

Anger makes you stupid, stupid gets you killed.


If you don't have hope ,what's the point of living ?


I’d rather have you pissed off at me and alive , than liking me and dead! 我宁愿你活着恨我,也不想你死了爱我!

People believe what they want to believe .


We always think there's gonna be more time,then it runs out.


If it feels easy ,don't do it ,don't let the world spoil you.


Life was always a test.


It always comes for us and over and over agian,we face it so that we can live. 现实总是一次又一次地给我们带来挑战,我们唯有面对现实,才能得以生存。

All this time,running from walkers,you forget what people do,have always done! 这么久以来, 我们一直逃避行尸,却忘了活人的丑恶,他们一向如此丑恶!

You don't get to do that, to come into somebody's life, make them care and then

just check out.

你不能这样, 走进某人的生活, 让他在乎你后又一走了之.



When I was a little girl, 当我还小的时候

my understanding of revenge was 我对复仇的理解

as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind.

简单停留在对主日学校学的谚语的理解 Neat little morality slogans, 简单的道德标语 like "Do unto others" 比如"己所不欲勿施于人"

and "Two wrongs don't make a right." "冤冤相报何时了"

But two wrongs can never make a right 但冤冤相报永无终止

because two wrongs can never equal each other.

因为两种伤害永远不能抵消 For the truly wronged... 对于真正受伤害的一方而言

real satisfaction can only be found 真正的满足

in one of two places... 只能通过两种途径实现 Absolute forgiveness... 彻底宽恕

or mortal vindication. 或者用死亡洗脱罪孽

This is not a story about forgiveness. 这不是一个讲述宽恕的故事

Emily. I've been looking for you. Where's Daniel?

艾米莉 我一直在找你 丹尼尔呢

Uh, he's walking the beach. We're having a thing.

他在沙滩上散步 我俩有点儿事 Same thing or different thing? 是老问题 还是又出新花样了

Same thing. But don't worry. He's right behind me.

老问题 别担心 他随后就到 It's my job to worry. 担心是我的责任

Your job is to enjoy yourself. 你要做的就是开开心心的 It's your engagement party. 这可是你的订婚宴

Can someone get me a 20 on Daniel Grayson?

谁能给我杯2020酒 记丹尼尔·格雷森账上 Hey, congrats, Emily. 艾米莉 恭喜 Thank you. 谢谢

Nice night for it. 今晚再适合不过了

Nice night for what, Nolan? 适合什么 诺兰 Celebrating. 庆祝

You shouldn't be here. 你不该来这儿

That makes two of us. 咱们彼此彼此


Fire and ice...When we first sat down to discuss tonight's occasion,

篝火和冰雕 当我们第一次坐下策划今晚盛会的时候

I was immediately taken with the idea of an evening inspired by primal bookends. 我立刻喜欢上了这个主意 一个以原始两级为主题的夜晚

Fire and ice...Beginnings and endings... 冰火交融 缘起缘灭

And the love between a man and a woman. 男女之爱 Yo. Yo, 8 mile, 你越界了

Private party here! 这是私人聚会 A starry evening. 在这个满天星辰的夜晚

That creep better not be taking pictures. 那个变态最好没在拍照片 You got a problem?! 你有毛病吗

Tonight not only marks the final weekend 今晚不仅意味着汉普顿的美妙夏日

of a remarkable summer in the Hamptons, 进入了最后一周

it is also the celebration of my son Daniel's engagement... 今晚还是我的儿子丹尼尔

to the lovely and beguiling Ms. Emily Thorne.

与美丽动人的艾米莉·索恩小姐的订婚典礼 And though we've only known her for a few short months,


Emily already feels like the piece of the family puzzle

艾米莉就像本属于我们家的一部分 we never even knew was missing. 只不过我们之前不知道而已 In a word ,I approve. 简言之我赞成他们的婚事 And as anyone can tell you, 众所周知

approval is not something I give away freely.


Where the hell is my son? 我儿子在哪里

Charlotte. Oh, my god. 夏洛特 我的天啊

Mom! Mom! My brother... Somebody come here!

妈 妈 我哥哥 快来人啊 Come here! Mom!

快来 妈

Daniel! Daniel! Daniel! 丹尼尔 丹尼尔 丹尼尔 Get away from my son! 离我儿子远点儿

Daniel! Daniel, please! No! Daniel! 丹尼尔 丹尼尔 不要啊 丹尼尔


I can't tell you what a rare opportunity you have here, Ms. Thorne. 索恩小姐 这绝对是不可多得的机会 The current

owners live in the city, of course, 这所房子现在的主人住在城里

but they've been loyal hamptonites for years.


Perhaps if Mr. Davis had been a bit more loyal to his wife,


they wouldn't be renting out this season. 这个季度他们也不会出租这房子了

Word has it, he dumped her for a girl half his age. Men.

有传言他为了年龄小他一半的女人甩了他老婆 男人啊

You mind if I look around a bit? 我能到处看看吗

That's what we're here for. 当然 请便 Dad? 爸爸

Hey, kiddo. You having fun exploring? 宝贝 探险游戏好玩吗

We really get to spend the whole summer here?

我们真可以整个夏天都住这儿吗 And every summer after that. What do you think? 而且以后每个夏天都来 好不好

I think mom would've loved it. 我想妈妈肯定会愿意的

Hey, you know how much I love you, Amanda?

阿曼达 你知道我有多爱你吗 Infinity? 无穷的爱吗

Well, infinity...times infinity. 无穷 是无穷无穷的爱

Ms. Thorne?Now you have to imagine, it's memorial day weekend,75 and sunny, 索恩小姐 你想象一下 在阵亡将士纪念日前的周末 摄氏23.9度 天气晴朗

All those boys of summer wondering who the new girl is.

青春躁动的年轻人期盼着这个火热的夏天 And that's Grayson Manor.You won't find a better address than this.

那是格雷森庄园 你找不到比这更好的地方了 I'll take it. 这房子我要了

Oh. Wonderful. I'll get the contract. 太好了 我去拿合同


Hello, hello. 你好 你好

Ashley, hey. What do you think? 阿什莉 你觉得怎么样

Are you kidding? Look at this place. I want your life.

你开玩笑吧 看看这房子 我想过你这样的生活 You love your life. 你喜欢自己的生活

Yeah, you're right. I just want your money. 对 我只想要你的钱

What's mine is yours. Should I get us someglasses?

我的就是你的 是不是要拿杯子 I wish. It's for Victoria Grayson.

我也想 这是给维多利亚·格雷森的

Who...?You're hopeless.Victoria Grayson—Reigning queen of the hamptons.

谁 你真的没救了 维多利亚·格雷森 汉普顿的女王 Not to mention, your new next door neighbor.

更何况 她还是你的新邻居 Queen Victoria? 维多利亚女王吗

Mm. Believe me, she's earned the title.My boss has me handling the guest list for her memorial day party.

相信我 她名副其实 老板让我负责她纪念日派对的客人名单

If I screw this up, I might as well move back to Croydon.

如果我搞砸了 我就得滚回老家了

Well, how much are the tickets?10,000 a pop.

多少钱一张票 一万块一个人 Count me in for one. 算我一个 Are you sure? 你确定吗

It's for a good cause, right? 不是做善事吗

Yeah, my career. Thank you. 对 拯救我的事业 谢谢

You want to get drunk on cheap margaritas later?

你待会想去痛饮廉价的玛格丽特酒吗 With or without you. 你不说 我也会去的

Good luck with her highness Bye. 祝您好运 拜拜

Let's dump our long position on 5- and 10-year treasuries before the fed stops buying them up.


And, uh, get us into some of those low-rated tech bonds. Thanks. 再买些低分值的科技债券 谢谢

Looks like Lydia and Michael's new renter issettling in.

看来莉迪亚和迈克尔的新租客搬进来了 Lucky girl, scoring that property. 能住在那房子真幸运

Pretty one, too, even from up here. 人也漂亮 从这里都能看出来

I guess that makes her doubly lucky. 那她就更幸运了

I don't believe in luck.I thought you were taking the weekend off.

我不相信运气 你什么时候才能休息一下呢 There. I'm off. 现在 不干了

Ew. Get a room, you guys. 你俩开房去吧

Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie. I didn't see you sneaking in.

抱歉 夏莉 没看到你溜进来

Didn't see you sneaking out last night, either, Charlotte.

也没看到你昨晚溜出去了 夏洛特

I went over to Tracey's.Told you I was going before you went to bed. 我去了特蕾西家 你睡觉前我跟你说了 No, you didn't. 不 你没说

Mom, you're too young and too pretty to be this senile.

妈 你年轻貌美怎么会有老年痴呆 Remind me to buy her a cat bell. 提醒我给她买个猫铃铛

Aw, let her have a little fun. She got straight A's this year. 随她玩吧 她今年拿到了全A

No one's accusing her of being stupid. 我没说她笨


Don't think I didn't see you eyeballing that case of beer, Dec.

别以为我看不到你垂涎那箱啤酒 德克 Our dad owns a bar, dumbass. I can get as much beer as I want. 咱爸开酒吧 笨蛋 我想要多少有多少

All right. Well, in that case,I'll just have to make sure dad double-checks the inventory while I'mgone. 好吧 既然这样 我会叮嘱老爸在我走后 仔细检查库存量的

Why don't you tell me another hundred times, huh? 你怎么那么啰嗦呢

Did you already wash those garbage bins out back?


Beats uploading this future shipwreck. 我对这艘未来的沉船的诅咒又加大了 Ahoy! Captain Porter. 波特船长

Welcome back, Nolan. What can I do for you?

欢迎回来 诺兰 有何贵干

Need a boat for the summer. This one will do.

我想要艘船度过夏天 这艘不错 It's not for rent. 这艘不外租

Who said anything about renting? How much you want for..."Amanda"? 谁说要租了 这艘"阿曼达"卖多少钱

It's not for sale, either. I’m taking it down to Haiti next week. 更不会卖的 我下周要开去海地 I thought you hated the ocean. 我还以为你讨厌大海

Well, I-I spent a lot of time and money working through that, amongst other things. 我花了很多时间和金钱攻克这个问题 除此之外 So...I'm buying a boat. 所以 我要买艘船

Right. Just not this one. 好吧 但这艘不卖

Amanda must be some special girl. 阿曼达一定是个很特别的女生 Can I help you with something? 还有其他事吗

You don't like me much, Do you? 你不太喜欢我 对吧

One more thing for you to work through, I guess.

我想 这是另一件你要攻克的事了


The response to your"In with the new" Memorial day party has been overwhelming, Mrs.Grayson.

您纪念日派对邀请的回应很热烈 格雷森太太 The party is at 90% capacity...and the " Regrets" Web site's already collected nearly $50,000,

宴会的上客率将达到百分之九十 捐款网站也筹集到将近5万美金

for everything from domestic violence prevention to cancer awareness. 来帮助家庭暴力以及癌症的防治

Some of these regrets wouldn't wipe their noses with $50,000, dear.

五万美金对一些宾客来说微不足道 亲爱的 If we're going to set a more generous tone for the summer,it's clear I'm going to have to dosomething fresh and provocative, 如果这个夏天想多筹集点款项就要做出有新意有煽动性的举措

so...I've decided to auction off a piece from my personal art collection.

所以所以我绝定拍卖一件我的私人艺术藏品 What a wild idea, Victoria. 真是个大胆的主意 维多利亚

Well, I don't care how good the cause is,if you put up the Van Gogh that Michael and I gave you...I'll kill myself.

我不在乎这点子有多好 你要是拍卖迈克和我送你那幅梵高画 我就不活了

The Van Gogh is off limits for sentimental reasons.

