

比较级的用法 (一)


1. “A + be +形容词比较级 + than + B” 意思为


This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。注意:

① 在含有连词than的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。


如: A watermelon is much bigger than an apple. ③ very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。

2.“比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +原级”表示“越来越……”如:

It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes.春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。

It is getting cooler and cooler.天气越来越凉爽。 The wind became more and more heavily.风变得越来越大。

Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的学校变得越来越美丽。


Who is taller Tim or Tom? 谁更高,Tim还是Tom?

4. “the +比较级……, the+比较级”,表示“越……越……”。

The more money you make, the more you spend.钱你赚得越多,花得越多。

The sooner,the better.越快越好。

5. 表示倍数的比较级用法:

①. A + be +倍数+ times + the + 形容词对应名词形式+ of + B.如。:The new building is three times the height of the old one.这座新楼比那座旧楼高三倍。(新楼是旧楼的四倍高)

②. A + be +倍数+ times +as +原级+ as+ B.如:Asia is four times as large as Europe.亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍)

③. A + be + 序数词 +比较级+ than + B.如:

Our school is twice bigger than yours.我们学校比你们学校大两倍。


者以上人或事物的比较,表示“最……”的意思。 句子中有表示范围的词或短语。如:of the three, in our class等等。如:

He is the tallest in our class.他在我们班里是最高的。

7."否定词语+比较级","否定词语+ so… as"结构表示最高级含义。

Nothing is as easy as this. =Nothing is easier than this. =This is the easiest thing.

8. 比较级与最高级的转换:

Mike is the most intelligent in his class. Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class

7.修饰比较级和最高级的词:(1)可修饰比较级的词 ①.a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等。

②. 还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。 ③. 以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。注意:

使用最高级要注意将主语包括在比较范围内。 (错) Tom is the tallest of his three brothers. (对) Tom is the tallest of the three brothers.

(2)下列词可修饰最高级:by far, far, much,

mostly, almost。

This hat is nearly / almost the biggest.


a. very可修饰最高级,但位置与much不同。 b. This is the very best.

c. This is much the best.

d. 序数词通常只修饰最高级。

e. Africa is the second largest continent.

8.要避免重复使用比较级。 (×) He is cleverer than his brother. (√)

He is cleverer than his brother. (√) He is cleverer than his brother.

9.要避免将主语含在比较对象中。 (×) China is larger that any country in Asia. (√) China is larger than any other country in Asia.

10.要注意对应句型,遵循前后一致的原则。 The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing.

It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out.


Which is larger, Canada or Australia?

Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia?

She is taller than her two sisters.

She is the taller of the two sisters.



形容词的比较级和最高级: 形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在形容词的原级形式的基础上变化的。 分为规则变化和不规则变化。

1. 规则变化如下:

1) 单音节形容词的比较级和最高级形式是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 构成。 e.g. great (原级) greater(比较级) greatest(最高级)

2) 以 -e 结尾的单音节形容词的比较级和最高级是在词尾加 -r 和 -st 构成。 e.g. wide (原级) wider (比较级) widest (最高级)

3)少数以-y, -er, -ow, -ble结尾的双音节形容词的比较级和最高级是在词尾加 -er 和 -est 构成。

e.g. clever(原级) cleverer(比较级) cleverest(最高级)

4) 以 -y 结尾,但 -y 前是辅音字母的形容词的比较级和最高级是把 -y 去掉,加上 -ier 和-est 构成.

e.g. happy (原形) happier (比较级) happiest (最高级)

5) 以一个辅音字母结尾其前面的元音字母发短元音的形容词的比较级和最高级是双写该辅音字母然后再加 -er和-est。

e.g. big (原级) bigger (比较级) biggest (最高级)

6) 双音节和多音节形容词的比较级和最高级需用more 和 most 加在形容词前面来构成。

e.g. beautiful (原级) more beautiful (比较级) most beautiful (最高级)

difficult (原级) more difficult (比较级) most difficult (最高


2. 常用的不规则变化的形容词的比较级和最高级:

