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题目 A Discussion of Puns in English

院 系 外国语学院英语系

专 业 名 称 英语 年 级 

学 生 姓 名 

学 号 

指 导 教 师 


A Discussion of Puns in English1

A thesis

submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Arts in the School of Foreign Languages

Hubei University of Education

School: School of Foreign Languages

Major: English



Student No.: 


Date: May 10th, 2012 第三页为外国语学院学生论文封面,标题,20号字,加粗,居中,标题一般在第二或第三行,其它部分与标题要有一定距离 




年 月 日 必须为学生手书签名


I would like to give my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof. *** for teaching me how to write my research paper and helping me generously to revise it. I am really grateful for the opportunity to study class under my American teacher Katie Howard and Prof. So-and-so, teacher of Methodology. Meanwhile, I want to thank the College Library from which I got enough useful information, with the help of which I finished my paper. And also I would like to thank all my classmates who gave me lots of helpful suggestions.


Abstract4: Political literature is a reflection of expressing a country?s political standpoint. Its theoretical and practical significance is of great importance as the growth of communication among the world. Therefore, the study of Chinese political literature is becoming a pressing issue for Chinese people. In the political linguistic context, political literature translation serves especially as a bridge to promote mutual understanding, deepen friendship and develop cooperation among different countries and nationalities. Moreover, along with the global economic integration and frequent cultural exchanges, mutual visits between leaders from different countries in the world are increasing in these decades. Political literature translation is becoming increasingly important. Therefore, the cross-cultural communication of political literature has gradually entered into the translation field.

This paper focuses on the study of Chinese political literature translation, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory. At first, it briefly introduces the definition, classification and functions of Chinese political literature. By utilizing the methods of comparative analysis and exemplification, this paper discusses the features and explores the translation methods of Chinese political literature in detail. It is concluded that three basic principles (faithfulness, accuracy and fairness) of Chinese-English translation of political literature should be obeyed before the translation methods (annotation, paraphrase, omission) have been properly applied in translation practice. Besides, three influential factors (language, culture, and translator) must be fully taken into consideration.

Key words: functional equivalence theory; Chinese political literature; characteristics; translation methods  Abstract: 12号字,仅一词及其后的冒号加粗。是对论文大纲目录的基本概述,也就是对论文的内容予以简要叙述,字数在300左右。

Key words 12号字,仅二词及其后的冒号加粗,与Abstract空一行;关键词以3- 5个表示全文主题内容信息的单词或术语为宜,关键词之间要用分号 ; 隔开



关键词:功能对等理论;汉语政治文献;特点;翻译方法、“关键词”及其后的冒号(:)均用宋体,小四号,加黑,相应具体内容紧接冒号之后,用宋体,小四号,不加黑  “摘要”


1. Introduction ············································································································· 1

2. Literature Review ···································································································· 1

3. The Basic Concepts of Vocabulary ········································································· 6

3.1 What is vocabulary ·························································································· 6

3.2 The definition of a word ···················································································· 7

3.2.1 A minimal free form of a language ···························································· 8

3.2.2 A sound unity ····························································································· 8

3.2.3 A unit of meaning ····················································································· 9

4. How to Present Vocabulary ····················································································· 9

5. Helpful Tools ··········································································································· 10

6. Beneficial Activities ································································································ 12

7. Applying Semantic Theory ····················································································· 14

8. Conclusion ············································································································ 16

Bibliography ··············································································································· 17

6目录Contents一词加粗,居中,14号字,其余用12号字 一级标题中所有实词首字母大写,其余各级(二、三级等)标题只需第一个单词首字母大写。

1. Introduction

2. Literature Review7

【要求学生对阅读过的文献予以综述,阅读文献不少于15篇。】 With many followers and a large reading public, Doris Lessing is widely considered one of the most honest, intelligent and engaged writers of the day. According to Margaret Drabble, Lessing seems to be a lonely and embattled figure on +

the contemporary scene. (Drabble, 1972: 50) John Leonard, a book critic of The New York Times, described Mrs. Lessing as one of the half-dozen most interesting minds to have chosen to write fiction in English in this century. Lessing has become, over the last few decades, a “standard” author. Her short stories are regularly selected in anthologies, and dozens of book-length studies of Lessing and her works have appeared in succession in recent years. Also, there are an ever-increasing number of articles on her work in the scholarly journals: Contemporary Literature (Autumn, 1973) and Modern Fiction Studies (Spring, 1980) have published special issues devoted entirely to Lessing criticism. The Modern Language Association has published Approaches to Teaching the Golden Notebook (1989) in response to the fact that courses on Lessing?s works are beginning to appear in university calendars and many women?s studies and contemporary novel courses include selections from her writings.

