



早在几年前,中国电子商务的个性之战已经打响,在淘宝与天猫的线上商圈中,文案作家不断涌出,有些是作为雇佣的关系负责广告创作,而有些是老板自己。他们利用这种紧抓用户眼球的方式在赚取着点击、销售、人气,不得不说,他们做到了与众不同。文案在互联网的强大曝光下呈现在广大用户眼前,这标志着电商文案的公开较量伴随着促销提前开始。 那么,让我们来看看“文案”是怎么做到使人消费的?




京东——别闹,苏宁易购——别慌,当当网——都别吵,易迅——别吹,亚马逊中国——比价,国美——都别装,1号店——都别信??这 样的字眼出现在微博,连行业内的不少人士都颇有吃惊,我们先姑且不谈是否有联合炒作或群起而攻谁的嫌疑,单从上述广告主标的角度我们不难看出,这里的关键 字都在围绕着一种“态度”,面对竞争时刻的姿态气场与自我宣传。其次,广告中心的内容部分均是针对标语关键字的详细描述,而结尾则默契地张贴了网站 logo标志。

另一个角度看,“关键字”原本运用在网络营销中,常被称为利于搜索推广的优化精准词,特点是具备用户认知度最高的词、组合最自然的词与最直接明了代 表某种商品的词。在消费者难以耐心阅读大量文字介绍的情况下,关键字就成为了最简单最快速的一种识别方

式,它虽然区别于图像的视觉冲击,但可以深刻补充图 像缺失的“与自身联络感”,并加深用户对广告的记忆力。


文案书写的方法有很多,像九宫格思考法或三段式写作法的理论课题我不在这里多做介绍,观其文案本身,“目的明确”要比“方法高深“重要,这是很多文 案工作者最容易忽略的部分。文案的直接目的不是眼花缭乱的广告艺术,也不是堪比天马行空的电影片花(它们可以在形式上是),虽然我认为艺术是文案的灵魂生 命,但现实告诫商家,谁也无法代替一个最终目的,就是销售结果。




“头脑风暴”又称为智力激励法,是美国奥斯本提出的一种创造能力的集体训练法,它不是有些二流教授口中 “头脑充满无数想法形同风暴” 的概念,每个人放大想象、梳理想象都需要时间过程,速度却因人而异,经验告知我,冲击式的瞬间想法更适合探讨或交流,下笔应该深思熟虑。看看 ThinkPad当年的广告语“让思想更有力”,把“Think”本身的字义带入广告语,类似这种由想法转为落字的创作过程,是需要我们充分了解其内容含 义与期望结果的,有时还要带有些引人入胜的自豪情绪在里面——“更有力”,想做到一针见血表达“自己”,试试用倒推的思维顺序去创作充满意境与态度的文 字,其实才更理性,更沉稳,更为企业实际所需。至于我们的脑袋是用来思考的,不是用来拍的。


一则出彩的商业文案,可能会使人开怀大笑或是感叹人生,它可以无比创新,它可以充满生命感,你可以自然地去倾听它呼吸,去寻找它形态,甚至试图去与 它交流,你可以坚信它单纯的吸引了你,你认为它若能做到上述的联动效果就至少成功了50%,让每一位“你”找到共鸣感是文案写作者向往的骄傲。


我们究竟看到了什么?神奇的充满魔术色彩的新兴食品?还是由此我们获得了认真体会用嘴干掉一颗巧克力豆的机会?说真的,我们应该抓住这些身体部位的 名词,然后把它们串联起来,这样你应该可以想象M&M豆被贪吃的全过程,另外别忘了“溶”终究是个相当充满镜头感的关键动词。


她是谁?谁用了?谁没用?问句式文案有个最好的地方,那就是读它的人由此免费得到了一个解除疑问的机会,人们在接受各种教育的过程中常被提问,所以 创作者深知人类是在不断的询问与不断的解开询问这一反复过程中成长的,他用的方法是抓住人的好奇心与知识欲。好了,我们都中招了,肯定是用了某某某牌的她 得到了自然的美,而没用某某某牌的她就不好说了。

