


1. Achilles heel 惟一致命的弱点


据此故事,Achilles’Heel(直译是:阿喀琉斯的脚踵)现常常喻指“惟一致命的弱点”或“要害”。亦作Achilles Heel。

例:The girl is a good student, but pronunciation is her Achilles‘ heel.


His Achilles‘ heel was his pride—he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work.. (LDI)


A misbehaving minister is regarded as a government‘s Achilles heel and is expected to resign. (CID)


I think Frank‘s vanity id his Achilles‘ heel. (LDC)


2. Horn of plenty/abundance (Amalthea‘s horn / horn of plenty)丰饶角:丰饶的象征

典出古希腊神话.宙斯(Zeus)出生之后,母亲瑞亚(Rhea)怕他被父亲克洛诺斯(Cronus/Cronos)所吞食,把他藏在克里特岛的一个洞穴里,并且托付给仙女阿玛尔特亚(Amalthea)抚养.阿尔玛特亚用赡养奶哺育他(一说阿尔玛特亚自己就是母山羊,她用自己的乳汁哺育了宙斯).这只山羊折断了一只角,她便在那只角里装满了鲜花和水果送给了宙斯.后来宙斯推翻了他父亲的统治,成为众神之王,把阿玛尔特亚和这只羊角带到天上.这只羊角是件宝物,谁拥有它,就能要什么有什么,它被看作是无穷无尽的财富和丰饶的象征.人们称之为 ―丰饶之角‖,英语horn of plenty 或horn of abundance,有时亦可作Amalthea‘s horn.

例:Nature, very oddly, when the horn of plenty is quite empty, always fills it with babies. 说也奇怪,当大自然不丰赐五谷时,却往往多降婴儿.

3. Midas touch赚大钱的本领;事事处处能赚钱的本领

典出古希腊传说.小亚细亚中西部有一古国叫弗里吉亚(Phrygia),国王迈达斯(Midas)贪恋财富,一心想成为世界上最富有的人.酒神狄俄尼索斯(Dionysus)感恩于迈达斯对他以前一位老师的帮助,答应满足迈达斯请求的一切.意识迈达斯祈求神赐予他点物成金的法术.他如愿以偿的得到了点金术之后,到处点金,凡他所出没的东西都变成了金子.然而,变成金子的不仅只是石块,花朵和屋内的陈设,连食物和饮料,乃至他最心爱的小女儿也都变成了金子.最后,他只好祈求神解除他的点金术.酒神便让他到帕克托洛斯(Pactolus)河里去洗澡,以此收回他的魔力,一切才恢复了原样. 根据这一故事,人们便用the Midas touch喻指 ―赚大钱的本领‖,―事事处处能赚钱的本领‖.该短语常与动词have连用。 例:Bob is a merchant banker and really has the Midas touch.(EID)


All his firms are extremely profitable. He has the Midas touch.(DCP)



Let‘s follow his racing tips, he seems to have the Midas touch..(TGE)


The poverty-stricken boy turned out to have the Midas touch and was a millionaire by the time he was twenty-five.(EID)


The same people who predicted that my father would lose his shirt now say that he had the Midas touch.


4. Pile Pelion on Ossa 难上加难,高了又高

典出希腊神话.海神波塞东(Poseidon)有两个孙子(一说孪生儿子),名叫鄂托斯(Otus)和俄菲阿尔特斯(Ephialthes),合称阿洛伊代(Aloidea).他们身材十分高大,自幼力大无比.为了登上天堂向天后赫拉(Hera)和狩猎女神阿尔特密斯(Artemis)求爱,他们试图把伯利翁山(Pelion)垒到奥萨山(Ossa)上.可是未等他俩动手,他们便被太阳神阿波罗杀掉了,计划终未实现.后人用pile Pelion on Ossa一语表示‖难上加难‖或‖高了又高.此语亦作heap Pelion on Ossa.

例:Asking me to run the department and teach a full load of courses is pile Pelion on Ossa. 要求我管理这个系,并教满工作量的课程,这是难上加难.

Then, having won the national competition, the team went on to win the international competition, piling Pelion upon Ossa.


5. Procrustean bed 逼人就范之物;讲求一致的制度(或政策等)

典出古希腊神话。相传在雅典附近有一个著名大盗名叫Procrustes(普罗克拉斯提斯)。他身材高大,凶残异常。他在路旁开设黑店,拦截过往行人。他特制了两张床,一长一短,强迫劫来的旅客躺在铁床上,腿短者睡长床,拔之使与床齐长,体长者睡短床,以利斧截其下肢,故人称之为“铁床匪”。后来,希腊英雄?修斯(Theseus)奉母命前往雅典寻父路经此地,把这个穷凶极恶的大盗捉住,并以其人之道还治其人之身,缚之于短床,砍其伸出其体,使之疼痛而死,为民除去一害.据此故事产生了Procrustean bed一语,常用以喻指 ―逼人就范之物‖, ―强求一致的制度(或政策)‖,有时直译作 ―普罗克拉斯提寺之床‖.它亦作bed of Procrustes或Procrustes‘bed,常与place on或 make fit搭配,作place someone/something on Procrustean bed 和make someone/something fit Procrustean bed,表示 ―逼人就范‖,相当于汉语成语 ―削足适履‖.Procrustean一词的首字母往往小写.

例:The rules were based on Latin syntax and it was into this Procrustean bed that the grammarians tried to fit the English language.


Neither must we attempt to confine the Platonic dialogue on the Procrustes bed of a single idea.(Jowett,Plato,1875)


They have some particular theory to maintain, and whatever does not fit their Procrustean bed is at once condemned.(E.Whipple)


6. rest on one‘s laurels 固步自封‘吃老本.


laurel的本以为 ―月挂树‖.在希腊,罗马神话中月挂数是太阳神阿波罗的圣树.据

希腊(罗马)神话,阿波罗爱上了神女达弗涅(Daphne).为了摆脱阿波罗的追求,达弗涅变成了一棵月挂树.阿波罗伤感不已,取月挂树枝叶编成冠冕戴在头上,以此表示他对达弗涅的倾慕和怀念.古代希腊人和罗马人把这种冠冕即桂冠授予杰出的诗人,英雄或竞技优胜者.后来欧洲把桂冠作为光荣称号,这一习俗一直流传至今.因此,laurel往往喻指 ―桂冠‖, ―荣誉‖或 ―殊荣‖,且常以复数形势出现.成语rest on one‘s laurels中的laurels即作此义解,整个短语就是 ―满足于即得荣誉‖, ―固步自封‖, ―吃老本‖的意思.此语亦作sit(sit back)on one‘s laurels.另有两个相关成语:look to one‘s laurels,reap/gain/win(one‘s)laurels,分别表示 ―小心保持荣誉‖, ―赢得荣誉‖.