原级 比较级 最高级

good better best

many more most

much more most

bad worse worst

little less least

ill worse worst

far farther(further) farthest(furthest)

3. 形容词前如加 less 和 lest 则表示"较不"和"最不"

important 重要 less important 较不重要

least important 最不重要

4. 形容词比较级最高级的用法:

1) 主语+谓语(系动词)+ 形容词比较级+than+ 对比成分。 也就是, 含有形容词比较级的主句+than+从句。注意从句常常省去意义上和主句相同的部分, 而只剩下对比的成分。

2) e.g. Our teacher is taller than we are. 我们老师的个子比我们的高。

3) 形容词最高级的用法: 主语+谓语(系动词)+the+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句。(常与表范围的in , of短语连用)

e.g. She is the best student in her class. 她是班上最好的学生。

4) "The+形容词比较级..., the+形容词比较级..."表示 " 越... 就越..."。 e.g. The more, the better. 越多越好。

5) " 形容词比较级 + and + 形容词比较级 ", 表示 " 越来越... "。 e.g. It's getting hotter and hotter. 天气越来越热了.

6) 主语+谓语(系动词)+as+形容词原形+as+从句。表示两者对比相同。 e.g. This box is as big as mine. 这个盒子和我的一样大。

7) the + 形容词 表示某种人。


8) 注意:比较级前可用much, even, still, a bit, a little等加强语气。

9) “甲+be+比较级+any other+单数名词(+介词短语)”表示“甲比任何一个人/物都……”,相当于最高级。

e.g. He is taller than any other student in his class.= He is the tallest in his class.


1. 比较级的修饰语

表示“稍稍”、“一点”意义的a bit, a little, rather, some, any 等;表示“…得多”的 much, far, a great / good deal, a lot, a good bit 等;表示“更加”意义的 still, even, yet 等;表示确定程度的修饰语,如分数或有关长度、时间、重量等名词词组通常放在比较级前,也可由 by 引出而置于比较级之后。如: 今天比昨天还冷。 他现在显得高兴点儿了。 你今天感觉好点儿了吗? 他比我小两岁。 他比他妹妹高一头。 这桥比那桥长10米。


注:在修饰或代替复数可数名词的 more 前不可用 much,而要用 many;除 quite better 外,quite, very, so 等不可修饰比较级

2. 最高级的修饰语

最高级前可用 the very, the second, much the, (by) far the, not quite the, nearly, almost, by no means 等修饰。

He is far more careful than I am. 他比我仔细得多。

This is much the most important. 这是最重要的。

Hainan is China’s second largest island. 海南是中国第二大岛。

This is quite far the most expensive bicycle in the shop.


注:very不能修饰比较级,却可修饰最高级,但它与一般的修饰最高级的副词有所不同,即它要放在最高级前的定冠词之后,而不是之前(另外,second, third, next等也要放在定冠词之后)。


1.as…as 结构。该结构的意思是“与…一样”,其间应接形容词原级,不能用比


He is as tall as his father. 他与他父亲一样高。

He is as busy as before. 他还是像以前那样忙。

在否定句中第一个as也可换成 so,其意为“不如”:

He is not as [so] tall as his father. 他不如他父亲高。

He is not as [so] busy as before. 他不像以前那样忙。

2. more and more与 the more…, the more…:前者表示“越来越……”,后者表示“越……,越……”。如:

Our country is getting more and more powerful. 我们国家越来越强大。

The more we get together, the happier we will be. 人聚得越多,我们越快活。

3. more than 与less than:前者“(指数量)多于”、“不只是”、“非常”等,后者表示“少于”、“比……少”。如:

