



AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨

AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪

AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨



Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风

Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪




Few Showers=短暂阵雨

Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪

Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾



Heavy Rain=大雨

Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨

Heavy Snow=大雪

Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨

Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨

Light Drizzle=微雨

Light Rain=小雨

Light Rain Shower=小阵雨

Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声

Light Snow=小雪

Light Snow Fall=小降雪

Light Snow Grains=小粒雪

Light Snow Shower=小阵雪



Mostly Clear=大部晴朗

Mostly Cloudy=大部多云

Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风

Mostly Sunny=晴时多云

Partly Cloudy=局部多云

Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风

PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风

PM Light Rain=下午小雨

PM Showers=下午阵雨

PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪

PM T-Storms=下午雷雨


Rain Shower=阵雨

Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风

Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪

Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风

Rain and Snow=雨夹雪

Scattered Showers=零星阵雨

Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪

Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨 Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨


Showers Early=早有阵雨

Showers Late=晚有阵雨

Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风

Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨



Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪

Snow and Fog=雾夹雪

Snow Shower=阵雪



Sunny / Wind=晴时有风

Sunny Day=晴天


Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨


T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨

T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨


Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪

Windy Rain=刮风下雨

Wintry Mix=雨雪混合


天气预报 weather forecast]

晴 clear

阴天 cloudy day

炎热 scorching heat

闷热天气 muggy weather 反常天气 freakish weather

虹 rainbow

雾 fog

凉 cool

霜 frost

露 dew

雪 snow

雹 hail

雷 thunder

冰 ice

雪堆 snowdrift

雪花 snow flake

闪电 lightning

零度 zero

寒冷 chilly

冰点 freezing point 冰柱 icicle

地形雨 local rains 雨量 rainfall

雨季 rainy season

雨点 raindrops

间歇雨 intermittent rain 大雨 heavy rain

甘霖 welcome rain

滂沱大雨 downpour

风级 wind scale

气压 barometric pressure 气团 air mass

风眼 eye of a storm 气旋 cyclone

低气压 low-pressure 高气压 high-pressure 锋面 frontal edge

暖锋 warm front

冷峰 cold front


恒风 constant wind

微风 breeze

无风 calm

轻风 light breeze

信风 trade wind

微风 gentle breeze

和风 moderate breeze 逆风 headwind

台风 typhoon

清风 fresh breeze

强风 strong breeze

西北风 northwester 疾风 near gale

大风 gale

狂风 squall

烈风 strong gale

东北风 northeaster 狂风 storm

暴风 violent storm

东北信风 northeast trades 飓风 hurricane

东南风 southeaster 台风 typhoon

龙卷风 tornado

西南风 southwester 北风 north wind

疾风 gusty wind

顺风 favorable wind 东风 east wind


热浪 heat wave

强浪 high seas

微浪 smooth wavelets 细浪 light seas

小浪 moderate seas

中浪 rough seas

大浪 very rough seas 巨浪 very high seas 微波 rippled

狂浪 monster waves


自然灾害 Natural Disaster 地震 earthquake

火山地震 volcanic earthquake

海啸 tidal wave

山崩 landslide

雪崩 avalanche

火山泥流 lahar

泥石流 mudflow/landslide

超级火山爆发 supervolcano

洪水 flood

大(或急剧的)漩涡 maelstrom

海啸 Tsunami

暴风雪 blizzard (呵呵)

干旱 Drought

雹暴 Hailstorm

热浪 heat wave

飓风(台风)Hurricanes, Tropical cyclones, and Typhoons 冰雹 ice storm

龙卷风 tornado

冰河时代 ice age

森林大火 wildfire

流行病 Epidemic

饥荒 Famine

太阳耀斑 Solar flare


山地气候 mountain climate

冬季季风气候 winter monsoon climate

季风气候 monsoon climate

亚热带气候 sub-tropical climate

高原气候 plateau climate

海滨气候 littoral climate

极地气候 polar climate

热带气候 tropical climate

温带沙漠气候 temperate desert climate

温带干燥气候 temperate arid climate

热带季风气候 tropical monsson climate

大陆气候 continental climate

沙漠气候 desert climate

沿海气候 coastal climate

高地气候 highland climate

海洋气候 marine climate

森林气候 forest climate

温带气候 temperate climate

湿润气候 humid climate

温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate

热带雨林气候 tropical rainy climate

热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate


1. 询问天气情况的常用套语:

How’s the weather today? 今天天气怎样?

What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎样?

How’s the weather tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?

What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气怎样?

What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎样?

How’s the weather in Beijing in summer? 夏天北京天气怎样?

