IELTS Writing Essay tips 雅斯写作简易指导


距离上次写的雅斯考试经验已经有一年半的时间了,这期间经历了许多,毕业,上班,换工作,积累不同的经验。 基本已经把那一篇文章忘掉了,但是不断有朋友在问youtube的那些视频打不开。所以有个念头就是想把作文的东西从Robert Lewis那里总结一下, 也好给更多准备雅斯的朋友提供一些方便。正好赶上小妹这周要考试,就今天临时决定再写一些关于雅斯的东西,重点放在写作writing上 (也只是那个网站里的写作指导而已)。别的也做不了什么,希望小妹顺利过关。

下面要写出来的基本都是Robert Lewis的总结,希望以后不会遇到什么麻烦,因为完全不为了利益的目的。根据的是他的视频课程

IELTS Writing Essay 1 TO START WITH…

首先我们要清楚的是两个问题:What is an Essay and How can we write or answer a simple essay question?

The purpose to write an essay is to persuade readers to believe or appreciate writer’s opinion or point of view for a given subject.

In the essay we need to complete THREE stages:

Present opinion or position,

Support the position with series of arguments, and

Restate the position

The important thing we should realize is in an essay, there is no right or wrong (black or white).不要因为考试所给的标题而去考虑应该是写赞成或是反对。写作考试的目的是要assess你的英文能力,无论你给出的是什么观点,只要提供有逻辑的论点论据,那么这篇文章就一定是有说服力的,是一篇好文章。


a. No clear position statement or even conflicting statement 这一点是最要命的 这也是很多中国考生在十多年语文考试中养成的习惯, 觉得有利有一定有弊, 两方面都写道才是一篇完美的文章。 我的建议是 除非考题清清楚楚告诉你agree and disagree都要写, 不然完全放弃这种想法,老老实实站在一边,把省出来的那几分钟去想论点好了 remember to CLEARLY express your position AT THE BEGINNING.

b. Punctuation/ no paragraphing

Always ensure telling readers when the statement complete, using conjunctions as separation

between paragraphs. 说白了就是要分段 还要学会流利的运用连词 最基本的就是1st, 2nd and 3rd, 这个就不用再讲了吧。 但是忌讳的是每一个论点都不完全独立 彼此之间藕断丝连 让考官感觉从头到尾都在讲套话

c. Vocabulary/Spelling and Grammar

扩充词汇量 从基本工作起吧 不要以为重复的写同样一个词凑够250字就可以拿个基本分

d. Using spoken English

不要用非正式的语言或者口语中的词汇,记得我们写的是academic essay, 用的是scientific language or technical language, 还要避免经常使用第一人称和第二人称

3 Three types of essays (part a and part b/ 4)

The essay questions are usually not simple, indeed some essay questions contain a number of sub-questions. So it is important to read the question carefully and make sure you understand

clearly the instructions and what you must do (read them twice, underline the key words). 所以题目可以相似或完全一样, 但是问法不同, 写的方式就完全不同,如果argue写成discuss, 就等于跑题了。

Three main types of essays : ARGUE, EXPLAIN and DISCUSS

ARGUE (argumentative)

Some typical argumentative essays/sample questions:

a. smoking is bad for your health. Give your opinion

b. should young children be allowed to watch as much TV as they like? Argue one point of


c. to what extent should children be responsible for their general health?



Explanatory essays/sample questions

a. explain the causes of poor health, and give some possible solutions

b. what are the factors that contribute to failure in university exams? How can students better



c. Why do young people follow fashions? Give some reasons thy this is or is not a ne3gative


d. Discuss the causes and effects of illiteracy. What are some possible solutions?

DISCUSS (not common but still important)

Two sides of the issue, pros and cons, …

Discussion essays/sample questions

a. discuss the reasons for and against letting children play computer games b. what are the advantages and disagvantages of mobile phones?

c. Explain the costs and benefits of travel abroad

d. Health care should be free. Discuss the arguments for and against this proposition, before


4 Developing vocabulary

Step 1 ---identify unfamiliar topics (十大原则的题目)

Step 2 ---find texts on these topics (common words & uncommon/technical) Step 3 --- use the new vocabulary in writing or in oral English to consolidate Step 4 ---know the different forms of new words

5 Developing word maps

Using WHs and HOW

a. make a word map

b. read the text and highlight content words and expressions

c. add new vocabulary to the word map

d. consolidate new vocabulary, write on the topic using new expressions

6 (missing on the website) Persuasive strategy – how to reason

7 Persuasive strategy – Being Logical using conjunctions

Eight categories: addition, reinforcing (and, in addition) contrast, cause and effect, concession/condition, listing, summarizing, giving alternatives and exemplifying.