例:We should not rest on our laurels but should work even harder and become still more successful.


She was once an excellent student, but now she sits on her laurels and has no desire to improve herself.


The school used to have a good reputation but it has been resting on its laurels for too long. 过去这所学校名声很好,但长期以来却一直在吃老本.

The older members of the team will have to look to their laurels when young people join.(EID)


He won the regional laurels and went on to the finals.


7. Sop to Cerberus 贿赂



A sop to Cerberus一语直译是“给刻尔柏洛斯的面包片”。人们用它来比喻“回炉”,用

give a sop to Cerberus一语表示“回炉看守(官员,刁难者等)”或“施以贿赂”。A sop to Cerberus也常与be,fling,throw等动词连用。但此语用到后来,人们往往把后半部略去,直接用sop喻指“贿赂”,尤指“小贿赂”。

例:I can give that Cerberus a sop,I shall be at rest for one day.(W.Congreve)


The small pay increase that the workers have just received is only a sop to Cerberus.(LDI) 工人们刚拿到的那一点点加薪只是小小的抚慰品。

8. sow dragon‘s teeth 播下不和(或毁灭)的种子

此语直译是“播种龙牙”,典出希腊神话。菲尼基王子卡德莫斯(Cadmus)奉夫命寻找被主神宙斯(Zeus)节奏的妹妹欧罗巴(Europa),但始终没有找到,无言回归故里。后来他遵照太阳神阿波罗(Apollo)的神谕,放弃搜寻,并跟随一头母牛行走,在他卧倒之地创建一座新城。但在建城之前,他不得不和原先统治该地的一条巨龙搏斗。卡德莫斯杀死了巨龙,智慧女神雅典娜嘱其拔下龙牙种到地里。只见从地里长出一批 3

凶悍的武士。这些武士互相残杀,最后只剩下五人。以后,卡德莫斯在这五个武士的帮助下建立了底比斯(Thebes)城。由于卡德莫斯播种龙牙引起武士的相互厮杀,后人便用sow dragon‘s teeth一语表示“播下(对己对人都不利的)不和(或毁灭)的种子”。

例:Wherever Aunt Martha goes, she sows dragon‘s teeth.(ENI)


But the danger is that she will try, that she will sow dragon‘s teeth among the resentful middle class, that she will ,in short, sharpen appetites that cannot satisfy.(New Statesman)但是危险在于,她将会做出努力,她将在恼怒的中产阶级间挑起纠纷。简言之,她将调高胃口而无法满足。

Jesuits…sowed dragon‘s teeth which sprung up into the hydras of rebellion and apostasy. (John Marsden, The History of the Early Pilgrims, 1853)


9. Sphinx‘s riddle 斯芬克斯之谜;难解之谜

典出古希腊神话。Sphinx通译“斯芬克斯”,是带翼的狮身人面女妖。她在古希腊底比斯(Thebes)城外,用缪斯(the Muses)传授给他的谜语让过往行人猜,猜不出者即遭杀害,害死了不少人.俄狄浦斯(Oedipus)决心为民除害,自愿前往解答隐迷,这个谜语是: ―今有一物,早晨四足,当午两足,晚间三组,这是何物?‖俄狄浦斯答道: ―这是人,因为人在婴儿时期??爬行,长大时两脚步行,年迈时拄杖行走.‖斯芬克斯见谜底已被俄狄浦斯道破,便从悬崖顶上跳下而死.这就是所谓Sphinx‘s riddle,直译作‖斯芬克斯之谜‖或‖难题‖,而用Sphinx一词比喻 ―难于理解的人‖, ―猜不透的人‖.Sphinx‘s riddle又作‖riddle of Sphinx.

例:This question was like a riddle of Sphinx to them.


How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains a

Sphinx‘s riddle.


10. swan song (诗人,音乐家等的)最后作品(或言行等);告别演出

原于西方的古老传说.据说,天鹅(swan)平素从不啼鸣,可是当它预感到死之降至时,就会引颈长鸣,歌声哀婉动听.swan song指的就是天鹅临死前发出的美妙歌声,按字面义直译是 ―天鹅之歌‖.在古希腊神话中天鹅是阿波罗(Apollo)的神鸟。阿波罗既是太阳神,光明之神,也是音乐之神,诗歌之神,所以天鹅被用以喻指“(才华横溢的)诗人”或“(杰出的)歌手”等,据此swan song转义为“(诗人,音乐家等的)最后作品(或言行等)”或“告别演出”。另据一则希腊传说,阿波罗化为天鹅,所有诗人死了之后灵魂也附于天鹅之体。因此莎士比亚一度被人称为the Swan of Avon(艾冯河畔的天鹅),荷马被称为the Swan of Meander(米安德河畔的天鹅),古罗马诗人维吉尔(Virgil,70-19BC)被称为the Swan of Mantua(曼图亚的天鹅),等等。Swan song一语直接译自德语Schwanengesang,许多早期的英国作家,如斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser,1552-1599)莎士比亚,柯尔律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge,1772-1824)等人,都曾使用过这个典故。

例:Jackson‘s speech the other day turned out to be his swan song.


The novel, which she finished in 1986, was her swan song.


This weekend‘s match was his swan song as the team‘s captain.(CID)



The theatre was full because everyone wanted to be present at the great actress‘s swan song.(DCP)


11. hang by a hair / thread (sword of Damocles) 千钧一发;岌岌可危;摇摇欲坠。

提到这一成语的来历人们往往将它同一则古希腊传说联系起来。公元前4世纪,西西里岛上的希腊城邦国家叙拉古(Syracuse)暴君迪奥尼修斯(Dionysius)手下有一臣名叫达摩克利斯(Damocles).他对王室气派极为羡慕,常说君王多福.一日,国王请他赴宴,让他坐在自己的宝座上.它亦是受宠若惊,待到心神稳定,猛一抬头,只见头顶上方悬挂着一把用一根细线(一说马鬃)系着的出?利剑,随时可能坠落下来.他吓得魂飞魄散,几乎不能终席.国王作此安排,有意让他明白,君王虽身在宝座,却惶惶不可终日,杀身之祸随时可能临头.以上故事古罗马政治家,演说家,哲学家西塞罗(Cicero,106-43BC)曾在其<<图斯库鲁姆谈话录>>中作了转述.后人称此剑为the sword of Damocles(达摩克利斯剑),并用以喻指 ―大祸临头‖.此一形象比喻已进入多种语言之中,如法语epee de Damocles. 英语成语hang by a hair / thread正是据此产生的,按字面义直译是 ―用一根马鬃(细线)悬挂,与汉语成语‖千钧一发 ―形象意义差不多,也可义成 ―岌岌可危‖或 ―摇摇欲坠‖.

