Tess 苔丝的英文读书笔记



Chapter 1

On an evening in the latter part of May

Walk homeward

The pair of legs that carried him was rickety. ['rik?ti] 摇晃的;虚弱的;患佝偻病的 There was a bias in his gait. gait [ɡeit] n. 步法,步态

Give a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion.

A basket was slung upon his arm.

Nap 绒毛,打盹,孤注一掷

Hum a wandering tune

Smack [sm?k] n. 滋味;少量vt. 掴;用掌击

Knock about 四处漂泊

From pillar to post 四处奔走

Die out of knowledge

In the preceding spring

Vicissitude [vi'sisitju:d] 盛衰;变化无常

However, our impulses are too strong for our judgment sometimes.

Graven ['ɡreiv?n] 雕刻的;不可磨灭的

Make so bold as to do 冒昧地,擅自

Mendacious [men'dei??s] 说谎的;虚假的

Effigy ['efid?i] 雕像,肖像

Canopy ['k?n?pi] n. 天篷;苍穹vt. 用天蓬遮盖;遮盖

Chasten yourself with the thought of “how are the mighty fallen”

On the strength of 凭借,依据

In a profound reverie

Stripling ['stripli?] 年轻人,小伙子

Blinking 眨眼的,可恶的

Noggin ['n?ɡin] 小杯;少量饮料

Chapter 2

It is a vale whose acquaintance is best made by viewing it from the summits. Tract [tr?kt] 小册子;大片土地,地带;束

Calcareous [k?l'ke?ri?s] 钙质的,石灰质的

Paddock ['p?d?k] 围场;小牧场

Partake of 带有某种性质

Mantle ['m?ntl] n. 覆盖物;[地]地幔;斗篷 vt. 覆盖

Topographical [,t?p?'ɡr?fik?l] 地志的;地形学的(等于topographic)

Votive ['v?utiv] 奉献的;诚心祈求的

Blanch [bl?nt?] 漂白;使变白

Pallor ['p?l?] 青白;灰白;苍白(尤指脸色)

Cadaverous [k?'d?v?r?s] 尸体般的,苍白的

Boast of such a pronounced adornment

Turn her head at the exclamation

Brawny ['br?:ni] 强壮的;肌肉结实的

Factotum [f?k't?ut?m] 家务总管,杂务工

Tess Durbeyfield at this time of her life was a mere vessel of emotion untinctured by experience.

Consecutive [k?n'sekjutiv] 连续不断的;连贯的

Desultory ['des?lt?ri] 散漫的;不连贯的

Hoyden ['h?id?n] 顽皮的,淘气的n. 淘气姑娘,顽皮女孩

Lucre ['lju:k?] 收益;钱财;利润

Pedigree, ancestral skeletons, monumental record, the d’urberville lineaments, did not help Tess in her life’s battle as yet, even to the extent of attracting to her a dancing-partner over the heads of the commonest peasantry. So much for Norman blood unaided by Victorian lucre.

Leaven ['levn] vt. 使发酵;影响 vi. 渐变, 参杂

Chapter 3

Dislodge the incident from her consideration

Shake off her temporary sadness

Woo [wu:] 追求;向…求爱; vi. 求爱;恳求

Jar [d?ɑ:] n. 广口瓶;震动;刺耳声;罐 v 冲突;不一致;震惊;发刺耳声

A dreadful sting of remorse

Seething ['si:?i?] adj. 火热的,沸腾的v. 浸透;煮沸;激动(seethe的ing形式) Suds [s?dz] n. 肥皂水;泡沫 vt. 用肥皂水洗

The candle-flame stretched itself tall, and began jigging up and down;

Dribble ['dribl] 连击;使滴下;运球;vi. 滴下;流口水;n. n. 点滴;运球

Notation [n?u'tei??n] 符号;注释;记号法;乐谱

Bear sb no ill-will fro doing sth

Blithe [blai?] 愉快的;快乐无忧的

Sink into the ground with shame

Consumption [k?n's?mp??n] 消费;消耗;肺痨

Sodden ['s?d?n]adj. 浸透的;浸过酒的vt. 使浸透;使迷糊

The tears welling to her eyes

Extant [ek'st?nt, 'ekst?nt] 现存的;[古]显著的

Dismiss all the thought

Palpability可触知性;明白 Impalpability

Appurtenance [?'p?:tin?ns] 附加物,从属物

Shut her eyes to his defects of character

Folklore ['f?ukl?:] 民间传说;民俗学;民间风俗

Juxtapose [,d??kst?'p?uz] 并置;并列

All these young souls were passengers in the Durbeyfield ship---entirely dependent on the judgment of the two Durbeyfield adults for their pleasures, their necessities, their health, even their existence. If the heads of the Durbeyfield household chose to sail into difficulty, disaster, starvation, disease, degradation, death, thither were these half-dozen little captives under hatched compelled to sail with them---six helpless creatures, who had never been asked if they wished for life on any terms, much less if they wished for it on such hard conditions as were involved in being of the shiftless house of Durbeyfield.

Her mother’s fetching simply meant one more to fetch.

The night swallowed him up.

Chapter 4

Off-license 外卖执照

Overt ['?uv?:t, ?u'v?:t] 明显的;公然的;[律]蓄意的

Glib [ɡlib] 口齿伶俐的,油嘴滑舌的

Conclave ['k?nkleiv] 秘密会议;红衣主教团;[天主教]教皇选举会议

This is well to be kin to a coach, even if you don’t ride in them.

Try one’s fate in the Fortune-Teller 算命书

Tractable ['tr?kt?bl] 易于管教的;易驾驭的;易处理的;驯良的

Have fine prospects in stone 必将发生的

Hitch [hit?] n. 钩;蹒跚;故障 [口]搭便车;[俚]使结婚

Genuflection [d?enju: 'flek??n] 屈膝,服从

Nocturnal [n?k't?:n?l] 夜的;[音]夜曲的;夜间发生的

Lost in a vague interspace between a dream and this information

Look unequal to the emergency 不胜任

Lair [lε?] n. (野兽的)巢穴;躲藏处v 进入兽穴;使陷入泥潭;放于穴中

Somnolent [s?mn?l?nt] 瞌睡的,困倦的

Lapse into a pondering silence

Ever and anon 不时地

Prattle ['pr?tl] vi. 闲聊;胡说;小孩般说话 n. 无聊话;咿咿呀呀声

Impregnate ['impreɡneit] 使怀孕;灌输;浸透 adj. 充满的;怀孕的

Superfluous [sju'p?:flu?s] 多余的;不必要的;[废]奢侈的

Conterminous [k?n't ?:min?s] 邻接的,相连的

Mesh [me?] n. 网眼;网丝;复杂 vi. 相啮合

Consternation [,k?nst?'nei??n] 惊愕;惊惶失措;恐怖

Shaft [?ɑ:ft, ??ft] 拍杆;轴;箭杆;杆状物;vt. 利用;在……上装杆

Stark [stɑ:k] adj. 完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;僵直的;朴实的

The driver has been as good as his words.

Decrepitude [di'krepitju:d] 老弱,衰老,破旧

Discharge their griefs in loud blares


Chapter 5

Forthwith ['f?:θ'wi?] 立刻,立即;不犹豫地

Penury ['penjuri] 贫穷;贫困

Distress, if not penury, loomed in the distance.

