




[BW(D(X10mm,123.5mm,)G15mmM1D2][TP单码.tif,BP%][WT9.《Times Roman》][CS%0,0,0,0][KH-*1D][JZ][KG19mm][CX2][BM]〖CX〗[WT][BW)] New

[BW(S(X10mm,,130mm)MD2][TP双码.tif;Z-3*2,BP%][WT9.《Times New Roman》][CS%0,0,0,0][KH-*1D][JY,0.1mm][CX2][BM]〖CX〗〓〓[WT][BW)]









[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓〓[KG*2/3]关键词:life〓[KG*2/3]〓字数:161〓〓[KG*2/3]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′[YY)][FK)][ST][HT]

[KH*2D]〓〓[HTY3]知道[WTFZ]Craig[WT]一天到晚都忙些什么吗? 看看他写给

[WTFZ]Han Lei[WT]的信吧!


[GK!13]Dear Han Lei,

Thank you for your letter. Your life is very [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)]. And I hope I can visit you soon. Now I would like to tell you [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] about my life in England. The day starts at about seven oclock when Dad and Mum [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)]. My sister and I usually watch TV until [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] at eight oclock. I like to eat rice and eggs. I also [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] a glass of milk.

After breakfast, I put on my school uniform(校服) [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] take some food for lunch to school. At school one of my favorite[HK] subjects [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] science. I also enjoy PE lessons—we play [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] soccer, basketball and sometimes we go crosscountry running.

In the evenings, I usually do [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] homework before watching TV. Mum helps me with my homework. [HK]

I have [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] friends here. I would like to introduce them to you next time. Keep in touch!



(〓) 1. A. colorful[KG4*2][WB]B. crowded [KG3*2][WB]C. boring[KG4*2][WB]D. terrible

(〓) 2. A. anything[DW]B. nothing[DW]C. everything[DW]D. something

(〓) 3. A. get up[DW]B. get to[DW]C. get off[DW]D. get on

(〓) 4. A. breakfast[DW]B. lunch[DW]C. dinner[DW]D. supper

(〓) 5. A. eat[DW]B. order[DW]C. drink[DW]D. take

(〓) 6. A. but[DW]B. or[DW]C. so[DW]D. and

(〓) 7. A. are[DW]B. is[DW]C. am[DW]D. be

(〓) 8. A. a[DW]B. an[DW]C. the[DW]D. 不填

(〓) 9. A. his[DW]B. my[DW]C. her[DW]D. its

(〓) 10. A. much[DW]B. many[DW]C. any[DW]D. few



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:animals 〓[KG*1]字数:134 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★






根据短文内容和首字母提示,在文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词,使短文完整通顺。 [GK11!][JP3]There are many different k[CD#3](1) of animals in the zoo. We see the zoo keepers give t[CD#3](2) food to eat. [CX2]They dont h[CD#3](3) to find food for themselves.[CX]① They just eat, walk and sleep all day. So many of us think that the animals there are h[CD#3](4). But most of them are sad. Why? They are not free!

Animals l[CD#3](5) elephants, monkeys and tigers usually live freely and happily in forests or mountains. Tigers, for example, run, jump and play w[CD#3](6) their children and catch small animals for f[CD#3](7). But now they have to stay i[CD#3](8) the small rooms in the zoo.

[CX2]Their [HK]life in the zoo is d[CD#3](9) from their life in the forests.[CX]②[HK][JP] Now all of us think more animals should go b[CD#3](10) to the forests. Do you think so?




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(]〖CX2〗They dont have to find food for themselves. 它们不用自己觅食。[CX]

have to “不得不”,指客观上的“必须”;must指主观上的“必须”。如:

My father is ill, so I have to look after him. 我父亲病了,我不得不照看他。

I must study hard. 我必须努力学习。[ZK)]

2. [ZK(]〖CX2〗Their life in the zoo is different from their life in the forests. 在动物园里的生活和在森林中的生活是不同的。〖CX〗

[JP4]be different from 意为“与??不同”,其反义词组是be the same as,意为“与??相同”。如:[JP]

 My pen is different from yours. 我的钢笔和你的不同。

My coat is the same as yours. 我的外套和你的一样。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓〓[KG*2]关键词:girl〓〓[KG*2]字数:119+63 〓〓[KG*2]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




There is a shy girl in our class. She is thirteen years old. She is not tall and she is not short. She is a little heavy. Her face is round, like an apple. She has two big black eyes and a small nose. Her mouth is big, but her ears are small. Her hair is short and black. She likes red best. But today she is wearing a yellow sweater, blue jeans and brown shoes. She dislikes getting up early, so she is usually late for school. She doesnt like to talk to others. She likes little animals. [JP3]She has a little black dog. She and the dog are good friends. Now, do you know her?[JP]


(〓) 1. [ZK(]How old is the girl?

A. She is 11 years old.[DW2]B. She is 12 years old.

C. She is 13 years old.[DW2]D. She is 14 years old.


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The girls hair is[CD#3].

A. curly[DW]B. straight[DW]C. short[DW]D. long


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The girls favorite color is[CD#3].

A. red[DW]B. black[DW]C. brown[DW]D. yellow


(〓) 4. [ZK(]The girl likes little[CD#3].

A. flowers[DW]B. animals[DW]C. trees[DW]D. toys




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 [KG*1]关键词:recreation [KG*1]字数:156+169 [KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:11′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ1mm]



[GK!12]〖WTFZ〗〖HTSS〗 In the world today, all of the people need [ZZ(Z]recreation[ZZ)]. We cannot work all the time if we want to keep healthy and enjoy life.

Everyone has his own way of relaxing. [CX2]Perhaps the most popular form(形式) is to take part in sports.[CX]① There are team sports, such as basketball and soccer. There are also individual(个人的) sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular forms of recreation for people who like to be outdoors.

Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part in them. [HK]Many people like watching them on TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing.

It doesnt matter whether we like indoor recreation or outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and enjoy some kinds of recreation.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]What does the underlined word “recreation” mean in Chinese?

 A. 运动 〖DW〗 B. 娱乐 〖DW〗 C. 游戏 〖DW〗 D. 营养 [ZK)] (〓) 2. [ZK(]People want to take part in sports to [CD#3].

 A. keep healthy and enjoy life 〖DW2〗 B. make friends

 C. find a good job 〖DW2〗 D. make some money[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Which is the favorite form of recreation?

 A. Taking part in sports. 〖DW2〗 B. Watching TV.

C. Sleeping. 〖DW2〗 D. Singing and dancing.[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Why do many people like watching sports on TV or listening to them on the radio? A. Because they like sports but dont like to take part in them.

B. Because they dont enjoy sports.

C. Because they dont enjoy life.

D. Because they dont need recreation.[ZK)][HJ1.3mm]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]The passage mainly tells us that [CD#3].

A. basketball is a kind of team sport

B. everyone should take part in sports

C. different people have different ways of relaxing

D. indoor recreation is not as important as outdoor sports[ZK)]



[JP3][GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Perhaps the most popular form is to take part in sports. 也许最流行的放松方式是参加运动。[CX][JP]

[JP3]take part in 意为 “参加”,后常接活动,而join也是“参加”的意思,后常接组织。如:[JP]

Did you take part in the meeting yesterday?昨天你参加那个会议了吗?

Her brother wants to join the army. 她哥哥想参军。[ZK)][HJ]






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓〓关键词:hair〓〓字数:122+115〓〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′




[GK12!]〖WTFZ〗〖HTSS〗Mr Green is not old, but he doesnt have much hair. His wife, Annie has black, thick and beautiful hair. They have one daughter. Her name is Ruth. She is four and a half years old.

There is a picture of Mr Green in the living room. One day, Ruth looks at it for a long time and then says to her mother, “Mom, why does Dad have so little hair?”

Annie laughs and says, “He has very little hair because he thinks a lot, Ruth. He is a clever man.”

Ruth looks at her mothers [HK]thick black hair for a few [ZZ(Z]seconds[ZZ)], and then she asks, “Mom, why do you have a lot of hair?”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Ruths father [CD#3].

A. is tall〖DW2〗B. is fat

C. has much hair[DW2]D. has little hair


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Annies hair is [CD#3]. [HK]

A. little but beautiful〖DW2〗B. black and long

C. black and beautiful[DW2]D. thick and long


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The underlined word “seconds” means [CD#3]in Chinese.

A. 小时〖DW〗B. 很久〖DW〗C. 第二〖DW〗D. 秒


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mr Green doesnt have much hair because he is old.

B. Annies son is four and a half years old.

C. Annie has much hair so she is not clever.

D. Ruth doesnt know why Dad has little hair.




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]

关键词:clock 〓 [KG*2]字数:125+163 〓 [KG*2]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ1.9mm]


[WTFZ][HTSS]John is six years old. He can read and write very well, but he cant tell the time. He doesnt say eight oclock, twelve oclock or four oclock in the afternoon. He says “breakfasttime”, “lunchtime” or “teatime”.

[GK!12]His aunt thinks she can teach him.

“Can you count, John?”

“Yes. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve...”

“Thats fine. Now I put the long hand on twelve and the short one on one. That is one oclock. If I put the short hand on two, whats that?”

“Two oclock.”

“Good. And on three?”

“Three oclock.”[HK]

[CX2]It is four oclock in the afternoon.[CX]① Johns aunt looks at him and asks, “What time is it now?”

“Teatime, Aunt, and Im hungry.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]When it is eight oclock, John says it is [CD#3].

 A. breakfasttime 〖DW2〗B. lunchtime

 C. teatime 〖DW2〗 D. suppertime[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]John cannot [CD#3].

 A. write 〖DW〗 B. count

〖DW〗 C. tell the time 〖DW〗 〓〓〓D. read[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]His aunt thinks [CD#3].

 A. she cant teach John to tell the time

 B. John can learn to tell the time by himself

 C. John can tell the time when he goes to school

 D. John can tell the time after she teaches him[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]After his aunt teaches him, John [CD#3].

 A. cant count 〖DW2〗 B. cant tell the time

 C. cant read or write 〖DW2〗 D. doesnt like her[ZK)][HJ1.3mm] (〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

 A. Its difficult to teach a child to tell the time.

 B. John often drinks tea at eight in the morning.

 C. Johns aunt doesnt know the way to tell the time.

 D. John often tells jokes to his aunts. [ZK)]



1. [ZK(][CX2]It is four oclock in the afternoon. 现在是下午4点钟。[CX]

 in the afternoon 意为“在下午”。在早上、上午、晚上要用介词in, 但是早上、上午、晚上只要被定语修饰,介词就用on。如:

in the morning 在早上〓on the morning of July 7th 在7月8日的早上[ZK)][HJ]






说明文 [KG*6]〓关键词:British life[KG*6]〓字数:122+104 [KG*6]〓难度:★★★★






[GK12!]〖WTFZ〗〖HTSS〗[CX2]Homes and families[CX][WTFZ][HTSS]

Many British people live in houses, not flats. [CX2]Most houses have gardens with different kinds of plants.[CX]①

〖CX2〗Daily life[CX]

Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish at about five or six in the afternoon. Most people dont go home for lunch.

[CX2]School life[CX][WTFZ][HK]

Children start school at about nine in the morning, and finish at about three thirty[HJ1.5mm] in the afternoon. Most children have lunch at school. All children go to school when they are four or five years old, and leave when they are sixteen or seventeen. [WTFZ]


Most shops open at about nine in the morning, and close at about six in the afternoon. Usually, they dont close for lunch.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Many British people live in[CD#3].

A. flats [DW]B. parks [DW]C. houses[DW]D. gardens[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Most office workers start work at about [CD#3] in the morning.

A. ten [DW]B. nine [DW]C. eight [DW]D. seven[ZK)][HJ]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]The children in Britain usually study at school for [CD#3].

A. four or five years[DW2]B. six or seven years

C. twelve or thirteen years〖DW2〗D. sixteen or seventeen years



(〓) 4. [ZK(]Can you buy things in the shops at lunch time?

A. No, they close for lunch.

B. Yes, but there is no people in the shop.

C. No, shops open at one p.m.

D. Yes, they dont close for lunch. [ZK)]


[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 [KG*2/3]关键词:bus&school [KG*2/3]字数:161+183 [KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:11′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ1.8mm]


[WTFZ][HTSS]On a small farm in Mexico, there are no schools. A bus is the school. The driver of the bus[GK!12] is the teacher. Its a school bus, but it doesnt take the children to school. It just goes round

from place to place, and sometimes it comes to this farm. The bus will stay here for three months.

The farmers call it a school on wheels(轮子). [CX2]Every time when the bus comes, the farmers will come, running to it, shouting and laughing.[CX]② They warmly welcome the school bus. When the bus is on the farm, in the morning, the teacher teaches the small children. In the afternoon, the older children come to have their lessons because they must work in the morning.

[HK]At night, the fathers and mothers come to school. They want to learn, too. The farmers hope that some day they can have a real school on their farm.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The driver of the bus is the [CD#3].

A. teacher 〖DW〗 B. student 〖DW〗 C. farmer

(〓) 2. [ZK(]The bus school can [CD#3].

A. take the children to school

 B. stay here for a long time

C. take the fathers and mothers to school 〖DW〗D. father[ZK)]

D. go round from place to place[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]When the bus school comes, the farmers can [CD#3].

A. stop working 〖DW2〗B. be happy

C. stop the bus〖DW2〗 D. drive to school [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]The older children have their lessons in the afternoon because [CD#3] in the morning.

A. they cant get up early

B. the teacher wants to teach the small children first

C. they have a lot of work to do

D. they have to do their homework[ZK)][HJ1.1mm]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. A school bus is a real school for the farmers children.

B. The bus school has no teachers at all.

C. The bus school has no students at all.

D. The children and their parents all come to the bus school to learn. [ZK)]



1. [ZK(][CX2]Most houses have gardens with different kinds of plants. 多数房子都带着种有各种植物的花园。[CX]

介词短语with different kinds of plants在句中作后置定语,表示“有,附带”。如: This is a house with three rooms. 这是一套三居室的房子。[ZK)]

2. [ZK(][CX2]Every time when the bus comes, the farmers will come, running to it, shouting and laughing. 每一次当校车来时,农民们跑着、喊着、笑着来了。[CX]


Ill tell him about it when he comes back. 当他来时,我将告诉他。[ZK)][HJ]






说明文〓〓[KG*1]关键词:jobs 〓〓[KG*1]字数:98〓[KG*1]〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:5′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ]



[GK12!]We can know peoples jobs from the words they often say. So what does each person below do?

Lilys mother always says, “Dont worry. You will get well soon. Take some medicine.” Jacks father always says, “Stop! Dont move. Hands up!”

Kates mother always says, “[CX2]Come and see for yourselves.[CX]① We have all kinds of clothes at a very good price.”

Bens father always says, “What would you like to eat?”[HK]

Jennys mother always says, “Good morning, class! Today we will have a new lesson.” 根据短文内容,补全表格中所缺的信息。


[BHD](1) Lilys mother[][CD#3][][CD#3]

[BH](2) Jacks father[][CD#3][][CD#3]

[BH](3) Kates mother[][CD#3][][CD#3]

[BH](4) Bens father[][CD#3][][CD#3]

[BH](5) Jennys mother[][CD#3][][CD#3]




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文〓[KG*2/3]关键词:pen pals〓[KG*1]字数:258〓[KG*2/3]难度:★★★★★ [JY]用时:10′




[HT][WTFZ][GK!12]Hello! My name is Wang Bo. I live in Nanchang. I have some pen pals. Jack is from Canada. He lives in Toronto. He is twelve years old. He can speak English and French. He likes playing basketball best. His favorite subject in school is math.

Miyoko is a Japanese girl. She lives in Tokyo with her parents. She is eleven years old. She can speak Chinese well. We often chat on the Internet. She likes playing the piano.

Paul is from Paris. He is thirteen years old. He can speak [HK]French and English well. He can speak some Chinese, [HK]too. He likes playing soccer very much. His favorite soccer player is Ronaldo.

Chen Ying is a Chinese girl. She lives in Guangzhou. She is ten years old. She likes music. She is in the music club now. She always calls me on weekends.


任务一: 根据短文内容完成句子。每空一词。

1. [CD#3]is Jacks favorite sport.

2. Miyoko lives with her [CD#3]in [CD#3].


3. Paul is a [CD#3]boy. He likes playing [CD#3].

4. [ZK(][JP3]Chen Ying always talks with Wang Bo on the [CD#3]. She is a member(成员) of the [CD#3] club. [ZK)][JP]

任务二: 根据短文内容,完成信息卡。





[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2][ZK(]Come and see for yourselves. 过来亲自看看吧。 for yourself意为“亲自;亲眼看看”。如:

You are free to decide for yourself. 你可以自己决定。[ZK)]










在阅读中遇到生词是很正常的事,但不少同学一遇到生词就紧张,这在很大程度上影响了阅读速度。跨越生词障碍可以通过猜测词义来解决。遇到生词,我们可用下面的几种方法解决: [HTH]1. 根据常识来推测[HTZDX]

如:Water usually boils at 100 centigrade.

众所周知,水的沸点是100摄氏度,由此不难判断出centigrade的意思是“摄氏度”。 [HTH]2. 通过句法功能来推测词义[HTZDX]

如:Bananas, oranges, pineapples, coconuts and some other kinds of fruits often grow in the south of China.[JP]

从句中不难看出pineapples, coconuts和bananas, oranges是同类关系,同属fruit类,因此它们是两种水果,准确地说,是菠萝和椰子。

[STHZ][HTH]3. 根据描述、解释、说明等猜测生词的词义[HTZDX][ST]


如:When there are no rainy days for a long, long time, this is drought.






〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG8*2][FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]Im not a bad boy.


[FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]If my tongue could be longer...




[JZ][WT12.HZ]When a Tiger Comes[WT]〖WTFZ〗

Two guys are walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a giant tiger appears from the woods, running towards them.

The thin guy takes out a pair of sneakers from his bag and starts to put them on. The fat guy asks with a surprised look, “Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?” His pal says, “I dont have to run faster than it. I just have to run faster than you.” [JZ][HT12.H]老 虎 来 了[HT][HTZDX]


 瘦子从包里拿出一双胶底运动鞋,开始穿上。胖子惊奇地看着他说:“你以为穿上跑鞋就可以跑得过老虎吗?”

 他的朋友回答道:“我不用跑得比它快,我只要跑得比你快就行了。”










[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文〓〓[KG*2]关键词:father〓〓[KG*2]字数:104〓〓[KG*2]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[GK11*2!]The man in the photo is my father. He [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] a blue jacket and black pants. He is a(n) [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)]. He works for a newspaper. Mother and I can [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] see him on the 28th of every month [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] he often goes to other [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] to meet famous people. He even met Yao Ming, the basketball star from China! My father is very [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] but he likes 

[ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] job very much. He thinks [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] exciting. When he is at home, he [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] me a lot about the people he meets. I want to 

[ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] a reporter, too. Then I can meet many famous people.[HK][HJ1.1mm] (〓) 1. [ZK(]A. wears[KG5][WB]B. wants[KG5][WB]C. writes[KG5][WB]D. takes


(〓) 2. [ZK(]A. waiter[DW]B. actor〖DW〗C. reporter[DW]D. teacher


(〓) 3. [ZK(]A. sometimes[DW]B. only〖DW〗C. often[DW]D. usually


(〓) 4. A. if〖DW〗B. when〖DW〗C. because〖DW〗D. so

(〓) 5. A. countries[DW]B. zoos[DW]C. streets[DW]D. schools

(〓) 6. A. strict[DW]B. busy[DW]C. hungry[DW]D. young

(〓) 7. A. her[DW]B. your[DW]C. his[DW]D. my

(〓) 8. A. its[DW]B. theyre[DW]C. hes[DW]D. shes

(〓) 9. A. talks[DW]B. speaks[DW]C. tells[DW]D. says

(〓) 10. A. have[DW]B. meet[DW]C. see[DW]D. be


[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓 [KG*2/3]关键词:Miss Gao 〓[KG*1]字数:136 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★



Li Lei病了,老师放学后去给他补课,真感人啊![HT][STFZ][WT]



[HTSS][WTFZ]This morning, when the math (1)[CD#3], Miss Gao comes into the (2)

[CD#3], she finds Li Lei (3)[CD#3] there. Before Miss Gao asks where Li Lei is, Wei Hua (4)

[CD#3] up and tells her that Li Lei is ill. He is (5)[CD#3] home.

When the school is (6)[CD#3], the teacher goes to (7)[CD#3] Li Lei.

[CX2]When Li Leis (8)[CD#3] comes back home from work, she finds Miss Gao is (9)

[CD#3] her son with his lessons.[CX]① She is so thankful.

Its about six oclock. Miss Gao says to Li Leis mother, “I think I must leave now. I 

(10)[CD#3] to see Li Lei again at school tomorrow.”



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]When Li Leis mother comes back home from work, she finds Miss Gao is helping her son with his lessons. 当Li Lei的母亲下班到回家时,她发现Miss Gao正在帮助她的儿子补习功课。[CX]

help sb.with sth.意为“在某方面帮助某人”。如:

She often helps me with my English. 她经常帮助我学英语。[ZK)]







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:fashion 〓[KG*1]字数:106+76〓[KG*1]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ2.4mm]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]有人夸[WTFZ]Mrs Black[WT][WTFZ]的旗袍很漂亮,可她却并不高兴,但是当有人夸她穿旗袍很漂亮时,她就高兴起来了。


[HT][WTFZ][HTSS][GK!13]Mrs Black is 60 years old. She likes to be young and beautiful, so she likes wearing colorful clothes. She is unhappy when people say, “Old people cant be beautiful.” Her favorite TV shows are fashion shows. She also likes reading magazines about fashion. One day, she bought a new Qipao(旗袍). She liked it very much. So she wore it. When people saw her, some said to her, [HK]“Your Qipao is very beautiful.” Mrs Black wasnt happy. But one said to her, “You look beautiful in the Qipao.” She was very happy to hear that. [HJ]

[LM](〓) 1. [ZK(]Mrs Black likes to be [CD#3].

A. young[DW]B. beautiful〖DW〗C. old[DW]D. Both A and B


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Mrs Black likes to wear [CD#3] clothes.

A. white〖DW〗B. black〖DW〗C. colorful〖DW〗 D. new


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Mrs Blacks favorite TV shows are [CD#3] shows.

A. fashion[DW]B. talk〖DW〗C. cooking[DW]D. sports


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Mrs Blacks wanted people to say, “[CD#3].”

A. Your Qipao is very nice〖DW2〗B. You look beautiful in the Qipao

C. You arent beautiful in the Qipao〖DW2〗D. Your Qipao is very expensive




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:oranges 〓[KG*2]字数:149+113 〓[KG*2]难度:★★★


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]听说多吃水果有益于健康, 看George吃了多少?



[GK14!]After school George comes home. His father works in a factory and his mother works in a shop. Hes very [ZZ(Z]hungry[ZZ)] and wants some food, but he doesnt find any in the room. He sees a bag on the table. There are some oranges in it. He eats them. One, two...and eight. His parents come back and they see George crying in the room. [CX2]He doesnt feel well.[CX]① They take him to see a doctor.

“Your son eats too many oranges,” says the doctor.

“But my parents say fruit is good for my health,” the boy says. [HK]

“Theyre right. [CX2]But you cant eat anything too much.[CX]②”

“I see, doctor,” George says. “I wont do that again.”

“Thank you, doctor,” Georges parents say.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]George comes home from the [CD#3].

A. shop [DW]B. school [DW]C. factory [DW]D. park


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The underlined word “hungry” means [CD#3] in Chinese.

A. 饿的 [DW]B. 有病的 [DW]C. 累的 [DW]D. 厌烦的


(〓) 3. [ZK(]George eats [CD#3] oranges.

A. five [DW]B. six [DW]C. seven [DW]D. eight


(〓) 4. [ZK(]George [CD#3], so he cries.

 A. is hungry [DW2]B. doesnt see his parents

 C. doesnt feel well[DW2]D. doesnt find any food


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The doctor says [CD#3].

A. apples are nice fruit

B. it is good to eat too many oranges

C. it is bad to eat anything too much

D. fruit is good for health




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]He doesnt feel well. 他感到不舒服。[CX]

well 当形容词讲时,是“身体健康的”。如:

I dont feel well. I think I had a bad cold. 我感到不舒服,我想我得了重感冒。[ZK)] 2. [ZK(][CX2]But you cant eat anything too much. 但是你不能吃得太多。[CX]

too much 意为“太多”,只能修饰不可数名词; too many 也是“太多”的意思,只能修饰可数名词。如:

There is too much snow on the road. 在路上有太多的雪。

We cant eat too many apples once. 我们不能一次吃太多苹果。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文〓[KG1*6] 关键词:mall〓[KG1*6] 字数:131+182〓[KG1*6] 难度:★★★ [JY]用时:11′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[GK!12*2]A new shopping [ZZ(Z]mall[ZZ)] is open in my city. Its next to the airport. It has many stores in the mall. Two big supermarkets are in the mall. There are many clothes stores. And

there is also a bookshop. It sells many kinds of books. There are four restaurants. People can have their meals at any time. There are many sports clubs. People can play sports there. But there isnt a cinema. [HK]

Almost(几乎) all the people are happy because the new mall is open now. But some people are not happy. They are the owners(主人) of the small stores in the old center of the city. Many people dont go to their stores. They go to the new stores.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The underlined word “mall” means [CD#3] in Chinese.

A. 大型购物中心 [DW]B. 儿童乐园 [DW]C. 游乐园[DW]D. 广场[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Where is the new shopping mall?

A. In the old center of the city.[DW2] B. Next to the bank.

C. Next to the airport. [DW2]D. In a big supermarket. [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]You cant [CD#3] in the new shopping mall.

A. buy clothes[DW]B. play sports[DW]C. have meals[DW]D. watch movies[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Why are the owners of the small stores not happy?

A. Because they are in the old center of the city.

B. Because many people dont go to their stores.

C. Because they cant find places to eat their meals.

D. Because they cant go to the new shopping mall. [ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The new mall has three supermarkets.

B. The new mall doesnt have a bookshop.

C. The new mall has four restaurants.

D. People cant have their meals at any time in the mall. [ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓〓关键词:songs〓〓字数:136+125〓〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]你了解歌手马天宇吗?看看他的简介吧![HT][STFZ][WT] [HTSS][WTFZ]

[GK14!][JP+2]Do you know the popular singer Ray Ma? You may hear of his song Damn Tender(《该死的温柔》). He is a handsome man. He is 1.78 meters tall. He was born in Shandong Province on July 12, 1986. He had a very poor family. [CX2]He had to leave school when he was in high school, but he never stopped learning.[CX]① In 2006, he enrolled into(入学) the Beijing Film Academy(北京电影学院). The teenagers like him and become his fans. He sings many songs, [HK]such as Qingyi, Yeshanghai and so on. They are all very popular.

[JP+3]He has many special albums(专集). We believe he will sing more good songs.


(〓) 1. [ZK(]Ray Mas birthday is [CD#3].

 A. July 2 [DW]B. July 12 [DW]C. June 2[DW]D. June 12


(〓) 2. [ZK(][CD#3] is NOT his songs.

 A. Damn Tender [DW2]B. Qingyi

C. Yeshanghai [DW2]D. Yesterday Once More


(〓) 3. [ZK(]What does Ray Ma look like?

 A. He is of medium height. [DW2]B. He is heavy.

C. He is short. [DW2]D. He is ugly.


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Ray Ma is a [CD#3] now.

 A. waiter [DW]B. writer [DW]C. singer [DW]D. dancer


(〓) 5. [ZK(]According to this passage, which of the following is TRUE?

 A. [ZK(#]Ray Ma was born in a happy and rich family.

 B. Qingyi is his first song.

 C. Ray Mas fans like him but they dont like his songs.

 D. Ray Ma has many special albums.




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]He had to leave school when he was in high school, but he never stopped learning. 在上中学时,他不得不辍学,但是他从来没有停止学习。[CX]  stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”,stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做某事”。如:

When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped talking. 当老师来的时候,同学们停止了交谈。

He stopps to have a rest every half an hour. 他每半个小时就停下来休息。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*1]关键词:pets〓[KG*1]字数:153+115〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




Lots of families in Great Britain have one or more pets. Dogs are the favorite pets and there are about 6 000 000 dogs in Britain. The second favorite are cats (about 5 000 000) and the third favorite is a bird—the budgie(虎皮鹦鹉). Some families do not like cats or dogs, and they dont want to [ZZ(Z]keep[ZZ)] them, so they keep other animals as pets in their homes. There are more than 12 000 000 pets in Britain.

[HK][JP]The British take good care of their pets. They give them nice names: Rover, Rex, Cindy, Misty(for dogs); Albert, Snowy, Huffy, Tom(for cats); Polly, Chatterbox(for parrots); Guy, Scamper, Shipley(for monkeys). When they speak of their pets, they say “he”, “she”, not “it”.[JP] The British give their pets nice food to eat. They buy food for their pets in pet stores. The

British are pet lovers![HK]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The underlined word “keep” in this passage means [CD#3] in Chinese. A. 饲养[DW]B. 留宿[DW]C. 喜欢[DW]D. 保存


(〓) 2. [ZK(]There are over [CD#3] pets in Great Britain.

A. 5 000 000〖DW〗B. 6 000 000[DW]C. 11 000 000〖DW〗D. 12 000 000


(〓) 3. [ZK(]In Britain, monkeys usually have names like [CD#3] and [CD#3]. A. Chatterbox, Scamper[DW2]B. Misty, Snowy

C. Rover, Cindy[DW2]D. Shipley, Guy


(〓) 4. [ZK(]British people give their pets [CD#3] and [CD#3].

A. houses, nice names[DW2]B. food, houses

C. nice names, nice food [DW2]D. pet stores, pet food


(〓) 5. [ZK(]“Look at my doggy! [CD#3] is a nice boy, right?” a British says.[HJ] A. He[DW]B. It[DW]C. She[DW]D. Dog




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*1]关键词:clothes 〓[KG*1]字数:114+99 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:7′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 你喜欢穿什么样的衣服?看看Peter家人的看法吧。


[GK14!][HTSS][WTFZ]Today is Sunday, so Peter doesnt go out. He asks his parents about the traditional Chinese clothes. Mother tells him that Qipao is the traditional dress for women in China. [CX2]It is usually made of colorful silk and sometimes made of cotton.[CX]① Many women in the West like it very much, too. Father can remember that all the VIPs wore Tang suit(唐装) at APEC in Shanghai. They all looked smart in the traditional Chinese clothes. Many young people find it cool to wear the clothes in their own styles. Peters cousin says the modern clothes are [HK]better. Finally, they think the fashion should be comfortable first.[HK]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Where does Peter talk with his parents?

A. At home. 〖DW2〗 B. At school.

C. At APEC in Shanghai. 〖DW2〗D. At a fashion show.[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Qipao is usually made of [CD#3].

A. cotton 〖DW〗 B. leather 〖DW〗 C. silk 〖DW〗 D. paper[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]The VIPs at APEC in Shanghai wore clothes in [CD#3].

A. the modern style 〖DW2〗 B. the Tang style

C. the style from the 1980s 〖DW2〗D. their own styles[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Peters [CD#3] is at his home too.

A. sister 〖DW〗 B. brother 〖DW〗 C. grandfather 〖

D. cousin[ZK)] DW〗

(〓) 5. [ZK(]They think the clothes should be [CD#3] first.

A. beautiful 〖DW〗 B. cheap 〖DW〗 C. comfortable 〖DW〗

D. expensive[ZK)]


[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]It is usually made of colorful silk and sometimes made of cotton. 它通常是用多彩的丝绸做成的,有时也是棉制的。[CX]

be made of 意为“由??制成”,能看出原材料; be made from “由??制成”,看不出原材料。如:

The desk is made of wood. 这桌子是木制的。

Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。[ZK)]






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓[KG1*2]关键词:way〓[KG1*2]字数:202〓[KG1*2]难度:★★★★★ [JY]用时:8′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]知道去Li Ping家怎么走吗?读完这封信你就知道了。



[GK!13]Mike is going to Ganzhou, Jiangxi to visit his pen pal, Li Ping. [CX2]Because Mike doesnt know the way, Li Ping writes a letter to help him.[CX]①[WTFZ]

[KH+2mmD]Dear Mike,

Welcome to my home. Please take the No.25 bus from Ganzhou Airport. Get off at the gate of Ganzhou Hospital. Go down the Jiankang Street until you see a post office. Turn left and then youre on Wenqing Road. Pass the bank then [HK]turn right, go straight and you can see a traffic light in front of you. Turn left and you can see a hotel on your right. My home is next to the hotel. [JY(Z]Yours,

Li Ping[JY)]




1. A: [CD#3]〓〓2. B: [CD#3]〓〓3. C: [CD#3]


4. [ZK(#]Li Ping writes Mike a letter to help him find the w[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] to the house.

5. Mike should(应当) take a b[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] from Ganzhou Airport to Ganzhou Hospital.

6. Ganzhou Hospital is on the side(边) of Jiankang S[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)].

7. There is a b[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] on the side of Wenqing Road.

8. Li Pings home is next to a h[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)].




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓关键词:Beijing&Shanghai [KG1]字数:175 [KG1]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]


[GK14!][WTFZ][HTSS][HJ1.6mm]Welcome to China. After you go to Beijing and Shanghai, you could see the differences between them. In some ways they look the same, but in some ways they look different. Both of them have tall buildings and wide streets, although some buildings in Shanghai are much taller than those in Beijing. They are both important in China. Beijing is the capital of China,but Shanghai is the biggest city in China. And there are more places of interest in Beijing than those in Shanghai. You can go to the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and [HK]so on.

[CX2]Now they are becoming more and more important in China.[CX]② And they are famous all over the world.


[JZ][WTHZ]Information Card[WT][WTFZ]

[BG(XD][BHDFG2,FK19ZQ,KZQF]What do the two places both have?[]1. They have [CD#9].

[BHDG4]Why are the buildings in Shanghai different from those in Beijing?[]2. [ZK(]Some buildings in Shanghai are [CD#5][CD#4] those in Beijing.


[BHDG2]Which city is the capital of China?[]3. [CD#9].

[BH]Which city is the biggest one in China?[]4. [CD#9].

[BH][JP3]Are there a lot of places of interest in Beijing?[JP][]5. [CD#9].




1. [ZK(][CX2]Because Mike doesnt know the way, Li Ping writes a letter to help him. 因为Mike不知道路, 所以Li Ping写信帮助他。[CX]


Jim was ill, so he didnt go to school. (=Because Jim was ill, he didnt go to school.) Jim因为病了,所以没来上学。[ZK)]

2. [ZK(][CX2]Now they are becoming more and more important in China. 现在它们在中国变得越来越重要了。[CX]


 She is becoming more and more beautiful. 她长得越来越漂亮。[ZK)]








[STFZ][HTH]4. 根据反义词、同义词猜测生词的词义[HTZDX][ST]

在but,however(然而),though(虽然) 这些表示意义转折的连词出现的句子中,其前后的词有明显的对比关系,根据已知的内容,通过这种对比关系,就很容易猜出生词的词义了。如:John is clever. But his twin brother is very stupid.和clever 相对比,stupid就是“愚笨”的意思。

在and, or这些表示意义并列或选择的连词出现的句子中,通过前后对等关系,就很容易猜出生词的词义了。如:The boy is happy and gay.即使我们不认识gay这个词,通过happy我们便可以知道它是“愉快”的意思。

[STFZ][HTH]5. 通过因果关系猜测生词的词义[HTZDX][ST]

连词because, as是连接表示原因的从句的,so连接表示结果的并列句。当这些信息词出现在有生词的句中,通过因果关系,依据已知部分,就能猜出生词的词义。如:His hair is too long so he wants to have a trim this afternoon.根据前面所讲的“头发太长了”,我们就可推测出trim就是“修剪”之意。

[STFZ][HTH]6. 通过构词法猜测生词的词义[HTZDX][ST]

在阅读文章时,我们总会遇上一些新词汇,有时很难根据上下文来推断其词意,而它们对文章的理解又有着举足轻重的作用,此时,如掌握了一些常用的词根、前缀、后缀等语法知识,这些问题便不难解决了。如:His uncle is a zoologist, he studies animals every day. zoo是动物园,结合study “研究”,不难猜出,zoologist就是“动物学家”的意思。




〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗



[FK(W][KH1D][SX(B]Im a rocknroll star!






Mary said to her friend Tom, “How are your English lessons going along?”

“Fine. I used to be one who couldnt understand the Englishmen, and now its the Englishmen who cant understand me.”
















