


课    题:Unit Five

教学时间: 90 分钟




Step One: Review the whole text.

Step Two: On the basis of the revision of the text, proceed to Exercise VI. This exercise is a comprehensive exercise, involving both the students’ comprehension and production skills. Go over Exercise I. 1 first before doing this précis exercise. The time for the exercises to the text shall not exceed one period and Exercise VI will be assigned as homework. Do Exercise VII to consolidate the text and help develop the students’ translation skills. 

Step Three: Focus on Listening and Speaking which will take up the second p eriod. 

 Listening: There are three exercises in this part. The first one is a dialogue based on the model passage in Focus 1 and designed to consolidate the learning of it. 

The second one is a song entitled Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word. Make sure that the students understand every line of the song provided before playing the tape. The possible new words in this song include: lightening, strike and absurd.

Speaking: This part consists of a dialogue focused on making and accepting apologies. Pair the students to complete the dialogue first and then have the students practice it.  And select a few pairs to role-play the dialogue before the entire class.

In doing this exercise, call the students’ attention to the words and expressions concerning making and accepting apologies provided in the Functional Expressions Table in this section.

Step Four: Proceed to Focus 2, practical reading.

After the students have finished reading, do Exercise I to check their understanding of the text. Then go over language points for further understanding and after that do Exercise II.  Step one may need 60 minutes.

Language points:

 1. Some people love to bet. They bet oneverything. 有的人喜欢打赌。他们会拿任何东西来打赌。


e.g. (1) I bet it will rain soon. 我打赌马上会下雨。

2. Some people use the number on the license plate of their car. 有的人用他们的车牌号码。

license: n.许可证,执照;许可,特许

e.g. (1) May I have a look at your driving license? 请让我看看你的驾驶执照。

3. It often goes to the city councils. The city councils usually budget the money for education, for health or for new public residences. 通常那些钱都到了市政府手里。市政府通常把这些钱预算到教育、医疗或新的公共住宅方面。

budget:vt./vi. to plan in advance the expenditure of 编列预算

e.g. (1) Ten million dollars has been budgeted for the project.

4. Another kind of betting is betting on races. 另一种赌博方式是就比赛打赌。

race: n. [C](速度上的)比赛;人种,种族

e.g. (1) She won the 1,000 meter race. 她在1000米赛跑中获胜了。

5. They compare all the horses in a race. 他们会比较所有参赛的马匹。

compare: vt./vi.比较,对照

compare A to B意思是“把A比作B”;compare with…意思是“与……比较,与……相媲美”。

e.g. (1) We compared the two pictures carefully. 我们仔细地比较了这两张照片。

6. In some parts of the world betting is forbidden and not legal. 世界上有些地方赌博是被禁止的,而且也是非法的。

forbidden: a. excluded from use or mention 禁止的,不准的     

7. Most of the people who bet are poor, for betting takes money away from the people who need it. 大多数赌徒都很穷,因为赌博把钱从需要它的人手中拿走了。

8. However, most people of the world believe in the idea of luck, and they associate it with betting. 然而,世界上大多数人都相信运气这种想法,并把运气和赌博联系在一起。

believe in: to feel certain that sb./sth. exists 相信……存在。

e.g. Do you believe in God? 你相信有上帝吗?

注意believe in和believe的区别:

believe意为“to consider to be true, honest, real 相信”。

e.g. You can’t believe everything one says. 对一个人所说的话不能全信

believe in往往表达“to have faith or trust in 信仰;信任”。

e.g. As a Christian, I believe in Jesus Christ. 作为一个基督教徒,我相信耶稣基督。


1. bet:打赌,以……打赌,与……打赌

2. license: n.许可证,执照;许可,特许

3. budget:vt./vi. to plan in advance the expenditure of 编列预算

4. race: n. [C](速度上的)比赛;人种,种族

5. compare: vt./vi.比较,对照

compare A to B意思是“把A比作B”;compare with…意思是“与……比较,与……相媲美”。

6. forbidden: a. excluded from use or mention 禁止的,不准的      


教案编号: NO 20

课    题: Unit Five

教学时间: 90 分钟


授课类型: 练习课


l  Step 1 : Writing a Letter of Apology. This can be assigned as homework after explaining the basic elements of writing a letter of apology.

Reference answer:

Dear Linda,

I’m really sorry that I cannot keep my promise that I will go to Nanjing to spend a week with you this winter holiday as we had planned, because I have just learned that there will be an important exam at the beginning of next term. To pass the exam, I will have to prepare for it during the whole holiday.

My apology again, and I promise that I will visit you during the summer holiday.

Sincerely yours,


l  Step 2: Grammar Review. Steps Two and Three need about 30 minutes.


1. can/could

2. may/might, can/could   

3. must, will/would, should/ought to

4. must, should/ought to  

5. might, could表示轻微的责备语气   

6. shall, will

7. dare 多用于疑问、否定和条件句中,也可以作实义动词。      

8. need用于疑问和否定句,也可以作实义动词。needn’t, don’t have to, don’t need to表示没有必要做某事。


Dear Linda,

I’m really sorry that I cannot keep my promise that I will go to Nanjing to spend a week with you this winter holiday as we had planned, because I have just learned that there。。。。。。。。。。。




大学英语教案 第3册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部

Book 3 Unit 1 A Brush with the Law

Teaching Time: 4 hours

Students’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 1st semester.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Get Ss to know the chief purposes of law are to maintain peace and order, to

protect the rights of citizens, but the law in the western country may be unjustly applied or may be unjust in certain situations.