Drag her parents into this quagmire

Broach [br?ut?] 提出;钻孔;首次提及;给…开口 n. 凿子;钻头;胸针(等于brooch) Take the ups with the downs

Deferential [,def?'ren??l] 恭敬的;惯于顺从的

Beholden [bi'h?uld?n] 负有义务的;蒙恩的;受惠的;对…表示感谢的

Sententious [sen'ten??s] 简洁的,说教的,充满格言警句的

Reticulate [ri'tikjul?t, -leit, ri'tikjuleit] 网状的; 使成网状

Every day seemed to throw upon her young shoulders more of the family burdens. By hook and by crook 不择手段地

Bailiff [beilif] 地主管家

Trepidation [,trepidei??n] 惊恐;恐惧;忧虑;颤抖

Pollard ['p?l?d] 截去树梢的树;角被割下的动物; 将……截角;将……去梢

Shamble [??mbl] 蹒跚地走;摇晃不稳;摇摇晃晃地走

Bald [b?:ld] adj. 秃顶的;单调的;光秃的;无装饰的 vi. 变秃

Appertain [,?p?'tein] 属于;和……有关,有关系

Discomfiture [dis'K?mfit??] 尴尬,狼狈,困窘,难堪 Swarthy [sw?: ?i] 黝黑的,黑皮肤的

Confound [k?n'faund] 挫败;使混淆;讨厌;使不知所措

Namesake ['neimseik] 名义;同名物;同名的人

Hieroglyphic [,hai?r?u'ɡlifik] 象形文字;象形文字写的文章adj. 象形文字的;难解的 Spurious ['spju?ri?s] 假的;伪造的;欺骗的

Ludicrous ['lju:dikr?s] 滑稽的;荒唐的

Bland [bl?nd] 乏味的;冷漠的;温和的使…变得淡而无味;除掉…的特性

Conservatory [k?n's?:v?,t?:ri] 温室;音乐学校adj. 有保存力的;保存性的

Grub [ɡr?b] vi. 翻掘;搜寻;挖土 n. 蛆,幼虫;[俚]食物

Rivet ['rivit] n. 铆钉 vt. 铆接;固定;(把目光、注意力等)集中于

In the ill-judged execution of the well-judged plan of things the call seldom produces the comer, the man to love rarely coincides with the hour for loving. Nature does not often say “See!” to her poor creature at a time when seeing can lead to a happy doing; or reply “Here!” to a body’s cry of “Where?” till the hide and seek has become an irksome, outworn game.

Acme ['?kmi] 顶点,极点;最高点

Anachronism [?'n?kr?niz?m] 时代错误;不合潮流的人或物

Jolt [d??ult] 使颠簸;使摇动;使震惊 vi. 颠簸而行;摇晃

Crass [kr?s] 非常的;愚钝的;粗鲁的

Obtuse [?b'tju:s] 圆头的;不锋利的;迟钝的

Chapter 6

Pointed ['p?intid] adj. 尖的;锐利的;突出的;率直的

Prefigurative [pri:'figjur?tiv] 预示的,预兆的,

Steep [sti:p] adj. 陡峭的;夸大的;不合理的;急剧升降的 vt. 浸;泡;使…充满 Banter ['b?nt?] n. (善意的)戏谑;逗弄 vt. 善意地取笑;逗弄

Smiles breaking from every inch of her person

Nuptial [n?p??l] 婚礼的,结婚的,动物交配季节的

Onerous ['?n?r?s, '?u-] 繁重的;麻烦的;负有义务的;负有法律责任的

Matrimonial [,m?tri'm?unj?l] 婚姻的;与婚姻有关的;根据结婚的惯例的

Chapter 7

Grove [ɡr?uv] 小树林;果园

Easel ['i:z?l] 画架;黑板架

Wont w?unt, w?nt, w?nt] n. 习惯;惯常活动 adj. 习惯于vi. 习惯,惯常

Bedeck [bi'dek] 装饰;修饰

Acclivity [?'kliv?ti] 上行坡

Declivity [di'kliv?ti] 斜坡,倾斜

So the girls and their mother all walked together, a child on each side of Tess, holding her hand, and looking at her meditatively from time to time, as at one who was about to do great things; her mother just behind with the smallest; the group forming a picture of honest beauty flanked by innocence, and backed by simple souled vanity.

Varnish ['vɑ:ni?] n. 虚饰;光泽面; vt. 装饰,粉饰;在…上涂清漆;使…有光泽 Something seemed to quick her to a determination.

Lower the corners of his lips

Chapter 8

Alec chatted compliments to Tess.

Whiff [hwif] vt. 喷出;吸 n. 一点点;单人小划艇;琴鲆属鱼;吸气或吹气

Take my word for it 相信我的话

Oblique [?'bli:k, ?'blaik] adj. 斜的;不光明正大的n. 倾斜物 vi. 倾斜

Raillery [reil?ri] 善意的嘲笑,戏弄

Go from your word 说话不算数

She implored, a big tear beginning to roll down her face, and the corners of her mouth trembling in her attempts not to cry.

Snub [sn?b] vt. 冷落;严厉斥责;掐灭 n. 冷落;斥责;突然的停止

Her eyes lit in defiant triumph.

Her strategic silence confirmed his suspicion.

Forfeit ['f?:fit] n. 罚金;没收物adj. 因受罚而丧失的;被没收的vt.丧失

Vacillate ['v?sileit] 犹豫;踌躇;摇摆 vacillating

Disconcert the whole scheme for the rehabilitation of her family

Chapter 9

Purveyor [p?'vei?]n. 承办商;伙食承办商;供应粮食者;供应货物或提供服务的人或公司 Parasite ['p?r?sait] 食客;寄生虫; 攀爬植物

Feel it almost as a slight to their family 轻蔑

Sedate [si'deit] adj. 安静的;沉着的vt. 给…服镇静剂

Almost before her misgiving at the news could find time to shape itself she did… Ornate [?:'neit] 华丽的;装饰的;(文体)绚丽的

Ensconce [in'sk?ns] 安置;安顿下来;使…隐藏

She had the mobile face frequent in those whose face has decayed by stages, has been laboriously striven after, and reluctantly let go, rather than the stagnant mien apparent in persons long sightless or born blind.

Comb [k?um] n. 鸡冠;梳子;蜂巢 vt. 梳头发;梳毛vi.(浪)涌起

Enact [i'n?kt] 扮演;颁布;制定法律

Pantomime ['p?nt?maim] n. 哑剧;手势;舞剧 vi. 演哑剧;打手势vt. 打手势;演哑剧 Wrinkle and twitch her face into undulations

Repugnance [ri'p?ɡn?ns] 厌恶;反感;不一致,抵触

She gathered that no great affection flowed between the blind woman and her son. But in

that, too, she was mistaken. Mrs. d’Urberville was not the first mother compelled to love her offspring resentfully, and to be bitterly fond.

Suit the action to the word 一边讲,一边示范

Her face put on a sculptural severity.

Pliable ['plai?bl] 柔软的;易曲折的;柔韧的;顺从的

Disjoint [dis'd??int] vt. 解体;使脱臼vi. 脱臼;解体; 脱节

Chapter 10

Idiosyncrasy [,idi?'si?kr?si] 气质;风格;特质

Staple ['steipl] n. 订书钉;主要产品;主题 adj. 主要的, vt. 把…分级;钉住 Dyspeptic [dis'peptik,-k?l] adj. 消化不良的;患胃病的;胃弱的 n. 消化不良者 Fusty ['f?sti] 发霉的;守旧的,老式的

Roving n. 粗纱 adj. 徘徊的;流动的

Nimbus ['nimb?s] n. [气]雨云;光轮;(人和物产生的)灵气;光辉灿烂的气氛 Adventitious [?dven'ti??s] 外来的,附加的

Confide her trouble to him

Straggle ['str?ɡl] vi. 迷路;落伍,掉队;四散,蔓延 n. 散乱

Virago [vi'ra:g?u] 悍妇

Dub [d?b] vt. [电影]配音;授予称号;轻点;打击 n. 笨蛋;鼓声

Progress in scattered order

Akimbo [?'kimb?u] 叉着腰的

A Chinaman’s queue 辫子

Slimy ['slaimi] 黏滑的;泥泞的;谄媚的,虚伪的

Treacle [tri:kl] 糖浆;糖蜜

Convulsion [k?n'v?l??n] 惊厥;震动;震撼;动乱

Smolder ['sm?uld?] vi. 闷烧;郁积 n. 闷烧;阴燃

Lusty ['l?sti] 精力充沛的;健壮的

Square up at sb. 准备打架

Vituperation 辱骂,责骂;骂人话

Animus ['?nim?s] 敌意;意图;基本态度;

Fatuous ['f?tju?s] 愚笨的;昏庸的;发呆的;自满的

Rollick [rolik] 嬉戏,欢闹

Browbeat ['braubi:t] 恫吓,吓唬;欺侮

Jiffy ['d?ifi, d?if] 一会儿,瞬间

Reveler ['rev?l?] 饮酒狂欢者;摆设酒宴者;欢宴者,狂欢者

Out of the frying-pan into the fire. 一出煎锅就掉进火里。

Betake to 前往

Erratic [i'r?tik] adj. 不稳定的;古怪的 n. 漂泊无定的人;古怪的人

Chapter 11

Canter ['k?nt?] n. 慢跑;流浪汉vi. 慢跑 vt. 使慢跑

Frigidity [fri'd?iditi] 性冷淡;寒冷;冷淡

Amble ['?mbl] vi. (马)缓行;从容漫步 n. (马的)缓行步态;漫步

Steed [sti:d] 马;战马,骏马

Stirrup ['st?:r?p, 'sti-] 马镫;镫形物;[建]箍筋

Put Tess on the defensive

Reprisal [ri'praiz?l] 报复(行为);报复性劫掠

Draw a quick pettish breath of objection

Sidle [saidl] vi. 侧身而行;悄悄贴近n. 侧走;挨近

Unconscionable 不合理的

Pull open his fingers one by one

He stole a cursory kiss.