[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Mr Hu对我们很严格,但我们很喜欢这样的老师。



Mr Hu is our Chinese teacher. He is very [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] with us. He has many rules for us. For example, we have to be in the [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] before his class begins. We can read our [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] loudly, but we [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] talk about things that are not [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] our lessons. We can listen to music [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] but not in the classroom. [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] we break these rules, he is [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] and says to us, “[CX2]Dont do it again![CX][KG-1mm]①” Some students think we have [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] rules in his class. But I think they are good for us. Mr Hu is a very good teacher. We can [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] more from him. Do you think so? [HK]

(〓) 1. A. good[KG5*2][WB]B. shy[KG5*2][WB]C. strict[KG5*2][WB]D. friendly (〓) 2. A. playground[DW]B. office[DW]C. classroom[DW]D. school

(〓) 3. A. rules[DW]B. classes[DW]C. subjects[DW]D. books

(〓) 4. A. cant[DW]B. dont[DW]C. arent[DW]D. didnt

(〓) 5. A. for[DW]B. about[DW]C. in[DW]D. at

(〓) 6. A. on[DW]B. under[DW]C. behind[DW]D. outside

(〓) 7. A. But[DW]B. If[DW]C. Before[DW]D. Or

(〓) 8. A. happy[DW]B. angry[DW]C. tired[DW]C. excited

(〓) 9. A. too many[DW]B. too much[DW]C. a lot[DW]D. much too

(〓) 10. A. take[DW]B. bring[DW]C. learn[DW]D. study



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG1*3]关键词:school 〓[KG1*3]字数:183 〓[KG1*3]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:7′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[HTSS][WTFZ]Hello, my name is Lisa Smith. This is my school. Its a nice Chinese school.

There are many (1)[CD#3] and students in it. I am the only English student in the school. Now I have many friends. I often help them (2)[CD#3] English and (3)[CD#3] help me with Chinese. All of us work hard (4)[CD#3] the subjects.[HJ2.15mm]

This is our (5)[CD#3]. Its quite big and bright. The windows are green and the door is brown. They are all clean. I sit in the front and near the window. I like my seat very much.

We do the cleaning every day. There is a big desk near the blackboard. Its (6)[CD#3] our teachers. There are forty desks and (7)[CD#3] in the room.

After (8)[CD#3], I do a lot of sports and games with my friends. Sometimes, we (9)[CD#3] basketball on the playground, and on rainy days, we often play chess. I really (10)[CD#3] my school life in China.



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Dont do it again! 不许再这么做了![CX]


Dont talk in class! 上课不许交谈!








[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*2]关键词:ask&answer〓[KG*2]字数:144+102[KG*2]〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′





A cow asks a horse, “Moo, where is John, the farmer?”

The horse answers, “Nay, I dont know. Ask the hen.”

The horse asks the hen, “Nay, where is John, the farmer?”

[JP3]The hen answers, “Cluck, cluck, I dont know. Ask the duck.”[JP]

The hen asks the duck.

“Quack, quack, I dont know,” answers the duck. “Ask the sheep.”[HK]

“Baa, I dont know,” answers the sheep.

The sheep asks the dog.

“Ruff, ruff,” answers the dog, “I dont know.”

“Meow, meow,” says the cat, “I dont know, either.”

They are all hungry. Where is John? Do you know?

“He is in our house,” says the neighbors parrot.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Who does the hen ask?

A. The cow.〓〓〓〓[DW]B. The horse.〓〓〓〓[DW]C. The duck.〓〓〓〓[DW]D. The sheep.


(〓) 2. [ZK(]What does the dog say?

A. Moo.[DW]B. Cluck.[DW]C. Baa.[DW]D. Ruff.


(〓) 3. [ZK(]How many animals does John have?

A. Five.[DW]B. Six.[DW]C. Seven.[DW]D. Eight.


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Why are they looking for John?

A. Because they like him.

B. Because they are afraid.

C. Because they want to play games with him.[JP]

D. Because they are hungry.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Do you know where John is?

A. In his house.

[DW2]B. In his neighbors house.

C. In the parrots neighbors house.

[DW2]D. We dont know.






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ][JP4]体裁:记叙文 [KG1*8] 关键词:Michael Jackson [KG1*8]字数:110+102 [KG1*8]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′[JP][YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ2.3mm]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Michael Jackson,一个感动世界的流行音乐之王。你了解他的生平吗?[HT][STFZ][WT]


The most popular rock(摇滚) singer was [ZZ(Z]gone[ZZ)]. Who was he? He was Michael Jackson.[JP] He died in 2009. Many people in the world feel it is a great pity.

Michael Jackson was born in August, 1958 in Indiana. He had eight brothers and sisters, and he is the seventh child.

In 1963, he and his brothers started a band when Jackson was five. He is the lead singer(主唱) of the band. [CX2]American people began to know him in the 1960s.[CX]①[HK]

From 1972, he began to make his own CDs. He sang and danced well, and young people liked him very much.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Michael Jackson was a [CD#3].

A. writer 〖DW〗 B. singer 〖DW〗 C. teacher 〖DW〗D. clerk[ZK)] (〓) 2. [ZK(]Michael Jackson began to make his own CDs when he was [CD#3] years old.

A. 12 〖DW〗B. 13 〖DW〗C. 14 〖DW〗 D. 24[ZK)]

〖DW〗D. 去过(〓) 3. [ZK(]The underlined word “gone” means [CD#3] in Chinese. A. 用完 〖DW〗B. 离开 〖DW〗 C. 存在


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Michael Jackson was born in [CD#3].

A. Virginia 〖DW2〗 B. California

 C. Florida 〖DW2〗 D. Indiana[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Young people liked him because [CD#3].

A. he sang and danced well

C. he was from the US 〖DW2〗 〖DW2〗 B. he had lots of money D. he had many brothers and sisters[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]American people began to know him in the 1960s. 美国人在20世纪60年代开始认识他。[CX]

in the 1960s意为“在20世纪60年代”。如:

She was born in the 1980s. 她出生在20世纪80年代。[ZK)][HJ]





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文〓〓[KG*6]关键词:picnic〓〓[KG*6]字数:110+88〓〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:7′






[GK13!]For most people a picnic is a meal that they eat outside the home, usually in a park, by the river, or even sitting in a car if the weather is cold and wet. Everyone brings something to eat when they come to a picnic. This kind of meal was popular in Britain.

In some countries there are big picnics on special days. Lots of people go to parks on these days. For most people, however, a picnic is a family party. The family puts some food and drinks in a basket, gets in the car and goes off to a nice place in the country or by the sea. [HK]

(〓) 1. [ZK(][JP3]According to the first paragraph, people have a picnic [CD#3] if the weather is cold and wet. [JP]

A. by the river〖DW〗 B. in a restaurant 〖DW〗C. in a park 〖DW〗 D. in a car


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The [CD#3] like to bring their favorites to eat together.

A. British [DW]B. Americans〖DW〗C. Chinese[DW]D. Canadians [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]In many countries people have large picnics on [CD#3].

A. birthdays[DW]B. weekends〖DW〗C. weekdays [DW]D. special days[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]From the passage we can know that a picnic is [CD#3].

A. a meal in the open air〖DW2〗B. a family party in a restaurant

C. a big dinner at home〖DW2〗D. a dinner in the car[ZK)][HJ]


[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓关键词:Sydney Tower [KG*1]字数:92+138 [KG*1]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:8′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 学英语贵在用英语,你能看懂这则广告吗?


[FK(FZQ*2][SQ*2][WTHZ][JZ]Sydney Tower

Address:[WTFZ] 100 Market St, Sydney

[WTHZ]Phone:[WTFZ] 0293339222

[WTHZ]Fax:[WTFZ] 0293339203

[WTHZ]Open time:[WTFZ] 9:00 a.m.to 10:30 p.m.(Saturday to 11:30 p.m.)

[WTHZ]Ticket:[WTFZ] $60(for an adult) $30(for a child)

[WTHZ]Website:[WTFZ] .au

[WTHZ]How to get there:[WTFZ] train to Town Hall Station and a short walk along Market Street

[WTHZ]How to book tickets:[WTFZ] by phone/fax or through the web

[WTHZ]Attraction(吸引):[WTFZ] [CX2]Sydneys best views are just the beginning![CX]① Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point above Sydney for exciting 360° views of our beautiful city.




(〓) 1. [ZK(]Sydney Tower is [CD#3] in Sydney, Australia.

A. the busiest street 〖DW2〗 B. the biggest station

C. the most beautiful park 〖DW2〗 D. the highest point[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]If you want to book a ticket to Sydney Tower, you cant [CD#3].

A. email sydneytower@hotmail.com


C. search .au 〖DW2〗B. fax 029333〖DW2〗D. dial 0293339222[ZK)] (〓) 3. [ZK(]If Frank wants to go to Sydney Tower with his two children, he will pay [CD#3]. A. $60 〖DW〗 B. $90 〖DW〗 C. $120 〖DW〗 D. $150[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Last Saturday, Johnson went to visit Sydney Tower. He had to get down the tower


A. after 11:30 p.m. 〖DW2〗B. before 11:30 p.m.

C. at 10:30 p.m.〖DW2〗 D. by 10:30 p.m.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The passage above is probably [CD#3].

A. a piece of news 〖DW2〗

C. a story 〖DW2〗

[XC重点句型s.tif] B. a conversation D. an advertisement[ZK)]


1. [ZK(][CX2]Sydneys best views are just the beginning! 悉尼最好的景色只是刚刚开始。


just the beginning意为“只是个开始”,暗指接下来还有更精彩、糟糕或??的事情发生。如:

Low price is just the beginning. You can buy almost everything here. 低价只是个开始。你在这儿几乎可以买到所有东西。[ZK)]




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓[KG*5]关键词:rules&plan〓[KG*5]字数:170+145〓[KG*5]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′






[WTFZ]Hello, everyone! Welcome to Nanchang Zoo. Im Wu Tao, the tour guide of the zoo. Before this tour, I want you to know some rules of our zoo. Please listen carefully.

1. Please dont give food to the animals.

2. Please dont take your pet into the zoo.

3. Please dont use cameras with flash lamps(闪光灯).

4. Be away from some dangerous animals.

5. [CX2]Children under 12 years old should stay with an adult.[CX]①[HK]

Now, let me tell you our tour plan for today. First, the Lion[HK] Park. The lions in our zoo are all from South Africa. They are very smart. Next, the Elephant Park. There are many friendly and clever elephants there. Third, the Dolphin World. We can see and touch the smart dolphins. Fourth, the Panda Park. We can see some cute pandas there.

Have a good time! Thank you.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Wu Tao works [CD#3].

A. in a zoo[DW]B. at a school

[DW]C. in a park[DW]D. in a hospital


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Wu Tao is a [CD#3].

A. teacher[DW]B. worker[DW]C. tour guide[DW]D. doctor


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The lions in the zoo are all from [CD#3].

A. South America

〖DW2〗B. North America

C. North Africa

〖DW2〗 D. South Africa[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]The visitors will visit [CD#3] kinds of animals.

A. three[DW]B. four[DW]C. five[DW]D. six


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which one is in accordance with(与??一致) the rules of the zoo? A. [ZK(#]You can visit the zoo with your pet dog.

B. You should visit the lions from far away(从远处).

C. You can give food to your favorite animals.

D. Li Xia, a sevenyearold girl, can visit the Elephant Park by herself(独自).




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*2/3]关键词:lessons 〓[KG*2/3]字数:148+160 〓[KG*2/3]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Mr Smith教育儿子却引出一场笑话。来看看是怎么回事吧!


[HTSS][WTFZ]Henry doesnt like to use his head, so he is not good at his lessons. His teachers tell his father, Mr Smith about it. The man is worried about it. It was Sunday yesterday. Mr Smith didnt go to work. After lunch he began to talk with his son.


“You are nine years old now,” said Mr Smith. “When I was nine, I listened to the teachers carefully in class and did all my homework at home. So I could answer all my teachers questions. I was good at all my lessons. And Miss Yang, our English teacher liked me very much. I was her pet.”[HK]

“Your teacher was poor, I think,” said Henry.

“How do you know about it?”

“She couldnt afford(买不起) a dog.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(][CD#3], so his father is worried about it.

A. Henry is often late 〖DW2〗

C. Henry is only nine 〖DW2〗 B. Henry isnt good at his lessons D. The teachers dont like Henry[ZK)] (〓) 2. [ZK(]Mr Smith talked with Henry [CD#3].

A. this afternoon 〖DW2〗 B. this morning

C. yesterday afternoon

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Mr Smith said [CD#3].

A. Henry was young 〖DW2〗D. yesterday morning[ZK)]

B. Henry was a bad boy

C. he couldnt answer any questions in class

 D. he was a good student when he was young[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Henry thought [CD#3].

A. Miss Yang liked all her students 〖DW2〗 B. Miss Yang was poor

C. his father was poor 〖DW2〗 D. his father worked hard[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mr Smith isnt worried about his son now.

B. Henry understood his father well.

C. Henry thought his father was like a dog.

D. Henry is going to study hard.[ZK)]



1. [ZK(][CX2]Children under 12 years old should stay with an adult. 12岁以下的孩子应该和大人在一起。[CX]

介词短语under 12 years old作后置定语,修饰名词children。在英语中经常出现介词短语作后置定语的情况。如:

The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是我妹妹。[ZK)]





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓〓关键词:difficult〓〓字数:224 〓〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′





Johnson is a [ZZ(Z]difficult[ZZ)] boy. He can always find some excuse(借口). When he is at school, he likes asking his teachers some strange questions. His parents and his teachers can do nothing with him.

Last summer, one morning it was ten oclock, but Johnson didnt get up. His mother came into his room and said, “Johnson, get up! The sun gets up at six, but you dont get up until ten oclock.”

“Yes, but the sun went to bed at seven oclock and I went to bed at ten oclock last night.”


One day, Johnson forgot to take his pen to school. He couldnt do his exercises. [CX2]His teacher said to him, “Johnson, suppose(假定) you are a soldier, and forget to take your gun to the battlefield(战场).[CX]① What do you think of it?”

“I must be an officer,” answered Johnson.


1. [ZK(]What does the underlined word “difficult” mean in Chinese?



2. [ZK(]Does Johnson ask his teachers any strange questions?



3. [ZK(]What time did the sun go to bed last night according to Johnsons words? 〖ZZ1Z〗〖JY〗〓


4. [ZK(]What did Johnson forget to take to school one day?



5. [ZK(]What do you think of Johnson?




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 [KG1*2]关键词:listening [KG1*2]字数:153+44 [KG1*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]



[HTSS][WTFZ]Here are some suggestions(建议) on listening. We hope they can help you. [CX2]Relax yourself[CX][HJ1.5mm]

Before you start to listen to something, you need to relax. This helps you with your listening. Dont get nervous(紧张的) or excited.

[CX2]Listen carefully to the first sentence[CX]

The first sentence tells you a lot about the whole passage, so listen carefully to it.

[CX2]Think when youre listening[CX]

When youre listening, try to do some thinking. For example, you can think of the following questions: what happened? When, where and how? What is the result and what does the speaker want to tell us? In this way, you may understand the passage better.

[CX2]Listen to important facts[CX]


[CX2]Its important for you to remember some important facts.[CX]② For example, if the passage is a science report, you should try to remember its findings, and how the scientists get the results(结果). This is also helpful to your listening.


1. [ZK(#]Before you start to listen to something, you need to [CD#3] [CD#3].

2. Its important to listen carefully to [CD#3] [CD#3] [CD#3] while listening.

3. When you are listening, try to [CD#3] [CD#3] [CD#3].

4. You should remember [CD#3] [CD#3] [CD#3] while listening.

5. This passage tells us some suggestions on [CD#3].[ZK)]



1. [ZK(][CX2]Johnson, suppose you are a soldier, and forget to take your gun to the battlefield. Johnson, 假如你是一名士兵,去战场忘了带枪。[CX]

forget to do sth.“忘记去做某事”,forget doing sth.“忘记做过某事”。如:

She forgot to do her homework last night. 昨天晚上她忘记了做作业。

I cant forget travelling in London. 我忘不了在英国的旅行。


2. [ZK(][CX2][JP3]Its important for you to remember some important facts. 对你来说重要的是记住一些事实。[CX][JP]

Its+adj.[KG-0.8mm]+for sb.to do sth.意为“对某人来说,做某事??”。如: Its not easy for us to learn English well. 对于我们来说,学好英语不容易。[ZK)][HJ]










1. 对于那些不影响篇章理解,而且问题设置没有直接涉及到的难句、长句,可以采取回避的方法跳读过去。

2. 通过充分理解难句所在段落的主旨大意,着力于从整体上把握文章的内容和思想,把难句放在语境中理解,有助于降低难句的理解难度。

3. 充分利用句中的关联词组,注意句中某些起决定作用的单词或短语,结合平时学到的文化背景知识,有助于理解难句。

4. 弄清楚全句语法结构及句子各个成分之间的内在逻辑关系,借助语法、句法等知识去理解难句。



〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG7*2][FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]Help! Save my child!


[FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]Leave me alone!




[JZ][WT12.HZ]The Swimmer[WT]〖WTFZ〗

The teacher told the class a story of an Egyptian who swam a river three times before eating his breakfast.

Johnny laughed.

“Do you doubt that a good swimmer could do that?” asked the teacher.

“No, sir,” answered Johnny, “but I wonder(想知道,惊奇) why he did not swim four times and get back to the side where his clothes were.”
















说明文[KG*2/3]〓 关键词:house [KG*2/3]〓 字数:137〓[KG*2/3]〓难度:★★★★







Qingdao is a nice city. The people there are [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)]. So I want to have a house there. But I [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] big cities. So my dream house is [ZZ(Z]〓3〓

[ZZ)] the sea because I like swimming. It is a small house with three [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)]. It also has a small kitchen and a bathroom.

I [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] with my dog called Sasha. Near my house there [ZZ(Z]〓6〓

[ZZ)] a beautiful garden. It is very big and there are [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] beautiful flowers. In the garden, there is a garage(车库), [HK]because I want to [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] my own car. I dont know what car it is, [HK][ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] I think it will be an Audi or a Benz.

Near my dream house there is a big space. I can [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] apple trees and vegetables there. I enjoy my dream house. [HJ3mm]

(〓) 1. A. quietly[KG4*2][WB]B. carefully[KG4*2][WB]C. friendly[KG4*2][WB]D. quickly

(〓) 2. A. dislike[DW]B. like[DW]C. leave[DW]D. find

(〓) 3. A. in[DW]B. on[DW]C. under[DW]D. near

(〓) 4. A. classrooms[DW]B. rooms[DW]C. doors[DW]D. homes

(〓) 5. A. live[DW]B. work[DW]C. eat[DW]D. drink

(〓) 6. A. have[DW]B. has[DW]C. are[DW]D. is

(〓) 7. A. much[DW]B. little[DW]C. many[DW]D. few

(〓) 8. A. be[DW]B. have[DW]C. sell[DW]D. clean

(〓) 9. A. or[DW]B. and[DW]C. but[DW]D. so

(〓) 10. A. give[DW]B. eat[DW]C. make[DW]D. plant



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:weekend 〓[KG*1]字数:145 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[JZ][HTSS][WTFZ][FK(2ZQ*2]end, place, take, have, Saturday, on, like, differece, late, begin[FK)]

[GK!12]Monday is the beginning of the week, and it is the day most Americans like worst(最不喜欢地). The day they like most is [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)]. Saturday is the [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] of a week,and the [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] of the weekend. [JP]

Life is [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] on weekends. Most Americans [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] care of their houses, cars and gardens. They sleep [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] in the morning. They enjoy the feeling(感觉) that the time seems to move more slowly.

[CX2]The workweek is for things you [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] to do, and the

[HK]weekend is [HK]for things you [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] to do.[CX]① Some people may get in a car for a drive in the country. They like to take part in the sports activities outdoors. And [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] Saturday night they might go to a public eating [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] or a film. They are very happy on weekends.[HJ]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]The workweek is for things you have to do, and the weekend is for things you like to do. 工作日用来做你不得不做的事情,周末用来做你喜欢做的事情。


like to do sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。如:

Tom doesnt like to be late for class. Tom不喜欢上课迟到。[ZK)][HJ]








记叙文 [KG*5]〓关键词:shopping〓[KG*5] 字数:162+140〓[KG*5]难度:★★★★






Karl usually does some shopping on Sunday. Today is Sunday.

He goes to Sun Rise Supermarket with his mother in their car. His father likes apples very much. They buy some red apples for him. His mother likes yellow bananas, but the bananas there are green. “Look!The strawberries(草莓) are very nice, Mum. Do you like them?” he says to Mum. “Yes, I like strawberries very much.” His mother buys some for herself. The oranges are very nice. His mother buys some for Karl. He likes oranges very much.

They need vegetables. The vegetables in the supermarket are very good. They buy some tomatoes, carrots and onions. Karl doesnt like onions, but his parents like them. He likes carrots very much. They buy lots of carrots. After shopping, Karl and his mother have some French fries, milk and icecream. And then they go back home with the fruit and vegetables. (〓) 1. [ZK(]Who likes apples very much?

A. Karls mother. [DW2]B. Karls father.

C. Karl. [DW2]D. Karls friends. [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Karls mother doesnt buy any bananas because [CD#3].

A. there are not any bananas〖DW2〗B. the bananas are green

C. she doesnt like bananas〖DW2〗D. she has no money[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Karls mother buys some oranges for [CD#3].

A. herself[DW2]B. Karls father

C. Karl[DW2]D. Karls friends[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Karls parents like [CD#3], but he doesnt like them.

A. tomatoes [DW]B. strawberries[DW]C. carrots [DW]D. onions[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]After they buy the fruit and vegetables, [CD#3].

A. they go back home

B. they have French fries, milk and icecream

C. they go to the clothes shop

D. they only have some icecream[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*7]关键词:questions 〓[KG*7]字数:205+202 〓[KG*7]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:13′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]



[GK14!][WTFZ][HTSS]Bob was clever, but he never worked hard at his lessons. “[CX2]I must make Bob work more and play less,[CX]①” his father said to himself. “I must let Bob

know I care very much about his studies.” So he wrote down some questions. He was going to ask Bob two or three questions each day, and decided to begin with the simplest ones.

That evening when Bob came home from school, his father brought up the first question. “Bob,” said his father, “how many letters are there in the [ZZ(Z]alphabet[ZZ)]?”[HK] “I dont know,” Bob said.[HK]

“You dont know?” the father looked unhappy. “You started school two years ago, and you dont even know how many letters there are in the alphabet?”[HJ1mm]

“Is that so surprising(惊奇的)? Well, let me ask you a question, Dad. You started to work in the post office five years ago, didnt you?”

“Yes?” Bobs father was confused(迷惑).

“Then can you tell me how many letters there are in the letterbox every day?” (〓) 1. [ZK(]Why was Bob bad at his subjects?

A. Because he wasnt clever enough. B. Because he never went to school. C. Because he didnt work hard at his lessons.

D. Because his father had no time to help him.[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]What did the father decide to do?

A. He decided to give Bob some easy homework to do every day.

B. He decided to ask Bob to write down some questions each day.

C. He decided to begin with the hardest questions.

D. He decided to ask Bob a few questions each day.[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “alphabet”? A. 词典 〖DW〗 B. 字母表 〖DW〗 C. 邮局〖DW〗D. 音标[ZK)] (〓) 4. [ZK(]How long was Bob at school?

 A. For two weeks. 〖DW2〗B. For twentyfour months.

C. For five school terms. 〖DW2〗 D. For five years. [ZK)] (〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?

A. Bob learned something very slowly.

B. The father didnt work in a post office.

C. Bob knew the answer to his fathers question.

D. The father could not answer his sons question.[ZK)]




1. [ZK(][CX2]I must make Bob work more and play less. 我必须让Bob多学少玩。[CX]

 make sb.do sth.意为“让某人做某事”。在感官动词(feel, hear, see, watch等)和使役动词后接不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。如:

I see her clean the classroom every day. 我看到她天天打扫教室。

My father often makes me stay at home on weekends. 周末我父亲经常让我待在家里。[ZK)]




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 [KG*3]〓 关键词:dollars[KG*3]〓 字数:131+93〓[KG*3]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:7′






[CX2]It takes Tony several months to save up(储蓄) seven dollars.[CX]① He wants to buy a model plane, so he goes to the shop with the money.

On the way, Tony sees a little boy crying on the corner of the street. “Why are you crying?” Tony asks. “Three big boys take away my four dollars just now,” the boy says. “I am on my way to buy some notebooks, but now I cant.”

Tony thinks of the seven dollars in his pocket(口袋). He thinks of the model plane as well as the poor boy. Tony wants to walk away, but he doesnt. At last he gives four dollars to the boy and goes home.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Tony gets the money [CD#3].

A. from the little boy[DW2]B. from the big boys

C. by saving up[DW2]D. on the street[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]To buy the notebooks the little boy may need [CD#3].

A. $4 [DW]B. $7

[DW]C. $10 [DW]D. $11[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Tony goes home with [CD#3].

A. all his money [DW2]B. only $3

C. a model plane[DW2]D. some notebooks[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]We can guess(猜测) the price of the model plane is [CD#3].

A. $3[DW2]B. $4

C. more than $7[DW2]D. no more than $7[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*3]关键词:saving 〓[KG*3]字数:164+151 〓[KG*3]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 同一个人,在同一片沙滩,十年前落水被救,十年后下水救人。真巧啊![HT][STFZ][WT]

[GK13*2!][WTFZ][HTSS]In 1997, Yu Shuai was at the beach with his parents. He was seven years old. The boy played near the water. He walked into the water. His parents didnt watch him.

The water was over Yu Shuais head! A man saw Yu Shuai. He [ZZ(Z]picked up[ZZ)] Yu Shuai and carried(抱着) him to his parents. The mans name was Liu Jun.

In 2007, ten years later, the boy was at the same beach. He was 17 years old now. He was big and strong. He was a good swimmer. A woman was in the water. The woman [HK]couldnt swim. “Help! Help!” the woman cried(叫喊).

Yu Shuai ran into the water. He swam to the woman and pulled her to the beach. “Thank you. Thank you.” the woman said. Who was the woman? Her name was Wang Fang, and later she

became Liu Juns wife.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Yu Shuai was born in [CD#3].

A. 1997 〖DW〗 B. 1990 〖DW〗 C. 2004 〖DW〗D. 2007[ZK)] (〓) 2. [ZK(]Where was Yu Shuai when Liu Jun saw him?

A. He was in a park. 〖DW2〗 B. He was near his home.

C. He was with his parents. 〖DW2〗 D. He was in the water.[ZK)][HJ1.5mm]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]What does the underlined phrase “picked up” mean here in Chinese? A. 拾起 〖DW〗 B. 拣起 〖DW〗C. 救起 〖DW〗 D. 接


(〓) 4. [ZK(]What could Yu Shuai do when he was 17 years old?

A. He could swim. 〖DW2〗B. He could run.

C. He could pull. 〖DW2〗D. He could play near the water.[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Yu Shuai was very strong at 17.

B. Yu Shuai saved Wang Fang. 送

 C. The woman became Liu Juns wife.

D. Yu Shuais parents didnt want to save Liu Jun.[ZK)]


[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]It takes Tony several months to save up seven dollars. Tony花了几个月的时间攒了7美元。[CX]

take作“花费(时间或金钱)”讲时,主语是事或物,常用句型为“It takes sb.some time/money to do sth.”。如:

It takes him two weeks to write the article. 写这篇文章花了他两个星期(的时间)。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓 关键词:orange skin〓 字数:113+117〓难度:★★★★[JY]用时:8′





Different people have different colors of skin. Some have black skin, some have yellow skin, and some have white skin. There was a woman in Alaska. Her skin was orange. It was almost the color of orange juice. How did her skin become orange? She ate lots of tomatoes, carrots and squashes(南瓜). She ate too many orange things. Thats why her skin turned orange.

The woman didnt want her skin to be orange, [HK]so she went to see a doctor. The doctor

said, “Stop eating orange things. Eat some green things.”

[HK]The woman did so, and her skin wasnt orange any more. [HJ]

[LM](〓) 1. [ZK(]The woman in this story had [CD#3].

A. orange eyes and hair[DW2]B. orange skin

C. many oranges[DW2]D. colorful skin[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]The womans skin was orange because [CD#3].

A. she ate oranges only[DW2]B. she ate much orange food

C. she fell in orange juice[DW2]D. she liked that color[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]This story is mainly about [CD#3].

A. a woman in Alaska

B. tomatoes, carrots and squashes

C. a doctor with orange skin

D. different people with the same color of skin[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]The woman went to see a doctor because [CD#3].

A. she wanted to have orange skin[DW2]B. she needed some orange things

C. she caught a cold[DW2]D. she didnt like the color of her skin[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文[KG*1]关键词:guide dogs [KG*1]字数:236+169 [KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:13′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 你熟悉导盲犬吗?看一下导盲犬的训练过程吧!


[GK14!][HTSS][WTFZ]In Britain, guide dogs(导盲犬) are the “eyes” of many blind people. Lucy is one of them. At first, Lucy went to a womans home when she was three months old. For nine months, the woman trained her to walk, sit, stop and lie down.

When Lucy was one year old, she went to a special school for dogs. It has a street like in a town. Here Lucy learned to guide a person round holes and across streets. She had to look for holes in the ground and [ZZ(Z]highup dangers[ZZ)] like trees, too.[HK]

When Lucy passed all her tests, Dick came to the training centre to meet his “eyes”. Dog and person must like each other. If they do not like each other, they will not work well together. Dick stayed at the training centre for four weeks. He learned to walk along the street with Lucy. At the end, they went out into the real town for practice trips.

Dick is now back at home after his four weeks training. Every day he walks with Lucy to his job in a factory. He is the telephone operator. The other workers love Lucy. [CX2]She spends the day in a corner of his office.[CX]① When they get home in the evening, Dick cleans Lucys feet and gives her the evening meal—meat and dogcakes.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The text is mainly about [CD#3].

A. blind people 〖DW〗B. Dick 〖DW〗 C. a guidedog 〖DW〗 D. blind dogs [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]What did Lucy learn to do?

A. To guide a blind person safely. 〖DW2〗B. To live in a town.

C. To run with a blind person. 〖DW2〗 D. To live in an office corner


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The underlined words “highup dangers” probably means [CD#3] in Chinese.

A. 高处的危险物 〖DW〗 B. 潜在威胁 〖DW〗C. 捉迷藏 〖DW〗D. 濒危动物 [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]From the text we learn that Lucy [CD#3].

A. guided Dick to the training centre

B. lives together with Dick

C. spends the day outside Dicks office

D. can cook dinner for Dick [ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Dick trained Lucy to guide him to work.

B. Lucy is helpful to Dick.

C. Dick had to pass all the tests before he met Lucy.

D. Lucy helps Dick wash his feet.[ZK)]


[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]She spends the day in a corner of his office. 白天她待在办公室一角。[CX]

 spend 意为“花费”,主语常为人,常构成短语spend...on sth./(in) doing sth.。如: I spent four dollars on the notebook. 我花4美元买了这个笔记本。

I spent two hours doing my homework last night. 昨晚我花费了两个小时做作业。[ZK)][HJ]






体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:class rules 〓[KG*2/3]字数:179 〓[KG*2/3]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′





Hello, everyone. Welcome to our class. We love our class and we hope it becomes better. So please follow the rules below:

★ Clean the classroom every day.

★ Dont run around or play games in the classroom.

★ Take care of all the school things.

★ Study together and share things.

★ If someone is doing something we do not like,[HK] we can first ask him to stop politely. If he does not stop, we can tell the teacher.

★ Always use kind words, such as please, sorry, and thank you.

★ Put up your hand and start speaking when the teacher calls you.

★ Clean up and put away your things after class.


1. [ZK(#]In the classroom, we cant [CD#8].

2. We have to [CD#8] our desks and chairs.

3. Mike talked in class. You asked him to stop talking, but he didnt stop. You can [CD#8].

4. When you talk to others, you have to [CD#8].

5. Before you answer your teachers question in class, you have to [CD#8].





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文[KG1*3]关键词:selfintroduction[KG1*3]字数:143 [KG1*3]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:5′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[WTHZ]Name:[WTFZ] Zhao Lin〓〓 [WB][WTHZ]English name:[WTFZ] Lisa Smith

〓〓 [WTHZ]Sex:[WTFZ] woman 〓〓 [WTHZ]Age:[WTFZ] 35 [WTHZ]Job:[WTFZ] English teacher〖DW〗[WTHZ]Nationality:[WTFZ] China

[WTHZ]Workplace:[WTFZ] No.1 Middle School

[WTHZ]Family:[WTFZ] father, mother, husband, son

[WTHZ]Address:[WTFZ] [CX2]58 Beijing Road, Rizhao City, China[CX]①

[WTHZ]Hobbies:[WTFZ] singing, playing pingpong, drawing

[WTHZ]Possible penfriend:[WTFZ] a penfriend from England or America[FK)]


My English name is Lisa Smith. Zhao Lin is my (1)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] name. Im from (2)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] and Im 35 years (3)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)]. I work in (4)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] Middle School. Im an (5)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)]

 teacher. There are (6)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my husband, my son and I. My (7)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] are singing, playing pingpong and (8)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)]. My husband is also a (9)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)], but he teaches Chinese. My son is a student in our middle school. I like a pen friend from 

(10)[ZZ(Z]〓〓〓[ZZ)] or America. Please write to: 58 Beijing Road, Rizhao City, China.


[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Address: 58 Beijing Road, Rizhao City, China. 地址:中国日照市北京路58号。[CX]

英语中地址是按照小地点到大地点的顺序排列的,各层级之间一般用逗号隔开。如: His home address is 44 Beisanhuan Zhonglu, Haidian District, Beijing. 他的家庭地址是北京市海滨区北三环中路44号。










[STFZ][HTH][WTHZ]1. 主语+不及物动词(S+V)[WTFZ][HTZDX][ST]

像smile, work, run, leave等动词的意思完整,后面不需要跟宾语,这样的动词就是不及物动词。不及物动词的后面有时可以跟状语。如:

We are working hard at English. 我们正在努力学习英语。

[STFZ][HTH][WTHZ]2. 主语+及物动词+宾语(S+V+O)[WTFZ][HTZDX][ST]


① Lucy can speak Chinese. Lucy能讲汉语。

② Does he do his homework every evening?他每晚做作业吗?

[STFZ][HTH][WTHZ]3. 主语+连系动词+表语(S+V+P)[WTFZ][HTZDX][ST]

英语中连系动词除be 动词以外,还有 feel, look, smell, sound, seem, become, get, turn 等。连系动词之后常跟名词、代词、形容词、介词短语等作表语,构成系表结构。如: ① She felt worried. 她感到焦急。

② The food doesnt taste good. 这种食物尝起来味道不是很好。

[STFZ][HTH][WTHZ]4. 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语(S+V+O+


英语中有一些动词可以同时跟两类宾语(也叫双宾语):即直接宾语和间接宾语。双宾语的顺序一般是“动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”,也可以使用“动词+直接宾语+介词 to/for+间接宾语”这一结构。如:

① I gave him a big present.=I gave a big present to him. 我送他一份厚礼。

② The girl sang us a song in English.=The girl sang a song for us in English. 这个女孩用英语给我们唱了首歌。

[STFZ][HTH][WTHZ]5. 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 (S+V+O+



① Our teacher told us to come early tomorrow. 我们的老师告诉我们明天要早来。

② I saw him playing basketball when I passed the playground. 当我路过操场时,见他正在打篮球。







〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗



[FK(W][KH1D][SX(B]Its poisoned!




[JZ]〖WT12.HZ〗He Knows the Answer[WT]〖WTFZ〗

[WTHZ]Teacher: [WTFZ][WB][ZK(]Can you tell me something about the great scientists of the 18th century?[ZK)]

[WTHZ]Pupil:[WTFZ] Yes, sir. They were all dead.

[JZ][HT12.H]他 知 道 答 案[HT][CX][HTZDX]

[HTH]老师: [HTZDX][ZK(]你能告诉我一些有关18世纪的伟大科学家的事情吗?[ZK)] [HTH]学生: [HTZDX]我能,老师。他们都死了。












[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓〓关键词:health 〓〓字数:142 〓〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Mr Li 95岁高龄了,依然身体健朗。想知道他长寿的秘诀吗?



Mr Li is 95 years old, [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] he is very healthy. When people ask 

[ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)], “How can you keep so healthy in your life?” He [ZZ(Z]〓3〓

[ZZ)] answers, “If we want to [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] healthy, we should eat healthy food and do sports every day.”

Mr Li often [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] in the morning, and he does other sports [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] two hours every day.

Some people dont like to have breakfast, but Mr Li thinks it very [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)]

. He often has a glass of milk and two [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] for it. [HK]He eats a lot of vegetables and rice for lunch. And he has some vegetables and porridge for supper. [CX2]He thinks fruit is [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] health.[CX]① So he eats an apple and two bananas every day. He says, “One apple a day keeps the [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] away.” (〓) 1. A. but [KG6][WB]B. and [KG5][WB]C. so [KG5][WB]D. or (〓) 2. A. it [DW]B. him [DW]C. them [DW]D. her

(〓) 3. A. also [DW]B. never [DW]C. always [DW]D. sometimes

(〓) 4. A. stay [DW]B. work [DW]C. live [DW]D. eat

(〓) 5. A. sleeps [DW]B. reads [DW]C. sings [DW]D. runs

(〓) 6. A. for [DW]B. at [DW]C. of [DW]D. with

(〓) 7. A. boring [DW]B. exciting [DW]C. important [DW]D. interesting

(〓) 8. A. meat [DW]B. eggs [DW]C. apples [DW]D. bread

(〓) 9. A. good for [DW]B. good at [DW]C. friendly to [DW]D. bad for

(〓) 10. A. teacher [DW]B. policeman [DW]C. doctor [DW]D. thief



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:age 〓[KG*1]字数:104 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]


根据短文内容和首字母提示,在文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词,使短文完整通顺。 [WTFZ][HTSS]Many Americans like to have their vacation in o[CD#3](1) countries. One day an American w[CD#3](2) comes to China. This is her first time to China and she w[CD#3](3) to make some friends there. She meets a Chinese. This Chinese wants to talk i[CD#3](4) English with the American. So he comes up to her and says h[CD#3](5) to her, then he begins his first talk with the one f[CD#3](6) an Englishspeaking country.