如果从实用性的角度,该怎样考量文案?你不仅需要看广告投入后的效益效果,成本与回报比,我认为更应该注重定案前的“预演”,或者我可以这样形容: 一则文案的效果该在我们使用它之前得到自己的消费阅读启示,得到周围人的感受共鸣,得到平民百姓类似“百闻不如一见”的真实情感认可。

避免公式化也并不等于随意,它应该明确市场定位与受众人群,用他们的语言告诉他们:你可以获得什么/你是怎样的人/你与我们的关系/你希望的是否可 以成真/你确是不二人选/你没有任何理由拒绝??等等,它需要把“效果”准确地传递给阅读者,用户才会试着感知他们与你的产品或品牌的关系,你要知道,任 何事物组合在一起都必然会有一种关联,说不清的那类当然也算。


文案和图像共同联手发挥作用是良好的,单独依赖文字进行销售仅仅是使用了一半的工具,那么图像或者由文字产生联想的图形图像可以创造一个一体的销售 概念,比起只用文字描述商品参数的做法更有置身此处的概念。



一名优秀的文案工作者不仅可以创造新颖实用的文字组合,更应该在现处领域的竞争中及时准确地进行反击。因为你得知道,任何一个细节角度的丢失或者落 后,都会在这些快速发展的行业中被放大,没有一个企业愿意失去任何一种手段或者对手已拥有的方式,他们需要优秀的人才懂得创造并能随时反击任何竞争者的挑 战,文案工作者也多数面临着“养


就在去年年底,神州租车的一条网络微博引起了众多关注,原因是神州租车表态有黑公关对其污蔑,并迅速发布了一系列反击的文案,其中一幅直接以价格角度下战书——“我不跟你比公关,你来跟我比价格”,将汽车租赁行业内暂时无法超越的神州低价定作竞争优 势点,由此通过短暂的市场被动转变为一个新的广告契机,这一事件中创作文案的人员功不可没。


传递一个完整信息,用最快的方式、直接的语言,是电商时代下的营销出路。从全球知名企业的广告案例中,很容易看到他们产品的定位、创新以及特色服 务,那么这里体现着一种标准化、专业化、成本低的广告特点,之所以强调“广告”两个字,我们都应该清楚,这里不是作文大赛,也不是博客炫技的最佳场地,我 们始终从事的工作都是为了商业,在企业技术进步、产品创新、服务全面升级的同时,细节营销要被运用到极致。

“春夏之日,雨水与阳光错肩,许多小小的享乐正在构成幸福”——这是台湾著名的中兴百货一则活动宣传文案,早在上世纪这家百货公司的文案就已被当地 大众化所接受,人们期待着它带给零售百货不一样的形象重塑,后来许多其他行业的广告企划也是从中兴百货的文案灵感中找到了新的营销视角。那么回归到我们的 线上零售市场,能够观察到这个独特角度的商家或商人,是不是该和它谈谈了?


请记,身为一名商业文案师,他不仅是一个创意艺术家,他更是一个坐在屏幕前销售家,他的工作不是全身心投入文化创作,他的工作是说服人们购买产品与认可品牌,他是商业精英,正如邮寄广告文案约翰泰赫指出“我们不是在做为了原创而原创的事务,我们经常处于需要重新使用那些行之有效的东西的事务中。”他 们可以改造一些文案,或是重塑一种词组,但他们必要具备优秀的思考能力,深刻懂得商业是怎样一回事,他们为此商业模式能够带来什么,利润、好感、诚信都可 以最好,他们是积极热爱生活的人,他们是照顾家人的人,他们常常愿意为梦想探索各种知识见识,他们甚至是导演系爱好者,他们更可以是爱读物、爱运动、爱浪 漫、爱音乐的任何充满理性与感性并存的人士。





学号:201220010132 班级:12电商1

姓名:张 剑


Market analysis

1, analysis of existing products on the market

2, consumption characteristics analysis

3, the target consumer group analysis

Analysis of existing products on the market

China is the world's seafood production and consumption country, has an extensive seafood market. With the continuous economic development, people's living standards continue to improve, seafood consumption will increase rapidly. At the same time, consumer demand is undergoing subtle changes: Hierarchy of Needs to personalized and diversified development, more and more attention to the quality of service provided by the enterprise. In order to meet the market demand, new business model is imperative.