I’ve known him for more than 10 years. 我已认识他10多年了。

He is more than a father to her. 他待她胜过父亲。

She was more than kind to us. 她对我们很友好。

It cost me less than 10 pounds. 我买它没要上10英镑。

She eats less than she should. 她吃得比她应该吃的少。

4. more …than 与 less…than:前者表示“比……多,比……更”,后者表示“比……少,不如……”。如:

He has more books than me. 他的书比我多。

He is more careful than the others. 他比其他人更仔细。

I got less money than the others did. 我比别人得到的钱少。


He is less a teacher than an expert. / He is more an expert than a teacher. /

He is not so much a teacher as an expert. 与其说他是老师,不如说他是专家。

5. “no+比较级+than”结构:这类结构的实际意思是对待比较的两个对象进行否定,相当于该原级形容词或副词使用as…as结构的意思。如no better than = as bad as,意为“与……一样不好”,no faster than = as slow as,意为“与……一样不快”,no taller than = as short as,意为“与……一样不高”等。

6. no more than与not more than:两者均可表示数量,前者表示“仅仅”、“只有”(= only),强调少;而后者表示“不多于”、“至多”(= at most)。如:

It is no more than five miles to the station. 去车站只有5英里。

It is not more than five miles to the station. 去车站最多5英里。 7. “the比较级of +二者” “二者中较……的一个”

eg. Lucy is the younger of the twins.

Of(A) the two books(B) this one(C) is thicker(D). _________

8.表示二者相差多少用 “具体数量 + 比较级”

eg. He’s a head taller than me.

My brother is two years older than me

9.表示“是……几倍”时用“twice; three times等 + as…as”

eg. 1)This book costs twice as much as that one. 这本书的价钱是那本书的两倍。

2)He has four times as many books as I have 他拥有的书是我拥有的四倍。

11.区别older / elder与farther / further



eg. My ______ brother is ______ than me.

farther (指距离“较远的”)


eg.1)He went abroad for ________ studies.

2)Fusun is _________ from our school than Zhaohua.

12.比较级必须是同类事物相比(即as; than后的词应与主语是同类事物),

注意常用漏的代词有:that; those; one; ones

eg. 1)The apples (A) in this basket (B) are redder (C) than in that basket(D). _________

2)This knife _______________ (A) isn’t

(A) (B) is so (C) bigger new (C) as that (D). 3)Our classroom _______________ (B) than Lily(D).

3.个体与整体相比,不能包括个体,常用“any other + 单数名词”来进行比较。

eg.1)Betty(是个体) is cleverer than any student in her class(是整体). ( × )

正:Betty is cleverer than any other student in her class.

=Betty is cleverer than anybody else in her class.

=Betty is the cleverest in her class.


2)China is bigger than any country in Africa.


3) China is bigger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的任何一个其他国家大。


eg. Mary is the tallest of all her sisters.( × )

(all her sisters已排除了Mary)

改:Mary is the tallest of all the sisters.

5.表示“第二、第三……”时,可在最高级前加“second , third, …”(但“第一”不能用first)

eg. The Changjiang River is the first longest river in China. 改错:________________



1.He feels _____ today than yesterday.

A. tired B. more tired C. more tireder D. much tired

2.Which do you like _____, coffee, tea or milk?

B. the worst B. worse C. the worse D. worst

3.Of the two toys, the child chose_____.

A. the expensive one B. one most expensive

C. a least expensive D. the most expensive of them

4.The line is ____ than that one.

A. more longer B. not longer

C. much more longer D. many more longer

5.The earth is _____ the moon.

A. as 49 times big as B. 49 times as bigger as

C. 49 times as big as D.as big as 49 times

6.The book is ____ of the two.

C. thinner B. the thinner C. more thinner D. the thinnest

7.She looks _____ than she does.

A. the more older B. very older C. much older D. more older

8.The garden is becoming ______.

A. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and beautiful

C. more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and beautifuler

9.They competed(比赛) to see who could work _____.

A. the fastest and best B. the faster and the better

C. fastest and better D. faster and better

10.This kind of coffee is different ______.

