

Group Speech: Group Presentation Evaluation Form (40 points) Group: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Content (20 points):

? Includes oral citations for at least 3 credible sources

? Uses sources, examples, and explanations to support points and their relevance

? Originality and audience-centered topic

? Demonstrates appropriate audience adaptation

? Used appropriate language (to topic and audience)

__________ Organization (15 points):

? Introduction Overall Effectiveness

o Gains Attention

o Previews group presentation

o States thesis clearly

o Provides justification and significance for the audience

? Body Overall Effectiveness

o Each presenter provides a transition from section to section of the presentation

o Each section provides key information

o Main points logically flow together

o Exhibits sophisticated argument structure

o Information presented is balanced among sections

? Conclusion Overall Effectiveness

o Creatively reviews group presentation

o Restates thesis

o Makes a strong closing statement

__________ Delivery (5 points):

? Physical Delivery:

o Maintains eye contact

o Appropriate use of gestures and movement

o Appropriate use of physical environment (and visual aids, if used)

o Animated facial expression

o Uses extemporaneous delivery (not over-reliant on notes)

o Displays energy and enthusiasm

o Attire enhances group credibility

? Vocal Delivery:

o Avoids using vocal fillers (um, you know, like)

o Animated vocal delivery

o Appropriate rate and volume

__________ Additional Deductions (over or under-time: -1 point for each 30 seconds; reading/over-

reliant on notes; offensive comments/delivery; disruptive as audience member, etc.)

__________ TOTAL POINTS

Group Speech: Individual Presentation Evaluation Form (25 points) Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Content (10 points):

? Provides appropriate content for assigned section

? Includes effective and appropriate oral citations for all sources used (at least 1/person) ? Uses examples, descriptions, comparisons and contrasts, and explanations

? Used appropriate language (to topic and audience)

? Demonstrates appropriate audience adaptation throughout

__________ Organization (5 points):

? Demonstrates clear structure in section

? Demonstrates appropriate use of signposts and transitions

? Provides key information for assigned section of group presentation

? Uses logical and balanced progression of information

? Appropriately previews/reviews information in section

__________ Delivery (4 points):

? Physical Delivery:

o Maintains eye contact

o Appropriate use of gestures and movement

o Animated facial expression

o Displays energy and enthusiasm

o Attire enhances group credibility

? Vocal Delivery:

o Avoids using vocal fillers (um, you know, like)

o Animated vocal delivery

o Appropriate rate and volume

__________ Contributions (6 points):

? Attends work sessions devoted to group presentation

? Makes significant contributions to the group presentation

? Works well with other group members

__________ Additional Deductions (reading/over-reliant on notes; offensive comments/delivery; disruptive as audience member, etc.)

__________ TOTAL POINTS

Group Speech: Outline and References Evaluation Form (10 points) Group: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

__________ Content (3 points):

? Introduction - Includes general purpose, specific purpose, attention-getter, and central


? Body - Includes claims, warrants, and grounds for each main point

? Conclusion - Includes reviewed points, restated thesis/central idea, and closing statement ? Transitions included between each section

__________ Format (2 points):

? Full-sentence format with standard symbols and indentation

? Proper in-text citation used (APA style)

? Typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins

? Void of spelling, grammar errors

__________ References Page (5 points):

? Minimum of 3 credible sources included

? Proper APA citation for each source citation

? Typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins

__________ TOTAL POINTS

Group Speech: Group Members Evaluation Guide

Directions: For each group member, assign points for the following contributions. Each member can receive up to 6 points total (up to 2 points per contribution). Points will be averaged from all group members. Do not evaluate yourself.

Member #1 Name: __Cambery________Cambery_______________________________________________________________________ ____2____Attends work sessions devoted to group presentation

____2____Makes significant contributions to the group presentation ____2____Works well with other group members (Include a typed paragraph describing why you assigned the points above.)

Cambery worked as a leader in our team. She’s the first one to contact each member, and then she worked well with us. She did put a lot of efforts on our speech. Member #2 Name: _____Taylor________________________________________________________________ _____2___Attends work sessions devoted to group presentation

_____2___Makes significant contributions to the group presentation _____2___Works well with other group members (Include a typed paragraph describing why you assigned the points above.) At first, he didn’t response in time. However, we found our way to contact and we worked together very well. Although he’s busy, he also tried to squeeze some time to do it. He did a lot of research of our speech. Member #3 Name: ____Grace__________________________________________________________________ ____2____Attends work sessions devoted to group presentation

____2____Makes significant contributions to the group presentation ____2____Works well with other group members (Include a typed paragraph describing why you assigned the points above.) At the beginning, she had the same problem with Taylor, but finally the problem was solved. She gave some good suggestion to the group. Member #4 Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ ________Attends work sessions devoted to group presentation ________Makes significant contributions to the group presentation

________Works well with other group members (Include a typed paragraph describing why you assigned the points above.)


关于#pragma once

在所有的预处理指令 中,#pragma指令可能是最复杂的了,它的作用是设定编译器的状态或者是指示编译器完成一些特定的动作。#pragma指令对每个编译器给出了一个方 法,在保持与C和C++语言完全兼容的情况下,给出主机或操作系统专有的特征。依据定义,编译指示是机器或操作系统专有的,且对于每个编译器都是不同的。 其格式一般为:#pragma para,其中para为参数,下面来看一些常用的参数。

(Each implementation of C and C++ supports some features unique to its host machine or operating system. Some programs, for instance, need to exercise precise control over the memory areas where data is placed or to control the way certain functions receive parameters. The #pragma directives offer a way for each compiler to offer machine- and operating-system-specific features while retaining overall compatibility with the C and C++ languages. Pragmas are machine- or operating-system-specific by definition, and are usually different for every compiler. )


#pragma message(“消息文本”),当编译器遇到这条指令时就在编译输出窗口中将消 息文本打印出来。


#ifdef _X86

#pragma message(“_X86 macro activated!”)


