雅思口语话题范文:Describe a handcraft


雅思口语话题范文:Describe a handcraft Describe a handcraft which is made by yourself

When I was young,I was interested in making things out of everyday materials, such as paper, wood, glass, and so on.

I remember the first thing I made was a paper plane which my mom taught me how to make. All I needed was a piece of paper. Later on, I used my colorful pencils to draw pictures on my plane. I drew rabbits, birds, fish, flowers etc. to let my plane take them up to the sky.

I even used string to tie all my planes to my ceiling, and I could walk through my planes which always made me want to take a plane.

Since then I started to learn to make a lot of other things by using paper. Even though a paper plane is the easiest item of origami I have ever made, and perhaps the most compact one I have ever made, it is still my favorite one.

Now I have grown up. It reminds me of the great times I had with my mom in my childhood; it also reminds me of what my mom always told me: fly up high and reach the sky. Today, whenever I have a piece of paper in my hand, I will automatically fold a plane and recall my great childhood.


Kite flying is popular in China. Kites are often played with around the Qingming Festival in April. I like kites very much and I can make kites myself.

Once, I made a kite. It was a beautiful swallow. Firstly, I collected 3 sticks and paper. The paper was adorned with paintings. Secondly, I used 3 sticks to control the paper, one linked to its neck , the other two linked with its wing. And then, the work was completed. The kite flew lightly in the sky as if the swallow was greeting the coming of the spring season. (2000/6 )

What handcraft are there in China?

Folk paper cuts, lanterns and kites, shadow play etc.

第二篇:雅思口语describe a Law

Describe a good law in your country.

You should say

What the law is

How you first learned about this law

Who benefits from this law

And explain why you think this is a good law

Ok right then , well after a bit of thought, the law that I would like to talk to you about is the drink-driving law, which I guess every country has to some degree, but here in China it’s very strict, in that you can’t drink any alcohol at all before you drive, you know, not even a drop. And it’s been extremely effective in drinking before they drive, because they know that if they get caught, they’ll get points deducted from their licence, they’ll

And uh, as for how I first learnt about this law, well I honestly can’t remember, but I suppose it must have been through either watching the news on TV or reading the think the law was that you could have a certain amount to drink, like, one or two beers changed the law to no alcohol at all.

, um…cos I mean, we’re all a much safer society. I don’t know the actual statistics or anything, but I’m

And that’s basically why I’d say it’s such a good law, you know, it prevents a lot of accidents. So yeah, I completely agree with it, and I think it’s essential that we continue to have it.

Deter - 阻止;制止 To deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it

Get fined - 受到处罚

Revise – 修订,修正

crack down on - 严厉打击

(but) anyway -表示略去一些细节转到下一个主要话题. You use anyway or anyhow to indicate that you are missing out some details in a story and are passing on to the next main point or event

I think it’s fair to say – 我觉得可以说……

society as a whole = the whole society

Better off - 境况较好

it makes for = it results in; it leads to……

came into effect = was implemented

needless = 没有必要的

Here, I would like to talk about a new law that was just in practice years ago. It is about the regulations on advertisements on TVs and Radios.

For a time in the past, there are great varieties of advertisements on TVs and radios, but due to lack of proper management and supervision, there exist a lot of misleading or unhealthy advertisements, which exert a negative influence on the general public. And therefore, in January 1st, this new regulations were called into practice.

In this new law, it does not allow any misleading advertisements, or

advertisements that contain unhealthy information, such as violence,

pornography, disgusting pictures, unhealthy life attitude. Also, it does not allow any advertisements about cigarettes, and those about liquors are limited to a larger extent. In addition, it also regulates about the timing, the periods about the advertisements.

In this way, this new law tends to provide the public a much healthier living environment. And from its practice over the past months, the public, especially the children, do have a much better exposure of information from TV and radio programs. I do hope that more and more news laws that are intended to improve our life are issued in the future. 限制塑料袋的使用

Restricting the use of plastic packaging

The law that I think is good is the plastic-bag usage law which took effect on June 1st 2008. Plastic bags are no longer offered for free when shopping. You now need to either bring your own bag or pay for a plastic bag. I think it is a great law because it aims to protect the environment by reducing white pollution.