2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies

and required grammar points of the section.

Words: arbitrary, award, casual, circumstance, commit, complain, conduct, confirm,

dismiss, due, given, guilty, meanwhile, obvious, process, regard, reliable,

respectable, revolve, subsequent, temporary, wander.

Phrases & Expressions: take sb. to court, a couple of, save up, take one?s time,

turn out, call on, stand a chance, revolve, around, turn against

Grammar: it turns out that…, given

3. About the reading, Ss should know the usage of dictionary ( P15).

4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—coherence (P19). 5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 1 directed by teacher.

Teaching Procedures: 1. Background information

1) Magistrates and the magistrates’ court

2) Lawyer, solicitor, barrister

3) The sixties’ youth counterculture

4) Middle class

2. Introductory remarks: The author tells us about what happened to him when

he was involved in the law suit. It was really a very unpleasant experience, yet it provides us with much food for thought.

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3. Warm-up questions

1. Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)

2. T explains the text in details.

brush: a short fight or quarrel; an argument or disagreement

Examples: —to have a brush with the Police/the Custom men/the enemy

—It is his third brush with the law in less than a year.

2. take sb. to court: take legal action against sb.

Examples: —I told him that I would take him to court if he did not repay the money in

a week.

—If you go on ill-treating your wife like this, you will be taken to court.

3.…it makes a good story now: …it provides material for a good story now.

Here the verb “to make” means “to have the qualities needed for (sth. good)”. Examples: —Iced tea makes an excellent drink in summer.

—The wall ca1endar makes a nice new year gift.

4. “What makes it rather disturbing was the arbitrary circumstances both of my arrest and my subsequent fate in court.”

The author was arrested simply because the Policemen thought he intended to steal milk bottles and later in court he was released fm the charge just because he had the “right” ac—cent, respectable middle—class parents, reliable witnesses and so on. That is to say, he was arrested arbitrarily and released arbitrarily. And it is this

arbitrariness of both his arrest and his release that the author thinks rather disturbing.

5.arbitrary: based on one's own wishes or will rather than reason .

Examples: —If a leader makes decisions without conducting investigations, he is

being arbitrary.

—The arbitrary decisions of the factory owners caused dissatisfaction

among the workers.

6.circumstances: conditions, facts, etc. connected with an event or a person

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Examples:—We cannot expect him to continue these activities under such

unfavorable circumstances

—Because of circumstances beyond our contro1 the meeting was cancelled.

7.subsequent: coming after, following

Examples:—Subsequent events proved that my judgment of the situation was right.

—The story will be continued in subsequent issues of the magazine.

8.. a couple of: a small number of; a few, usually two

Examples:—I?ve got a couple of tickets. Will you go with me?

—Tom is quite busy now. His wife is expecting a baby in a couple of


9..…and was not due to go to university until the following October.

due: l) expected or scheduled to arrive or be ready; supposed (to)

Examples:—The train from Beijing is due at l:30.

—The next train to Naming is due to leave at ten.

—The young man is due to appear in the Magistrates' Court next Monday.

2) to be paid or returned

Examples:—When is the rent due?

—The hooks are due today but I want to renew some of them.

10. temporary: lasting for a short time only. (Its opposite is “permanent”—lasting for

a long time or forever.)

Examples:—Tim has found a temporary job for the summer in a hardware store.

—This is not my permanent address; it is only a temporary one.

11. save up: keep for future use

Examples:—It took him a year to save up enough money for a computer.

—They are now saving up to buy a house in the suburbs.

12. take one’s time: not to hurry; do sth. in an unhurried way

Examples:—Just take your time and tell me clearly what happened at the meeting


—It?s better to take your time over a piece of work and do it properly than

to hurry and make mistakes.

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13. It must have been this obvious aimlessness that led to my downfall.

I?m sure my arrest was the result of my wandering in the streets without any definite purpose.

obvious: easy to see or understand; clear

Examples:—It was obvious that the policeman mistook me for a thief.

—For obvious reasons, the magistrate dismissed the case after fifteen

minutes. 14. …this time in uniform… : the second policeman was wearing uniform whi1e the first was obviously in plain clothes.

uniform: a certain type of clothing which all members of a group or organization wear Examples:—Policemen wear uniform(s); so do soldiers, postmen and Customs men.

—The boys and girls take great pride in wearing school uniforms.

15. wander: walk around a place in a casua1 way, often without a fixed course, aim or purpose

Examples:—After supper he would go out and wander alone in the streets for about

an hour.

—David wandered through the bookstore, hoping to find a good book for

Lily's birthday.

16.…commit an arrestable offence:…commit an offence which is serious enough

for one to be arrested commit; do (sth. wrong, bad,

foolish, or unlawful)

Examples:—If we fail to understand this, we shall commit a lot of mistakes.

—During their occupation of China, the Japanese invaders committed many horrible crimes against the Chinese people.

—The detective concluded that the murder was committed in this very


—Can you tell us why the gifted American poet committed suicide (killed himself) at the peak of his fame?

