learning environment, whether it is formal or informal learning, active hands-on participation or passive observation. Different category of museums offers many different opportunities of enabling children and adults to enter worlds where they may play out skills that are vital in the real world. Also museums contribute significantly to the country's revenue, as it is a source of tourist attraction.These museums, whether funded by government and free or charge tickets for entrance, bring in visitors from all over the world on a yearly basis which generate flourishing profits for the hotel, food and retail industry.博物馆的重要性在于他们的角色作为国家的内存插槽。 个人博物馆最重要的是,他们的生活史的唯一来源,也许是洞察未来在我们眼前的世界。此外,博物馆提供一个理想的学习环境,无论是正式或非正式学习,积极实践参与




2. 信息技术的发展也可能要对此负责。很多人可能可以通过网络了解这些陈列在博物馆的展品,看的更加清楚,且免了舟车劳顿之苦。

3. 另一个原因可能是有些人轻视历史和文化遗产价值,对博物馆陈列的展品承载的历史文化不感兴趣。这很有可能是教育的失败造成的:现在很多学生并没有通过教育认同历史事件或者文化遗产的价值,有很多年轻人可能只关心学习成绩或者就业技能,而这些就业技能或者学术科目与历史文化可能毫无关系。


1. 文物的收集与保护(注意对比其他可以看到展品的平台,比如网络、电视、报纸、杂志等等), 博物馆实物具有很高的科研价值。

2. 博物馆也是人们接受教育和学习的理想场所。博物馆为青少年及家长提供了一个很好的兴趣探索的平台。



It has been believed that people reading for pleasure have developed better imagination and language skills than people who prefer to watch TV. Do you agree or disagree?有些人觉得喜欢从阅读中获得乐趣的人比起喜欢看电视的人,会具备更强的想象力和语言技能。你同意/不同意?


关键词是哪些?Reading for pleasure To watch TV Imagination Language skills 前两个关键词给出辩论的双方 后两个关键词给出ideas


1) Which is better for imagination, reading or watching TV?

Reading: active thinking, use imagination

Watching TV: passive receiver, receive messages and pictures which are edited by reporters and editors.



2) Which is better for language skills, reading or watching TV?

Reading: beautiful expressions, well-written materials;but out-dated and fixed expressions,

Watching TV: listening ability, language programs, real-life expression; but once and for all, coarse or disorderly spoken language




从以上ideas看,reading for pleasure 拥有较多论点和论据,于是拟写的文章选择一面倒型。



Paragraph supporting reading (long)

Paragraph supporting TV watching (short)




a) Introduction of the topic (引出话题)

Topic: reading for pleasure better than TV watching in terms of imagination and language skills? b) Thesis statement (中心思想)

I prefer reading for pleasure

Paragraph for reading

a) Topic sentence

Reading is a good way to develop imagination and language skills.

b). 论点2个

1)Reading: active thinking, use imagination

举例 detective novel, 对比 TV watching a passive process

2)Reading: beautiful expressions

对比 TV once and for all, coarse or disorderly spoken language

Paragraph for TV watching

a) Topic sentence

TV watching has its advantages.

举例 listening foreign languages.

b) 转折

However, less important than reading.


a) Conclusion (结论)

Reading for pleasure better than TV watching in terms of imagination and language skills.

b) Summary (总结)

To bring imagination into play and enhance language skills

4. 参考范文

Indisputably, TV viewing is one of the most prevalent ways for pleasure in today’s world, but it is often scrutinized by the public, especially educators, for its hampering effects on development of creative imagination and language skills. These people firmly believe that reading is a better way for its beneficial influences on such development(引出话题). Personally speaking, I give my unreserved

support to the belief(中心思想).毫无疑问,看电视是最普遍的方式在当今世界的乐趣,但它往往是公众审议,特别是教育工作者,创造性想象力和语言技能发展的阻碍作用。这些人坚信读书是一种更好的方法在这样的发展有益的影响。个人来说,我绝对支持给自己的信仰。