例:His life was hanging by a thread after the heart attack.


Peace is hanging by a thread this week as negotiations run into serious difficulties.


The mayor‘s political future has been hanging by a thread since the fraud scandal. (CID)


The possibility of losing his job hung over him like a sword of Damocles all last year.


The treaty hung like a sword of Damocles over French politics. (LDC)


In old age we live under the shadow of Death, which, like a sword of Damocles may

descend at any moment. (Samuel Butler)


Possible redundancy is hanging over her like the sword of Damocles.(DCP)她提心吊胆生怕裁员.

Unaware of the sword of Damocles hanging over her, she pursued her own way… casually and cheerfully. (Oliver H. Prouty)


12. Trojan horse (潜藏内部的)颠覆分子; (从内部进行的)颠覆阴谋.

典出古希腊传说,直译是 ―特洛伊木马‖,其中Trojan为Troy(特洛伊)的形容词形式.Troy是小亚细亚西北部古城,传说中的特洛伊战争及发生于此.古罗马诗人维吉尔(Virgil,70-19BC)在史诗<<埃涅伊特>>(Aeneid)中详述了这一故事,古希腊吟游盲诗人荷马(Homer, 9-8BC)在史诗<<伊利亚特>>(Iliad)和<<奥德赛>>(Odyssey)中对此也有描述.特洛伊王子帕里斯(Paris)诱拐了希腊绝代美人—斯巴达王梅内莱厄斯(Menelaus)之妻海伦(Helen),激起了希腊诸城邦的公愤.梅内莱厄斯之兄阿伽门农(Agamemnon)随时率领希腊联军远征特洛伊.希腊人把特洛伊城围攻了近10年,但屡攻不克,随撤围而去,在城外丢下一个大木马.特洛伊人以为这是希腊人敬神的礼物,不听祭司拉奥孔(Laocoon)劝阻,将它作为战利品拖入城内,并摆宴庆功.待到深夜人静之时,木马腹上的暗门被悄悄打开, 5

藏于腹内的一支精兵迅速爬出,与重返的希腊大军里应外合,特洛伊城终于被攻陷了.这就是历史上有名的 ―木马计‖或 ―特洛伊木马‖.英语Trojan horse来自拉丁语epuus Trojanus,有时亦作wooden horse (of Troy), 后人用以喻指 ―(潜藏内部的)颠覆分子‖, ―颠覆集团‖, 或 ―(从内部进行的)颠覆阴谋‖, ―颠覆活动‖.这是个国际性成语,见诸世界许多主要语言,如法语cheval de Troie, 德语das Trojanische Pferd,西班牙语caballo de Troja等. 例: Traditional Labour supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse trying to destroy the party from within.


Some French politicians suspect the United States of using Britain as a Trojan Horse to

undermine the long-term aims of the European Union. (CID)


13. under the aegis of 在…庇护(或保护)之下;由…主办(或发起)

典出古希腊神话。在希腊神话中aegis指主神宙斯的神盾。据荷马史诗,神盾是火和锻冶之神赫菲斯托斯特地为宙斯铸造的。据荷马以后的传说,神盾上还蒙着一块曾哺育过宙斯的母山羊阿玛尔忒亚(Amalthaea)的毛皮。神盾魔力无边,宙斯只要猛力晃动一下,天空便顿时电闪雷鸣,风雨大作,敌人无不丧魂落魄,惊恐万状。智慧,技艺和战争女神雅典娜(Athena)每次执行其父宙斯的使命时总是随身带着神盾,因为它既象征权力,也象征神明的庇护。Aegis本为拉丁语,原自希腊语aigis,原是“山羊皮”的意思,但在英语通常只用于喻义,表示“庇护”,“保护”,“赞助”,“主板”等义,而且一般多用于短语under the aegis of,意思是“在…庇护(或保护)之下 ”,“由…主办(或发起)”或“在…指导之下”。

例:The project was set up under the aegis of the university. (CID)


The project is under the aegis of the local council. (DCP)


Medical supplies are being flown in under the aegis of the Red Cross.


The conference was organized under the UN‘s aegis. (CID)


The students spearhead a campaign under the aegis of Amnesty International. (CCE)


The conference on world health was held under the aegis of the United Nations.


14. web of life 命运;错综复杂的人生

根据希腊和罗马神话,人的命运是由命运三女神(the Fates)亦即摩伊赖(Moirae)来安排和决定的。其中一位负责纺生命之线(web of life),另一位决定生命之线的短长,还有一位则负责切断生命之线。因此后人便以the web of life(生命线)喻指 ―命运‖,尤指 ―错综复杂的人生‖.

15. wheel of fortune 命运;人生的变迁


碑上的形象是蒙着双眼,一手执羊角,象征颁赐丰饶;一手执轮子(wheel),象征主宰命运.传说,人的命运因该轮子的转动而不断变化,因而常常是变幻莫测的.在希腊神话中命运女神叫提喀(Tyche),英语中则常用Fortune表示.Fortune和Fortuna一样,亦源自拉丁语fortuna(命运).因此,wheel of fortune (原作Fortune‘s wheel)按字面义是 ―命运女神之轮‖或 ―命运之轮‖,后喻指 ―命运‖或 ―人生的变迁‖.此语还可以表示 ―轮盘(一种旋转赌 6


例: The wheel of fortune dealt him another blow when his business failed.


Beware the wheel of fortune---‘tis a gin, you‘ll lose a dozen times for once you win. (British Magazine IV, 1763)


Turn, Fortune, turn thy wheel and lower the proud. (Tennyson, The Marriage of Geraint,1886)转


16. apple of discord争端起因;祸根

典出古希腊神话.海神之女西蒂斯(Thetis)和阿尔戈英雄珀琉斯(Peleus)举行婚礼时,不合女神厄里斯(Eris)未被邀请怀恨在心,决心报复.她在席间投了一个金苹果,上刻 ―献给最美的人‖.参加婚礼的三位女神天后赫拉(Hera),智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)和爱与美的女神阿佛洛狄特(Aphrodite)都认为自己最美而提出金苹果 ―非我莫属‖.他们争执不已,互不相让,为此把特洛伊王子帕里斯(Paris)请来进行评判.为了争得金苹果,她们分别以财富,智慧和美女相许.帕里斯巴金苹果判给了阿佛洛狄特,天后和智慧女神恼羞成怒,发誓要向特洛伊人报复.这就导致了日后特洛伊人和希腊人之间历时十年的特洛伊战争.