17. Perfectly straight face: a face showing no emotion or humor; a very

serious-looking face perfectly; very; comp1etely

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Examples:—You?re perfectly right.

—I'm perfectly satisfied with your arrangements.

18. turn out: be found or discovered (to be); prove to be

Examples:—It turned out that the best student in my class is the son of a classmate of mine.

—The weather turned out pretty nice that day.

—After a bad start, our English evening turned out (to be) a great success.

—The general manager of the big company turned out to be a young woman of about 30 years old.

19.regaed… as.: …consider…as

Examples:—I regard him as my best friend.

—He used to regard himself as highly intelligent. Later, be realized that his intelligence was not absolute.

—Einstein is regarded by many as the greatest scientist of the twentieth


20.…in the most casual and conversational tone I could manage: …trying to sound as unconcerned and informal as I could

casual: relaxed and unconcerned about what is happening or what one is doing Examples:—Because of his casual attitude toward work, he was fired.

—He tried to appear casual as he asked the pretty girl to dance.

21.…it confirmed them in their belief that l was a thoroughly disreputable character: …it reinforced their belief that I was a very disreputable person. confirm: l) strengthen; make firmer

Examples:—The sudden snowstorm during the night confirmed my decision not to


—What you have told me about Steve confirmed me in my suspicion that he

has stolen my gold watch.

—The result of my experiments has confirmed my belief (confirmed me in

my belief) that your thump is correct.

2) prove to be true or correct

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Examples:—The Mayor confirmed the report that his son had been


—Both the special theory of relativity and the general theory of

relativity advanced by Einstein were later confirmed by other


22. charge: blame (sb.) officially for having broken the law

Examples:—The police charged the driver with drunken driving.

—What is he charged with?

—be charged with murder/stealing/theft/neglecting one?s duty

23. conduct: manage; direct; carry out

Examples:—After failing a dozen times or so, Dr. Wilson decided to conduct the

experiment in a different way.

—The police are conducting investigations into these murders.

24. call (up)on: invite, require; appeal to

Examples:—Dr. Smith was often called upon to speak at these gatherings.

—The President called on his people to work hard for national unity.

25. My ‘trial’ didn’t get that far.

My ?trial? ended before it reached the stage when witnesses would be called on to give evidence. The adverb ?far? here means “to a certain point, degree, or stage”. Examples:—I didn?t know biological science had got that far. (I didn?t know

biological science had developed to such a stage as that. )

—How far can he be trusted?

—He went so far as to cheat openly on exams.

26. The magistrate dismissed the case…:

As a rule, the Magistrates' Court consists of three magistrates, with one speaking for the others in court.

dismiss: (of a judge) stop (a court case), refuse to consider a (complaint, plea, etc. ) in a court

Example:—The magistrate dismissed the case because of lack of evidence.

27. stand a chance: have a chance

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Examples:—I would apply for the post if I were you. I think you stand a good chance.

—Without a degree and with no experience in teaching, I don?t think I stand

a chance of getting the teaching post.

—De you think Mark stands a chance of being elected?

28. getting costs awarded against the police: …getting the magistrates to make the decision that the expenses of the case (诉讼费) should be paid by the police.

The word ?costs? refers here to the expenses of a lawsuit or case which the court re-quires the losing party to pay. Example:

—He was jailed for 6 months and ordered to pay l £500 costs.

The verb ?to award? here means ?to decide upon or settle by law? (判定). Example:—A High Court judge awarded him £2 million damages.

29. respectable: deserving respect (cf. respectful: showing respect to others) Examples:—Dr. Smith is a respectable professor and all his students are respectful to


—He came from a poor but perfectly respectable family.

30. reliable: worthy of trust; dependable

Examples:—Mr. Johnson's secretary is efficient and reliable.

—I got these figures from reliable sources.

31. …and (if I) had really been unemployed…:

The narrator was not really unemployed because he was a young man about to go to college. He was looking for a job not to support himself but to save up some money to go travel-ling.

32.…there is every chance that I would have been found guilty:…it is very likely (or chances are) that the magistrate would have decided me to be guilty.

The verb ?to find? here means ?to decide or declare (sb.) to be (guilty or innocent)?(裁决). Examples:

—The jury found the accused man guilty (or innocent).

—He was found guilty of murder/embezzlement(挪用公款)/taking bribes/passing on secret papers to a foreign country.

33.… my solicitor's case quite obviously revolved around the fact that I had a

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‘brilliant academic record’:…my lawyer’s argument very clearly cent red on the fact that I had a very good record as a student.

revolve around: move in circles around; have as its center or main topic or concern Examples:—The moon revolves around the earth, and the earth revolves around the sun.

—Mary has no other outside interests at all. Her whole life revolves around

her husband and the children.

—The dispute at the moment revolves around whether we should go on with

the experiment.

34. meanwhile: during the same period of time

Examples:—The boy had gone back home all by himself. Meanwhile, his parents

were looking for him in the park.

—Bob went to the post office to send a letter. Meanwhile Lily was

preparing lunch at home.

35. complain: speak in an unhappy, dissatisfied way

Examples:—For my own part, I have nothing to complain about.

—He is always complaining about the weather in Shanghai.