Reading has long been praised as a superb measure to develop a man’s comprehensive capabilities including imaginative ability and linguistic competence (Topic sentence). In the first place, it is a process of active input and thinking (论点1). By this I mean that readers have to reconstruct what they read in their mind since books, unlike TV programs, have no motional pictures (论据1). If they read a detective novel, for example, they have to create different roles’ images, actions, facial expressions and story plots in their heads by themselves. The creation is definitely an indispensable part of imagination (论据1). On the contrary, watching TV is recognized as a passive progress during which TV audience just receive messages and pictures pre-digested by reporters and editors. It is no wonder that TV is called idiot box for frequent and longtime TV viewing might turn the viewers into idiots by hampering their imagination and creativity (论据2). Secondly, reading helps readers appreciate beautiful expressions (论点 2). Written materials are carefully polished before being published so they contain elaborate grammatical structures, well-chosen words and strictly logic coherence. In contrast, TV programs often present spoken language which is coarse and disorderly. Also, it is aired once and for all. Therefore, there is usually no need or chance for the audience to learn expressions. (论据1)阅读一直被誉为精湛的措施来发展一个人的综合能力,包括想象能力和语言能力的主题句。首先,它是一个活动的输入和思维过程。 我的意思是,读者必须重建以来他们脑子里读什么书,与电视不同,没有运动的图片。如果他们读侦探小说,例如,他们必须创建不同的角色形象、动作、面部表情和故事情节本身在他们的头。创新是绝对想象中不可或缺的一部分。 相反,看电视被认为是一个被动的进展,刚刚打开电视的接收消息和图片由记者和编辑前的消化。难怪电视称为傻瓜盒频繁,长期看电视可能会把观众变成笨蛋妨碍了他们的想象力和创造力。第二,阅读可以帮助读者欣赏美丽的表达。 在发布之前,书面材料是经过精心抛光所以它们包含复杂的语法结构,精选单词和严格的逻辑连贯性。相比之下,电视节目常常口语粗的、无序的。 此外,还播出了一劳永逸。因此,通常不需要或观众学习的机会表达式。

It is undoubtedly true that watching TV can play the role as a conducive tool for boosting language skills in listening. Foreign language learners practice and improve their listening ability through TV program most of the time. However (转折), the practice is far less crucial than acquiring genuine foreign language expressions through reading.毫无疑问,看电视可以播放听力提高语言技能的有利工具的作用。外语学习者的实践和提高他们的听力能力通过电视节目大部分时间。但是,实践的关键远比获得真正的外语表达式通过阅读。

In brief, I prefer reading for pleasure to TV watching for the former’s more active and effective role in bringing imaginative ability into play and enhancing language competence. Just as English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”.简单来说,我更喜欢看电视的乐趣看前者更加积极和有效的发挥作用,使想象能力,提高语言能力。正如英国哲学家培根说:"读书使人充实"。

20xx年1月5日 Maple



1, 书本上全是抽象的文字,读者readers需要自己去想象人物角色画面场景,因此锻炼了想象力

2, 常常阅读有助于增强对文字的熟悉程度,对文字的理解,以及对文字的热爱


1, 电视上面多数是以画面和声音呈现内容,画面色彩艳丽非常生动美妙,可能可以激发观众的一些想象力,尤其是儿童。

2. 由于电视多数是带有声音的,有时没有字幕,所以电视对于语言的训练在于听觉方面的audio,这也是语言的一部分。



【题目解读】 新东方批改网

introductory paragraph需要交代一下background information+thesis statement+a clear position; Reference Answer: (序言段落的背景信息+论文+的立场是明确的声明 )