不和女神在英语中作 ―Discord‖,她投下的那只苹果也因此被人称为apple of discord.嗣后,此语常用来喻指 ―争端起因‖或 ―祸根‖.在许多欧洲语言中也有类似说法,如法语pomme de discorde,德语Apfel der Zweitracht等.

例:The leather coat in the sale apple was a real apple of discord. Several women were fighting

over it. (DCP)


His lawyer tried to persuade him to make a more equitable disposal of his property. ?What

you have here.‘ He said, ?is not so much a will as an apple of discord. (CIE)

他的律师试图说服他对财产进行更为公正合理的处理. ―你这里所列的各项,‖他说, ― 其说是遗嘱,不如说是不和之源.‖

17. between cup and lip 在将成未成之际

典出希腊神话.安凯厄斯(Ancaeus)是主神宙斯(一个是海神波塞东之子,萨莫斯岛列列该斯王.在他开辟一处葡萄园时,一个奴隶预言,他喝不到自己的葡萄酿出的酒,意即它活不到那时候.当葡萄成熟酿成酒时,他派人把那个奴隶叫来, 斟了一杯葡萄酒,将杯子举至唇边,并嘲讽预言者一番.预言者反辩说, ―There‘s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip.‖(杯到嘴边还会失手).正当这时,忽然有人来报告说,一只野猪正在踩葡萄园.安凯厄斯急忙放下酒杯,就未沾唇就跑了出去,结果在与野猪搏斗时被野猪咬死.据此, There‘s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and the lip一语常被用以比喻万事难以十拿九稳,事情往往功败垂成,以后又被缩略为There‘s many a slip,而后半部‘twixt the cup and the lip则被用以表示 ―(事情)在将成为成之际‖,一般多作between cup and lip.

例 We hope we‘ll get house but the contract isn‘t signed yet and there‘s many a slip ‘twixt cup

and lip. (DCP)


You hope to inherit your aunt‘s fortune! Well, remember there‘s many a a slip ‘twixt cup and

lip; she may marry again. (ENI)


18. between Scylla and charybdis 腹背受敌;进退两难

典出希腊神话。Scylla(旧译“斯库拉”)和Charybdis(卡律布狄斯)系荷马史诗《奥德赛》(Odyssey)中的两个女妖,分别居住与摩西拿(Messina)海峡两岸。Scylla 7

原是一美貌少女,为海神格劳科斯(Glaucus)所爱,后遭她的情敌女巫喀尔刻(Circe)嫉妒,被变成一个面目狰狞的妖怪:12只脚6个头,没张嘴里长有3排牙齿,脖颈长如蛇,鸣声似恶犬。Scylla住在墨西拿海峡意大利一侧的岩洞中,若有船只靠近,一下可以吞掉6个人,奥德修斯(Odysseus,《奥德赛》中的主人公)的6个伙伴就是背其吞食的。在对岸靠西西里岛的一株无花果树下伺伏着女妖Charybdis,她每天吞吐海水3次,形成巨大漩涡,过往船只无不遭殃。根据上述神话传说,后人便将墨西拿海岸上的大岩礁命名为Scylla,而将其对岸的大漩涡命名为Charybdis.来往船舶若想绕过岩礁,就可能陷进漩涡,如要避开漩涡,又有触礁的危险。据此,between Scylla and Sharybdis一语往往用来比喻“腹背受敌”或“进退两难”,多在文学作品中使用。

例:He would have preferred to be on good terms with both his wife and his mother, but the effort

of pleasing one without offending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis. (CIE)



The enemy was close behind him and the bridge over the ravine was rotten and swaying.

Caught between Scylla and Charybdis he hesitated as to where to turn next.



19.Brand from the burning 因忏悔而得救的人;劫后余生


摩司(Amos)是公元前8世纪希伯来的先知。他在该书中严厉谴责以色列人的腐败和缺乏公义,预言以色列王国的覆灭。他得到上帝的默示,向?逆的以色列人发出警告,劝他们不要“三番五次的犯罪”,应悔过自新。在第4章第11节阿莫斯传达上帝的话说,上帝邀倾覆他们中间的城?,如同他从前倾覆所多玛和阿摩拉一样,使他们好像从火中抽出的一根柴(a brand from the burning)。因此后人便用a brand from the burning一语喻指“濒临灭亡时被迎引上帝而得救的罪人”,“从罪恶渊?中被救出的人”,“因忏悔而得救的人”,“大难得救的人”或“劫后余生”。



例:When I realized I was through that siege, I felt like a brand from the burning. (ENI) 当我明白我已渡过了那场灾难时,我真有劫后余生之感。

A few brands plucked from the burning would justify our work at Approved School (=a

kind of reformatory).

少数从罪恶渊?中得救的人,会证明我们在工读学校(少年罪犯教养院)的工作是 8


20.Cadmean victory 付出惨重代价的胜利


龙齿埋于地里,结果生出一批凶悍的武士,企图杀他。她按雅典娜(Athena)的劝告扔了一块宝石让他们争抢而互相残杀起来,最后只剩下五人。这五人后来帮助他建立了底比斯(Thebes)城,并引进了文字。人们称卡德摩斯的这一胜利为Cadmean victory,以此比喻“付出惨重代价的胜利”。

21. Cask of Danaides 无底洞


那伊得斯姐妹,即Danaides.为了和他的孪生兄弟埃古普托斯(Aegyptus)争夺埃及王位,达那俄斯把他的50个女儿嫁给了埃古普托斯的50个儿子,并叫他们在新婚之夜杀死新郎。其中49个女儿都按夫命行事了,只有一个女儿许珀尔涅特拉(Hypermnestra)不忍对丈夫林叩斯(Lynceus)下手。埃古普托斯得知儿子被害,悲恸而死。后来林叩斯杀死达那俄斯和他的49个女儿为父兄报了仇。犯杀父罪的49位达那伊得斯姐妹死后被罚在地狱中永不停息的往一个无底的桶里注水。该桶因此被称作the cask of Danaides,意思是“达那伊得斯姐妹之桶”,后人用此语喻指“无底洞”。

例:It (De Barrel concerns) was like the cask of Danaides into which the public been

pleased to pour its deposits. (J. Conrad, Chance)


22. cleanse the Augean stable(s) 清除污垢;彻底清除积弊


说3000匹马),牛棚30年未曾清扫,因此粪秽堆积如山,恶臭熏天。希腊英雄,大力士赫拉克勒斯(Heracles / Hercules)奉命在一日之内独自将它清扫干净。奥吉厄斯认为这是根本无法做到的事,便许诺事成之后把牛群的十分之一送给他。赫拉克勒斯立即动手挖沟,引来了附近阿尔甫斯河和破涅俄斯河的水。仅一天功夫就把多年的积粪冲走,把牛舍清洗得干干净净。据此,后人就用(the) Augean stable(s)(字面义为“奥吉厄斯的牛棚”)喻指“腐败(的地方)”或“肮脏(的地方)“,用cleanse the Augean stable(s)一语(字面义为“大嫂奥吉厄斯的牛棚”)表示“清除污垢”或“彻底清除积弊”。此予亦可作clean the Augean stable(s). (参见labour of Hercules)

例:Every government ought to attend to cleansing its own Augean stables.