Consumer Analysis

China profound food culture, consumers generally prefer seafood, especially the various popular seafood, and pork, edible oil prices rise so seafood became an important alternative merchandise. Rational consumers began to develop in the direction required for seafood seafood is not limited to the surface and require fast, health, convenience, safety and sophisticated, humane, high-quality services. As people's work and life pressure, consumers less and less spare time at their disposal, in her spare time and do not have time to buy seafood processing, therefore processed seafood is very popular, consumers want business through diversification, professional management form and provide fresh, nutritious, convenient, delicious seafood dishes.

Analysis of the target consumer group

15-30 year-old consumers: They are in the early stages of life, anything in life is full of expectations, likes to try new things, dare to challenge. They have high demands for food, both delicious, but also pay attention to the food environment, petty bourgeoisie, so they should be a major seafood consumer groups.

30 --- 45 years old consumers: They are mothers and fathers who are, for the life of the consideration will be more responsible for the pressure is enormous, but they already have a certain economic base, to achieve high-grade consumption.

Consumers over 45 years old: They in the diet in a very strange position, they have the ability to enjoy a high level of consumption, but probably because of physical reasons, can not be excessive intake of high protein things, for seafood the demand is limited, and they pay more attention to the use of health food, seafood products will not be an important development goals.


Restaurant Theme: Freedom Casual

Relax self, enjoy self-

Unfettered, not to be tied

Return to innocence, return to the original

Core products: seafood, friends, gathering place

Physical products: services, environment

Additional products:

Technology Attachment - teach you DIY your specialty seafood sushi

Subject Add - Relax Yourself

Seafood features




Crab category


Turtle class


Fish nutrients little difference. Fish and turtle slightly higher crude protein content of crustaceans, molluscs low. Fish is rich in growth and development of the most important nutrients - protein, fish protein contains a variety of essential amino acids, is a human quality protein food, but fish is better than livestock products, more digestible and absorbed. In addition, fish also contains linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, linoleic acid and other essential fatty acid and eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, visible, fish is not only good food, health nutrition, also anti-thrombosis, reduce blood viscosity, decreased blood pressure, can be used for the prevention and treatment of myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, vasculitis, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other diseases. Meanwhile, the fish can activate brain cells and improve brain function.


Shellfish higher nutritional value and delicious. Its muscle meat, the ratio between the various trace elements appropriate, high protein content, fat content, easily digested and absorbed by the body. Shellfish are rich in calcium, trace elements, such as iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, iron, cobalt, especially the oyster meat, all shellfish highest zinc content of food. Chinese medicine believes that there is Yin shellfish eyesight, Ruanjian, phlegm, and some shellfish and Yijing Run dirty role. Everyone can eat shellfish, high cholesterol, high blood cholesterol physical persons and those with goiter, bronchitis, stomach problems and other diseases particularly suitable.


Modern medical studies have proven that shrimp high nutritional value, can enhance the body's immunity and sexual function, kidney yang, anti premature aging. Eat shrimp (frying, roasting, stewing can), warm wine delivery service, can cure kidney impotence, chills, body tired, waist and knee pain and other symptoms. If a woman with little or no sweat postpartum milk milk, shrimp meat, 500 grams, crush, wine hot clothes three times a day, and even served a few days, can play the role of prolactin. Shrimp sedative commonly used to treat neurasthenia, autonomic dysfunction Zhu Zheng. Shrimp can provide nutrition for the brain delicious food. Shrimp contains three important fatty acids, can make a person a long time to maintain focus.


Crab nutritious, containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, cholesterol, vitamin A, micrograms thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin E2, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, and manganese. Crabs are rich in protein and trace elements, the body has a good tonic. Crabs also antituberculosis effect extend their great benefit for the rehabilitation of tuberculosis.