鉴于我们的情谊 那副画是无价之宝

Ashley, would you please add the new

announcement to the web site, see if we can't drum up some more business? 阿什莉 麻烦把这个新通知写到网站上看看能不能吸引到更多的资金

And, ladies, thanks again. 再次感谢在座的各位女士

Lydia...We were all so sorry to hear about you and Michael this winter.You were one of those couples everyone roots for. 莉迪亚 听说你和迈克冬天发生的事情 我们都感到很遗憾 你们曾是大家看好的一对 I have no doubt. 这点毋庸置疑

How are you holding up? 你还好吧

Michael's threatening to put the beach house on the market if I don't release my claim on the west side walk-up.

迈克尔威胁我 如果不放弃西边公寓就把海边的房子卖掉

It's bad enough, having some stranger renting it out.

总比让陌生人来租这房子好 对吧 I can't bear

the thought of losing it to one of the she-wolves.

我忍受不了 竟然被她知道了

Mm. Well, then don't let them see your weakness.It's the first thing they'll use against you.

别让他们看穿你的弱点 他们势必会利用这点来对付你

All right? Thank you. 好吧 谢谢


Hey, you want to know a trick? Yeah. 想学个戏法吗 想

You plant your feet in the sand and you stand still through the whole first wave. Okay.

把你的脚埋到沙里 然后站直 直到一个浪打过来 好的

Then the next wave's gonna feel warmer.And then the one after that's gonna feel warmer still.

下个浪到来时 你会感觉暖和多了 然后再下一个浪 你会感觉更加暖和

Finally, you're barely gonna notice the cold at all.Are you ready?Yeah.

最后 你将感觉不到一丝寒意 准备好了吗 好了 Here it comes. 浪来咯

You must come from a family of polar bears. That water is ice cold. 你一定和北极熊是同乡 这水冰凉刺骨 Only at first.

After a while, you can't feel anything. 只是刚开始会觉得冷 过段时间 你就没有感觉了 Sounds like my marriage. You must be the new renter. 就像我的婚姻一样 你一定是新来的租客吧 Emily Thorne. Word gets around fast. 艾米莉·索恩 消息传得可真快呀

Like lightning.I'm lydia Davis.My husband and I own the house you're staying in.

像闪电一样 我是莉迪亚·戴维斯 你租的房子是我和我丈夫的

It's so nice to meet you.

I can't tell you how much I love it. 很高兴见到你 我非常喜欢这房子 Me, too.

Some good memories were made there. 我也是 那里有我美好的记忆

Well, hopefully I can make some of my own.


So long as we don't have to take it out of your damage deposit. 只要别因房屋破损 扣你押金就好 Welcome to the Hamptons. 欢迎来到汉普顿

Federal prosecutors wrapped up their case for treason against disgraced hedge fund executive David Clarke.


Taking the stand was Clarke's secretary, Lydia Davis,

出庭作证的是克拉克的秘书 莉迪亚·戴维斯 whose testimony supported the damning

allegations made by Clarke's former boss, Conrad Grayson.

她的证词有力地证明了 对克拉克前任老板康拉德·格雷森的指控

Grayson's testimony detailed the scheme Clarke used to channel money to the terrorists responsible for the downing of flight 1-9-7.

格雷森的证词详尽描述了 克拉克向制造197航班事故的恐怖分子提供资金支持的细节

All 246 Americans onboard that flight were killed.

乘坐该航班的264位美国人无一生还 What do you like better, dad, sea glass or starfish? Dad?

爸爸 你更喜欢哪个 海鸥还是海星 爸爸 Starfish, definitely. 当然是海星了

Here you go. Thank you. 给你 谢谢你

David, it's Victoria. 大卫 是我 维多利亚

Hey, do you mind going and looking after Sammy for me? Sure. 亲爱的 带山姆出去玩儿 好吗 好的 David, are you there? 大卫 你在吗

What's the matter, Sammy? 你怎么了 山姆

Hey, everything okay? 一切都好吗

Whatcha doin'? Daddy! 你在干吗 爸爸

Whoa, whoa. What's going on? 发生了什么

Hands up so I can see 'em. What's going on?

把手举到我能看到的地方 怎么了 You're making a mis—

wait! You're making a mistake! 等等 这是个误会

Get your hands off my daughter! Aah! No! Amanda! Let her go! Amanda! Amanda! 放开我女儿 阿曼达 放开她 阿曼达 阿曼达 David Clarke had everyone fooled, including me.

大卫·克拉克把大家都耍了 包括我

I'm just glad I can help put that monster away.



Do you think I'm tan enough for my first day on the beach or do I need another spray?

你觉得去海滩第一天 我肤色够棕吗 还需要再带支喷雾吗

What you need is another bathing suit. 你只需要一套新的泳衣

Compared to what the rest of my friends are wearing, this is practically a burka, 看看我其他朋友怎么穿的 我这件算保守了 unlike the rest of your friends...It's important to me that you don't end up on "Page six" at one of Diddy’s hot tub parties. 与你朋友不同 我可不希望在八卦版看到你参加吹牛老爹的热浴池派对的新闻 Danny's home. Ooh, Danny! 丹尼回来了 丹尼 How you doing? 你好吗

I'm so happy to see you. 见到你好开心

I'm so glad to see you. What's going on, a fire sale?

我也是 这儿怎么了 清理废品吗 Charity stunt. 慈善事业完成了

Welcome home, Daniel. 欢迎回家 丹尼尔 Hi, mom. 妈妈

I'm headed down to the beach. Okay. Okay. 我去海滩了 好吧 好的 She's growing up fast. 时间过的真快

Too fast. You hungry? 太快了 你饿了吗

You know, I'm a little wiped out.I think I'll just lay down for a bit. 我只是有点累了 我想先去躺一会儿 Yeah, you look a little tired. 你看起来有点累

Well, studying will do that to a guy. 学习都累的

Mm. So will partying.


Mom, I just got here. Give me a break. Where's dad, golfing?

妈妈 我才刚到 让我休息一下 爸爸呢 在打高尔夫吗

Where else? Yep. Where else? 还能去哪呢 是啊 还能去哪

Now...It feels like summer. Champagne? 现在 有夏天的感觉了 要点香槟吗

You have to ask? Conrad? What's wrong? 还用问吗 康拉德 你怎么了

Are you okay? Conrad. oh, god. 你没事吧 康拉德 天啊


All right, so the first thing you do is enter the code.

好吧 你第一件要做的事是输入密码 It's not exactly... 这还不算

Ooh. Then you swipe the card. 然后把卡刷一下 Then the amount. 然后就出来总额了 Are we eating in here? 我们在这里吃吗

Uh, yeah. I'm afraid so. 恐怕是这样

Dec.Yeah, yeah, I got it. 德克 知道 我懂了

Uh, card, swipe, amount, right? 拿卡 刷卡 总额 对吗 Code, swipe, amount. 密码 刷卡 总额

Jack, will you take care of the mean girls' table?

杰克 你能去招呼那桌不好惹的女孩吗

It's too early in the season for me to start making enemies.

夏天才开始 现在就结仇太早点了

Why should this year be any different? 年年如此 你今年顾忌什么

Because you're sailing off to save the world, and this place can't afford bad press. 因为你要航行救世界了 这地方承受不起舆论压力 Yeah, yeah, I, uh ,I got it. Okay? 是 是 我 我来搞定 好吗 Hi. Can I help you? 你好 我能帮你吗

Um, are you the owner? 你是店主吗

Hopefully not for another 30 years or so. You're looking for my dad.

不是 最好接下来的30年都不是 你要找的是我父亲

Some suit's looking for you. 有个穿西装的找你

You are? Um, Doug Reid with first federal. 你是 第一联邦银行的道格·里德

Oh, Mr. Reid. I'll take care of him, Jack. 里德先生 我来招呼他 杰克 Hey, Mr. Reid. Carl Porter. 里德先生 我是卡尔·波特

Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming down. 很高兴见到你 谢谢你能过来

Why don't you follow me to my office? 请来我的办公室吧

I know you like him. Here he comes. 我知道你们喜欢他 现在他来了

Ladies. We'll take three rum and diets. 女士们 我们要三杯朗姆酒加健怡可乐 Uh, gonna need to see IDs. 我要看看你们的身份证

Um, we left our IDs at the beach ,but we have plenty of money.

身份证落在海边了 但我们带了不少钱

Sorry. I'm not interested in your money. 抱歉 我对你们的钱不感兴趣

Are you interested in my phone number? 那你对我的手机号码感兴趣吗


Sammy.The whole point of fetch is to bring the stick back

山姆 衔取训练的关键是我扔出去后你捡回来 when I throw it. I really gotta explain this again?


Come here. come here, Sammy. I found a stick for you.

过来 过来山姆 我给你找到了一个木棍

What's his name? Sam. He sure likes sticks. 它叫什么名字 山姆 他肯定很喜欢玩木棍 Fetch it, Sammy. Nice throw. Thanks. 山姆 去捡 扔得好 谢谢 I'm Jack. I'm Amanda. 我是杰克 我是阿曼达

Come on, Sammy. Pick up the stick. Where you going?

快点 山姆 把木棍捡回来 你去哪里 Get back here. What are you doing? Sammy.

回来 你在做什么 山姆

Sam? Barks. Sammy! Sammy! Get down. 山姆 山姆 山姆 趴下

What's the matter with you? I'm sorry.He's not normally this friendly.

你怎么回事 抱歉 它平时不是那么热情的 He's kind of an old grump, actually.Oh, he got mud on your dress.

他其实是条臭脾气的老狗了 他把你衣服弄脏了 Oh, that's no big deal. 没事

There's an Earl and Emma's dry cleaners right around the cornor.I'll walk you over. 拐角处有间名叫艾尔与艾玛的洗衣店 我带你过去吧

Oh, that's okay. Um, I got it. Thanks. 不用了 我自己能找到 谢谢

Well, hey.Uh, tell Earl and Emma that you're a friend of Jack Porter's.

好吧 喂 告诉艾尔和艾玛 你是杰克·波特的朋友 My family owns the tavern down by the docks, the stowaway.

我家在码头出口那里开了间酒吧 What's, what's your name?

I'll... put you on the official comp list. 你叫什么名字 我把你加进免费名单里 You don't have to do that. 你不需要那么做

Well, I'm not picking up the tab. Sammy is.He feels terrible. Don't you? 不是我请客 山姆买单 他觉得很愧疚 是吧 Thanks anyway. 还是谢谢你了 All righty, then. 不用谢

You have a great summer. 祝你有个美好的夏天


Hey. Oh, my god, Conrad. I thought I was going to find you dead. 我的天啊 康拉德 我以为你死了 I'm fine. 我没事

What happened? 到底怎么回事

Acute abdominal dyspepsia. The remorse of a guilty stomach. 急性胃部消化不良 胃部不适的表现 Your staff made it sound as if he was having a heart attack. 你们的人让我以为他心脏病发作了 Well, depending on the severity ,the symptoms can be identical. 依据病情程度 症状可能是一样的

As far as I can tell,your husband's as healthy as a thoroughbred.

至少我可以说 你丈夫就像小马驹一样健康 But I do suggest that he stay away from

the Southfork Inn's spicy bisque for a while. 但是我建议他这段时间远离南方酒店的辣味浓汤 The Southfork Inn? 南方酒店 Yeah. 是的

I thought you went golfing. 我以为你去打高尔夫了 Yeah, I did, earlier. 是的 我之前是去打高尔夫了 Southfork is a half-hour in the opposite direction. 南方酒店可是要反方向走半小时才能到 I'm aware of that. 我知道 Excuse me. 失陪了

Come on. You know I just get in the way when you're planning one of your parties. 拜托 你忙于准备开聚会的事 我不想给你添乱 I just thought I would go for a drive and stay out of your hair for a while. 所以我打算多开会儿车 不打扰你 And I'm sorry that I scared you. 很抱歉我吓到你了 Don't do it again. 再也不要这么做


I think she spotted you. 我觉得她看到你了 Good. Introduce us. 很好 介绍我们认识

Hey, how about that stock split, huh? 股票分割怎么样

What'd I tell you? Turned out great. 我怎么和你说的 结果很棒

Conrad.Yeah.We weren't sure we were going to see you this afternoon. 康拉德 嗯 我们之前都不知道下午见不见得到你

Huh? Rumor had it that you, uh, really dodged a bullet yesterday. 有流言说你差点就去见上帝了

Oh, well, I'm happy to report that the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated.