The new government won the people‘s trust by cleansing the Augean stables. 新政府通过清除内部及比赢得了人民的信任。

23. cut a dido 恶作剧;胡闹 (也作cut up)


制城绑推罗国(Tyre)国王的女儿,曾嫁给自己的叔父。后来,叔父被她的兄弟塞浦路斯王皮格马利翁(Pygmalion)杀死,她便逃往非洲海岸。当地酋长只允许她购买一张牛皮可覆盖的土地。她下令将牛皮切成细条,圈出了一大片土地,就在这块土地上建起了迦太基城。据认为,cut a Dido一语即由此而来,用以表示 ―恶作剧‖, ―胡闹‖.以后Dido常以首字母小写的形式出现,作cut a dido,又作cut dido(e)s.更为常见的同意短语cut up可能亦源出于此.

例:Tom, Billy! Stop cutting up. Or I‘ll send you to the principal‘s office.


If you spent more time studying than cutting up, you‘d get better grades. (AID) 9


24. cut the Gordian Knot 以大刀阔斧的办法解决问题

典出古希腊传说。小亚细亚弗利基亚 (Phrygia) 有个农民叫Gordiius(戈尔迪),在国王

突然驾崩的那天赶着牛车前往宙斯神庙。根据神示,在人们前往神庙途中遇见的第一个乘牛车的人就是未来的国王。人们碰见了Gordiius 就拥立他登上了王位。为了感谢神恩,他把那辆象征幸运的牛车献给宙斯,用树皮绳把车仅仅地系在神殿的一根梁上, 并打了个找不到结头的巧妙而难解的结。这就是所谓Gordian knot (戈尔迪结)。按照神谕,谁能解开绳结,即可统治整个亚洲。 可是,谁也无法把它解开。公元前4世纪马其顿国王亚历山大大帝国(Alexander the Great, 356-323 BC)远征东方,路经弗利基亚, 来到此地。有人对他讲了当年的神谕,他顺手拔出佩剑,一下子把这怪结砍开了。根据这一传说,后人就用Gordian knot 喻指“难办的事”或“棘手的问题”,用cut / untie the Gordian knot 一语比喻“以大刀阔斧的办法解决问题”, 这在形象上与汉语的“快刀斩乱麻”颇为相似。有时将Gordian一词略去,亦作cut the knot。许多西方语言中都有类似成语,如法语couper / trancher le noeud gordien,德语den Godishen Knoten zerhauen等。

例:We have a real Gordian knot to deal with here. (CID)


There was so much fighting between the staff, she decided to cut the Gordian knot and sack them all. (CID)


25. Damon and Pythias 莫逆之交; 刎颈之交;生死朋友


的好友名叫达蒙(Damon)和皮西厄斯)Pythias)。皮西厄斯因为触犯国王狄奥尼西奥斯(Dyonysius)被判死刑。他很想在死去之前见见父母亲和朋友,于是他请求暴君放他回家一趟,并保证按时回来伏法。但是,暴君不相信他回信守诺言,认为他只不过想借机会逃走。这时达蒙挺身而出,愿代皮西厄斯在狱中受刑。暴君钦佩达蒙的勇敢,就准了他们的请求。转眼之间刑期到了,但皮西厄斯没有回来。达蒙作好了死的准备,他对朋友的信赖一如既往,坚定不移。他知道这一定是他朋友身不由己或路途受阻。因为他是为所爱的人死的,所以显得十分坦然,丝毫不感到悲伤。就在他被押赴刑场的最后时刻,皮西厄斯及时赶到了。暴风雨和船只失事使他耽搁了。达蒙和皮西厄斯如此信赖,他们的友情如此真挚深厚,连暴君都为之感动,于是,他放了他们俩。暴君还不无感慨地说:“我愿意用我的全部财产换取这样一位朋友。”古罗马政治家、演说家、哲学家西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC)曾把达蒙和皮西厄斯誉为忠实的朋友之典范。在英语中Damon and Pythias一语就被人们用来表示“莫逆之交”,“生死之交”,刎颈之交。其中Pythias这一名词在西塞罗著作中原为Phintias,而在古希腊传说中则为Phinotias。1564年英国剧作家爱德华兹(Richard Edwards)创作了Damon and Pythias一剧,使这一故事得以广为流传。Pythias这一形式虽属讹误,但却在英语中一直沿用了下来。

例:The Damon and Pythias of the establishment were Damon and Pythias no longer. They were

ready to fly each at the other‘s throat.


26. Greek gift 存心害人的礼物

此语按字面直译是“希腊人的礼物”,典出古罗马诗人维吉尔(Virgil, 70-19 BC)所作史诗 10

《埃涅伊特》(Aeneid)第2卷。书中记载了特洛伊城陷落的经过。希腊人久攻特洛伊城(Troy)不下,把藏有伏兵的木马遗留在城外,佯作退兵。特洛伊人不知是计,欲将木马拖入城内。特洛伊祭司拉奥孔(Laocoon)竭力反对,他警告说:“I fear the Greeks, even when they offer gifts(即使希腊人带来了礼物,我也担心)。但是特洛伊人不听拉奥孔之言,特洛伊城终被希腊人里应外合攻陷了。据此后人用Greek gift比喻指“存心还人的礼物”,“危险的礼物”。

例:The loan of his cottage turned out to be a Greek gift. The roof fell in and injured us.


27. halcyon days 太平岁月;美好时光


恩爱异常。在丈夫出海远行之后,她每天伫立在岸边,凝视大海,盼望着丈夫早日归来。一天夜里,睡梦之神摩尔甫斯(Morpheus)托梦给她,向她传递她丈夫已遭遇海难的噩耗。次日,她一早就走到海边,果然望见海里漂浮着丈夫的尸体。她悲痛欲绝,纵身跳入大海。天神为其深情挚爱所感动,将他们双双变成翠鸟,让他们在海上比翼双飞,建立新的家庭。以后每当翠鸟在海上筑巢产卵,既每年冬至前7天和后7天这段时期大海就变得风平浪静。据说这是因为风神怜悯女儿而赋之以平息风浪之神力的缘故。人们称这段风平浪静的“平安时期”为halcyon days。Halcyon一词源与希腊语(h)alkuon, 意同kingfisher, 即“翠鸟”。halcyon days在文学作品或诗文中往往用以喻指“太平岁月”或“美好时光”,如the halcyon days of youth(青春大好年华)。上述神话故事在古罗马时期广为流传,可见于古罗马诗人奥维德(Ovid,43 BC – 17 AD)的长诗《变形记》(Metamorphoses)。

例:She often recalls the halcyon days of her youth.


