Reaction to Pride and Prejudice浪漫与偏见读后感


Reaction to Pride and Prejudice

It is a great masterpiece of the famous British writer Jane Austen, which tells us a claasic love story .In the novel, Mrs. Bonnet, from a middle-class family has five daughters and she always wishes that all her five daughers can get married as soon as possible with someone healthy. Consequently, you can easily understand why she was desirable to ask her husband to visit Mr. Bingley and introduce their daughters to him. In Pride and Prejudice, it mainly describes five different values of marriage: true love, property, status, appearance, family. Marriage should be based on love, while it can’t have access to happiness when just based on money or appearance. And a deeper knowledge is needed when we start our affection . Exclude vanity and prejudice, and think about each other's moral character objectively, and we can know someone better and more exact---- only good moral character deserves real love. When Darcy pay for Lydia and Wickham’s wedding , he doesn’t want Elizabeth to know such thing. He does so just because he loves her and he doesn’t want any requite or takes this opportunity to dispel Elizabeth’s misunderstanding to him. The novel also describes the leading roles’pride, like Darcy and Elizabeth, they didn’t like each other at the first sight. What’s more, Mr. Collin considered it a kindness to ask a marriage with Elizabeth. I like Elizabeth best. She owns her views and behaves properly. When Collins expresses his love and wants to marry her, she can promptly refuse

though his mother urged her to say yes. Furthermore, when Darcy’s aunt arrogantly puts forward her requirement that Elizabeth should reject Darcy, she firmly turns down her offensive requirement. From the story of Darcy and Elizabeth, I also learn that we can judge in the way he likes, like what we like and hate what we hate, but we should be objective when we meet external world. When we make friends or make a marriage, we should focus more on his or her moral trait instead of appearance. We should let go of judgement, prejudice and rigid beliefs.

第二篇:Pride and Prejudice观后感

Pride and Prejudice

说实话,我和认识Pride and Prejudice有很长一段时间了。最开始接触于07年的那个假期,众所周知的放假的那段时间开始的确玩的很疯,然而到了后期难免有些无聊了,随后就和父亲到寺庙去居住了半个月,正是这半个月我无意中读到了很多有趣的书籍。毕竟山上的时间是无聊的。除却每日清晨的佛音铭铭,以及傍晚的木鱼声,一天基本是清清淡淡的。 犹记得当初读的是上海文联出版的王科一先生翻译的Pride and Prejudice,第一次读说实话是没有多少感觉的,草草略过。第二次是高中时我们文学社的老师给我们放的影片很老的那种。不过当时觉得特别有韵味。再加之毛老师在旁为我们解说一些让人难以理解的地方。算的上一次深读了。这次再见到心里多少有Pride and Prejudice些怀念与感慨的。 Pride and Prejudice里面我的很多朋友比较喜欢ElizabethElizabeth是的,漂亮,可爱,为人真诚大方。是很适合美好结局女主人公的形象的。特别是她对于美好爱情的憧憬以及对于利益婚姻的厌恶是很多人仰慕的对象。我呢,其实比较喜欢Darcy,Darcy的人品还是很不错的,特别是求婚被拒之后能够理解自己的错误从而改变自己的傲慢的性格这不得不让很多人对此肯定。其实我们仔细想想Darcy的性格其实是生活与生俱来的对于人的改变的正常现象,在那个时代那么富有的青年人

又帅气的确有很多值得骄傲的本钱的。想想我们现在的有钱子弟有些所作所为的确让人不敢苟同。然而Darcy在那种环境中能够很好的控制自己,不得不让人钦佩其良好的修养。欧洲的4世纪至14世纪整整1000年的时间欧洲是属于中世纪时期的。也是我们所说的黑暗时代。在那个时代充满了黑暗,剥削,战争,残酷。当然就如同恩格斯所说哪里有压迫哪里就有反抗。在那个时代还是出现了很多可歌可泣的英雄人物。他们以其所生之年的灿烂光辉一点点的照亮了整个黑暗时代的黎明。其中最让人觉得钦佩的就是骑士的7德, 谦卑,荣誉,牺牲,英勇,怜悯,精神,诚实!很显然我们从Darcy身上看到了他的怜悯对于Lydia Bennet和最终和韦克翰私奔,在达西的大力帮助下两人才能结婚。诚实他承认彬格莱不辞而别是他促使的,原因是他不满贝内特太太和贝内特小姐们的轻浮和鄙俗,欧洲很多人至今以绅士自居。以骑士的守则行事,但很少有人能做到,Darcy我个人觉得他还是能满足谦卑的形象的当然是在其认识到自己的错误从而改正错误以后。其实从他的待人接物以及和伊丽莎白的双亲的交谈中。我们不难发现他的确是一个休养很好的绅士。现在至少很少有这样的人了。

从Pride and Prejudice发现一个问题。欧洲的婚姻还是比较有自主权利的。可能应了那句话吧。私人财产神圣不可侵犯,自己的身体应该也算吧。从Pride and Prejudice,我们能够了解欧

洲的一些风俗人情以及他们的生活习惯。当然还有一些他们的地理风貌。其实从地理环境我们就可以看出他们和我们的不同点了。中华是个多高山丘陵的国度。美丽富饶。然而就比如两个人要吃一个果子。但是果子生长在高山上。一个人是无法独立完成这项生存游戏的。所以中国多仁义,多合作,多谦让,外国就不一样了。外国大部分处于平原。一个人就能很方便的采摘到果子。但是必然会引起不必要的麻烦。所以外国多交易,多争斗。我们从Pride and Prejudice里可以看出来。他们的聚会给我们的感觉是乱糟糟的。而中国的聚会一般情况是君子之交淡如水。还有他们的舞蹈。是很开放了。当然这是相对于我们古代来说。这就是我们与其他国家不同的地方。有好有坏,地方风俗罢了,也不必斤斤计较。所以达西能有几样我们能够喜欢的性格。确实不大容易了。Pride and Prejudice美好的结局也是外国小说里面少有的。Jane Austen的确算是一位奇女子了。整个Pride and Prejudice给我的感觉是非常良好的。轻松,欢快,一点点波折起伏,更添几分情趣。




Pride and Prejudice读后感


Pride and Prejudice读后感


Pride and Prejudice读后感


Pride and Prejudice读后感


Pride and Prejudice读后感


Pride and Prejudice读后感


Pride and Prejudice 读后感


Pride and prejudice 英文读后感


读书笔记 pride and prejudice


Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见读后感


Pride and Prejudice 英文读后感


Review of Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见读后感


pride and prejudice 读后感(45篇)