Typical errors when using conjunctions:

a. don’t use AND to start with a sentence

b. don’t use BUT to start

c. Such as within the sentence

d. Besides

e. Moreover

Listing conjunctions for sequencing arguments, LOGICALLY

8 Persuasive stragegy --- sound authoritative using technical nouns

Nominalisation = changing words into nouns

a.Verb + ING > NOUN

Eg: swim + ing =swimming

b. Adj or Verb + AFFIX > NOUN

eg: govern +ment = government inform +ation = information

Why change words into nouns?

a. to make an action/process the focus of a sentence

b. to sound more authoritative

暂时就加这么多 因为真的很费时间 有什么问题的话以后再补充

again, wish you good luck and allst.

be the

第二篇:托付写作技巧Toefl Essay Writing Tips

I. Before you begin:

I. Relax and feel confident.

II. Remember that you have 30 minutes to write your

essay. Use your time wisely.

III. You may write your essay on the computer or on

paper. Choose the one you are MOST comfortable with.

II. You can write an excellent essay if you remember all these tips!

[Note: These tips will be very helpful for you, but you still need someone to read your completed essays and make comments on the contents. Order our services and you will be matched with your own teacher who will help you with FIVE different TOEFL essays] II. Understanding the TOEFL question:

There are different types of TOEFL questions. You never know which question you will receive, so you must be

prepared to write on ALL the types of questions. It is very BEFORE you begin to write. Below are some different essay question types.

1. Choose a point of view and support that view.

Example: Some people believe that university

students should be required to attend classes. Others ?Edit English 2000


believe that going to classes should be optional for

students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your


This type of question asks you to look at only ONE side of the issue…the side you agree with. DON’T write about your ideas with details and examples.

2. Describe something.

Example: If you could invent something NEW, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed?

In answering this type of question, you MUST be creative. It asks you to describe something NEW, something that

3. Compare two points of view and tell which one you agree with.

Example: Some people think that children should

begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies.

Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views.

Which view do you agree with? Why?

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In this type of question, you must write about BOTH sides of this issue and then tell which side you agree with. You may NOT say that you agree with both sides. You MUST make a choice. First, give support, details and examples of both sides of the issue. Then, tell which side you agree with and why.

4. Agree or disagree with something.

Example: Do you agree or disagree with the

following statement: ONLY people who earn a lot of money are successful. Do you agree or disagree with this definition of success? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

In this type of question, you MUST agree or disagree. You cannot be unsure or indecisive. After you have said

whether you agree or disagree, you must give convincing reasons and examples for your choice.

5. Explain why something is true.

Example: People remember special gifts or presents that they have received. Why? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

In this question, you should use lots of examples. (For this question, you would use examples of gifts one might

receive and tell why those gifts are memorable). Do not write in the first person, “I.” Write in more general terms.

6. Support an idea or plan.

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Example: It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific

reasons and details to support your answer.

In this question, first tell whether you support or oppose the plan and then tell why. Since this question is somewhat personal, it is ok to use personal pronouns such as: “I, me, my” in your answer.

[Understanding the question is only the first part to writing a good TOEFL essay. After you have written your essay, you need someone to READ it. Order our services and you will have the help of your own teacher to help you BEAT the TOEFL!!]

III. The parts of an essay:

In every essay, there should be an introduction, a body and conclusion.

A. The introduction:

The introduction restates the question using different vocabulary and/or sentence structure. The

introduction also includes your thesis statement…the most important sentence in your essay.

B. The body:

The body of your essay is also the “heart” of your

essay. It will include your main ideas and details and ?Edit English 2000


examples to support those ideas. Each new idea

should be a new paragraph. Typically, a TOEFL

essay will have 3 – 4 body paragraphs.

C. The conclusion:

The conclusion will be your final paragraph. It will summarize all the main ideas in your essay and it may also include your opinion.

IV. How to write a good introduction:

Let’s look at some more essay questions to see how to

restate the question and how to write your thesis statement.

TOEFL essay question #1:

Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and

examples to support your answer.

Restatement & Thesis:

People have two options when deciding where to eat. They can prepare meals and eat at home or they can go out to stands or restaurants. I prefer to go out to eat because the food is more varied and interesting, it is less work for me and it saves time.


The restatement mentions the two types of options

people have for eating and tells which one the author ?Edit English 2000


prefers. In addition, it gives three reasons for that preference. These three reasons will make up the three main idea paragraphs in the body of the essay.

TOEFL essay question #2:

Is it better for children to participate in team sports or individual sports? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Restatement & Thesis:

It is better for children to participate in team sports rather than individual sports. In team sports, children learn how to cooperate. They learn good

sportsmanship and how to rely on their teammates. These are important lessons that will benefit children throughout their lives.


The first sentence clearly states the author’s opinion. This is followed by three reasons for the opinion.

Finally, the author mentions life lessons. In the essay, the three reasons will make up the three main idea paragraphs in the body of the essay. In addition, the author will mention how each main idea is useful throughout life.

