


绍兴一中  叶建引

[概要] 现行人教版教材的综合编排让高中英语教师在教学上更有的放矢,尤其是在英语写作教学方面给我们提供了一个行之有效的方法――模仿。

[关键词]模仿 写作

一. 引言 

20##年高考第一次模拟考试结束了。回想20##年高考,快是一年前的事了,但还很清晰地记得高考改卷老师回来后的反映和感受。高考过后,不论是教师还是学生,都深切地感到:英文写作是一种综合能力训练,临阵磨枪是不能取得好成绩的,也是不可取的,应该重视平时的英语作文训练。高考英语作文占25分,有着不可忽视的比重,它足可以说明写作教学在高中英语教学中占有相当重要的位置。然而高考现状却不容乐观,部分学生由于平时缺乏足够的训练,所以对英语写作要么感到无从下手,充满畏难情绪,胡乱写些英语单词或不着边际的句子充当字数,权作心理慰藉;要么用词不当,构句无章,错误频出,行文不流畅,表达不地道,无写作质量可言。如何提高学生的写作水平和促进写作教学呢?在总结、分析三年来的各种写作教学方法长与短的同时,苦苦思索寻求更好更有效更适合学生学习规律的方法却不得时,新拿到手的人教版新教材给了我一个意外的惊喜:每一单元的intergrating skills 提供了与本单元内容相关的综合运用语言的练习和写作范例,要求学生模仿它进行英文写作。新教材的编排体系是按照新课程标准的要求对学生的听说读写能力进行系统训练,这样的设置让教师更有的放矢。

二. 新教材的写作教学指导

新教材以单元为单位,以话题为主线,所涉及的话题贴近生活实际,紧跟时代的步伐,如旅游、体育、高科技、环境保护、交友、文学艺术、音乐、饮食文化、幽默、语言、文明礼貌、名人、影视等,这些话题很容易激起青年学生学习的兴趣,教材中的许多鲜活的人与事能够引起学生思想情感的共鸣。新教材所选课文体裁也相当丰富,从应用文到记叙文到说明文到戏剧到议论文不等,包括了信件、游记、影评、书评、人物传记等等,并且教材每一单元Intergating skills所提供的写作范文也极具模仿性。茅盾先生曾说过:“模仿可以说是创造的第一步,模仿又是学习的最初形式。”学生在学习语言和各种技能的最初阶段,都要以模仿为阶梯。学生学习写作应为其提供适当的范文进行模仿。在模仿过程中,学生有意识地把作者谋篇布局、谴词造句的方法和技巧迁移,运用感悟并掌握其表情达意的技能,从而提高作文能力。因此, 模仿是学习 “怎样写”的重要手段,是训练作文基本功的有效措施。模仿是人的天性和本能,没有今日的模仿,就没有明天的创新。当然,要特别指出的是,学生应善于在模仿中创新,在借鉴中求异,模仿范文写作是通向创造的阶梯。例如第一册Unit 1Speaking 部分是谈论自己的喜好,文中用了比较多的表示喜好的useful expressions, 比如

I love football. I also like reading.

I don’t enjoy singing, nor do I like computers. I think that rock music is terrible.

I hate hiking and I’m not into classical music.

Other favorite hobbies are reading and singing.

I am fond of singing.

教师在教学过程中有意识地进行总结归纳,学生在unit1之后的自我介绍文章中自然而然地用上此类句型。我们就是通过这种有意识的教学和模仿将教材中出现的有用句型内化为学生自己的写作素材。有用句型如此,文章结构亦如此。第二册unit19 Modern Agriculture的阅读部分,学生读过之后都能理解文章大意,此文旨在介绍我国当前的农业状况,意在激发学生探索、研究、开辟农业新天地的兴趣和欲望。文章内容可取,结构更值得我们学生学习。让我们一起分析文章的结构。

The outline of modern agriculture:

Para1: Raising the agricultural problems in China—little arable land, low agricultural production.

Para2: Modernised farming improves agricultural production.

Para3: Disadvantage of modernized farming—do harm to the environment.

Para4: Use latest technologies to solve the problems raised in the paragraphs above and protect the environment—using greenhouses to solve the problem of little arable land.

Para5-6: Use another technique to increase agricultural production—using the technique GM.