我很开心地宣告关于我死亡的流言 是夸大事实的 是假的

Oh. Well, I'm thrilled to hear it.I'll be sure to spread the word.

很高兴听到这消息 我会把这话传出去 Oh, I'm sure you will. 我相信你会的 Lydia.I just... 莉迪亚 我只是

Karrie, you look like you could use another drink.

凯莉 看上去你需要另一杯酒了

Darling, would you please show her the way to the bar? Sure. 亲爱的 带她去吧台 没问题

Lydia.Where have you been hiding yourself? 莉迪亚 你躲到哪儿去了

I left three messages for you. 我留个三条信息给你

Mrs. Grayson, forgive me for interrupting. 格雷森太太 原谅我打扰你

I just wanted to introduce you to a dear friend of mine.

我想给你介绍一个我的好朋友 Victoria Grayson, Emily thorne. 这是维多利亚·格雷森 这是艾米莉·索恩 Hello, Mrs. Grayson. 格雷森太太您好

Ah, Ms. Thorne.I was wondering who the late entry was on the guest roster. 索恩小姐 我还在想这个最后才加入宾客名单的人是谁

Well, Emily's new to the Hamptons, but she really wanted to take part in your fund-raiser.

艾米莉刚搬来汉普顿 但她特别想参加你的筹款活动

Oh. How do you two know each other? 你们怎么认识的

We volunteered together at the met this winter.


Mm. Apparently being a sustaining patron just wasn't enough for Emily. 显然 仅仅做一个资助人还不能满足她

Mm. I try to give back as much as I can. Lydia. Hi.

我想尽可能回馈社会 莉迪亚 你也在 Oh, don't tell me you've taken up volunteering at the MET as well. 你该不会也在地铁站做过志愿者吧

Emily's renting my house for the summer.We met briefly on the beach.

艾米莉是我这个夏天的租客 我们在沙滩上见过一面

And then yesterday at the Southfork Inn. I hope your husband's feeling better. 还有昨天在南方酒店 你丈夫好点了吗 Victoria, wait. 维多利亚 等等


Everyone, listen up, please. 大家都注意了

I just want to thank you all for helping the stowaway kick off the season right. 我想感谢你们对本店的支持 让我们顺利拉开夏日的序幕

You're welcome! 不客气

Where were you people all winter? 你们冬天都藏哪里去了

Tomorrow my son Jack is setting sail for Haiti to pitch in with the red cross.

我儿子杰克明天要航行去海地 参与红十字救援行动

Good luck, Jack! 祝你好运 杰克

He wanted to go right after the quake, but I convinced him to stick around an extra year to help me out.

他原本打算大地震之后就去的 但是我劝他留下来再帮我一年

Almost two, actually, but who's counting? 其实已经快两年了 不过没关系 Was it two? Yeah. 两年吗 是啊 It was two. 两年了啊

Good going, Jack. To Jack! 一路顺风 杰克 为杰克干杯 To Jack! 为了杰克

I'm gonna miss you, son. 我会想你的 儿子

I'm gonna miss you, too. 我也会想你的

Mr. Porter, do you have a moment? 波特先生 现在有空吗 Sure. Right this way. 当然 请这边走

The bank is not going to approve any further extensions.


But business is back. All's I need is 30 more days.

但生意已开始恢复了 再多给我一个月 I am sorry. It's out of my hands. 对不起 这我帮不了你

Here we go round again, Danny boy, summertime in the Hamptons. 好日子又到了 小丹尼 汉普顿的夏天时光 Yep.Same people, same parties...Same everything.

是啊 一样的人 一样的派对 一切都是老样子

Where do you want to discuss it? 你想在哪里说

Yo, man. Want to bump it up a notch? 伙计 想不想爽一下 Oh, my god! Wow.

I'm so sorry. God, I'm such an idiot. 我的天啊 真对不起 我真是笨手笨脚的

No, don't worry about it.It's, uh, probably the universe telling me I need a costume change.

没事没事 大概老天是在暗示我 该换套衣服了 Uh... I'm Daniel. Emily. 我是丹尼尔 艾米莉

How about I get you a dry Martini? Twice the alcohol, half the stain potential. 我给你拿杯苦味马提尼吧 比这杯多一倍酒精 却没那么容易弄脏衣服 Sure. I'm sorry. 好啊 我真的很抱歉

No, no. It's okay. Now wait right here. 没事 在这等我一下

How much does he owe? 他欠多少钱

I'm sorry. That's between your dad and thebank.

抱歉 这是你父亲和银行的事

Come on. He's owned the place 30 years. 求你了 这个店他已经开了三十年了 How bad is it? 情况到底有多糟

The bank's gonna foreclose at the end of the month.The only way to stop it now is full pay menton arrears.

I am sorry. There's nothing I can do. 银行准备在月底把房子收回 唯一的办法就是将房款全额付清 非常抱歉 我也无能为力


Good afternoon, everyone, and happy Memorial Day.

大家下午好 又到了阵亡将士纪念日

I wanted the theme of today's party to signify a fresh start for all of us.


As difficult as the last few years have been, they have been devastating on our charities.

过去的几年来 我们经历了重重困难 我们的慈善机构一度受到毁灭性的打击

But now, as things are beginning to turn around,I'm looking forward to giving back,and I knowthat all of you are, too.

不过 既然现在情势开始好转 我期待着回报社会 我知道你们也是如此

So to start things off right,I'd like to announce the winner of the art auction ,Mydear friend... Lydia Davis...

为了有个好的开端 我要宣布 艺术品拍卖的赢家是 我亲爱的朋友 莉迪亚·戴维斯

who won't be going home with the Manet this evening,but with the treasured Van Gogh that hangs in my living room. 但她今晚带走的不是莫奈的作品 而是挂在我客厅的那幅 珍贵的梵高画

But I thought the Van Gogh was a gift fromLydia and Michael.

那幅梵高不是莉迪亚和迈克尔送给她的礼物吗 Have Ms. Davis escorted off the boat. 将戴维斯太太送到船边

And in related news,Lydia has asked me to announce that the beach house she sharedwith her husband is officially on the market. 还有一件事 莉迪亚让我帮她宣布 她和她丈夫的那栋海滨别墅 已经正式向外出售 Ms. Davis... 戴维斯夫人

I'm afraid this will be her final weekend in the Hamptons.

非常遗憾 这将是她在汉普顿的最后一个周末

So call your realtors, ladies and gentlemen because this one's going to go fast. 女士们先生们 快联系你们的房产经纪人吧 这栋房子可是很抢手的

And, Lydia...wherever you end up,I hope that the Van Gogh is a constant reminder of the friendship we shared.

还有 莉迪亚 不管你在哪 我希望那幅梵高能永远让你想起我们曾经的友谊

Get your hands off my daughter! 放开我的女儿

I want that kid outta here. Now!Give her to social services! Daddy!

马上带孩子出去 马上 把她带去福利院 Amanda! Where are you taking her?! 阿曼达 你们要带她去哪里 No! Daddy! Amanda! No! 不要 爸爸 阿曼达

She's really something, isn't she? My mother.

她很了不起 对吧 我母亲 She sure is. 当然了

To chance meetings. 同时 为美丽的偶遇干杯

To an unforgettable summer. 为难忘的夏天


How many Harvard men does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

需要多少哈佛精英才能拧下一下灯泡 I don't know. How many? 不知道 多少个

One, and the whole world just revolves around him.

一个 他握着电灯泡 世界围着他转 One more? 再来一个吗 Drink or joke?

酒还是笑话 Either. Both. 任意一个 或者两个都来

Mm. Neither.I am just buzzed enough to find that last joke funny.

都算了吧 我都醉到觉得刚才的笑话很有趣了 One more, and I might think that you meant it.

再喝 我就会把你的话都当真了 But don't let me stop you. 不过别让我扫了你的兴

Oh, no, no. I've had about all the club soda I can take.

没有没有 我喝了够多的苏打水了 You don't drink? 你不喝酒

Used to...epically. 以前喝 喝的很厉害

I gotta admit, it's—it's nice meeting someone who never knew the old me. 我得承认能认识个不认识过去的我的人真不错 Yeah.I know the feeling. 是啊 我懂那种感觉 Double infinity. 永恒的永恒

Something like that. 差不多

That's a long time. 那可是好长的时间

Daniel...your father and I are leaving. 丹尼尔 你父亲和我要走了

Thank you for a lovely party, Mrs. Grayson.It was great meeting both of you. 感谢您举办了个这么棒的派对 格雷森太太 遇见你们二位真是荣幸

Well, now that you've moved in next door,I suppose we'll be seeing a lot of you this summer. I'll expect you shortly, Daniel. 既然你搬到我们隔壁了 我想这个夏天应该会经常见到你 丹尼尔 你快点过来

Don't let my mom rattle you. Intimidation is practically a sign of endearment with her.

别被我妈吓倒了 虚张声势基本就是她的天性 I'd hate to be on her bad side. 我不想与她为敌 Yes, you would. 你肯定不想 I should go. 我该走了

Uh, I'm headed your way. You need a ride? 我跟你顺路 要搭顺风车吗 No, thanks. Maybe next time. 不用了 谢谢 下次吧 Till next time. 那等下次


You didn't have to exile her.What you did was cruel.

你也不必把她赶走吧 这样太残忍了

Oh, what I did was cruel?You could have had anyone,and you knew she was my closest friend.

所以残忍的是我了 你跟谁睡都行 可是你明知道她是我最好的朋友

It was never meant to be an affair. 我从没想过要搞婚外情 Oh, it just happened? 是自然而然而地发生的吗

Are you physically incapable of taking responsibility for your actions? 你的身体能不能为你的行为负责

There is a problem we seem to share. 我们都有这个问题

If you'll remember, I gave up everything once to prove how much I love you. 如果你还记得 为了证明我有多爱你 我曾经放弃了一切

I returned the favor. I helped you

destroy a man.

我还你人情了 我帮助你毁了一个男人 Oh, no, no, no. That was your idea, not mine.

不不 那是你的主意 不关我的事

You did what you did to save yourself as much as me.

你那么做是为救我 也为自保

A compromise I'm reminded of every day. 我每天都提醒自己 曾作出这个妥协 You got plenty in the bargain. 在那场交易中 你获益匪浅

These guys really put the "Suck" In seersucker.

这些家伙没有最怂 只有更怂 What a waste of humanity. 此等人渣 留之何用

With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?


Hey. It's, uh...It's Jack Porter. 你好 我是 我是杰克·波特

Listen, if you still want to buy my boat, bring a check down to the docks first thing in the morning. Okay?

如果你还想买我的船 明天一早带支票来码头 怎么样

There's nothing I'd like to do more. 那再好不过了

All right. See you then. 那好 到时候见


Welcome home, Amanda. 欢迎回家 阿曼达

I nearly didn't recognize you today,but that's the whole point, isn't it?

今天我几乎都没认出来你 但这正是你要的效果 不是吗

Do you know how easy it would be for me

to crush your windpipe? 你知道我掐断你的喉咙有多容易吗

I don't think your father would approve. 我想你父亲不会答应的

Amanda...Oh... Your father trusted me. 阿曼达 你父亲很信任我

My father trusted everybody.What are you doing here, Nolan?

