

Interpretation Of Corporate Public Relationship Crisis

——A Review Of Toyota Recall Event

The background of Toyota 's recall crisis

At beginning of late January 2010, due to the accelerator pedal and other problems, Toyota announced that recalled nearly 4.45 million cars from the United States, Canada, Europe and China, coupled with Camry.Prius and other models ,a total of 4.2 million cars were recalled from the U.S. market in November 2009. Toyota's problematic vehicles exceeded seven million, far exceeded the level of its global sales last year.

Concise analysis

Toyota recall event has caused a sensation in the world .As far as its crisis public relations,the whole course mingled hope and fear.

First to say 'Hope'. Toyota is not the only one which happen recall.Such as Ford.In 2006,Ford recalled 7.9 million problematic cars .And in the past 10 years,Ford has recalled 14.9 million cars for the same reason.As well as the General Motors.G.M recalled of 6.7 million and 5.8 million cars in 1971 and 1981 respectively. Volkswagen and Honda also have a large number of recall records in 1972 and 1995 .Both of their number were 3.7 million. This shows the number of problematic cars that Toyota recalled in present situation is far from being largest.

When an enterprise can handle the crisis PR properly ,it will not only turning tide but also can further enhance its brand image.It now appears that no matter Toyota's image is negative or positive ,at least,Toyota is succeed attracting public's attention. Second to say'fear'.Since 2009,Toyota continual recalls has greatly stimulated the nerves of global consumers,expecially the recall of Lexus.As we all know,Toyata is most proud of Lsxus.The myth of Toyota products'quality is widely questioned.In a serious of external explanation ,Toyota tried to deny the relationship between the 1

quality problems and its cost.But it was really hard to believe.So its executives had to make one after another apology to public.The first 10 months of 2009,Toyota has already recalled problematic cars from the global market about 9 times,involving about 6.25million cars.In China market,from July 2004 to August 2009,there were a total of 24 recalls ,involving nearly 1.2 million vehicles.However,there was only 1.3 million Toyota vehicles sold in China market at same period.Because of Toyota frequent and large quantities recall,Toyota had to meet huge losses ,decline in sales and its high quality reputation is at edge.Toyota plunged into an unprecedented crisis. Public relations problem----Crisis management

Since 1970,the Japanese automotive industry depend on its high-tec and high-quality products has enjoyed a high reputation in the world.But because of its recall crisis ,the brand appeal power ---the greatest wealth to Toyota is currently suffering heavy losses,if not handled properly,Toyota,even the whole Japanese automotive industry may lose this advantage.As far as the Toyota recall crisis response,measures ran contrary to the six basic principles of crisis management. Six Reasons

① Forecast.Because Toyota underestimated the revolution and development of recall crisis,so the situation rapidly deteriorating.

② Fast.When the product quality problems happened,the public were eager to know reason.But Toyota's response was so slowly,especially its executives,they did nothing at the beginning of crisis.So Toyota lost best opportunity.

③ Fact.When Prius was exposed brake failures.Toyota's explanation was so unthinkable that it couldn't convince customers.In fact,making mistake is not terrible,lying to public is more terrible and unforgivable.

④ Face.At the beginning of the crisis,Toyota disregarded the safety of customers and blinded its responsibility.Consumers could't fell the sincerity from Toyota before Akio Toyoyda 's continuous apology.Its decades-accumulated credibility almost destroyed.

⑤ Frank.Toyota attempted to conceal the fact after they found problems.And 2

they also attempted to get ride of its responsibility by sophistry.Their performance,significantly exposed the lack of social responsibility and ethics.It seriously poisoned the atmosphere and environment of crisis management.So the crisis management process out of control.

⑥ Flexible.Just because of Toyota's improper handling of crisis,which led to the upgrading and transformation of the crisis itself,from the product quality crisis transferred to the brand crisis,from Toyota' crisis to the Japanese auto industry,even the crisis of whole Japanese manufacturing credibility.

The current crisis measures

The public relations expert TuGuangJin said 'When the company is involved of crisis,it has nothing to do but provide the fact and expression of attitude.It means the enterprise should answer the question whether it is our fault or not at first.If the answer is 'Yes',then the enterprise should take measures to clarify the facts,express apology and improve corporate action.'