When people are requested to make a reply to how they can cultivate their language skills or turn out to be imaginative. Reading and watching TV are two possible answers. Some people forcefully argue that reading is more conducive than TV viewing to our fellow human beings' personal development. From my perspective, it is fully justified. This essay will analyze the aforementioned issue from two aspects. ( 当人们被要求作出回应时,他们如何能培养他们的语言技能或者被证明是富有想象力。阅读和看电视是两个可能的答案。有些人强行说,读书是比电视更有利查看其他人的个人发展。从我的角度来看,这是完全合理的。 这篇文章将从两方面分析上述问题。 )

supporting paragraphs(支撑段 )用两段可分别阐述:一方面,读书可以让我们有充裕的时间进行思考,这无疑会让我们插上想象力的翅膀而飞翔在知识的天空,更便于打下坚实的语言基础;相反,看电视则是属于一种快餐式的消费,随着电视节目不断往下进行,似乎观众无暇去思考太多;

concluding paragraph( 结尾段 )为全文做summary+closing remarks (摘要+闭幕式) Reference Answer: (例句用法 )

To conclude, there is no doubt that a bigger population can garner benefits from TV watching, however, as for those who are willing to develop their imaginative abilities and have an excellent command最后,毫无疑问,一个更大的人口可以获得的好处从看电视,不过,至于那些愿意培养他们的想象力的能力,优秀的命令

20xx年1月10日 抽象类

Task2:It is said that work is the most important thing of people's life. Without the

success of career, life will become meaningless. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the opinion? 有一种观点认为工作在人们生活中是最重要的,没有职业上的成功,生活就没有意义。你在多大程度上同意还是不同意? 基本上属于马斯洛的大主题,建议部分同意(财富),还有健康、艺术等可写。

点评:这道题基本属于抽象类话题-探讨人生的意义。这种类似的话题在以前也出现过,比如剑7p79就有提到一种观点即Job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.工作满意度是个人福祉的一个重要因素。 另外也有历年考题如:Some people believe that the personal happiness is directly related with the economic success. Others argue that the happiness depends on completely other factors. Discuss both of the ideas and give your own opinion.有些人认为个人幸福是直接相关的经济成就。其他人则辩称,快乐完全取决于其他因素。讨论两种观点并给出你自己的观点

总而言之,这类题目的共同点就是探讨人生的意义或者幸福感(individual wellbeing /life meaning/sense of achievement/satisfaction)的来源。现代社会的人们,忙碌之余也一直在不断地思考,向内探寻自己生活的目的意义,这是好事,让我们更加清楚地了解自己和社会,从而能够遇见全新的更好的自己。 美国心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛早在19xx年在《人类激励理论》论文中就提出人的需求分为五种,这五种需求像阶梯一样从低到高,按层次逐级递升,分别为:生理上的需求,安全上的需求,情感和归属的需求,尊重的需求,自我实现的需求。另外还有两种需要即求知需要和审美需要。




以下是Amy 第一时间写下的实验范文与众烤鸭分享:

Generally, the meaning of life varies considerably according to each individual's value and mental outlook. In such a society where materialism is highly appreciated, there is a tendency that career achievement is the most important in one's life. Personally, I am not totally in favor of this viewpoint.通常,根据每个个体的价值和精神风貌的生命的意义差别很大。在这样一个社会是唯物主义的高度赞赏,有一种倾向,事业成就是一生中最重要的。我个人不完全赞成这个观点。

There is no denying that for an adult,the success of career means a lot. First, by achieving success in one's job, one can easily obtain a sense of fulfillment by knowing that one's work is valued and one can contribute to the society. Besides, the reward from one's work can bring financial independence which is essential to secure one's survival in this world. Moreover, while an individual is seeking career advancement, he or she is likely to improve or develop working skills through training or self-learning. Therefore a sense of progression and purpose is rewarded, which in turn adds one's self-confidence in his later career life.Besides, a sense of belonging to a team or a working community is also generated while one works together with his colleagues towards the same goal.这里是无可否认,对于成人,事业的成功意味着很多。 首先,实现工作中的成功,了解自己的工作价值,一个可以为社会作出贡献的人可以轻松地获得充实感。此外,奖励工作会带来财政独立的安全至关重要的一项生存在这世界。此外,个人寻求职业发展的同时,他或她可能会改善或发展工作技能,通过培训或自学。因此某种意义上的进展,目的是奖励,从而添加一个人的自信,在他后来的职业生涯。此外,对团队的归属感或社区工作时还会生成一个与他一起工作的同事为同一目标。