我爸对谁都很信任 你来这干什么 诺兰 Don't worry. Don't worry. Your secret's safe.

别紧张 别紧张 你的秘密很安全

No one wants this imperious cadre of toxic phonies to eat it more than yours truly. 同你一样 我无法忍受那些虚伪无比自视清高的罪人

So how can I be of service? 我要怎么帮你

You can't. You're not a part of this. 你帮不了 这事与你无关 Yes, I am.

Remember, I witnessed firsthand what these people did to your father. They're hard-core.

不 有关 记着 我亲眼目睹那些人对你父亲做了些什么 这是重点

I can handle them.And I have no problem taking you down, too, if you get in my way. 我能搞定 如果你妨碍我 我同样也能收拾你 I-I don't want to get in your way.I want to help you.

我不是想妨碍你 我想帮你 You can't help me, Nolan. 你帮不了我 诺兰 Suit yourself. 随便你

But I can be just as powerful an enemy as any one of them. Just sayin'.

但我也能成为一个劲敌 和他们一样强大 只是随口一说

You might be interested to know,I had a

nice chat with Jack Porter tonight. 你也许会感兴趣 今晚我跟杰克·波特聊得很开心 Guess who's still carrying a torch for little Amanda Clarke.

看来他对小阿曼达·克拉克还念念不忘呢 Amanda Clarke no longer exists. 阿曼达·克拉克已经死了


Clarke, happy birthday. You've been emancipated. 克拉克 生日快乐 你可以出狱了 Amanda Clarke. 阿曼达·克拉克 Who are you? 你是谁

Nolan Ross. Friend of your father's. 诺兰·罗斯 你父亲的朋友

You're not exactly the little angel he described.


My father hasn't seen me in ten years. 我爸有十年没见过我了

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you. 很抱歉 我得告诉你

He passed away.Six weeks ago.He wanted you to have something. 六周前 他去世了 他给你留了些东西 Whatever that is, I don't want it. 不管是什么 我都不想要

Oh, no, no, no, trust me. You definitely do. 别 别 相信我 你会想要的

My father was a murderer and a liar. 我爸是杀人犯 是骗子

So why would I trust you, huh? 为什么我

Cause that's just what they want you to believe.


Forget everything that you think you know, amanda. Your dad was protecting you. 把你知道的那些事情都忘了吧 阿曼达 你父亲在保护你 From what? 保护我什么

Open the box.Find out. 打开盒子 就知道了

Your father was the first person to believe in me.


He invested in my company when no one else would.

在别人都不看好时 投资了我的公司

That key, it opens a lock box in zurich. 这是苏黎世银行存款箱的钥匙

Now that you're 18,you're officially 49% owner of my company.

你现在成人了 正式成为我公司的股东 拥有49%的股份

Board meetings are every other Wednesday, but...

董事会在周三举行 每隔一周开一次 You don't have to show up. 但你不用露面 I never do. 我从来不去


My dear Amanda...If you're reading this, then two things have come to pass. "我亲爱的阿曼达 当你在读这封信的时候 有两件事必然发生了

I am finally able to provide you the life youwere unjustly denied.

我终于可以为你提供过去你曾被剥夺的生活 And sadly, I won't be able to share that life with you.

然而不幸的是 我无法和你一起过那样的生活 I hope these journals provide answers to

the questions you've had all these years. 我希望这些日记可以为你解答这些年来你的困惑 I am not the man they say I am.And I did not do the things they say I did.

我不是他们口中所说的那种人 我没有做过他们所说的那些事

All I ask is that you promise to do the one thing. That's been so hard for me to do.Forgive.

我只要你承诺一件事 一件我难以做到的事 宽恕 But that was a promise I couldn't keep. 而这个承诺 我无法履行

When deception cuts this deep, someone has to pay.

欺骗伤人至深 必须有人为此付出代价

My father's chance to bring justice to the truly guilty was stolen from him.

我的父亲被剥夺了将真正的罪犯绳之以法的机会 His only option was to forgive.I have others. 他唯一的选择就是宽恕 而我不一样

Would you set it up by the windows, please? 请送到窗户边

And I'd like some, uh, pepper in my bisque. 我喜欢在浓汤里放点胡椒粉

They say vengeance is a dish best served cold.

俗话说 君子报仇十年不晚

But sometimes it's as warm as a bowl of soup.

但有时 十年后的仇恨仍然不减当年 My father died an innocent man, betrayed by the woman he loved. 我父亲含冤而终 他深爱的女人背叛了他

When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge.

当你所爱的一切被人剥夺 你所剩下的唯有复仇 Like I said...This is not a story about forgiveness.

正如我所说的 这不是一个讲述宽恕的故事 Yes?I want you to find out everything you

can about a young woman named emily thorne.

喂 你去帮我查一个叫艾米莉·索恩的年轻女人的所有资料

Emily Thorne? 艾米莉·索恩 That's right. 没错


Emily.What are you doing over here?This area is strictly for the commoners. 艾米莉 你怎么在这 这里可是平民看台 I like the view. 我喜欢这儿的景色 Mm. So I see. 我明白了

Don't think I didn't spot you flirting with Daniel Grayson at the yacht party last week.

别以为上个星期在游艇派对上 我没看到你跟丹尼尔·格雷森调情

What can I say? He's charming. 怎么说呢 他很有魅力 He's dangerous. Come on. 他可不是什么善类 走吧

Now I assume you have been studying the Hamptons group on my Facebook page. 想必你已经在我的脸谱主页上研究过汉普顿的知名人士了吧

Why, is there gonna be a test? 怎么 还想考考我呀 Every bloody day. 每日一测

Welcome to the V.I.P. Tent. For you. 欢迎来到贵宾区 拿着 So tell me, who is here? Oh, come on. White one?

给我介绍下这里的人吧 不会吧 一个都说不出来 Mm. You must remember him.


Nolan Ross—from the Memorial Day party. Perennial pain in the ass?

诺兰·罗斯 他也参加了纪念日派对 永远的讨厌鬼 Gold star. 回答正确 加十分

And that charmer chatting him up is Bill Harmon, head of Wall Street's most profitable hedge fund.

那个跟他聊天的帅大叔是比尔·哈蒙 华尔街最赚钱的套保基金老总

You'd have to have Nolan's kind of money for him to even look at you.

你得像诺兰那样有点钱 人家老总才会正眼瞧你 Ah, and of course,situated comfortably in the royalty section,

we have Conrad Grayson and...

当然了 在贵宾席安然就坐的就是康拉德·格雷森 还有

Her majesty. 女王陛下

Class dismissed.I need to do a little networking. You'll be okay, right? 下课 我要去做点公关工作 你一个人没关系吧 Yeah, of course. Yeah. Go. 当然 你去吧

Uncle Bill! Uncle Bill! 比尔叔叔 比尔叔叔 Hello, birthday girl. 你好 小寿星

Dad, uncle Bill's here. 爸爸 比尔叔叔来了

Look what I have here. Happy birthday. 看我带了什么来 生日快乐 Oh! What's his name? 它叫什么名字呢

Uh, that is up to you .What's he look like? 你来取 你觉得他该叫什么 Like a sammy. 叫山姆

Sammy. Okay.Well, then sammy it is.

山姆 好的 那就叫山姆吧 Thanks, daddy. 谢谢爸爸

David, I gotta talk to you. 大卫 我要跟你谈谈 Yeah, what is it? 怎么了

It's about Grayson. 是格雷森的事


Your boy's not looking too good out there today, Grayson. 你儿子今天表现不佳啊 格雷森 Mm. It's not even halftime. There's still plenty of game left. 都还没到中场休息呢 这场比赛还长着呢 Care to back that up with a wager? 那敢打个赌吗

I stopped playing games with you when I fired you 18 years ago.


I'd say that particular game worked out pretty well for both of us.

我不得不说 在那场特别的游戏中 你我都获益不浅 But if you don't want tothrow any more money away on that son of yours, I can understand.

不过如果你不想在自己儿子身上浪费钱的话 我懂的

The only thing you seem to understand, Mr.Harmon,is how to ruin a perfectly good afternoon.

哈蒙先生 似乎你唯一懂得的是如何毁掉一个美好的下午

Just having a little fun, Vic.Tell you what, I'll even the playing field.

开个小玩笑罢了 小维 这样 我们公平一点 Put your money where your mouth is on

Daniel,and I'll take back the 5 points you'realready down.

把钱压在你们引以为傲的丹尼尔身上 你们已经落后的这五分我忽略不计 I'll take that bet.

Hello again, Mr. And Mrs. Grayson. 我跟你赌 我们又见面了 格雷森夫妇

Ah, Ms. Thorne. What a pleasant surprise. You remember Emily.

索恩小姐 你也在这儿 真高兴见到你 你记得艾米莉吗

Of course, yeah. The girl next door. 当然了 住在我们隔壁的女孩

Oh, not for much longer, I'm afraid .I understand that Lydia and Michael's house is in multiple offers.

恐怕我们不能再当多久邻居了 我获悉有很多人出价购买莉迪亚和迈克尔的那栋房子 Actually, one of those offers is mine. 事实上 我也是其中一个竞价买家

Oh. Well, we're gonna keep our fingers crossed for you.

我们祝你能成功买到那栋房子 Thanks, but I went in strong. My realtor is expecting good news.

谢谢 但我志在必得 我的房产经纪人正在等好消息 Gotta like a girl who goes after what she wants. Bill Harmon.

追逐自己想要的 这样的女孩我喜欢 比尔·哈蒙 Emily Thorne. 艾米莉·索恩

You watch your money around this one, young lady.

小姑娘 在他面前可得管好你的钱包

He'll take you for every penny if he can. 他会不惜余力剥夺你身上的一分一毫

Well, I know a good bet when I see one. 我有很好的投资眼光


What's your hurry, party planner? 派对小策划 你这么急要去哪里

Nolan, there must be a hundred women here who would love to play your little games.

诺兰 那里有一大堆的女人 愿意你在她们面前耍那些小把戏

I, however,am not one of them.Excuse me. 但我不是她们中的一员 借过 Hello.Hey, it's Jack. 你好 我是杰克

Listen, I thought we had a deal on my boat. Other buyers are starting to line up. 我知道卖船的事我们谈过了 但是别的买家开始加价了

Ah, the art of the deal.Tell you what,I'll have my business manager wire whatever you're asking into your little bank,

挺会讲价的嘛 告诉你吧 你随便开个价 我让我业务经理把钱打进你的小金库里

and then we can do the title transfer,and blah, blah, blah, whenever it's convenient. 然后我们就可以把船过户了 只要你方便 什么时候都可以

It's convenient today. 我今天就很方便

Aye, aye, captain. See you soon. 好的 船长 一会儿见 You know Nolan Ross? 你认识诺兰·罗斯

Yes, we've been close for a long time. 我们是老朋友了

A bit of an odd bird, that one. 他是个怪人

I wouldn't guess he had any real friends at all,much less one as lovely as you. 我以为他压根没什么朋友 尤其是像你这么迷人的朋友

Nolan knows when people look at him,they see dollar signs,so he's built up a few defense mechanisms.

诺兰知道人们看着他的时候 眼里满是闪闪发光的钞票 所以他很有自我保护意识

It's hard to know who to trust when it Comes to money.

一旦牵扯到钱 就不知道该信任谁了

Couldn't agree more. So who do you trust? 非常同意 那么你信任谁呢

With my money? Myself since 2008. 对于我的钱吗 自从20xx年后 我只信任自己 I've been sitting in cash and short-term bonds wondering when that second shoe's gonna drop.

我的资产只有现金和短期债券 不知道下一次经济危机什么时候会来

My fund actually made money in 2008. 我的基金在20xx年还挣钱了呢

Really? Well, what do you have, a crystal ball?