36. apologize: say one is sorry

Examples:—If I have said anything wrong, I am ready to apologize.

—I must apologize to all of you for being so late.

37. take off one's cap (or hat) to (sb.): to show respect or admiration for (sb.)

3. T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)

4. T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins) 1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words.

2. Ss hand in the summary of the text.

3. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.

4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new

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words and topic.

大学英语教案 第3册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部 Unit 2 The Woman Who Would Not Tell

Teaching Time: 4 hours

Students’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 1st semester.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Get Ss to know a story that took place during American Civil War.

2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies

and required grammar points of the section.

Words: awful, establish, infection, parade, stream, bear, fan, item, pray, stumble,

capture, former, junior, presence, supply, crack, groan, lean, proof,

disaster, identity

Phrases & Expressions: take prisoner, flare up, write up, write out, brush aside,

bring through

Grammar: see (to it ) that…, just as

3. About the reading, Ss should know the skill of scanning ( P37).

4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—coherence. 5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 2 directed by teacher.

Teaching Procedures: 1. Background information

a) American Civil War

b) Yankee

2. Warm-up exercises: Ex. 4 (Ss may have a general idea of the story) 1.Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)

2.T explains the text in details.

Language Points

1.But I could picture her as she was in the story she told me. Hut I could form a picture in my mind of what she looked like in the story she told me.

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picture: imagine; form a picture of in the mind

Examples:—I couldn?t see his face in the dark, but I could somehow picture his

expression. —I can?t quite picture her as the world-record holder of

the women?s high-jump. She doesn?t look like an athlete at all.

1. capture: make a prisoner of; seize

Examples:—In the battle tl1ey captured 30 prisoners.

—The Police have not captured the murderer yet.

2. former: of an earlier time

Examples:—Former US President Richard Nixon is well remembered in China for

what he did to normalize the US-China relationship

—My uncle was proud that a former student of his had won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in Atlanta.

3. check: test or examine to see if sth. is correct

Examples:—Check your bicycle brakes before you ride.

—P1ease check all the figures in your report before you hand it in.

—There is something wrong with my tape-recorder. I need to have it


4. awful: terrible; very bad

Examples:—The medicine tastes awful. I feel like throwing up.

—The war movie is full of awful scenes which I think are not suitable for


5. That’s what war is really like, child: no bugles and banners. Just pain and

filth, futility and death.

Here Aunt Bettie is saying that war is at so glorious or romantic as we people describe it. In reality it only brings about pain and filth, futility and death.

6. lean: support or rest oneself in a bent or sloping position

Examples:—Feeling a little dizzy, she leaned against the wall for support.

—He used to lean back in his easy chair after supper and enjoy some light music before going on with his writing.

7. be sick: throw up what is in the stomach; vomit

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Examples:—The patient has been sick several times today. (He has vomited several

times today.) —The cat?s been sick on the carpet.

8. The man’s papers Bettie found in the attic established his identity.

The man?s discernments told her who he was.

papers: documents telling who one is or giving one official permission to do sth., for

example a passport, visa, and identity card.

Examples:—You will have to show your papers at the gate.

—After checking their papers, the border guards let them through.

establish: find out or make certain of (a fact, answer, etc. ); prove

Examples:—Columbus established the fact that the earth is round.

—John established his innocence by showing that he was traveling abroad when the murder was committed.

identity: who a particular person is

Examples:—The police were unable to establish the identity of the man killed in the accident.

—Do you know the identity of the man who attacked you?

10.… should report the presence of this Union officer to the Confederate army: …should report to the Confederate army that there was a Union officer in her farmhouse. presence: the fact or state of being present

Examples:—Jane was so quiet that her presence was hardly noticed.

—Your presence at the meeting will embarrass some of the Committee


11.… waiting, and hoping, and not knowing:

…waiting for him to come back, and hoping he was all right, yet not knowing where he was or when he could come back.

12. matter: be important

Examples:—Since it is going to be an informal party, it doesn?t matter how you?re

dressed. —Since you are back safe and sound, all other things do not

matter much now. —If you have done your best it doesn't matter what

people think of you.

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13. supplies: the food, equipment, etc. necessary for an army, expedition or the like Examples:—A big country like ours cannot depend on other countries for our food supplies.

—We have nearly finished our supplies. How can we continue our journey through the mountains?

14. flare up: suddenly become angry, fierce or violent, especially of a person j fire, battle, etc. Examples:—I don?t like to see you flare up so easily.

—The forest fires, which were regarded yesterday as almost under control, flared up again during the night.

—The fighting in the Middle East flared up again last Saturday with heavy losses on both sides.

—Ann after he left the hospital, his lung cancer flared up again.

15. or: otherwise; if not

Examples:—Hurry or you?ll miss the train.

—I must go now or I shall be late.

16. proof: evidence or a particular piece of evidence

Examples:—We have proof that this man committed the theft.

—Can you give any proof that the gold watch is yours?

—If you want proof, look at these figures.

—The proof of the pudding is in the eating. (proverb) (You won't really know whether something is good until you try it. )

17. bear: have; show

Examples:—John is really very careless. The check he sent me yesterday bears no

signature of his!

—China?s 100 yuan note bears a portrait of the country?s four late leaders and a water-mark, of Mao Zedong?s head.