“How old are you?” the Chinese s[CD#3](7).

“Im s[CD#3](8). Please dont ask a lady about her a[CD#3](9),” answers the woman. The Chinese is surprised. He doesnt know w[CD#3](10). Can you help him?



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]He thinks fruit is good for health. 他认为水果有益于健康。


be good for“对??有好处”,be good at“擅长??”。如:

Reading in bed is not good for you eyes. 在床上读书对眼睛不好。

Alice is good at swimming. Alice擅长游泳。













[HTSS][WTFZ]Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends. [JP2]It was sunny and hot. [CX2]So they had great fun playing in the water.[CX]①[JP] They went shopping at around 3:20 p.m. But the shops were crowded. They didnt enjoy it. [JP]

The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Kim was very happy. But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walk back to the hotel. That made him very tired. [HK] On Wednesday, the weather was very cool, so they played tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun. [JP]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Kim went to a beautiful beach on a [CD#3] Monday with his friends.

A. rainy [DW]B. sunny[DW]C. cold[DW]D. warm [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]They went shopping [CD#3].

A. in the morning[DW2]B. in the afternoon C. at night[DW2]D. at noon [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]There were [CD#3] people in the shop.

A. some [DW]B. a few[DW]C. many [DW]D. no [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]They went to a museum on [CD#3].

A. Tuesday [DW]B. Monday[DW]C. Thursday [DW]D. Friday[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Playing tennis all morning was [CD#3].

A. funny [DW]B. boring[DW]C. tiring [DW]D. fun[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文[KG1]关键词:traveling [KG1]字数:181+165[KG1]难度:★★★★★ [JY]用时:12′




[HTSS][WTFZ] The picture shows 18yearold Katy Ross in Nepal. Katy left school eight months ago and soon she will go to university. [CX2]She loves traveling and decides to visit Asia before she goes to university.[CX]②

Katy is living with a family in the capital of Nepal. She learns a lot about the country since she arrived four months ago. The family has two children but many uncles and cousins live with them in their big house. They take Katy to many parties.[HK]

Katy teaches for four hours a day at a small school. All the classes are in English and the pupils

have spoken English lessons since the age of six. The older children speak English very well. Katy teaches writing, grammar and art. She enjoys art most. And she thinks the children like the lessons best, too.

Katy has little time to see Nepal, but soon she will stop teaching and travel around Nepal with a friend. “After that,” Katy says, “we are going to visit more countries in Asia. We are not sure which ones yet.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Why is Katy in Nepal?

 A. She is only traveling there.

B. She wants to take some pictures there.

 C. She wants to learn more about the country.

D. She is an exchange student.[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE about the family Katy is living with?

 A. They are friendly.

B. There are three people in their house.

 C. They are strange.

B. They have never taken Katy to the parties. [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]How long has Katy been in Nepal?

 A. Eight months. 〖DW〗B. Six months. 〖DW〗C. Four months. 〖DW〗 D. One month.[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]When do the children begin to speak English?

 A. When they are 5 years old.〖DW2〗 B. When they are 6 years old.

 C. When they are 7 years old. 〖DW2〗D. When they are 8 years old.[ZK)] (〓) 5. [ZK(]According to the passage, Katy[CD#3].

A. likes traveling very much

B. doesnt want to live with the family

C. only teaches writing in English

D. will go back to school after she leaves Nepal [ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]So they had great fun playing in the water. 所以他们在水里玩得非常开心。[CX]

have fun doing...意为“愉快地做??”。如:

We had fun playing basketball the whole morning. 整个上午我们都在快乐地打篮球。


2. [ZK(][CX2]She loves traveling and decides to visit Asia before she goes to university. 她喜欢旅游,决定在上大学之前游历亚洲。


decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。如:

 [JP3]She isnt good at English, so she decides to work hard. [JP4]她的英语不好,所以她决定努力学习。[ZK)][JP]






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓[KG*2]关键词:activities〓[KG*2]字数:193+85〓[KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]想了解[WT][WTFZ]Lisa, James, Grace和Allen[WT]他们在做什么吗?看看他们怎么说的吧!


[HTSS][WTFZ]Lisa, James, Grace and Allen are in different places now. What are they doing?

[BG(SDFXD][BHDFG6,FK7,KZQ*2F][XCP26-1.tif;%80%80,JZ][]〓〓Hello! My name is Lisa. Im in the park with my parents. Were walking by the lake. The water in the lake is nice and clean. We can see all kinds of fish swimming up and down in the water.

[BHD][XCp26-2.tif;%70%70,JZ][]〓〓Hi! Im James. Im standing at a bus stop and waiting for a bus. Im going to the bookshop to buy some books. Oh! [CX2]My bus is coming and I must get on it.[CX]① Bye!

[BH][XCp26-3.tif;%70%70,JZ][]〓〓Hello! I am Grace. Im visiting a museum with my friends. This is a famous museum with a long history. There are a lot of old things in it, like the kings clothes and some famous artists works.

[BH][XCP26-4.tif;%70%70,JZ][]〓〓Hi! I am Sara. As a reporter, I am busy every day. Im on the way to a swimming club now. Im going to meet a swimming star. She is Sharon Davies. She is a 13yearold girl, but shes famous in the UK. [BG)F]

(〓) 1. [ZK(][CD#3] wants to buy books.

A. Grace [DW]B. Sara [DW]C. Lisa[DW]D. James[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(][CD#3] and [CD#3] are on the way.

A. James; Sara [DW]B. Lisa; Grace[DW]C. James; Grace [DW]D. Sara; Lisa[ZK)] (〓) 3. [ZK(]How many people of the four go out alone?

A. Only one. [DW]B. Two.[DW]C. Three.[DW]D. Four. [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Sharon Davies is a famous [CD#3] swimming star.

A. French [DW]B. American [DW]C. English[DW]D. Australian[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]From the passage, we know they [CD#3].

A. like swimming [DW2]B. are students

C. like being busy [DW2]D. arent at home[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 [KG*2]关键词:Fathers Day [KG*1]字数:114+147 [KG*1]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:9′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ1.7mm]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 父亲节就要来了,你打算为父亲做点什么?


[HTSS][WTFZ]Happy Fathers Day!

Thank you very much for working so hard for your all family. You always get up at five thirty

every morning. And you get home at eight from work every evening. [CX2]You always buy delicious dinner for us.[CX]② We all enjoy it. You really help us a lot.

We know you like wearing suits(西服) very much. But we dont have so much money to buy it for you. So Chungang and I can only buy a new sweater and make a beautiful card for you. For[HK] your health, please dont stay up too late.

We love you forever(永远), Dad.

[JY(Z]Your son&daughter,


(〓) 1. [ZK(]What time does Xiaolis father get home every day?

A. At 5:30 a.m. 〖DW〗 B. At 7:00 a.m. 〖DW〗 C. At 5:30 p.m. 〖DW〗

D. At 8:00 p.m.[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]What does Xiaolis father need to do for his health?

A. To get up early. 〖DW2〗B. To wear suits.

C. To go to bed early. 〖DW2〗 D. To work hard.[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Who is Chuangang?

A. Xiaolis brother. 〖DW2〗B. Xiaolis son.C. Xiaolis father.〖DW2〗

D. Xiaolis daughter.[ZK)][HJ2mm]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]What presents do Xiaoli and Chungang give their father?

A. Shoes.〖DW2〗C. Flowers.

C. Pants.〖DW2〗D. A sweater and a card.[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Xiaoli has a lot of money.

 B. Xiaolis mother is a doctor.

C. Xiaoli doesnt like to eat dinner at home.

D. Xiaolis father likes wearing suits.[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]My bus is coming and I must get on it. 我的车来了,我要上车了。[CX]

“My bus is coming.”是现在进行时结构,表达的是将要发生的动作,这样的动作还有go,leave(离开)等。如:

We are leaving Beijing tomorrow. 我们明天将要离开北京。[ZK)]

2. [ZK(][CX2]You always buy delicious dinner for us. 你总是为我们买好东西吃。[CX] buy sth.for sb.意为“为某人买某物”,也可以说buy sb.sth.。如:

My parents bought a bike for me yesterday.(=My parents bought me a bike yesterday.) 我的父母昨天为我买了一辆自行车。[ZK)][HJ]





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓〓关键词:cards〓 〓 字数:68+100〓〓 难度:★★★[JY]用时:5′








(〓) 1. [ZK(]New Century Computer Center is on [CD#3].

A. Beijing Road[DW2]B. Huaxi Street

C. Zhongshan Road[DW2]D. Zhonghua Road


(〓) 2. [ZK(][CD#3] can draw some beautiful pictures.

A. Wang Tao[DW]B. Zhang Xintao

[DW]C. Wang Ming[DW]D. Li Lei


(〓) 3. [ZK(]If you call 08516363251, [CD#3] will come.

A. a doctor[DW]B. a driver

[DW]C. an artist[DW]D. a manager


(〓) 4. [ZK(]My sister is ill. I should call [CD#3].

A. 08516834237[DW2]B. 08516342325

C. 08516363251[DW2]D. 08516254385


(〓) 5. [ZK(]If you want to [CD#3], you can ask Zhang Xintao for help.

A. take a taxi[DW2]B. see a doctor

C. buy a computer[DW2]D. buy some pictures




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文〓[KG*1]关键词:kiwi〓[KG*1] 字数:170+60 〓[KG*1] 难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′






[CX2]The kiwi only lives in New Zealand.[CX]① It is a very strange bird because it can not fly.

The kiwi is the same size as a chicken. It has no wings or a tail. It doesnt have any feathers like other birds. It has hair on its body. Its mouth is very long. It has two feet and each foot has four toes(脚趾).

A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can smell things with [HK]its nose. It is the only bird in the world that can smell things. The kiwis eggs are very big. There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. People never see them. The government(政府) says that people cant kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live. There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money. People from New Zealand are sometimes called kiwis.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The kiwi only lives in [CD#3].

A. America[DW]B. Australia

〖DW〗C. New Zealand[DW]D. Canada[ZK)][HJ1.4mm]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]A kiwi is as big as a [CD#3].

A. dolphin [DW]B. chicken [DW]C. penguin[DW]D. monkey[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]How many toes does a kiwi have?

A. Four. [DW]B. Eight.[DW]C. Twelve. [DW]D. Sixteen.[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]What does a kiwi like to have around it?

A. Feathers. [DW]B. Sunlight. [DW]C. Trees.[DW]D. People.[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]The kiwi only lives in New Zealand. 无翼鸟只生活在新西兰。[CX]

在这句话中要注意only的用法。only意为“只,仅仅”,一般用于实义动词之前。如: At present we can only wait and see. 目前我们只能等等看。[ZK)][HJ]






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文〓[KG*1]关键词:tall&short〓[KG*1]字数:128〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′







Basketball players are usually very tall. Because they need to put the ball into the basket. Other sports players may be shorter than them.

[JP2](1)[CX2]〖ZZ(Z〗Short people often have better balance(平衡) than tall people, so they dont fall over very often.〖ZZ)〗[CX] In some sports the players must have good balance, (2)〖ZZ(Z〗〓〓〓〖ZZ)〗, table tennis. They dont need to have long legs to run fast! Some of the fast runners in the world are not very tall. Some people are tall [JP](3)〖ZZ(Z〗〓〓〓〖ZZ)〗 some are short. The tallest man in the world is 2.41 meters tall. Today young people in many countries grow taller [HK]than their [HK]parents. (4)〖ZZ(Z〗[CX2]This is because they eat better

than their parents.[CX]〖ZZ)〗 [KG1mm]Good food can help children grow.


1. 〖ZK(〗请根据上下文,将①处划线句子译成汉语:


2. 〖ZK(〗请根据句意在②处填写一个单词或短语:


3. 〖ZK(〗请根据上下句关系,在③处的横线上填写一个连词:


4. 〖ZK(〗请给④处划线句子设计一个特殊疑问句:




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 [KG2]关键词:Internet [KG2]字数:163 [KG2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′




[HTSS][WTFZ] [WTHZ]Li Hua: [WTFZ]Surfing the Internet is very exciting. We can do lots of things, such as playing games, listening to music, chatting with our friends and so on. I really enjoy it.

[WTHZ]Wang Gang: [WTFZ]I like surfing the Internet, too. Because I can learn a lot from it. I can get the latest news all over the world. [CX2]I can also find the information I need so that I can spend less time on my homework.[CX]①

[WTHZ]Zhang Jie: [WTFZ]Its hard to say. I agree that the Internet is helpful [HK]to our study. But its not right to spend too much time on the games. And some information on the Internet is bad for our mind. [CX2]Whats more, surfing too much does harm(伤害) to our eyes.[CX]② In a word, we should use the Internet in a right way.


[JZ][WTHZ]Information Card[WTFZ]


[BHDG5][WTHZ]Li Hua[WTFZ][]★ play games

★ listen to music

★ chat with (1)[CD#5]

[BH][WTHZ]Wang Gang[WTFZ][]★ get the latest news

★ get useful (2)[CD#5]

★ do homework (3)[CD#5]

[BHDG6*2][WTHZ]Zhang Jie[WTFZ][]★ be helpful to our study

★ dont spend too much time on the games

★ be bad for our mind and (4)[CD#5]

★ use the Internet (5)[CD#5]




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]I also can find the information I need so that I can spend less time on my homework. 我还能找到我需要的信息,以便我做作业能花费更少的时间。[CX] so that 意为“为了,以便”,引导目的状语从句。如:

She got up so early that she could catch the early bus. 她早起床,以便能赶上早班车。[ZK)] 2. [ZK(][CX2]Whats more, surfing too much does harm to our eyes. 更糟糕的是,上网太多伤害我们的眼睛。[CX]

 do harm to 意为“对??有害”。如:

Overwork does harm to health. 过度工作对健康有害。[ZK)]









[STFZ][HTH](1) 扫描法〓[ST][HTZDX]强调突出重点,只了解自己想知道的问题。

[STFZ][HTH](2) 画线圈点法〓[ST][HTZDX]阅读时尽量跳过无关的问题,只找“关键词”,并用画线、圈点、加注或记录的方法加以整理。

[STFZ][HTH](3) 提纲挈领阅读法〓[ST][HTZDX]目的是概要了解作者的动机、主要内容、重点和全篇结构等。






〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG8*2][FK(W][KH1D][SX(B]Lets share it!


[FK(W][KH1D][SX(B]Just married.

[] 新婚告急。[SX)][FK)]



[JZ][WT12.HZ]Who Should Be Given the Gift?[WT]〖WTFZ〗[HTZDX]

A father of five children came home with a cute toy before the Spring Festival. He asked his children which one of them should be given the present. “Who is the most obedient(服从的), never talks back to Mother and does everything he or she is told?” he asked. There was silence, and then they said, “You play with it, Daddy!”〖HK〗

[JZ][HT12.H]礼 物 该 给 谁? [HT][HTZDX]










[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG1*2]关键词:home〓[KG1*2]字数:118 〓[KG1*2] 难度:★★★ [JY]用时:5′





My name is David. I [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] in a big city with my parents. My home is on the sixth [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] of a tall building[WT][WTFZ]. Its a beautiful building. It [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] fourteen floors. Its on a [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] street. There are a lot of cars and people there. But the street is very [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)], so I dont like it.

However[WT][WTFZ], there are a lot of [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] to have fun. We can [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] games in the park. And we can take a [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] in the garden. Sometimes I read books in the [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)]. [CX]Its really quiet. I enjoy reading there.[CX]① Do you like to be my neighborhood? If youd like to come here, [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] to my home. Its on Green Street.[HK]

(〓) 1. A. take[KG5*2][WB]B. live[KG5*2][WB]C. have[KG5*2][WB]D. go

(〓) 2. A. street[DW]B. park[DW]C. floor[DW]D. house

(〓) 3. A. is[DW]B. have[DW]C. are[DW]D. has

(〓) 4. A. busy[DW]B. new[DW]C. old[DW]D. quiet

(〓) 5. A. clean[DW]B. dirty[DW]C. big[DW]D. good

(〓) 6. A. gardens[DW]B. parks[DW]C. places[DW]D. restaurants

(〓) 7. A. make[DW]B. take[DW]C. do[DW]D. play

(〓) 8. A. walk[DW]B. car[DW]C. bus[DW]D. bike

(〓) 9. A. bank[DW]B. restaurant[DW]C. library[DW]D. hotel

(〓) 10. A. welcome[DW]B. pass[DW]C. live[DW]D. walk[HJ]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓关键词:birthday cards 〓字数:153 〓难度:★★★★[JY]用时:7′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Li Ming过生日, 看他的外国朋友送给他什么了?



[WTFZ][HTSS]Jenny and Danny are making birthday cards for Li Ming. [CX2]They will send the cards and some presents to China.[CX]② Tom is helping (1)[CD#3](they).

“May I have a look at your cards?” asks Tom. “What did you write on them?”

Jenny (2)[CD#3](pass) him her card. Tom reads, “Happy birthday, Li Ming! From your friend, Jenny.”

Danny says, “I (3)[CD#3](write), ‘Happy birthday to my best (4)[CD#3](China) friend Li Ming. Best (5)[CD#3](wish) to you. Your friend, Danny.”

Danny and Jenny (6)[CD#3](put) the presents and cards into a box. Tom (7)[CD#3](close) the box with the tape(胶带). “OK!” he says. “Now we can (8)[CD#3](post) it!” “Wait a minute!” says Danny. He writes Li Mings address on the box.

“Wait! We (9)[CD#3](need) stamps!” says Jenny. Then she puts some stamps on it.

“OK! Lets (10)[CD#3](go) to the post office. We can mail Li Mings presents now.”



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]I enjoy reading there. 我喜欢在那里读书。[CX]

enjoy doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”。如:

 She enjoys singing and dancing. 她喜欢唱歌跳舞。[ZK)]

2. [ZK(][CX2]They will send the cards and some presents to China. 他们将把卡片和礼物寄到中国。[CX]

send sb.sth.相当于send sth.to sb.,意为“把某物送给某人”。如:

She sent me a Christmas card.(=She sent a Christmas card to me.) 她给我寄来一张圣诞贺卡。








[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*2]关键词:class〓[KG*2]字数:148+165〓[KG*2] 难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′





I will never forget my first English class.[WT][WTFZ] It was very interesting. It was the first class in the morning. [CX2]The teacher came into the classroom with a smile on his face.[CX]① At the beginning, he made a selfintroduction(自我介绍). And he told us that his English name was John. Then he asked all of us to think of English names for ourselves[WT][WTFZ]. We were very excited[WT][WTFZ] to find a good name. Then he asked us to write our names down on a piece of paper. I thought [HK]about my English name for a long time. Then I came [HJ]up with(想出) a beautiful name—Shirley. All the students wrote their names down and gave the paper to the teacher. When the teacher called “Shirley” to answer his question, three girls stood up at the same time.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]What did we do in the first English class?

A. We told the teacher our Chinese names.

B. We thought of English names for ourselves.

C. We saw an English film.

D. We drew pictures. [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]What did our teacher do first?

A. He asked every student to make a selfintroduction.

B. He introduced(介绍) himself to all of us.

C. He asked us many difficult questions.

D. He told us a story. [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Whats the English name of our English teacher?

A. Jack. [DW]B. Shirley. [DW]C. John.[DW]D. Tom. [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Where did we write down our English names?

A. On the blackboard. [DW2]B. On the desk.

C. On our hands.[DW2]D. On the paper. [ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]The passage mainly tells us that [CD#3].

A. the teacher gave every student an English name

B. our teacher was a young girl

C. three girls chose(选择) the name “Shirley”

D. the writer will never forget her first English class




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:party 〓[KG*1]字数:190+113 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]


[WTFZ][HTSS]Mr Johnson had a son and he loved his son very much, because the boy was his only son. However, the boy was not very cute and often made other people unhappy by some bad words.

One day Mr Johnson was invited(被邀请) to a party. His son wanted to go there, too. But Mr

Johnson said, “No, my good friend will have the party in his house. It is for the first birthday of his daughter. There will be a lot of important people to [HK]take part in the party, and Im afraid that you may say some bad words.” The son said to his father, “I will not say anything rude at the party.” So the father agreed.

After they got to the friends house, the son did not say anything at the party. Then when the party was over and all the guests stood up, he also stood up and said, “You know, everybody, I didnt say anything today. So if the baby dies(死) this year, it is not my [ZZ(Z]fault[ZZ)].” (〓) 1. [ZK(]How many sons did Mr Jackson have?

 A. One. 〖DW〗 B. Two. 〖DW〗C. Three. 〖DW〗


(〓) 2. [ZK(]How old was Mr Johnsons friends daughter?

A. Only one month old.〖DW2〗B. One year old.

 C. Two years old.

〖DW2〗D. Three years old.〖DW2〗 [ZK)] D.

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Who did the good friend have the birthday party for?

 A. His son.〖DW2〗 B. His daughter.

C. Mr Johnsons son.〖DW2〗D. Mr Johnson.[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]What does the underlined word “fault” mean in the last sentence?

A. 话语〖DW〗 B. 错误 〖DW〗C. 祝福〖DW〗 D. 晚会[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]From this passage we know Mr Jacksons son was [CD#3].

 A. clever 〖DW〗 B. polite 〖DW〗 C. foolish 〖DW〗 D. friendly [ZK)]


[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2][JP3]The teacher came into the classroom with a smile on his face. 老师面带微笑地走进教室。[CX][JP]

with a smile on ones face 意为“面带微笑地”,是“with+名词+介词短语”,在句中常用来作伴随状语。如:

Mr Wu left the room with an English book in his hand. 吴老师手里拿着一本英语书离开了房间。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓[KG*3/3]关键词:note〓[KG1*3]字数:113+143 〓[KG*3/3] 难度:★★★ [JY]用时:8′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]刚才有人找Mr Wang,是谁呢?看了留言条就知道了,一块儿来看看吧!



Dear Mr Wang,[GK!12*2][HJ1.3mm]

[JP2]Someone came to the office to see you in the morning, but you and your wife were out. He came here at 10 a.m. Because he was very busy, he went away half an hour later. He told me that he was your classmate at college(大学). Now he teaches Chinese in a high school in this city and he lives near the No.6 Middle School. He is a very tall man with short hair. [CX2]He wears a pair of glasses.[CX]① He told me his telephone number was 33426685. He is often at home at 7 p.m. So you can call him in the evening. [JP]

[JY]Jim [HJ][HK]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The writer wrote this note(便条) to [CD#3].

A. Mr Wang [DW]B. Mr Wangs wife[DW]C. his classmate[DW]D. me[ZK)] (〓) 2. [ZK(]Mr Wangs classmate is [CD#3].

A. a teacher[DW]B. a worker [DW]C. a farmer[DW]D. an actor[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]When is Mr Wangs classmate often at home?

A. In the morning.[DW]B. In the evening.[DW]C. At 8 a.m.[DW]D. We dont know.[ZK)] (〓) 4. [ZK(]How long did Mr Wangs classmate stay in the office?

A. Ten minutes. [DW]B. Half an hour. [DW]C. An hour. [DW]D. Two hours.[ZK)] (〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mr Wang and his wife are classmates.

B. Mr Wangs classmate is short.

C. Mr Wang went out with Mrs Wang in the morning. [JP]

D. Mr Wangs classmate met Mr Wang in the morning. [ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓关键词:Snow City 〓字数:147+148 〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 你去过新加坡的雪城吗?让我们去一睹它的风采吧!


[WTFZ][HTSS][GK13*3!]Yes, for the first time in Singapore, its snowing. Visitors to Singapore will be amazed by the technology(技术) that brings winter to you on this tropical(热带的) island.

[CX2]All visitors can have fun in Snow City,[CX]② Singapores first indoor snow center. Visitors can see and touch snow falling. Of course, its more than just touching and feeling snow. You can enjoy exciting snow rides or skiing on snow board. You can also build your own real snowman and have snowball fights filled with fun [HK]and learn [HK]about life in cold climates(气候). Snow City is about familybased fun and is suitable for all ages. Join us and step into Snow City today. [HJ1.3mm]

[WTHZ]Add:[WTFZ] 21 Jurong Town Hall Road

[WTHZ]Tel:[WTFZ] 63371511

[WTHZ]Bus services:[WTFZ] No.66, No.178, No.198

[WTHZ]Price:[WTFZ] adults:$18, children:$12

[WTHZ]Opening Hours:[WTFZ] Tuesday~Sunday, 10:30 a.m.~6:30 p.m.

[WTHZ]Notice:[WTFZ] No phone booking

For more information, please visit our website .

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Snow City is [CD#3]

 A. just a small city in Singapore

〖DW2〗 B. a place where people can go surfing

 C. Singapores first indoor snow center

〖DW2〗D. a place where the weather is cold[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]You can do the following in Snow City except [CD#3].

 A. seeing and touching snow falling 〖DW2〗 B. skiing on snow board

 C. having snowball fights 〖DW2〗 D. learning about how snow is made[ZK)][HJ2mm]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Visitors can [CD#3].

A. go to Snow City on Monday 〖DW2〗 B. take a No.66 bus to Snow City C. book their tickets by phone 〖DW2〗 D. visit Snow City at 7:00 p.m.[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Mr Smith and his 5yearoId daughter want to visit Snow City. They should pay [CD#3] for tickets.

 A. $12 〖DW〗 B. $18〖DW〗 C. $24〖DW〗 D. $30 [ZK)] (〓) 5. [ZK(]You can get more new information about Snow City [CD#3].

 A. on the phone 〖DW2〗 B. by fax

 C. online 〖DW2〗 D. in a newspaper[ZK)]


[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]He wears a pair of glasses. 他带着一副眼镜。[CX]  wear 意为“戴着,穿着”,强调状态,而put on “穿着”,强调动作。

 Mr Green often wears a suit and tie. Mr Green经常穿西服打领带。

“Put on your coat, Lily,” Mom says. 妈妈说:“Lily,穿上你的外套。”


2. [ZK(][CX2]All visitors can have fun in Snow City. 所有的游客都能在雪城里玩得很高兴。[CX]

 have fun doing sth.意为“愉快地做某事”。 如:

 Did you have fun learning English? 你学英语有乐趣吗?[ZK)][HJ]





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:zoo〓[KG*2/3]字数:137+138 〓[KG*2/3] 难度:★★★★





[GK!12*2]It was Sunday yesterday. [CX2]Bob was on a bus to the zoo.[CX]① [WT][WTFZ] An old woman got on the bus. Bob stood up and said to her, “Come and sit here, please.” He

helped the old woman sit down.

“Thanks a lot, my boy,” the old woman said.

“Youre welcome,” said Bob.

The bus went on. Twenty minutes later, it stopped near the zoo. [CX2]Bob got off the bus and said goodbye to the old woman.[CX]② The old woman smiled at him in a friendly way. [HK] Bob went into the zoo. Most of the people there were students. He saw a lot of animals and birds, and he also took[WT][WTFZ] many photos[WT][WTFZ]. He spent a happy weekend because he helped others and had a good time in the zoo.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]How did Bob go to the zoo?

A. By bike.[DW]B. By bus.

[DW]C. On foot.[DW]D. By car.


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Bob gave his seat(座位) to [CD#3].

A. an old man[DW]B. an old woman

[DW]C. a little girl[DW]D. a little boy


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Where did the bus stop twenty minutes later?

A. Near the zoo.[DW2]B. Near a cinema.

C. Near Bobs home.[DW2]D. In front of a shop.


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Most of the people in the zoo were [CD#3].

A. workers[DW]B. teachers

[DW]C. doctors[DW]D. students


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Bob went to the zoo on Saturday.

B. Bob didnt want to give his seat to the old woman.

C. Bob saw a lot of animals and birds in the zoo.

D. Bob had a boring weekend.




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓[KG*2]关键词:ticket 〓[KG*1]字数:82+102 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 拿到了The Sound of Music的入场券?别光顾着高兴,先看看注意事项吧![HT][STFZ][WT]

[FK(F12ZQ*2][JZ][WTHZ]The Sound of Music[WT]

 [WTHZ]Place:[WTFZ] Beijing Theater

 [WTHZ]Date:[WTFZ] 7:00 p.m. May 10th

 [WTHZ]Number:[WTFZ] 6, Row 9, 1st Floor

★ Dont bring any dangerous things.

★ If you are late, enter the theater quietly.

★ Dont bring your cameras or videos with you.

★ Turn off your cell phones or set them to vibration mode(振动模式).

★ Please check your seat number before the play begins.

★ [ZK(]Please check the date and seat number when you buy your ticket. After you buy the ticket, there is no [ZZ(Z]refund[WT][ZZ)].




(〓) 1. [ZK(]The play begins at[CD#3].

 A. 7:00 a.m. 〖DW〗 B. 9:00 a.m. 〖DW〗 C. 7:00 p.m. 〖DW〗 D. 9:00 p.m.[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Your seat number is [CD#3].

 A. 9, Row 6 〖DW〗 B. 6, Row 9〖DW〗C. 10, Row 6 〖DW〗 D. 7, Row 9 [ZK)] (〓) 3. [ZK(]If you are late for the play, you should [CD#3].

 A. walk around 〖DW2〗 B. knock the door

 C. stand outside〖DW2〗 D. enter the theater quietly [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]You should [CD#3] at the theater.

 A. use the cameras and videos 〖DW2〗 B. sell your ticket

 C. talk with your friends loudly 〖DW2〗D. check your seat number [ZK)] (〓) 5. [ZK(]The underlined word “refund” means [CD#3] in Chinese.

 A. 入场 〖DW〗 B. 出场 〖DW〗 C. 退票 〖DW〗 D. 改签[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Bob was on a bus to the zoo. Bob正在去动物园的公交车上。



We are in class now. 我们现在正在上课。[ZK)]

2. [ZK(][CX2]Bob got off the bus and said goodbye to the old woman. Bob下车和老太太告别。[CX]

say goodbye to sb.意为“向某人告别”。如:

When you leave home, you should say goodbye to your parents. 当你离开家时,你应当向你的父母告别。[ZK)]





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*3/3]关键词:baseball〓[KG1*3]字数:187 〓[KG*3/3] 难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′






A little boy walks around his yard. He says to himself, [CX2]“Im the greatest baseball player in the world.[CX]①” Then he throws the baseball into the air. He wants to hit[WT][WTFZ] it but he misses it[WT][WTFZ]. He picks up the ball and throws it into the air again, and he says to himself, “Im the greatest player ever.” He tries to hit the ball again. But he still misses it. Then once again he throws the ball into the air and says, “Im the greatest baseball player who ever lived.” He swings[WT][WTFZ] the bat hard and again misses the ball.[HK]

“Wow!” he says, “then I am the greatest pitcher(投手) in the world.”


(〓) 1. [ZK(#]The boy is playing soccer in his yard.

(〓) 2. He thinks he is the greatest player in the world at first.

(〓) 3. He throws the ball twice(两次).

(〓) 4. The boy is really good at baseball.

(〓) 5. He thinks he is a great pitcher at last.



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:rules 〓[KG*2/3]字数:310 〓[KG*2/3] 难度:★★★★★








1. [ZK(#]Always call the teachers by their titles[WT][WTFZ] or last names.

2. Come to school on time or a little bit earlier.

3. [CX][ZZ(Z]Please put up your hand when asking or answering questions.[ZZ)][CX]

4. You may stay in your seat when you talk to your teacher.

5. Make up(弥补) all the homework you miss when you take a leave of absence(缺席). Ask the teacher or your classmates if you need help.

6. If you want to leave school early, [HK]please tell your teacher and ask the teacher for the homework.

7. [ZZ(Z]你必须独立做作业。[ZZ)]

8. Dont cheat[WT][WTFZ] when you take a test.

9. Please bring a note from your parents when you are absent or late for school.


10. [ZK(]The only reasons for being absent from school are being ill, having a death in the family or when there is a religious(宗教) holiday.




1. [ZK(]Students should always call the teachers [CD#8] in American schools.



2. [ZK(]You cant be absent from school when [CD#3].

A. youre ill〖DW〗〓〓〓〓〓B. a member of your family passes away(去世) C. there is a religious holiday

〖DW〗〓〓〓〓〓D. you want to stay at home



3. [ZK(]将句子 “Please put up your hand when asking or answering questions.” 翻译成汉语。



4. [ZK(]将句子“你必须独立做作业。”翻译成英语。




5. [ZK(]What should not the students do when they take a test?




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Im the greatest baseball player in the world. 我是世界上最棒的棒球手。[CX]


Im taller than you. 我比你高。

Im the tallest girl in my class. 我是班里最高的女生。









整篇文章的主旨大意可以由一个句子来总结概括,即主题句。英语阅读理解中,考查主旨大意的题大多数针对短文(或段落)的主题、思想、标题或目的,其主要提问方式有“The story tells us that...”,“In the passage we can know that...”,“This passage mainly talks about...”等。在一个段落中,主题句的情况有三种:

[STFZ][HTH]1. 主题句在段首[HTZDX][ST]



[STFZ][HTH]2. 主题句在段末[HTZDX][ST]


[STFZ][HTH]3. 无主题句 [HTZDX][ST]

有时一篇文章里并没有明显的主题句,这时我们应该怎样来确定文章的主题或中心意思呢?其实这也不难。我们可以首先找出每一段的中心意思,各段往往都是围绕一个中心来展开的,或者都是说明一个问题的,这个中心或这个问题就是这篇文章的主题或中心意思。 [HJ]






〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG8*2][FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]Wrestling dogs!


[FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]Shes angry. Haha...






[JZ][WT12.HZ]Who Discovered Australia?[WT]〖WTFZ〗

Teacher: Find Australia on the map for me, Johnny.

Johnny: Its there, sir.

Teacher: Right. Now Sammy, who discovered Australia?

Sammy: Johnny, sir.


老师: Johnny,在地图上给我找出澳大利亚在什么地方。

Johnny: 老师,在那儿。

老师: 对了。Sammy,是谁发现了澳大利亚?

Sammy: 老师,是Johnny发现的。[HJ]












[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓关键词:cleaning&homework〓字数:101 〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:5′




[HT][WTFZ]Good afternoon, boys and girls. I have something to [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] you. This afternoon were going to [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] some cleaning after school. The radio report[WT][WTFZ] says it will be [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] at night. So please remember to [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] the doors and windows [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] you leave the classroom. [CX2]Please remember to[WT][WTFZ] put on more warm [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] tomorrow morning.[CX]①

Mr Wang is away today. He is ill and in hospital. I [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] you can go to see him. [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] the way, theres some [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] for [HK]you this evening. You must finish doing it and [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] it to school tomorrow morning.

(〓) 1. A. say[KG6*2][WB]B. speak[KG5*2][WB]C. tell[KG5*2][WB]D. talk

(〓) 2. A. do[DW]B. make[DW]C. take[DW]D. get

(〓) 3. A. warm[DW]B. cool[DW]C. sunny[DW]D. windy

(〓) 4. A. open[DW]B. clean[DW]C. close[DW]D. make

(〓) 5. A. after[DW]B. when [DW]C. because[DW]D. until

(〓) 6. A. cloths[DW]B. clothes[DW]C. dress[DW]D. coat

(〓) 7. A. ask[DW]B. want[DW]C. hope[DW]D. like

(〓) 8. A. On[DW]B. By[DW]C. In[DW]D. With

(〓) 9. A. housework[DW]B. homework[DW]C. time[DW]D. sleep

(〓) 10. A. bring[DW]B. take[DW]C. carry[DW]D. show



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:robber 〓[KG*1]字数:133 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ1.4mm]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Aunt Huang真傻,看今天她做了什么事情??


根据短文内容和首字母提示,在文中空白处填入一个恰当的单词,使短文完整通顺。 [WTFZ][HTSS] Aunt Huang is l[CD#3](1) out of her window. She sees two men in her neighbor Zhangs yard(院子). They are c[CD#3](2) a TV set to a car. Aunt Huang o[CD#3]

(3) the window. “Hey!” she says to the two men. “Are you TV repairmen(维修员)?”

“Yes,” a[CD#3](4) one of them.

“My TV set is broken, too. Can you mend it f[CD#3](5) me?”

“Sure,” says the man.“We can t[CD#3](6) your TV set along.”

Aunt Huang gives t[CD#3](7) her TV set. They put the two TV sets in the car and d[CD#3]

(8) away.