真的吗 你难道有预言水晶球吗 And a magic hat. 还有一顶魔法帽

Bit of free advice?The other shoe's not gonna drop anytime soon.

免费给你点小建议 经济危机没那么快席卷重来 You should consider getting back into the market.


Never said I wasn't considering. 我不是没考虑过

Well, then you and I have a lot to discuss. 那我和你有很多可以聊的了

Call my office.We'll set a lunch when you're ready.

这是我办公室电话 等你做好打算了 一起吃个中饭聊聊

Loser pays. Always. 赌输的人付钱 必须的


Easy, girl.What's going on with you today?

放轻松点 丫头 你今天怎么了 Off to a rough start, huh? 真是出师不利啊

I was hoping you wouldn't be here to see this.


Sorry to disappoint you.If it helps, I made a bet that you'd win.

抱歉让你失望了 我赌了你会赢 希望让你好过点 Definitely does not help.You know, you're making it very difficult for me to impress you.

当然不会好过 你这么做让我很难给你留下个好印象

I'm already impressed. Beautiful pony. Thoroughbred mix, about 7 years old? 我已经大开眼界了 这马真漂亮 纯血统杂交 七岁左右吧

You've spent some time around horses. 看来你对马还挺有研究的

Yeah, I was the captain of the equestrian club my semester in Barcelona.

对 我以前在巴塞罗那上学的时候是马术俱乐部的队长

Now who's impressing who? Would you like to go out sometime? 现在是谁让谁大开眼界了 你想改天一起出去吗 Riding? 骑马吗

Yeah. Riding or...just dinner. 对 骑马 或者吃个饭

Win the match, and it's yes to both. 赢了比赛 我就都答应 And if I lose? 我输了怎么办 Then we'll see. 到时候再说 Come on... 来吧

It looks like you could use a cool drink. 看上去你需要一杯冰饮

It might take something a little stronger than lemonade today.

或许我今天想来点比柠檬汁更带劲的东西 Thanks for meeting me, Frank.What were you able to find out?

多谢你抽空来见我 弗兰克 你有什么发现 About your pretty little neighbor?Filthy rich and squeaky clean as far as I can tell. 关于你的小小芳邻 就我所知 她家财万贯而且身世清白

Her daddy was a wealthy expat.Gave her enough to bounce around the globe, collecting degrees and doing good deeds. 她父亲是个富裕的外国人 给了她足够多的钱 让她周游列国 一边学习 一边做做善事 No romantic scandals or divorces? 没有风流韵事或者离婚之类的事吗

Nothing stateside.There's a few stones left unturned. I don't expect much.

在美国本土没有此类记录 还有一些细节没查 估计也不会有大发现

Why are you so interested in this girl anyway?


Because she's interested in my son.Need I remind you what happened with that cocktail waitress Daniel fell for last summer? 因为她瞧上了我儿子 你不会忘了吧 丹尼尔去年夏天和那个端鸡尾酒的女招待搞出来的那档子破事 No. I was the one who cleaned up that mess. I can promise you, Emily Thorne is no cocktail waitress.

怎么会忘 那个烂摊子还是我收拾的 我可以向你保证 艾米莉·索恩不是什么低贱的女服务员 I'm not interested in what she's not.I want to know who she is.

她是不是女服务员 我不感兴趣 我真正关心的是 她到底是谁

Well, then perhaps you should go straight to the source...Ask her yourself. 那或许你可以直取源头 当面跟她问个清楚

Frank, did you know?About Conrad and Lydia.

弗兰克 你知情么 康拉德和莉迪亚的事 I'm head of your husband's security. Of course I knew.

我是你丈夫的保全主管 我当然知道

But you kept it a secret from me anyway. 但你却对我缄口不言

It's my job to keep secrets.You of all people should appreciate that.

为雇主保密是我的职责所在 对此你们都该很庆幸


My dear Amanda,the worst betrayals Always come from the ones we trust the most.

亲爱的阿曼达 至信之人往往会伤你最深 If I'm at all culpable for what happened to us, it's because I gave away my trust too easily.

如果说 发生的这一切我有错的话 我就错在过于轻信他人了

It's a good age. Not a worry in the world. 这个年纪真好 无忧无虑

Well, she's growing up without a mom. That's a worry.

但她缺少一个母亲 这就够犯愁了

Last I checked,you were working on a plan to change that with Victoria.

就我所知 你不是计划要跟维多利亚一起生活吗 What's going on, Bill? 出什么事了 比尔

I'm in trouble, David.You remember the Greenville merger? 我有麻烦了 大卫

Yeah, you made a killing on that. 记得啊 你大赚一笔啊

I had a mole on the board of directors. 我在董事会有眼线

My god, Bill.Tell me you're joking.

天呐 比尔 你不是在说笑吧

I knew that merger was coming. 我知道会有合并

The S.E.C. gets a hold of this, you're going to jail, Bill.

证交委要是知道了 你可是要坐牢的啊 比尔 Grayson's security seized my database thismorning.

格雷森的安全系统今早查到了我的数据库 Frank called me.Grayson wants to cut a deal.

弗兰克 打给我 格雷森想做笔交易 What kind of deal? 什么交易

Any kind of deal he wants. Grayson's holding all the cards. 任何他想要的交易 格雷森手里握着所有王牌 You and David Clarke worked closely together.Did you consider yourself friends? 你和大卫·克拉克是亲密的工作伙伴 你认为自己算是他的朋友吗

I thought we were, yes. 我觉得我们是朋友 是的 And when did that change? 那后来你们关系怎么变了

When I discovered that he had been using inside information to make illegal trades. 我发现他一直在利用内部信息做非法交易 After I turned him in,I found out he'd been laundering money as well. 在我告发他后 我发现他还在洗钱

And what was the name of the organization? You believe David Clarke was laundering money for?

那个组织叫什么名字 你认为大卫·克拉克在为谁洗钱

Americon initiative. 反美倡议联盟

The same Americon initiative that claimed the responsibility of blowing up flight 197 last summer? Yes.

就是那个声称组织策划了去年夏天197航班事故的反美倡议联盟吗 是的

Hello?Is this Emily?Yes, it is. 你好 是艾米莉吗 是的 我是

Emily, this is Victoria Grayson.I took a chance and dialed the number I had for Lydia's old landline. I hope I haven't disturbed you.

艾米莉 我是维多利亚·格雷森 我碰碰运气试试莉迪亚以前的座机能否拨通 希望没有打搅到你 No, not at all. 不 没关系

I wanted to invite you over to the house tomorrow for tea. Is that something you think you might be able to do? 我想邀请你明天来我家喝茶 你乐意来吗 Yes, that sounds lovely. 当然 我很乐意

Good. I think it's time you and I get to know each other a little bit better. 好 我想我们俩是时候进一步了解彼此 I'm looking forward to it. 我相当期待 Till then. 到时候见


Where the hell you been all day?There's a ton of work to do around here.

你一整天都跑到哪去了 这儿有一大堆工作等着你干呢

You really screwed me, you know that? 你把我害惨了

I promised a girl I'd take her sailing.Yeah, that's why I asked if I could borrow the boat.

我答应了一个女孩儿带她出海 所以我才问你借那艘船

Okay. Well, I'm sorry I couldn't accommodate your joyride.

好吧 对不起我没能满足你的游船活动 You'll just have to find another way to impress her. 找其他方式讨好她吧

What is your problem?You and dad have been acting like such tools lately. 你怎么了 你和老爸最近表现得像白痴一样 Are you really that blind to what's going on? Dad's broke.

你真的看不出来吗 爸爸破产了

I sold the boat to keep this albatross going. 我卖了那艘船偿还了债务 酒吧才得以继续经营 Is that true? Cancel that transaction. 真的吗 取消那笔交易

It's too late, pop.The bank already applied the sale to your loan.

已经晚了 爸爸 银行已经将卖船的钱抵了你的贷款 Th-then we'll buy it back. 那我们把船买回来

With what?All of our assets are right here in this room.

用什么买 我们全部家当都在这儿了

Dad, I'm trying to save this place for you. 爸爸 我在努力为你保住这个酒吧 Nobody asked you to do that, Jack! I'm the captain of this family, not you. 没人要求你这么做 杰克 我是一家之主 不是你 Jack, I'm sorry.I didn't know. 杰克 对不起 我不知道 Well...Now you do. 那么 现在你知道了

Hello, Jack.I'm trying to book my next sailing expedition.But you are making it very difficult.

杰克 你好 我打算预定下一次远航之旅 但找你怎么这么困难啊

I told you, if you got in my way, I would take you down.

我告诉过你 你要是妨碍我 我会收拾你的 You stole my house. 你抢走了我的房子

If I hadn't, Victoria would have.She outbid you with a cash offer this morning. 我要是不抢 维多利亚就会抢走 她今早出的价比你高 还现款支付

How could you have possibly known that? 你怎么可能知道这些

Cause I hacked the realtor's computer.I've been tracking the sale all week.

因为我黑了房地产经纪人的电脑 这一整周我都在追踪那房子的销售进程

Victoria outbid you,so I outbid her. 维多利亚出了比你高的价 所以我出了比她高的价 Why is it so important for you to be a part of this?


When I met your dad,I'd already been laughed out of every boardroom in New York.

我刚遇见你父亲的时候 我已经被纽约所有公司的董事会给嘲笑了个遍

I was an MIT misfit with a vision that nobody got but him.

我就是个麻省理工怪才 无人赏识 除了你爸爸 The only reason nolcorp exists is because your father gave me cash from his personalaccount to develop it.And that's because he believed in me.

诺氏企业之所以存在 就是你父亲自掏腰包帮我建立了这个公司 那是因为他相信我 I want the deed to the house. 我要那房子的房契

It's already in your name.

Consider it a...birthday gift for Amanda. Tomorrow is the big day, isn't it?

已经在你名下了 就当作给阿曼达的生日礼物 明天是她的生日 不是吗


Daniel mentioned that you were captain of an equestrian team in Barcelona.

丹尼尔说起过 你在巴塞罗那时是马术队的队长 Uh, yes, just for a semester. 是的 只做了一学期

Oh. When was that, exactly? 那确切是什么时候 2005.Why do you ask? 20xx年 为什么问这个

I rode steeplechase when I was in boarding school at Montpelier.

我在蒙彼利埃上寄宿学校的时候 玩过障碍马赛 I'm curious what else we have in common. What are some of your other interests? 很好奇我们还有什么共同点 你还有什么其他爱好 History for one.I'm practically obsessed with it.

比如说历史 我特别着迷历史

Funny.At my yacht party, you were more

concerned with current events it seemed. 有意思 在我的游艇派对上 你看上去对时事更感兴趣

Art conservation is another one of my passions. That's why I joined New York's landmark preservation society.

还有艺术品收藏也是我热衷的爱好之一 所以我加入了纽约地标建筑保护协会

My father always said that our past defineswho we are.

我父亲总是说我们的过去造就了我们的现在 I would say our choices are what define us. 我会说 我们的选择造就了我们的现在

Maybe for the lucky,but sometimes in life, we're not always given a choice.

对幸运的人也许如此 但有时在现实生活中 我们别无选择 Emily?Hi. 艾米莉 嗨

Hi. What's going on? 嗨 怎么了

Well, your mother invited me over for tea. 你母亲请我过来喝茶

Daniel, for god sake, pull yourself together.You're a sweaty brute.

丹尼尔 看在上帝的份上 整理一下 你现在就像个满身臭汗的野蛮人

My apologies.Had I known my mother had summoned you,I'd have looked at least 50% less brutish.

抱歉 要是知道我母亲叫你过来 我的粗鲁形象起码要收敛一半

No, it's fine.I should get going, really.I have to work out some issues with my realtor. Things got a little aggressive...in our bidding war today.