18. item: one of a number of things, esp. in a list or as a group

Examples:—The X-ray scanner (扫描器) examines every passenger's luggage so that

no prohibit-ed items are carried aboard.

—Coffee is a chief export item of Brazil.

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19. risk: place in danger; take the chance of

Examples:—Jack risked his life in trying to save the drowning child.

—You?re risking your health by smoking so many cigarettes a day.

—If you wait any longer you will risk missing your train.

20. junior: younger; lower: in rank or importance

Examples:—After graduation from college my brother became a junior clerk in a

foreign bank at 3,000 yuan a month.

—Judging from his manner of spiking, he must be a junior member of the

committee. 21. see that/see to it that: make sure that; take care that

Examples:—I promise to see that the fee is paid without delay.

—See that everything is properly arranged beforehand.

—See to it that the lights are turned off before you leave the office.

22. brush aside: disregard, ignore

Examples:—He brushed aside all our objections/suggestions.

—The doctor?s opinions cannot be brushed aside.

23. bring through: save (sb.) from (an illness, etc.)

Examples:—The surgeon decided than only a successful operation could bring the

patient through.

—It was his firm belief in the final victory that brought him through the war.

24. disaster: a great or sudden misfortune; a terrible accident

Examples:—Every year throughout the world natural disasters such as earthquakes

and volcanic eruptions cause heavy losses of life and property.

—If pollution and the improper use of certain chemicals continue, environmental disasters will be inevitable.

25. lower: move or let down; drop

Examples:—When the teacher praised her, Janet lowered her head in shyness.

—He leaned forward to me and lowered his voice, as if he were going to tell me something secret.

3.T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)

4.T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins)

大学英语教案 第3册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部 1. Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words.

2. Ss hand in the summary of the text.

3. Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.

4. Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words

and topic.

大学英语教案 第3册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部 Unit 3 Why I Teach

Teaching Time: 4 hours

Students’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 1st semester.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Help Ss know the western teaching system and teaching profession.

2. About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies

and required grammar points of the section.

Words: administrative, convince, loan, profession, renovate, urban, analysis,

distribute, occasional, puzzle, repay, variety, challenge, energetic,

opportunity, rate, stimulate, compel, failure, point, reflection, switch.

Phrases & Expressions: stay up, take notes, build on, keep a diary, leave out,

send off, work at, catch one?s breath

Grammar: P55

3. About the reading, Ss should know the skill of scanning 2 .

4. About the writing, Ss should learn to write topic sentences 1.. 5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 3directed by teacher.

Teaching Procedures: 1. Background information

1) Teaching profession in U.S.

2) Emerson, Thoreau and Huxley

2. Introductory: teaching information in U. S.

3. Warm-up activities: Ask Ss to work out the author’s reasons for choosing

teaching as his career. 1. Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)

2. Text and questions for discussion

3. T explains the text in details.

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Language Points

1. …I didn’t want to be considered for an administrative position:

…I didn?t want to be a candidate for an administrative position, such as the president or vice-president of a university, the dean of a college, the chairman of a department, etc.

2. Teaching is the mot difficult of the various way I have attempted to earn my living: mechanic, carpenter, writer.

I have tried many other ways to make a living. I have worked as a mechanic, a carpenter, a writer, and now I am working as a teacher. Of all these professions, teaching is the most difficult for me.

3. For me, teaching is a red-eye, sweaty-palm, sinking-stomach profession.

Teaching is a profession that makes my eyes red for lack of sleep, my palms sweaty because of nervousness and my stomach sinking because I often feel so disappointed with my lectures. Here, “stomach” means “spirit, heart”. A person's stomach sinks when he is upset, disappointed. profession: job that needs formal qualifications after training, e. g. law, medicine, teaching, acting.

Examples:—As a sophomore, I still don't know what profession would suit me best.

—Jeanne has decided on law as her profession. She wants to become a civil

rights lawyer and help the poor.

4. stay up: not go to bed

Examples:—He stays up reading and writing until midnight every day.

—I?ll be home late, but please don?t stay up for me.

5. convince: cause (sb.) to believe; persuade (sb.)

Examples:—It took me a long time to convince him that he could learn English as

well as anyone else in the class.

—The Union officer was convinced(sure) that Aunt Bettie was not going to

report his presence to the Confederate army.

6. …because I have knowledge I feel compelled to chare:

…because I have knowledge (that) I feel compelled to share (with my students). compel: make (sb.)do sth. by or as if by force

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Examples:—Having found himself out of gas, the driver was compelled to walk

several miles to the nearest village.

—He was compelled by illness to drop out of schoo1.

7. Sometimes I am amazed that… in class!

Here, the author claims, with more modesty, that he is sometimes surprised to see his students bothering to take notes in his lessons.

8. opportunity: favorable occasion or chance

Examples:—Do come to our party tomorrow evening! It will give you an opportunity

to meet a lot of interesting people.

—This conference offers us a good opportunity to learn from one another.

9.to learn one’s lesson(s): to learn something useful from the mistake(s) one has made

Examples:—He had learned his lesson, and wouldn't repeat the mistake.

—I have learned my lesson form the accident and won?t drive too fast


9. stimulate: excite (the body or mind); cause to become more active, energetic, etc.

