


   本次五年级的期中考试试卷难度一般,学生考得较为不错。其中五年级一班平均分57.  ,五二班的平均分60.5,五一班比二班差了三分多,跟之前一班比二班成绩稍好一些的情况相反。具体而言,两班试卷各题的得分率如下:



由上可知,两班得分率最高的题目是听力题。说明学生的英语听力还是可以的,出现的几道错误多集中在第三题listen and choose,跟四年级一样,可能一方面因为学生对基本句子的答语还不是很熟悉;另一方面又因为这种题目既要求听清问句,又要求思考答句,学生的时间不够。所以今后要一方面加强学生对重点句子的问答练习,提高问答速度;另一方面专门加强对于这类听力题目的训练,提高反应能力。此外,还有少数学生第一题和第五题出现了错误,说明对基本词汇读音的掌握还不够,个别同学对于“Tuesday”和“Thursday”分不清,对这种易混淆的词平时就要加强提醒,同类的还有“Saturday”和“Sunday”等。


第七题的得分率五一班为    ,五二班为    。这是最不应该出错的最基础的题目,可是两班得分率都不高,尤其是五一班。这就是五一班比五二班平均分差的一个挺重要原因。以后对于单元核心词汇一定要死死过关,及时过关,不累积,多提问默写,把单词能力落到实处。在记忆单词过关时,可以让程度好的学生互相提问,把自己的关注目光更多地集中到学习吃力的学生身上,也可以让优差生互相帮扶,以扎实有效打好每个学生的基础。





一 听力部分25%

I. Listen and choose what you hear 圈出你所听到的单词,用A,B或C表示,将答案填在前面的括号内:8%

( ) 1. A. road

( ) 2. A. waiter

( ) 3. A. wash

( ) 4. A. dry

( ) 5. A. shark

( ) 6. A. ball

( ) 7. A. paper

( ) 8. A. need B. rock B. wait B. watch B. drill B. shout B. talk B. park B. near C. robot C. waitress C. want C. drink C. show C. term C. party C. now

II. Listen and choose 根据所到的问句,选择正确答句5%

1. A. You can’t go out.

2. A. I want some water. B. Yes, I can. C. No, you can’t. B. I want a hamburger. C. We want some paper.

3. A. She goes to bed at nine o’clock in the evening.

B. Alice goes to bed at nine in the morning.

C. She goes to bed at half past three in the afternoon.

4. A. I’m ten years old.

5. A. She is in the hall. B. I’m reading a book. C. I’m tired today. B. She is cleaning the hall.

C. She cleans the hall every day.

III. Complete the passage (根据听到的内容,完成下列短文) 8%

Hello, I’m Jack. This is my school. It’s _________. There are _______ floors. On the _______ floor, there is the teachers’ ______and the _______. ______the ______ there is a wall. On the ________ floor, there are ________ ________. There are about a ______________ __________ in my school.

On the ________ floor, there is a ________ and a ________ room. I often go there and do

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my _________. I like my school.

IV. Listen and give T or F听短文并作判断,与短文内容相同的用“T”表示,不同


( ) 1. It is Saturday morning.

( ) 2. Li Lei is sitting near the lake and reading.

( ) 3. The students are having a good time.

( ) 4. Some boys are singing and dancing.

( ) 5. Meimei is running after a nice butterfly.

二 基础部分 45%

I. 写出与划线部分同一类的和所需要的单词:8% , a and some for school.

2. I’m hungry and thirsty. I want a a some and a pie.

II. Filling the blanks with their proper form 用所给单词的适当形式填空: 7%

1. There are five _______(floor) in our classroom building. We live on

the _________(five) floor.

2. Ben ___________ (do) his homework at 7:00 pm every day. Now he

_____________ (paint) a picture in the sitting-room.

3. Miss Li is _______ (we) English teacher. She teaches ________ (we)


4. All the students are having lessons in the __________( classroom )

III. Put in the missing words按题意填空,使句子意思完整 12%

1. A: _________ Kitty hungry? B: Yes, __________ is.

2. A: Look. There’s the _________ man. We can go.

B: Yes. Let’s go.

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3. A: Can we __________ the road now?

B: No, we can’t. The traffic light’s ________. We must stop.

4. A: What ________ you want for your birthday?

B: A big cake _________ some noodles.

5. A: Can I have sugar, _________?

B: Here __________ _________.

6. A: Kitty has __________ uniform. It’s old.

B: Does she need a new _________?

IV. 选择题,用A、B或C表示,将答案的序号填在前面的括号内:8%

( ) 1. There are some in the park.

A. butterflys B. butterflies C. butterflyes

( ) 2. Where the boys going?.

A. are B. do C. does

( ) 3. climb the tree. Oh, I am sorry.

A. No B. Not C. Don’t

( ) 4. Danny a toy for his birthday.

A. wants B. want C. wanting

( ) 5. Can you the dolphins? Yes, I can.

A. sees B. seeing C. see

( ) 6. My room is on the floor.