Now,the principal crisis which Toyota is facing on can be devided into two aspects.One is its product quality crisis,another is its questionable credibility and image.The former ,in a sense,it is crisis management,and it can be solved by optimizing management.The later is a public relations crisis,it can be solved through timely and effective crisis communication management.

Professor Tu said' Public relations can deal with the problem of communication and dialogue,but it is not a panacea.The crucial point to enterprise is its products and services must cater for all customers. Public relations and crisis management can not replace its internal and external management.Akio Toyoda also declared at Beijing press conference' Toyota should consider customers' benefits first.It seemed that after experienced passive and lag trouble ,Toyota finally recognized the company should not only reaffirm its previous corporate philosophy but also need to recalibrate its corporate behaviour.Because the true meaning of public relations is meet the interests of the enterprise ,the public and the society.

Short Conclusion


Let's review the course of event. In a word, Toyota's crisis coping strategies included the following points: apologized initiatively, took responsibility, accepted criticism and committed to improving the safety performance of its product.All these action in order to reverse its consumer's confidence, re-establish its corporation's reputation and defuse resentment and hostility from public. But the appropriate coping strategies couldn't win the support and confidence from the majority of consumers. This fact could be got from its U.S market's sale declined rapidly in February. And its sale of new models fall out of the top ten in Chinese market. In a short, whether Toyota can finally overcome this trouble or not, it still need a long-time observation.











课堂提问必须做到难易适度,尤其是难度较大的问题,一定要设计成一系列由浅入深,由旧导新、从易到难的小问题,使学生通过问题解答,逐步突破难点,把握要领,掌握规律。如:我在教授五年级牛津英语的时候,刚开始上课时,我总是把低年级学的一些简单的常用语(How are you ?How old are you? )等来提问,让学生有些许成就感,继而不断提高难度引导学生回忆Which ?句型,把本课时的重点分解开来,生在不知不觉中就把知识学到手了。






教师在教学过程中不仅要具有驾驭教材,了解学生,优选教法的功夫,而且要有善于根据教学中的信息反馈,审时度势,不失时机地进行课堂提问的本事。课堂教学过程中,灵机应变、适时提问的机会是很多的。如某位教师在教学PEP unit 2 《my schoolbag》 part A Let’s talk 时,在教学关键句前,出示一个很重的盒子,且里面套着很多小盒子。 T:what’s this ?

S: It’s a box 。

T:please weight it ,how do you feel?

待学生拿一拿盒子后说:很重。这时及时教学heavy 一词。学生会产生盒子里有什么东西的念头。这时我马上提问:what’s in it ?(随后要学习的新句)guess.让学生猜一猜。

预习过课文的同学肯定会猜是book。结果里面却是一个稍小一点的盒子。接着问:what’s in the small one? 。结果还是一个更小的盒子。再接着猜接着问:what’s in the small one??学生越猜越觉得有趣,等到后面几个盒子,学生已经会和我一起问了,而且一边问一边不时的笑。这样一来,不但学生的兴趣吊起来了,而且还掌握了关键句。




教师在提问对象的选择上要照顾全体学生,更要因材施问。平时教学中,由于受到课堂时间、教学内容以及学生数量多等多种因素的制约,一般情况下有些问题不可能一一进行提问。因此,教师在课堂提问时要考虑提问导入新课,即能吸引学生的注意中等学生参与教学活动所能承受的能力,适当照顾优、差两头。如:我在上Unit 2 My toys 时,就注重不同层次学生的提高,提问的问题也因人而异。接受的快的学生我会要求其回答较难的问题,领读所学的单词,而稍差的我就会让其回答些简单的问题,并领读两三个单词,使其对英语更有兴趣。







教材内容:新目标初中英语七上Unit1My name is Gina

教材处理:本单元的重点在于如何在一个新的场合下介绍自己和认识他人。让刚入学不久的初中新生用英语搭建起他们友谊的桥梁。学会用“What’s your name? / What’s her name? / what’s his name?”以及复习Starter U1-3 所学过的一些common English Greetings 来结识朋友。本课生词量不大,重点在于对学生的口语操练以及常用人名的熟悉。