三. 写作教学实施――模仿

新教材的综合技能训练部分的目的是使学生能综合运用所学语法、词汇、功能等,并通过说、写活动达到有效的“输出”。高一上册Unit5 Silver Screen是学生很感兴趣的电影话题,这一单元的Intergrating Skills是一篇影评NOT ONE LESS(一个不能少)。当时我的英语研究性课程恰在学习如何欣赏经典的英语影视作品,所以在欣赏了学生感兴趣的动画片King Lion之后,我要求学生写一篇影评。正当他们疑惑英语影评的格式无从下手的时候,NOT ONE LESS给他们提供了很好的范文。学生透过观察和模仿所形成的无意识学习(incidental learning),和课堂中的特意教学(intentional learning)相结合,在写作教学中产生了良好的效果。初尝在模仿中学习英语写作的甜头之后,我屡试不止,并把它作为一种英语写作教学模式固定下来。一段时间之后,发现学生不再象以前那样一到写作课就愁眉苦脸,唉声叹气,而总是能够在课文中找到他们可以模仿的范文。而我也频繁地从他们的习作中发现好的文章。以下是我在教授下册Unit 18 New Zealand时,发现学生习作中模仿较好但又有创新的文章。


高一(3)班  陈菁菁

Outline:   Para1. Geography            Para2. Population      

Para3. Environment          Para4. Festival

   China lies in the east of Asia. It is made up of two parts: the main land and the island. China is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the north, east and south. Beijing, the capital city, lies in the north of the main land.

   China has a larger population than any other country in the world. It is a member of the “billion club”, because it is a country with a population of more than one billion. At the moment, China’s population is about 1,328,000,000. In China the population is growing more and more slowly.

   Forests help to stop droughts and floods, so China has built a new Great Wall across the northern part of the country. The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometers wide. It will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the South.

   Mid-autumn Day is a traditional festival in China. It usually comes in September or October. On that day families eat a big dinner. They also eat mooncakes. These are small round cakes. Many families eat their dinner outside in the open air. The moon looks brighter and rounder on this day. Chinese people often talk about their families and tell the story of Chang’e.

不仅在课堂规定时间的写作训练中频繁地出现佳作,就是在每周一篇的自由话题写作中,学生也开始应用这种从模仿中创新的写作方法。学生刘超在课外书上看到以下例文,创作出Where to live—in the city or in the country的比较文章。原文如下:

Compare Urban Areas with Rural Areas

   Urban people can enjoy a more comfortable life than rural people. Urban traffic is so well-developed that urbanites of ten visit exhibitions and parks, which are only a short bus ride away. For countrymen this is a major operation which involves considerable planning. Shopping, too, is always a pleasure. Urban people can buy what they want at any time. But countrymen, after shopping, always stagger home loaded with heavy purchases. It is for this reason that great number of people gather in urban areas, causing a lot of troubles.

   Air pollution, noise, and crowds are problems of urban life now. According to a medical study countrymen can live longer than urbanites because the farmers are free from contaminated environments. In addition, the crime rate in the city is much higher than in the countryside. So the safe and quiet life in the country appeals to many city-dwellers.

   Either an urban or rural area has its own advantages and disadvantages. In fact, the suburban area is superior to both of them: it has the excellencies of both. Happy suburbanites can enjoy not only the convenience of daily life but also peace and quietness.


Where to live--- in the city or in the country

高一(4)班   刘超

   Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city. They think that in the city, people can see films, visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to. Besides, people in the city can easily go anywhere either by bus or by taxi, while people in the country have to go on foot. Furthermore, there are many parks, libraries and museums, where people can spend their weekends. In a word, life in the city is full of excitement.

   But some other people think that the natural scenery in the country is much more attractive. Small streams and high mountains, fresh air and green grass make people happy and stir up their love to life. On the other hand, people seem to have more freedom. They can sing loudly in the field, ride horses along a stream and do some interesting farm work.

   Of course, living either in the city or in the country has its advantages and disadvantages. Although life in the city is more exciting and convenient than that in the country, yet in the country, you’ll never be disturbed by noise and polluted air which the city dwellers have to suffer. So I prefer to live in the city, with visits to the country from time to time to enjoy the beautiful nature.

这篇习作的内空是源于原文所激发的灵感,再应用了高一下册教材Unit16 Scientist at work这一单元综合技能之后所提供的How to write an argumentative essay的篇章结构,从而创作出比较优秀的文章。


