What’s the weather like in London in winter? 伦敦冬天天气怎样?

Is the weather always like this? 天气老是这样吗?

Is it always as hot (cold) as this? 天气总是这样热(冷)吗?

What do you think of the weather here? 你认为这儿天气怎样?

How do you like our weather? 你认为我们这儿天气怎样?

What’s the temperature today, do you know? 今天的气温是多少,你知道吗?

What does the weather forecast[man] say? 天气预报是怎么说的?

What’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? 明天的天气预报怎么说?

What’s the average temperature in London on a summer’s day? 伦敦夏天的平均气温是多少?

2. 谈论天气变化的常用套语:

It looks like rain [raining]. 看来要下雨了。

It looks as if it’s going to rain. 像要下雨了。

It’s going to rain. 要下雨了。

It’s beginning to rain. 开始下雨了。

It’s clearing up. 天放晴了。

It’s going to be fine tomorrow. 明天将是个晴天。

It seems to be clearing up. 天似乎要转晴了。

It’s getting warmer (and warmer). 天气越来越暖和了。

I think there’ll be a storm soon. 我看很快就会有场暴风雨。

I don’t think the rain would last long. 我看这雨不会下很久的。

I think the rain is going to last all day. 我看这雨会下个整天了。

We’re going to have a snowfall today. 今天会下雪了。

The rain is setting in. 雨下起来了。

I’m so glad it has turned out fine. 我真高兴结果是个好天。

I’m so sorry it has turned out wet. 真遗憾结果是个下雨天。

I hope it will keep fine. 我希望天会一直晴下去。

I hope the weather stays this way. 我希望天气总是这么好。

I hope it won’t rain. 我希望天不会下雨。

The rain has stopped. 雨停了。

3. 评论天气的常用套语:

Lovely day [weather], isn’t it? 天气真好,是吗?

Nice and warm today, isn’t it? 今天挺暖和的,是吗?

Very hot today, isn’t it? 今天很热,是吗?

Rather cold today, isn’t it? 今天很冷,是吗?

Terrible weather, isn’t it? 天气真糟,是吗?

Pretty warm, isn’t it? 挺暖和的,是吗?

Isn’t it lovely weather? 天气真好。

Isn’t it a lovely day? 天气真好。

It’s raining heavily. 雨下得真大。

It’s much colder than (it was) yesterday. 今天比昨天冷多了。

It’s rather windy today. 今天风很大。

It’s quite cool here in August. 这里八月份很凉快。

What a lovely day! 天气真好。

What fine weather we’re having! 天气真好。

4. 表示气温的常用套语:

It’s eighteen degrees Centigrade [18 C] today. 今天气温是摄氏18度。

It’s eighteen degrees Fahrenheit [18 F] today. 今天气温是华氏18度。

The temperature has climbed to 35 C. 气温已上升到摄氏35度。

It’s five above (zero). 气温是5度。

It’s five below (zero). 气温是零下5度。

It’s 25 degrees. 气温是25度。

The temperature will drop twenty below. 气温将会降到零下20度。

The highest temperature during the day will be five below zero. 白天最高气温零下5度。

On a very hot day, he temperature reaches 35 C. 在很热的日子里,气温可达到摄氏35度。

The weather forecast says the highest temperature will be 3 degrees centigrade, and the lowest 6 degrees blow zero. 天气预报说最高气温是3度,最低气温零下6度。

According to the weather forecast, the temperature is expected to reach [hit] 40 degrees centigrade. 根据天气预报,气温可达摄氏40度。



AM Clouds / PM Sun=上午有云/下午后晴 AM Showers=上午阵雨

AM Snow Showers=上午阵雪

AM T-Storms=上午雷暴雨



Cloudy / Wind=阴时有风

Clouds Early / Clearing Late=早多云/晚转晴 Drifting Snow=飘雪




Few Showers=短暂阵雨

Few Snow Showers=短暂阵雪

Few Snow Showers / Wind=短暂阵雪时有风 Fog=雾



Heavy Rain=大雨

Heavy Rain Icy=大冰雨

Heavy Snow=大雪

Heavy T-Storm=强烈雷雨

Isolated T-Storms=局部雷雨

Light Drizzle=微雨

Light Rain=小雨

Light Rain Shower=小阵雨

Light Rain Shower and Windy=小阵雨带风 Light Rain with Thunder=小雨有雷声

Light Snow=小雪

Light Snow Fall=小降雪

Light Snow Grains=小粒雪

Light Snow Shower=小阵雪



Mostly Clear=大部晴朗

Mostly Cloudy=大部多云

Mostly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时阴有风 Mostly Sunny=晴时多云