Step1: 课前热身:通过欣赏一首英文歌曲,随着节奏的拍手以及一起说唱来激发学生进入课堂的状态并且引入本课主题“something about name”. (但是在授课中,发现学生不能很快熟悉这类chant, 本人为了抓紧时间进入课程,草草结束,并未达到预想的那种进入课堂的气氛。)

Step2: 新课导入并复习前面说学过的名词及句型;

1. Today, we will learn Unit1. My name is Gina. We know Gina is a girl’s name. First, let’s see something about Gina.

T: Look, this is Gina’s room, big and nice. What things can you see in her room? S: I can see a/an clock, jacket, quilt, plant, ruler, lamp, trash bin…

T: Spell it, please.

(通过这一步骤,一是复习了前面所学的名词,也复习了前单元的句型。二是引入课文的Section A 1a 部分)

2. This is Gina’s classroom.

What things can you see in Gina’s classroom? Please write down.

Except for the things, we also can see many students in the classroom. They are talking with each other. (让学生熟悉第一单元的生词,并引导进入Step 3 )

Step3: 介绍人名以及对话操练:

1.Gina’s classmates: Jim, Mary, Alan, Jenny. They are making friends with each other.

Now, let’s listen how they are making friends.

2. listening, 让学生看课本,并对所听到的对话排序。

3. Pair work: Making friends with your partner.

让学生操练(What’s your name? I’m/My name is …)

Step4: Meet some new friends.

(导入“What’s her name? / What’s his name?)

1.Alice, Cindy, Grace, Helen, Eric, Frank, Bob, Dale;

(通过复习starter U1 所学的男名和女名, 向学生介绍如何询问第三方的姓名)

What’s her name? / What’s his name?

2. 巩固 “What’s her name? / What’s his name?“的句型,


3. Group work: Know the students’ names in your group and make friends with them. Step5: Listening: 课本section A, 2a,2b



Game: Let’s guess!通过文字的描述,让学生猜“What’s her name? / What’s his name?”猜的过程中,通过激发学生的好奇心,让学生不断地开口说“Her/His name is…?”然后逐渐的增加信息量,直至学生猜出真实的姓名。

Step6: Group work and report

1.教师演示:These famous people we referred are my good friends. His name is … Her name is … So , where are your friends?

2. 学生操练对话并做一个report

3. 上台展示


四: 教学反思

1.新课程的主旨主要是“以学生为主体,把课堂还给学生,教师的角色定位于示范者、引导者、合作者,而不是教师一言堂” 本人根据以学生为中心的教学思路,设计了大量问答、叙述、表演、讨论等形式多样的语言实践活动。但是在课堂中,并没有完全的做到很客观的去判断学生的实际操练过程。带着教师的主观想法:What’s your name? My name is …是一个非常简单的句型,可以一笔带过的想法。 所以忽略了尊重学生的思想情感和个体差异,使他们真正成为学习的主人是这节课设计的最根本宗旨。

2.机智教学,灵活过渡是每个优秀的英语教师所应该具备的个人素质。在本堂课上,我在引入本课的Step1 部分,受到课堂用语的牵制,使得开头的介绍引入部分与前部分的铺垫脱节,过渡过于牵强,不够流畅自然。同时,我也根据青少年学生的心理特点,设计形式多样的活动,采用灵活多样的教学方法,实施趣味教学,激发、保持、巩固学生的兴趣,轻松愉快的开始、轻松愉快的过程、轻松愉快的结尾,使得整节课课堂气氛活跃、充满情趣。但是在处理听力部分的过渡中,过于牵强,似乎又把主角从学生那里抢了回来,把他们当成了完成我这个听力任务的工具。

3.教学内容“大众化”。不同的学生,对每一课的内容都会体现出不同的兴趣。所以,针对学习者构建知识结构,每一堂课都要求教师问题的设计也要根据难易,再由不同的学生基础来选择适合他们的合理问题。在本堂课中,教师的主旨就是围绕“What’s your name? What’s her name? What’s his name?”。教学任务设计虽然多元化,具体化。但是缺乏梯度化。忽略了最大限度地引导学生进行有效的自主学习,让学生能多方思考练习、多方提高。






















初中英语写作课教学案例一(My pet)