TOEFL essay question #3:

Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you ?Edit English 2000


prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

Restatement & Thesis:

There are many good reasons to live in a big city and an equal number of good reasons to live in a small

town. I, myself, prefer to live in a small town because it is more personal and homey; it is easier to get

around in and it is safer than a big city.


The first statement says that both a city and town have positive aspects. The next sentence tells the author’s preference and reasons for that preference. These

reasons will make up the body of the essay.

[When you order our services, you will get three free Model Essays that have been written for the three

TOEFL questions above. This will help you see how an entire TOEFL essay should look.]

V. How to write good body paragraphs:

Each paragraph in your essay introduces a new idea. It should include a thesis statement followed by support and examples. Be sure to use LOTS of examples. Within and between paragraphs be sure to use transition words like: on the other hand, however, though, for example, in

contrast, likewise, in addition, first, finally. The paragraph should end with a concluding sentence which briefly summarizes the ideas in the paragraph.

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VI. The elements of a good concluding paragraph:

A good concluding paragraph should include a summary of your main points. It may also include the author’s opinion. It should NOT introduce any new ideas. A good

concluding paragraph often leaves an impression on the reader. It may make the reader think more deeply about the topic.

VII. Preparing to write and writing your answer: I. Read and understand the essay question. (2


II. Organize your ideas on paper by writing a short

outline of the introduction, body and conclusion. (8


III. Write your essay. Remember to restate the question

in your introduction. Use clear details and LOTS of

examples in the body of your essay. Finally,

summarize the main ideas in the concluding

paragraph of your essay. (15 minutes).

I. Reread your essay and make any changes in

spelling, verb tense, word choice or sentence

structure. (5 minutes).

VIII. A sample TOEFL outline:

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TOEFL Question: In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

I. It is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while

they are students because they can learn about

responsibility; they can learn the value of money

and they can learn how to work as a member of a


II. Students can learn responsibility

a. They have to come to work on time every day

b. They must serve customers in a friendly manner c. They have to maintain the store shelves with


III. Students can learn the value of money

a. Students will learn that it takes a lot of time and effort to make money

b. Students will make wiser choices when buying

things with their own money

IV. Students will learn how to work as a member of a


a. Students will learn how to compromise with

other employees (helping out when someone is

sick, etc.)

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b. Students will learn about the friendship that

comes from teamwork (feeling like you can trust


V. Conclusion

It is a valuable experience for teenagers to have

jobs while they are students because they will learn to be responsible adults. They will have an

appreciation for money and they will learn about

working with others. All of these traits will benefit them throughout their lives.

IX. A sample TOEFL essay (based on the outline above)

It is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are students because they can learn about responsibility; they can learn the value of money and they can learn how to work as a member of a team.

When teenagers have jobs while they are students,

they can learn how to be responsible. As an employee, you must follow a weekly schedule. This means, you have to come to work on time. If you are scheduled to begin work at 8 a.m. on a Saturday morning, you have to be there at 8 a.m. It doesn’t matter if you went to a party the night before and do not want to get up. You have to get up. Your boss is relying on you to do your job. As an

employee, you also learn that you must serve the customer ?Edit English 2000


in a friendly manner. If you are not friendly, the store may lose business and you may lose your job. Finally, an

employee is responsible for maintaining the store shelves with inventory. If you work in a department store, you have to keep the shelves filled with merchandise. The products have to be priced and placed on the shelves. If the shelves look empty, customers may get a bad

impression of the store and may not continue to shop there. It is good for students to learn responsibility when they are young because it will benefit them as they get older.

Another benefit to teenagers working is that they will learn the value of money. Often students get money from their parents, but they do not realize how hard their parents work for that money. When students work, they begin to appreciate how difficult it can be to make money. They also realize that “money doesn’t grow on trees” as some students seem to believe when asking their parents for money. Another reason it is good for students to work is that they will make wiser choices when they use their own money to buy things. For example, if students work 20 hours per week at $7.00 per hour, they will make $140 per week. In one month, that is about $540. Perhaps a student will think twice about spending $120 for a pair of tennis shoes or $350 for a stereo system when s/he has had to work very hard for that money. On the other hand, when students do spend money for personal objects, they will appreciate them more than if they had gotten the money from their parents.

Finally, working teenagers learn from being members of a team. As employees, students learn to work with ?Edit English 2000


others and help one another. For example, if someone is sick, you may be asked to help out. In addition, other

employees will depend on you to do your share of the work. If one person does not do his/her job, other employees may have to do extra work to compensate. Students will learn very quickly that it is not good teamwork to expect others to do your work. Finally, students will develop friendships with other employees because they have learned to count on each other. Working as a member of a team will build strong character in students.

To conclude, it is a valuable experience for teenagers to have jobs while they are students because they will learn to be responsible adults. They will have an appreciation for money and they will learn about working with others. These experiences will help them grow into adulthood and benefit them throughout their lives.

[Don’t stop here! Order our services at and begin to improve your TOEFL score today!]

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