

Appreciation of the Poem “Ode to the

West Wind”

Class Name Student Number

1 0801 Zhao Xiaoning 2008030112

Abstract... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...( 3) 摘要... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...( 4)

1. Introduction... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ( 5)

2. Appreciation to the Ode to the West Wind… … … … … … … ( 5 )

3. Conclusion… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ( 6)

4. Bibliography… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ( 7 )



Ode to the West Wind is the most classical works of Shelley The poet came up with the thought when he is walking in a forest and a strong storm seemed to come soon. And the storm came together with wind and hails. In such weather Shelley thought of many things of the society. Under this atmosphere he wrote the poem “Ode to the West Wind”.

Key Words:

Lyric image aesthetics the west wind



《 西风颂》是雪莱最为经典的作品. 当诗人漫步于森林中,一场暴风雨即将来临,此时此景,诗人深有感触,当时正处于欧洲的革命风暴中,于是,千古名篇《西风颂》诞生了。



意象 美学 西风 4


Ode to the West Wind is written by Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792~1822) , the famous British democracy poet, to express revolutionary enthusiasm and victory faith . The poem was written in 1819 when he was living in Italian. It conveyed the spirit of the times.

It is safe to say that anyone who read the poem will be inspired an influenced by it. As Shelley wanted the belief of reform and revolution to be heared, the wind became the horn to call people to fight for their freedom. Meanwhile the poem is also a lyric poem which the poet use many symbols to express his belief.

2.Appreciation to the Ode to the West Wind

It consists of five cantos . The poem Ode to the West Windcan be divided in two parts: the first three cantos and a The last two cantos The three can to scribing the wind's effects upon earth, air, and ocean. The last two cantos are Shelley speaking directly to the wind, asking for its power, to lift him like a leaf, a cloud or a wave and make him its companion in its wanderings.

In the first canto,west wind crushes dry weeeds and smashes rotten woods on land, sweeps the seeds into earth at the same time, and the poet highlights it as the destroyer and preserver. The withered leaves and the west wind are the main images. However, one must not think of this ?Ode’ as an optimistic praise of the wind; it is clearly associated with autumn.

In the second canto, the west wind sweeps the residual cloud in the air , and brings out the storm clouds.The second canto of the poem is much more fluid than the first one. Shelley employs the following images : cloud、rain、and lighting. Angels of rain and lighting is rightly the storm of revolution brought by the west wind,here by employ personification, it express the majestic momentum of the west wind.

In the third canto,the poet mainly chants the west wind, carefully describes the 5

power of the west wind in land, sea and air. Here, the blue Mediterranean symbols the rulers of the time,but they are sleeping in the beautifully scenery,in the crystalline streams, in the azure moss and flowers. Therefore, this part further shows the powerful strengths of break of the west wind. From the last two rows, we can see the old power will perish. This part, the poet combine the main images,the west wind ,with seawater, huge waves and old palace to express that the old world must be replaced by he new world.

In the forth canto, with turning the point, Shelley turn from ode to the west wind to express emotions, to convey his willing to dance with the west wing. The poet express his yearning for meeting the windstorm as the flying withered leaves in the wind, floating clouds and tumbling waver did. The poet makes preparation for the theme: longing for fighting, hoping for the future.

The last canto is the high tide of the poem, in it Shelley furtherly express the wind will destroy everything. “What if my leaves are falling like its own” express the poet resolution to sacrifice for the revolution. In this canto, by using Subjunctive mood again, Shelley express his strong disire -- Be thou,Spirit fierce,My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one! The last sentence"if winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" is known by everyone. It pronounce to people the result of the west wind as a destroyer and preserver,which is that dark will soon pass,light is in sight. This canto fully express the poet's firm faith in revolution and optimism of revolution.


Generally speaking, this is a very great poem. From the surface the poet seems to praise the west wind but actually he is expressing his view of the revolution. The poem is hard for us to understand thoroughly, so I just show a little thing about my understands. In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Percy Bysshe Shelley use the power of the west wind to express his beliefs, to inspire his soul, to wake up people to fight. Especially this sentence " If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" has always be the slogan of the revolutioners.


4 Bibliography

[1] 李志斌、苏文菁《外国文学作品选》长江文学出版社,2012.

[2] 覃先美,李阳. 英美修辞学概论. 长沙:湖南师范大学出版社, 2006.

[3] 辛中华,雪莱《西风颂 》主题探索,内蒙古工业大学报.


第二篇:西风颂 赏析















朽,无情地摧毁旧世界,另一方面又在“鼓舞新生”,积极地在创建着美好的新世界。尽管雪莱对新世界的理解还比较空泛,还不可能突破空想社会主义的水平。 雪莱在歌唱西风。但他不是冷眼旁观的歌者,他强烈地热爱西风,向往西风,他以西风自喻,西风是他的灵魂,他的肉体,诗人和西风合而为一:




















Analysis of Percy Shelley?s “Ode to the West Wind”

In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence, by explaining that his thoughts and ideas, like the 'winged seeds' are trapped. The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world.

Shelley sees winter not just as the last season of vegetation but as the last phase of life. Shelley observes the changing of the weather from autumn to winter and its effects on the environment. Shelley is trying to show that a man?s ideas can spread and live on beyond his lifetime by having the wind carry his 'dead thoughts' which through destruction, will lead to a rebirth in the

imagination, and in the natural world. Shelley begins his poem by addressing the 'Wild West Wind'. He then introduces the theme of death and compares the dead leaves to 'ghosts'. The imagery of 'Pestilence-stricken multitudes' makes the reader aware that Shelley is addressing more than a pile of leaves. His claustrophobic mood is shown when he talks about the 'wintry bed' and 'The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low/ Each like a corpse within its grave, until/ Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow'. In the first line, Shelley used the phrase 'winged seeds' which presents i

. . .

The 'closing night' is used also to mean the final night. The 'pumice' shows destruction and creation because when the volcano erupts it destroys. This acts as an introduction and a foreshadow of what is to come later. ' also helps the reader prepare for the climax which Shelley intended. It seems that it is only in his death that the 'Wild Spirit' could be lifted 'as a wave, a leaf, a cloud' to blow free in the 'Wild West Wind'. The 'pumice' is probably Shelley's best example of rebirth. As the rising action continues, Shelley talks about the

'Mediterranean' and its 'summer dreams'. Again, he uses soft sounding words

to calm the reader into the same dream-like state of the Mediterranean. He then writes like a mourning song 'Of the dying year, to which this closing night/ Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre/ Vaulted with all they congregated might'. Percy sees his ?dome? as a volcano and when the 'dome' does 'burst,' it will act as a 'Destroyer and Preserver' and creator. In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Shelley uses the wind to represent driving change and a carrier for his ideas.



西风颂 英文读后感






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