However, admitting that career achievement is vital for people does not mean there is nothing else which can be valued in one's life. On the contrary, most people believe that a fulfilling life is by no means defined only by success of their work, but depends on multiple factors. Some people might regard the intimate relationship between close friends and family members as the essential element of their life. For them, a good relation with their beloved people is the source of power that can spur them to overcome any difficulty or adversity the confront them in their life. Others find that religion is the only way to true happiness, as it brings them tranquility and comfort after a tiresome day which money or any material success will do.然而,承认职业成就至关重要的是人们并不意味着没有其他可宝贵的生命。相反,大多数人认为,充实的生活决不是只有他们的工作成功的定义,但取决于多个因素。有些人可能认为亲密关系亲密的朋友和家庭成员生活的基本要素。他们,与他们心爱的人一个良好的关系是力量的源泉,能鞭策他们克服任何困难或逆境,面对他们的生活。其他人认为宗教是真正快乐的唯一途径,在金钱或任何物质成功的一个烦人的一天之后,会做的,因为它带来的宁静和舒适。

In a word, the definition of life differs as people's outlook and mindset varies considerably. For someone, a sense of achievement from work can make one's life more meaningful, but there are still many people who are fully convinced that a good relation, a healthy body, a peaceful mind or even the process of pursuing beauty and happiness is equally vital in their lives.一句话,生活的定义不同,人们的看法和思维方式差异很大。为某人工作成就感可以让生命更有意义,但仍有许多人完全相信良好的关系,一个健康的身体,一个和平的思想,甚至追


20xx年1月12日 教育类 议论文 利弊分析类

In some countries, children are expected to study long hours both at and after school, therefore, they have little leisure time.

What are the positive and negative effects on the children and society as a whole?



Introductory Paragraph: 引言段

交代background information,背景信息

如:Education, especially children's, is undoubtedly of vital importance to a nation's sustained economic development. 教育,特别是儿童,无疑是对一个国家经济的持续发展至关重要。

再进一步导入具体内容:In some countries, a broad swath of students spend a huge amount of time working hard not only at school but after school as well, leading to the fact that they enjoy less leisure time. 一些国家,广阔的学生要花大量的时间努力工作,不仅在学校,而且也在学校之后,导致他们享受闲暇时间少这一事实。

Body Paragraph One: 正文第一段:



Children can have a thorough grasp of an in-depth knowledge. 孩子就能彻底理解深入了解。 对孩子产生的负面影响:

小孩子花过多时间在学习上可能会对成长不利。可举例说明一下,比如:长时间的sedentary lifestyle(久坐的)令人们担忧他们的健康状况。

The detrimental effects of working long hours on healthy growth are easy to be seen. 长时间工作对健康增长的不利影响很容易被看到。

Body Paragraph Two: 正文第二段:



An atmosphere for study has been created, which in turn has far-reaching consequences for policymakers who decide what the government's education policies will be. 建研究的气氛,进而对政策制定者产生深远影响,他决定政府的教育政策会是什么。


长时间在学习上的专注导致学生兴趣丧失,反过来同样对教育的发展起到抑制作用。 Students who are engaging in long-hour study are likely to lose interest, leading to the fact that

children's learning is inhibited. Therefore, the education system will be affected to some extent. 他是从事长时间研究的学生可能会失去兴趣,导致儿童学习是抑制这一事实。因此,教育系统在一定程度上会受到影响。