Examples:—The teacher's praise stimulated Tom to study even harder.

—Exercise stimulates the circulation of the blood.

10. failure: lack of success; failing; instance of failing

Examples:—Without your timely help, our plans would have ended in failure.

—We had many failures before finding the right method of teaching.

11. loan: something lent, especially a sum of money

Examples:—It?s more and more difficult to get a bank loan now.

—The World Bank has promised to make a further loan of $2 million for

this project.

12. distribute: divide among several or many; give or send out

Examples:—People there often complain that wealth is not evenly distributed in their society.

—New information is quickly distributed to millions of people all over the

world by means of the Internet.

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13. variety: state of varying; a number of different kinds

Examples:—My job lacks variety; I am doing the same things all the time.

—The Shanghai Museum has a wide variety of objects on display.

14. challenge: something new and exciting or difficult which requires great effort and


Examples:—His new job as the department chairman is a real challenge to him.

—This job is too dull; I want one with more challenge.

15. leave out: fail to mention or include

Examples:—You left out an important detail in your report of the accident.

—Be sure not to leave anyone out in your invitation.

16. …who strand as an engineering studs, then switched to English: … who began

as an engineering student and then changed his subject to English

switch (to): turn from one subject or activity to another

Examples: —In Japan, Lu Xun started as a medical student but then switched to literature.

—As the demand for tape—recorders has fallen off the factory has switched

to the pro-duction of color TV sets.

17. urban: of a town or city

Examples:—I prefer to work in an urban environment, where there are good libraries

and cultural facilities.

—In the past ten years or so, China?s urban population has been increasing

very rapidly.

18. What is the point of being rich? —What’s the use of being rich? point: use; purpose

Examples:—What?s the point of/in talking to her again? She?s already made up her mind.

—Now that Father has made the final decision, there is no point in arguing


3. T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)

4. T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins)

大学英语教案 第3册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部 1.Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words.

2.Ss hand in the summary of the text.

3.Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.

4.Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic.

大学英语教案 第3册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部 Unit 4 Lady Hermits Who Down But Not Out

Teaching Time: 4 hours

Students’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 1st semester.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Help Ss know the lady hermits? living conditions and get to know the social shadow of western country.

2.About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies and required grammar points of the section.

Words: appetite, claim cope, keen, relief, stuff, attract, communicative, entitle, loss,

rent, volunteer, better, considerate, huddle, payment, shift, wherever,

category, conventional, isolate, peculiar, slip

Phrases & Expressions: keen on, on end, pass by, turn away, keep up, once in a

while, in general, cope with, no matter how, at a loss, be entitled

Grammar: P78

3. About the reading, Ss should continue learning scanning ( P80).

4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—connecting words (84).

5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 4 directed by teacher. 1. Background information

2. Introductory remarks: Homeless and lonely, these shopping-bag ladies live a

poor and miserable life. They suffer from delusions and fantasies and often have been inmates in mental institutions. They live in a would of their own creation apart from the real would around them. Most New Yorkers pass them each day and grown indifferent to their presence. However, they are not totally forgotten. Efforts have been made by various kinds of people, such as priests, nuns, researchers and social workers, to improve them lot.

3. Warm-up activities: scanning for specific details, T’s book p30 1.Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)

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2.T explains the text in details.

Language Points

1. Every large city has its shifting population of vagrants.

In every large city there are a number of people who are leading a wandering life and who may come and go at any time.

“Shifting population” here means a number of people coming and going.

2.…usually with an unhealthy appetite for alcohol:

…usually addicted to drinks (alcohol).

unhealthy: not good for the mind or body

Examples:—When he was young, he worked for years in the unhealthy environment

of a coal mine.

—Scott has developed an unhealthy interest in violence.

appetite: desire for food; desire, wish or longing

Examples:—The long walk gave him a good appetite.

—At the moment I have no appetite for work.

3.attract: draw towards oneself

Examples:—My attention was attracted by his peculiar clothes.

—The new development zone of the city has been attracting an

increasing amount of foreign investment.

4.peculiar: unusual; strange; special

Examples:—Shopping-bag ladies have a peculiar way of life-isolated, unconventional

and ready to accept what is offered though they do not overtly beg.

—The shopping-bag lady looked at the priest with a very peculiar


5.populace/ population: “Populace” quite often refers to the common people of a community, as distinguished from those of higher classes while “population” means the (number of) people living in one place, country, etc.

6.… who live in an isolated, mistrustful world of their own:

… Who, having been rejected by the world, live apart from and have no trust in others. 7. keen on: interested in, fond of

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Examples:—keen on classica1 music, modern art, detective stories, fishing, football, etc.

—Alex, a student of Chinese literature from Australia, is very keen on

Beijing opera.

—Many people are keen on going abroad. What's your comment on that?

8.conventional people: people who act or behave according to commonly accepted or approved ways, customs or standards

9. on end: continuously (used with plural nouns of time)

Examples:—Last summer we had no rain for weeks on end, so there was a serious drought.

—It was the first time that Xiao Li had to write a letter in English, so she

spent hours on end witling and rewriting it.

—The play was such a success as to run 200 nights on end.