Aunt Huang doesnt see her TV set a[CD#3](9).

Then she comes to know the two men a[CD#3](10) TV repairmen at all. They are in fact robbers(窃贼).


[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Please remember to put on more warm clothes tomorrow morning. 请记着明天早上多穿暖和的衣服。[CX]

[JP3]remember to do sth.意为“记着去做某事”,remember doing sth.意为“记着做过某事”。如:[JP]

Please remember to bring your homework to school tomorrow. 请记着明天把作业带到学校来。

I remember locking the door. 我记得锁上门了。 [ZK)]








[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓关键词:languages&sports〓字数:134+68〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:7′





My name is Dave and I live in the US. My mother is from France and my father is from the UK, so I can speak two languages at home. I think languages are very interesting and I want to learn[WT][WTFZ] Japanese and Chinese. But my favorite subject at school is math. I really like it and I also like history.

I like sports. I like playing soccer and basketball very much, because theyre great fun. But I dont have much time to play them. I have to go to the music club after school on Mondays, and

[HK]I have guitar lessons on Wednesdays, and I go to the library on Fridays. [CX2]I think Saturdays and Sundays are great because I can play sports, watch TV and relax myself.[CX]①

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Daves father comes from [CD#3].

A. England [KG5][WB]B. Japan[KG5][WB]C. France[KG5][WB]D. China [HJ]


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Whats Daves favorite subject?

A. Japanese and Chinese.[DW2]B. History.

C. Guitar lesson.[DW2]D. Math. [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Dave plays sports [CD#3].

A. every day [DW2]B. on Mondays

C. on Saturdays and Sundays[DW2]D. on Fridays[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Dave can speak [CD#3] well.

A. French and English

[DW2]B. Chinese and Japanese

C. Chinese and French

[DW2]D. English and Japanese[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓[KG*2]关键词:children 〓[KG*1]字数:77+130〓[KG*1]难度:★★★[JY]用时:7′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]



[JZ][WTHZ]Have Fun&Learn in Little Rabbit[WTFZ]

We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to play,do homework,and learn after school.

Experienced(有经验的) Teachers/Lunch&Snacks/Toys&Books

Ages 6 to 12

Our Programs:*Languages *Math *Computer *Music

Open 11:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m., Mon.to Fri.

26 Market Road,Star City(between First Street and Second Street,next to the Flower Market) TEL:87654321[BG)F]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]What CANT children learn in Little Rabbit?

 A. Art. 〖DW〗 B. Music. 〖DW〗 C. Computer. 〖DW〗

D. Languages.[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Mrs Green can send her daughter Lucy to Little Rabbit except [CD#3].

 A. 6:00 p.m.on Friday 〖DW2〗 B. 7:00 a.m.on Wednesday  C. 11:00 a.m.on Tuesday 〖DW2〗 D. 12:00


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Little Rabbit will be open for [CD#3] hours in a week.

 A. 8〖DW〗 B. 20〖DW〗C. 40〖DW〗 D. 56[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Who can have fun and learn in Little Rabbit?

 A. Mike, a school boy of 13.

 B. Mary, an 8yearold girl.

 C. Cathy, an experienced teacher.

 D. Linda, a housewife without work.[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Wheres Little Rabbit?

 A. Its on Second Street. 〖DW2〗 B. Its on First Street.  C. Its on Market Road. 〖DW2〗D. Its in the Flower a.m.on



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]I think Saturdays and Sundays are great because I can play sports, watch TV and relax myself. 我认为星期六和星期天很好,因为我可以做运动、看电视和放松自己。 [CX]

I think...意为“我认为??”,后面经常跟宾语从句,如从句为否定,则要把否定提前,即I dont think...。如:

I dont think I can finish it. 我认为我完不成。[ZK)]





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓〓关键词:talk〓〓字数:172+100 〓〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′





A 50yearold American officer(官员) came back to his school. The teacher asked him to give a talk[WT][WTFZ] to the small boys and girls there. The talk was about the love of their great country. All the little ones were sitting in a large meetingroom. The old officer went up and began speaking.

“Boys and girls,” he said, “I studied in this school 40 years ago. When I was your age, we were not as happy as you are today.[WT][WTFZ] Think about it and answer me, why are you so happy now?” No one answered then. The old man waited for a long time. Then a short boy in front put up his small dirty hand. [HK]“Good boy! Please answer me, dear,” said the officer. With a [HK]big smile on [HK]his face, the boy stood up and said, “If you speak long enough, we wont have math and biology(生物学) lessons this morning.”[WT][WTFZ][HT][HJ0.9mm] (〓) 1. [ZK(]The old man came back to school to [CD#3].

A. listen to a talk[DW2]B. have lessons

C. give a talk[DW2]D. see his children[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]The officer studied in this school when he was [CD#3].

A. 5[DW]B. 10[DW]C. 12[DW]D. 50


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The children are [CD#3] before.

A. as good as [DW2]B. much better than

C. as happy as [DW2]D. much happier than[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]The short boy in the front [CD#3].

A. didnt understand the question[JP]

〖DW2〗B. told a lie(说谎)

C. wanted to make others laugh

〖DW2〗D. wanted to make the officer angry[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*6]关键词:animals 〓[KG*6]字数:148+134〓[KG*6]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9.5′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 动物冬眠是很有趣的,让我们去探究一下吧!



[GK!12][HTSS][WTFZ] Some animals sleep in winter because the weather can be very cold and it is difficult for them to find food. They can sleep for a long time(from autumn to spring). This kind of winter sleep is called “[ZZ(Z]hibernation[ZZ)]”.

If an animal moves about a lot, it needs food. Hibernating animals do not need to eat much because they are not moving about. Their hearts beat(跳动) very slowly and they also breathe(呼吸) slowly. They find a place out of danger. Their body fat keeps them alive and warm.[HK]

Some animals, such as bears, may wake up from their hibernation on warm winter days and then quickly go back to sleep again when they see the snow is still thick on the ground.

[CX2]When the weather becomes warmer in spring, the animals start to wake up and look for food.[CX]①

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Some animals hibernate in winter because [CD#3].

A. they want to have a good rest

 B. its cold and its hard for them to find food

C. they are too weak to look for food

D. They are too hungry to walk [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]If an animal moves about a lot, it needs [CD#3].

A. the sunshine 〖DW〗 B. winter sleep 〖DW〗C. food 〖DW〗 D. fat[ZK)] (〓) 3. [ZK(][JP2]Hibernating animals dont have to eat much because [CD#3] keeps them alive and warm.[JP]

A. the sunshine 〖DW2〗 B. their body fat

C. bad weather 〖DW2〗D. their heart[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]The word “hibernation” means [CD#3] in Chinese.

A. 冬眠 〖DW〗 B. 垒窝 〖DW〗 C. 休眠 〖DW〗 D. 迁徙[ZK)] (〓) 5. [ZK(]From this passage we know [CD#3] are the hibernating animals.

 A. dogs 〖DW〗B. bears [DW]C. pigs 〖DW〗D. tigers[ZK)][HT#][WT#] [XC重点句型s.tif]

[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]When the weather becomes warmer in spring, the animals start to wake up and look for food. 当春天天气变暖时,动物们开始苏醒并寻找食物。[CX]

 wake up 意为“醒来,叫醒”,是“动词+副词”短语,如果宾语是名词,可放在副词之前或之后;如果宾语是代词,必须放在动词和副词之间。如:

Please dont wake up the child. 请不要把孩子叫醒。

Please wake me up at 6 tomorrow morning. 请明天早上6点叫醒我。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓[KG*2]关键词:programmes〓[KG*2]字数:44+105 [KG*2]〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:4′



你经常看英语频道的电视节目吗? 看看今天有什么节目能吸引你吗?




(〓) 1. [ZK(][CD#3] can tell us something about animals.

A. Art Class[DW2]B. Tell It Like It Is!

C. Animal World[DW2]D. Culture China 


(〓) 2. [ZK(]You can learn cooking when you watch TV at [CD#3].

A. 7:00[DW]B. 8:00[DW]C. 10:00[DW]D. 17:00


(〓) 3. [ZK(]If you want to know the result of a soccer game, you can watch [CD#3]. A. Sports News[DW]B. Animal World 

[DW]C. Healthy Living[DW]D. Culture China 


(〓) 4. [ZK(]If Mr Black works from 8:00 to 18:00, he can watch [CD#3].

A. Nature and Science[DW2]B. Art Class 

C. Healthy Living[DW2]D. Learning English 


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Mr White wants to be healthy, so he often watches TV at [CD#3].

A. 8:00[DW]B. 8:30[DW]C. 18:00[DW]D. 18:30



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*5]关键词:vacation〓[KG*5]字数:136+105 〓[KG*5]难度:★★★★






[HTSS][HJ][WTFZ]I had a good time on my vacation. I spent my vacation trekking(坐牛车旅行) in Nepal, a small country in the Himalaya Mountains of Asia. On the trekking vacation, I walked for long distances[WT][WTFZ] through the mountains. [HJ1.4mm][CX2]There are very few roads in Nepal, so trekking is the best way to travel.[CX]① It will be better if you hire(雇用) a guide. The guides know the best paths[WT][WTFZ] to take and they can also help trekkers with their bags. Sometimes our guide cooked food for us. Every day, we trekked for about four hours in the morning, and two hours in the afternoon. We slept in the large tents. It was very interesting. I didnt want to go home at the end.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]I went to [CD#3] on vocation.

A. Nepal [DW]B. America[DW]C. England[DW]D. France


(〓) 2. [ZK(]On my trekking vacation, I walked for long distances through the [CD#3]. A. paths [DW]B. mountains [DW]C. rivers[DW]D. forests


(〓) 3. [ZK(]In Nepal, trekking is the best way to travel because [CD#3].

A. trekking is cheap

[DW2]B. people like trekking

C. the guide can cook for you

[DW2]D. there are very few roads there


(〓) 4. [ZK(]On my trekking vocation, our guide [CD#3] for us.

A. carried bags [DW]B. bought food

[DW]C. asked the ways [DW]D. found tents


(〓) 5. [ZK(]My trekking vacation is [CD#3].

A. boring [DW]B. interesting [DW]C. relaxing [DW]D. tiring




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]There are very few roads in Nepal, so trekking is the best way to travel. 在尼泊尔几乎没有多少路,所以坐牛车是最好的旅行方式。[CX]

few表示否定,意为“不多的;很少”;a few表示肯定,意为“少数”。两者均修饰可数名词复数。如:

He is a man of few words. 他是个沉默寡言的人。

I have a few friends here. 在这儿我有几个朋友。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓〓关键词:friends〓〓字数:235 〓〓难度:★★★★★ [JY]用时:8′




Dear Sandy,

I got to Beijing two months ago. My parents and I live in a flat in Beijing. I make a few friends here. Mike is an American. He is good at making things. Last week he made me a pumpkin lantern(灯笼). Zhu Gang is a Chinese. He lives near my home. We often go to school together. He rides bike well. Sometimes I sit on his bike. Annie is an Australian girl. She has long hair.

[HK]She is slim, and she always wears fashion clothes. Yesterday she wore a black skirt, long brown boots and a yellow blouse. Daniel likes eating snacks very much, though he is a boy.[WT][WTFZ] Sometimes Annie and I ask him for snacks. You know we girls always like snacks. But he is very funny. He always tells me some interesting stories. Well, I dont think you can recognize(认出) me now because I cut my hair short last Sunday. And I get thinner than before.[HJ1.6mm]

Now its very cold in Beijing. How is the weather in New York?

Please email me and tell me something about you.




任务一: 请你根据这封email,在各人物下填上正确的人名。


1. a: [CD#3]〓〓〓〓b: [CD#3]〓〓〓c: [CD#3]〓〓〓〓〓d: [CD#3] 〓〓〓〓e:


任务二: 简要回答下列问题。

2. [ZK(]Who does Kate often go to school with?


3. [ZK(]If you want to make a kite, who can you ask for help?


4. [ZK(]What did Annie wear yesterday?


5. [ZK(]Who likes snacks?


6. [ZK(]Where is Sandy now?






记叙文 〓[KG*1]关键词:poor 〓[KG*1]字数:288 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[WTFZ][HTSS]Growing up is not always easy. [CX2]When we face difficulties, the spirit(精神) of depending on yourself is more useful than crying for help.[CX]① Thats what Hong Zhanhuis story tells us.

Hong was born in 1982 in a poor family in Xihua County(县), Henan Province. When he was only 11, his father became badly ill. And one day he came back with an unwanted baby girl. However, a year later, Hongs mother left home. (1)[CD#3] So everything hard fell onto the young boys shoulders(肩膀): to take care of his father and sister Chenchen, and to go on to study. [HJ1.5mm]

His life was hard, but Hong didnt go away from his father and sister. (2)[CD#3] He walked two hours at weekends to the market to buy different things to sell around his school. (3)[CD#3] To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to rent(租) a room near his college for her, and send her to school.

After Hongs story was known by public, he became a hero in peoples eyes. But Hong refused offers from others. He said he felt encouraged by kind offers, but he could depend on his own work. (4)[CD#3]

[JZ][FK(6ZQ*3][WTFZ]A. He did parttime jobs to feed his family.

B. Through his hard life,he has grown up from a boy to a man.

C. Because of the hard life, he felt sad and helpless.

D. She no longer wanted to live such a poor life and face her sick husband.

E. A few years later, he began to study at a college.[FK)]




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]When we face difficulties, the spirit of depending on yourself is more useful than crying for help. 当我们面对困难时,自强不息的精神要比祈求他人的帮助有用得多。[CX]

 depend on 意为“依靠,依据”。如:

The story depends on a real person. 这个故事依据一个真实的人物。[ZK)]










[HTH][STFZ]1. 注意搜集线索词[ST][HTZDX]


[STFZ][HTH]2. 同义理解,着重内涵[HTZDX][ST]


[STFZ][HTH]3. 要忠实于阅读材料[HTZDX][ST]






〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG6*2][FK(W][KH1*3D][SX(B]When eggs fall in love...


[FK(W][KH1*3D][SX(B]Never give up!




[JZ]〖WT12.HZ〗The Clever Dog[WT]〖WTFZ〗

Tom liked playing the piano, accordion, violin, etc. One day, the little boy was practicing his trumpet, while his father was reading a magazine. The family dog began to howl. Finally, the father could bear the mixture no more and said, “Cant you play something the dog doesnt know?”

[JZ][HT12.H][CX2]聪 明 的 小狗[HT][HTZDX]











[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓〓[KG*1] 关键词:trip〓〓[KG*1] 字数:84〓〓[KG*1] 难度:★★★[JY]用时:5′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]刚刚陪笔友游完北京的Li Shan,如今感受如何呢?看看她写的信吧。


[HTSS][WTFZ]Dear Lucy,

We are back in Garden City now. We had a good [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)].

I [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] to collect[WT][WTFZ] my photos yesterday. They [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] great! I showed these photos [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] my classmates. They all [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] them.

There is a photo of Ben and Simon [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] the Great Wall. There is one of you and [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] in the Forbidden City(紫禁城).

[JP2]We really enjoyed[WT][WTFZ] [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] vacation. We were sad to [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] you.

[JP3]You must [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] and visit us in Garden City at Chinese New Year.[HK][JP]


Li Shan [JY)]

(〓) 1. A. rest[KG6][WB]B. trip[KG6][WB]C. sleep[KG6][WB]D. look

(〓) 2. A. forgot[DW]B. went[DW]C. planned[DW]D. liked

(〓) 3. A. were[DW]B. kept[DW]C. felt[DW]D. became

(〓) 4. A. by[DW]B. for[DW]C. from[DW]D. to

(〓) 5. A. bought[DW]B. sold[DW]C. liked[DW]D. needed

(〓) 6. A. in[DW]B. about[DW]C. from[DW]D. on

(〓) 7. A. him[DW]B. me[DW]C. her[DW]D. us

(〓) 8. A. my[DW]B. their[DW]C. your[DW]D. our

(〓) 9. A. meet[DW]B. leave[DW]C. have[DW]D. see

(〓) 10. A. go[DW]B. run[DW]C. move[DW]D. come



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*1]关键词:healthy 〓[KG*1]字数:136〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[JZ][WTFZ][HTSS][FK(2ZQ*2]big, have, like, or, do, play, glass, watch, health, in[FK)][HJ] Rick is a fat man. He gets up late (1)[CD#3] the morning. He has a (2)[CD#3] breakfast every morning. He has some meat, three (3)[CD#3] four eggs and some pieces of bread.

[CX2]He drinks two(4)[CD#3] of milk, some apple juice, a cup of coffee and eats some fruit.[CX]① His wife, Vicky, (5)[CD#3] a cup of tea, a piece of bread and a banana for breakfast. Rick doesnt (6)[CD#3] any ball games. He thinks they are too hard for him, but he likes listening to music and (7)[CD#3] TV and he doesnt (8)[CD#3] any housework. Vicky (9)

[CD#3] sports every day. In fact, she joins a swimming club. So she is very (10)[CD#3].



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]He drinks two glasses of milk, some apple juice, a cup of coffee and eats some fruit. 他喝两杯牛奶,一些苹果汁,一杯咖啡,而且还吃一些水果。[CX] two glasses of milk 意为“两杯牛奶”,of 短语(a lot of 除外)作主语,谓语动词应该和of前的名词一致。如:

 There are two cups of tea on the table. 在桌子上有两杯茶。








[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2] 关键词:wet paint〓[KG*2] 字数:134+126〓[KG*2] 难度:★★★[JY]用时:6′


[JP2][KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]得第一也不见得都是好事,故事中的Mr Black争得的这个第一就让他有点苦不堪言。[JP]



Mr Black is walking in the park. He is tired. He wants to have a rest. He sees a red chair under a tree over there. So he walks to the chair. There is another[WT][WTFZ] man in front of him. He is walking to the chair, too. He has a board(板) in his hand. Mr Black is very worried(担心). He begins to run fast. The man sees him. He begins to run, too. But Mr Black runs faster. He gets to the chair before the man. He is very happy. When the man comes, Mr Black is sitting on the chair.

[HK]The man doesnt say anything, but he gives Mr Black the board. [CX2]The board says “Wet Paint![KG-1mm](油漆未干!)[CX]”①

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Mr Black wants to [CD#3].

A. talk with the man

[DW2]B. sit on the chair for a rest

C. have the new chair

[DW2]D. paint the chair


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Maybe(也许) the man with a board is a [CD#3] in the park.

A. visitor 〖DW〗B. worker[DW]C. guide〖DW〗D. teacher [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(][CD#3] gets to the chair first.

A. Mr Black[DW2]B. The man

C. Another man[DW2]D. The board with “Wet Paint!”[ZK)][HJ]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Mr Black thinks the man with a board wants to sit on the chair, too.

B. Mr Black knows the man with a board.

C. The man wants to tell Mr black to be careful.

D. Theres wet paint on Mr Blacks clothes now.[ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 [KG*2] 〓关键词:reading 〓[KG*2]字数:85+151 〓[KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[BG(][BHDFG9*2,FK22ZQ,KZQF][WTHX]Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows[WTFZ] By J.K.Rowling

Paperback(平装), 784 pages.

[WTHZ]Publisher(出版商):[WTFZ] Arthur a Levine (07/07/2009)

[WTHZ]Reading level:[WTFZ] Age 9~12


[][WTHX]Deceptively Delicious[WTFZ]

By Jessica Seinfeld

Hardcover(精装), 204 pages.

[WTHZ]Publisher:[WTFZ] Collins (09/01/2007)

[WTHZ]Reading Level:[WTFZ] Parents


[BHD][WTHX]Rich Dad, Poor Dad[WTFZ]

By Robert T.Kiyosaki

Paperback, 266 pages.

[WTHZ]Publisher:[WTFZ] Business Plus (01/01/2010)

[WTHZ]Reading Level:[WTFZ] Age 20~25


[][WTHX]The Road[WTFZ]

By Cormac McCarthy

Paperback, 304 pages.

[WTHZ]Publisher:[WTFZ] [JP3]Vintage Books (09/11/2007)[JP]

[WTHZ]Reading Level:[WTFZ] Adults


(〓) 1. [ZK(]Which of the following books is the latest in print(已出版)?

A. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

B. Deceptively Delicious. 

 C. Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

D. The Road. [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Of all the books, there is/are [CD#3] written for adults.

A. one 〖DW〗 B. two〖DW〗 C . three 〖DW〗 D. four[ZK)] (〓) 3. [ZK(]Who wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad?

A. J.K.Rowling. 〖DW2〗B. Jessica Seinfeld.

C. Cormac McCarthy. 〖DW2〗D. Robert T.Kiyosaki.[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]If you buy two copies of The Road and one copy of Deceptively Delicious, you should pay [CD#3].

 A. $23.83〖DW〗 B. $18.33 〖DW〗 C. $12.83


(〓) 5. [ZK(]We can learn from the form(图表) that [CD#3].

A. Deceptively Delicious and The Road came out on the same day

B. J.K.Rowlings book is the most expensive of the four books

C. The Road is the thinnest(最薄的) of the four

D. Rich Dad, Poor Dad is hardcover[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]The board says “Wet Paint!” 牌子上写着“油漆未干!”



There is a note on the wall. It says “No Smoking”. 墙上有个提示,上面写着“禁止吸烟”。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓[KG*1] 关键词:diary〓[KG*2/3] 字数:147+108〓[KG*1] 难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Wang Lin都忙些什么呢?读读这篇日记你就明白了。


[HT][WTFZ]Oct.8th, Sunday

October 1st is our National Day. It was Sunday. In the morning, our teacher took us to the park. Oh, many people were there. Everywhere we could see flags(旗帜)[WT][WTFZ] and flowers. We saw people dancing in the park. [WT][WTFZ]We had a good time.

This morning I did some cleaning. Then I went to school. In the class, our teacher told us a very interesting story. It was about a French[WT][WTFZ] scientist, Ampere. Once he was walking in the street. [HK]He began to work on a problem[WT][WTFZ] on a “blackboard” with a piece of chalk. But it was not a blackboard. It was the back of a carriage(四轮马车). Ampere didnt notice(注意)[WT][WTFZ] it at all. How hard he worked on his problem! 〖DW〗 D.

In the evening, it became cloudy. Its going to rain tomorrow, I think.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Wang Lin wrote his diary on [CD#3].

A. October 1st[DW]B. October 4th〖DW〗C. October 7th[DW]D. October 8th


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Wang Lins teacher and his classmates went to the park on [CD#3].

A. October 1st[DW]B. October 2nd〖DW〗C. Wednesday[DW]D. Monday


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Ampere was a great [CD#3] scientist.

A. English[DW]B. American〖DW〗C. French[DW]D. Chinese


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Ampere worked on a problem on the back of a [CD#3].

A. blackboard[DW]B. carriage[DW]C. paper[DW]D. flag


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Wang Lin thought it was going to rain the next day because [CD#3].

A. it was too hot that day[DW2]

B. it didnt rain for a long time

C. it was cloudy that evening[DW2]

D. it was cloudy that morning



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓关键词:nervous 〓[KG*2]字数:215+155 〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:12′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 想知道怎么和女孩搭讪吗?对面的男孩请看过来吧!





[HTSS] Do you ever get nervous when talking to a girl? Are you ever worried about what to say or what to do? Yes? Then Alec Greven, a 10yearold US boy, can give you some help. Greven wrote How to Talk to Girls when he was 8 years old. The book offers(提供) advice about how to get a girls attention and what to say to her.

Greven, clearly an expert(专家), says that it is important to choose the right girl. “Some girls are good at talking.[CX] Some girls are shy,” he explains. “Go for a [ZZ(Z]talkative[ZZ)] girl if you are shy. Then you only have to say one thing, and she will do [HK]the rest of the talking.” Boys who are more talkative should say something like “Hi”. If the conversation is going well, Greven suggests that you ask the girl for her phone number. [CX2]Of course, this is only if your parents let you call girls.[CX]①

Greven also tells you in his book to try to get a girl to like you, not love you. Greven also says not to be mean(刻薄的) to a girl and not to be a class clown(小丑).

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The writer of the book How to Talk to Girls is [CD#3].

A. 8 〖DW〗 B. 10 〖DW〗 C. 20 〖DW〗D. 30[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]The underlined word “talkative” possibly means [CD#3].

A. 勇敢的 〖DW〗 B. 健谈的 〖DW〗C. 羞涩的 〖DW〗D. 漂亮的[ZK)] (〓) 3. [ZK(]The writer of the book How to Talk to Girls is called [CD#3].

A. Frank 〖DW〗 B. Lindsey 〖DW〗 C. David 〖DW〗

D. Alec[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]The writer of the passage thinks the writer of the book is a (an) [CD#3].

A. teacher 〖DW〗 B. policeman 〖DW〗 C. doctor 〖DW〗 D.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The writer of the book thinks [CD#3].

A. it isnt very important to choose the right girl to talk with

B. boys should try to get a girl to like them instead of(而不是) loving them

C. a boy can ask the girl for her phone number if he wants to

D. its OK to be a class clown[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]

Of course, this is only if your parents let you call girls. 当然,这仅仅适用于只有你的父母允许你给女孩打电话的情况。[CX]

only if意为“只有,只有当”;if only意为“但愿,如果??就好了”。如:

I wake up only if the alarm clock rings. 只有闹钟响了,我才会醒。

If only he comes early. 但愿他早点回来。








[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:议论文 〓[KG*2]关键词:school〓[KG*2]字数:108+129〓[KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′





Why do children go to school? Do you know? You may say that they go to school to learn Chinese, English and other subjects. This answer is right. But do you know why they learn all these things? Do they learn all things at school?

The answer is “No”. Children must learn how to learn at school. No one can learn everything at school. When they leave school, they must go on to learn. So a good teacher at school teaches his/her students to learn something and teaches them the ways to learn it. [CX2]Then the children can go on to learn well after[HK] they leave school.[CX]① [WT][WTFZ]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Children go to school to learn [CD#3].

A. Chinese and English

B. everything

C. every subject

D. subjects and how to learn these subjects[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Do children learn all things at school?

A. Yes, they do. [DW2]B. No, they dont.

C. I dont know.[DW2]D. I think so. [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]What does a good teacher do at school?

A. He/She teaches his/her students to learn something.

B. He/She teaches his/her students how to learn.

C. He/She teaches everything.

D. Both A and B. [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Students go to school to learn everything.

B. Children dont need to learn after they leave school.

C. Children must learn how to study.

D. Teachers should teach everything. [ZK)][HJ]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓[KG*3]关键词:holidays〓[KG*3]字数:195+118〓[KG*3] 难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′





Many people do not like to stay at home on holidays. They want to go out to see something different or do something exciting. So people from the country come to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It is very hard to buy train tickets[WT][WTFZ] or air tickets. Many people take cars or buses for the traveling. [HJ1.3mm]

Last May Day, my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much traffic on the road, so we had [HK]to move very slowly. It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we came to a hill. It was green and beautiful. We thought this was a good place for a picnic, so we stopped and took the food, fruits and drinks out of the car. We sat down and began to eat. [ZZ(Z]Suddenly[ZZ)] a strong wind came and soon it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car. Then we drove home. [CX2]What a sad trip![CX][KG-1mm]②[WT][WTFZ]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Many people like to [CD#3] on holidays.

A. stay at home and watch TV

B. do something exciting at home

C. go shopping with families or friends

D. go out to see something different or do something exciting [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]It is [CD#3]to buy train or air tickets on holidays.

A. easy [DW]B. important[DW]C. boring [DW]D. difficult[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]The underlined word “suddenly” means [CD#3].

A. 强烈地 [DW]B. 突然地 [DW]C. 迅速地 [DW]D. 慢慢地[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]We had a [CD#3] trip last May Day.

A. happy [DW]B. busy [DW]C. sad [DW]D. boring [ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]We [CD#3] to the country for our holiday last May Day.

A. took a bus [DW]B. took a car[DW]C. walked[DW]D. rode a bike [ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Then the children can go on to learn well after they leave school. 孩子们在离开学校之后还能继续好好地学习。[CX]

[JP3]go on to do sth.意为“继续去做??”,指的是中断了一件事情后继续做另一件事情。如:[JP]

After lunch, he went on to work hard. 午饭之后,他继续努力工作。[ZK)]

2. [ZK(][CX2]What a sad trip! 多扫兴的一次旅游啊![CX]

这是一个感叹句。句式结构为“What (a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语+其他!”。如: What a clever girl she is! 多聪明的姑娘啊![ZK)][HJ]






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓[KG1]关键词:dangerous〓[KG1]字数:162〓[KG1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′




[HTSS][WTFZ]His name is B.B.B.

He is a very dangerous person. He is from Africa but now he is in England.

He is lazy but he is very clever. He has a very big red nose and brown hair.

His coat is yellow and black.

He has a good friend in England, and his friend is clever and dangerous.

Policemen didnt catch B.B.B.or his friend.

Help us to find B.B.B.and his friend.

[WTHZ]Signed[WT]:[WT][WTFZ] Policemen 〓〓〓〓〓

[WTHZ]Date[WT]:[WT][WTFZ] 11/24/2009


[JZ][FK(F11。30ZQ2][JZ][WTHZ]Find B.B.B.[WT][WTFZ]

[WT][WTHZ]Name: [WT][WTFZ] B.B.B.

[WT][WTHZ]From: [WT][WTFZ] (1)[CD#5]

[WT][WTHZ]Nose: [WT][WTFZ] big and red

[WTHZ]Hair:[WT][WTFZ] brown

[WT][WTHZ]Coat: [WT][WTFZ]


B.B.B.and his friend are (3)[CD#5].

They are in (4)[CD#5] now.

Please call the (5)[CD#5] if you find them.

[WT][WTHZ]Signed: [WT][WTFZ] Policemen

〓〓[WT][WTHZ]Date:[WT][WTFZ] 11/24/2009




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG1]关键词:rules 〓[KG*1]字数:245 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]


[HTSS][WTFZ]There are lots of rules at Selinas school. [CX2]She agrees with some of them.[CX]① For example, they cant arrive late. They cant run in the hallways and they cant eat in class. All these rules are okay because theyre reasonable(合理的).

But there are some rules Selina doesnt agree with. For example, at her school they dont have to wear a uniform and they cant wear jeans. But she thinks jeans are good because theyre comfortable. In school, they cant listen to music in art class. Selina doesnt agree with this rule. She thinks listening to music in art class is okay.

Selina also has to follow some rules at home. For example, if she wants to watch TV, she has to finish her homework first. And she cant go out with her friends on school nights, that is, from Monday to Thursday. She also has to clean her room every week. But she doesnt have to take out the trash.



1. [ZK(]Can the students arrive late at Selinas school?


2. [ZK(]What cant Selina wear in school?


3. [ZK(]When cant Selina go out with her friends?


4. [ZK(]What else does Selina have to do at home every week?


5. [ZK(]What does Selina think of listening to music in art class?




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]She agrees with some of them. 对于一些规章制度,她表示同意。[CX]

 agree with意为“同意某人(的观点)”。如:

—Tom is a good student. Tom是个好学生。

—I agree with you. 我同意你的观点。










[HTH][STFZ]1. 透过表面推出本质[ST][HTZDX]


[HTH][STFZ]2. 依据因果关系进行推理[ST][HTZDX]


[HTH][STFZ]3. 依据事实推断[ST][HTZDX]

这种推断常常针对某一个或几个具体细节,是比较简单的推断。进行这种推断,要首先在文章中找出据以推断的有关文字,然后加以分析,尤其要悟出字里行间的意思。 [HTH][STFZ]4. 进行合理联想[ST][HTZDX]







〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG8*2][FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]An egg runs?

[] 鸡蛋会走路?[SX)][FK)]〖KG9〗





[JZ][WT12.HZ]To Scare Them[WT][WTFZ][HJ3mm]

Daves mother buys him a Halloween(万圣节) costume to scare his friends. It costs 39 pounds. “Should I take the price tag(标签) off?” the teenager asks.

“Leave it on,” his mother says. “Well also scare your father.”

[JZ][HT12.H]吓 吓 他 们[HT][CX][HTZDX]


“别拿下来,” 他妈妈说,“我们也吓一下你爸爸。”











[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 十二属相中,鼠为什么排在第一位呢?为什么没有猫年呢?下面的解释可是相当有趣。


[HTSS][WTFZ]The ox(牛) starts out when the Lunar(阴历的) New Year is coming. The mouse sees the ox and [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] onto[WT][WTFZ] his back. The ox doesnt 

[ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] him. The ox is the first one to [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] the Gods(神的) place. He is very [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)]. But just when he is about to say out his wishes to the God, the mouse jumps down and says out his [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] to the God, so the mouse becomes the first of the [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] animals to name a year.


But do you know [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] there is no Year of the Cat? Well, in the story, the God doesnt choose him [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] he is a day late to get to the Gods place. The mouse cheats him. The mouse tells him the [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] date for visiting the God. The cat is very [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] and he dislikes the mouse very much. [HK]

(〓) 1. A. flies[KG5][WB]B. walks[KG5][WB]C. swims[KG5][WB]D. jumps

(〓) 2. A. look[DW]B. watch[DW]C. see[DW]D. read

(〓) 3. A. leave[DW]B. reach[DW]C. arrive[DW]D. get

(〓) 4. A. happy[DW]B. friendly[DW]C. worried[DW]D. sad

(〓) 5. A. plans[DW]B. wishes[DW]C. problems[DW]D. hopes

(〓) 6. A. two[DW]B. second[DW]C. twelve[DW]D. twelfth

(〓) 7. A. why[DW]B. what[DW]C. where[DW]D. which

(〓) 8. A. because[DW]B. so[DW]C. but[DW]D. and

(〓) 9. A. right[DW]B. wrong[DW]C. best[DW]D. great

(〓) 10. A. happy[DW]B. glad[DW]C. angry[DW]D. lucky




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓[KG1*4]关键词:rules 〓[KG1*4]字数:156 〓[KG1*4]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST][HJ2mm]




Dear Dr Know, [GK13!]

Im writing to you to ask for help. Im not f[CD#3](1). I have too many r[CD#3](2) in my family. [CX2]I h[CD#3](3) to get up at six every morning, then I have to practice s[CD#3]

(4) English.[CX]① I cant meet my friends after school because I have to f[CD#3]

(5) my dog. On school nights, I cant watch TV. And I have to be in bed b[CD#3] (6) ten oclock. On weekends I have to m[CD#3](7) my bed and clean my room. Then I have to d[CD#3](8) the dishes. In the afternoon, I have to go to the[HK] Childrens Palace to learn the piano. I n[CD#3](9) have any fun. What s[CD#3](10) I do?



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]I have to get up at six in the morning, then I have to practice speaking English. 我必须6点起床,然后我必须练习说英语。[CX]

practice doing sth.意为“练习做某事”。如:

I want you to practice doing this until it becomes second nature. 我希望你坚持练习做此事,直到它成为(你的)第二天性为止。










[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓〓关键词:ads 〓〓字数:133+138 〓〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′






[JZ][HTH][WTFZ][STHZ]Snow World Ski(滑雪) Park[HT][STFZ][WTFZ]

[WTHZ]Price:[WTFZ] [ZK(]50 yuan/hour on weekdays

70 yuan/hour on weekends


[WTHZ]Open time:[WTFZ] 10:00 a.m.~3:00 p.m.


Can you speak English? Do you know much about Shanghai? Do you want to work for the 2010 Shanghai World Expo? 〓[WTHZ]Age:[WTFZ] 18~30 〓[WTHZ]Tel:[WTFZ] 8765163


A black sports bag. There is a basketball and some food in it. [WTHZ]Tel:[WTFZ] 8975897

[BHG11][JZ][WTHZ]Movies at Times Cinema[WTFZ]

[WTHX]Crazy Stone:[WTFZ] 8:00 a.m.~9:30 a.m.

[WTHX][STHX]2012[STFZ] Doomsday:[WTFZ] 8:00 a.m.~10:00 a.m.

[WTHX]Avatar:[WTFZ] 2:30 p.m.~5:00 p.m.

[WTHX]Baby Plan:[WTFZ] 6:00 p.m.~8:00 p.m.

[WTHZ]Ticket price:[WTFZ] 25 yuan

[WTHZ]Tel:[WTFZ] 8601120

[BHG5][JZ][WTHZ]Welcome to Sun Store on Bridge Street![WTFZ]

All kinds of school things: bags, pens, rulers and pencils are cheaper now. Discount(打折) 40%, only this week.[BG)F]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]If you want to pay less(更少的) money, you can go skiing [CD#3].

A. on Friday [DW]B. on Sunday

[DW]C. in the evening [DW]D. on Saturday


(〓) 2. [ZK(]If a pen cost 30 yuan in Sun Store last week, it costs [CD#3] this week. A. 30 yuan [DW]B. 16 yuan 

[DW]C. 18 yuan[DW]D. 22 yuan


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Linda wants to work for the Shanghai Expo, so she must speak [CD#3] well. A. Japanese

[DW]C. Chinese

[ZK)] [DW]B. French [DW]D. English

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Mr Brown has nothing to do from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Which movie can he watch?