Puffy ['p?fi]一阵阵吹的;胀大的;蓬松的

Clear his genuine doubt as to

Jaded ['d?eidid] adj. 厌倦的;疲倦不堪的 v. 变得疲倦;厌倦(jade的过去分词) Hasten his search for landmarks

Why is it that upon this beautiful feminine tissue, sensitive as gossamer, and particularly blank as snow as yet, there should have been traced such a coarse pattern as it was doomed to receive; why so often the coarse appropriates the fiver thus, the wrong man the woman, the wrong woman the man, many thousand years of analytical philosophy have failed to explain to our sense of order.

Retribution [,retri'bju:??n] 报应;惩罚;报答;报偿

Fray [frei] n. 争论;打架;磨损处 vt. 使磨损;变得令人紧张、急躁

But though to visit sins of the fathers upon the children may be a morality good enough for divinities, it is scorned by average human nature; and it therefore does not mend the matter.

Chasm ['k?z?m] 裂口;深坑;峡谷;分歧;鸿沟

Chapter 12

Amalgamate [?'m?lɡ?meit] vi. 合并;汞齐化;调制汞合金 vt. 合并;混合

She had learned that the serpent hisses where the sweet bird sing.

Slip away by stealth

The journey was continued with broken unemotional conversation.

Latent ['leit?nt] 潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的

Did it ever strike your mind…?

Pay to the uttermost farthing

Perfunctory [p?'f??kt?ri] 敷衍的;马虎的;得过且过的

Sad October and her sadder self seemed the only two existences haunting that lane. Propinquity [pr?u'pi?kwiti] 接近;邻近;近亲关系

The word was driven well home to the reader’s heart.

Wriggle ['riɡl] 蠕动;蜿蜒而行 vt. 使蠕动;蠕动到;不知不觉地潜入

Edification [,edifi'kei??n] 教诲;启迪;精神修养

Reiterate [ri:'it?reit] 重申;反复地做

Wince [wins] vi. 畏缩,退避 n. 畏缩;脸部肌肉的抽搐

Succumb [s?'k?m] 屈服;被压垮;死

He was dust and ashes her.

Chapter 13

Bogus ['b?uɡ?s] adj. 伪造的;假的n. 伪币

Starch [stɑ:t?] n. [化]淀粉;刻板,生硬 vt. 给…上浆

How that best frock do set her off! 衬托出

Set her friends right on the matter

Evanescent [,i:v?'nes?nt] 容易消散的;逐渐消失的;会凋零的 transient

Innuendo [,inju:'end?u] n. 暗讽,讽刺;影射v 暗示,旁敲侧击地表达

Revive Tess’s spirits

Spasmodic [sp?z'modik] 痉挛的,抽搐的;间歇的,一阵阵的

Drag her heart out of her bosom

Bier [bi?] 棺材;尸架;棺材架

Word the thought 用言语表达思想

To a hair’s breadth 丝毫不差

Accretion [?'kri:??n] 增加物;连生;添加;冲积层

Flexuous [fleksju?s] 弯弯曲曲的,不稳定的,易变的

Encompass [in'k?mp?s] 包围,环绕;包含;完成

Shred [?red] n. 碎片;少量剩余;最少量;破布vt. 切成条状;用碎纸机撕毁

She looked upon herself as a figure of Guilt intruding into the haunts of Innocence.

Chapter 14

Fleece ['fli:s] n. 羊毛,绒头织物;羊毛制的覆盖物 vt. 剪下羊毛;欺诈,剥削

Covert ['k?v?t] n. 隐藏处;树丛;蔽覆羽翮基部的羽毛 adj. 隐密的;偷偷摸摸的; Heliolatry [hi:li'ol?tri] 太阳崇拜

Chink [t?i?k] n. 裂缝;叮当声;裂口 vi. 叮当响

Hard by 在…附近,旁边

Smear [smi?] 弄脏;涂上;诽谤;把…擦模糊n. 涂片;污点;诽谤; 被弄脏

Concatenation 连结,链系

Stubble ['st?bl] 残株;发茬,须茬

Fastness ['fɑ:stnis] 巩固;牢固;不褪色;要塞;堡垒;迅速

Ephemeral [i'fem?r?l] adj. 短暂的;朝生暮死的n. 只生存一天的事物

Sheaf [?i:f] n. 捆;束;扎 vt. 捆;束;扎

A field-man is a personality afield; a field-woman is a portion of the field; she has somehow lost her own margin, imbibed the essence of her surrounding, and assimilated herself with it.

Seduce causal attention

Scarify ['skε?rifai, 'sk?-]在…上划痕;乱划;严厉批评

Beseech [bi'si:t?] 恳求,哀求;乞求,急切地要求得到

Come to a resolve to do sth.

Remunerative [ri'mju:n?r?tiv] 有报酬的,有利的

Convexity 凸面,凸状

Ply [plai] vt. 使用,不住地使用;折,弯;从事 vi. 辛勤工作;定期地来往(船、车等) Fall into animated talk

Dandle [d?ndl] 上下抖动逗乐,宠爱

Taste anew sweet independence at any price

The past was past; whatever it had been it was no more at hand. Whatever its consequences, time would close over them; they would all in a few years be as if they had never been, and she herself grassed down and forgotten. Meanwhile the trees were just as green as before; the birds sang and the sun shone as clearly as ever. The familiar surroundings had not darkened because of her grief, nor sickened because of her pain. Plunge into a misery

Smudge [sm?d?] vt. 弄脏,涂污;用浓烟熏 n. 污点,污迹;烟熏火堆

She rocked herself upon the bed.

Quaint [kweint] 离奇有趣的;奇怪的;古雅的;做得很精巧的

Lurid ['lju?rid] 火烧似的;可怕的,耸人听闻的;苍白的;血红的;华丽而庸俗的 Supplication [,s?pli'kei??n] 恳求;祈祷

Blemish ['blemi?] n. 缺点;瑕疵;污点 vt. 玷污;弄脏;损害

Immaculate [i'm?kjul?t] 完美的;无瑕疵的;洁净的

Regal ['ri:ɡ?l] 帝王的;王室的;豪华的;庄严的

Lisp [lisp]n. 口齿不清;咬舌发音v. 咬舌讲话;说话口齿不清

Apotheosize [?'poθi?saiz] 颂扬

Waif [weif] 无家可归者,流浪儿

Botch [b?t?] vt. 糟蹋;拙笨地修补;拙劣地拼凑 n. 难看的补缀;笨拙的工作

Untoward [,?nt?'w?:d] adj. 不幸的;麻烦的;倔强的;困难的


Chapter 15

“By experience,” says Roger Ascham, “we find out a short way by a long wandering.” Not seldom that long wandering unfits us for further travel, and of what use is our experience to us then?

Gnomic ['n?umik] 含格言的;精辟的

Be imposed on 被利用

There would be nothing singular to their minds in the statement.

Symbols of reflectiveness passed into her face, and a note of tragedy at times into her voice.

Obliterate [?'blit?reit] 消灭;涂去;冲刷;忘掉

Chastity ['t??st?ti] 纯洁;贞洁;简洁

Was once lost always lost really true of chastity?

Recuperative [ri'kjup?retiv] 复原的

Address inquires to sb.

Radius ['reidi?s] 半径,半径范围;辐射光线;有效航程;桡骨

Chapter 16

On an thyme-scented, bird-hatching morning in May

Heath [hi:θ] 石南,石南植物;荒野

Feel akin to the landscape

She found herself on a summit commanding the long-sought-for vale.