27. Hercules‘ choice (赫拉克勒斯的选择);


Heracles(赫拉克勒斯),但后来人们把她们混用了,一般辞书都不在加以区分,而且在英语中Hercules似乎比Heracles更通用。Hercules是希腊神话中主神宙斯的儿子,半神半人的勇士,以力大无比而著称。他年轻的时候曾遇到享乐女神(Pleasure)和美德女神(Virtue)。享乐女神诱惑他走舒适的生活道路,答应给他一切肉体这乐;美德女神则教诲他不畏艰难险阻,为人类造福除害,许诺给他永存。Hercules必须在两者之间作出抉择。他选择了后者。他以他非凡的勇敢和智慧擒狮斩龙,驱妖牛,除海怪,到世界尽头夺取金苹果,解救普罗米修斯,还下地府战胜死神,完成了12项英雄业绩,被誉为希腊神话中做伟大的英雄。在历尽人间种种磨难之后,最终他被众神接纳而永生不死。Hercules‘ choice一词直译为“海格立斯”的选择”,寓意是“永存”,“不朽”;“宁可吃苦,不愿享乐”(the reward of toil in preference to pleasure)

28. Herculean Labour / task 异常艰巨的任务


大的英雄,主神宙斯和阿尔克墨涅(Alcmene)所生的儿子。他神勇非凡,力大无比。虽屡次遭到天后赫拉(Hera)迫害,大终能战胜强敌,转危为安。他出生才8个月就在摇篮里扼死了赫拉派来加害于他的两条毒蛇。按照神谕,他必须完成提任斯和迈锡尼的国王欧律斯透斯吩咐他做的12件苦差,才能攫升为神。这就是他所做的12件英雄:业绩;1.杀死墨涅亚狮子,并取得他的皮毛;2. 杀死九头水蛇许德拉;3. 生擒克律涅亚山上有金脚铜蹄的赤牝鹿(雌性鹿);4. 活捉厄律曼托斯山的野猪;5. 在一日之内清扫干净奥吉厄斯的牛圈;6.射杀斯廷法罗斯湖的食肉怪鸟;7. 制服克吕特岛上一头发疯的牡牛; 8. 把狄俄墨得斯吃人的牝马带到迈锡尼;9.夺取亚马孙女王希波吕忒 11

的腰带并献给王欧律斯透斯; 10. 夺走三身巨人革吕翁的牛群; 11. 从百头巨龙那里夺取三个金苹果 12. 把看守冥界大门的恶犬刻耳柏洛斯从冥界带来。所有这些都是异常艰苦,几乎不可能做到的事。但是Hercules凭着他非凡的勇敢和超人的智慧,历经千辛万苦,最终都一一完成了。据此故事,后人就用labour of Hercules或Herculean Labour一语来喻指“异常艰巨的任务”或“需极大精力才能完成的工作”。Hercules的形容词Herculean也随之被赋予了“艰巨的”一义,而且其首字母往往小写,如a herculean task (艰巨的任务)。

例:She has the herculean task of bringing up four children single-handedly.


After their labours of Hercules, they have recently published the voluminous dictionary

with the Commercial Press.


29. labour of Sisyphus 永无休止的苦工

典出希腊神话,直译为“西西弗斯的苦役”。西西弗斯(又译“西绪福斯”或“息息法斯”)是古希腊奴隶制城帮科林斯(Corinth)的一个暴君,他生前作恶多端,死后坠入地狱,被罚从平地推巨石上山,大巨石在临近山顶时又突然滚落下来,只得重新在推,如此循环不息,永无休止。这个神话传说在荷马史诗《懊德赛》第10章中有详细的描述。但西西弗斯受罚的原因,荷马未作说明。后世根据这一传说用a labour of Sisyphus或a Sysyphean labour / task 喻指“永无休止的苦工”

30. Oedipus complex 恋母情结

此系精神分析学用语,直译为“俄狄浦斯情结”,通常作“恋母情结”,指儿子亲母仇父的情结。奥地利精神病学家、精神分析学派心理学创始人弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939)在《释梦》(Die Traumdeutung, 1899)一书中介绍过这个概念。Oedipus complex一语源出希腊底比斯英雄俄狄浦斯(Oedipus)的传说。俄狄浦斯是底比斯国王拉伊俄斯(Laius)的儿子。因神曾预言他将杀父娶母,出生后就被其父遗弃在山崖上,但为牧人所救,由科林斯国王收养。长大后,他想逃避杀父娶母的命运,于是决定离家出走,却在路途中因与人发生口角无意中杀死了他父亲(底比斯国王)。来到底比斯之后,他因除掉怪物斯芬克司(Sphinx)被底比斯人拥为新王,并娶了前王之妻,即他的生身母亲俄卡斯忒(Jocasta)为妻,生了4个子女。后来全国瘟疫流行,神谕必须除去杀死前王的罪人才能消除瘟疫。俄狄浦斯于是追究原因,发觉自己就是杀父娶母的凶手,他无地自容。母亲知道后,自杀身亡,他自己则刺瞎双目,流浪而死。

与Oedipus complex相对的是Electra complex(恋父情结,即女儿亲父仇母的情结),亦为弗洛伊德用语,源出希腊神话。厄勒克特拉(Electra)是迈锡尼国王阿伽门农(Agamemnon)和克吕泰涅斯特拉(Clytemnestra)的女儿。阿伽门农被其妻子和情夫谋害后,她(Electra)把弟弟托付给父亲的好友抚养。弟弟长大后她怂恿弟弟杀死母亲和母亲的情夫,为父亲报仇。

31. olive branch 橄榄枝

olive branch意为“橄榄枝”。在西方橄榄枝素来被人们视为和平的象征。英语中有个短语hold out the olive branch, 照字面直译是“伸出橄榄枝‘,而其真正的含义则为’表示愿意讲和”。橄榄枝象征和平的说法有人认为源出圣经,也有人认为源出希腊神话。

《旧约·创世纪》中有一段故事。上帝降洪水灭世,只留义人诺亚一家,他们靠了方舟才得以安然无恙地漂泊在万倾波涛之上。洪水稍退后,诺亚放出一只鸽子,试探有没有到达陆地。由于遍地是水,鸽子无处落脚,便又飞了回来。7天之后,他又将鸽子放了出去。这回直到日落黄昏鸽子才飞回方舟,嘴里还衔着一枝翠绿的橄榄叶。诺亚由此判断洪水已经消退。一枝橄榄叶带来了吉祥平安的讯息。后来人们就把橄榄 12




例:Jill was the first to hold out the olive branch after our argument.