A. Avatar. [DW]B. Crazy Stone.

[DW]C. Baby Plan. [DW]D. [STFX]2012[STFZ] Doomsday 


(〓) 5. [ZK(]If you lost a black sports bag, you can call [CD#3].

A. 8765163 [DW]B. 8601120

[DW]C. 8968956

[ZK)] [DW]D. 8975897



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:study 〓[KG*2/3]字数:100+127 〓[KG*2/3]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:7′





All students need to have good study habits. When you have good habits, you can learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.

Do you like to study in the livingroom? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.

Before you begin to study,[HK] do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. [CX2]You will feel tired easily if there is not enough light.[CX]①

(〓) 1. [ZK(]When you have good study habits, you will [CD#3].

A. learn things quickly [DW2]B. remember things easily

C. think about one thing [DW2]D. both A and B


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The livingroom is not a good place for study because it is too[CD#3]. A. quiet [DW]B. noisy [DW]C. good [DW]D. clean


(〓) 3. [ZK(]You will feel tired easily if the light is [CD#3].

A. good [DW]B. enough [DW]C. bad [DW]D. wonderful


(〓) 4. [ZK(]You should remember to [CD#3]before you study.

 A. clean the desk [DW2]B. tidy the room C. turn on the light [DW2]D. go to the bedroom


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The best title(标题) for this passage is [CD#3].

 A. Study in the Bedroom [DW2]B. Good Study Habits

 C. How to Study [DW2]D. A Desk Light Is Important




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]You will feel tired easily if there is not enough light. 如果光线不足,你将很容易感到疲惫。[CX]

enough light“足够的光线”,当enough修饰名词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,也可放在之后;enough修饰形容词或副词时,要发生后置。如:

He is old enough to go to school. 他到了上学的年龄。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:study [KG*2/3]〓字数:202+146 [KG*2/3]〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:12′






A Russian, a Cuban(古巴人), an American businessman and an American lawyer(律师) were on a train traveling across England. [CX2]The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka, gave each of the men a drink and then threw(扔掉) the rest half bottle of vodka out of the window.[CX]① “Why did you do that?” asked the American businessman. “Theres too much vodka in my country,” said the Russian. “And really we have more than we will ever use.” A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Cigars(雪茄). [HK]Then he threw his out of the window. “I thought Cuba is not a rich country,” the businessman said. “But you threw that very good cigar out of the window!” “Cigars,” the Cuban answered, “they are the cheapest in my country. We have more of them than we know what to do with.” The American businessman sat quietly for a moment. Then he got up, caught(抓住) the lawyer by the arm and threw him out of the window.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The people in the story are from [CD#3] countries.

 A. one [DW]B. two [DW]C. three[DW]D. four


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The four people are traveling by [CD#3].

 A. bus [DW]B. air [DW]C. train [DW]D. sea


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Vodka is a kind of [CD#3].

 A. food [DW]B. wine(酒) [DW]C. fruit [DW]D. medicine


(〓) 4. [ZK(]The Russian and the Cuban both wanted to [CD#3].

 A. [ZK(#]tell the businessman that their countries are rich

B. ask the business man to throw the lawyer out

C. ask the two Americans to visit their countries

D. make the businessman happy



(〓) 5. [ZK(]What did the businessman want to say by throwing the lawyer out of the window? A. I want to buy some vodka.

B. We have too many lawyers in my country.

C. Ill go to Cuba and do some business of cigars.

D. If you need lawyers, come to America.




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓〓 关键词:ads〓〓 字数:62+78 〓〓 难度:★★★ [JY]用时:5′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 想应聘下面广告中的职务吗?赶紧打电话吧!



Do you like to play with children? Can you sing and dance? Do you want to be a teacher? We want a man and a woman as teachers.

[WTHZ]Age:[WTFZ] 18~25

Call Green Children School at 6663465.

[][JZ][WTHZ]Shop Assistants Wanted[WT][WTFZ]

We need ten girls for our shop.

[WTHZ]Work time:[WTFZ] [ZK(]7:30 a.m.~11:30 a.m.

2:00 p.m.~6:00 p.m.


[ZZ(Z][WTHZ]Height: [WT][WTFZ][ZZ)]≥160 cm

[WTHZ]Age:[WTFZ] 18~30

[WTHZ]Our telephone number:[WTFZ] 6664532


[KH-+3mmD](〓) 1. [ZK(]The school wants [CD#3] teacher(s).

A. one[DW]B. two[DW]C. three[DW]D. four


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The school needs the [CD#3] teachers.

A. PE[DW]B. music[DW]C. history[DW]D. English


(〓) 3. [ZK(]6664532 is the [CD#3] telephone number.

A. schools[DW]B. TV stations[DW]C. parks[DW]D. shops


(〓) 4. [ZK(]The girls in the shop work [CD#3] hours every day.

A. 8[DW]B. 9[DW]C. 10[DW]D. 11


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The Chinese meaning of “height” is [CD#3].

A. 距离[DW]B. 体重[DW]C. 身高[DW]D. 宽度




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka, gave each of the

men a drink and then threw the rest half bottle of vodka out of the window. 俄罗斯人取出一大瓶伏特加酒,分给每个人喝,然后把剩下的半瓶酒扔出窗外。[CX]

take out 意为“取出”,是“动词+副词”短语。如:

Please take out the trash when you have time. 有空的时候,请倒掉垃圾。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*4] 关键词:shopping〓[KG*4] 字数:144+148 〓[KG*4] 难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTHZ][STFZ] 每逢周六,妈妈就让我陪她一起购物,但是我其实并不喜欢购物。



Hello! My names Alice. Im a high school student. Im very busy every week. From Monday to Friday I go to school. I do homework in the evening. Im so tired that I want to have a good rest at weekend. But my mother often asks me to go shopping with her on Saturday morning. When my mother goes shopping, I sit on a box and wait for her. Last Saturday, there was more noise[WT][WTFZ] than usual and everyone was in a hurry. My mother bought lots of things, such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. After an hour and a half, a woman came up to me,

[HK]“Excuse me,” she said. “Are you Alice? Your mother has finished shopping now, but her bags are very heavy[WT][WTFZ]. She wants you to carry them home for her.”


(〓) 1. [ZK(]Alices mother often [CD#3] on Saturday morning.

A. stays at home [DW2]B. goes shopping

C. visits her friends [DW2]D. goes to the high school[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Alice [CD#3] when her mother goes shopping.

A. waits for her mother in a car

B. sits on a chair and reads a book

C. sits on a box and waits for her mother

D. helps her mother[ZK)][HJ]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Mother bought [CD#3] last Saturday.

A. some food [DW2]B. something to drink

C. some beautiful clothes [DW2]D. some books[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Alice waited for her mother for [CD#3].

A. half an hour 〖DW2〗B. an hour and a half

C. three hours[DW2]D. four hours[ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]What can we know from this passage?

A. Alice likes going shopping at weekend.

B. Alice doesnt like going shopping with her mother.

C. Alice likes buying new clothes.

D. Alices mother goes shopping every day.




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文[KG*2/3]关键词:moving hospital[KG*2/3]字数:147+119[KG*2/3]难度:★★★★



[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 当宠物病得很厉害时,我们也许不能及时把它送到医院里,这时[WTFZ]Mr Brown[WT][WTFZ]的“移动医院”就有用武之地了。



Many people, especially the old ones, like keeping dogs, cats or other little animals at home. Do you have a pet? When your pet is ill, do you take it to the hospital? Yes, most of us take our pets to an animal doctor or an animal hospital. Sometimes pets are so ill that you cant move them, so here comes a new kind of hospital. We can call this kind of hospital “a moving hospital”.


Mr Brown has a [HK]moving hospital. He drives his hospital(his truck) to help the animals. Mr Brown helps many pets. He is very popular these years. In the truck, Mr Brown has lots of things, and he needs them to treat the pets. It is really a good hospital. [CX2]Mr Brown hopes there will be more and more moving hospitals to help the sick animals.[CX]①

(〓) 1. [ZK(]When [CD#3] is in trouble, you can call the moving hospital.

A. your pet[DW]B. your friend〖DW〗C. your classmate[DW]D. Mr Brown


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Mr Browns moving hospital is [CD#3].

A. in his bus[DW2]B. in his truck

C. at home[DW2]D. in the neighborhood


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The [CD#3] usually have pets at home very often.

A. sick people[DW2]B. children

C. young couples[DW2]D. old people


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Mr Brown has many things in the truck to [CD#3].

A. treat the pets[DW2]B. help the old

C. give the people[DW2]D. help the sick people


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Mr Brown hopes [CD#3].

A. the pets are ill

B. there is no moving hospital

C. there are more moving hospitals for sick animals

D. there are more trucks for moving hospitals




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(]〖CX2〗Mr Brown hopes there will be more and more moving hospitals to help the sick animals. Mr Brown希望将来有越来越多的移动医院给宠物看病。


There will be...表示“将来有??”, there be句型的一般将来时。如:

There will be a sports meeting in our school. 我们学校将举行运动会。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓〓 关键词:friend〓〓 字数:268 〓〓 难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] Jeff和Mary远隔千里,却是无话不谈的好朋友。



[HT][WTFZ]Jeff is an Australian boy. Now Jeff is calling his friend Mary. Mary lives in London. Jeff says, “(1) [ZZ(Z]Hows it going?[ZZ)]”

“(2) [XC笑.tif;%60%60,JZ] [CD#3],” Mary answers.

“(3) [ZZ(Z]Whats the weather like there?[ZZ)]” Jeff asks.

“Terrible! Its foggy(有雾的) and cold. Now I am reading in my house, because the fog is very thick(浓的). We cant go to school. Now, what about in Sydney?” Mary asks.

“Its (4)[CD#3] (shine) and warm. Now Im walking with my [HK]grandmother. My brother is playing basketball with his friends. Are your parents at home?” Jeff asks.

“Yes,” Mary answers.

“(5) [CD#3]?” Jeff asks again.

“Oh, my mother is cooking and my father is watching a Chinese action movie Rush Hour on TV. We will go to visit Australia on vacation,” Mary answers.

“Have a good time and welcome to my country,” Jeff says.


1. 把(1)处的句子翻译成汉语: [ZZ1Z][JY]〓

2. [ZK(]根据(2)处的表情符号,选择一个与其相符的单词:

A. Bad[DW]B. Great[DW]C. Terrible


3. 写出(3)处画线句子的同义句: [ZZ1Z][JY]〓

4. [ZK(]用(4)处所给动词的适当形式填空: [CD#9]并猜测其词义: [ZZ1Z][JY]〓


5. 根据上下文内容,请在(5)处填入一个适当的句子: [ZZ1Z][JY]〓




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:America 〓[KG*1]字数:216 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]


[HTSS][WTFZ]配对阅读。左栏是学生遇到的问题,右栏是5个建议。请将问题与有针对性的建议配对, 并将答案的字母编号填写在题前的括号内。

[BG(][BHDFG28*2,FK20ZQ,KZQF](〓) 1. [ZK(#]My American friends invite me to their dinner party. I dont know what to bring.

(〓) 2. [JP2]One of my American friends invites me to dinner at eight tonight. Should I arrive earlier? [JP]

(〓) 3. Im going to a dinner party held by Americans, but I dont know how to use the forks and knives.

(〓) 4. [JP2]Im going to an American friends party.[JP][CX2] Im not sure what to dress.[CX]① Should I dress formally?

(〓) 5. An American family invites me to their home for dinner. How can I let the family know that Im thankful for their kindness after dinner?[ZK)]

[]A. [ZK(#]Just watch the other people, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, ask the person next to you.

B. You should arrive on time. Dont get there early. If youre going to be more than fifteen minutes later, you should call and tell them.

C. Flowers are always nice, or you may bring a bottle of wine(酒) if you know that your friends drink it.

D. Everyday dress is OK for most visits to an Americans home.

E. You should thank them for the meal and for their kindness. Its also a good idea to send a thank you card the day after.[ZK)][BG)F]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(]〖CX2〗Im not sure what to dress. 我不知道穿什么。[CX] dress意为“穿衣服”,它的宾语常常是人,而wear也是穿的意思,但宾语常为衣服等。如:

She is too young to dress herself. 她太小了,还不会自己穿衣服。

Dont wear that wet shirt. 别穿那件湿衬衫了。











1. 了解新闻报道的特殊规律,其内容多含何人、何时、何地、何事等,阅读时要抓住新闻的这一主要特点去理解判断。

2. 阅读广告时,要特别留意广告中所包含的数字、联系人、地址等。

3. 品味新闻、广告的标题,预测新闻、广告的内容,联系平时所积累的知识,为了解材料大意做铺垫。

4. 在阅读时,要特别注意文中以黑体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是材料的核心或至少是一部分内容的概括。


1. 略读新闻、广告,注意新闻、广告的标题,掌握其大意,了解广告的类别。

2. 浏览问题,初选答案。在读题时,要明确题目所指,锁定关键段落,捕捉有效信息,选出答案。

3. 复读材料,核对答案。把已掌握的信息归纳整理后重新再读一遍材料,认真检查答案。 





〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗


Hello, my fans!

[] 你们好,我的粉丝们![SX)][FK)]〖KG5〗

[FK(W][KH1D][SX(B]Kiss me, and dont bite me!




[JZ][WT12.HZ]The Looney Bin 〖WT〗[HJ3mm][WTFZ]

Late one night at the insane asylum[HTZDX](疯人院), one inmate shouted, “I am Napoleon!” Another one said, “How do you know?” The first inmate said, “God told me!” Just then, a voice from another room shouted, “I did not!”〖HK〗

[JZ][HT12.H]疯 人 院 [HT][HT][HTZDX]










[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓〓关键词:believe〓〓字数:137 〓〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 彼此之间的信任是无价的。一旦失去了彼此的信任,将很难再得到。



A nineyearold boy likes doves(鸽子) very much. Every morning he goes to the square to 

[ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] them. And the doves are not afraid of him. They fly around the boy and they even stay [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] his shoulders and hands.

One day, the boys art teacher said to him, “[ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] you bring a dove here? Well learn [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] to draw it.” The boy agreed and [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] a little dove to his class. In that class, the students drew very [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)]. However, when the boy let the dove [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] to the square, all the doves stared at(盯着) him. [CX2]As soon as he came near to [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] of them, it would [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)].[CX]① [WT][WTFZ] From [HK]then on, 

[ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] doves would like to fly to him.


(〓) 1. A. get[KG5*2][WB]B. feed[KG5*2][WB]C. buy[KG5*2][WB]D. have

(〓) 2. A. in[DW]B. on[DW]C. at[DW]D. for

(〓) 3. A. Could[DW]B. Must[DW]C. Are[DW]D. Do

(〓) 4. A. what[DW]B. where[DW]C. when[DW]D. how

(〓) 5. A. brought[DW]B. bought[DW]C. wanted[DW]D. asked

(〓) 6. A. angrily[DW]B. sadly[DW]C. happily[DW]D. luckily

(〓) 7. A. come back[DW]B. come in[DW]C. go back[DW]D. go on

(〓) 8. A. some one[DW]B. any one[DW]C. something[DW]D. anything

(〓) 9. A. take off[DW]B. fly away[DW]C. jump off[DW]D. run away

(〓) 10. A. all[DW]B. some[DW]C. every[DW]D. no



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:late 〓[KG*1]字数:120〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]



[HTSS][WTFZ]阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和插图,补充所缺信息。每空限填一词。 [JZ][XCta1.TIF;%140%140]

Every morning John goes to work by train. He always buys a piece of (1)[CD#3]. It helps him make the (2)[CD#3] pass more quickly. One Thursday morning, he turned to the (3)[CD#3] page. He wanted to see the report about an important (4)[CD#3] match the night before. The report was so interesting that he (5)[CD#3] to get off at his station. He (6)[CD#3] know it until he saw the sea. He got off at the (7)[CD#3] station. He had to wait for a train to go (8)[CD#3]. Of course, he arrived very late at his office. His boss(老板) was very angry when John told him

(9)[CD#3] he was late. His boss told him that work is more (10)[CD#3] than football.



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]As soon as he came near to any one of them, it would run away. 他每走近任何一只鸽子,它都会飞走。[CX]

as soon as意为“一??就??”,引导时间状语从句,表示将要发生的动作,常用一般现在时,而主句常用“will+动词原形”结构。如:

As soon as I get to Beijing, Ill write to you. 我一到北京就给你写信。[ZK)]







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:woman 〓字数:171+151 〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:11′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTHX][STFZ]你了解Here Is Your Bag这部短剧吗?十分有趣的,去欣赏一下吧!



The short play Here Is Your Bag is very interesting. It is about a careless woman. She drives to work every day. She usually parks(停放) her car in the street. One day on her way home, she finds a yellow car following her. The driver is a big man. When she turns left, the yellow car also turns left. When she turns right, the yellow car turns right, too. When she stops at the traffic lights, the yellow car stops behind.

The woman is afraid, so she drives quickly to the police station, but the yellow car still follows her car. Then she jumps out [HK]of the car quickly and runs to a policeman. She asks the policeman for help.

The policeman runs to the yellow car quickly and asks the man what he is doing. Just then the driver in the yellow car comes out and says to the policeman, “I want to give back this bag to her. She drops it on the street.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Here Is Your Bag is the name of a [CD#3].

A. film [DW]B. book [DW]C. play [DW]D. newspaper


(〓) 2. [ZK(]How does the woman go to work every day?

 A. By bus. [DW]B. By car. [DW]C. By train. [DW]D. On foot.


(〓) 3. [ZK(]What does the woman think of the man at first?

 A. She thinks he is a kind man. [DW2]B. She thinks he is a policeman.  C. She thinks he is a bad man. [DW2]D. She thinks he is a clever man.


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Why does the woman go to the police station?

 A. Because she wants to find her bag. B. Because she cannot find her way.  C. Because a policeman waits for her there.

D. Because she finds a car following her.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Where does the woman get back her bag?

A. In her office. [DW2]B. In the street.

C. In the mans office.[DW2]D. In the police station.




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文 〓关键词:vacation 〓字数:147+162 〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]一到假期大家都想外出度假。让我们来看看Cathy 去哪里了,玩得怎么样?



Dear Amy,

Im writing to you at home now. I just came back from Sludge Beach. Peter and I were on vacation there with the children for a few days. We were excited when we got there, but we met a big [ZZ(Z]problem[ZZ)] later.

The weather wasnt very good. It always rained and it was often cold. [CX2]On the last day we stayed there, it rained cats and dogs.[CX]①

The children werent happy. They were bored and had a [HK]terrible time. [CX2]They couldnt go to the beach because of the rain.[CX]② They sat on the bed, played tictactoe and watched TV when it was raining.

The restaurants there were expensive, and the food wasnt very good. We really had a terrible vacation. I hope our next vacation can be better.



(〓) 1. [ZK(]What did Cathy go to Sludge Beach for?

 A. To relax. [DW]B. To work. [DW]C. To study. [DW]D. To shop.


(〓) 2. [ZK(]How was the weather in Sludge Beach when Cathy was there?

A. Sunny and hot. [DW2]B. Rainy and hot.

C. Not bad. [DW2]D. Terrible.


(〓) 3. [ZK(]What does the underlined word “problem” mean?

 A. 机会 [DW]B. 回答 [DW]C. 问题 [DW]D. 惊喜


(〓) 4. [ZK(]What did the children do when it was raining?

① They played on the beach.

② They watched TV.

③ They sat on the bed.

④ They played games in the room.

A. ②③④ [DW]B. ①②③ [DW]C. ①②④[DW] D. ①③④


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

 A. [ZK(#]The children felt bored on Sludge Beach, and they were unhappy.

 B. When they got to Sludge Beach, they were unhappy.

 C. On the last day they stayed there, it rained hard.

 D. The restaurants there were not cheap.





[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]On the last day we stayed there, it rained cats and dogs. 我们在那里的最后一天下起了倾盆大雨。[CX]

rain cats and dogs 意为“下起倾盆大雨”。如:

Its raining cats and dogs outside. 外面正下着倾盆大雨。


2. [ZK(][CX2]They couldnt go to the beach because of the rain. 因为下雨,他们没能去沙滩。[CX]

because of 意为“因为”,后接短语,而because后面接句子。如:

He was late because of the heavy rain. 因为下大雨,他迟到了。

He was sad because his mother left. 他伤心是因为他妈妈离开了。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 [KG*2]关键词:banana persons[KG*2]字数:248+128 [KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:12′





You may know the English letters A,B and C, but do you know there are people called “ABC”? You may like eating bananas, but do you know there are people called “banana persons”? If you dont know, I will tell you about it. They are some Chinese people like you and me, but they arent in China. Why do people call them like that?

If we call somebody an ABC person, we mean he or she is a Chinese but was born in America. Sometimes, people also call them “banana persons”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So, if somebody is a “banana person”, he or she is “white” inside and “yellow” outside.

[CX2]By saying that, we mean he or she has yellow [ZZ(Z]skin[ZZ)] but does things in an American way.[CX]① “Banana persons” were born in America and they live in America for a long time, so they think like Americans and do things like Americans. However, these people still have Chinese blood (血). Their parents, grandparents or even greatgrandparents are from China. They all have black eyes and black hair, so they look like us, Chinese people.

There are many famous “banana people” in America. They do very well in America and they are really great in their own fields.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]In the passage, ABC means [CD#3].

 A. English letters [DW2]B. peoples names

C. “banana persons”[DW2]D. American bananas


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The word “skin” means [CD#3] in Chinese.

 A. 眼睛 [DW]B. 头发 [DW]C. 大脑


(〓) 3. [ZK(]What is a “banana person” like outside? [DW]D. 皮肤

 A. An American. [DW]B. An Englishman. [DW]C. A Chinese.

[ZK)] [DW]D. A Japanese.

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE about “banana persons”?

A. They look like Americans.

B. They were born in China.

C. The grew up in China.

D. They think and do things like Americans.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The best title for the passage is [CD#3].

A. What Is a “Banana Person”[DW2]B. A Persons Name Is ABC

C. Great “Banana Persons”[DW2]D. Great Chinese People in America




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:lazy 〓[KG*2]字数:186+183 [KG*2]〓难度:★★★★







A lazy couple lived in a small city. They were very lazy, so they often made rules to let the other do things.

One night when they were having dinner, the door was open. The husband didnt want to close the door and the wife didnt want to, either. So they made the following rule: if someone speaks first, he or she has to close the door. In the middle of the night, a thief came into the house. He took some good things, and left through the open door. The couple was angry and worried, but they remembered the rule, so they didnt stop the thief.[HK]

The next day, the wife went shopping. [CX]A barber came to cut the husbands hair, but the husband didnt say anything.[CX] the barber got angry and only cut half of the husbands hair off. When the wife came back, she cried, “What did you do to yourself?” The lazy man laughed and said, “Ha, you have to close the door now.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Who was lazy according to the story?

 A. The wife. [DW]B. The husband. [DW]C. The couple. [DW]D. The thief.


(〓) 2. [ZK(]How many people appeared(出现) in the story?

 A. 3. [DW]B. 4. [DW]C. 5.[DW]D. 6.


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Why didnt the couple catch the thief?

 A. [ZK(#]Because they didnt see the thief.

B. Because they both remembered the rule.

 C. Because there were no good things in the room.

D. Because they were too old to catch the thief.



(〓) 4. [ZK(]Which of the following is NOT true?

 A. The thief took some things out of the house.

 B. When the barber came, the wife was shopping.

 C. The couple lived in a big city.

 D. The man thought he won at last.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]What can we learn from this passage according to the passage?

 A. [ZK(#]The wife had to close the door according to the rule.

 B. The barber got angry because the husband didnt want to pay.

 C. The thief came into the house through the window.

 D. The wife spent a lot of money in the supermarket.





[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]By saying that, we mean he or she has yellow skin but does things in an American way. 这样说,我们指的是他/她有黄皮肤,但是做事的方式是美国式的。



He learns English by working in groups. 他通过小组合作学习英语。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:telephone〓[KG*2]字数:167+93 [KG*2]〓难度:★★★



[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] Mr Brown打电话给妻子,可是小儿子接了电话后让他焦虑不安。到底发生了什么事呢?



Mr John and Mr Brown work in the same office. One day Mr John says to Mr Brown, “I will have a small party in my house on Monday evening. [CX2]Would you and your wife like to come?[CX][KG-1mm]①”

Mr Brown says, “Thank you very much. Id love to, but let me ask my wife first.” So Mr Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife. Then he comes back and looks very worried.

“Whats the matter?” asks Mr John. “Is your wife there at home?”

“No,” answers Mr Brown, “she isnt there. My little son answered the telephone. I said to him, ‘Is your mother there, David?’ He answered, ‘No, she isnt in the house.’ ‘Where is she?’ I asked. ‘She is somewhere[WT][WTFZ] outside.’ ‘Whats she doing?’ ‘She is looking for me.’”

(〓) 1. [ZK(][CD#3]will have a small party at home on Monday evening.

A. Mr John[DW]B. Mr Brown [DW]C. Mrs Brown [DW]D. David [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Mrs Brown is looking for [CD#3].

A. Mr John [DW]B. Mr Brown [DW]C. Mrs John [DW]D. David [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]The telephone is in [CD#3]office.

A. Mr Browns[DW]B. Mr Johns[DW]C. the other[DW]D. Davids [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]How many people are there in the story?

A. 4. [DW]B. 5. [DW]C. 6. [DW]D. 7. [ZK)]

(〓) 5. [ZK(]Mr Brown speaks to [CD#3] on the telephone.

A. Mr John [DW]B. Mrs Brown [DW]C. David[DW]D. himself [ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ][JP3]体裁:说明文[KG*1]关键词:American families[KG*1]字数:129+166[KG*1]难度:★★★★

[JY]用时:9′ [JP]


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 在美国,孩子长大成人都要出门自立,一起来了解一下吧!


[HTSS][WTFZ]Most American families are smaller than the families in other countries. Most American families have one or two parents and one or two children each[WT][WTFZ].

Children in the US will leave their parents home when they grow up. They usually live far from their parents because they [HJ]want to find good jobs. They often write to their parents or telephone them. And they often go to visit their parents on holidays.

Parents usually let their children choose their own[HK] jobs. [CX2]Americans think it is important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves.[CX]②[WT][WTFZ]

Parents ask their children to do some work around their house. And in many families, parents pay for their children because of doing some housework so that they learn how to make money for their own use.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The size of most American families is [CD#3] that of other countries. A. larger than[DW]B. smaller than

[DW]C. as big as [DW]D. as small as[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]When children grow up, they leave their parents home to [CD#3].

A. get married[DW2]B. be free

C. find good jobs [DW2]D. study[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]They visit their parents [CD#3].

A. on weekdays[DW2]B. once a year

C. at any time[DW2]D. on holidays[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Children have the freedom to choose their own jobs.

B. Parents dont ask their children to do the housework.

C. Parents think it is important for children to make their own decision.

D. When children grow up, they usually live far away from their parents home. [ZK)] (〓) 5. [ZK(]Some parents pay their children for doing housework because [CD#3]. A. children can learn how to make money for themselves

B. their children require them to do so

C. they are rich

D. it is required by law[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [CX2][ZK(]Would you and your wife like to come? 你和你的妻子愿意来吗?[CX]

句型Would you like to...意为“你愿意??吗?”,表示邀请。如:

Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你愿意参加我的生日聚会吗?


2. [ZK(][CX2]Americans think it is important for young people to decide on their lives by themselves. 美国人认为年轻人自主谋生很重要。[CX]

该句中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语则是“to decide on their lives by themselves”,这种语序安排是为了保持句子的平衡。如:

I think it is useful to learn a foreign language. 我认为学习一门外语很有用。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文[KG1*2]〓关键词:hat〓[KG1*2]字数:270[KG1*2]〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:8′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] Susan因化疗而失去了头发。如今她有了新的烦恼:回到教室该如何面对同学们呢?


[HTSS][WTFZ]Susan was a lovely[WT][WTFZ] girl, but when she was in Grade One, she was badly[WT][WTFZ] ill. Doctors found a tumor(肿瘤) in her body. She had to leave school. After three months [ZZ(Z]treatment[ZZ)] in hospital, she was well. But she was weaker than before. The most terrible thing was that she lost her beautiful hair. So she was [ZZ(Z]bald[ZZ)]. Though she had to fight against[WT][WTFZ] the cancer, she also wanted to catch up with[WT][WTFZ] others in study. She had to go back to [HK]school with a bald head. Its hard for such a nice little girl.

The teacher could understand Susan. Before Susan came, she told her students, “Next Monday, well learn to know all kinds of hats. Everyone should bring your nice hat here.” On Monday, Susan came back to her classroom. She was worried[WT][WTFZ] (3)[CD#3] she was in a hat. (4)[CD#3] to her surprise, everyone in her class was in a hat, too. There were all kinds of hats in the classroom. She smiled and met her friends happily.



1. treatment [CD#6]

〓〓〓〓〓2. bald [CD#6]


3. [CD#6]〓〓〓〓〓4. [CD#6]


5. [ZK(]What happened to Susan when she was in Grade One?



6. [ZK(]What did all the other students in Susans class do when Susan came back to school? [ZZ1Z][JY]〓





[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG1*2]关键词:worker 〓[KG1*2]字数:140 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]让我们看一下Uncle Zhang的工作情况吧!


[HTSS][WTFZ]Uncle Zhang is a good worker. He works in a big bike factory in Shanghai. He works very hard every day. [CX2]The factory is very far from his home[CX],① so he must get up very early every morning. He goes to work by bike every day. But today he has to walk to the factory because his bike is broken. He doesnt want to be late for work, so he gets up earlier than ever. He leaves home at seven. And he gets to the factory earlier than the other workers.[HK][HJ1.5mm]


1. Uncle Zhang makes [CD#3] in the factory.

2. His home [CD#3] near the factory.

3. Every day Uncle Zhang [CD#3] his bike to the factory.

4. One day Uncle Zhangs bike is [CD#3].

5. Uncle Zhang is the [CD#3] one to get to the factory that day.



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]The factory is very far from his home... 工厂离他家很远??[CX]

far from 意为“离??远”。如:

The school is far from my house. 学校离我家很远。










[HTH][STFZ]1. 表示转折[ST][HTZDX]

如but “但是”,though “虽然”,although “虽然”等。这类词出现频率高,它提醒读者,后面将要说到与前面不同的意思,阅读速度要放慢,对于后面的内容要仔细读。 [HTH][STFZ]2. 用于说明 [ST][HTZDX]

如for example “例如”,such as “例如”,like “像??”等。如遇到这类词,阅读速度不必放慢,因为前后句意思没有变化,后句只是对于前面话题的补充、解释、举例。 [HTH][STFZ]3. 理顺思路[ST][HTZDX]

信号词如first “首先”, second “其次”, now “现在”, then “然后”, after “在??后”, before “在??前” 等,这些词告诉读者,作者的思想观点是有序的,有轻有重。这样可以使读者将作者的思想观点条理化。

[HTH][STFZ]4. 归纳概括 [ST][HTZDX]

这类词有in a word “一句话,总之”,in brief “简单地说”,as a result “结果”, so “所以”等,这些提示词的后面很多情况下是文章或段落的主题句。

[HTH][STFZ]5. 表明原因[ST][HTZDX]

如for “因为”,because “因为”,since “既然” 等这些词表示原因,而so “因此”,so...that “如此??以至于”等则用于表达事情的结果,阅读时应倍加留意。





〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG8*2][FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]Spider dog!



Cats basketball!




[JZ][WT12.HZ]Bring Me a Glass of Milk〖WT〗[WTFZ]

Mrs Green was convinced that she had heard a thief in the living room at 2:00 a.m. “Tiptoe(用脚尖走) downstairs,” she told her husband. “Dont turn on the lights. Catch him before he knows whats happening.”

Mr Green put on his jacket. Just as he reached the bedroom door, his wife added, “And when you came back, bring me a glass of milk.”


[JZ][HT12.H]给 我 带 杯 牛 奶 来[HT][CX][HTZDX]












[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓〓 关键词:vacation〓〓 字数:143 〓〓 难度:★★★ [JY]用时:6′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 在美国观光旅游,最让Jeff留恋的,还是深山里的那栋小木屋??[WT]


[HTSS][WTFZ]Hi, my name is Jeff. Last summer I had a [ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] vacation. I went across[WT][WTFZ] the US [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] my parents by car. We drove six or seven [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] a day. In big cities, we stayed in big hotels. The food [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] usually delicious. Most of the hotels had swimming pools and game rooms. I played there happily. But there were [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)] people in the hotels, so we often had to sleep in one [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)]. And it was expensive, too. [HJ1.3mm]

Sometimes, we [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] in a small cabin(小木屋) in the [HK]mountains. I really loved it. The cabin was clean [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] quiet[WT][WTFZ]. We had two rooms so I could sleep in one room by myself. I always got up early [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)] I wanted to go swimming.

[HK]There was a beautiful lake [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] the cabin. We also went fishing and cooked food outside.

(〓) 1. A. great[KG5][WB]B. short [KG5][WB]C. quick [KG5][WB]D. lazy (〓) 2. A. by [DW]B. with [DW]C. of [DW]D. from

(〓) 3. A. meters [DW]B. minutes[DW]C. hours [DW]D. times

(〓) 4. A. were [DW]B. are [DW]C. is [DW]D. was

(〓) 5. A. lots of [DW]B. kind of [DW]C. a little [DW]D. a lot

(〓) 6. A. car[DW]B. room[DW]C. house[DW]D. city

(〓) 7. A. worked [DW]B. studied [DW]C. stayed [DW]D. cleaned

(〓) 8. A. but [DW]B. or [DW]C. not [DW]D. and

(〓) 9. A. if [DW]B. because [DW]C. what[DW]D. before

(〓) 10. A. near [DW]B. on [DW]C. in [DW]D. under



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:season 〓[KG*1]字数:123 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




[HTSS][WTFZ][FK(2ZQ*2]summer, swim, like, hot, yellow, snow, spring, weather, white, talk, wind, cold[FK)][HJ]

Some pupils(小学生) are (1)[CD#3] about the seasons now.

Li Hong says, “I like spring. (2)[CD#3] is the best season of the year. When it comes, the

(3)[CD#3] gets warmer and warmer. But it isnt hot.”

 Gao Lan says, “I dont (4)[CD#3] spring. It is often (5)[CD#3] and sometimes it blows with a lot of sand. I like (6)[CD#3] instead(相反). I like swimming in the swimming pool. Sometimes I (7)[CD#3] in the river.”

Wang Fang says, “Its so (8)[CD#3] in summer. In autumn it is cool.”

“I like winter best. Sometimes it (9)[CD#3] and the ground is all (10)[CD#3]. [CX2]We can go skating, play snow fight or make a snowman,[CX]①” Zhang Ming says.

Which season do you like?



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]We can go skating, play snow fight or make a snowman. 我们可以滑冰、打雪仗、堆雪人。[CX]

go skating 意为“去滑冰”。类似的用法还有go shopping, go swimming等。如: I often go swimming in summer. 我经常在夏天游泳。









[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁: 记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:handbag 〓[KG*2]字数:136+145 〓[KG*2]难度:★★★ [JY]用时:9′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]作者在小旅馆里吃了顿饭, 包就不见了。是谁拿走了她的包?



Last Sunday I went bike riding alone in the countryside. At noon, I was tired and hungry, so I stopped in front of a village inn(小旅馆) and went into it to have something to eat. After I had lunch, I found that my handbag was gone. I had put it on the chair next to me and now it wasnt there! While I was looking for it, the innkeeper(店主) came up.

“Did you have a good meal?” he asked. [HK]

“Yes,thank you,” I answered. “But I cant pay the bill. Someone took my handbag.” The innkeeper smiled and went out right away. A few minutes later he came back with my handbag and gave it to me.

“I am very sorry,” he said. “My dog took it to the garden. He often does this.” (〓) 1. [ZK(]The writer went to the countryside to[CD#3].[HJ]

A. visit a friend[DW2]B. go bike riding

C. pay her bill[DW2]D. thank the innkeeper


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The writer looked for her [CD#3] after she had lunch.

A. bicycle [DW]B. dog

[ZK)] [DW]C. handbag [DW]D. bill

(〓) 3. [ZK(][CD#3] took the handbag away.

A. A thief [DW2]B. The writers dog

C. The innkeeper [DW2]D. The innkeepers dog


(〓) 4. [ZK(]The innkeeper smiled because [CD#3].

A. he knew who took away the writers handbag

B. the writer would give him a lot of money

C. the writer would not pay

D. the dog would send the handbag back


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The dog often takes peoples bags away probably because it[CD#3]. A. wants to play with them

B. wants to eat the money in them

C. wants to get the money for the innkeeper

D. likes to see people looking for their bags




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2]关键词:train[KG*2]〓字数:165+150[KG*2] 〓难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:11′






Many people take trains for their trips in China, because the train is fast and cheap. But there are

many problems when people take trains. Its not easy to take trains when it is a festival. Lots of people hope someone can solve the problems.