A. and it is also better B. and better than the other

C. but also than others D. from the other, and better


1. Nowadays English is _________ (important ) than any other subject, I think.

2. Gold(黄金) is _________ (little) useful than iron(铁).

3. My sister is two years _________ (old ) than me.

4. Joy’s parents have four daughters, and she is the _________ (young) child.

5. The _________ (cheap) bags are not usually the worst ones.

6. The short one is far _________(expensive) .

7. The boy is not so _________ (interesting) as his brother.

8. Dick sings ____ (well), she sings ____(well) than John, but Mary sings____ (well) in her class.

9. She will be much _________ (happy) in her new house.

10. My room is not as _________ (big) as my brother’s.

11. Bob is _________ ( young ) than Fred but ___________ (tall) than Fred.

12. Yingtian is not as ___________ (tall) as Yongxian.

13. Most students’ faces are the same but Li Deming looks _____ (fat) than before the holidays.

14.Which is _________ (heavy),a hen or a chicken?

15. Xiaoling is only 1.40 metres _________ (tall). She is much _________ (short) than Sally. She is also the _________ (short) girl in the class.

16. He is _________ (bad) at learning maths. He is much ________ (bad) at Chinese and he is the _________ (bad) at English.

17. Annie says Sally is the ________ (kind) person in the world.

18. He is one of the_________(friendly) people in the class, I think.

19. A horse is a little____ (big) than a sheep, but much_____(small) than an elephant.

20. The Changjiang River is _________ (long) river in China.

21. Joy is a little _________ (beautiful) than Betty.

22. The _________ (much), the ____________ (good).

23. Most of the students think a lion is much ______ (dangerous) than a bear and it is the _________ (dangerous) animal in the world.

24. -- Annie plays the piano very ___________ (well).

-- Sue plays it ______ (well) than Annie. And Sally plays it the _____ (well).

25. Saturday is my _________ (busy) day in a week.

26. A dictionary is much _________ (expensive) than a story-book.

27. Her mother is getting ____________(fat) and _________ (fat).

28. I think it’s too expensive. I’d like a _____________ (cheap) one.

29. He comes to school much____________ (early) than me.

30.This book is not as _____________ (interesting) as that one.


1. He is as taller as I am. _________

2. She is a little thiner than she looks. _________

3. Bob is heavier than any other boys in the class. _________

4. Your garden is much larger than their. _________

5. Bob plays football badly but Fred plays football much badlier than Bob. _____

6. He says Mary is most friendliest person in the class. _________

7. Which city is most beautiful, Beijing or Guangzhou? _________

8. Jack works hard. Mike works very harder than Jack. _________

9. London is the bigger city in Britain. _________

10. Li Ming is the third tall boy in my class. __________


1. 本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _______ ________ ________ that one.

2. 你游泳没有你弟弟好。You can’t swim ______ ______ ______ your brother.

3. 今天比昨天冷的多。 It is _____ ________ today_____ it was yesterday.

4. 这个故事比另一个有趣的多。This story is ______ ______ _____ than that one.

5. 他比我大两岁。 He is _______ _______ _______ than me.

6. 这个故事不如那个有趣。This story is ______ _______ _______ ______ that one.

7. 她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is getting ______ ______ _______ every day.

8. 你喜欢哪种动物,猫还是狗? Which animal do you like _____ , a cat or a dog?

9. 他吃的越多,人越胖。 The more he eats, the ______ he gets.

10. 你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question is _____ ______ _____ of two.

11.她看起来不如玛丽年轻。 She doesn’t look _______ _____ _____ Mary.

12.杰克的父亲比母亲大一岁。 Jack’s father is _____ _____ ____ than her mother.

13.我们的教室比他们的明亮得多。 Our classroom is ______ _______ than theirs.


Look out! The mad is becoming ____ and ______ ______.

15. 他对英语越来越感兴趣。

He is becoming ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ English.







形容词比较级和最高级的用法 总结

