Partly Cloudy=局部多云

Partly Cloudy/ Windy=多云时有风

PM Rain / Wind=下午小雨时有风

PM Light Rain=下午小雨

PM Showers=下午阵雨

PM Snow Showers=下午阵雪

PM T-Storms=下午雷雨


Rain Shower=阵雨

Rain Shower/ Windy=阵雨/有风

Rain / Snow Showers=雨或阵雪

Rain / Snow Showers Early=下雨/早间阵雪 Rain / Wind=雨时有风

Rain and Snow=雨夹雪

Scattered Showers=零星阵雨

Scattered Showers / Wind=零星阵雨时有风 Scattered Snow Showers=零星阵雪

Scattered Snow Showers / Wind=零星阵雪时有风 Scattered Strong Storms=零星强烈暴风雨

Scattered T-Storms=零星雷雨


Showers Early=早有阵雨

Showers Late=晚有阵雨

Showers / Wind=阵雨时有风

Showers in the Vicinity=周围有阵雨



Snow / Rain Icy Mix=冰雨夹雪

Snow and Fog=雾夹雪

Snow Shower=阵雪



Sunny / Wind=晴时有风

Sunny Day=晴天


Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨


T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨

T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨


Windy / Snowy=有风/有雪

Windy Rain=刮风下雨

Wintry Mix=雨雪混合


beautiful day 好天气

例句:It's a beautiful day. 今天天气很好。

lovely day 好天气

例句:It's a lovely day. 今天天气很好。

nice day 好天气

例句:It's a nice day. 今天天气很好。

downpour 倾盆大雨

例句:We had a downpour. 我们刚遇到了一场倾盆大雨.

drizzle 毛毛雨

例句:It's drizzling.

sprinkle 毛毛雨

例句:It's just sprinkling. 只是在下毛毛雨而已。

shower 阵雨

windy 刮风的

breezy 有微风的

snow 雪

sleet 冰雹

例句:We had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week. 上个星期下了三英寸的雪和冰雹. icy 地面结冰的

rainbow 彩虹

atmosphere 大气

climate 气候


Greeting Season:

春节 The Spring Festival

农历 lunar calendar

正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar

除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year

初一 the beginning of New Year

元宵节 The Lantern Festival


过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival

对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry

春联 Spring Festival couplets

剪纸 paper-cuts

年画 New Year paintings

买年货 special purchases for the Spring Festival ; do Spring Festival shopping

敬酒 propose a toast

灯笼 lantern: a portable light

烟花 fireworks

爆竹 firecrackers (People scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.)

红包 red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper, symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.) 舞狮 lion dance (The lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.)

舞龙 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests)

戏曲 traditional opera

杂耍 variety show; vaudeville

灯谜 riddles written on lanterns

灯会 exhibit of lanterns

守岁 staying-up

拜年 pay New Year's call; give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit

禁忌 taboo

去晦气 get rid of the ill-fortune

祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

压岁钱 gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year giftCulture Note: In the old days, New Year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. Today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth 辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year

扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning


金玉满堂 Treasures Fill The Home

生意兴隆 Business Flourishes

岁岁平安 Peace All Year Round

恭喜发财 Wishing You Prosperity

和气生财 Harmony Brings Wealth

心想事成 May All Your Wishes Come True

吉祥如意 Everything Goes Well

国泰平安 The Country Flourishes And People Live In Peace

招财进宝 Money And Treasures Will He Plentiful

一帆风顺 Wishing You Every Success

步步高升 Promoting To A Higher Position

出入平安 Safe Trip Wherever You Go 祝你新的一年快乐幸福 Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!

事业成功,家庭美满 Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!

Food names:

年糕 Nian-gao; rise cake; New Year cake

团圆饭 family reunion dinner

年夜饭 the dinner on New Year's Eve

饺子 Jiao-zi; Chinese meat ravioli

汤圆 Tang-yuan; dumplings made of sweet rice, rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings

八宝饭 eight treasures rice pudding

糖果盘 candy tray

什锦糖 assorted candies-sweet and fortune

蜜冬瓜 candied winter melon - growth and good health

西瓜子 red melon seed - joy, happiness, truth and sincerity

金桔 cumquat - prosperity

糖莲子 candied lotus seed - many descendents to come

糖藕 candied lotus root - fulfilling love relationship

红枣 red dates - prosperity 花生糖 peanut candy - sweet
