A. nineth B. ninth C. nine

( ) 7. In our class, only(只有) one goes to school by taxi.

A. children B. childs C. child

( ) 8. Which shirt do you like, Peter? I like A. one B. the white one C. it

V. Rewrite the following sentences按要求改变句子10%

1. Those shirts are dear. (改成否定句,意思不变)

These skirts _________ _____________.

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2. The Taos go to Shanghai every summer. (一般疑问句)

________ the Taos _______ to Shanghai every summer?

3. They need some apples for the class party. (单数句)

She ______ _______ apple the class party.

4. Eddie likes the blue uniform. (划线提问)

_______ uniform _________ Eddie like?

5. His aunt dances every day. (用now替换every day,其他作相应的变化)

His aunt _______ ________ now.

三 阅读部分 20%

I.Read and judge(阅读短文,用T表示正确,用F表示错误) 5%

Mike likes living in a big city. Today he’s very happy. It’s the first day of school. He wants to see his friends. He is going to see his new teachers.

Mike gets up early in the morning. It’s about half past six. He washes and puts on his new clothes. Look, he’s having breakfast with his parents. Now he’s ready for school.

He goes to school by school bus. He meets his friends outside the school gate. They are talking to each other. Then the bell rings, everyone runs to the classroom.

1. ( ) Today is the first of September.

2. ( ) Mike lives in a big city. He’s a new student of this school.

3. ( ) He gets up at six thirty.

4. ( ) He goes to school by bike.

5. ( ) Mike and his friends are talking in the school.

II. Read and choose the best answer 阅读并根据短文内容选择正确的答案5% Tommy is a large cat. It is very kind. He has a good friend, Micky .He is small. Micky and his wife have a child. Its name is Peggy. One day Peggy is going out. He likes to play with a ball He is playing with his friends. Now it is getting dark. He wants to go home. But he can’t find his way home. He is sad. He is crying. Tommy is on his way to the supermarket. He sees Peggy. He says to him,“Don’t cry. I can help you.”He takes Peggy to Micky.

Micky is happy to see his son. “Thank you, My old friend.”

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1. Tom is a .

a. large mouse b. large and kind mouth

c. large and kind cat d. little kind cat.

2. Micky is a. large and kind. b. Peggy’s father

c. Tommy’s brother. d. outside with Peggy


a. play at home. b. go outside

c. play with a doll d. sit with his friend.

4. Peggy a. can find his way home.

b. can’t find his way home.

c. isn’t crying.

d. is crying. He has no friends to play with

5. Tommy takes Peggy to .

a. the supermarket. b. to Micky

c. the park d. Tommy’s home

6. Peggy is to see his father and mother.

a. happy b. sad c. sorry d. unhappy

III. Read and answer the questions (阅读短文,回答问题) 5%

It’s the third of July. I’m happy today because it is my birthday today. Some of my good friends are in my room. Some girls are dancing and singing. Some boys say to me “Happy birthday, Anne!” There are some presents on the table. They are toy cars and a nice robot. I like this robot very much. There are many apples, oranges, bananas and a big cake on the table, too. Look! Eddie is eating an apple. Sam is folding a birthday card. Peddy is playing with my cat. I’m eating the cake.

1. What’s your name?


2. When is your birthday?

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3. Have you got any presents on your birthday?


4. Who is eating an apple?


5. Are you happy or sad?


四 写作部分10%


My school uniform








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I. Listen and choose what you hear 圈出你所听到的单词,用A,B或C表示,将答案填在前面的括号内:8%

1. Look. The traffic light is red. Don’t cross the road

2. They’re going to wait for a bus.

3. Before dinner, please wash your hands.

4. I’m thirsty. I want to drink some water.

5. Can you show me your book?

6. Please talk in English, children.

7. There is going to be a party this evening.

8. What do you need for school, Alice?

II. Listen and choose. (根据听到的问句,选择正确的答句)

1. Can we go out, Mr Li?

2. Are you hungry? What do you want?

3. What time does Alice go to bed?

4. How are you today, Danny?

5. What’s Mary doing over there?

III. Complete the passage.(根据听到的内容,完成下列短文)

Hello, I’m Jack. This is my school. It’s big. There are three floors. On the first floor, there is the teachers’ office and the hall. Behind the toilets, there’s a wall.

On the second floor, there are eight classrooms. There are about a hundred children is my school.

One the third floor, there is a library and a computer room. I often go there and do my homework. I like my school.

IV. Listen and give T or F听短文并作判断,与短文内容相同的用“T”表示,不同则“F”:5%

It is Sunday morning. There are some Young Pioneers in the park. They are having a good time.

Some boys are playing games under a big tree. Some girls are singing and dancing. Some boys and girls are running up the hill. Others are rowing on the lake. Where is Li Lei? He is sitting by the lake. What’s he doing? He is reading.

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Where is Meimei? She is on the grass. What’s she doing? She’s running after a nice butterfly. She wants to catch it.

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