Concluding Paragraph: 结尾段


To conclude, there are both downsides and upsides with regard to the issue that a considerable amount of time is spent by students on study. Only when children are encouraged to participate actively in more extracurricular activities can they enjoy the benefits of working for a long time. 最后,有两方面的不利因素和负面因素的问题,相当多的时间花在研究的学生。只有在儿童时,鼓励他们积极参与到更多的课外活动能享受工作很长时间的


all parents should be required to take childcare courses. do you agree or disagree? 家长在教育中的责任和义务

Childcare is an important task for nations. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare training courses.儿童是国家的一项重要任务。 我们建议所有的母亲和父亲应要学习育儿培训课程。

To what extent do you agree or disagree?你在何种程度上同意或反对?

Childcare has been viewed as an essential aspect for children’s growth. Meanwhile, some people suggest that all parents should be made to participate in related trainings. This argument may be true to some extent, but I do not think it should be mandatory for every parent.儿童保育已被视为儿童成长的一个重要方面。与此同时,一些人认为所有的父母应参加相关培训。此参数在一定程度上可能是事实,但我认为应强制规定每位家长。

It is true that such class can teach parents how to better take care of their children systematically, since these organizations have professional experts providing particular nursing trainings and knowledge for them, like baby feeding, baby bathing and so on. Moreover, such class can effectively enhance parent-child relationship since many activities feature interaction between parents and children. Hence, these new parents can adapt to their new roles more quickly as care-givers.诚然,在这样的类可以教父母如何更好地照顾子女系统,因为这些组织有专业的专家为他们提供特别护理的培训和知识,像婴儿喂养,婴儿洗澡等。此外,由于许多活动功能的父母和孩子之间的互动,这些类可以有效地增强亲子关系。因此,这些新的父母能够更快地适应新角色作为照顾者。

However, the question is that it seems impossible to require all parents to undergo a period of parenting class. Due to the high-pressured life style and increasing financial strain in modern society, many couples with children have to work hard to earn a living. Consequently, it is hard for them to spare their time for the seemingly less important childcare education.不过,问题


Another reason I would like to mention is that the information explosion has provided us an alternative to acquire knowledge from various channels. For example, there are so many good educational programs available on TV and on the Internet that working parents can easily get access to them without attending the class in person.我想谈的另一个原因是,信息的爆炸我们提供了从不同渠道获取知识的一种替代方法。例如,有那么多优秀的教育电视和互联网上可用的程序没有亲自参加这类工作的父母容易接近他们。

To sum up, parents should try to learn as much as they can in terms of childcare, yet it does not mean all of them should go to a classroom-based center to acquire the knowledge, since every family has different situations. 因此,父母应该尽量多地了解他们在育儿方面,但这并不意味着他们应该去课堂中心获得的知识,因为每个家庭都有不同的情况。


大作文:all parents should be required to take childcare courses. do you agree or disagree?所有的父母都应该去参加育儿课程,同意吗?







1. 家庭条件不好的,一方参加就行



20xx年1月19日 观点立场类

Childcare is an important task for nations. It is suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take the childcare training courses. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?对于一个国家来说,幼儿保育是一项重要的工作任务。所有的父母都应该进行幼儿保育课程的学习。你同意这种说法吗?

写作思路:这是2009.09.12的旧题。关于childcare training,同学们最好参考下面的网络资料,从而对此话题有更准确的了解。



第二段:育儿培训课程的意义 —— 幼儿身心全面发展

第三段:也许传统育儿方式可以代代相传 但是: 1出生率降低,人们缺少早年照顾弟妹或目睹父母照顾弟妹的经验 2 父母和子女分开住,没有机会传承 第四段:也许工作的父母没时间参加育儿培训课程 但是: 1网络课程或者通过电视和收音机学习可以解决这个问题;课程设置可以比较灵活; 2父亲学习育儿培训可以鼓励更多参与亲子活动 第五段:支持育儿课程学习的必要性

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