[CX2]Then, the CRH(和谐号列车) trains come out.[CX]① The first CRH train from Beijing to Tianjin ran in August, 2008. CRH 1 and CRH 2 can go up to 200 km/h, and CRH 3 can run 300 km/h.[HK] Taking [HK]CRH trains is more expensive than taking a traditional train, but cheaper than taking a plane. Some people think the CRH trains and their workers are good, and they enjoy the trips by CRH trains.

China starts to make a CRH train with the speed of 350 kilometres an hour from Beijing to Shanghai. It can [ZZ(Z]save[ZZ)] people more time than taking the traditional trains.

Can CRH trains solve the problems? “Of course not. There is still a long way to go,” about 80% of the people answer.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The first CRH train ran in [CD#3].

A. May, 2008

〖DW2〗B. August, 2008

C. August, 2009 [DW2]D. June, 2010


(〓) 2. [ZK(]How fast does the CRH train from Beijing to Shanghai?

A. 100 km/h. [DW]B. 200 km/h. [DW]C. 300 km/h. [DW]D. 350 km/h.


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The underlined word “save” means [CD#3] in Chinese.

 A. 浪费 [DW]B. 节省 [DW]C. 积攒 [DW]D. 拖延


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE about the CRH trains?

A. [ZK(#]The workers on the first CRH train are not kind.

B. It costs people more money to take CRH trains than to take planes.

C. CRH 3 train runs slower than CRH 1 and CRH 2.

D. Taking CRH train is expensive but it is fast.



(〓) 5. [ZK(]Can CRH trains solve all the traffic problems?

A. Of course they can.

B. All the people think they can.

C. Of course they cannot now.

D. About 80% of the people think they can.




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Then, the CRH trains come out. 然后和谐号列车出现了。


come out 意为“出现”。如:

The moon came out from behind the clouds. 月亮从云后露出脸来。






[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:shoes〓[KG*2]字数:208+175 〓[KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:12′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]Mr White真笨,竟然连自己穿错了鞋都不知道。



One day Mr White went out to do some shopping with his daughter. But when they went into the car, Mr White felt very uncomfortable. He got out of the car to have a look and found that he was wearing a pair of wrong shoes, one with a thick sole(鞋底), the other with a thin one.

Then he turned to his daughter and said, “Why is one of my legs longer than the other today?” The daughter looked at her fathers legs carefully as he [HK]walked, and then she laughed, “Oh! No, Daddy, your legs are all right, but you are in the wrong shoes.”

“What a clever girl my daughter is!” Mr White said to himself. He was very happy to hear his daughters words. Then he said, “Rose, I have only two pairs of shoes. Go back and get the other pair of shoes for me, please.”

Soon the daughter returned to her father with nothing in her hand. She said out of breath(上气不接下气), “[CX2]Its no use changing them, Daddy![CX][KG-1mm]① The shoes at home are not a pair, either!”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Mr White went shopping [CD#3].

A. on foot [DW]B. by car[DW]C. with his wife [DW]D. alone


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Mr White felt uncomfortable because [CD#3].

A. one of his legs was longer than the other

B. his daughter wanted to go out with him

C. he wore a pair of wrong shoes

D. he had a bad cold


(〓) 3. [ZK(]Rose laughed because [CD#3].

A. her father would buy her a new dress

B. she went shopping with her father

C. her fathers legs were all right

D. she found her father wearing wrong shoes


(〓) 4. [ZK(]Mr White [CD#3] when his daughter told him he was wearing a pair of wrong shoes.

A. thought she was wrong [DW2]B. changed his shoes

C. felt happy [DW2]D. took off his shoes


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mr White had many shoes.

B. Rose was really a clever girl.

C. Rose didnt get the other pair of shoes for her father.

D. There was something wrong with Mr Whites legs.




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文[KG*2]〓 关键词:borrow〓[KG*2]字数:147+62[KG*2]〓 难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] Tony和Allen是同班同学,可是他们俩谁也别想借到对方的东西,这是为什么呢?[WT]



Tony is Allens classmate. One day, Tony comes to Allens home. When he sees many books in Allens study, he says to Allen, “Allen, you have so many good books. Can I borrow[WT][WTFZ] a book from you?” Allen doesnt want to lend a book to his classmate and he says, “Why do you want to take my book home? You can read it here.”

Tony knows that his classmate is very selfish, but he says nothing. Next day, Allen comes to Tonys house and says, “Tony,[HK] you have a good gardenknife. I want to work in my garden tomorrow. Can I use it for two days?” Tony answers, “Why do you want to take my gardenknife home? You can work with it in my garden.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Tony wants to borrow a [CD#3] from Allen.

A. knife〖DW〗B. book〖DW〗C. gardenknife 〖DW〗D. house [ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]Tony is Allens[CD#3].

A. father [DW]B. teacher[DW]C. friend[DW]D. classmate[ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Allen wants to borrow[CD#3]from Tony.

A. a knife [DW]B. a book [DW]C. a gardenknife[DW]D. money [ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]From the passage we know that Allen is very [CD#3].

A. kind 〖DW〗B. friendly〖DW〗C. selfish〖DW〗D. polite[ZK)]



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Its no use changing them, Daddy! 爸爸,换也没有用!


It is no use doing...意为“干??是徒劳的/没用的”。如:

It is no use doing what you like. You should get to like what you do. 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文〓关键词:make a living〓字数:110+105〓难度:★★★★[JY]用时:6′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 大多数人靠双手谋生,但[WT][WTFZ]John[WT]却靠双脚谋生,并且还活得不错哦!



Most people make their living[WT][WTFZ] with their hands. But John makes his living with his feet. And it is a very good living, too.

Johns story began in a very small city in England. His parents were very poor. Seven people lived in their small house. John had no place to play but in the street.

Johns father often played football. Little John wanted to play football, too. So his father made a nice ball for him to play. The little boy played it every day. [HK]

At last John learned to play a real[WT][WTFZ] football, and after a few years he could play football very well.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Many people live with their [CD#3] according to the passage.

A. feet[DW]B. arms[DW]C. heads[DW]D. hands[ZK)]

(〓) 2. [ZK(]How many people lived in Johns small house?

A. 5. [DW]B. 6.

[DW]C. 7. [DW]D. 8. [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]John had no place to play but in the street because[CD#3].

A. Johns house was very small

B. the street was a good place to play

C. John didnt want to go to other places

D. Johns father didnt let him go[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(]John became a[CD#3] when he grew up.

A. runner [DW2]B. swimmer

C. basketball player [DW2]D. football player [ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2] 关键词:love〓[KG*2] 字数:182+161 [KG*2]〓 难度:★★★★



[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 公交车司机[WTFZ]Scott[WT]总能用自己的言语和歌声打动每一位乘客。


[HT][WTFZ]Scott is a bus driver in a big city. All day he drives a bus through[WT][WTFZ] busy streets. He is always happy. And the people on his bus seem very happy, too.

One morning, Scott started his big yellow and blue bus. At the first bus stop many people got on the bus. When he drove on, he began talking, “It is seven now. The sky is blue. It will not rain today. [CX2]We all like sunshine, dont we?[CX][KG-1mm]①”

At one stop a very old man got on. “This boy will be good to give you his seat,[WT][WTFZ]” Scott said. The boys face turned[WT][WTFZ] red. He stood up at once. [HK]

“Most people want to be nice,” Scott told the old man. “[ZZ(Z]They[ZZ)] want to do the right things. But sometimes they need a push. So I just give them one.” Scott always sings his own song, “I love you, Mr Sunshine. I love you, Mr Sun. In the world, I love you best. You are the only one.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The story tells us Scott [CD#3].

A. likes to talk with people

[DW2]B. has nothing to worry about

C. is always ready to help people

[DW2]D. sometimes helps the old man


(〓) 2. [ZK(]People on Scotts bus seem very happy because [CD#3].

 A. Scotts bus is early and they talk on the bus

B. Scott can tell them something about the weather

C. Scott always gives boys pushes when they get on the bus

D. Scott is very good to people


(〓) 3. [ZK(]How did the boy feel when he heard Scotts words?

A. Ashamed(惭愧的).[DW2]B. Angry.

C. Happy.[DW2]D. Sad.


(〓) 4. [ZK(]The underlined word “they” refers to(指的是) [CD#3].

A. old people [DW]B. boys [DW]C. drivers [DW]D. most people


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Scotts song shows his love for [CD#3].

A. the fine days [DW]B. his country

[DW]C. the old people [DW]D. his bus




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]

We all like sunshine, dont we? 我们都喜欢阳光,不是吗?



It is important, isnt it? 这很重要,不是吗?








[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ] 你的家乡美吗?给我们把各自的家乡介绍一下吧![HT][STFZ][WT]



[WTHZ]Han Jia[WT]〓[WTFZ]I was born in a small village in Yunnan. The village is on a small hill. It is very beautiful. My father is a farmer. There are rice fields and a lot of fruit trees here. Life is happy here.

[WTHZ]Jeff[WT]〓[WTFZ]I was born on a beautiful island. My house is very small. [CX2]My father and mother are strict[WT][WTFZ] with me.[CX]① I am never naughty! My father is a fisherman. There are a lot of fish in the sea. It is very cold in winter.

[WTHZ]Betty[WT]〓[WTFZ]I was born in a big city. There are a lot of children in the building and they are all my friends. My [HK]parents are very busy. My father and mother are both teachers. There are a lot of books in my home. There is a park with trees, flowers and a pond[WT][WTFZ] near my house. We all love playing there.

[WTHZ]Chen Jie[WT]〓[WTFZ]I was born in Fujian. My house is big. We have a vegetable garden. I am often naughty at school, but I am very wellbehaved[WT][WTFZ] at home. I dont know why. There is a noodle shop next door. I like going there.


[BG(XD][BHDFG2*2,FK10,K15ZQ*2,KZQ*2F][WTHZ]Characters[][JZ]Birth place[][JZ]Things in the hometown [WT][WTFZ]

[BHD]Han Jia[]A small village in Yunnan[]1. [CD#10]

[BH]Jeff[]2. [CD#10][]A lot of fish

[BH]Betty[]A big city[]3. [CD#10]

[BH]Chen Jie[]4. [CD#10][]5. [CD#10]




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:应用文〓[KG*2]关键词:library card〓[KG*2]字数:220〓[KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:7′



[KH+1mm][HTH][WTHZ][STFZ] 想知道[WTFZ]Helen[WT][WTFZ]学校的图书馆都有哪些规定吗?一起来看看她的借书证吧!




[JZ][WTHZ]Library Card[WT][WTFZ]

〓〓〓Nanchang International School[JY,3](No.20100407021)


Helen Smith

[BH][WTHZ]Class:[WT][WTFZ] Class 4, Grade 7

[BH][WTHZ]Home address: [WT][WTFZ]56 Shanghai Road, Nanchang, Jiangxi

[BH][WTHZ]Telephone Number(Home): [WT][WTFZ]07918764323


[BHG11,FKZQ*2F][WTHZ]The Library Rules:[WT][WTFZ]

1. [ZK(#]Only the [ZZ(Z]owner[ZZ)] of the card can use it to borrow books from the library. 2. The library opens from 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.every day [ZZ(Z]except[ZZ)][WT][WTFZ] Sunday.

3. Each reader can borrow at most 3 books at a time.

4. Dont draw anything on the books.

5. Return the books on time.

6. Keep quiet in the library.





This is a library card of Nanchang International School. Its (1)[CD#5]is 20100407021. The owner of the card is (2)[CD#5]. She is in Class Four, Grade (3)[CD#5]. She lives in 56 Shanghai Road in Nanchang. The (4)[CD#5] number of her home is 07918764323.


5. owner [CD#3]

〓〓〓6. except[CD#3]


7. [ZK(]How long does the library open every day?



8. [ZK(]How many books can Helen Smith borrow at a time?





[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]My father and mother are strict with me. 我的父母对我要求严格。[CX]

[JP2]be strict with sb.意为“对某人严格要求”,be strict in sth.意为“对某事严格要求”。如:


My teacher is strict with us and in his work. 我的老师对我们和对他自己的工作严格要求。










[HTH][STFZ]1. 习惯视读,避免手指阅读[ST]



[HTH][STFZ]2. 略读问题和选项,带问题阅读[ST]


[JP2]做英语阅读理解题时,首先应浏览一遍所提问题及选项,然后带着这些问题有目的、有针对性地阅读文章。 [JP]

[HTH][STFZ]3. 耐心通读全文[ST][HTZDX]


[HTH][STFZ] 4. 习惯猜词[ST][HTZDX]







〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗


Give me five!


[FK(W][KH1*3D][SX(B]Haha! You cant find me!




[JZ][WT12.HZ]It Worked[WT][WTFZ][HJ*2]

Tom had this problem of getting up late in the morning and was always late for work. His boss was mad at him and threatened(威胁) to fire him if he didnt do anything about it. So Tom went to his doctor. The doctor gave him a pill and told him to take it before he went to bed. Tom slept well, and in fact, beat the alarm in the morning. He had a leisurely breakfast and drove cheerfully to work.

“Boss,” he said, “the pill actually worked!”

“Thats all fine,” said the boss. “But where were you yesterday?”

[JZ][HT12.H]真 的 有 效[HT][HTZDX]


“老板,” Tom说,“那药真管用,我的睡眠好极了!”

“是够管用的,” 老板说,“问题是,昨天你人去哪里了?”








[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG1]关键词:exam 〓[KG1]字数:236 〓[KG1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′


[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]子不教,父之过,看Li Ming的父母是怎么教育孩子的?




Li Ming is nine years old, but hes still in Grade One. Hes very tall, so his seat is in the 

[ZZ(Z]〓1〓[ZZ)] row in his classroom. Miss Yang has [ZZ(Z]〓2〓[ZZ)] eyesight. When she stands [ZZ(Z]〓3〓[ZZ)] the blackboard, she cant see what the boy does there. [CX2]Li Ming always plays cards and doesnt listen to Miss Yang at all.[CX]① Sometimes Miss Yang asks Li Ming some questions. He stands up, but he doesnt know what the teacher says. Of course, he cant [ZZ(Z]〓4〓[ZZ)] the questions.

Miss Yang often makes calls to Li Mings [ZZ(Z]〓5〓[ZZ)]. The man [HK]has a shop and he [ZZ(Z]〓6〓[ZZ)] takes care of his sons studies. He tells his wife to help Li Ming, but his wife doesnt know much and cant do that. She can only [ZZ(Z]〓7〓[ZZ)] Li Ming do his homework at home after supper, but she doesnt know if his answers are [ZZ(Z]〓8〓[ZZ)] or wrong. She tells the boy she will buy a nice bike for him if he makes 100 in the exams. [HJ]

This afternoon, Li Ming comes back [ZZ(Z]〓9〓[ZZ)]. When he sees his mother, he says, “Mum, Im afraid you have to [ZZ(Z]〓10〓[ZZ)] a bike for me.” “You get 100?” asks the woman. “Which subject?”

“40 in English, 40 in computer and 20 in math!”

(〓) 1. A. first[KG5][WB]B. front [KG5][WB]C. middle [KG5][WB]D. last (〓) 2. A. good [DW]B. heavy [DW]C. poor [DW]D. strong (〓) 3. A. on [DW]B. behind [DW]C. under [DW]D. near

(〓) 4. A. make answer

(〓) 5. A. mother (〓) 6. A. never often

(〓) 7. A. ask hope

(〓) 8. A. new (〓) 9. A. suddenly (〓) 10. A. borrow

[DW]B. miss [DW]B. father [DW]B. always

[DW]C. find


[DW]C. teacher [DW]D. doctor [DW]C. usually [DW]D.

[DW]C. want


[DW]B. make

[DW]B. old

[DW]B. sadly

[DW]C. right

[DW]C. happily

[DW]D. left [DW]D. carefully


[DW]B. buy [DW]C. give



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:monkey 〓[KG*1]字数:131 〓[KG*1]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]

[KH+1mm][HTH][WTFZ][STFZ]小猴子太爱吃糖,牙都坏了。医生想出了一个对策,但是猴子现在非常难过![HT][STFZ][WT][HJ1.6mm] [HTSS][WTFZ]阅读下面短文,用文中括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整。[GK!12*2]

A little monkey, Jackie by name, (1)[CD#3] (live) with his parents at the zoo. Every day a lot of children (2)[CD#3] (come) up to his cage to give him some sweets. He loves sweets, but he cant eat any more. He (3)[CD#3] (have) a bad toothache. The doctor comes (4)[CD#3] (see) the little monkey. The doctor explains the monkey shouldnt eat sweets. [JP][CX2]They (5)[CD#3] (be) bad for his teeth.[CX][KG-1mm]② The zookeeper (6)[CD#3] (not, know) what to do. The doctor (7)[CD#3] (tell) [HK]him to fix a special sign with “(8)[CD#3] (not, give) Jackie any sweets!” on his cage. Jackie likes (9)[CD#3] (eat) sweets very much, so he (10)[CD#3] (try) to take down the sign, but he fails. He feels very sad now.



[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Li Ming always plays cards and doesnt listen to Miss Yang at all. Li Ming总是打牌,一点儿也不听杨老师讲课。[CX]

not...at all 意为“一点儿也不??”。如:

Tom doesnt like playing soccer at all. Tom一点儿也不喜欢踢足球。 [ZK)] 2. [ZK(][CX2]They are bad for his teeth. 它们对他的牙不好。[CX] be bad for 意为“对??无益”。如:

Watching TV too much is bad for your study. 看电视太多,对你的学习无益。[HJ] [ZK)][HK][XC重点句型x.tif][WT#][HT#]







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓关键词:Confucius〓字数:104+144 〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:8′




[HTSS][WTFZ]Confucius was born on September 28, 551 BC. [CX2]Chinese regard(看待) Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher.[CX]① He had about 3 000 students. For more than 2 000 years, Confucius ideas have been around in peoples everyday life. Now they have gone far into east and south Asia. People can still hear them today. Why are his ideas so popular? Because they help a lot in [HK]everyday life. Confucius said young people should take care of the old. People should give up thinking of themselves and work for others. As a great teacher, Confucius said all should go to school if they could.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Confucius was born on [CD#3].

A. September 28, 551 AD [DW2]B. September 28, 551 BC C. December 28, 551 BC [DW2]D. December 28, 551 AD


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Confucius ideas have gone far into [CD#3].

A. east and south Asia [DW2]B. north and west Asia

C. east and south Africa

[ZK)] [DW2]D. north and west Africa

(〓) 3. [ZK(]Confucius thought[CD#3].

A. young people neednt take care of the old

B. people should think of themselves

C. people should work for others

D. all the people could go to school


(〓) 4. [ZK(]What do people think of Confucius?

A. The greatest leader and teacher.

C. The greatest leader and thinker. 〖DW2〗B. The greatest thinker and teacher. 〖DW2〗D. The greatest doctor and teacher.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Whats the passage mainly about?

A. All should go to school.

C. Working for others.



[DW2]B. The old and the young. [DW2]D. Confucius and his ideas.


[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:talk 〓[KG*2/3]字数:162+143 [KG*2/3] 〓难度:★★★★






Do you often talk with your parents? Here is some advice on how to talk with them.

Try to start your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, ask them questions about their day. Hows their work? They love this.

Make it clear what you want to tell your parents. If they have an opinion(观点), let them finish and dont stop their talking. Ask them to do the same for you.

Show them respect(尊重) [HK]by listening to them carefully. Look them in the eyes. Be honest(诚实). Honesty builds trust(信任). Life is good when your parents trust you.

If your parents dont understand you, thats OK. It doesnt mean they dont love you. Sometimes you have to explain the things to them again.

When you finish the talk, thank them for listening. Say something like, “Thanks, that helped.” It will let them know this is important to you, and make them want to do it more often.

(〓) 1. [ZK(]If you want to start the talk easily, you should say something [CD#3] at the beginning.

A. fun [DW]B. dishonest [DW]C. sad[DW]D. unhappy


(〓) 2. [ZK(][JP2]While talking to the parents, you should look them in the eyes to show you

[CD#3] them.[JP]

A. dislike [DW]B. understand [DW]C. respect [DW]D. agree with


(〓) 3. [ZK(]When your parents dont understand you, you can [CD#3].

A. ask them to stop [DW2]B. argue(争论) with them

C. look them in the eyes

[ZK)] [DW2]D. explain your idea again

(〓) 4. [ZK(]When you finish the talk, you should [CD#3] your parents for listening.

A. say goodbye to [DW2]B. thank C. say sorry to [DW2]D. ask


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Whats the main idea of this passage?

A. We should respect our parents.

〖DW2〗B. Its important to trust our parents.

C. We should love our parents.

〖DW2〗D. How to talk with our parents.




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]Chinese regard Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher. 中国人把孔子看做是伟大的思想家和教育家。[CX]


We regard Titanic as our best film so far. 我们认为《泰坦尼克号》是到目前为止拍得最好的影片。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓〓关键词:dog 〓〓字数:155+137 〓〓难度:★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]





Mike lives in a small town. He works in the zoo and loves the animals very much. And he has a dog. He always plays with it. He often saves money to buy some nice food for it.

One day a friend of his asks him to dinner. He goes there with his dog. When they are eating, he throws some meat, fish, chicken and cakes to the dog.

His friend says, “You love your dog very much.” Mike says, “It is very clever. If you give it some money, it can buy some newspapers for you.” So his friend gives[HK] the dog some money and it goes out at once.

An hour later the dog doesnt come back. Mike looks worried and asks, “How much money do you give my dog?” “Ten dollars,” answers his friend. “You give it too much,” says Mike. “I think it must go to a movie now.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Mike often buys some nice food for[CD#3].

 A. small animals [DW]B. his dog [DW]C. his friend [DW]D. himself


(〓) 2. [ZK(]For dinner Mike throws some[CD#3]to his dog.

 A. food [DW]B. fruit [DW]C. money [DW]D. newspaper


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The dog is very clever because [CD#3].

A. it always plays with Mike

B. it knows how to save money

C. it can buy newspapers for people

D. it can read newspapers


(〓) 4. [ZK(]The dog doesnt come back because [CD#3].

 A. it is in the zoo [DW2]B. it goes to a movie

 C. it is lost [DW2]D. it buys the newspapers


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

 A. Mike likes animals very much.

 B. The dog can help Mike do something.

 C. Mikes friend gives the dog ten dollars.

 D. Mikes friend wants to go to a movie.




[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG1]关键词:ghost〓[KG*2/3]字数:214+152〓[KG*2/3]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:9′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




〖WTFZ〗〖HTSS〗When I was a middle school student, I often had evening classes. Lily and I often walked home together,[WT][WTFZ] so I was not afraid.

But one evening, Lily didnt go to school. I had to go home by myself after school. It was nearly 8:30 p.m. [CX2]I walked quickly as I was a little afraid.[CX]① Suddenly I heard something strange behind me.[WT][WTFZ] I began to walk faster than before. And I still could hear the sound. “Maybe someone is walking after me,” I said to myself. But I was afraid and didnt dare to look back. I [HK]began to run. But when I was running, the sound still came behind, and became louder than before. [CX2]It seemed that he was also running.[CX]②

[WT][WTFZ] Some sand came into my shoes. But I didnt want to stop and just ran home. Ten minutes later, I got home out of breath[WT][WTFZ]. My father asked me, “Whats wrong with you, dear?”


“Someone...someone is running after me.” My father hurried outside[WT][WTFZ]. Nobody was there. Then he asked me to tell him about it. I told him everything. After that, he laughed, “My silly girl, there isnt ghost(鬼) in the world at all.”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The writer went home alone [CD#3] one day.

A. with Lily [DW2]B. by bus

C. after morning classes [DW2]D. on foot


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The writer went home alone one night because [CD#3].

A. she didnt have evening classes

[DW2]B. she didnt want to go with Lily

C. Lily didnt go to school

[DW2]D. she came home late


(〓) 3. [ZK(]The writer was afraid because [CD#3].

A. [ZK(#]she thought someone was running after her

B. she couldnt find her father

C. it was too dark

D. there were trees on both sides of the road



(〓) 4. [ZK(]What happened on her way home?

A. Some sand came into her shoes.

B. She fell down on the way.

C. Someone ran after her and she was very afraid.

D. She couldnt see the road.


(〓) 5. [ZK(]She got home at about [CD#3].

A. 8:30 p.m.[DW]B. 8:40 p.m.[DW]C. 8:50 p.m.

[DW]D. 9:00 p.m.





1. [ZK(][CX2]I walked quickly as I was a little afraid. 我走得很快,因为我有点害怕。[CX] 该句中,连词as表示“原因”,表示已知的事实或显而易见的原因。如:

We all like her as she is kind. 我们都喜欢她,因为她善良。


2. [ZK(][CX2]It seemed that he was also running. 似乎他也在跑。[CX]


It seemed that everyone was happy. 看来好像每个人都很高兴。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2]关键词:donkey〓[KG*2]字数:228+113〓[KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:11′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




This is a famous story about an old man and his donkey. This old man lived in a village in a warm country long time ago.

One day a young man came to the old mans house and said, “Can I use your donkey today, please? My two donkeys are ill, and youre not using yours.”

The old man knew this young man well. [CX2]The young man was not kind to animals and often hit his donkeys.[CX]① So his donkeys were often ill. The old man did not want to say “Yes”, but he could not say “No” because he was very polite. So he said, “Im sorry, but my donkey isnt here. My son is using it.”

The young man did not believe[WT][WTFZ] this because the old mans [HK]son had three donkeys. Then the old mans donkey made a loud noise, and the young man heard it. The young man was angry and said, “I can hear the donkey in your garden. How can you say it isnt here?”

[HK]This was a difficult question, but the old man always had an answer for difficult questions. He looked at the young man and said, “Who do you believe? Me or the donkey?”

(〓) 1. [ZK(]The young mans donkeys were[CD#3].

A. not at home [DW2]B. at the old mans house

C. happy [DW2]D. not well


(〓) 2. [ZK(]The young man was not [CD#3] to animals.

A. careful[DW]B. satisfied

[DW]C. kind[DW]D. angry [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]The old man wanted to[CD#3].

A. be polite [DW2]B. say “Yes”

C. use his donkey[DW2]D. give the man his donkey


(〓) 4. [ZK(]The old mans son did not[CD#3].

A. have three donkeys [DW2]B. use his fathers donkey

C. have any donkeys[DW2]D. give back the young mans donkeys


(〓) 5. [ZK(]The young man thought the old mans answer was not [CD#3].

A. true [DW]B. polite

[DW]C. clever [DW]D. good [ZK)]



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:giraffes〓[KG*2/3]字数:218+96〓[KG*2/3]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:10′[YY)][FK)]〖HT〗[WT][ST]




You and I learnt to walk when we were a few[WT][WTFZ] months old, but baby giraffes(长颈鹿)

can walk after only twenty minutes. Baby giraffes live in a dangerous world. Lions and other animals like to eat them, so the babies must learn quickly. They learn to run fast and to stay on their feet almost all of the time. Even at night, giraffes do not lie down. They stand by a tree and sleep. Big giraffes have long legs and they can run fifty kilometers per hour. The English word giraffe comes from the Arabic word xirapha. The word means “run fast”. [HK]

Giraffes also have very long tongues(舌头). A giraffes tongue can be fifty centimetres[WT][WTFZ] long! Giraffes use their tongues for cleaning themselves. They can even clean their ears with their tongues! Their tongues are important for other things, too. A giraffes favorite food is green leaves from acacia(洋槐) trees. These trees have sharp[WT][WTFZ] thorns(刺), but the giraffes tongue can [JP2]go between the thorns. The giraffes long neck is important because the best leaves are at the tops of [JP]the trees. Giraffes love these leaves, and they eat for about eighteen hours every day. [HJ1.6mm]

(〓) 1. [ZK(]Baby giraffes must learn quickly because[CD#3].

A. they want to find food

[DW2]B. other animals want to kill them

C. they want to play

[DW2]D. they eat lions


(〓) 2. [ZK(]Giraffes do not often[CD#3].

A. run[DW]B. lie down[DW]C. sleep[DW]D. eat well [ZK)]

(〓) 3. [ZK(]There was an Arabic word for giraffes[CD#3] there was an English word. A. when[DW]B. because [DW]C. after[DW]D. before[ZK)]

(〓) 4. [ZK(][CD#3] giraffes have fiftycentimetre tongues.

A. All [DW]B. Some [DW]C. Young[DW]D. No


(〓) 5. [ZK(]Why is the giraffes long neck important to it?

A. Because it can reach the best leaves on the tops of the trees.

B. Because the long neck can make it run fast.

C. Because the long neck can help it clean its ears.

D. Because the long neck can help it stay on its feet for a long time.




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]The young man was not kind to animals and often hit his donkeys. 那个年轻人对动物不友好,经常打他的驴。[CX]

be kind to 意为“对??友好”。如:

We love our teacher because she is kind to us. 我们喜欢我们的老师,因为她对我们很友好。







[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:记叙文 〓[KG*2/3]关键词:ticket〓[KG*1]字数:194〓[KG*1]难度:★★★[JY]用时:6′




[HTSS][WTFZ]John is a student. He goes to school by bus every day. One day, he gets on a bus, but he cant find his ticket and he cant find his money, either. His face turns red, so he says to the driver shyly, “Dear sir, I forget to bring the ticket when I change my clothes and I dont bring enough money, either. What can I do?” The driver watches him for a while. “Oh, it doesnt matter. I can pay for you,” the driver answers with a smile. “You act very well and wonderfully[WT][WTFZ]. [CX2]I guess you must be an excellent actor![CX][KG-1mm]①

[WT][WTFZ] And can you tell me which troupe(剧团) you are in?” [HJ1.3mm]


(〓) 1. John always takes a bus to school.

(〓) 2. John usually takes the ticket with him.

(〓) 3. The driver is friendly to John.

(〓) 4. John must be a very good actor.

(〓) 5. The driver thinks that John is a bad boy.



[JZ][CSD%0,0,0,60][FK(WB8001+6mm。130mmZQ1][YY(][HT10.H][WTFZ][STFZ]体裁:说明文 〓关键词:turtles&tortoises〓字数:195〓[KG*2]难度:★★★★ [JY]用时:6′





[HTSS][WTFZ]Turtles(海龟) and tortoises(陆龟) have been on the earth even before the dinosaurs(恐龙). The difference between a turtle and a tortoise is that the turtle lives in water while the tortoise lives on land. But both animals have one thing in common—they have a long life, about 120 years to almost 200 years!

They can live so long because the important parts of their bodies wont become weak with age. In fact, they continue to grow very slowly as long as they live. Their bodies do not need

[HK]much energy. They can live for long periods without water or food.

Turtles and tortoises face risks[WT][WTFZ] in their life. After birth, their shells take several months to become hard. So during this period, they are preys(猎物)[WT][WTFZ] to birds and fish. The other risk comes from pollution of their living environment.



2ZQ*2F][JZ][WTHZ]Animals[][JZ]Turtles[][JZ]Tortoises [WT][WTFZ]

[BHD]Difference []1. Live [CD#8][]2. Live [CD#8]

[BHG2*2,FK12ZQ*2,K26ZQ*2F]Common thing[]3. [CD#23]

[BH]The reason of their long life[]4. [CD#23]

[BHG3*2]The risks in their life[]They are preys to birds and fish before their shells become hard. 5. [CD#20]




[GK1!1][HTZDX]1. [ZK(][CX2]I guess you must be an excellent actor! 我猜你一定是位优秀的演员吧! [CX]

“must be+名词或形容词”表示肯定推测,意为“一定??,肯定是??”。如:  This must be your room. 这一定是你的房间了。










[HTH][STFZ]1. 读懂短文,了解大意[ST][HTZDX]

 该技巧主要针对句子翻译题。任务型阅读题中,要求翻译的句子都不是孤立的,理解这些句子往往要根据上下文或全文理解,才能准确理解句意,避免出现表达上的偏差。 [HTH][STFZ]2. 掌握各种语法,应对不同要求[ST][HTZDX]

该技巧主要针对时态、语态转化以及同义句转换等。掌握一些句子结构(如感叹句等) 以及更多的固定句型(如形式主语it句型等) 对于解决这类题目尤为重要。

[HTH][STFZ]3. 把握句子的关系[ST][HTZDX]


[HTH][STFZ]4. 把握文章结构[ST][HTZDX]

 该技巧主要针对将句子还原。将提供的某个或多个句子还原到文章的适当位置,在任务型阅读题中很常见,这就要求整体把握文章段落,在上下句的结合处,它们或需要过渡,或需要归纳总结。我们应根据文章结构需要安排句子。






〖KH-+9mmD〗〖WT《Comic Sans MS》〗〖HT《方正卡通简体》〗

[KG5*2][FK(W][KH1*1D][SX(B]Hey! The balls mine!

[] 嗨!球是我的![SX)][FK)]〖KG9〗

[FK(W][KH1*2D][SX(B]A smart thief!




[JZ][WT12.HZ]Six or Twelve? [WT][WT][WTFZ][HJ3mm]

A blonde went into a pizza parlor. She said that shed like a medium pizza. The clerk asked her how many pieces shed like to have it cut into. “Six or twelve?” “Oh, goodness, six please,” said the blonde. “I dont think I could ever eat twelve.”


