

The Shawshank Redemption([??] ['??:???k] [ri?demp??n])

A successful young banker Andy found his wife fornicating(['f?:nikeit] 与….通奸) with a baseball coach([k?ut?] ). He flew into a fury(['fju?ri] 狂怒;暴怒;激怒者) and planned to shoot them dead at one night. But at last he gave up. His reason won his emotion. Surprisingly, his wife and her lover died at that night. Andy was framed([freimd] 遭到陷害的) for murder. And the sentence(['sent?ns] 判决 宣判) was two life imprisonments([im'priz?nm?nt] 监禁,关押;坐牢;下狱)(两个无期徒刑). He was sent into Shawshank prison. ? That was a dark and gloomy(['ɡlu:mi] 黑暗的;沮丧的;阴郁的) hell with

mad prisoners, cruel warders('w?:d?] 典狱官 ) and viperous(['vaip?r?s] 毒蛇般的;阴险的;有毒的)and greedy wardenry(['w?:d?nr:i] 监狱长).The first night Andy spent in it a new comer like Andy couldn’t bear the fear and kept crying and shouting. The result was he was taken out and beaten dead by the warders('w?:d?] 典狱官). At that moment, Andy understood that if he wants to live he must be silent in Shawshank.( I want to quote a line from "Shawshank Redemption([ri'demp??n] 赎回,拯救) ". "Hope is a good thing , maybe the best of things , and no good thing ever dies .


In Shawshank Andy knew an old prisoner Red(瑞德). They gradually became friends. Red was able to get some small goods for the prisoners(['priz?n?] 囚犯). So Andy asked for a little hammer because of his interest in geology.

The life in Shawshank was full of danger. Andy, as a new prisoner, was often threatened and maltreated([m?l'tri:t] 虐待;滥用;粗暴对待) by some scoundrels(['skaundr?l] 恶棍;无赖;流氓)because he always refused their unbearable and disgusting([dis'ɡ?sti?] 令人厌恶的 令人恶心的)demand. In such a dark prison, no one could help him even if someone may want to. After two years, one day, Andy, Red and some other prisoners got the chance to rebuild the roof. They heard the head of the warders complaining that he had to pay high tax to government if he wanted to receive his brother’s inheritance([in'herit?ns] 继承;遗传;遗产). Andy grabbed the opportunity and taught him a way to be exempt([iɡ'zempt] 免除;豁免) from taxation([t?k'sei??n] 税收). The condition was to give each prisoner 3 bottles of ice beer. All the prisoners enjoyed the rare([rε?]) and short freedom leisurely(['le??li] 悠闲的;从容的). Red said,” It’s just like rebuilding the roof of our own house. We are free like God.” Another consequence was that from then on Andy got the protection from the head of the warders. And all the warders even the wardenry began to consult(咨询) Andy for financial affairs(财务). Consequently some of his special behaviors were permitted, such as pasting posters of some famous actresses on the wall or carving chessmen((国际象棋的)棋子)with his little hammer at night.

Prisoner as he was, Andy did more than a civilian([si'vilj?n] 平民,百姓). He kept writing one letter to the government every week to ask for bankroll

('b??kr?ul] 资金;钞票)to develop the library in Shawshank. After nearly ten years, a new library finally appeared. When checking the books from the government Andy found a piece of disc([disk])of The Wedding of Figaro(费加罗的婚礼 唱片). Then he played the disc in the radio room, letting the dulcet(['d?lsit] 美妙的;悦耳的;怡人的)music spread above Shawshank. Although he was imprisoned alone for two weeks as penalty(['pen?lti] 罚款,罚金;处罚), he wasn’t regretful([ri'ɡretful]) at all, because of the greatest thing in the world——music, which represents another best thing for human——hope. In Andy’s words, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies. Later on, Andy met a new prisoner Tommy, from whom Andy knew who was the real murderer that killed his wife. He immediately told the wardenry about this and naively([na'i:vli] 无邪地;天真烂漫地)thought the wardenry would help him leave there. But the wardenry didn’t do that. He killed Tommy. Andy had been laundering(['l?:nd?ri?]洗涤;洗黑钱)money for the wardenry for a long time. So it’s impossible for the wardenry to set Andy, as a tool and an attester([?'test?] 证明者;契据等的连属人)for his crime, free. At this moment, everything seemed to be over. Both Andy and the audience should despair.