According to the theme of her novels, some critics consider her an African writer, a communist writer, a feminist writer, a mystic writer, a psychological writer, and a science fiction writer. Lessing herself resists all attempts to categorize what she has written. She maintains that her themes have remained unchanged since she wrote The 7 Literature Review中必须说明文献的出处,格式为“引文”(作者名,出版年代:页码),在bibliography中有本文的作者、题目、出版社或期刊名、年代或刊期等内容。

Grass Is Singing at the very beginning of her career, preferring that her work be looked at as a whole. (Torrents, 1980: 12) It is true that her basic themes have always been present even though the connections between them have not necessarily been obvious from the start.

American feminist critic Elaine Showalter comments that “Lessing?s early fiction (that is, the novels up to The Four-Gated City in 1969), has many similarities to Victorian feminine and feminist writing. Olive Schreiner, another South African novelist about whom Lessing has written an enthusiastic essay, obviously influenced the first Martha Quest books.”(Showalter, 1977: 308) Showalter sees Lessing?s The Golden Notebook as a monumental achievement from which her writing has undergone a massive shift, away from female concerns, and most determinedly away from the social realism she admired in the late 1950s.

Though “Lessing herself has also wished to minimize feminism, both as a historical and as a contemporary influence on her writing, The Golden Notebook, as Margaret Drabble says, is „a document in the history of liberation.?”(Showalter, 1977: 311)

In China, attention to Lessing began in 1987. With the translation of The Grass Is Singing published in 1999 and The Golden Notebook in 2000, Lessing is attracting increasing readers and critics. We can find quite a few articles on Lessing and her works in academic journals, though they are not so extensive as those in western countries. In two theses carried in academic journals, Li Xiangfu discusses the political and feminist themes and general features of the different stages of Lessing?s novels. Wang Jiaxiang and others briefly introduce Doris Lessing and her feminist ideology in literature. Ying Sufang discusses the narrative strategy of Lessing?s novels. Zhang Ermin introduces the thematic tendency of Lessing. Many articles focus on her masterpiece, The Golden Notebook, covering its feminist theme and special structure of narration. There are still many other readers and scholars who study the

characteristics, thematic tendency and stages of her literary creation, trying to systematize her literary works. Of course, there is no lack of the comments closely related to feminism and colonialism.

This thesis aims to analyze the character and fate of those women in some of Lessing?s major works, and explores the prejudice against and oppression upon them in modern times by showing their fights and meditation. It adopts the approach of feminist literary criticism, mainly the Marxist feminist approach (external perspective) in combination with Psychoanalysis (internal perspective), trying to account for those women characters? inferior status in family and society, their spiritual confusion, as well as the psychological crisis caused by the reality. Furthermore, it traces their psychological pursuit of the sense of selfhood and personal identity. The tentative combination of external and internal critical approaches expects to render the study an organic whole. Consequently, enlightened by Lessing?s exploration, this thesis presents a reflection upon the universal women?s problems.

3. The Basic Concepts of Vocabulary

3.1 What is vocabulary?

All the words in a language make up what is generally known as its vocabulary. The term vocabulary is used in different senses, not only can it refer to the total number of the words in a language, but it can stand for all the words used in a particular historical period, such as old English, middle English, and modern English vocabulary.

3.2 The definition of a word

This question has occupied the attention of scholars and experts for ages; the definition of a word has always been controversial …

When we talk about a word, we tend to think in visual terms18, in this way a word can be defined… Grammarians insist that a word be a free form that can 8 此处为作者写作时对某些专有名词等的脚注,作者用数字上标,然后页面下方加上注解。

function in the sentence. To sum up, the definition of a word will cover the following points:

3.2.1 A minimal free form of a language

3.2.2 A sound unity

3.2.3 A unit of meaning

Therefore, we can say that a word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function2.

4. How to Present Vocabulary

8. Conclusion


1. visual term此处指 „„

2. syntactic function此处指 „„


Gundykunst, W. & Kin, Y. Communicating with Strangers—An Approach to Intercultural Communication [M]. New York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, 1997. Hornby, A. S. & Cowie, A. P. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (Fourth Edition 1989) [M]. Beijing: The Commercial Press / Oxford University Press, 1997.

Lightbown, P. Great Expectations: Second-Language Acquisition Research and Classroom Teaching [J]. Applied Linguistics, 1985, (6).

Newmark, P. A Textbook of Translation (I) [M]. London: Prentice Hall (UK) Ltd., 1988.

邓炎昌、刘润清.语言与文化 [M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1989. 冯庆华.实用翻译教程 [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.

黄海翔.小议成语汉译英的形象处理 [J].大学英语,1999,(1).

贾玉新.跨文化交际学 [M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.

宋志平.语用翻译与习语误译分析 [J].外语与外语教学,1998,(7).
