Inorganic salts and algae foods rich in vitamin content , one of the best is the seaweed, the Japanese called longevity food , healthy food. Sea with high nutritional value : sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron , selenium, copper, iodine levels were rich, particularly in the high iodine content is most known, kelp iodine content in the terrestrial and aquatic plants are the highest . Algae polysaccharides and other foods that contain complex ingredients such as mushroom polysaccharides, fucoidan , laminarin and so on. With a variety of strong biological activity , can stimulate the body to produce antibodies, enhance immunity , as well as anti-fatigue , lower blood lipids , inhibit tumor cell activity, anti-aging effect . Algae foods generally contain a lot of dietary fiber , can promote bowel and intestines effect, can prevent constipation , with a variety of health functions . Mushroom, mushroom , etc. Most types of edible mushrooms are high-protein low-fat foods , the protein is high quality protein, containing eight kinds of essential amino acids, for example , in the mushrooms , the protein accounted for 20% of the dry weight , fat accounted for only 1.2% , and the fatty acids containing mainly linoleic acid , for the benefit of unsaturated fatty acids intellectual development .

Turtle class

Turtle rich in quality protein , amino acids, minerals, trace elements and vitamins A, B1, B2 , etc., with chicken , deer , cattle, pigs , fish, five kinds of delicious meat , known as " gourmet flavors of meat ," said the turtle a , turtle head , turtle meat , turtle lamps, turtle grease, glue and all other parts of the turtle has medicinal value. Its main role are: Yin, hepatitis and abnormal hyperactivity has control action ; nourishing , increased plasma protein content , promote hematopoietic function , enhance strength ; heat, reducing the abnormal body temperature, body mass and so can dissipate . Modern medical research shows that A fish contains a human blood vessel resistance to aging is an important material , eat can lower blood cholesterol , hypertension, coronary heart disease benefit . Eat moderately turtle favor maternal body recover and improve quality of breast milk . Japanese scientists experiment also confirmed that turtle has some anti-cancer effects and improve immune function. Turtle containing iron , folic acid , etc., can exuberant hematopoietic function, help to improve the athlete's endurance and recovery from fatigue . Edible turtle should be noted that Chinese medicine in the records , which can not be eaten turtle eggs, rabbits, pigs , chickens, ducks , and amaranth same food , otherwise useless .

Seafood Package Design

First, the child class

Lovely seafood cakes

Second, the youth category

DIY homemade seafood sushi Third, the middle-aged category

Seafood nutrition and health

Children's books

Children kind of seafood dessert, we use nutrition-based, while adding cute cartoon design, let the kids have the appetite for meals, but also uses the lovely tableware (colorful and adorable)

Youth class

Young people to pursue their interest in life, have their own unique ideas, so we decided to adopt the DIY approach to the provision of raw materials and tools, so that can deepen the emotional bond between friends, enhance friendship.

Middle-aged category

Because people into middle age, the body may be difficult to accept the high-protein, high-fat foods, so we chose a healthy and nutritious seafood, with the vegetables we usually use, comprehensive variety of nutrients, to design the most suitable for use in the elderly seafood.

Restaurant Design

Restaurant There are three floors:

The first layer meals for young people, the use of aesthetic and comfortable design style, coupled with fresh music.

The second layer for children and their parents eating, using cartoon theme park design, while jumping bed with play facilities.

The third layer for use in the elderly and commercial negotiations, a comfortable seat design, with hand on this piano, violin.

Product Positioning

Enjoy your life --- Enjoy your life

Comfortable, casual, safe, healthy, green, the customer will be our specialty positioning.

Benefit assessment

(1) Seafood package costs (month): $ 210,000

(2) Seafood Set number of user groups (month): 5580 people

(3) Seafood Set the number of potential users (month): 3100

(4) Seafood Fare revenue per month: 279,000 yuan


First stage: advertising, Internet advertising, leaflets, TV, magazines, newspapers, advertising, increasing its visibility, so that more people know our seafood hotel and its features.

Second stage: organizing special events, such as eating seafood eaters competition and so on.

Third stage: launch discounts, points to send gifts and other activities to promote consumer spending.s
























