Book review


Book review

Lord Jim

“Lord Jim " is one of Joseph Conrad's famous book , the novel presented us a man who was bravely search for his lost honor and profoundly exposed the society of that years .

The novel has portrayed many different people; the major character is Jim .It tells about Jim, a sailor, dreams happily of the adventures waiting for him at sea. He sees himself as the brave man who always does his duty just. But danger has come, and Jim is not ready for it, when the accident happens he fails to act as a hero of his dreams, only a man believes in Jim and help Jim to find a new life so Jim started a journey of search for his lost honor. Somebody thought Jim is crowd; some of them said Jim is wonderful. Different people have different opinions. In my opinion ,both people has their positive and negative , even Jim fails to act like the hero of his dreams at once .In my opinion both people has their positive and negative , ademit mistakes and to reveal the truth is the performance of the brave . In the story, Jim not only admits mistakes and to reveal the truth, also he bravely searches for his lost honor. So for this Jim was brave. In this book “follow the dream, to the end." was the most impressive sentence in my mind. Anyway Jim did not go wrong; in fact, he developed wonderfully, and lives his life bravely and honestly to the end.

In my opinion our lives are too short for anyone to judge us fully, and we never have time to say our last word of our love, trust, saddles, guilt and fight against the darkness.

第二篇:book review 格式要求

写book review 的格式要求

(两端对齐): 把要review的书的所有信息列出来,包括书的页数,具体参考 sample 4

Gender Studies: Terms and Debates. Ann Cranny-Francis et al. 2003. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, xii + 276 pp. $29.95 paperback.


Gender studies: terms and debates. Ann Cranny-Francis, + 其他作者姓名. (2003). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, xii + 276 pp. $29.95 paperback.

(居中): Reviewed by xxx

结构: Introduction + Body + Conclusion

Introduction: 对作者的简单介绍, 或者对书中主题发展现状的简单介绍,或者对描述领域发展现状的简单介绍, 之后引出要 review的书.


A) 对全书或者要review的部分作一简单介绍,如全书有几个章节,各章节的主要内容等.

B) 对该书的评价: strengths and weaknesses, 一定要有摘自书中的例证,以便 objective, 而

不是”我认为…, 所以…”, 也不是”这本书使我意识到…”之类的读后感.

Conclusion: 总结,一般如下: On the whole/ In conclusion/ To conclude/Considering all the strengths and weaknesses, etc…. this book is/serves as … a wonderful introduction book/guide… to beginners/people who are interested in …

具体请参考所给samples, 其格式和书写形式均是可接受的,可模仿的.

正文两端对齐,首行缩进, 1.5倍行距, Times New Roman 字体12

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