After a long war, the exhausted enemy held out the olive branch.


32. Pandora‘s box 潘多拉的盒子;灾祸之源

典出希腊神话。普罗米修斯(Prometheus)盗去天火给人类,主神宙斯(Zeus)发现后,十分恼怒。他一面下令惩治普罗米修斯,一面对世人实施报复,决定用灾祸抵消火种带给世人的幸福。他命令他的儿子,火与锻造之神赫淮斯托斯(Hephaestus)用黏土造一美女,又令众神赋予她各种特性,给她取名Pandora。在希腊神话中 Pandora含有all-gifted(具有一切天赋)之意。然后宙斯把Pandora送到人间,送给普罗米修斯的弟弟厄庇墨透斯(Epimetheus)为妻,嫁妆是一个内装各种灾难和祸患的密封盒子。厄庇墨透斯不听从他哥哥的告戒,同它结为夫妇。婚后,Pandora出于好奇私自打开盒子,一切灾难和祸患一下子从盒子里飞出,飞向整个世界,却把希望留在了盒底。从此人类屡遭祸患,多灾多难。据此英语常借用Pandora‘s box一语喻指“灾祸之源”,用open Pandora‘s box表示“引起种种祸患”

例:When I asked Jane about her problems, I didn‘t know I had opened Pandora’s box.


Money may bring you happiness, but sometimes it is a Pandora’s box.


33. Penelope‘s web 永远做不完的工作


例:My work is something like the web of Penelope, never ending, still beginning; never done,

but ever at hand.




1. Adam’s apple: the protruding part in a man’s throat

According to the Bible, when deceived by the serpent, Eve and Adam ate the apple and the latter was choked by the forbidden fruit. Since then, there has been a protruding part in men‘s throat, which is one of the primary physical differences between males and females.

2. Adam’s profession: agriculture, gardening

3. alpha and omega: wholeness or the most important part

Revelation1:8 ―I am Alpha and the Omega,‖ says the Lord God, ―who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.‖

e.g. Rice is the alpha and omega of their diet.

4. at the eleventh hour: at the last crucial moment

The Gospel according to Matthew

"For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who was the master of a household, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 20:2When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. 20:3He went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace. 20:4To them he said, 'You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.' So they went their way. 20:5Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. 20:6 About the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle. He said to them, 'Why do you stand here all day idle?' 20:7 "They said to him, 'Because no one has hired us.' "He said to them, 'You also go into the vineyard, and you will receive whatever is right.' 20:8 When evening had come, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward, 'Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first.' 20:9"When those who were hired at about the eleventh hour came, they each received a denarius. 20:10When the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise each received a denarius. 20:11When they received it, they murmured against the master of the household, 20:12 saying, 'These last have spent one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat!' 20:13"But he answered one of them, 'Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Didn't you agree with me for a denarius? 20:14Take that which is yours, and go your way. It is my desire to give to this last just as much as to you. 20:15Isn't it lawful for me to do what I want to with what I own? Or is your eye evil, because I am good?' 20:16So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few are chosen."

5. build on sand: build on not solid foundation [See Matthew 7:24-27]

e.g. His plan, like a house built on sand, has no solid foundation.

6. by the skin of one’s teeth [Job]: almost fail in something or fortunate escape

God wanted to test Job and made him lose his wealth, children and suffer from illness. Job didn't make any complaint. When his friends came to see him, he said to them: "He hath put my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance are verily estranged from me. My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me. They that dwell in mine house, and my maids, count me for a stranger: I am an alien in their sight. I called my servant, and he gave me no answer; I intreated him with my mouth. My breath is strange to my wife, though I intreated for the children's sake of mine own body. Yea, young children despised me; I arose, and they spake against me. All my inward friends abhorred me: and they whom I loved are turned against me. My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth."

e.g. We drove to the station at full speed and caught the train by the skin of our teeth. 14

7. cast pearls before swine: choose the wrong audience

Matthew7:6 "Don't give that which is holy to the dogs, neither throw your pearls before the pigs, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

e.g. Giving them advice is only to cast pearls before swine. They are incapable of understanding good taste and manners.

8. fall from grace: go astray, degenerate, or be out of favor

It refers to the story that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were driven out of Eden, which was human beings' original sin.

e.g. He had assisted in extricating from the consequences of their folly several young girls of good family who had fallen from grace and could not otherwise be secured.

9. feet of clay: fatal shortcoming, famous persons‘ unknown defects

The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, was troubled by his dream in which he beheld a great image, which was mighty, and whose brightness was excellent. As for this image, its head was of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of brass, its legs of iron, its feet part of iron, and part of clay. He saw until a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet that were of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. Then was the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold, broken in pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them: and the stone that struck the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth. Daniel was invited to interpret the dream. He said, the king was the head of gold with whom God endowed great power. After him shall arise another kingdom to replace his. As the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. Since iron does not mingle with clay, the king's kingdom would be disintegrated. Then the king fell on his face, worshiped Daniel, gave him many great gifts, and made him to rule over the whole province of Babylon, and to be chief governor over all the wise men of Babylon.

e.g. I discovered that my uncle had feet of clay; he had stolen money from my father.

10. fig leaf: something to hush up one‘s scandal or to cover up one‘s embarrassment

After Adam and Eve ate the apple, both of their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

e.g. Come straight ahead; you don't have to put your idea in fig leaves.

11. from Dan to Beersheba: from one bottom to another, all over the world


Dan was the northmost city in Palestine, while Beersheba the southmost town there. So if you traveled from Dan to Beersheba, you will travel across the whole Palestine.

e.g. You might travel from Dan to Beersheba without finding such a beautiful vase.

12. good Samaritan: kind persons ready to help others

Luke10:30Jesus answered, "A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. 10:31By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. 10:32In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. 10:33But a certain Samaritan, as he traveled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, 10:34came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. 10:35On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, and gave them to the host, and said to him, 'Take care of him. Whatever you spend beyond that, I will repay you when I return.' 15

10:36Now which of these three do you think seemed to be a neighbor to him who fell among the robbers?"