Verdant verdant ['v?:d?nt] 青翠的;翠绿的;没有经验的;不老练的

Myriad ['miri?d] adj. 无数的;种种的n. 无数,极大数量;无数的人或物

Lea [li:] 草地

Speckle ['spekl] vt. 弄上斑点;点缀n. 斑点

Burgher ['b?:ɡ?] 市民(现主要指某些欧洲国家中产阶级的市民或镇民);公民

Dun [d?n] n. 讨债者;催促者 adj. 微暗的;暗褐色的 vt. 催讨

Kine [kain] 雌牛;电视显像管

Ethereal [i'θi?ri?l] 天上的;轻的;象空气的

Wader ['weid?] 涉禽;涉水者,跋涉者;长筒防水靴

Invidious [in'vidi?s] 诽谤的;不公平的;引起反感的;易招嫉妒的

Her face had latterly changed with changing states of mind, continually fluctuating between beauty and ordinariness, according as the thoughts were gay or grave. Psalter [so:lt?] 诗篇

Rhapsody ['r?ps?di] 狂诗;[音]狂想曲

While there’s life there’“betrayed”some amiable theorists would have us believe.

Phlegmatically 冷静的;冷淡的

Gloss [ɡl?s] n. 注释;光彩;假象vt. 注释;使光彩;掩盖

Pharaoh [fe?r?u] 法老

Succulent ['s?kjul?nt] adj. 多汁的;多水分的;多汁性的 n. 多汁植物;肉质植物 Ponderous ['p?nd?r?s] 笨重的;沉闷的;呆板的

Udder udder ['?d?] 牛、羊等的)乳房

Chapter 17

Patten ['p?t?n] 一种西洋套鞋,木套鞋

Mulch [m?lt?] n. 覆盖物,护盖物;护根 vt. 做护根;以护盖物覆盖

Apprise [?'praiz] 通知;报告

Rambling ['r?mbli?] adj. 漫步的;闲聊的;蔓生的 v. 漫步;散漫的说话

Her zest and willingness seemed to win him over.

Victuals [vitl] 食物

Battalion [b?'t?lj?n] 大队的人

Anatomical 解剖的

Stave [steiv] n. 狭板;梯级;诗句;五线谱表; 击穿;延缓;凿孔于;压扁vi. 破碎;穿孔 Not but what 虽然

Give ear to sth. 倾听

A sort of smile stole over the bull’s face

Breech [bri:t?, brit?] n. 臀部;后膛 vt. 给…穿上裤子;给…装上炮尾

Leery ['li?ri] 机敏的;狡猾的;猜疑的;送秋波的

Call to mind

Interlocutor [int?'lokt?] 对话者

Clog [kl?ɡ] v. 阻塞;障碍; 沾满 n. 障碍;木底鞋

The flood of memories brought back by this revival of an incident anterior to her troubles produced a momentary dismay.

Novice ['n?vis] 初学者,新手

Whey 乳清

Chapter 18

Peremptory [p?'rempt?ri] 强制的;绝对的;断然的;专横的

Allude to the matter

The church refuses to liberate her mind from an untenable redemptive theolatry. Tenable ['ten?bl] (主张等)站得住脚的;可维持的

Redemptive [ri'demptiv] 赎回的;赎身的;挽回的

Stultify ['st?ltifai] 使变无效;使显得愚笨;使无价值

Construe [k?n'stru:, 'k?nstru:] vt. 解释;分析;翻译 vi. 作文法性的分析

Stint [stint] n. 节约;定额,定量 vt. 节省;限制 vi. 紧缩,节省

Evince considerate indifference to social reforms and observance

He was carried off his head.

Mundane [,m?n'dein] 世俗的,平凡的;世界的,宇宙的

Strum upon an old harp

Hodge 乡下人

Dummy ['d?mi] adj. 假的;虚拟的 n. 仿制品;傀儡;哑巴

Hobnob ['h?bn?b] vi. 交谈;共饮;过从甚密;亲切交谈 n. 交谈;共饮

At the oust 起初时

Wanton ['w?nt?n, 'w?:n-] adj. 嬉戏的;繁茂的;荒唐的n. 荡妇vi.放肆;闲荡 vt. 挥霍 Foible ['f?ibl] n. 弱点;小缺点;癖好

Churn [t??:n] vi. 搅动;搅拌vt. 搅动;搅拌n. 搅乳器

Soot [su:t, sut] n. 煤烟,烟灰 vt. 用煤烟熏黑;以煤烟弄脏

Phantasmal [f?n't?zm?l] 幻影的

Rum [r?m] adj. 古怪的;奇特的 n. 朗姆酒

Contiguous [k?n'tiɡju?s] adj. 接触的;邻近的;连续的

Chapter 19

Predilection [,pri:di'lek??n] 偏爱,嗜好


ostensible [?s'tens?bl] 假装的;表面的

polychrome 多色的

pollen ['p?lin] vt. 传授花粉给n. 花粉

hobble ['h?bl] vi. 蹒跚;跛行 vt. 使跛行 n. 跛行步态;束缚

Experience is as to intensity, and not as to duration. Tess’s passing corporal blight had been her mental harvest.

Woebegone 愁眉苦脸的

By rote 死记硬背

Ebullition [eb?'li??n] 情感迸发

In an excess of hunger for his good opinion, she bethought herself as what she had latterly endeavored to forget.

Fallow ['f?l?u] adj. 休耕的;不活跃的 n. 休耕地;休耕 vt. 使(土地)休闲;潜伏

Chapter 20

Rays from the sunrise drew forth the buds and stretched them into long stalks, lifted up sap into noiseless streams, opened petals and sucked out scents in invisible jets and


Cramp [kr?mp] n. 铁夹钳;绞痛vt.以铁箍扣紧;束缚,限制adj.难解的;受限制的 Convenance [kunv?'nons] 得体的行为,习惯性礼节

Threadbare ['θredbε?] 磨破的;衣衫褴褛的;乏味的;俗套的

Modish ['m?udi?] 流行的;时髦的

The sapling which had rooted down to a poisonous stratum on the spot of its sowing had been transplanted to a deeper soil.

Apparition [,?p?'ri??n] 幽灵;幻影;鬼怪;离奇出现的东西

Crescent ['kres?nt] n. 新月;新月状物; adj. 新月形的;逐渐增加的 vt. 以新月形物装饰; Aqueous ['eikwi?s] 水的,水般的

Inceptive 开始的 Regnant 统治的 Askance 斜着眼睛的

Scintillate [sintileit] 发火花,闪耀,闪烁

Slovenly [sl?v?nli] 邋遢的

Mince [mins] vt. 切碎;矫揉做作地说vi. 装腔作势;碎步走 n. 切碎物


Chapter 21

Cylinder ['silind?]汽缸;圆筒;圆柱状物;柱面

Almanac ['?:lm?n?k] 年鉴;历书;年历

I have a big bone to pick with him.

Bullyrag 恐吓

Ravage ['r?vid?] vt. 毁坏;掠夺;破坏 n. 蹂躏,破坏 vi. 毁坏;掠夺

Reminiscence [remi'nis?ns] 对往事的回忆,怀旧

Fag [f?ɡ] n. 苦工;疲劳vt. 使劳累 vi. 努力地工作

Dog-days 三伏天

Jovial ['d??uvi?l] 天性快活的;主神朱庇特的

Auburn ['?:b?n] n. 赤褐色 adj. 赤褐色的,赭色的

A rosy spot came into the middle of Izz Huett’s cheek.

This conversation was another of the bitter pills she had been obliged to swallow that day.

Chapter 22

Twang [tw??] n. 鼻音;弦声;长久附着不散的异味vi. 发拨弦声;带鼻音讲话;砰然一声 Noxious ['n?k??s] 有害的;有毒的;败坏道德的;讨厌的

Inimical [i'nimik?l] 敌意的;有害的

Pungency ['p?nd??nsi] 辛辣;刺激性;尖刻

Demure [di'mju?] 严肃的;端庄的;娴静的;假装正直的

Excruciate [ik'skru:?ieit] 使苦恼;施酷刑;折磨

Privateer 四下寻找,巡航

Chapter 23

Opiate ['?upi?t, -eit, '?upieit] n. 鸦片制剂;麻醉剂adj. 含鸦片的;安眠的 vt. 用鸦片麻醉 Deluge ['delju:d?] n. 洪水;暴雨;泛滥 vt. 使泛滥;压倒

Coquet [k?u'ket] 调情,谈情说爱

Four hearts gave a big throb simultaneously.

Controversialist 争论者

Gauzy 透明的

Aviary ['eivj?ri] 鸟类饲养场;大型鸟舍

Souse [saus] n. 盐汁;腌货 vt. 腌制;弄醉;把…浸入水vi. 被浸透;喝醉adv. 扑通地 She quietly and dreamily lowered herself into his arms, and Angle methodically marched off with her.