 一位金发女郎走进一家比萨店,她说想要一个中号比萨。店员问她希望把比萨切成多少块。“6块还是12块?” “噢,天啊,请帮我切成6块,”女郎说,“我可不认为我能吃得下12块比萨。”







[HTK]在这封写给Han Lei的信中,Craig详细介绍了自己一天的生活。


1. A〓[ZK(#]根据后面的句子“And I hope I can visit you soon.”可判断,Han Lei的生活一定“丰富多彩”。

2. D〓本句意为“现在我要告诉你我在英国的生活状况”。肯定句中用something。

3. A〓[JP2]根据上句“The day starts at about seven oclock.”可判断,这是说“早晨”的情况,用表示“起床”的短语get up填写。[JP]

4. A〓早晨起来吃的应是“早饭”。

5. C〓表示“喝牛奶”应用drink milk。

6. D〓连接两个表示并列关系的谓语动词时,应用连词and。

7. B〓因为句子主语为one,所以这里应用系动词is填写。

8. D〓动词play后跟表示球类的名词时,中间不用任何冠词。

9. B〓主语为I,其形容词性物主代词为my。


10. B〓[ZK(][JP3]friends为可数名词复数,用many修饰,表“许多”。[JP]



〖HTK〗[JP3]在动物园里有各种各样的动物,它们不用觅食,整天吃、睡、走,但它们没有自由。在动物园的生活和在森林中的生活是截然不同的,它们应当回到森林。[HT][JP] 1. [ZK(#]kinds〓此句意为“在动物园里有各种各样的动物”。kinds of意为“各种各样的”。

2. them〓此句意为“我们能看见饲养员给它们东西吃”。 give sb.sth.意为“给某人某物”,在动词give后用人称代词的宾格。

3. have〓此句意为“它们不用自己觅食”。have to 意为“不得不”。

4. happy〓根据下文提示“But most of them are sad.”中but判断在此用sad的反义词。 5. like〓介词like意为“像”的意思。

6. with〓短语play with意为“和??一起玩”。

7. food〓此句意为“??捕捉小动物为食”。

8. in〓介词词组in the room 意为“在房间里”。

9. [JP3]different〓此句意为“在动物园的生活和在森林中的生活是不同的”。be different from 意为“与??不同”。[JP]

10. back〓短语go back 意为“返回”。[ZK)]







1. C〓[ZK(#][JP3]第二句“She is thirteen years old.”说明,她13岁。[JP]

2. C〓句子“Her hair is short and black.”说明,她的头发短而且黑。

3. A〓根据句子“She likes red best.”可判断,她最喜欢红色。

4. B〓根据句子“She likes little animals.”可判断,她喜欢小动物。




1. B〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据第一段的 “We cannot work all the time...”和细读全文,判断recreation意为“娱乐”。[JP]

2. A〓根据第一段的 “...if we want to keep healthy and enjoy life.”可知,人们参加运动的目的是为了健康和享受生活。

3. A〓根据第二段的“Perhaps the most popular form is to take part in sports.”可知,最流行的放松方式是参加运动。

4. A〓根据第三段的“Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part in them.”判断,他们喜欢运动,但是不喜欢参加运动。

5. C〓通读全文,本文主要讲不同人喜欢不同的放松方式。[ZK)]






1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“...but he doesnt have much hair.”可知,Mr Green头发稀少。little修饰不可数名词,意为“几乎没有”。

2. C〓根据第一段的“Annie has black, thick and beautiful hair.”可知,Annie的头发黝黑、浓密而且漂亮。C项描述与原文一致。

3. D〓根据句意猜测,此处的second是名词,意为“秒”,而不是“第二”的意思。 4. D〓根据开头介绍,Mr Green虽然不老但头发稀少,故A项说法错误;Ruth是女孩,故B项错误;Annie告诉女儿关于头发与智力的说法显然是玩笑,故C项错误;女孩Ruth年龄小,并不懂得人的头发为什么会有多有少,故D项正确。




[HTK]John 6岁了,能读写,也能数数,但是不会识表。阿姨想教他,开始非常顺利,最后还是没能把他教会。[HT]

1. A〓[ZK(#][JP2]根据第一段的“He doesnt say eight oclock, twelve oclock or four oclock in the afternoon. He says ‘breakfasttime’, ‘lunchtime’ or ‘teatime’.”可知,八点钟是早饭时间。[JP]

2. C〓根据第一段的“He can read and write very well, but he cant tell the time.”可知John不会识表。

3. D〓[JP2]根据第二段“His aunt thinks she can teach him.”可知John的阿姨认为她能教会John识表。[JP]

4. B〓[JP3]根据最后一句“Teatime, Aunt, and Im hungry.” 可知John还不会识表。


5. A〓通读全文,通过John的阿姨教他识表的过程







1. C〓[ZK(#]根据文章第一句“Many British people live in houses, not flats.”可知答案。 2. B〓根据第二段的“Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning...”可知答案。

3. C〓根据第三段中给出的数字“...go to school when they are four or five years old, and leave when they are sixteen or seventeen.”可计算得出。

4. D〓根据本文最后一句“Usually, they dont close for lunch.”可知答案。



[HTK]在墨西哥农场,校车就是学校,司机就是教师。大人和孩子轮流在车上学习。[HT] 1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“The driver of the bus is the teacher.”可知司机就是教师。 2. D〓根据第一段的“It just goes round from place to place...”可知校车在农场之间流动。 3. B〓根据第一段的“...the farmers will come, running to it, shouting and laughing.”可知他们非常高兴。

4. C〓根据第二段的“...because they must work in the morning.”可知大一点的孩子在下午上学,因为在上午他们要干活。

5. D〓根据第二段相关信息the small children, the older children, the father and mother判断农场的所有人来校车上学习。[ZK)]





1. [ZK(#]doctor/nurse, hospital〓根据Lily母亲的话“You will get well soon. Take some medicine.”可知Lily的母亲是医生或护士,医生在医院工作。

2. policeman, police station〓根据Jack父亲的话“Stop! Dont move. Hands up!”可知Jack的父亲是警察,警察在公安局工作。

3. shop assistant, shop/store〓根据Kate母亲的话“...we have all kinds of clothes at a very good price.”判断她是售货员,在商店工作。

4. waiter, restaurant〓根据Ben父亲的话“What would you like to eat?”可知他是饭店的服务员。

5.teacher, school〓根据Jenny母亲的话“Good morning, class! Today we will have a new lesson.”可知她是学校的老师。[ZK)]


[HTK]本文介绍了Wang Bo的四位笔友:Jack, Miyoko, Paul和Chen Ying。[HT]


1. [ZK(#]Basketball〓根据对Jack的介绍“He likes playing basketball best.”可知,他最喜欢的运动是打篮球。

2. parents, Tokyo/Japan〓根据对Miyoko的介绍“She lives in Tokyo with her parents.”可知,她和父母一起住在东京(日本)。

3. French, soccer〓根据对Paul的介绍可知,这位法国男孩喜欢足球,偶像是Ronaldo。 4. phone, music〓根据对Chen Ying的介绍可知,她喜欢音乐,参加了音乐俱乐部,经常和“我”通电话。


5. 12/twelve [KG3][WB]6.English and French

7. math [DW]8. 11/eleven

9. Chinese [DW]10. playing the piano








1. A〓[ZK(#]根据宾语“a blue jacket and black pants”可知,谓语动词用wear,意为“穿着”。

2. C〓根据下文“He works for a newspaper.”可知,爸爸的职业是记者。

3. B〓每月28号才能见到爸爸,可知是很少见面,因此用only修饰。

4. C〓“he often goes to other...”是不能经常见到爸爸的原因,因此用连词because连接该


5. A〓根据爸爸的职业特点,结合下文描述可知,他经常到国外去采访。

6. B〓记者是一个忙碌的职业,因此用busy。

7. C〓job前面用物主代词his,his job指的是爸爸的工作。

8. A〓指代job,因此用代词it。

9. C〓tell是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语;而其他三个动词则必须与介词搭配,构成词组talk with, speak to和say to。


10. D〓[ZK(][JP3]want to be意为“想要成为”,to后面跟动词原形。[JP]



[HTK]当老师得知Li Lei病了后,一放学就去他家给他补课。Li Lei的母亲非常感激。[HT] 1. [ZK(#]teacher〓根据图1以及下文提示“...the teacher goes to...”等判断Miss Gao是数学教师。

2. classroom〓联系上下文,可判断老师走进教室。

3. isnt〓根据图1及下文“Li Lei病了”判断他不在那里。

4. stands〓根据图2“一个女孩站着”判断Wei Hua站起来告诉老师。

5. at〓根据下文提示老师去Li Lei家给他补课,判断Li Lei在家。

6. over〓放学后老师去Li Lei家。be over意为“完了,结束了”。

7. see/visit〓此处意为“老师去看Li Lei”。

8. mother〓根据图3和下文提示comes back home from work和thankful判断是她是Li Lei的母亲。

9. [JP]helping〓根据图3可知,Miss Gao在帮助Li Lei学功课。 [ZK)][JP]

10. [ZK(#]hope〓根据图4和下文提示可知,Miss Gao希望明天在能学校见到Li Lei。[ZK)] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA2.TIF〗



[HTK]Mrs Black虽然年过六十,可依然喜欢穿漂亮衣服,喜欢周围的人夸她年轻漂亮。


1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第二句“She likes to be young and beautiful...”可知,Mrs Black喜欢年轻、漂亮。故答案为D。

2. C〓根据“...so she likes wearing colorful clothes.”可知,她喜欢穿艳丽的服装。 3. A〓[JP3]根据“Her favorite TV shows are fashion shows.”可知,她喜欢看时装展览。[JP] 4. B〓有人说“Your Qipao is very beautiful.”她不满意;有人夸“You look beautiful in the Qipao.”她很高兴。根据此可知,Mrs Black喜欢听人夸她漂亮,而不仅仅是夸衣服。




1. B〓[ZK(#][JP2]根据第一段的“After school George comes home.”可知George放学回家。


2. A〓根据第一段的“...wants some food...”可判断hungry意为“饿的”。

3. D〓根据第一段“He eats them. One, two...and eight.”可知他吃了8个。

4. C〓根据第一段的“He doesnt feel well.”可知他感到不舒服。

5. C〓根据医生的话“But you cant eat anything too much.”可知再好的东西也不能多吃。








1. A〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据列举的服务内容可以推断,[JP]mall意为“大型购物中心”。 2. C〓[JP]根据第一段“Its next to the airport.”可知,购物中心位于机场附近。[JP] 3. D〓根据句子“But there isnt a cinema.”可知,这里虽然服务项目很全,但是没有电影院,因此不能在这儿看电影。

4. B〓那些小商店的老板不开心,是因为很多人不去他们那儿购物了。

5. C〓根据第一段最后的描述可知,这家超市有四家饭店,人们可以在任何时间来这儿就餐。




1. B〓[ZK(#][JP2]根据文中的“He was born in Shandong Province on July 12, 1986.”可知马天宇出生在7月12日。[JP]

2. D〓文中总共提到了马天宇唱的三首歌,没有Yesterday Once More。

3. A〓根据文中“He is 1.78 meters tall.”可知他是中等身材。

4. C〓[JP3]根据文中“He sings many songs, such as Qingyi, Yeshanghai and so on.”可知他是歌手。

5. D〓根据文中倒数第二句“He has many special albums.”可知答案。[ZK)][JP] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA4.TIF〗





1. A〓[ZK(#]根据上下句理解可知,keep表达的意思为“喂养,饲养”。

2. D〓英国宠物的数量,根据第一段最后一句话可知有120万。

3. D〓根据第二段“Guy, Scamper, Shipley (for monkeys)”可知,英国人喜欢用Guy, Scamper和Shipley给猴子起名。

4. C〓根据文章后两段可知,英国人给他们的宠物起好听的名字,买好吃的宠物食品,即C项正确。

5. A〓根据第二段最后一句介绍,英国人称呼自家的宠物不用it,而是用he或she。




1. A〓[ZK(#]根据 “Today is Sunday, so Peter doesnt go out.”可知他们在家里。 2. C〓根据“It is usually made of colorful silk...”可知旗袍通常是丝绸的。

3. B〓根据“Father can remember that all the VIPs wore Tang suit at APEC in Shanghai.”可知他们穿着唐装。

4. D〓根据“Peters cousin says....”可知答案。

5. C〓根据最后一句“Finally, they think the fashion should be comfortable first.”可知时装首先穿着要舒服。[ZK)]




[HTK]这是一封Li Ping写给Mike的信。Li Ping在信中告诉了Mike去她家的路线。 [HT] 1. [ZK(#]post office〓根据“Go down the Jiankang Street until you see a post office.”可知,A处是邮局。

2. bank〓根据“...and then you are on Wenqing Road. Pass the bank...”可知,经过的地点B就是银行。

3. Li Pings home〓根据最后一句“My home is next to the hotel.”判断,地点C就是Li Ping的家。


4. [ZK(#]way〓根据“Because Mike doesnt know the way, Li Ping writes a letter to help him.”可知,Li Ping给Mike写信的目的就是为了给他指路。

5. bus〓根据Li Ping的建议“Please take the No.25 bus from Ganzhou airport.”可知,Mike应该乘公交车去她家。

6. Street〓Jiankang Street是本文提到的街道名称。

7. bank〓根据“...you are on Wenqing Road. Pass the bank...”判断,银行在Wenqing Road。 8. hotel〓根据最后一句“My home is next to the hotel.”可知答案。




1. [ZK(#]tall buildings and wide streets〓根据“Both of them have tall buildings and wide streets...”可知它们都有高楼和宽阔的马路。

2. much taller than〓根据“...some buildings in Shanghai are much taller than those in Beijing.”可知上海有的楼比北京的高。

3. Beijing〓根据“Beijing is the capital of China...”可知北京是中国的首都。 4. Shanghai〓根据“...Shanghai is the biggest city in China.”可知上海是中国最大的城市。

5. [JP3]Yes, there are.〓根据“And there are more places of interest in Beijing than those in Shanghai.”可知答案。[ZK)][JP]








1. C〓[ZK(#]根据下文描述“He has many rules for us.”可知,老师对我们很严格。 2. C〓根据下文的提示“before his class begins”可知此处意为“我们必须到教室里”。 3. D〓根据动词read判断,该句宾语应为books。

4. A〓该句叙述的是与功课无关的事情,因此用cant,表示“不能”。

5. B〓“that are not about our lessons”意为“与功课无关的事情”。

6. D〓根据not in the classroom推断,老师允许我们在教室外面听歌,但不能在教室里面听。

7. B〓if表示假设,意为“如果”。

8. B〓根据前面的提示“如果我们违反纪律”可判断老师会生气。

9. A〓[JP]too many“太多”,修饰可数名词复数。[JP]


10. C〓[ZK(]learn from 意为“向??学习”。




1. [ZK(#]teachers〓根据下文students,school判断在学校里有老师和学生。

2. with〓此句意为“我帮助他们学英语”。help...with...意为“在某方面帮助某人”。

3. they〓根据上文提示“I often help them with English”判断此处应为“他们帮助我学汉语”。

4. at〓此句意为“我们都努力学习功课”。work hard at...意为“努力学习??”。 5. classroom〓根据下文提示big, bright, windows,door判断是介绍教室的。

6. for〓根据上文提示“靠近黑板的桌子”可知这是为老师准备的,故用介词for。 7. chairs〓根据下文提示desks判断有40张桌椅。

8. school/class〓根据下文提示“和朋友一起运动游戏”判断发生的时间是放学以后或课后。

9. play〓此句意为“有时我们在操场打篮球”。play basketball意为“打篮球”。 10. like〓通读全文,可知Lisa喜欢学校生活。[ZK)]






1. C〓[ZK(#]根据“The hen asks the duck.”可知,母鸡向鸭子打听主人的下落。 2. D〓根据“‘Ruff, ruff,’ answers the dog, ‘I dont know.’”可知答案。

3. C〓John喂养了cow, horse, hen, duck, sheep, dog, cat 7种动物;而parrot是邻居家的。

4. D〓根据故事最后可知,它们饿了,所以到处打听主人在哪儿。

5. B〓根据邻居家鹦鹉的话可知,John在邻居家里。



[HTK][JP3]被誉为流行音乐之王的Michael Jackson 5岁开始就成为乐队主唱,14岁开始发行唱片,并得到众人的喜爱。[HT][JP]

1. B〓[ZK(#]Michael Jackson是美国著名的歌手。

2. C〓Michael Jackson 19xx年出生,而他在19xx年开始自己出唱片,所以当时他14岁。 3. B〓gone是形容词,表示“不在,失去了”。

4. D〓根据第二段的“Michael Jackson was born in August, 1958 in Indiana.”可知答案。 5. A〓根据倒数第一句“He sang and danced well, and young people liked him very much.”可知选A。[ZK)]






1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“For most people a picnic is a meal that they eat outside the home, usually in a park, by the river, or even sitting in a car if the weather is cold and wet.”可知,当天气又冷又湿时,人们在汽车里野餐。

2. A〓[JP3]第一段最后两句介绍了英国人喜欢的就餐方式是各自带着自己喜欢的食物,然后凑在一起享用。[JP]

3. D〓根据第二段第一句可知,在一些国家只有特殊的日子人们才举行大型野餐活动。 4. A〓根据全文理解,对多数人来说,野餐就是在户外聚餐。



[HTK]本文是关于Sydney Tower的旅游广告,介绍了它的地址、电话、传真、营业时间、网站、票价、订票方式等内容。[HT]

1. D〓[ZK(#]根据最后一句话“Sydney Tower takes you to the highest point...”可知选D。 2. A〓文中提到B、C、D三种方式,只有A项没提到。

3. C〓Frank是成人,要付$60;两个孩子付$60,加起来付$120。

4. B〓根据营业时间“9:00 a.m.to 10:30 p.m.(Saturday to 11:30 p.m.)”可知他必须在晚上11:30前下来。

5. D〓根据文中内容可知这是介绍旅游景点的广告。[ZK)]




[HTK]导游Wu Tao介绍了南昌动物园的规章制度及参观安排。


1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一段可知,Wu Tao在动物园里工作。

2. C〓根据Wu Tao的自我介绍“...the tour guide of the zoo.”可知,他是动物园的导游。 3. D〓根据最后一段中“The lions in our zoo are all from South Africa.”可知答案为D项。 4. B〓根据Wu Tao的介绍,游客将依次参观lions, elephants, dolphins, pandas四种动物。

5. B〓狮子是危险动物,远离狮子与第四条制度要求一致。



[HTK]Henry学习不爱动脑子,爸爸Mr Smith跟他讲自己小时候多爱学习,以至于深受老师喜欢。结果Henry认为爸爸的老师很穷,养不起宠物,引出一场笑话。 [HT]

1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“Henry doesnt like to use his head, so he is not good at his lessons. His teachers tell his father, Mr Smith about it. The man is worried about it.”可知选B. 2. C〓根据第一段的“It was Sunday yesterday. Mr Smith didnt go to work. After lunch he began to talk with his son.”可知,Mr Smith和Henry在昨天下午谈话了。

3. D〓根据第二段的“When I was nine, I listened to the teachers carefully in class and did all my homework at home.”可知,Mr Smith说他9岁时,即小时候是一个好学生。

4. B〓根据第三段的“‘Your teacher was poor, I think,’said Tom.”可知,Henry认为父亲的老师很穷。

5. C〓根据最后几句话可知Henry把pet理解为宠物,他认为Miss Yang把他父亲当成pet是因为她养不起小狗,故C项符合文意。[ZK)]






1. [ZK(#][JP2]难管教的、难缠的〓根据第一段的“He can always find some excuse.”可判断difficult的意思是“难管的”。[JP]

2. Yes, he does.〓根据第一段的“When he is at school, he likes asking his teachers some strange questions.”可知应为肯定回答。

3. At seven oclock.〓根据第三段的“Yes, but the sun went to bed at seven oclock...”可知太阳昨天晚上7点落山。

4. His pen.〓根据第四段的“One day, Johnson forgot to take his pen to school.”可知他忘了带笔。

5. [JP3]He is a difficult boy.〓根据第一段的“Johnson is a difficult boy.”及全文可知Johnson是个难缠的孩子。[ZK)][JP]



1. [ZK(#]relax yourself〓根据建议的第一条内容可知,听文章之前要先放松。

2. the first sentence〓根据建议的第二条内容可知,仔细听第一句很重要。

3. do some thinking〓根据建议的第三条内容可知,当我们听的时候应该多思考。 4. some important facts〓根据建议的第四条内容可知,应记住一些重要的信息。

5. listening〓通读全文,根据第一句“Here are some suggestions on listening.”可知答案。








1. C〓[ZK(#]根据下文他想住在青岛可知,作者认为青岛人很友好。

2. A〓作者认为自己理想的房子应该在海边,因此推断,作者不喜欢住在大城市里。 3. D〓房子只能是坐落在靠近海边的地方。

4. B〓a house with three rooms“三居室的房子”。

5. A〓live with“与??住在一起”。

6. D〓there be结构,动词is与主语a beautiful garden一致。

7. C〓flowers是可数名词复数,因此用many修饰。

8. B〓作者想拥有自己的汽车,用动词have。

9. C〓前后句之间是转折关系:我不知道是什么样的车,但我认为应该是奥迪、奔驰之类的。


10. D〓[ZK(]根据宾语apple trees and vegetables判断,谓语动词应该是plant。




1. [ZK(#]Saturday〓根据下文提示“Saturday is the end of a week...”可知,周六是一周的最后一天,也是周末的开始,所以他们最喜欢周六。

2. end〓本句意为“周六是一周的最后一天”。

3. beginning〓本句意为“周六是周末的开始”。the beginning of...意为“??的开始”。

4. different〓联系下文可判断在周末的活动是不同的。

5. take〓固定搭配take care of, 意为“管理,照看”。

6. late〓根据上下文意思可推出此处应为早晨很晚起床。

7. have〓本句意为“工作日用来做你不得不做的事情”。have to意为“不得不”。

8. like〓本句意为“周末用来做你喜欢做的事情”。like to do 与上句中的have to do 相对。 9. on〓具体到某一天的晚上用介词on。

10. [ZK(][JP3]place〓本句意为“在星期六晚上,他们去饭店吃饭”。[ZK)][ZK)][JP] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA2.TIF〗





1. B〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据第一段的“His father likes apples very much.”可知,Karl的父亲喜欢吃苹果。[JP]

2. B〓根据第一段中“His mother likes yellow bananas, but the bananas there are green.”可


3. C〓根据第一段的最后三句话可知,妈妈给Karl买了桔子。

4. D〓[ZK(]根据第三段的“Karl doesnt like onions, but his parents like them.”可知,Karl的父母爱吃洋葱,而Karl不爱吃。


5. B〓根据第二段的“After shopping, Karl and his mother have some...”可知,他们购物之后吃了些东西。




1. C〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“...but he never worked hard at his lessons.”可知答案。 2. D〓根据语境可知,Bob的爸爸决定每天对他督促检查。

3. B〓根据第二段的“How many letters are there in the alphabet?”可知爸爸是在问在字母表中有多少字母。

4. B〓根据第四段的“You started school two years ago...”可知答案。

5. D〓根据“Yes?”可知爸爸有疑问,感到迷惑不解,再由后面的问题“你能告诉我邮筒里每天有多少封信吗”可推断爸爸不能回答儿子的问题。[ZK)]






1. C〓[ZK(#]根据第一段第一句话可知,Tony花了几个月时间攒了7美元。

2. A〓根据男孩的话“Three big boys take away my four dollars just now.”判断,男孩准备了四美元买笔记本。

3. B〓根据“At last he gives four dollars to the boy...”可知,Tony给了男孩四美元,因此自己就还剩三美元。

4. D〓Tony一共准备了7美元,因此推断飞机模型的价格应该是不高于7美元。



[HTK]十年前,一位名叫Liu Jun的男士救了一个名叫Yu Shuai的孩子;十年后,在同一个地方,Yu Shuai救的女士后来成了Liu Jun的妻子。[HT]

1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“In 1997, Yu Shuai was at the beach with his parents. He was seven years old.”可知,他出生在19xx年。

2. D〓根据第二段的“The water was over Yu Shuais head! A man saw Yu Shuai.”可知Liu Jun看见他的时候,他正在水中挣扎。

3. C〓根据上下文可推断pick up在此处应该是“救起”之意。

4. A〓根据第三段“He was a good swimmer.”可知,他现在很会游泳。

5. D〓通读全文可知,D项“Yu Shuai的父母不同意救Liu Jun”是错误的,其他几项都正确。[ZK)]






1. B〓[ZK(#][JP]根据句子“Her skin was orange.”可知答案为B。[JP]

2. B〓根据第一段最后两句可知B项正确。

3. A〓文章主要说的是一位阿拉斯加妇女的皮肤为什么是橙色的,故A项正确。[JP] 4. D〓[JP2]根据“The woman didnt want her skin to be orange, [JP]so she went to see a doctor.”可知,她不喜欢橙色的皮肤,因此才去看医生。





1. C〓[ZK(#]通读全文可知,本文主要讲导盲犬Lucy的训练经过。

2. A〓根据第一段“In Britain, guide dogs are the‘eyes’ of many blind people.”可知导盲犬是引导盲人安全行走的。

3. A〓根据构词法和联系下文“...like trees...”,判断highup dangers意为“高处的危险物”。

4. B〓根据第三段相关信息every day, in the evening判断Lucy和Dick生活在一起。 5. B〓通读全文可知,本文主要介绍导盲犬Lucy的训练过程和她如何帮助盲人,说明了导盲犬非常有用。[ZK)]




[HTK]本文介绍了我们应该遵守的班规,如每天打扫教室、不要在教室玩游戏等。[HT] 1. [ZK(#]run around or play games〓根据班规第二条“Dont run around or play games in the classroom.”可知不能在教室跑或玩游戏。

2. take care of/ look after〓根据班规第三条“Take care of all the school things.”可知要保管好桌椅板凳。

3. tell the teacher〓根据班规第五条“...If he does not stop, we can tell the teacher.”可知可以告诉老师。

4. use kind words〓根据班规第六条“Always use kind words, such as please, sorry, and thank you.”可知要用礼貌用语。

5. put up your hand〓根据班规第七条“Put up your hand and start speaking when the teacher calls you.”可知要举手。[ZK)]


[HTK]本文是Zhao Lin的个人信息档案,介绍了她的年龄、职业、工作单位、家庭成员、自己的爱好及自己想结交的笔友等信息。[HT]

1. [ZK(#]Chinese〓Lisa Smith是她的英语名字,那么Zhao Lin就是中文名字了。 2. China〓她的国籍是China。

3. old〓年龄用years old。

4. No.1〓她的工作地点是第一中学,那也就是说她在第一中学工作。

5. English〓根据“Job: English teacher”可知她是英语老师。

6. five〓根据“Family: father, mother, husband, son”可知她家一共有五口人。

7. hobbies〓后面列的是她的爱好。

8. drawing〓根据“Hobbies: singing, playing pingpong, drawing”可知此处缺少drawing一词。

9. teacher〓她是老师,那么在这里用了also,说明她丈夫同样是教师,而且后面还进一步说明他教语文。[ZK)]

10. [ZK(]England〓信息表最后一行显示她想交一个来自英国或美国的笔友。[ZK)] [JZ][XCDA5Z.TIF]




[HTK]本文介绍了Mr Li的长寿秘诀:保持良好的饮食习惯,每天坚持运动。


1. A〓[ZK(#]根据语境可知句意为“Mr Li已经95岁了,但是他非常健康”。前后两句是转折关系,应填but。

2. B〓根据上下文可知此处指代的是Mr Li, 在动词ask后接人称代词的宾格,故填him。

3. C〓根据语境可知前后句句意为:“你在生活中是怎样保持如此健康的?”他总是回答我们要吃得健康和多做运动。所以填always。

4. A〓只有stay能当连系动词讲,接形容词作表语。

5. D〓根据上文提示“do sports every day”判断Mr Li早上跑步。

6. A〓“for+一段时间”表示“(做某事)多长时间”。

7. C〓根据but判断“Mr Li认为早饭很重要”。

8. B〓在two后接可数名词的复数形式,后面提到“每天吃一个苹果”,故此处只能选B。

9. A〓句意为“他认为水果对健康有好处”。be good for意为“对??有益”。[ZK)]

10. C〓[ZK(]句意为“一天(吃)一苹果,医生远离我”。[ZK)]



1. [ZK(#]other〓本句意思是“许多美国人喜欢去外国度假”。in other countries意为“在其他国家”。

2. woman〓根据下句 “This is her first time to China...”可以推出主语性别为女。 3. wants〓结合前后文文意可知此处是指她想在那儿交些朋友,主语为she,所以用wants。 4. in〓根据下文可以推出此处指这个中国人想用英语跟这个美国人交谈。

5. hello/hi〓根据常识可知见面首先要问好。

6. from〓“someone from an Englishspeaking country”意为“一个来自说英语的国家的人”。

7. says〓前面为说话的内容,故用says。

8. sorry〓根据后文可以推出此处这个美国人是表达歉意,所以用“I am sorry”。 9. age〓根据上文提示 “How old are you?”可以推出此处是指年龄,用age。[ZK)] 10. [ZK(][JP3]why〓此处表达的意思是他不知道原因,所以用why。[ZK)][JP] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA2.TIF〗





1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段前两句话可知,周一这天的天气是晴朗的。

2. B〓“at around 3:20 p.m.”是Kim去商店的时间,即大约下午三点二十。

3. C〓根据第一段的“But the shops were crowded.”可知,商店里很拥挤,人很多。 4. A〓第二段第一句中the next day指的是Tuesday,因为前一天是Monday。

5. D〓根据第三段的“They played all morning. It was really fun.”可知,Kim和朋友们打了一上午网球,感觉很愉快。




1. C〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据第二段的“She learns a lot about the country ...”可知她去尼泊尔目的是了解那里的风土人情。[JP]

2. A〓[JP3]根据第二段的“They take Katy to many parties.”可知他们对Katy非常友好。[JP]

3. C〓根据第二段的“...since she arrived four months ago.”可知她来尼泊尔4个月了。 4. B〓根据第三段的“...the pupils have spoken English lessons since the age of six.”可知孩子们6岁就开始学英语。

5. A〓通读全文可知Katy喜欢旅游。[ZK)]




[HTK]本文叙述了Lisa, James, Grace和Sara四人在不同地点的不同活动。


1. D〓[ZK(#]根据方框2“Im going to the bookshop to buy some books.”可知,James正准备去书店买书。

2. A〓[JP+2]根据方框2可知,James正在等车准备去买书;根据方框4可知,记者Sara正在去采访的路上。[JP]

3. B〓四个人中,Lisa和父母一起在公园,Grace和朋友在一起参观博物馆,而James和Sara则是单独活动。

4. C〓根据句子“...shes famous in UK.”可知,游泳运动员Sharon Davies是英国人。 5. D〓通过全文阅读可知,这四个人的共同之处是他们都没有待在家里。



[HTK]父亲节这天Chungang和Xiaoli用贺卡的形式表达了对爸爸的感激和爱。[HT] 1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第二段的“And you get home at eight from work every evening.”可知爸爸每天晚上8点回家。

2. C〓根据第三段的“For your health, please dont stay up too late.”可知应选C。 3. A〓根据贺卡的最后落款可知Chungand和Xiaoli是兄妹或姐弟。

4. D〓根据第三段的“So Chungang and I can only buy a new sweater and make a beautiful card for you.”可知,Xiaoli送给爸爸的礼物是a new sweater and a card,故选D。

5. D〓根据第三段的“We know you like wearing suits very much.”可知正确答案为D.[ZK)] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA4.TIF〗





1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一张名片可知,New Century Computer Center位于Beijing Road。 2. D〓根据四张名片上标注的职业来看,Li Lei是艺术家,因此判断答案为D。 3. B〓6363251是出租车司机Zhang Xintao的电话。

4. D〓医生Wang Tao的电话是6254385,看病应该拨打医生的电话。

5. A〓Zhang Xintao是司机。因此,如果租车的话应该拨打他的电话。





1. C〓[ZK(#]根据文章第一句话可知,无翼鸟只生活在新西兰。

2. B〓根据第二段的“The kiwi is the same size as a chicken.”可知,无翼鸟和普通的鸡一般大小。

3. B〓根据第二段的“It has two feet and each foot has four toes.”可以得出,无翼鸟共8个脚趾。

4. C〓根据第三段的“A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it.”可知,无翼鸟喜欢树丛。






1. 〖ZK(#〗个头矮的人比个头高的人平衡能力好,所以他们一般不容易摔倒。 2. for example〓该短语意为“例如”。

3. but〓前后句子为对比关系。

4. Why do young people grow taller than their parents today?




1. [ZK(#]friends〓根据Li Hua的话“...chatting with our friends and so on.”可知答案。 2. information〓根据Wang Gang的话“I can also find the information I need...”可知答案。

3. faster/quickly/more quickly/better/easily...〓根据Wang Gang的话“...I can spend less time on my homework.”可知答案。

4. eyes〓根据Zhang Jie的话“...surfing too much does harm to our eyes.”可知答案。

5. in a right way/correctly/properly〓根据Zhang Jie的话“In a word, we should use the Internet in a right way.”可知答案。[ZK)]








1. B〓[ZK(#]根据地点状语“in a big city”判断,该句谓语动词为live。

2. C〓根据句意猜测,David家在6楼。

3. D〓主语it指代的是building,因此可知句意为“这座楼有14层”。

4. A〓根据下文描述“There are a lot of cars and people there.”可知,这是一条繁忙的街道。 5. B〓根据下句“...so I dont like it.”推断,这条街道很脏。

6. C〓根据下文列举的park, garden和library可知,此处应为places。

7. D〓固定短语play games意为“玩游戏”。

8. A〓根据该句中地点状语“in the garden”判断,谓语部分表述的动作应该是take a walk。 9. C〓该句提到“read books”,因此应该是在图书馆。


10. A〓[ZK(]根据上下文理解,作者表达的是自己的愿望:欢迎来我家做客。



[HTK]本文叙述了Jenny和Danny为他们的中国朋友Li Ming准备邮寄生日贺卡和生日礼物的过程。[HT]

1. [ZK(#]them〓在动词help后用人称代词的宾格。

2. passes〓根据后面的提示“Tom reads...”,再根据上下文时态一致的原则,判断用一般现在时。

3. wrote〓根据上面的提示“What did you write on your card?”判断在此回答用一般过去时。

4. Chinese〓此处表示“中国的朋友”,应用形容词Chinese。

5. wishes〓“Best wishes to you.”意为“向你致以最良好的祝愿”。wish作名词表示“祝愿”时常用复数。

6. put〓主语是Danny and Jenny,复数,在一般现在时中,谓语用动词原形。

7. closes〓主语是Tom,一般现在时用动词的第三人称单数。

8. post〓在can后动词用原形。

9. need〓主语是we, 一般现在时动词用原形。[ZK)]

10. [ZK(]go〓本题主要考查let sb.do sth.,意为“让某人做某事”。[ZK)]






1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第七句可知,在第一节英语课上英语老师让我们给自己起英文名字。 2. B〓根据“At the beginning, he made a selfintroduction.”可知,英语老师首先向我们作了自我介绍。

3. C〓根据“And he told us that his English name is John.”可知,英语老师的英文名字是John。

4. D〓根据“...gave the paper to the teacher.”判断,我们把英文名字写在纸上了。 5. D〓文章开头的句子就点明了文章的主旨。



[HTK]在儿子保证不说一句话的前提下,Mr Johnson带他去参加朋友为女儿举办的生日宴会。谁知宴会结束的时候儿子说了一句让所有人目瞪口呆的话:“我从头到尾没有说过一句话。如果这个婴儿死了,可是和我一点儿关系都没有。”[HT]

1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“...because the boy was his only son.”可知Jackson只有一个儿子。

2. B〓根据第二段的“It is for the first birthday of his daughter.”可知朋友的女儿1岁了。 3. B〓根据第二段的“It is for the first birthday of his daughter.”可知晚会是朋友为自己女儿举行的。

4. B〓根据第三段的“You know, everybody, I didnt say anything today.”判断此处意为“如果孩子死了,不是我的错”。

5. C〓通读全文,结合最后一句,判断Jackson的儿子不聪明。[ZK)]




[HTK]在Jim留给Mr Wang的这个便条里,详细介绍了来访者的相关信息。


1. A〓[ZK(#][JP]根据便条开头的称呼可知,便条是留给Mr Wang的。[JP]

2. A〓根据“Now he teaches Chinese in a high school in this city...”可知,Mr Wang的这位同学是某所高中的语文老师。

3. B〓[JP2]根据“He is often at home at 7 p.m.”可知,Mr Wang的这位同学一般晚上7点在家,因此选B。[JP]

4. B〓根据“...he went away half an hour later.”判断,Mr Wang的同学在办公室等了半个小时。

5. C〓根据“...but you and your wife were out.”可知,上午Mr Wang与太太一起出门了。



Snow City是新加坡的第一个室内观雪中心,欣赏雪景,滑雪,堆雪人打雪仗,在热带地区体验寒带天气,老少皆宜。

1. C〓[ZK(#]根据第二段的“...Singapores first indoor snow center.”可知答案。 2. D〓根据第三段可知,在Snow City可以赏雪、滑雪、打雪杖,但是不能学习雪是怎么


3. B〓根据 “Bus services: No.66, No.178, No.198” 可知游客可以乘66路车去Snow City。 4. D〓根据价格一栏 “Adults:$18, Children:$12”可知Mr Smith要花$18,他的5岁的孩子要花$12,共计$30。

5. C〓根据最后一句“For more information, please visit our website .”可知,可以上网查询更多的信息。[ZK)]






1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“Bob was on a bus to the zoo.”可知,Bob是乘公交车去动物园的。

2. B〓[JP3]根据第二段前两句话可知,Bob给一位老太太让座。[JP]

3. A〓根据第五段的“...it stopped near the zoo.”可知,公交车在动物园附近停车。 4. D〓根据最后一段第二句可知,动物园里多数游客是学生。

5. C〓Bob星期天去的动物园;他在车上给老人让座;他感觉今天过得很高兴。因此A、





1. C〓[ZK(#]根据表中的 “Date: 7:00 p.m. May 10th”可知答案。

2. B〓根据表中的 “Number: 6, Row 9, 1st Floor”可知答案。

3. D〓根据表中相关信息 “If you are late, enter the theater quietly.”可知答案。

4. D〓根据表中“ Please check your seat number and be seated before the play begins.”可知D项正确。

5. C〓根据表中最后一项第一句“买票的时候请核对日期及座位号”可推断接下来的这句话意为“买票之后不能退票”。[ZK)]






1. F〓[ZK(#]根据第一段开头几句描述可知,男孩在院子里练习打棒球而不是足球。该句与原文不符。

2. T〓根据男孩的第一次自言自语可知,他认为自己是世界上最优秀的棒球手。 3. F〓根据故事细节讲述可知,小男孩共尝试过三次击球。该句与原文不符。

4. F〓男孩一次次击球失败,因此得出判断,他并不擅长棒球。该句与原文不符。 5. T〓根据男孩最后一次的自言自语可知,他最后认为自己是世界上优秀的投手。





1. [ZK(]by their titles or last names〓根据校规第一条“学生应称呼老师的头衔或者姓氏”可知答案。


2. [ZK(]D〓根据校规最后一条可知,三种情况可以不去上学:being ill, having a death in the family or when there is a religious holiday。故答案为D。


3. [ZK(#]提问题或回答问题时,请举手。

4. You must do your homework by yourself.

5. They shouldnt cheat.〓根据第八条可知,考试时不能作弊。








1. C〓[ZK(#]tell意为“告诉”,是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。

2. A〓do some cleaning “打扫卫生”,固定短语。

3. D〓根据下文安排活动可知,今夜天气不好,有大风。

4. C〓remember to do sth.意为“记着去做某事”;remember doing sth.则表示“记得做过某事”。

5. B〓老师提醒同学们离开教室时,要记得关门窗。when意为“当??的时候”。 6. B〓put on意为“穿”,它的宾语应是clothes(衣服)。

7. C〓根据说话者语气判断此处指老师希望学生去看望生病的Mr Wang。

8. B〓习惯用语by the way作插入语,意为“顺便问/说一下”。

9. B〓根据后面的提示“finish doing it and bring it to school”可知此处指“作业”。


10. A〓[ZK(]bring“带来”,take“带走”,此时说话的地点在学校,因此该用bring。



[HTK]Aunt Huang看见邻居Mr Zhang家里有两个人在抬电视机,她认为他们是修理电视机的,顺便把自己家的电视机也让他们抬走了,结果那两个人是小偷。[HT]

1. [ZK(#]looking〓本句意为“Aunt Huang在朝窗外看”。look out of 意为“朝??外看”。 2. carrying〓本句意为“正在搬运一台电视机”,特别注意要用现在进行时态。 3. opens〓本句句意是“Aunt Huang打开窗户”。

4. answers〓根据上文提示“Yes...”判断在此是回答。注意用一般现在时。

5. for 〓根据上文提示Aunt Huang的电视机坏了推断她想让他们也为自己修电视机。 6. take〓take along是固定词组,意为“随身携带;带上”。