13. handwriting/writing on the wall: an ill omen

Daniel 5:1-19

When the ancient Babylonian king Belshazar(伯沙撒)was giving a feast in his palace, he suddenly saw a mysterious finger writing some unknown letters on the wall opposite to where he sat. The king then sent for Daniel, the imprisoned Jewish prophet, to explain for him the meaning of the handwriting on the wall. Daniel read the writing and told him it meant some disaster would soon arrive. It so happened that Belshazar was killed that very night. His kingdom was conquered by the Persians and Darius became the new king.

e.g. The official saw the writing on the wall and fled the country

14. heap coals of fire on sb.’s head [Proverbs 25:21-22]: make others repent by bidding good to evil

Proverbs by Solomon

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; /If he is thirsty, give him water to drink: /For you will heap coals of fire on his head, /And Yahweh will reward you.

e.g. Frederick stole the Bishop's silver, but the Bishop heaped coals of fire on his head by giving the silver to him.

14. Jonah: a person who brings bad luck


Yahweh sent Jonah to tell the wicked people in Nineveh about their coming destruction. But Jonah rose up to flee to Tarshish on a ship from the presence of Yahweh. Yahweh sent out a great wind on the sea, and there was a mighty tempest on the sea, so that the ship was likely to break up. Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man to his god. They all said to each other, "Come, let us cast lots, that we may know for whose cause this evil is on us." So they cast lots, and the lot fell on Jonah. Jonah had to tell them the truth. Then the men were exceedingly afraid, and said to him, "What shall we do to you, that the sea may be calm to us?" For the sea grew more and more tempestuous. He said to them, "Take me up, and throw me into the sea. Then the sea will be calm for you; for I know that because of me this great tempest is on you." So they took up Jonah, and threw him into the sea; and the sea ceased its raging. Yahweh prepared a great fish to swallow up Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Yahweh spoke to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah on the dry land. So Jonah arose, and went to Nineveh for Yahweh's message.

e.g. He regarded Mike as his Jonah because he spoiled the whole matter at the critical moment.

15. Jonah’s gourd: something with a very short life

Jonah went to Nineveh and told the inhabitants about God's coming punishment. All the people were terrified. They repented and prayed for God's mercy. Yahweh agreed to forgive them, so Jonah's words didn't come true. He was very unpleasant and went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made himself a booth, and sat under it in the shade, until he might see what would become of the city. Yahweh prepared a vine, and made it to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shade over his head, to deliver him from his discomfort. So Jonah was exceedingly glad because of the vine. But God prepared a worm at dawn the next day, and it chewed on the vine, so that it withered. It happened, when the sun arose, that God prepared a sultry east wind; and the sun beat on Jonah's head, so that he fainted, and requested for himself that he might die, and said, "It is better for me to die than to live." God said to Jonah, "Is it right 16

for you to be angry about the vine?" He said, "I am right to be angry, even to death." Yahweh said, "You have been concerned for the vine, for which you have not labored, neither made it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night. Shouldn't I be concerned for Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred twenty thousand persons who can't discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?"

16. lost sheep: a person who goes astray and makes mistakes

Matthew18:12"What do you think? If a man has one hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, doesn't he leave the ninety-nine, go to the mountains, and seek that which has gone astray? 18:13If he finds it, most assuredly I tell you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.

e.g. Many people became lost sheep because their shepherd led them astray.

17. plough with another’s heifer: seek after profit by illegal ways


Samson fell in love with a Philistine woman. His father went down to the woman: and Samson made there a feast, Samson said to the guests, Let me now put forth a riddle to you: if you can declare it to me within the seven days of the feast, and find it out, then I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty changes of clothing; but if you can't declare it to me, then shall you give me thirty linen garments and thirty changes of clothing. They said to him, Put forth your riddle, that we may hear it. He said to them, Out of the eater came forth food, Out of the strong came forth sweetness. They couldn't in three days declare the riddle. On the seventh day, they said to Samson's wife, Entice your husband, that he may declare to us the riddle, lest we burn you and your father's house with fire. Samson's wife wept before him, and said, You do but hate me, and don't love me: you have put forth a riddle to the children of my people, and haven't told it me. He said to her, Behold, I haven't told it my father nor my mother, and shall I tell you? She wept before him the seven days, while their feast lasted: and it happened on the seventh day, that he told her, because she pressed him sore; and she told the riddle to the children of her people. The men of the city said to him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey? and what is stronger than a lion? Samson said to them, If you hadn't plowed with my heifer, You wouldn't have found out my riddle.

e.g. I will undertake to find the north pass to the Indies sooner than plough with your proud heifer.

18. pottage of lentils: try to save a little only to lose a lot (See the story between Esau and Jacob)

19. prodigal son: an idle person or a person willing to correct their mistakes [It is from a parable told by Jesus]

20. wash one’s hands of: break relationship with sth.; no longer do sth.

21. tower of Babel: castles in the air

22. gifts of Magi: the most precious gift

23. Job: a person dogged by bad luck or an extremely patient man


There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job. That man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God, and turned away from evil. He had seven sons and three daughters, and a large portion of possession. Santan argued to Yahweh that Job was pious to Him just because He endowed him with numerous wealth. So Yahweh decided to test him.


It fell on a day when Job's children were eating and drinking, there came a messenger to Job, and said, "The oxen were plowing, and the donkeys feeding beside them, and the Sabeans attacked, and took them away. Yes, they have killed the servants with the edge of the sword, and I alone have escaped to tell you." While he was still speaking, there also came another, and said, "The fire of God has fallen from the sky, and has burned up the sheep and the servants, and consumed them, and I alone have escaped to tell you." While he was still speaking, there came also another, and said, "The Chaldeans made three bands, and swept down on the camels, and have taken them away, yes, and killed the servants with the edge of the sword; and I alone have escaped to tell you." While he was still speaking, there came also another, and said, "Your sons and your daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house, 1:19and, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell on the young men, and they are dead. I alone have escaped to tell you."

Then Job arose, and tore his robe, and shaved his head, and fell down on the ground, and worshiped. He said, "Naked I came out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. Yahweh gave, and Yahweh has taken away. Blessed be the name of Yahweh." In all this, Job did not sin, nor charge God with wrongdoing.

Later God permitted Satan to test Job, who made Job grow malignant sores all over his body. Though painful, Job bore no complaint against God. Due to his piety, God restored him more wealth and children.

24. Job’s comforter: a person who fails to comfort others while make them sadder

When Job's three friends heard of all the evil that had come upon him, they came every one from his own place, and they made an appointment together to come to bemoan him and to comfort him. When they lifted up their eyes afar off, and knew him not, they lifted up their voice, and wept; and they rent every one his mantle, and threw dust upon their heads toward heaven. So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spoke a word unto him; for they saw that his grief was very great.

e.g. Mrs. Baker was a Job's comforter, while sympathizing with the mother who had lost her child, she told the mother that it was her fault for not sending the child to hospital sooner.

25. Goliath: gigantic person or object (See David‘s story)














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