Methodical [mi'θ?dik?l] 有方法的;有系统的

Proximity [pr?k'simiti] 亲近,接近;邻近

Contemn [k?n'tem] 侮辱;蔑视

Magnanimous [m?ɡ'n?nim?s] 宽宏大量的;有雅量的;宽大的

Billow ['bil?u] n. 巨浪vi. 翻腾 vt. 使翻腾

No definite words of love had crossed their lips as yet.

Her friends were looking with round thoughtful eyes at them.

Supplant [s?'plɑ:nt, -'pl?nt] 代替;排挤掉

Lose one’s heart to sb.

The air of the sleeping- chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the girls. They writhed feverishly under the oppressiveness of an emotion thrust on them by cruel Nature’s law- an emotion which they had neither expected not desired. The incident of the day had fanned the flame that was burning the inside of their hearts out, and the torture was almost more than they could endure.

Infatuation [in,f?tju'ei??n] 迷恋;醉心

Sordid ['s?:did] 肮脏的;卑鄙的;利欲熏心的;色彩暗淡的

Dolorous ['d?l?r?s] 忧伤的;悲痛的

After this disclosure Tess nourished no further foolish thought that there lurked any grave and deliberate import in Clare’s attention to her.


Chapter 24

Ferment [f?:'ment, 'f?:ment] n. 酵素;发酵;动乱vi. 发酵;动乱vt.使动乱;酝酿 Enervate ['en?:veit, i'n?:vit] vt. 使衰弱;使失去活力 adj. 衰弱的;无力的

Swoon [swu:n] vi. 昏晕;惊讶;着迷 n. 昏晕;狂喜

Purl [p?:l] n. 潺潺地声;漩涡;流苏 v. 用反针编织;用金银丝绣

And as Clare was oppressed by the outward heats, so was he burdened inwardly by waxing fervor of passion for the soft and silent Tess.

Pulverize ['p?lv?raiz] 使成粉末;研磨;粉碎

Obsequious [?b'si:kwi?s, ?b-] 谄媚的;奉承的;顺从的

Diurnal [dai'?:n?l] adj. 白天的;每日的,一日间的 n. [经]日记账;日报,日刊 Iteration [,it?'rei??n] 重复;反复;迭代

And it was the touch of the imperfect upon the would-be perfect that gave the sweetness, because it was that which gave the humanity.

Qualm [kw?:m, kwɑ:lm] 疑虑;不安

Prosaic [pr?u'zeiik] 平凡的,乏味的;散文体的

Immemorial [,imi'm?:ri?l] 无法追忆的;远古的,古老的

Presume upon your defenselessness 利用

Sunder ['s?nd?] vt. 切开;切断 vi. 分离;断开

Chapter 25

Sultry [s?ltri] 闷热的

Feeling had indeed smothered judgment that day.

Alcove ['?lk?uv] 凹室;壁龛

Apostrophize [?'p?ustr?faiz] 使用称呼

Volcanically 火山般地

Reconnoiter [,rek?'n?it?, ,ri:-] vt. 侦察,勘查 vi. 侦察,探究

Pachydermatous 迟钝的

Muffle ['m?fl] vt. 蒙住;抑制;发低沉的声音 n. 低沉的声音;消声器;包裹物 Staunch [st?:nt?, stɑ:nt?] adj. 坚固的;坚定的;忠诚的 vt. 止住;止血

Renunciative 脱离关系的

Nadir ['nei,di?] 天底;最低点,最底点

Zenithal 近天顶的

Prig [priɡ] 一本正经的人;[俚]小偷 Prude [pru:d] 拘守礼仪的人;故做正经的女人

Domiciliary 住所的

Sedulous ['sedjul?s, -d?ul?s] 勤勉的;勤苦工作的;聚精会神的

Offshoot 旁支

Devolution [,di:v?'lju:??n] 委付;相传,转移;依次;落下

Dryly ['draili] 干燥地;冷淡地;枯燥无味地

Grill [ɡril] vt. 烧,烤;烤问 vi. 烧,烤;严加盘问 n. 烤架,铁格子;烤肉 Delirium [di'liri?m] 精神错乱;发狂,狂热;说谵语状态

Mead [mi:d] 蜂蜜酒;[诗]草地

Lucid ['lju:sid] 易懂的;明晰的;透明的;头脑清楚的

Chapter 26

Flummery 俗套

Ecclesiastical [ikli:?stik?l] 教会的

Specious ['spi:??s] 似是而非的;外表美观的;华而不实的;徒有其表的

Chaste [t?eist] 贞洁的;有道德的;纯洁的;朴素的

Vestal [vestl] 处女

Parlance ['pɑ:l?ns] 说法;用语;语调;发言

Propagate ['pr?p?ɡeit] vt. 传播;繁殖;传送;宣传vi. 增殖;繁殖

Palatable ['p?l?t?bl] 美味的,可口的;愉快的;合意的

His squareness would not fit the round hole that had been prepared for him. Pernicious [p?'ni??s] 有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的

Abnegation [,?bni'ɡei??n] 拒绝;放弃;克制

Incense ['insens] vt. 向…焚香;使…发怒 n. 香;奉承 vi. 焚香

Revile [ri'vail] vt. 辱骂;斥责 vi. 辱骂;谩骂

Sanguine ['s??ɡwin] 乐观的;满怀希望的;面色红润的vt. 血染;以血沾污 血红色 Dogma ['d?ɡm?] 教条,教理;武断的意见

Chapter 27

Garish ['ɡε?ri?] 炫耀的;过分装饰的;过分鲜艳的

Knoll [n?ul] 小山

Sap [s?p] n. 树液;活力;坑道;精力,元气 vt. 使衰竭,使伤元气;挖掘以破坏基础 Alluvial [?'lju:vi?l] 冲积的

Splint [splint] n. 夹板;薄木条;薄金属片 vt. 用夹板固定

Grunt [ɡr?nt] n. 呼噜声;咕哝vi. 作呼噜声;发哼声vt. 咕哝着说

Swelter ['swelt?] n. 闷热;热得难受vi. 被暑气所苦;热得难受vt. 使闷热;使中暑 Bespeak [bi'spi:k] 表示;预约;证明;预示;显示

Filmy ['filmi] 朦胧的;薄膜的;薄的

Careworn ['kε?w?:n] 忧心忡忡的;饱经忧患的;疲倦的

Corollary [k?'r?l?ri] 推论;必然的结果

Subterfuge [s?bt?fju: d?] 托词

Imbibe [im'baib] 喝;吸收,接受;吸入

Melodious [mi'l?udj?s]旋律优美的;悦耳的

Lax [l?ks] n. 松元音;泻肚 adj. 松懈的;松的;腹泻的

Wallow ['w?l?u] vi. 打滚;颠簸;沉迷 n. 打滚;堕落;泥坑

Scald [sk?:ld] vt. 烫伤;烫洗;加热;晒焦 vi. 烫伤;烫洗;煮沸

Chapter 28

Carking 烦人的

Rue [ru:] vi. 后悔;悲伤vt. 后悔;懊悔n. 芸香;[古]后悔

Circumspect ['s?:k?mspekt] 慎重的;细心的,周到的

Coquette [k?'ket] vi. 卖弄风情;调情 n. 卖弄风情的女人

In reality, she was drifting into acquiescence. Every see-saw of her breath, every wave of her blood, every pulse singing in her ears, was a voice that joined with nature in revolt against her scrupulousness.

Overwrought [,?uv?'r?:t, '?uv?'r?:t] adj. 过度紧张的;过度兴奋的;过分劳累的;(文体等)过于考究的v. 工作过度;把…做过头;使过于激动(overwork的过去式和过去分词) Incessant [in'ses?nt] 不断的;不停的;连续的


Chapter 29

With a riddling gaze round upon the munching men and women

Sally ['s?li] 出击;突围;(感情等)迸发;俏皮话;远足 vi. 突围;出发

Mirth [m?:θ] 欢笑;高兴;欢乐

Irrigate ['iriɡeit] vt. 灌溉;冲洗;使清新 vi. 灌溉;冲洗

Gully ['ɡ?li] n. 冲沟;水沟 vt. 在…上开沟 vi. 形成沟

Brandish ['br?ndi?] vt. 挥舞;炫耀 n. 挥舞

Farrow ['f?r?u] n. 一窝小猪vt. 产(仔猪) vi. 产小猪 adj. (母牛)未怀孕的 Tutelary 真诚的


Equinox ['i:kwin?ks] 春分;昼夜平分点;秋分

She tried to smile away the seriousness of her words.