7. them 〓 本句考查give sb.sth.,意为“给某人某物”,在动词后用人称代词的宾格。 8. drive〓 本句句意是“他们把两台电视机放在车上,开车走了”。

9. again〓 根据后面的提示“他们是窃贼”判断Aunt Huang没有再见到自己的电视。[ZK)] 10. [ZK(#]arent〓本句句意为“他们并非电视机维修员,而是窃贼”。[ZK)] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA2.TIF〗





1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“...and my father is from the UK...”可知,Dave的爸爸是英国人。

2. D〓根据第一段倒数第二句可知,Dave最喜欢的学科是数学。

3. C〓根据“I think Saturdays and Sundays are great because I can play sports...”可知,Dave利用周六和周日进行体育活动。

4. A〓Dave的母亲是法国人,父亲是英国人。根据“I can speak two languages at home.”判断,英语和法语他讲得都很好。



[HTK]本文是一则Little Rabbit招生的广告,介绍了其师资、学习项目、招生对象、上课时间和联系方式等。[HT]

1. A〓[ZK(#][JP]根据文中“Our Programs:*Languages *Math *Computer *Music”可知不学美术。[JP]

2. B〓根据文中“Open 11:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.”可知7:00 a.m.on Wednesday不能去Little Rabbit。

3. C〓根据文中“Open 11:00 a.m.to 7:00 p.m.,Mon. to Fri.”可知一周开园5天,一天8个小时,共40小时。

4. B〓根据“Ages 6 to 12”可知8岁的玛丽可以来Little Rabbit学习和娱乐。

5. C〓根据 “26 Market Road,Star City”可知Little Rabbit的位置。[ZK)]






1. C〓[ZK(#][JP]根据第一段的“The teacher asked him to give a talk...”可知,学校邀请这位官员为学生作报告。[JP]

2. B〓这位官员50岁了,根据这位官员的一句话“I studied in this school 40 years ago.” 推算,当时他10岁。

3. D〓[JP3]根据官员的话“...we were not as happy as you are today.”推断,如今的孩子比他们小时候幸福。[JP]

4. A〓报告的主题是关于爱国的,官员的问题也与此有关,而小男孩以为官员问他们“为何如此高兴?”,根据此可知,他并没理解官员的问题。



[HTK]本文介绍了动物为什么冬眠、冬眠时的状态和什么时候结束冬眠等情况。[HT] 1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“...the weather can be very cold and it is difficult for them to find food.”可知寒冷、缺少食物是动物冬眠的主要原因。

2. C〓根据第二段的“If an animal moves about a lot, it needs food.”可知如果动物运动,就需要饮食。

3. B〓根据第二段的“Their body fat keeps them alive and warm.”可知是脂肪起的作用。

4. A〓根据第一段的“They can sleep for a long time (from autumn to spring).”并结合常识可推断hibernation意为“冬眠”。

5. B〓根据第三段第一句可知熊是冬眠动物。[ZK)]






1. C〓[ZK(#]根据常识推断,Animal World是动物知识方面的节目。

2. B〓Chinese Cooking的播出时间是8:00~9:00。

3. A〓综合这些节目特点分析,Sports News会有足球比赛的信息。

4. C〓Mr Black从早8点工作到晚6点,四个选项中Healthy Living的播出时间在他下班之后,可以观看。

5. D〓Healthy Living是关于健康的栏目,18:30开始播出。





1. A〓[ZK(#]根据“I spent my vacation trekking in Nepal...”可知,我去了尼泊尔度假。

2. B〓根据“On the trekking vacation, I walked for long distances through the mountains.”可知,驾牛车主要在山间长途观光。

3. D〓根据“There are very few roads in Nepal, so trekking is the best way to travel.”得知,尼泊尔几乎没有公路,因此坐牛车旅游是最佳方式。

4. A〓根据文章介绍可知,导游know the best paths, help trekkers with their bags, cook for us。四个选项中只有A符合。

5. B〓根据“It was very interesting.”可知,作者认为这次尼泊尔之旅很有趣。








1. [ZK(#]a: Daniel〓b: Annie〓c: Zhu Gang〓d: Kate〓e: Mike 

2. Zhu Gang.〓 根据“Zhu Gang is a Chinese boy...We often go to school together.”可知,Kate经常和Zhu Gang一起上学。

3. Mike.〓根据“He is good at making things.”可知,Mike擅长手工制作,因此可以向他寻求帮助。

4. A black skirt, long brown boots and a yellow blouse.根据句子“Yesterday she wore a black skirt...”可知Annie昨天的穿着。

5. Daniel.〓根据句子“Daniel likes eating snacks very much.”可知答案。

6. In New York.〓根据Kate询问Sandy “How is the weather in New York?”推断,Sandy现在在纽约。



[HTK]洪战辉,从13岁就支撑起一个父亲患病、母亲出走、弟弟读书、妹妹待哺的困难家庭。他在贫困中求学,在艰辛中自强,由男孩成长为困难打不倒的男子汉。 [HT]

1. D〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据上句“However, a year later, Hongs mother left home.”可知,后面一句应该是解释母亲离家的原因:她不想再过这种贫穷的生活,也不愿面对她久病的丈夫。


2. A〓根据下句“He walked two hours at weekends to the market...”可知上句是“他找兼职工作来养家”。

3. E〓根据下句“To take care of Chenchen, he worked hard to rent a room near his college for her, and send her to school.”可知上句是“他上大学了”。

4. B〓根据洪的话“He said he felt encouraged by kind offers, but he could depend on his own work.” 可知下句为:他已经由一个男孩长大成为一个男子汉。[ZK)]






[HTK]这是一封Li Shan写给Lucy的信,字里行间充满了对这个假日的留恋。


1. B〓[ZK(#]固定短语have a good trip意为“旅途很愉快”。

2. B〓根据后面的“They were great. I showed these photos to my classmates.”可知此处是指go to collect photos “去取照片”。

3. A〓主语they指代photos,因此谓语动词用were,与great构成系表结构。

4. D〓show sth.to sb.“把??给??看”。

5. C〓根据前面的提示“They were great.”判断同学们都很喜欢这些照片。

6. D〓“在长城上”用介词on。

7. B〓根据上下文理解,该句说的是:有一张你和我在紫禁城拍的照片。介词of后面用


8. D〓enjoy our vacation“喜欢我们的假期”。

9. B〓根据上下文理解,该句说的是:与你分别,我们都很难过。leave意为“离开”。


10. D〓[ZK(]邀请对方过来玩。动词come意为“来”,有方向性。




1. [ZK(#]in〓“在早上”用介词in。

2. big〓根据下文提示“some meat, three or four eggs and some pieces of bread.”可知Rick的早餐丰盛。

3. or〓连词or表选择,意为“或者”。

4. glasses〓two glasses of milk意为“两杯牛奶”。

5. has〓主语是his wife,第三人称单数,用has。

6. like〓根据下文提示 “He thinks they are too hard for him”可知他不喜欢任何球类运动。 7. watching〓本题主要考查like doing sth.,意为“喜欢做某事”。

8. do〓do housework意为“做家务”。

9. plays〓根据下文提示“she joins a swimming club.”可知她喜欢体育运动。play sports意为“进行体育运动”。

10. healthy〓在连系动词be后用形容词作表语。[ZK)]




[HTK]本文讲述了这样一个故事:Mr Black抢先跑到公园的一把椅子上休息,由于没有得到及时提示,弄了一身油漆。


1. B〓[ZK(#]根据“He is tired. He wants to have a rest.”可知,Mr Black因为很累,想坐到椅子上休息一会儿。

2. B〓根据那个人递给Mr Black一张警示牌可以推断他是公园里的工作人员。

3. A〓根据“He gets to the chair before the man.”可知,Mr Black抢在那人前面赶到了椅子边。

4. B〓Mr Black以为那个人和他争椅子,可知他们并不认识。其他三项与原文内容相符。




1. C〓[ZK(#]比较四本书的出版日期,Rich Dad,Poor Dad是20xx年出版的,是最新的。

2. C〓根据Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows中“Reading level: Age 9~12”可知这本书不是给成年人看的,其他三本都是为成年人的。

3. D〓看Rich Dad, Poor Dad一栏,由“By Robert T. Kiyosaki”可知作者。

4. A〓两本The Road是$11, 一本Deceptively Delicious是$12.83,共计$23.83。 5. B〓比较四本书的价格可知J.K.Rowling的书最贵。 [ZK)]






1. D〓[ZK(#]根据日记前的日期“Oct.8th”可判断本题答案为D。

2. A〓根据短文第一段可判断,作者和同学们是国庆节当天去了公园。

3. C〓根据第二段的“It was about a French scientist, Ampere.”可知,Ampere是法国科学家。

4. B〓根据第二段的“It was the back of a carriage.”可判断,Ampere把马车的后篷误认为是黑板了。

5. C〓第三段的“In the evening, it became cloudy.”是可能要下雨的理由。



[HTK]一个男孩写了一本书How to Talk to Girls,教男孩怎样和女孩搭讪。[HT]

1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“Then Alec Greven, a 10yearold US boy, can give you some help.”可知作者10岁了。

2. B〓根据第二段的“Then you only have to say one thing, and she will do the rest of the talking.”判断talkative意为“健谈的”。

3. D〓根据第一段的“Then Alec Greven...”可知作者是Alec。

4. D〓根据第二段的“Greven, clearly an expert...”可知该书的作者被认为是专家。

5. B〓根据第四段的“Greven also says not to be mean to a girl and not to be a class clown.”可知对女孩不苛求,也不能当小丑。 [ZK)]






1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第一段第三句话和第二段第二句话可知,学生在校不仅要学各科知识,还要学会如何学习。

2. B〓根据第二段的“No one can learn everything at school.”可知,孩子们不可能在学校里学到所有的知识。

3. D〓根据第二段中的“So a good teacher at school teaches his/her students to learn something and teaches them the ways to learn it.”可知,A、B两项提到的内容都是老师在学校里要传授给学生的,故选D。

4. C〓通过对全文的理解可知,学生不可能学到所有知识,但可以学到学习的方法,毕业后可以继续学习,因此A、B、D三项的内容描述与原文不符。





1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第一段第二句可知,多数人不喜欢待在家里度假,而喜欢外出猎奇并做些有趣的事情。

2. D〓[ZK(]根据第一段的“It is very hard to buy train tickets or air tickets.”可知,在假期中旅游买票是很难的,hard与difficult同义,意为“困难的”。


3. B〓根据上下文可知,这场风来得很“突然”。

4. C〓根据文章最后一句“What a sad trip!”可知,这次旅游很扫兴。

5. B〓根据第二段第一句话可知,我们是自己开车出行的。







1. [ZK(#]Africa〓根据通缉令中关于籍贯的描述“He is from Africa.”可知答案。

2. yellow and black〓根据通缉令中关于服装的描述“His coat is yellow and black.”可知答案。

3. clever and dangerous〓根据通缉令中关于B.B.B.及其同伙的描述“...and his friend is clever and dangerous.”可知答案。

4. England〓根据描述“...but now he is in England.”可知,他现在的藏身地是英国。 5. police〓根据落款可知,这张通缉令是由警察局发布的。call the police 意为“报警”。




1. [ZK(#]No, they cant.〓根据第一段的“...they cant arrive late.”可知学生不能迟到。

2. Jeans.〓根据第二段的“...at her school they dont have to wear a uniform and they cant wear jeans.”可知他们不能穿牛仔裤。

3. On school nights, from Monday to Thursday.〓根据第三段的“And she cant go out with her friends on school nights...”可知周一至周四晚上不能出去。

4. To clean her room.〓根据第三段的“She also has to clean her room every week.”可知她每周要打扫自己的房间。

5. Its OK./Okay.〓根据第二段最后一句可知答案。[ZK)]





[HTK]老鼠爬到牛背上得以早早见到神,在许愿时又占了先机,因此在十二属相中排在第一位; 猫被老鼠欺骗,弄错了日期,所以没能被赐名“猫年”。


1. D〓[ZK(#]“老鼠跳到牛背上”,用动词jump,动词用第三人称单数,与下文的“jumps down”对应。

2. C〓根据下文可知,牛以为自己是第一个见到神的,根据此可推断牛并不知道老鼠在自己背上。

3. B〓reach“到达”是及物动词,后面可直接跟宾语。

4. A〓牛认为自己是最早见到神的,所以很高兴。

5. B〓wish“愿望”,常用复数形式。

6. C〓此处指的是十二生肖中的十二种动物。

7. A〓表示原因,用疑问副词why引导句子。

8. A〓根据上下文可知,前后句为因果关系。

9. B〓老鼠欺骗猫,告诉它的是错误的日期。wrong意为“错误的”。


10. C〓[ZK(]猫受到老鼠的欺骗,因此很生气。




1. [ZK(#]free〓根据下文描述的“我”必须做和不能做的事情可以看出,“我”没有自由。 2. rules〓本句句意是“在家里有太多的规矩”。

3. have〓have to 意为“不得不”。

4. speaking〓本题考查practice doing sth.,意为“练习做某事”。


6. before〓本句意为“我必须在10点以前睡觉”。

7. make〓make the bed 意为“整理床铺”。

8. do〓do the dishes意为“刷碗、洗碟”。

9. never〓根据上文的描述“家规太多,没有自由”判断“我从来没有高兴过”。 10. should〓本句句意是“我应当怎么做”。[ZK)]




[HTK]本文是关于滑雪场、招聘志愿者、失物招领、电影预报和打折信息的五则广告。[HT] 1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一则广告可知,滑雪场的周末票价比平时贵,每天的开业时间是上午10点至下午3点,所以要想省钱只能在周一至周五的开业时间去。

2. C〓根据第五则广告中的“Discount 40%”可知商店现在打六折,30元的钢笔现在只需花18元。

3. D〓根据第二则广告中 “Can you speak English?”判断世博会志愿者需要会说英语。 4. A〓根据第四则广告中的“Avatar: 2:30 p.m.~5:00 p.m.”判断Linda 可以看《阿凡达》。

5. D〓第三则是失物招领广告,根据其中的“Tel: 8975897”可知答案。[ZK)] 〖JZ〗〖HT8.5K〗〖CX2〗阅读理解B〖CX〗〖HT〗



1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“...you can learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.”可知当你有了好的学习习惯后,可以学得快,记忆容易。

2. B〓根据第二段的 “...because it is usually too noisy.”可知,起居室不是个学习的


3. C〓[JP3]根据第三段的 “You will feel tired easily if there is not enough light.”可知光线不好,使人容易疲劳。[JP]

4. A〓根据第三段的“Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk.”可知在学习前要擦桌子。

5. B〓[JP3]本文主要介绍了好的学习习惯,故最佳标题为B。[JP][ZK)]





1. C〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据第一段的“A Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman and an American lawyer...”可知他们来自三个国家。[JP]

2. C〓根据第一段的“...were on a train traveling across England.”可知他们乘火车。 3. B〓根据相关提示a bottle of ,drink可知vodka是一种酒。

4. A〓通读全文可知俄罗斯人和古巴人是为了显示自己国家富有。

5. B〓美国商人把律师扔出窗外,他想说的是美国不缺律师。[ZK)]




1. B〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据句子“We want a man and a woman as teachers.”可判断,雇主需要一名男教师和一名女教师,共两名。[JP]

2. B〓句子“Can you sing and dance?” 说明,要招聘的是音乐教师。

3. D〓[JP3]根据第二则广告中可找到“Our telephone number: 6664532”。由此判断是“商店”的电话号码。[JP]

4. A〓“7:30 a.m.~11:30 a.m.”说明上午工作4个小时;“2:00 p.m.~6:00 p.m.”说明下午工作4个小时,所以一天共8个小时。

5. C〓根据后面的“≥160 cm”提示可知,height意为“身高”。







1. B〓[ZK(#]根据“But my mother often asks me to go shopping with her on Saturday morning.”可知,妈妈经常在周六上午去购物。

2. C〓根据“When my mother goes shopping I sit on a box and wait for her.”可知,妈妈购物时,我就坐在箱子上等她。

3. A〓[ZK(]根据列举的meat, fish, fruit 和vegetables这些食品可知,A项最合题意。


4. B〓根据句子“After an hour and a half, a woman came up to me.”可知,一个半小时以后,一个女人给我捎了个口信,因此判断B项正确。

5. B〓Alice平时学习很忙,周末想好好休息,而且当妈妈购物时,她只是坐在那儿等,所以可推断她不喜欢跟妈妈一起去购物。



[HTK]Mr Brown根据人们的需要创办了一个上门给宠物看病的“流动医院”。


1. A〓[ZK(#]Mr Brown的“流动医院”是为宠物看病的,因此答案为A。

2. B〓根据“He drives his hospital(his truck) to help the animals.”可知,他的卡车就是给宠物看病的“流动医院”。

3. D〓根据文章开头第一句话可知,作者认为老年人最喜欢在家里养宠物。

4. A〓[JP2]根据第二段的“In the truck, Mr Brown has lots of things, and he needs them to treat the pets.”可知,车上的这些仪器设备是为宠物看病准备的。[JP]

5. C〓根据文章最后一句“...there will be more and more moving hospitals to help the sick animals.”可知,Mr Brown希望自己的这种宠物医院越多越好。







1. [ZK(]你最近情况怎么样?


2. B〓[ZK(]


3. [ZK(#]How is the weather there?

4. shining, 发光/照耀

5. What are they doing now?




1. C〓[ZK(#]参加美国朋友的晚会需要带什么?花最好,如果你知道你的朋友喝酒,可以带酒。

2. B〓参加美国朋友的晚会需要准时吗?要准时,但不能早,迟到超过15分钟要打电话告诉主人。

3. A〓怎样用匙子和叉子?看他人怎么用,跟他人学,或问和你挨着近的人。 4. D〓需要穿什么?日常穿的衣服就可以。

5. E〓怎样表示感谢?当时就要表示感谢;也可在第二天寄感谢卡。[ZK)]







1. B〓[ZK(#]根据下文可知,鸽子和男孩很熟悉,因为他经常来广场喂鸽子。

2. B〓[JP]根据地点状语“his shoulders and hands”可知,鸽子经常会飞到男孩的肩上或手上,用介词on。[JP]

3. A〓句型“Could you...?”表示委婉地邀请、征求对方的意见。

4. D〓通过观察鸽子,就知道如何去画它,因此用疑问副词how。

5. A〓bring...to...“把??带到??”。bring的过去式是brought。

6. C〓根据情景推断,看着鸽子画画,大家都很高兴。

7. C〓let sb.do sth.“让某人做某事”,用动词原形。go back to“回到??”。

8. B〓男孩无论走向哪一只鸽子,它都会飞走。anyone强调单数。

9. B〓fly away “飞走”。其他三项均不符合此处语境。[ZK)]

10. D〓[ZK(]男孩失去了鸽子对他的信任,再也没有鸽子飞向他。因此主语为no doves。





1. [ZK(#]newspaper〓根据图1可知,John正在看报纸。

2. time〓本句句意是“看报纸帮助他打发时间”。

3. sports〓根据图1中的足球比赛的画面可知他翻到体育版。

4. football〓根据图1以及文章最后一句中的football可知答案。

5. forgot〓根据“报道是那么有趣”可判断结果是“他忘了下车”。

6. didnt〓根据图2可判断“直到他看见大海才知道忘了下车”。

7. next〓在下一站用at the next station。

8. back〓本句意为“他必须等一列回去的火车”。

9. why〓根据图3结合情景,本句句意是“老板听到他解释迟到的原因,非常生气”。 10. [ZK(#]important〓本句要表达的意思是“老板告诉他工作比足球重要”。[ZK)][ZK)] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA2.TIF〗




1. C〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据第一段的“The short play Here Is Your Bag is very interesting.”可知是短剧。[JP]

2. B〓根据第一段的“She drives to work every day.”可知女士天天开车上班。

3. C〓根据第二段的“The woman is afraid, so she drives quickly to the police station.”可知女士认为他是坏人。

4. D〓[JP3]根据第一段的“...she finds a yellow car following her.”可知答案。[JP] 5. D〓根据第二段的“...so she drives quickly to the police station.”可知妇女在警察局取回了包。[ZK)]



1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“Peter and I were on vacation there with the children for a few


2. D〓根据第二段的“The weather wasnt very good.”可知天气不好。

3. C〓根据下文“天气不好,饭店价格贵”可知答案是“问题”。

4. A〓根据第三段的“They sat on the bed, played tictactoe and watched TV...”可知答案。

5. B〓根据第一段的“We were excited when we got there...”可知他们刚到那里时很兴奋。






1. C〓[ZK(#]ABC是指在美国出生的中国人,他们有着黄皮肤,但行为和思想却和美国人一样。

2. D〓[JP3]根据第二段的“So, if somebody is a ‘banana person’, he or she is ‘white’ inside and[JP] ‘yellow’ outside.”可知skin是 “皮肤”的意思。

3. C〓根据第二段的“we mean he or she has yellow skin...”可知“香蕉人”外表是中国人。 4. D〓[JP3]根据第二段的“...but does things in an American way.”[JP]可知D是正确的。

5. A〓通读全文,本文主要讲“香蕉人”的概念。[ZK)]



1. C〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“A lazy couple lived in a small city.”可知答案。 2. B〓通读全文可知共出现四人,他们是:wife, husband, thief, barber。

3. B〓根据第二段的“...but they remembered the rule, so they didnt stop the thief.”可知他们因为规则,而不去抓小偷。

4. C〓根据第一段的“A lazy couple lived in a small city.”可知他们住在小城。 5. A〓根据最后一段最后一句“Ha, you have to close the door now.”可知答案。[ZK)] 〖JZ〗〖XCDA4.TIF〗



[HTK]本文是一则小幽默。Mr Brown打电话给妻子,可是他的小儿子接了电话说:“妈妈现在在外面找我呢。”


1. A〓[ZK(#]根据第一段Mr John对Mr Brown的邀请“I will have a small party in my house on Monday evening.”可知,是Mr John将要举办聚会。

2. D〓根据短文最后David对爸爸讲的一句话可知,Mrs Brown在找David。

3. C〓[JP+2]根据“So Mr Brown goes to the other room and telephones his wife.”可知,电话放在另一间办公室里。[JP]

4. A〓本文提到了Mr John, Mr Brown, Mrs Brown和Mr Brown的儿子David共四个人。 5. C〓Mr Brown本来是想与太太通话,但接电话的却是儿子David。





1. B〓[ZK(#]根据文章第一句话可知,美国家庭的规模比其他国家的家庭相对较小。 2. C〓[JP]根据第二段的“They usually live far from their [JP]parents because they want to find good jobs.”可知,美国孩子离父母远是为了找份好的工作。

3. D〓[JP]根据第二段的“And they often go to visit their [JP]parents on holidays.”可知,在外上班的孩子会利用假期回来看望自己的父母。

4. B〓四个选项中,A、C、D三项在原文中都有讲述,即:孩子可以自主择业、父母认为孩子有主见很重要、孩子长大了要离开家。原文中还提到“Parents ask their children to do some work around their house.”,所以说美国家长要求孩子做家务,因此B项描述与原文不符。

5. A〓根据短文最后一句“...so that they learn how to make money for their own use.”可知,家长付给孩子做家务的报酬,是为了让孩子学会自己赚钱。[ZK)]






1. [ZK(#]治疗〓根据上文可知,Susan生病住院,因此推测treatment意为“治疗”。 2. 秃的/光的〓根据第一段“...she lost her beautiful hair.”可知,bald意为“秃的”。 3. because〓该句与上句之间为因果关系,用because引导原因。

4. But〓该句与上句之间在意义上为转折关系,故用but连接。

5. She was badly ill.〓文章第一句话即指出,一年级的时候Susan患了一场大病。

6. Everyone in her class was in a hat, too.〓全班同学都和Susan一样,每人戴了一顶帽子,这样Susan就不会尴尬了。



[HTK]本文主要讲述了Uncle Zhang工作的一些情况。[HT]

1. [ZK(#]bikes〓根据“He works in a big bike factory in Shanghai.”可知他在自行车厂工作,所以生产自行车。这里要注意用bike的复数形式。

2. isnt〓根据“The factory is very far from his home...”可知工厂离他家很远。 3. rides〓根据“He goes to work by bike every day.”可知他骑自行车去上班。

4. broken〓根据“...because his bike is broken.”可知有一天他的自行车坏了。

5. first〓根据“...he gets to the factory earlier than the other workers.”可知他那天比其他人到得早,所以他是第一个到达工厂的。[ZK)]







1. A〓[ZK(#]have a great vacation意为“假期玩得高兴”。

2. B〓介词短语with sb.表示“和??在一起”。

3. C〓本句意为“我们一天开车6到7个小时”。其他三项均不符合此处语境。 4. D〓food是不可数名词,因此用be动词的过去式was。

5. A〓people意为“人们”,是集体名词,用lots of表达数量。lots of可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。

6. B〓根据前面的提示hotel,可判断住在一个房间。

7. C〓与上文待在大城市的旅馆里对应,该段描述的是待在山谷小木屋的情景。 8. D〓clean和quiet是并列关系,用and连接。

9. B〓前后句之间是因果关系,故用because。


10. A〓[ZK(]根据空间位置推断,小木屋附近有个美丽的湖。




1. [ZK(#]talking〓根据下文提示Li Hong, Gao Lan, Wang Fang, Zhang Ming所说的话判断他们正在谈论季节,要用现在进行时talking。

2. Spring〓根据上文提示 “I like spring.” 可知答案。

3. weather〓根据下文提示gets warmer and warmer判断主语是the weather。

4. like〓根据下文提示“...it blows with a lot of sand.”判断Gao Lan不喜欢春天。 5. windy〓根据下文提示“...it blows with a lot of sand.”判断春天风很大。

6. summer〓根据“I like swimming.” 判断Gao Lan喜欢夏天。

7. swim〓根据上文提示Gao Lan喜欢游泳,可知“有时在河里游泳”。

8. hot〓在此是说夏天的天气很热。

9. snows〓冬天有时候会下雪,此处用一般现在时snows。

10. white〓下雪后大地会变成一片白色。[ZK)]





1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“Last Sunday I went bike riding alone in the countryside.”可知她骑自行车观光。

2. C〓根据第一段的“After I had lunch, I found that my handbag was gone.”可知包不见了。 3. D〓根据最后一句“My dog took it to the garden.”可知店主的狗叼走了包。

4. A〓根据最后一句“My dog took it to the garden.He often does this.”可知店主笑,是


5. A〓通读全文,可判断狗叼走包是为了玩。[ZK)]




1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第二段的“The first CRH train from Beijing to Tianjin ran in August, 2008.”可知首列和谐号列车是20xx年运行的。

2. D〓根据第三段的“China starts to make a CRH train with the speed of 350 kilometres an hour from Beijing to Shanghai.”可知北京到上海的列车速度是350公里/小时。

3. B〓根据下文提示than taking the traditional trains,判断和谐号列车比传统列车能节省更多的时间。

4. D〓通读第二段,可知目前和谐号列车速度快,但是价格贵。

5. C〓根据第四段的“Of course not. There is still a long way to go...”可知目前和谐号列车不能解决所有的交通问题。[ZK)]





1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“But when they went into the car...”可知他们是开车去购物的。 2. C〓根据第三段的“...you are in the wrong shoes.”可知Mr White穿错了鞋。

3. D〓根据第三段Rose的话“Oh! No, Daddy, your legs are all right, but you are in the wrong shoes.”可知Rose笑的原因是父亲穿错了鞋。

4. C〓根据第四段的“He was very happy to hear his daughters words.”可知Mr White听了女儿的话后感到高兴。

5. C〓根据最后一段“...with nothing in her hard.”可知Rose没有给她爸爸拿来另一双鞋。





1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段讲述可知,Tony想借Allen的书。

2. D〓[ZK(][JP3]根据句子“Tony is Allens classmate.”[JP]可知,Tony和Allen是同学。


3. C〓根据第二段讲述可知,Allen想借Tony的剪刀。

4. C〓根据第二段“Tony knows that his classmate is very selfish...” 可知Allen很自私。







1. D〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据第一段的“Most people make their living with their hands.”可知,大多数人靠他们的手生存。 [JP]

2. C〓根据第二段的“Seven people lived in their small house.”可知,在他们的小屋子里住着7个人。

3. A〓根据第二段内容可知,屋子太小,John只能在街道上玩。

4. D〓[JP2]根据第一段的“But John makes his living with his feet.”[JP]可知,John靠脚谋生,因此推断长大后,John成了一名足球运动员。





1. C〓[ZK(#]Scott用语言鼓励年轻人让座,通过这些细节描述可知,他是一个乐于助人的人。

2. D〓Scott对人真诚,所以乘客很满意。

3. A〓根据第三段“The boys face turned red.”可知,小男孩感到惭愧。

4. D〓联系上文可知they指的是上文提到的“多数人”。

5. A〓Scott喜欢歌唱sun, sunshine等,说明他对美好天气的喜爱。





[HTK]Han Jia,Jeff,Betty和Chen Jie各自介绍了自己家乡的一些情况。


1. [ZK(]Rice fields and a lot of fruit trees〓根据第一段“There are rice fields and a lot of fruit trees here.”可知,Han Jia的家乡有稻田和果树。


2. [ZK(#]A beautiful island〓 根据第二段的“I was born on a beautiful island.”可知,Jeff出生在海岛上。

3. A park with trees, flowers and a pond〓根据第三段“There is a park with trees, flowers and a pond near my house.”可知,Betty的家乡有一个公园,里面有树木、鲜花和池塘。


4. [ZK(]Fujian〓根据最后一段“I was born in Fujian.”可知,Chen Jie出生在福建。


5. [ZK(]A noodle shop〓根据最后一段“There is a noodle shop next door.”可知,Chen Jie家的隔壁有一家面馆。



[HTK]这是Helen Smith的借书证,介绍了持证人的信息和图书馆的借阅规则。


1. number/No.

2. Helen Smith

3. Seven

4. telephone

5. [ZK(#]主人/拥有者〓根据常识可知:只有借书证的主人才能使用该证。

6. 除了〓句意为“除了周日,图书馆每天都开放”。

7. Nine hours.〓根据规则2提供的信息推算可知:上午8:00开门,下午5:00关门,共开放9小时。

8. At most three books.〓根据规则3可知,一次最多能借3本书。






[HTK]为了让孩子能取得好成绩,母亲答应只要考满分,就给孩子买自行车。结果,Li Ming三门功课一共才考了100分还问母亲要自行车。[HT]

1. D〓[ZK(#]根据上文提示“He is very tall...”可知他坐在最后一排的位子上。 2. C〓根据下文提示“她站在讲台,看不清孩子在做什么”判断她视力不好。

3. D〓本句句意是“她站在靠近黑板的地方”。near the blackboard意为“在黑板附近”。 4. D〓根据“...but he doesnt know what the teacher says.”判断他不能回答老师的问题。 5. B〓根据下文提示“The man has a shop...”判断老师给Li Ming的父亲打电话。 6. A〓根据“He tells his wife to help Li Ming...”判断他从来不教育孩子。 7. B〓本题主要考查make sb.do sth.“使某人做某事”。

8. C〓她根本就不知道孩子的答案是对是错。

9. C〓根据下文提示,Li Ming拿着成绩单向母亲要自行车,说明Li Ming很高兴。[ZK)] 10. [ZK(]B〓本题考查buy sth.for sb.“为某人买某物”。[ZK)]



1. [ZK(#]lives〓主语是a little monkey,一般现在时谓语动词用第三人称单数。

2. come〓出现every day用一般现在时,主语是a lot of children,故谓语用动词原形。 3. has〓上下文时态一致,用一般现在时。主语是he,故填has。

4. to see〓不定式作状语,用来说明医生来此的目的。

5. are〓主语是they, be的一般现在时用are。

6. [JP3]doesnt know〓上下时态一致,主语是the zookeeper,故谓语用第三人称单数。


7. tells〓上下时态一致,主语是the doctor。

8. Dont give〓否定的祈使句用“Dont+动词原形”。

9. eating/to eat〓本题考查句式like to do sth.或like doing sth.,意为“喜欢做某事”。 10. tries〓上下时态一致,主语是he。[ZK)]





1. [JP3]B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“Confucius was born on September 28, 551 BC.”可知,孔子的出生时间。[JP]

2. A〓根据第一段的“Now they have gone far into east and south Asia.”可知答案。 3. C〓根据第二段的“Confucius said young people should take care of the old. People should give up thinking of themselves and work for others.”可知孔子认为年轻人要尊敬老人,不要只想着自己,还要帮助他人。

4. B〓根据第一段的“Chinese regard Confucius as the greatest thinker and also the greatest teacher.”可知中国人认为孔子是伟大的思想家和教育家。

5. D〓通读全文,可知本段主要讲述了孔子及其思想。[ZK)]



1. A〓[ZK(#][JP3]根据第二段的“Try to start your talk with something fun.”可知和父母交谈要以有趣的话题开始。[JP][HJ2mm]

2. C〓根据第四段的“Show them respect by listening to them carefully.”可知和父母交谈要尊敬父母。

3. D〓根据第六段的“Sometimes you have to explain the things to them again.”可知当父母不理解时,要做好解释工作。

4. B〓根据第七段的“When you finish the talk, thank them for listening.”可知当交谈结束时,要感谢父母聆听。

5. D〓通读本文,可知本文主要讲如何和父母交谈。[ZK)]






1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段的“...he often saves money to buy some nice food for it.”可知他经常为狗买好吃的。

2. A〓根据第二段的“...he throws some meat, fish, chicken and cakes to the dog.”可知他给狗食物。

3. C〓根据第三段的“If you give it some money, it can buy some newspapers for you.”可知给狗钱,狗能买报纸。

4. B〓由最后一段可知狗去看电影了。

5. D〓通读全文,是Mike说自己的狗可能去看电影了,文中并没有介绍Mike的朋友想去看电影。[ZK)]




1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第二段的“I walked quickly as I was a little afraid.”可知,作者那天晚上步行回家。

2. C〓根据第二段前两句话可知,那天晚上Lily没有去上学,所以作者只好自己回家。 3. A〓根据第二段“Maybe someone is walking after me.”可知,作者认为有


4. A〓根据第二段最后的描述,可知作者的鞋子里面进了沙子。其他三项文中没有提到。 5. B〓作者8:30开始回家,最后一段交代“Ten minutes later, I got home out of breath.”,因此推算她到家的时间是8:40。







1. D〓[ZK(#]根据第二段“My two donkeys are ill...”可知,这个年轻人的驴生病不能干活了。

2. C〓根据第三段的“The young man was not kind to animals...”可知,年轻人不爱护动物。 3. A〓根据第三段“...but he could not say ‘No’ because he was very polite.”可知,老人是非常有礼貌的。

4. B〓根据第三段“The old man did not want to say ‘Yes’...So he said,‘...My son is using it.’”可知,老人不愿意把驴借给年轻人,所以撒谎说驴在儿子那里,但由下文可知老人的驴并不在他儿子那里。

5. A〓根据第四段的“The young man did not believe this...”可知,年轻人不相信老人的话。[JP]





1. B〓[ZK(#]根据第一段“Lions and other animals like to eat them, so the babies must learn quickly.”可知,小长颈鹿学东西很快是为了生存。

2. B〓根据第一段“Even at night, giraffes do not lie down.”推断B项最合题意。

3. D〓根据第一段“The English word giraffe comes [JP]from the Arabic word xirapha.”可知,英语单词giraffe来自于阿拉伯语xirapha,也就是说阿拉伯语中的长颈鹿一词出现的比英语早。

4. B〓根据第二段的“Giraffes also have very long tongues. A giraffes tongue can be fifty centimeters long!”推断,舌头能够达到这个长度的长颈鹿应该是部分而不是全部。 5. A〓根据第二段“...the best leaves are at the tops of the trees.”可知,鲜嫩树叶与树芽在树的顶端,所以说长颈鹿的长脖子对它来说很重要。







1. T〓[ZK(#]根据“John goes to school by bus every day.”可知,他每天都是坐公交车上学。 2. T〓根据情节描述推断:John很少弄丢车票,这次纯属偶然。

3. F〓司机并不相信John的辩解,从司机的话里听得出他对John很不友好。故判断题与原文不符。

4. F〓根据文章第一句可知John是学生,因此本句与原文不符。

5. T〓根据司机的话可知,司机认为John是在故意逃票,也就是说司机认为John不诚实,不是好孩子。





1. [ZK(#]in water〓根据第一段“...the turtle lives in water...”可知海龟生活在水里。 2. on land〓根据第一段“...while the tortoise lives on land.”可知陆龟生活在陆地上。 3. They have a long life, about 120 years to almost 200 years!〓根据第一段最后一句“...they have a long life, about 120 years to almost 200 years!”可知答案。

4. Because the important parts of their bodies wont become weak with age.〓根据第二段第一句“They can live so long because the important parts of their bodies wont become weak with age.”可知答案。

5. The other risk comes from pollution of their living environment.〓短文最后一句直接点明了它们面临的另一种危险。









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