没有 没关系 实际上我得走了 我得和我的房地产经纪人处理一些事 今天竞价战的形势不太乐观 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.Will you be on the hunt for a fallback rental, or are you headed back to the city? 很抱歉听到这个 你打算再找一栋房子租还是回城里去

Actually, as of this email,I've just become the official new owner of the beach house. 事实上 这封邮件说 我刚刚正式成为那座海滨别墅的新主人

That's great news. Congratulations. 真是好消息 祝贺你 Thank you. 谢谢

Now how about I make good on that date and take you out to celebrate?

我兑现上次说好的约会带你出去庆祝一下 怎么样 That sounds great. How about tomorrow? 听上去棒极了 明天如何

Yeah, tomorrow's perfect. I know just the place.Come on. I'll walk you out.

明天没问题 我正好知道个好地方 来 我送你出去 Thank you so much for tea, Mrs. Grayson.I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this. 格雷森太太 非常感谢你的邀请 与你一起喝茶聊天 我非常开心


Oh, man.

I wish I could've seen the look on Victoria's face.

天呀 真想看看维多利亚当时的表情

And don't say it was priceless, because that

was bought and paid for, baby.

不要说那是花钱也看不到的 那可是真金白银买来的

I'll get you your money back. 我会把钱还给你的

No, no, no, keep it.We'll write it off as an initiation fee into our little club.

不 你留着吧 可以把那钱作为我们小俱乐部的启动资金

It's not a club, Nolan.And we are not partners. Do you understand me? 诺兰 没有什么俱乐部 我们也不是合伙伙伴 你懂我的意思吗

Yeah, sure. Call it whatever you want. I'm just happy to be here....Coach. 当然 随便你怎么想 很高兴我能参与进来 老大 Bill Harmon? What do you need me to do? 比尔·哈蒙 你需要我做什么 You just did it. Now go. 你的任务完成了 走吧

I must say, it was a nice surprise,hearing from you again so quickly.

我得说 那么快又听到你的消息真令我喜出望外 What can I say? You made a great case. 我不得不承认 你的游说很具说服力 And you made a great decision.I will personally see to it that your portfolio reflects all the effort and wisdom that went into building my company.

你的决定很明智 我会确保你的投资组合将倾注我所有的努力和智慧 一如我为自己公司所倾注的一切

That's what I'm counting on.


Where your money is, my money is.You want to make an adjustment in how you're leveraged,I'll talk you through it.

你的钱在哪 我的钱就在哪 你如果想调整融资结构 我会为你做咨询的

And if, for any special reason,you want to go big on a particular stock, I'll make sure it's worth your while. 如果有什么特殊原因 你想在某个股票上大投一笔 我会保证你的投资是值得的

Actually, now that you mention it,what can you tell me about Allcom Cellular? 实际上 既然你提到了 你能和我说说万通电信吗 Chinese smart phone manufacturer.Not really huge in the global market,but I wouldn't count'em out down the road .Why? 中国智能手机制造商 目前占的全球市场份额并不算大 但未来我会考虑 怎么说

I want to get in with them, today. 我想买进他们的股票 今天就买 Today.Any particular reason? 今天 有什么特别的理由吗

Little bird may have whispered something. Thank you.

消息灵通人士透露了点信息 谢谢

I'll wire the funds this afternoon,and we can deal with the whole portfolio transfer next week.

今天下午我把资金电汇给你 下星期我们可以处理所有 证券转让的事情 Sounds good. 可以


In other financial news, Wall Street is buzzing with rumors that Allcom Cellular is now afront-runner for an exclusive contract with innovative chip maker Nolcorp.

更多金融新闻 流言正传遍华尔街 万通电信很可能将与芯片制造商诺氏企业签订独家合作协议 Nolan Ross, the notoriously cagey C.E.O... and founder has promised...

诺兰·罗斯 这位以谨慎著称的执行总裁兼创始人承诺

Emily, Bill Harmon.Listen, that little bird that whispered Allcom...

艾米莉 我是比尔·哈蒙 那位透露万通消息的灵通人士

It wouldn't happen to be the gentleman I saw you hugging outside the cafe this morning?


Well, I'm not saying that it was and I'm not saying that it wasn't, but what I will say... is that I trust that little bird enough to double my position.

我不予否认或肯定 但可以说 我非常信任这位消息灵通人士 所以我要把我的筹码加倍 That's all I need to know. 我明白了

We're going all in on Allcom.Get the big Dogs in it.

全仓买入万通 把大客户的钱都投进去 You're sure? 你确定

Yeah. Yeah, make the trade. 没错 开始交易

Everyone in on Allcom, people.Buy up everything they're selling. Everything, now. 所有人开始操作万通电信股票 把他们抛出的股票全部接下来 全部 马上

A fortune 500 company with Nolan being named one of the richest men in the world. 一家财富500强公司联手被许为全球最富有的人之一的诺兰

He's known for a brazen attitude and a take-no-prisoners leadership style, and Nolcorp and Ross continue to push the

boundaries of cellular technology.

他以厚颜无耻的态度和格杀勿论的领导风格而出名 诺氏企业和罗斯本人 不断推动着通信技术领域的发展

We take you now, live, to Nolan Ross and that announcement, as promised. 现在我们将为您现场连线诺兰·罗斯听听他这份酝酿已久的声明

Listen to this, Valerie. 快看 瓦莱丽

Greetings, earthlings. Nolan Ross here with what was supposed to be a surprise announcement about the future of Nolcorp, but someone somewhere has a big mouth. 你们好 普罗大众 我诺兰·罗斯本该带来一个充满惊喜的关乎诺氏企业未来发展的声明 可惜某人大嘴泄露了消息

I can now confirm that the Allcom rumors came from a woefully misguided employee. 我现在正式申明关于万通的不实流言来自公司一位不幸被误导的员工

Allcom is dead to me and will not be receiving the contract.

万通电信对我已没有任何意义 我们不会签订任何合约 What? No. 什么 不

Instead, I've decided to offer our humble services...No.

相反 我决定向即将成为万通电信 不 to Allcom's soon-to-be chief competitor, Unitech. 主要对手的精技电脑 提供我们诚挚的服务 Well, there you have it. Expect Unitech to open huge tomorrow, and for those of you who Bet big on Allcom Cellular, get ready to cover some equally heavy losses. 好了 真相大白 相信明日开盘技精股票将迎来大幅度上涨 对那些想在万通电信上大捞一笔的人 则准备好承担巨大的损失吧

Everybody, listen up. If you value your jobs, keep your mouths shut.

每个人都听着 如果还想保住饭碗 把嘴巴管严了 As far as our investors are concerned, it's just another sunshiny day.Word of this leaks, we're finished.

对我们的投资者 今天只是另一个艳阳天 一旦消息泄露 我们全都玩完

Hello, this is Valerie calling from Bill Harmon's office.

你好 我是比尔·哈蒙公司的瓦莱丽 I'm afraid I've got some bad news regarding a major stock loss today and its immediate effecton your portfolio. 恐怕我有些坏消息要通知你 由于今天的一个重大股票投资损失直接影响到了你们的证券账户 Please call the office as soon as you can. 请尽快给我们办公室回电


Ten Well whiskey, And then, uh, we got eight gin, 12 rum.

十箱维尔威士忌 八箱杜松子酒 十二箱朗姆酒 We're close. 我们打烊了

It's Nolan! Oh, thanks. 我是诺兰 谢了 What's up, Nolan? 诺兰 有何贵干

What's up is, you never return my calls. 就是 你都没有回我电话 I've been a little busy. 我最近比较忙

Doesn't look like it.Ah, hey, Sport. 看起来可不像 你好啊 老弟

You're the guy who bought the boat. 就是你买下了游艇 Proud new papa. 新主人正是在下

You know he only sold it to you to pay off

The lien on my dad's bar?

你知道他把游艇卖给你 只是为了偿还我老爸这家酒吧所欠下的债务吧 No. I did not know that. 不 我还真不知道

So you being around right now probably isn't

the best thing for him.

所以你此刻出现在这里 对他来说不是什么好事 I get that a lot. 经常有人这么说我 Still closed, Nolan. 诺兰 我们已经打烊了

Yeah, I know.Hey, so...What's say you and I

hit up a little party I caught wind of tonight?

是啊 我知道 那么我听说今晚有一个小派对 和我一起去玩玩吧

I'm sorry, Gilligan. W-we're done hanging out. 很抱歉 小弟 我不再跟你出去玩了

Well, what if I said I'd give you your boat back at the end of the season? 如果我说 我会在夏天结束时 把船还给你呢 What's he talking about? 他在说什么

Wait, wait, wait.You're—you're saying that if I pretend to be your friend, you'll give me my boat back, free and clear? 等一下 等一下 你是说 只要我假装成你的朋友 你到时就会把船无条件还给我

Well, see, it'd be better if you didn't... have to pretend, but, uh, that's the gist, um, plus, All the cool parties.

如果你不是假装的话会更好 不过你说到重点了 外加所有有趣的派对 Oh, he's in. Dec. 他完全同意 德克

What? That's a hell of a deal. Come on,

and if anyone could use a night off, it's you. I got it handled here.

怎么了 这个交易很赞 你就同意吧 你也该休息一晚上了 晚上我来看店

He's got it handled. Yeah. 他可以帮你看店 对呀


I hope my mother wasn't too hard on you the other day.

我希望我妈那天没有对你太强硬 I don't scare too easily. Does she interrogate all of your dates?

我没那么容易被吓到 她会审问你所有的约会对象吗

Yeah.My mom's not really a hands-off kind of person.Well, at least she got rid of her lied detector. Kidding. She'll never get rid of that thing.

是的 我妈喜欢什么事情都插一手 至少这次她没用测谎仪 开玩笑的 她可不会放弃那玩意

Hope you're not planning on becoming a comedian.

你可千万别去做喜剧演员 Maybe in my next life. 也许下辈子我会

My future is pretty well mapped out this time around.One more year at Harvard Business, then it's straight to the boardroom.

我这辈子的未来已经被规划好了 在哈佛商学院再待一年 然后直接去我爸的公司

Wouldn't be surprised if my dad already has an office picked out for me.

如果说我爸已经给我挑好了办公室 一点也不奇怪 That sounds... 听起来...

I know how it sounds. What about your parents?

我知道 听起来有点可悲 你的父母呢

Mom, um...caring, smart, and my dad, just very... special. Lovely people.

我的母亲 是一个很有同情心 又很聪明的人 而我的父亲 很特别 他们都很和善

So I shouldn't expect an interrogation? 看来我不用面对什么审问了

They passed away when I was a kid. Car crash.

我很小的时候 他们就过世了 车祸 I'm so sorry.

Do you have any brothers or sisters? 抱歉 你还有其他兄弟姐妹吗 Just me. 就我一个

Well, you and that beautiful beach house. Maybe you can set down some roots of your Own now.

是你和你那栋漂亮的海滨别墅 也许你现在 可以找个地方安定下来

Yeah, maybe.Want to come by for the tour? 也许吧 想去参观一下我的房子吗 I'm ready when you are. 就等你这句话呢

So how does it feel to know you'll be spending the night in your own home? 独自一人在家 度过漫漫长夜是什么感受 It's kind of hard to describe, actually. I had a really good time tonight.

事实上 这感觉真的很难描述 我今晚玩的很开心 Me, too. Sam. Sammy. 我也是 山姆 山姆

No, no, no. No, no. Come on. Sorry. 不 不 不要 快过来 很抱歉 We early or are we late? 我们是来早了 还是来晚了

Surprise!Welcome to the Hamptons, Emily. We're here to celebrate with you.

惊喜 欢迎来到汉普顿斯 艾米莉 我们来和你一起庆祝


I'm so sorry, Ems."How to ruin a perfect first date," by Ashley Davenport.