Roguish 淘气的

Intrepid [in'trepid] 无畏的;勇猛的;勇敢的

Immolate ['im?uleit] 牺牲;献祭;为供神而宰杀

Muggy ['m?ɡi] 闷热的;潮湿的

Habiliment 衣服

Relinquish [ri'li?kwi?] 放弃;让渡;放手

Chapter 30

Notch [n?t?] n. 刻痕,凹口;峡谷;等级 vt. 赢得;用刻痕计算;在…上刻凹痕 Herald ['her?ld] n. 报信者;传令官;先驱 vt. 通报;预示…的来临

Rasp [rɑ:sp, r?sp] vt. 用粗锉刀锉;粗声粗气地说 vi. 锉磨 n. 粗锉刀;锉磨声;刺耳声 Clammy ['kl?mi] adj. 湿粘的;湿冷的

Gauze [ɡ?:z] 薄纱;纱布;薄雾

Centurion [sen'tju?ri?n] 百夫长;百人队队长

Disabuse [,dis?'bju:z] 使省悟;解迷惑;释疑;矫正

Disabuse your mind of the feeling that you will stand in my way

Tess’s breath quickened.

Paternity 来源,父亲身份

Extraction [ik'str?k??n] 抽出;拔出;取出;抽出物;出身

Rumpus 口角,争吵

Rend [rend] 撕碎;分裂;强夺vi. 将……撕开;使……分离

Lucubration [,lju:kju:'brei??n] 刻苦钻研;苦心而成的著作

Rubric 规则

Chapter 31

Seer [si:?, si?] 幻想家;预言家;先知者

She dismissed the past- trod upon it and put it out, as one treads on a coal that is smoldering and dangerous.

Infelicitous [,infi'lisit?s] adj. 不幸的;不适当的;不吉利的

Swerve [sw?:v] vi. 突然转向;转弯 vt. 使突然转向;使背离 n. 转向;偏离的程度 Tributary ['tribjut?ri] adj. 纳贡的;附属的;辅助的 n. 支流;进贡国;附属国 Sward 草皮

Alluvial [?'lju:vi?l] adj. 冲积的

Abut [?'b?t] vi. 邻接;毗邻;紧靠 vt. 邻接;毗邻;紧靠

Champaign ['t??mpein, ??m'pein] n. 平原;原野 adj. 广阔的;平坦的

Subtilize 使清淡

It should reach the ears of your friends.

They might feel it a hurt to their dignity.

Her feelings almost filled her eyes like a babble of waves, and surged up to her eyes. Specter ['spekt?] n. 妖怪;幽灵;恐怖之物

Homage ['h?mid?] n. 尊敬;敬意;效忠

Vista ['vist?] n. 远景,狭长的街景;回顾;展望

Springe 陷阱

Snap [sn?p]vt. 猛咬;突然折断,拉断;啪地关上vi. 咬;厉声说;咯嗒一声关上n. 猛咬;

劈啪声;突然折断 adj. 突然的

Multifarious 多种多样的

Stolid ['st?lid] adj. 迟钝的;缺乏热情的;冷漠的

Abash [?'b??] vt. 使困窘;使羞愧;使局促不安

Chapter 32

Penitential [peni'ten??l] 忏悔的

Abeyance [?'bei?ns] n. 中止,停顿;归属待定,暂搁

Relegate ['reliɡeit] vt. 把降低到;归入;提交

Batch [b?t?] n. 一批;一炉;一次所制之量 vt. 分批处理

Culvert 排水渠

Multitudinous 多样的

Injunction [in'd???k??n] n. 命令;禁令;劝告

Tess was now carried along the wings of the hours, without the sense of a will.

Ostensible [?s'tens?bl] adj. 假装的;表面的

Precipitant [pri'sipit?nt] adj. 急促的;勇往直前的;突如其来的 n. 沉淀剂

Bucolic [bju:'k?lik] adj. 牧歌的;牧羊的;乡下风味的 n. 田园诗;农夫

Idyllic [i'dilik, ai-] adj. 牧歌的,田园诗的

Ordeal [?:'di:l, '?:di:l] n. 痛苦的经验;严酷的考验;折磨

Mutilation [,mju:ti'lei??n] n. 切断;毁损;残缺

Chapter 33

Recluse [ri'klu:s, 'reklu:s] n. 隐士;隐居者 adj. 隐居的

Comely ['k?mli] adj. 清秀的,标致的

He negatived the remainder of the definition.

Before he had considered anything at all he struck the man on the chin with the full force of his fist, sending him staggering backwards into the passage.

Plaster ['plɑ:st?, 'pl?s-] n. 灰泥;石膏;膏药vt. 涂以灰泥;敷以膏药;粘贴;使平服 Pummel ['p?m?l] vt. 用拳头连续揍;打;击

Succinct [s?k'si?kt, s?'s-] adj. 简洁的;简明的;紧身的

Temerarious [tem?'re?ri?s] 冒失的

Quixotic [kwik's?tik] adj. 唐吉诃德式的;狂想家的;愚侠的

Sinister ['sinist?] adj. 阴险的;凶兆的;灾难性的;左边的

Rheumatic [ru:'m?tik, ru-] adj. 风湿病的;风湿病引起的n. 风湿病;风湿病患者 Gout [ɡaut] n. 痛风;一滴;一团

Cumbrous 笨重的

Fraternize 亲善

Stellar ['stel?] adj. 星的;星球的;主要的

Flippancy ['flip?nsi] n. 轻率;无礼;言语尖刻

Contrite ['k?ntrait] adj. 悔悟了的;后悔的;悔罪的

Idolatry [ai'd?l?tri] n. 偶像崇拜;盲目崇拜;邪神崇拜

Pensive ['pensiv] adj. 沉思的,忧郁的;悲伤的,哀愁的

Staunch [st?:nt?, stɑ:nt?] adj. 坚固的;坚定的;忠诚的 vt. 止住;止血

Chapter 34

Demolition [,dem?'li??n] n. 破坏;毁坏;拆除(等于demolishment)

Mouldy ['m?uldi] n. 鱼雷 adj. 旧式的;发霉的;腐朽的

Smirk [sm?:k] n. 傻笑;假笑;得意的笑 vi. 傻笑;假笑 vt. 以假笑表示;以傻笑表示 Frivolity [fri'v?liti] n. 轻薄;轻率;轻浮

Retrievable [ri'tri:v?bl] adj. 可取回的;可补偿的;[计]可检索的

Resurrection [,rez?'rek??n] n. 复活;恢复;复兴

Draughty ['drɑ:fti, 'dr?fti] adj. 通风的;通风良好的

Harridan [h?ri'd?n] 凶恶干瘪的老太婆

Surcharge [s?:'t?ɑ:d?, 's?:t?-] n. 超载;额外费v 追加罚款;使…装载过多;使…负担过重 But she was surcharged with emotion, and winced like a wounded animal.

Fluster ['fl?st?] vt. 使激动;使慌张 n. 慌乱,混乱;激动vi. 慌张的行动;混乱 Incongruous [in'k??ɡru?s] adj. 不一致的;不协调的;不和谐的

Heirloom 传家宝 Pendant ['pend?nt] n. 下垂物,垂饰

Bulge [b?ld?] n. 胀;膨胀;凸出部分 vt. 使膨胀;使凸起 vi. 膨胀;凸出

Vamp [v?mp] vt. 修补;拼凑 vi. 即席伴奏 n. 鞋面;荡妇

Gratuity [ɡr?'tju:?ti] n. 赏钱,小费;赠物;退职金

Unrequited [,?nri'kwaitid] adj. 无回报的;无报酬的

Constellation [,k?nst?'lei??n] n. 荟萃;[天]星座;星群;[心]兴奋丛

Plenary ['pli:n?ri, 'ple-] adj. 全体出席的;充分的 n. 全体会议

He was tossed about by doubts and difficulties in London, like a cork on the waves. Dissipation [disi'pei??n] n. 消散;浪费;损耗

Chapter 35

Exculpatory [ik'sk?lp?t?ri] adj. 申明无罪的;辩解的

Impish 顽皮的

Strait [streit] adj. 狭窄的;苦恼的 n. 海峡;困境

Chromatic [kr?u'm?tik] adj. 彩色的;色品的;易染色的

The fire in the grate looked impish-demonically funny, as if it did not care in the least about her strait. The fender grinned idly, as if too did not care. The light from the water-bottle were merely engaged in a chromatic problem. All material objects around announced their irresponsibility with terrible iteration.