? But the climax(['klaim?ks] 高潮;顶点;层进法;极点)of the movie appears. At a night

with thunderstorm Andy escaped from Shawshank. Everyone including the wardenry and Red couldn’t believe it. The stone wall which Red asserted ([?'s?:tid] 宣称;声称)wouldn’t be dug([d?ɡ] 挖) through even with six hundred years was dug through by Andy in two decades. He kept digging with that little hammer at night, the sound of which was mistaken for the sound of carving chessmen. And the hole on the wall was covered by a huge poster of a famous actress. At that night, Andy crawled([kr?:l] 爬) through the narrow tunnel('t?n?l] 隧道;坑道;洞穴通道)to a drain-pipe([drein] [paip])排水管)and then smashed([sm??] 粉碎;使破产;溃裂) it with a stone under the cover of thunderclap(雷霆一击). He was crawling(['kr?:li?] 爬) while vomiting (['v?miti?] 呕吐)in the pipe which was as long as five football grounds by Red’s estimate(['estimeit] 估计). At length([le?θ]最后), Andy got out of the pipe into a little river outside the prison. He walked to the middle of the river and ripped([ript] 撕;扯)his shirt, letting the rain wash all the filth([filθ] 污秽;肮脏;猥亵;不洁)

away. Under the lightning and thunder, Andy spread out his arms, regaining freedom. When reading the postcard from Andy, Red sighed,” Some birds aren’t meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are just too bright.”

? Andy had said,” Life has only two choices——get busy living or get busy dying.” This is

the most impressive words in this movie. It influenced a lot of people including me. Everyone is able to be busy living, but not everyone can do that all the time. That’s why a few people have brilliant life; many remain mediocre ([,mi:di'?uk?, 'mi:di?uk?] 普通的;平凡的;中等的)

till the last minute of their life while some keep struggling to get out of poverty. We complain that God is unfair. We just despair when we are in all-time low. We take hands-off attitude(采取不干涉态度)

towards ourselves when others think we are failure, although we will weep(哭泣) in dreams. All of those share one reason——we forget that only we ourselves can save ourselves.


? Holding hope forever especially in desperation([desp?'rei??n] 绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命)and reminding myself to get busy living at any moment. That’s the most precious thing I got from this movie——The Shawshank Redemption. Today I will give a general judge to the performances of the film..

A blockbuster that tells the American justice revealed



The Shawshank Redemption--the Redemption to Whom

Abstract:The redeemer is a word: hope. The one who is redeemed is also a word:freedom.It is in one's heart that the redemption exists.At any place,you are alive as long as you harbor the hope.Otherwise,you are just a body with no spirit.

Key words: redemption,hope,freedom.

"Old Testament. Book of Isaiah, "said:" Zion will redeemed for a fair, which will certainly be a result of the Reformed justice in the redeemed. However rebellion and crime will decline; abandonment will perish." It is said that is where the word"Redemption"originated.According to rough statistics, in the "Book of Isaiah ", redemption appeared over 16 times .Obviously, it is a symbol of the practice of Christianity and has such an important significance that in religious era, "redemption"became the key word in western spiritual world for its clear directivity.

In 1990s,the famous director Frank Darabont seemingly unintentionally extracted the banker's story from "Four Stories in Spring".Then, a great movie named "The Shawshank Redemption" emerged.It is a redemption story in the age of faith losing.

Then, in this film, Darabont wanted to show who redeem


Before Andy comes to Shawshank , the topics in prison are fighting or killing time.Confusion, fear, despair, dirty make a disgusting environment and prisoners have no human rights here. After Andy comes in, this young banker who does not gave in his destiny at least has brought a hint of hope. Though he still does not have the ability to change the situation of being oppressed,the hope which he bring to everyone has never existed before.we have to say that Andy is a poetic hero made by the director.Darabont presents the character clearly through several " HOPES". maybe Andy himself is just a figure in the hope,.But through his own efforts, we can see the changes in every aspects. One of the most obvious changes is from Red. It is difficult to imagine if there is no appointment between Andy and Red,can Red adapt to the society after being institutionalized for such a long time.Due to their appointment, Red insists until he finds the destination of his hope--freedom. Real freedom is freedom of soul.Obviously, this is a redemption to Red from Andy. Another significant change is from Tommy who passes the exam for high school under Andy's inspiration.In the library established by Andy, people temporarily forget the oppression, violence, fear and life

with peaceful enjoyment brings hope to each individual.

Yes."Hope" redeemed "freedom". it is a redemption in a reconstructed modern civilization .we can not rely on the


unreal savior but ourselves. Mandela said: "the heart is one's strongest part." If our hearts don't cease, hope will always exist.

Finally, I want to use the letter written by Andy to Red as the ending:

...... Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things.And no good thing ever dies ..... Since you have come this far, maybe you'd come a bit further.


"Old Testament"LiJuan Tianjing renmin press 1992 "Four



















《肖申克的救赎》经典台词 英语学习