艾米 我很抱歉 你完美的第一次约会就这么被我毁了

No, no, this is great.It's just, I'm not big on surprises.

不 这真的很棒 只是我没那么喜欢惊喜 Lesson learned. Whatever you do, don't take it out on Daniel. 我记住了 无论如何 都别朝丹尼尔撒气 I practically had to force him into doing this.


Speaking of surprises, I am pretty sure that dog was not on the guest list. 提到惊喜 我很确定那只狗并不在宾客名单上 Oh, no, no. Sammy. 不要这样 山姆

And neither is the hottie that he came with. 我也没有邀请它那英俊的主人

Surprise. What do you think you're doing, bringing Jack here? 惊喜 你要干嘛 把杰克带来这里 Jack and I are friends. 我和杰克是朋友

You don't have friends.Neither one of us can afford them. You know that. 你可没什么朋友 你知道的 你我都没有朋友 Speak for yourself.You betrayed me.I thought we had an understanding.

说到你 你背叛了我 我还认为 我们已经达成了共识 Oh, so did I. 我也这么想

I know it was you who went to the press. 我知道 是你去找媒体的

I just can't understand why you'd leak the wrong info when you had access to the Nolcorpmemos.You knew I was going with Unitech.

但我不明白 你为什么要放出假消息 你明明有进入诺氏企业内部的权限 你知道我要与精技电脑合作 Yes, but Bill Harmon didn't.He bet big on Allcom.$2 billion of his funds' assets down the drain.

是的 但比尔·哈蒙不知道 他把身家都压在万通电信上了 整整二十亿基金的财产就这么打了水漂 After a financially fatal move in the market today,Harmon Investments founder Bill Harmon was swarmed by a mob of angry investors outside of his office...

在今天金融市场的一次致命动荡后 哈蒙投资的创立者比尔·哈蒙被一大票愤怒的投资者包围在他的办公楼外

This evening,we expect the imminent collapse of Harmon Investments and major personallosses for Har—

今晚 哈蒙投资公司顷刻之间溃散了 哈蒙本人也遭受了难以估量的个人损失... He's ruined. 他玩完了


I made you breakfast. 我给你弄了点早餐

No. Uh, I'm not hungry. 不用了 我不饿

You gotta eat, Declan. 你得吃点东西 德克兰 Did you get any sleep? 你没去睡会儿

Barely. Uh...You know, every time I drifted off...dad was there. And I'd get up to tell you

The good news.

没怎么睡 每次我快睡着的时候 就仿佛看到了爸爸 然后我就想起来 告诉你这个好消息

I stayed up till dawn...looking over dad's will. The Stowaway's all ours now. And he didn't Want a funeral. He just wanted us

to scatter his ashes at sea.

我也是一整晚没睡 反复看爸爸的遗嘱 偷渡者酒吧现在是我们的了 他不想举行葬礼 他只希望我们把他的骨灰洒入大海

You know the last thing dad heard was me calling him a loser?

你知不知道 爸爸听到的最后一句话是我说他是个废物

We both had a lot of fights with dad. He knows you didn't mean it.

我们都跟爸爸吵过很多次架 他知道你不是这个意思

Yeah, I did mean it. Scatter him without me.

不 我就是这个意思 洒骨灰的时候别叫我 Good morning. Hey. 早上好 你好

I found this old-timer at my door last night. 昨晚老家伙跑到了我家门口

I didn't even realize he was gone. I'm a little distracted. My dad just passed away from a heart attack.

我都没发现它不见了 我有点心烦意乱 我爸爸刚去世了 他心脏病发作

Oh, my god. Yeah. That's awful. 天呐 是啊 太糟糕了

Is this him? I lost my dad suddenly, too. 这是他吗 我也是突然之间失去了我的爸爸 I'm so sorry. 真的很遗憾 I appreciate it. 谢谢

Let me, uh, let me make you some breakfast. Oh. It's the least I can do. 我给你做点早餐吧 至少我能这样来感谢你一下 No, I-I would—

I would love to, um...But I have this thing that I have to go do, so...

不用了 我很想留下来 但我还有点事要处理 所以 Maybe next time. Yeah. 要不下次吧 好

Take care of yourself. 你自己好好保重 Yeah. You, too. Okay. 好的 你也是 好的


Mrs. Grayson, I'm so sorry I'm late. I know

you were counting on some of my ideas. 格雷森夫人 真不好意思我迟到了 我知道你还想听听我的意见呢

Well, we've already just wrapped, Ms. Thorne. We managed to get it under control without you.

我们刚结束 索恩小姐 不用你的帮忙 我们自己商量好了

Emily Thorne. 艾米莉·索恩

It's nice to see you again, Senator Kingsly.

很高兴再次见到你 金斯莱议员

What a small world. Conrad, Victoria, why didn't you tell me you knew Emily? 真巧啊 康拉德 维多利亚 为什么没告诉我 你们认识艾米莉

Well, we've only just met. 我们也才刚认识而已

How do you two know each other? 你们俩怎么认识的

Ms. Thorne was a senior volunteer in my first campaign.

索恩小姐是我第一次竞选时的资深志愿者 And what was the name of the organization you believe David Clarke was laundering money for?

你知道大卫·克拉克为之洗钱的组织叫什么名字 The same Americon Initiative that claimed responsibility for blowing up flight 197 last summer?


Did you come here to help me finish what I started?


Well, I'm a big believer in finishing what you start.


Then you have to stay for dinner. 那你必须留下来吃晚饭了

Well, it's summer in the Hamptons. I can't believe the young lady doesn't already have plans. 这可是汉普顿的夏天

Actually, she does. With me. 其实她有约了 与我有约

Well, there you have it. Excuse me. 那就这样吧 失陪

Moments ago, a jury found terrorist conspirator David Clarke guilty on all counts.

就在刚才 陪审团认定叛国恐怖分子大卫·克拉克所有罪名成立

The case, spearheaded by Federal Prosecutor Tom Kinsgly, was a big win for both the UnitedStates and the young attorney.

联邦检察官汤姆·金斯莱在本案中起到了主导作用 本案的胜诉对于美国以及这位年轻律师来说都是巨大的成功

Rumors are circulating that a political career is in the not-too-distant future for Kingsly.

坊间传言 金斯莱的政治生涯即将走向辉煌


My dad always said that an empty bar is a sad bar.


He'd be happy to see you all here today.

今天来了这么多人 他会很高兴的

He might not have wanted a funeral, but he didn't say anything about a wake, so, everybody, drink up.

虽说他不想举行葬礼 但没说咱们不能一醉方休 所以大家干杯 To Carl Porter. 敬卡尔·波特 To Carl Porter. 敬卡尔·波特

And, uh, in honor of Jack and Declan's father, next round's on me.

为向杰克和德克兰的父亲致敬 下一轮我请 You didn't have to do that. You didn't even know my dad.

你不必这么客气 你都不认识我爸 No, but...Obviously, he's a—he's a good guy—

虽说不认识 但...他肯定是个好人

All these people drinking here to honor him. 这么多人都来举杯追悼他

When my dad bites it, people will be drinking to celebrate.

要是我爸挂了 大家肯定会喝酒庆祝 What can I get for you, man? 你想喝什么 伙计

Uh, you know to make a Malibu Bay Breeze? 你会调马里布椰香酒吗

I do. I would strongly advise against it. 会 但我不推荐你喝那款酒

It's more of a Whiskey and beer crowd. 这里的人都是喝威士忌和啤酒的 Well...When in Rome... 那就...入乡随俗吧

Ah, hey, sporty. Whose fist did you walk into?

伙计 你被什么人揍了

Oh, some rich jerkwad. There's a lot of 'em around this time of year.

一个富家小杂种 每年这个时候他们就格外嚣张 You, uh, planning on getting even?


Considering I'm half the guy's size with half the friends, no.

我的块头没他大 弟兄也没他多 还是算了吧 Violence is only one way to take someone down.



Welcome to Tuscany. 欢迎来到托斯卡纳 Thank you. 谢谢

What is this place? Looks interesting. 这是什么地方 看着挺有意思的

It's an Italian steak house. Ashley turned me on to it.

一家意大利牛排餐厅 阿什莉推荐的 Red leather booths and everything. 还有红色皮革卡座什么的 Too old-school? 太老派了吗

Not at all. Just... would've guessed you more Sushi bar than steak house. 那倒不会 只是我还以为 比起牛排你会更喜欢吃寿司

The bloodier the better. Could you excuse me

for a second? Yeah.

我还是喜欢血腥一点的 我失陪一下 好的 Excuse me. Hi. Um, I'm at that table over there in the middle, and I don't have a steak knife.

打扰一下 你好 我坐在中间那个位置 那里缺一把餐刀

I'm sorry. I'll bring you one. 不好意思 我给您送一把 Okay. Thanks. 好的 谢谢

Hey, can we get a bottle of sparkling wate, please?


What the hell are you doing here? 你在这儿搞什么鬼 Patrick, I-I had no idea...I'm...Whoa. Wait here. Patrick. Patrick, stop.

帕特里克 我不知道...我...在这儿等我 帕特里克 帕特里克 住手

Stop! Patrick! Patrick. Look, I know how pissed you are, okay?

住手 帕特里克 帕特里克 听着 我知道你很生气 And you have every right to be. But you have no idea how sorry I am about everything that happened.

你完全有理由生气 但你要知道我对发生的一切有多么过意不去

You happened, Grayson. And if you were man enough to take responsibility for what you did,you wouldn't be apologizing to me.

一切都是你的错 格雷森 如果你有胆量 为自己的所作所为负责 你就用不着跟我道歉了 You'd be apologizing to my sister. 你该向我妹妹道歉


I'm... I'm sorry you had to see that. But in a way, I'm also glad it happened.

抱歉 让你看到那一幕 但或多或少 我又很庆幸被你看到

You have a right to know what you're getting into.

你有权知道 发生了什么事

Well, what am I getting into? I mean, who was that guy?

发生了什么事 那个人是谁

Patrick Munello. I dated his sister last summer. Her name's Sara.

帕特里克·蒙奈尔 去年夏天 我跟他妹妹交往过 她叫莎拉

So you break the sister's heart, and then big brother breaks your car?

就是说 你伤了妹妹的心 然后哥哥就来砸你的车吗 Actually, I broke her spine. 事实是 我伤了她的脊椎 Oh, my god. 天啊

She wasn't paralyzed, thank god, but, you know, it's still a struggle for her. 幸亏她没瘫痪 但是这也相当煎熬 How did that happen? 怎么会发生这种事

My mom, as you know, has a lot of expectations.

你也知道 我妈心中有很多的期盼

Her son dating a cocktail waitress from Portsmouth not one of them.


So towards the end of the summer, my mom made her feelings public at one of her parties.

所以夏天快结束时 我妈在一个派对上 公开说明了她的想法

And I took off with Sara, drunk. Wrapped my car around a utility pole, and... they had to cutus both out.

然后我和莎拉俩人醉醺醺地离开了 我开车撞上了电线杆 他们把车锯开才救出了我们 So where is she now? 她现在在哪呢

Still in rehab last I heard. I haven't spoken to her since that night.

据说她还在康复当中 那晚之后 我就没和她说过话了

My parents covered Sara's medical bills and set her up so she wouldn't have to worry,

我父母承担了莎拉的医疗费 给她安排好了一切 让她无后顾之忧

paid a judge off to keep me out of jail, and in return, I had to swear I'd never see her again.

贿赂了法官 帮我免除了牢狱之灾 相应的 我要发誓不再见她

It sounds like you regret that now. 听起来你现在很后悔

Every day. Do you think I'm a bad person? 每天都在后悔 你觉得我是坏人吗

I think...people who make mistakes should own up to them. 我觉得 犯错了要勇于承担

You should go talk to her. Tell her what you're telling me now.