Auricular [?:'rikjul?] adj. 耳状的;耳的; 私语

When she ceased the auricular, impressions from their previous endearments seemed to hustle away into the corners of their brains, repeating themselves as echoes from a time of supremely purblind foolishness.

Strenuous ['strenju?s] adj. 费力的;奋发的;紧张的;艰苦的;热烈的

Foreboding [f?:'b?udi?] n. 预感;预兆;先兆 adj. 预感的;不祥之兆的

Imposter [im'p?st?] n. 冒名顶替者;骗子

Flaccid ['fl?ksid] adj. 软弱的;弛缓的;无活力的

She burst into a flood of self-sympathetic tears.

Inimical [i'nimik?l] adj. 敌意的;有害的

Pore [p?:] vi. 细想;凝视;熟读 n. 气孔;小孔 vt. 使注视

Psalm [sɑ:m, sɑ:lm] n. 圣歌;诗篇 vt. 唱赞美诗祝祷

Divert the strain of thoughts

Unearth your pedigree

Decrepit [di'krepit] adj. 衰老的;破旧的

Effete [i'fi:t] adj. 衰老的;疲惫的;(土地)贫瘠的;(动植物)不育的

She took these reproaches in their bulk simply, not in their particulars.

Monastic [m?'n?stik] adj. 庙宇的;修道院的;僧尼的 n. 修道士;僧侣

Perennial [p?'reni?l] adj. 四季不断的;常年的;反复; [植]多年生的n. 多年生植物 Tester ['test?] n. 天盖;检验器;试验员

Inopportune [in'?p?tuj:n, in?p?'t-] adj. 不凑巧的,不适当的;不合时机的

Having shifted the burden of her life to his shoulders, she was now reposing without care. Dame [deim] n. 夫人;年长妇女

Sterile ['sterail, -r?l] adj. 不毛的;贫瘠的;不育的;无菌的;枯燥乏味的

Enfranchisement 解放,自由

Harrowing ['h?r?ui?] adj. 痛心的;悲惨的 v. 开拓;使痛苦

Erroneous [i'r?uni?s] adj. 不正确的;错误的

Chapter 36

Larder ['lɑ:d?] n. 食品室;食物橱;肉贮藏处

The pair were, in truth, but the ashes of their former fires. To the hot sorrow of the previous night had succeeded heaviness; it seemed as if nothing could rekindle either of them to fervor of sensation any more.

Sophistry ['s?fistri] n. 诡辩;诡辩法

Inquisitorial 审判官似的

Unseemly [,?n'si:mli] adj. 不适宜的;不得体的 adv. 不得体地;不适宜地

Taunt [t?:nt, tɑ:nt] n. 嘲弄;讥讽 vt. 逗弄;奚落 adj. 很高的

Recuperative 复原的

Surreptitious [,s?r?p'ti??s, ,s?:-] adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的;秘密的;暗中的

Propinquity [pr?u'pi?kwiti] n. 接近;邻近;近亲关系

Vulpine ['v?lpain] adj. 狐狸的;诡计多端的

Hoodwink ['hudwi?k] vt. 欺骗;遮眼;蒙蔽

Bewail [bi'weil] v. 悲悼;痛哭;哀叹

Proclivity [pr?u'kliviti] n. 倾向;癖性

Covenant ['k?v?n?nt] n. 契约,盟约;盖印合同;圣约 vi. 订立盟约、契约 vt. 立约承诺 Potent ['p?ut?nt] adj. 有效的;强有力的,有权势的;有说服力的

Chapter 37

He inspired her with no sort of personal fear.

Woe [w?u] n. 悲哀,悲痛;灾难int. 唉(表示痛苦,悲伤或悔恨)

Arrogate ['?r?uɡeit] vt. 冒称;霸占;没来由地将…归属于

Voluminous [v?'lju:min?s] adj. 多卷的,长篇的;大量的;著书多的

Giddy ['ɡidi] adj. 头晕的;眼花的;轻浮的vt. 使晕眩;使眼花缭乱 vi. 眩晕;眼花 Gyrate [,d?ai?'reit] vi. 旋转adj. 旋涡状的

Precipitate [pri'sipitit, -teit] n. 沉淀物vt. 使沉淀;促成;猛抛;使陷入 vi. 猛地落下;沉

淀;冷凝成为雨或雪等 adj. 突如其来的;猛地落下的;急促的

Gulf [ɡ?lf] n. 海湾;深渊;漩涡;分歧 vt. 吞没

Tamper ['t?mp?] vi. 损害;削弱;干预;玩弄;篡改;贿赂 vt. 篡改n. 填塞者;捣棒 Vagary ['veiɡ?ri] n. 奇想;奇特行为

Amatory ['?m?t?ri, ,?m?'t?:ri?l, ,?m?'t?:ri?s] adj. 恋爱的,情人的

Fiasco [fi'?sk?u] n. 惨败

Jocularity 诙谐

Tacit ['t?sit] adj. 缄默的;不言而喻的

She would come to no good.

Adieu [?'dju:] n. 告别;辞行 int. 再会;再见

She had practiced gross deceit on him.

Emendation 修改


Chapter 38

Tess aroused herself from her stupor.

What’s done cannot be undone.

Impingement 冲击

Mortification [,m?:tifi'kei??n] n. 屈辱;禁欲;[医]坏疽

Squint [skwint] vi. 斜视;患斜视;倾向 n. 看 vt. 使斜视 adj. 斜视的

Imputation [,impju:'tei??n] n. 归罪;非难;归咎;污名

Chapter 39

Desolation [,des?'lei??n] n. 荒芜;废墟;孤寂;忧伤

Apostasy [?'p?st?si] n. 变节;脱党;背教

Placard ['pl?kɑ:d, -?d] n. 海报,标语牌vt. 公布;张贴,悬挂;张贴公告于 vi. 张贴公告 His arrival stirred the atmosphere of the Vicarage as the dive of the Kingfisher stirs a quite pool.

A lump rose in Clare’s throat.

Lectern ['lekt?:n] n. 诵经台;讲台

Loin [l?in] n. 腰;腰部;腰肉

Chaste [t?eist] adj. 贞洁的;有道德的;纯洁的;朴素的

Unsullied 清白的

This night the woman of his belittling deprecations was thinking how great and good her husband was.

Chapter 40

Emanation 发出,散发

Parlous ['pɑ:l?s] adj. 危险的;狡猾的;不易对付的 adv. 非常地;极度地

Heterodox ['het?r?ud?ks] adj. 异端的;非正统的

Reconnoiter [,rek?'n?it?, ,ri:-] vt. 侦察,勘查 vi. 侦察,探究

Coop [ku:p]vt. 把…关进笼子里;限制;拘禁 n. 鸡笼;小屋;捕鱼篓

He was incensed against his fate, bitterly disposed towards social ordinance; for they had cooped him up in a corner, out of which there was no legitimate pathway.

Fain [fein] adj. 不得不的;乐意的 adv. 乐意地,欣然地

Perverse [p?'v?:s, 'p?:v?:s] adj. 堕落的,不正当的;倔强的;违反常情的

Mar [mɑ:] vt. 损伤;损毁;糟蹋;玷污 n. 污点;瑕疵

Racking ['r?ki?] adj. 拷问的;折磨人的 v. 折磨;使...痛苦;加以拷问(rack的ing形式) Dorsal [d?:s?l] adj. 背的,背侧的;背部的

Corroborate [k?'r?b?,reit] vt. 证实;使坚固

Chapter 41

Probationary 预备的

Stubble ['st?bl] n. 残株;发茬,须茬

Consecrate [konsikreit] 奉献

Nominal ['n?min?l] adj. 名义上的;有名无实的;票面上的 n. 名词性词

Inclement [in'klem?nt] adj. 气候严酷的;险恶的;狂风暴雨的

Mendicant ['mendik?nt] adj. 行乞的;托钵修道会的 n. 乞丐;托钵僧

?clat 光彩,成功

Nullify ['n?lifai] vt. 使无效,作废;取消

Delude [di'lu:d] vt. 迷惑;逃避;使失望

Purlieu ['p?:lju:] n. 范围;界限;常去的地方;森林边缘带

Boor [bu?] n. 农民;粗野的人;不懂礼貌的人

A spasm of anguish shot through her.