10. Once a shopping—bag lady becomes a figure of your neighborhood: If a shopping-bag lady ever becomes a frequent visitor in your neighborhood…

11. pass by: go past; ignore

Examples:—I passed by your house yesterday evening, and might have dropped in if I

had not been in a hurry.

—This is the sort of mistake that you should not pass by.

—Tom felt miserable because most of his friends had been passing him by

since he divorced Mary.

12. the collection box in church: a box used to collect money during a church service, which is not to be ignored by really religious people

13.…it is as morally hard to turn her away as it is a lost dog: People in the West have had a long tradition of keeping pets. To them, domestic animals such as dogs, cats and rabbits are dear and valued companions. Therefore, it is consif1ered immoral and cruel to turn away a lost dog.

14. category: class, group

Examples:—In Britain, there are two main categories of lawyer, namely solicitors and barristers.

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—He wrote many books, most of which fall into the category of biography.

15. …claiming that they enjoy freedom from constraints of society…:

Here “constraints of society” might refer to such things as social rules or Customs. What these bag ladies claim is that by living on the streets, they do not have to follow the san1e social rules that everyone else does and they have chosen to live outside the mainstream of society.

claim: declare to be true; maintain

Examples:—Although he has never published anything, he claims to be a writer.

—He claimed that his gold watch was stolen, not lost.

16. keep up: continue, prevent from ending

Examples:—He has kept up a correspondence with his friend in New York for over a year now.

—We are paying for the car by monthly installments. If we don't keep up the

payment, the company will take it away.

—The two boys have kept up their friendship by writing to each other.

—Be sure to keep up the good habit of reading aloud every morning.

17. rent: money paid regularly for the use of a room, building, etc.

Examples:—How much rent do you pay for this two—room apartment?

—Mary lives in a house with three other girls so that they can share the rent.

18. anchor point: Originally it refers to a place where to secure a ship with an anchor. Here the expression is used figuratively and its meaning is explained in the appositive that follows. 19. better organized: better equipped, better prepared materially

19.cope with: deal effectively with

Examples:—Self-confidence is what we need in coping with this crisis (these

problems, the difficulties).

—Computers have proved a great help in coping with the heavy workload.

20..…volunteered over lunch… : …said voluntarily while having lunch… over: in the course of ; while engaged in

Examples:—The auto repairman was so tired that he fell asleep over his work.

—They sat around a tab1e and had a pleasant chat over a cup of coffee.

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21..considerate: kind and thoughtful about other people

Examples:—It was very considerate of Tom to tune down the radio while I was taking a nap.

—We should try and be considerate of other people's feelings.

22.… before you know where you are you have caught it: …before you are aware of it you have caught this tooth disease.

“Before you know where you are” is a colloquial expression meaning “before you have time to consider the course of events”; “very quickly or suddenly”; “very soon”. It is used when the situation changes suddenly and is no longer under your control.

Example:—Before you know where you are, the chi1dren have grown into young men and women with characters of their own.

23.at a loss: uncertain what to do or say; confused

Examples:—She was so touched by his generosity that for a morning she was at a loss

for words .(what to say).

—When he missed the last bus, he was at a loss what to do.

—He was at a loss how to cope with the situation.

—What he had said at the meeting left me completely at a loss.

24.be entitled to: have the right to enjoy or have (sth.):have the right to do sth.

Examples:—All the employees of the company are entitled to a ten-dny holiday with

pay every year.

—Every participant of the game is entitled to try three times.

—The winner of the competition is entitled to choose one of these TV sets

as a prize.

3.T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)

4.T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins)

1. a) Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new

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b) Ss hand in the summary of the text.

c) Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.

d) Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new

words and topic.

大学英语教案 第3册 西北师范大学外国语学院 大学英语教学部 Unit 5 The Day Mother Cried

Teaching Time: 4 hours

Students’ level: Sophomores of non-English majors in the 1st semester.

Teaching Objectives:

1.Help Ss know women in the working world, women?s life, etc.

2.About the text, Ss should grasp the text content, text structure, basic vocabularies

and required grammar points of the section.

Words: addition, cautiously, issue, tap, approach, embarrassment, pressure, tension,

arrival, formally, primarily, tight, assume, frantic, quality, tuck, bound,

helpless, respond, type

Phrases & Expressions: have sth. to oneself, at work, catch on, set one?s mind to,

stand in sb?s way, send away for, run out, in addition to, help out, on guard,

in tears, hold back

Grammar: p99

3. About the reading, Ss should know the usage of figurative language ( P101).

4. About the writing, Ss should get to know the writing skill—coherence (P106).

5. About the listening, Ss finish the Unit 5 directed by teacher.

Teaching Procedures: 1.Background information

1) American women status

2) The cost of attending college in U.S.

2.Warm-up activities

1) Ask Ss to tell sth. about their families?

2) T sums up their answers 1.Ss have the silent reading on the text (10 mins)

2.T explains the text in details.

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Language Points

1)filled with anticipation: full of expectation; very excited (because he thought he could enjoy reading his sports magazine alone at home without anyone to disturb him.)

Examples:—As Christmas drew near, the children were filled with anticipation.

—Prof. Snow's daughter was filled with anticipation at the thought of the

planned trip to China.

2)issue: a particular edition of a magazine or newspaper

Examples:—The latest issue of Time contains a cover story entitled It Came from Outer Space.

