





学 院:外语学院

班 级:英语1103班

姓 名:XXX








现在想想虽然自己现在还是一名大一学生,但也很快就要步入社会。 既然自己也将要走向社会,我只担心自己碰不到像都宾这么好的朋友,而不担心遇见类似于蓓基这样的善于钻营之人。现实有多么美好,我实在说不清楚,如果要按照十分制的话,我估计能给个5分就不错了。萨克雷的戏从来没有断过,名利场这部戏终究会一直演下去,都宾,爱米利亚,蓓基只是许许多多人中的代表罢了,他们虽然走了,还会有更多的人上来,有你,




I had a dream when i was in high middle school.I thought that i would read many books when i entered university.But when i entered university I found that it just a dream. After i heard that we Shool of Foreign Language held the first activity of reading books,i felt very happy.I had the dynamic of reading books.I remembered that our teacher has recommended a book to us.Its name is Vanity Fair.So i downloaded the book from the Internet. After reading it, i found it really a good book. Thoughts after I've read as follows.Main circumstance of novel may divide two clues. A clue depicts the deceased poor painter's daughter Becky after leaving Pingkedun woman boarding school , stays temporarily at a rich family Miss Amelia's home. But she tries to seduce Amelia 's elder brother to enter good society. After this matter failed, Becky comes to Pitt Crawley’s home as a family teacher, at the same time she plays some cute means such as being unctuous, and ganging with to good use. But when Pitt makes a proposal to Becky after losing spouse,she has already married Knight's son Rawdon. Another clue writes a pure girl Amelia is deeply in love of the officer George Osborne,

surmounts all obstacles finally getting married with him . But her husband abandons her very quickly right away. Amelia is spoony to George, even if after her husband died ,she still is unwilling to

get remarried to others. Final, Becky tells the fact that George made an appointment with self to elope before one's death , Amelia agree to get married. Becky be abandoned because her personal relationship is found that by the husband afterwards. Her old age gets a sum of inheritance from another lover Joseph in hand. She begins to be enthusiastic in charities.

I have to admit that this story is very real.Person inside the Vanity Fair is able to see clearly . External person of the Vanity Fair is the same to be able to see clearly. Somebody all longs for money , position. Once you have owned one kind among them, the other person all pays special regard to you. The Dobbin uses a lifetime love to have waited till his loved one , he dedicates his youth and time to the pitiful people in Vanity Fair. But the final is good . I think the author can’t bear to let a good person suffers hardships. The kind people has got happiness , has come in and gone out of in the Vanity Fair. Those are avaricious , selfish , foolish , proud, a man of no scruples has got due retribution. This is not only a novel , this is a society in miniature. It is not just in the united kingdom at that time, it is also in today.

Therefore, the purpose is that the college student studies has become a job , working is to have a portion to be able to let person look upon one with special respect live.

Vanity Fair is really a good book.I'm proud of I've read it.


My Review on the Book Vanity Fair

语言与传播学院 外语0901 张萼


My Review on the Book Vanity Fair


Vanity Fair: A Novel without a Hero is a novel by William Makepeace Thackeray, first published in 1847–48, satirizing society in early 19th-century Britain. The book's title comes from John Bunyan's allegorical story The Pilgrim's Progress, first published in 1678 and still widely read at the time of Thackeray's novel. Vanity Fair refers to a stop along the pilgrim's progress: a never-ending fair held in a town called Vanity, which is meant to represent man's sinful attachment to worldly things. The novel is now considered a classic, and has inspired several film adaptations. Social background

Since the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the 18th century, the class structure of English society had undergone radical changes. The Industrial capitalists began to play a more important role and vied for political power with the old aristocracy. Due to the support of the people this struggle of power ended in the victory of bourgeoisie over the aristocracy. With the development of capitalism, there arose a powerful working class, though the conflict between labor and the capital was for some time the background of the struggle between the feudal and bourgeois classes. But from the thirties of the 19th century, the struggle between the workers and capitalists became the feudal mental contradiction in English social life.

The crying social contradictions were reflected in the writers? work of Analysis of Vanity Fair

In the novel, Becky Sharp is a classic example of this money-grubbing instinctive. Everyone wishes to gain something in Vanity Fair and acts almost in the same manner as Becky.

The Characteristics of Vanity Fair

(1) Vanity Fair has a sub-title, A Novel Without a Hero, which intends to portray the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a whole.

(2) Vanity Fair is work of social criticism, and is noted for the author’s realistic depiction, the ironic and sarcastic tone and constant comment and criticism.

(3) In Vanity Fair, Thackeray gives block characters

(4) Thackeray uses symbolism in Vanity Fair.

(5) Thackeray employs an omniscient narrator to tell the story. Comments on the book

In this novel, I like the name of novel “Vanity Fair” and the subtitle “A Novel without a Hero”. When I see the name, I understand the main idea of the novel. The Victorian egoistic, hypocritical, and money-grabbing aristocratic and commercial society is a vanity fair. It is not only a show of Thackeray?s cynical view toward life but also a declaration of that the epoch in which capitalists or aristocrats posed themselves as heroes.

At the same time, the writer adopts a great number of rhetorical devices to describe the two main figures? words, expression and behavior. That makes the sentences vivid and arouses the readers? interest in reading. The images, plot and language show the hidden paradox of sensuality and redemption. The book gives me a whole view of the nobility?s life which is pretty extravagant.

Given in the modern society, Becky is an ambitious woman. She is not afraid of failure. It?s easy for us to encounter some Beckys in the real world. Becky is a representative of people who are governor-oriented or money talks. However, as a female, I think Becky is very brave. Everyone longs for happiness. Everyone pursues happiness. Thus, what Becky has done are only for her simple aim----happiness. Because she comes from an ignoble family, she has to try her best to do everything. She has only herself to rely on. She believes that a woman of low birth can marry into the purple. Due to her strong-mindedness, she never gives up when difficulties arise, though sometimes she is in the wrong way.

Vanity Fair is a trap that everyone is likely to step into however careful

he may try to be. Thackeray has drawn a lifelike tableau of the Vanity Fair in reality in the novel. That is the reason why the novel has been popular for so many years.

Through his novel Vanity Fair, maybe Thackeray would like to tell us that we are supposed to have the right attitudes towards fame and fortune. We cannot give up all just for money and position. Moreover, we should understand one thing----No one can be happy without a friend. Thus, friends are far more important in our life. We should cherish our friendships at hand, because it would not follow you for life.

Today we are living in a harmonious society; we should keep our purity and humanity. Fame and fortune are important, but they are not everything. Love and humanity are of more importance for a peaceful life. We should trust each other, help each other, and take care of each other.

The author concludes his book by saying: ?Ah! In the vanity fair, things are empty! In this world, who are happy among us? Who also can attain all his wishes? Even so, who will be satisfied with what he has had? Dear friends, please use your action to find out the answer.? Yes, it is time for us to reflect and take action.

Now, I have found out my answer. It is to strive, to seek, to find, but never to yield.



名利场 读后感


















Vanity Fair《名利场》大意及读后感