你该去和她谈谈 把跟我说的这些告诉她


No, no, no, no, no. The large arrangements go on the bar, and the smaller ones go on thetable.

不 不 不 不是这样 大的花瓶放在吧台上 小的才摆在桌子上

Has anyone seen the A.V. Guy? 谁看到音像师了

Is everything under control? Absolutely. 一切都进展顺利吧 当然

Good. I want to check the seating arrangements.

太好了 我想核实一下座位安排 Did I make a mistake? 我什么地方做错了吗

Oh, no, no. I'm just always changing my mind. 没有 我只是主意多变罢了 Thank you. You're welcome. 谢了 不用谢

Please tell me you're the A.V. Guy. 请告诉我 你就是音像师

I wish I could. Tyler Barrol, Daniel's roommate at Harvard.

但愿我是 泰勒·巴罗 丹尼尔在哈佛的室友 Now I see why he comes home for the summer.

我终于知道 他暑假为什么要回家了

Tyler. Well, it's finally nice to put a face to the name.

泰勒 终于见到你这位传说中的人物了 You must be Charlotte. 您一定就是夏洛特吧

You're cute. Daniel didn't mention that you were coming. 你真会说话 丹尼尔没提过你会来

Oh, total impulse. I hope it's not too much of an intrusion.

我也是一时兴起 希望没有打扰到你们

Well, he took off early this morning, god knows where,

他今天早上很早就出去了 我也不知道他去了哪里 but you're perfectly welcome to make yourself at home at the pool house if you wish. 但很欢迎你的到来 你去泳池边客房休息吧 不用拘束

Thank you, Mrs. Grayson. 谢谢你 格雷森夫人

Would you be a dear, and show him the way? Of course.

你能帮下忙 带他去客房吗 当然

I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name. 很抱歉 我还不知道你的名字

I didn't give it to you. The pool house is that way, next to the pool.

那是因为我没有告诉你 泳池边客房那边走 就在泳池边 38

I thought you were in Italy for the summer. 我以为你这个夏天会待在意大利

I was, but my parents were all over me

about my resume. I gotta get serious about an internship.

我是去了 但我爸妈一直唠叨我的简历 我得正儿八经地找份实习工作

Well, in the meantime, you're welcome to crash here for a bit.

那与此同时 我也欢迎你来这儿放松放松 You sure your parents won't mind? 你确定你父母不介意吗

His parents won't mind at all. But it's nice of you to ask.

他的父母不会介意的 有你这份心就足够了 Thanks, Mrs. Grayson. 多谢 格雷森夫人 Daniel, a word? 丹尼尔 能谈谈吗

Uh, I'll go see if your party planner needs a hand.

我去看看你的晚会策划需不需要帮忙 Her name's Ashley, in case you were wondering.

如果你想知道的话 她叫阿什莉

You broke our agreement. You went to see that girl Sara.

你违反了我们的约定 你去见了那个叫萨拉的女孩 How do you know that? 你怎么知道的

Well, at least you're not denying it. 还好你没有矢口否认

I went to apologize, mom. Something I should've done a long time ago. 我是去道歉的 妈 我很久以前就该这么做了 And for what it's worth, she wasn't exactly forgiving, so...at least now I can move on. 虽然她没有原谅我 但无论如何 至少我能放下担子好好生活了

With Emily Thorne? 和艾米莉·索恩一起

You got a problem with her, too? At least you know she's not a gold digger.

你对她也有意见吗 起码你知道 她不是贪我们的钱

The only thing we know for sure is that you're a bad judge of women. 我们唯一能确定的事 就是你对女人没评判力 I'm asking you to take it slow till we know more about her.

在还不完全了解她之前 我希望你慢慢来 No one's ever gonna be good enough for you, are they? 你是不是谁都看不上眼

Nonsense. I want you to be happy. 胡说 我只是想让你幸福 Oh, like you and dad? 是吗 像你和我爸那样吗 It's for your own protection. 这都是为了保护你


Daniel tells me you're at the top of the class. You play golf?

丹尼尔告诉我 你是班上拔尖的学生 你打高尔夫吗 Uh, yeah, well, I've been giving it my all, sir.

我所有心血皆倾注于此 先生

I can certainly put you in touch with a good pro. Emily. You look stunning. 那我得给你介绍一位很优秀的职业选手 艾米莉 你真是艳光四射

Thank you, Mr. Grayson. 多谢夸奖 格雷森先生 Hello, emily. 你好 艾米莉

Mrs. Grayson. Have either of you seen Daniel?

格雷森夫人 你们看见丹尼尔了吗

Oh, I'm sure he's around somewhere. Have you met his roommate from Harvard? 他应该就在这附近 你见过他哈佛的室友了吗 Tyler. Nice to meet you. Pleasure. 我是泰勒 很高兴见到你 不胜荣幸 That's a beautiful dress, Charlotte.

这身礼服很漂亮 夏洛特 It's total Kate Middleton. 完全是凯特·米德尔顿的风格

Oh, what could be wrong with that? 那又有什么不好的

Excuse me. What are you doing here, Nolan?

失陪一下 你来这里做什么 诺兰

Evening, kitten. As you know, I'm a big contributor Evening, kitten.

晚上好 甜心 你也知道 我是参议员先生竞选活动的一名主要出资人

I just thought I'd show up and...I just thought I'd show up and...The fun police. 我就觉得 我怎么也得来 看看我的贡献到底用在什么地方了 扫兴小姐来了 Is he bothering you again? 他又来纠缠你了吗 Like a swarm of gnats. 像一群虱子 赶也赶不掉

So what'd you think of Daniel's friend Tyler? 你觉得丹尼尔的朋友泰勒如何 I think you're clearly interested. 我觉得很明显 你看上他了

Why should you get to have all the fun? 就你能享艳福吗

Hey. Could we take a walk? 我们出去走一下好吗

Yeah. Is everything okay? 好啊 一切还好吗

Yeah. I'll see you in a bit. 还好 回见

Hello again...Ashley. Hello. 又见面啦 阿什莉 你好啊

Where are you? I'm dying over here. 你在哪 我快闷死了 I'm not big on politics. 我对政治不感兴趣

Adam, these are the sacrifices you make when you trying to win someone back. 亚当 这就是你赢回佳人芳心所作出的牺牲

Call me as soon as it's over. 晚会结束后 给我电话


Next to Candace and Bob, over there. Okay. Have a wonderful time.

你们的位置在坎迪斯和鲍勃旁边 玩得愉快 Michael. Oh. Well, how fit you look. 迈克尔 你变得结实了

Thanks. I, uh, finally got back to the gym. 谢了 我终于又开始锻炼了

Victoria, I was surprised to get your call. I figured Lydia had successfully poisoned the well with you.

维多利亚 接到你的电话我很惊讶 我以为莉迪亚早就在你面前说了我不少坏话

Our divorce has really brought out the worst in her.


Well, it's brought out the worst in both our spouses, I'm afraid, but...It's water under the bridge, right?

恐怕连我老公的丑恶一面 也暴露出来了 不过事情都已经过去了 不是吗

Right. Lydia isn't here, is she? 没错 莉迪亚没来吧 Heavens no. Okay. 当然不在 好吧

But there are a good number of people that I know are going to be thrilled to see you. 不过我知道这里有好多人见到你会很激动 As a matter of fact, I've seated you next to someone I believe you know very well. 事实上 我把你安排坐在某个你很熟悉的人旁边 Michael...You remember Emily? 迈克尔 还记得艾米莉吗 You do look familiar? Wait. 你看起来很面熟 让我想想

You were on the Landmark Preservation Committee together.


That's right. Of course. It's good to see you. 没错 想起来了 很高兴看到你

And Emily bought your beach house. 艾米莉还买下了你的海滩别墅 Yes, I did. 是的

Emily Thorne. Right, of course. 艾米莉·索恩 想起来了

There you are. Hey. I got lost coming back from the bathroom.

你在这儿啊 我从洗手间出来就迷路了 Cameron, hi. 你好啊 卡梅伦

Emily. Wow. It's been ages. 艾米莉 好久不见了

I'm sorry. We haven't been introduced. 不好意思 请问你是

Oh, I'm sorry. Victoria, Cameron Lang. She's, uh... My plus one.

抱歉 维多利亚 这位是卡梅伦·兰格 她是我的女伴 Cameron also worked on the Preservation Committee.


Technically, Emily was the one who introduced us.

事实上 还是艾米莉介绍我俩认识的呢 Did she now? 是吗


What's going on? 出什么事了

I don't know. Oh, my god. 不知道 我的天啊

I, uh...I came here tonight to announce that

I will not be seeking reelection this fall... 我 今晚我来此宣布 我将不会在今年秋天的选举中竞选连任

As I am retiring from public life. I'll see to it your contributions are returned. I'm very sorry.

同时我将退出公众事业 我会确保退回你们的捐款 我很抱歉

She claims that you invited her, Senator. 她说是你邀请她来的 参议员 That's a lie. Where is she? 她在撒谎 她人在哪儿 With security. 和保安在一起

She said you've been texting and e-mailing her for the past month,

她说过去几个月以来你一直发短信和邮件给她 Wiring money to take care of the baby, even told her you'd leave your wife. 汇款给她 让她照料好胎儿 甚至还告诉她 你会和老婆离婚

Then she said you sent her a red dress and a plane ticket to be here tonight.


That doesn't make any sense. 这说不通啊

What does she stand to gain by forcing my resignation?

逼我辞职 对她来说有什么好处 Your opponent could've paid her. 你的对手可能买通了她

Or a jealous staffer with access to your correspondence could've set the whole thing up.

或者知道你通讯方式 对你心怀妒忌的参谋也能用这事陷你于不利 What? That's insane. 什么 胡说八道

Tom, I have dedicated my entire career to you.

汤姆 我把我的事业都贡献给你了 Tom. What's going on? 汤姆 怎么回事


Go away, Nolan. 走开 诺兰

I have to know. How did you do it? 我要知道 你是怎么做到的

How'd you get your hands on a sex tape? 你是怎么弄到那段性爱录像的

I bought the building that his mistress lives in.


As part of the renovations, I had cameras installed.

在翻修的时候 我装了摄像头

That's commitment. Uh, and now? 真是下了血本 那现在呢

I release the videos to the press. 我把录像发给了媒体

Why? You already got what you wanted. 为什么 你已经达到你的目的了 You destroyed a man's career. 毁了他的职业生涯

I want to destroy his life. 我要毁掉他的人生

If he had done the right thing, he would've saved my father.

如果他当初做出正确的选择就能救出我父亲 He chose not to, so down he goes. 但他没有那么做 所以我要彻底毁了他 Along with his family. 那连他家庭也一起毁了 You scare me. 你吓到我了 Good. 很好


Again? I'm so sorry. 又找你去了 我很抱歉

Maybe he's trying to tell me something.


Maybe he's... worried about you after what happened to your father. 也许 它是在担心你能不能承受父亲离世

Yeah, maybe. I wish you could've met him. It's his final request.

也许是吧 真希望你能见见他的 这是他的遗愿 Where's your brother? 你弟弟呢

Didn't show. I'm on my own. 没来 就我一个

Well, not entirely. Yeah. 也不全是 是啊 The "Amanda"? 阿曼达号

Yeah. Sammy named her. Thanks for bringing him back to me...again. 是的 山姆取的名字 谢谢你又一次把它带回来 Sammy. Come on. Come on. 山姆 来 过来

For the innocent, For the innocent, 对于那么无罪的人 过去承载着美好的记忆 But for the treacherous... 但对于那些背信弃义的人

it's only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve. 他们最终会因为他们丑恶的过去而品尝恶果













经典美剧台词 双语版