—These back issues of magazines and newspapers take up the much space in

the study.Do you still have any use for them?

3)…and (I had) the house to myself… I?d be alone in the house to have sth. to oneself: to have sth. for one's own private use

Examples:—When he dines in a restaurant Mark likes to have a table to himself.

—You can have the place entirely to yourself.

4)burst into: rush into

Examples:—Andy burst into the classing, grabbed his books, and rushed out again.

5) tight: firm

Examples:—She curled up in a tight ball, with her knees tucked up at her chin.

—I?m dismayed to find I've outgrown this expensive coat, which is too tight

for me.

6)approach: move towards; come or go near or nearer

Examples:—The dog remains alert all the time and recognizes its master's footsteps as

he approaches the house.

—The police warned the schoolchildren not to approach the madman if they

saw him.

7)cautiously: very carefully

Examples:—The first time two people from different cultures meet, they behave and

talk cautiously so as not to cause offense.

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—Tom moved cautiously forward and opened the door softly.

8)catch on: understand, learn about (often used with ?to? )

Examples:—You?ll catch on to the job (You?1l get some idea of how to do the job)

after you?ve been here a week or two.

—The first time the teacher explained the problem, only a few students

caught on. 9. set one’s mind to: give all one?s attention to doing (sth.) Examples:—After hearing the sad news, Jack could not set his mind to his work that afternoon.

—If I set my mind to fit1ishing this article by tomorrow, I can certainly do


9)assume: take as true without actual proof

Examples:—I assume that you agree with what Mary has just said.

—David is not such a fool as You assume him to be.

10). …that didn’t stand in her way:

…her having had no training didn?t prevent her from becoming a nursery teacher stand/be in sb?s way: prevent sb. from doing sth.

Examp1es:—lf you think you can get a better job elsewhere, I'll certainly not stand in your way.

—Jane tried to clean the house, but her 16-month-old baby was always in

her/the way.

11) send away for: make a request or order for (sth, ) by post

Examples:—When the Smiths lived in the country, they had to send away for rnany of

the things they needed.

—This book is not available in our town, so I?ve sent away for it.

12) qualify: cause sb. to reach the level needed for sth. or to do sth.

Examples:—This training will qualify you as a computer operator.

—With a Ph. D. degree from Harvard University, he is assumed to be we1I qualified for this post.

13) run out: come to an end: be used, spent or consumed

Examples:—Hurry up! Time is running out!

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—The ran out before most of us could answer the last question.

—Their food was running out fast so the mountain climbers had to return to

the base. 15. in addition to: besides

Examples:—In addition to or English novels, Mary mailed me an English dictionary.

—In addition to teaching in the school, Janet gives piano lessons to some children at home.

14)respond: do sth. as an answer

Examples:—As the news of the earthquake got around, people across the nation

responded by pro-viding what they could offer.

—The child responded to the teacher's praise with a smile.

15) help out: give help at a time of need (to sb.)

Examples:—Our neighbors helped out when Mother became ill.

—Mary lives on campus but on weekends when she goes back home, she often helps out in the kitchen.

—Would you please help me out with this math problem?

16) on (one’s) guard: watchful; ready to defend or protect

Examples:—As the bus was very crowded, the conductor warned the passengers to be

on (their) guard against pickpockets.

—You should be on guard against those who are always flattering you.

(The boy was immediately on guard when his father asked him to help out a bit more because, being 16, he was the young to understand what his mother was doing for him and the whole family.)

17) pressure: a compelling influence or force

Examples:—As is the case with students in other countries, American students also

face the pres-sure of schoolwork, high living costs and decision-making

on their careers.

—Jim changed his mind at the last minute under pressure from his parents.

18)sometime, some time, sometimes:

sometime: at some uncertain or unstated time

Examples:—He first came to China sometime around 1932.

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—They?ll meet again sometime next week.

some time: a certain amount of time

Example:—It will take some time to read the whole book.

sometimes: at times, now and then

Example:—Sometimes I come to school by bus and sometimes on foot.

19)tension: a feeling of worry and nervousness

Examples:—With tension in her voice Ann said she had me bad news to tell me.

—Just before the job interview, the young man felt his tension building.

20) hold back: control

Examples:—Mr. Jackson managed to hold back his alleger and avoided a quarrel with

his 16-year-old son.

—When she learned that her son was killed in battle, the Mexican woman

held back her tears with much difficulty.

21)…there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to type: …besides learning to type, Mother was also showing her determination to

overborne whatever difficulties she might meet with, her strong will not to accept defeat easily and her courage to go ahead.

22) memento: a small object which reminds one of a holiday, a friend, etc.

Examples:—These post cards are mementos of their trip to Italy.

—This gold pen is a memento of his grandfather.

23) give up: admit defeat; stop trying

Examp1es:—I give up. I can't work the problem out.

—You gave up too easily. You could have worked it out if you had really set

your mind to it.

3.T asks Ss to come out the main idea, structure of the text (10mins)

4.T summarizes the main idea and structure of the text (5 mins) 1.Let the students do the exercises in the textbook which are related to the new words.

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2.Ss hand in the summary of the text.

3.Ss discuss the questions on the topic related to the text.

4.Let Ss do the exercises in the text book which are mainly related to the new words and topic.

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