当我们定义了_X86这个宏以后,应用程序在编译时就会在编译输出窗口里显示 “_X86 macro activated!”。我们就不会因为不记得自己定义的一些特定的宏而抓耳 挠腮了。


#pragma code_seg( ["section-name"[,"section-class"] ] )


(3)#pragma once (比较常用)。只要在头文件的最开始加入这条指令就能够保证


(4)#pragma hdrstop表示预编译头文件到此为止,后面的头文件不进行预编译。BCB

可以预编译头文件以加快链接的速度,但如果所有头文件都进行预编译又可能占太多磁盘空间,所以使用这个选项排除一些头文件。有时单元之间有依赖关系,比如单元A依赖单元B,所以单元B要先于单元A编译。你可以用#pragma startup指定编

译优先级,如果使用了#pragma package(smart_init),BCB就会根据优先级的大小先 后编译。

(5)#pragma resource "*.dfm"表示把*.dfm文件中的资源加入工程。*.dfm中包括窗 体外观的定义。

(6)#pragma warning(disable : 4507 34; once : 4385; error : 164 ) 等价于:

#pragma warning(disable:4507 34) // 不显示4507和34号警告信息

#pragma warning(once:4385) // 4385号警告信息仅报告一次

#pragma warning(error:164) // 把164号警告信息作为一个错误。

同时这个pragma warning 也支持如下格式:

#pragma warning( push [ ,n ] )

#pragma warning( pop )


#pragma warning( push )保存所有警告信息的现有的警告状态。

#pragma warning( push, n)保存所有警告信息的现有的警告状态,并且全局警告 等级设定为n。

#pragma warning( pop )向栈中弹出最后一个警告信息,在入栈和出栈之间所作


#pragma warning( push )

#pragma warning( disable : 4705 )

#pragma warning( disable : 4706 )

#pragma warning( disable : 4707 )


#pragma warning( pop )


(7)#pragma comment(...) 该指令将一个注释记录放入一个对象文件或可执行


(8)#pragma pack() 我们知道在VC中,对于想结构体Struct这样的类型,VC采


#pragma pack(1)





#pragma pack()

二.#if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif

(1)_MSC_VER。 Defines the compiler version. Defined as 1200 for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. Always defined.

(2)#if _MSC_VER > 1000的意思是指如果vc编译器的版本大于1000则这个语句 被编译!大概小于1000的版本不支持#pragma once这个语句。

(3)#pragma once 。Specifies that the file, in which the pragma resides,

will be included (opened) only once by the compiler in a build. A common use for this pragma is the following:


#pragma once

// Your C or C++ code would follow:

#pragma once 加入头文件的第一行 指示这个文件在编译时只被编译器文件编译 (打开)一次!一般用到.h中防止文件被重复包括!

三.#pragma once 与 #ifndef #define #endif

(1)从定义上即可看出,pragmas指令是某种机器或者操作系统独有的,并且不同编译器也常常有别。#pragma once这个是编译器相关指令,就是说在这个编译系统

上能用,但是在其他编译系统 不一定型,也就是说移植型差。不过现在基本上


#ifndef #define #endif这个是语言支持指令,这是C/C++语言中的宏定义,通过

宏定义避免文件多次编译。所以在所有支持C++语言的编译器上都是有效的。如果写的程序要 跨平台,最好使用这种方式。

(2)#ifndef #define #endif #ifndef 还有其它作用,防止头文件重复引用只是


(3)#ifndef #define #endif 他读到#ifndef之后,如果已经定义过了,就会跳过

这一大片,一直到#endif为止。这将增加build时间,因为每次compiler都会打开这个文件,然后搜索全文件一遍。而如果碰到了#pragma once,他就会立刻停止,

关闭打开的这个文件。在某种程度上减少 了build时间。一般用法:



#pragma once



四. #pragma data_seg(".mdata").....#pragma data_seg()可以让编译器把两者之间


有的时候我们可能想让一个应用程序只启动一次,就像单件模式(singleton)一样,实现的方法可能有多种,这里说说用#pragma data_seg的实现,很是简洁便利。


#pragma data_seg("flag_data")

int app_count = 0;

#pragma data_seg()

#pragma comment(linker,"/SECTION:flag_data,RWS")


if(app_count>0) // 如果计数大于0,则退出应用程序。


//MessageBox(NULL, "已经启动一个应用程序", "Warning", MB_OK);

//printf("no%d application", app_count);

return FALSE;

} app_count++;

fangle supplier change application












装箱单样本Packing List


packing list(装箱单)


装箱单 Packing list 模板

装箱单 Packing list 模板,内容附图。

装箱单报检模板-英语-packing list




PI 格式