She suddenly took to her heels with the speed of the wind.

Deciduous [di'sidju?s] adj. 落叶性的,脱落性的;非永久性的

Clime [klaim] n. [诗]气候;地方

Exaction [iɡ'z?k??n] n. 强求;勒索;榨取;苛捐杂税

Gurgle ['ɡ?:ɡl] n. 咯咯声;汩汩声 vi. 作汩汩声;作咯咯声 vt. 用咯咯声表示

Aloft [?'l?ft] adv. 在高处;在空中 prep. 在…之上adj. 在上面的;在空中的;在高处的 Prosaic [pr?u'zeiik] adj. 平凡的,乏味的;散文体的

Plumage ['plu:mid?] n. 翅膀;鸟类羽毛

Amuck [?'m?k] adv. 杀气腾腾地;狂乱地 adj. 嗜杀的

Teeming ['ti:mi?] adj. 多产的,丰富的;热闹的 v. 充满(teem的现在分词)

Mangle ['m??ɡl] vt. 乱砍;轧布;损坏 n. 轧布机

Chapter 42

Thicket ['θikit] n. 丛林;灌木丛;错综复杂

Felicitous [fi'lisit?s] adj. 恰当的;善于措辞的;幸福的

Nip [nip] vt. 夹;剪断;冻伤;捏;阻止 vi. 刺骨;夹;捏;小饮 n. 夹;捏;刺骨;小饮 Rove [r?uv] vt. 漫游于;漂泊于 vi. 流浪;飘忽不定 n. 流浪;徘徊;粗纺线

Stringency 严格

Lofty ['l?fti, 'l?:f-] adj. 崇高的;高级的;高的;高傲的

Bastion ['b?sti?n, -t??n] n. 棱堡;堡垒

Jut [d??t] vt. 使…伸出;使…突出 vi. 突出;伸出 n. 突出部分;尖端

Overrun my allowance


Chapter 43

The single fat thing on the soil was Marian herself; and she was an importation. Hack [h?k] n. 砍,劈;出租马车 vt. 砍;出租vi. 砍

Drab [dr?b] adj. 单调的;土褐色的 n. 浅褐色;邋遢;小额 vt. 使无生气vi. 嫖妓 Vacuity [v?'kju:?ti] n. 空虚;空白;思想贫乏;无聊之事

The sky wore, in another color, the same likeliness; a white vacuity of countenance with the lineament gone. So these upper and nether visages confronted each other all day long, the white face looking down on the brown face, and the brown face looking up at the white face, without anything standing between but the two girls crawling over the surface of the former like flies.

Pinafore ['pin?f?:] n. 围裙;围嘴

Splinter ['splint?] n. 碎片;微小的东西 vi. 裂成碎片;分裂 vt. 使裂成碎片;使分裂 Valor ['v?l?] n. 英勇;勇猛(等于valour)

Modicum ['m?dik?m] n. 少量,一点点

Integument [in'teɡjum?nt] n. 覆盖物;(动植物的)皮肤,外皮

Salient ['seilj?nt, -li?nt] adj. 突出的;跳跃的;显著的 n. 凸角;突出部分


Congeal [k?n'd?i:l] vi. 凝结;凝固 vt. 使…凝结;使…冻结

Colossal [k?'l?s?l] adj. 巨大的;异常的,非常的

Terraqueous 水陆的

Chink [t?i?k] n. 裂缝;叮当声;裂口 vi. 叮当响vt. 使叮当响

Medley ['medli] n. 混合;混杂;混合物 adj. 混合的;拼凑的

Infest [in'fest] vt. 骚扰;寄生于;大批出没;大批滋生

Achromatic [,?kr?u'm?tik] adj. [物]消色差的;[生]非染色质的;非彩色的

Excavate ['eksk?,veit] vt. 挖掘;开凿 vi. 发掘;细查

Supercilious [,sju:p?'sili?s] adj. 目空一切的,高傲的;傲慢的,自大的

Bolt [b?ult] n. 闪电;门闩vt. 囫囵吞下;上门闩 vi. 逃跑;冲出 adv. 直立地;突然地 Stalwart ['st?:lw?t] adj. 坚定的;健壮的 n. 坚定分子

Caustic ['k?:stik] adj. [化]腐蚀性的;苛性的;刻薄的 n. [医]腐蚀剂

Reopen the subject of her separation from her husband

Volition [v?u'li??n] n. 意志,意志力;决断力

Premonitory 预兆的

Chapter 41

Efface [i'feis] vt. 抹去,抹掉;使自己不受人注意

In consonance with ['k?ns?n?ns] n. 一致,调和;和音

Waive [weiv] vt. 放弃;搁置

Truant ['tru:?nt] n. 旷课者;懒惰的人adj. 偷懒的;旷课的vi.逃避责任;逃学 Mesh [me?] n. 网眼;网丝;圈套 vi. 相啮合 vt. 啮合;以网捕捉

Steer [sti?] vt. 驾驶;控制,引导 vi. 驾驶,掌舵;行驶

Incumbent [in'k?mb?nt] adj. 现任的;依靠的;负有职责的义不容辞n. 在职者;现任者 Wizen ['wiz?n, 'wi:-] vi. 枯萎;干瘪 vt. 使凋谢;使枯萎;使干瘪adj. 凋谢的;枯萎的

Prudish ['pru:di?] adj. 装正经的;过分规矩的

Promenade 散步

Contravene [,k?ntr?'vi:n] vt. 违反;抵触;反驳;否认

Supervene 随后发生

Meander [mi'?nd?] n. 漫步;曲流(常用复数)vt. 漫步;蜿蜒缓慢流动vi. 漫步;漫谈 Sprightly ['spraitli] adj. 活泼的;愉快的 adv. 活泼地

Pantry ['p?ntri] n. 餐具室;食品室;食品储藏室

Pulpit ['pulpit] n. 讲道坛;高架操纵台;神职人员

Antinomian 持唯信仰论的人

Crucify ['kru:si,fai] vt. 折磨;十字架上钉死;克制

Lewd [lju:d] adj. 淫荡的;猥亵的;下流的

Enervate ['en?:veit, i'n?:vit] vt. 使衰弱;使失去活力 adj. 衰弱的;无力的


Chapter 45

Sable ['seibl] n. 黑貂;黑貂皮;丧服 adj. 黑貂皮的;昏暗的;黑的

Dandyism 纨绔子弟作风

Bizarre [bi'zɑ:] adj. 奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等)=bizarrerie

Riotous 放荡的

Angularity [,??ɡju'l?r?ti] n. 有角;成角状;生硬, 难堪

Incorrigible [in'k?rid??bl] adj. 积习难改的;不可救药的 n. 不可救药的人

Backslider 堕落的人

Atrophy ['?tr?fi] n. 萎缩,萎缩症;发育停止 vi. 萎缩;虚脱

It intensified her consciousness of error to a practical despair; the break of continuity between her earlier and present existence, which she had hoped for, had not, after all, taken place. Bygones would never be complete bygones till she was a bygone herself. Humbug 骗子

Rejoinder 回答

Tabernacle 肉体

Blazon ['bleiz?n] vt. 宣布;装饰 n. 纹章;描绘

Monolith 巨石阵

Purport ['p?:p?t, -p?:t] vt. 声称;意指;意图;打算 n. 意义,主旨;意图

Stump [st?mp] n.残余部分;假肢 vt. 砍伐;使为难; vi. 笨重地行走;发表竞选演说 Instigate ['instiɡeit] vt. 怂恿;煽动;唆使;教唆

Paramount ['p?r?maunt] adj. 最重要的,主要的;至高无上的 n. 最高统治者 Supersede [,sju:p?'si:d] vt. 取代,代替;紧接着……而到来 vi. 推迟行动

Chapter 46

Compunction [k?m'p??k??n] n. 悔恨,后悔;内疚

Parch [pɑ:t?] vt. 烤,烘;使干透 vi. 焦干;烤干

Sanctification 净化

Espy [i'spai] vt. 看到;认出;发现

Churl [t??:l] n. 吝啬鬼;乡下人;粗暴的人;(中世纪的)农民

Polemical adj. 好辩的;好争论的;挑起论战的

Syllogism ['sil?d?iz?m] n. 推论;三段论

Infidel ['infid?l] n. 无信仰者;异教徒 adj. 无宗教信仰的;异教徒的 Smirch [sm?:t?] vt. 弄脏 n. 污点

Effervescence 兴高采烈

Chapter 47
























