红与黑读书笔记 英文


1124030103 广告一班 张聪

The feeling after reading The Red and the Black

----------------a tragedy of an ambitious man Just as Napoleon said, “Every French soldier carries a marshal\’s baton in his knapsack”, Julien had an ambition in his heart. He was born in a peasant family, but he believed that he didn’t belong here. His background made him feel ashamed, and he decided never to give in to the fate. He always thought that he should be proud and he always behaved so. Actually, this is the symbol of his inferiority. The more inferior he felt, the more proudly he behaved, and he just wanted to hide his inferiority complex for his background. With these thoughts, he always wanted to conquer himself to get stronger, so he always imagined lots of battles and enemies. The love with Mrs. de Renal was one of his battles. The poor Mrs. de Renal was just a sacrifice. Having been loved with Mrs. de Renal just for a few months, Julien forgot her completely and decided to marry Mathillde. Even such a proud woman as Mathilde fell to Julien’s feet. But both Mrs. de Renal and Mathilde were too innocent, even ignorant, and they were both hurt deeply for the breaking of love. Maybe you can never judge a person only by his appearance, and remember never to give your priceless love to a person who has nothing but a handsome face.

Although Julien had too many sins, he deserved our sympathy, after a, he was punished and was sentenced to death. What a tragedy he was! He was always hostile to nobles and always pursued a higher social position. Didn’t he feel tired? He strived to go higher step by step, but finally he lost everything including his precious life.

Everyone has his own ambition within his heart, but not everyone can achieve his goal. What decides whether you can succeed or not is not only how much you have paid, but also the way you have chosen. You can only succeed in a correct way. Julien selected an extremely wrong way to realize his goal, so he got serious punishment finally. Just remember that after burying the seed of dream in your heart, please water it with good instead of evil.

New words:

1. peasant: a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land. 农民,小农,佃农。

2. despotism: despotism is cruel and unfair government by a ruler or rulers who have a lot of power. 专制主义,专制政治,暴政。

3. landowner: a person who owns land, especially a large area of land. 地主,土地所有者。

4. instruction: detailed information on how you should use sth, etc. 命令,指示,教导,指导。

5. lowly: humble in feeling, behavior, or status. 恭顺的,卑下的,地位


6. inherit: receive (property, rank, title, etc)by legal descent or succession. 继承。

7. confess: acknowledge or admit(a fault, wrongdoing, etc)供认,坦白,勉强承认。

8. recover: regain possession or use or control of; reclaim. 恢复对……的占有;收回;复原;恢复。

9. even:level, flat and smooth; (of a person’s temper, etc)aquable,calm.平的,扁平的,心平气和的。

10. heroic:(of an act, a quality, etc)of or fit for a hero. 英雄的,崇高的,英勇的。

11. hay:grass that has been cut and dried for use an animal food.干草。

12. hawk: any of various diurnal birds of prey of the family. 鹰。

13. sin: the breaking of divine or moral law. 罪,罪孽,过失。

14. revolutionary: a radical supporter of political or social revolution. 革命的,革命性的。

15. marquis: a foreign nobleman ranking between a duke and a count. 侯爵。

16. bishop:a priest with a high position in branches of the Christian church who is responsible for all the churches in a city or a district.主教。

17.adultery: sex between a married person and who is not her/his husband.奸情。

18. anonymous: (used about a person)whose name is not known or made public.

19. beast: an animal, especially a large one.野兽。

20. protector: a person who protects sb/sth.保护者,防御者。

21. vain: (used about a person)too proud of your own appearance, abilities, etc.爱慕虚荣的,自负的。

22.vicar: a priest of the church of England. 教区牧师。

23. embassy: (the official building of)a group of officials and their heads, who represent their governments in a foreign country.大使馆,大使馆全体成员。

24. duel: a formal type of fight with guns or other weapons which was succeed in the past to decide an argument between two men.决斗。

25.learning: knowledge that you get from studying.学问,知识。

26. pope: the head of the Roman Catholic church. (天主教的)教皇。

27. nickname: an informal name that used instead of your real name, usually by your family or friends. 诨名,绰号。

28. procession: a number of people, vehicles etc. that move slowly in a line, especially as part of a ceremony. (人,车等)缓慢前进的队伍或行列。

29. cathedral: a large church that is the most important one in a distinct. 大教堂。

30. envious: wanting sth that sb else has. 妒忌的,羡慕的。

31.duke: a man of the highest social position. 公爵。

32. coach: a comfortable bus used for long journey. 长途汽车。

33. conspiracy:a secret plan by a group of people to do sth bad or illegal.阴谋,共谋。

34. conservative: not liking change; traditional. 保守的,守旧的,传统的。

35. heroic: (used about people or their actions)having a lot of courage. 英勇的。

36. guillotine: a machine that was used in France in the past for cutting people’s heads. 切纸机,断头台。

37. sneak: to go somewhere secretly trying to avoid being seen. 偷偷地走,溜。

38. messenger: a person who gives a messenger to sb or who delivers messages to people as a job. 送信人,信使,通信员.

39. aristocratic: belonging to or typical of ARISTOCRACY.贵族的。

40. illegitimate: born to parents who are not married to each other . 私生的,非婚生的。

41. jury: a group of members of the public who listen to the facts of a case in a court of law and decide whether or sb is guilty of a crime. 陪审团。

42.prosecutor: a public official who charges sb with a crime and tries to show that he/she is guilty in a court of law. 公诉人,检察官,原告。

43. rebellious: unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of behaviors, dress, etc.反叛的,叛逆的,造反的。

44. faithless: not loyal, that you can not rely on or trust.不忠诚的,不可信任的。

45. cell: a room for one or more prisoners in a prison or police station. 牢房,单间牢房。

46. lawsuit: a legal argument in a court of law that and not between two people or groups and not between the police and a criminal. 诉讼。

47. watch out for: 戒备,提防,密切注意。

48. start up: 突然出现,发动。

49. out of place: 在错误的位置,在不适当的位置。

50. go back to: 追溯到。



终于将司汤达的《红与黑》看完了,用的时间几乎可以让我忘记书前的内容, 从最早的慕名看书,到坚持看书,再到被内容吸引而无法自拔的去看书,







漏中间的一些精彩内容,所以就压制着好奇心,一页页的去看。 谈到《红与黑》,就不可避免的要说到书中的主人公于连·索莱尔,维里埃(作者虚构的地方)一个木匠的三个儿子之一。书中描写了一个想要飞黄腾达,但却有着悲惨命运的主人公。于连·索莱尔有着两次的感情经历,通过这两次的感情经历,他找到了真正的爱情,而正是因为这两次的感情经历,让我们的主人公失去了飞黄腾达最好的机会,并且走向了死亡。当于连知道自己的飞黄腾达的机会被德·莱纳夫人破坏之后,他不顾一切的去杀死德·莱纳夫人,他第一位情人,然而当他后来在监狱得知德·莱纳夫人并没有死之后,他离开了德·拉莫尔小姐,他的第二个情人,一位侯爵女儿,投入了德·莱纳夫人的怀抱,与其开始了为期两个月的爱情,随后他被执行死






