I remember the day the law took effect. It was the weekend and I was at the supermarket buying food for the week. I normally try to do all my shopping during the weekend, because I don't have time during the week to go to the supermarket. I got to the check-out counter with a full basket of food. The check-out woman asked if I had a bag or if I wanted to purchase a bag. I had completely forgotten about the new law! I ended up having to purchase a bag, but instead of buying a plastic bag I opted to buy a reusable canvas bag. Though it was more expensive, I still use that same bag every time I go shopping.

It pleases me to see more and more people bringing their own shopping bags with them to the super market since the law took effect last year. It just goes to show that people really do care about our environment.

What the law is? (注意法律的英文表达方式:找简单的说)

New Labour law 新劳动法

Traffic Laws 交通法

Environmental Protection law 环境保护法

Taxation law 税务法

New plastic-bags standards塑料袋使用规定

One Child Policy 独生子女政策


Restricting the use of plastic packaging


塑料袋(plastic bags or plastic packaging) 白色污染(white pollution)

环保袋(environment-friendly bags) 生物可降解(biodegradable)

能源消耗(energy consumption) 不可再生资源(non-renewable energy resources) 出台法律(roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)

Several years ago, China approved a law to reduce the excessive

consumption of plastic bags.几年前,中国出台了一项法律减少塑料袋的持续使用。

As is known, the use of plastic bags is a main source of pollution since the bags aren’t degradable. 众所周知, 塑料袋使用是一个主要的污染来源,因为塑料袋难以降解。

Actually, China has witnessed high consumption of plastic bags for years, which will take centuries to degrade. 实际上中国已经经历了很久的塑料袋高使用量,而这个需要花去好几个世纪去降解。

Therefore, we’d like to see a law banning the use of plastic bags in

supermarkets and shopping malls while encouraging people to use paper or cotton bags instead.因此,我们制定了一项新法律,在超市、购物中心禁止使用塑料袋,鼓励他们用纸袋或者棉质的代替。

However, things are improving. Large supermarket chains, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour in China, have started to introduce reusable bags and give some rewards to customers who refuse to use plastic bags. 一切有了改观。中国一些大的连锁超市,如沃尔玛家乐福,已经开始推荐人们使用环保袋,并且有的给予拒绝使用塑料袋的客人们一些奖励。

even-odd numbered license restriction单双号行车

Beijing is to ban vehicles with even and odd-numbered license plates on alternate days. 北京在一些日子里实行车辆牌照单双号限行。

The even-odd license plate restriction has ensured a smooth flow of traffic and better air quality since the Olympics came. But now it turns to be a basic

method to deal with the heavy traffic.单双牌照限行开始于奥运会期间,它可以确保交通畅通,空气质量好。现在它渐渐变成一种治理城市交通的手段。 On one hand, people should have the right to chose how they want to travel. On the other hand, most people don’t have cars, and public opinion may not reflect the will of all car owners. 一方面,人们有选择交通的权力;另一方面因为有车的人毕竟少数,所以公众的意见不能完全反应车主意见。

However, someone thought that continuing to implement the even-odd license plate number restriction in the future won’t be as effective as it was during the Olympic period, but would be a waste of resources and a burden for citizens.然而有些人认为持续用这种法规不会和奥运期间一样有效,反而会是一种浪费资源并且会给市民造成负担。

Protection of the disabled 保护残疾人

To be frankly, I have no idea with the exact time when the law was


The law I mentioned is made to help the country’s handicapped population achieve the goal of “equality, participation and sharing” and let them enjoy as affluent a life as others.这则法律的制定为了所有残疾人口,为实现“平等,参与,共享”,让他们和平常人一样尽情享受人生。

Before the law was enacted, some disabled people became tramps or beggars after being abandoned by the families.在法律还没有实施的时候,一些残疾人被家人遗弃,成为流浪乞讨者。

But now, any ill-treatment of abandonment is strictly prohibited by the law. 现在,遗弃残疾人被法律严令禁止。

It builds up the public awareness of helping and respecting those handicapped people.这可以让公众树立帮助和尊重残疾人的意识。

New labour law

The new law greatly limits the use of short-term contracts. The new law allows employers to assign only two consecutive fixed-term contracts. After that the employer must offer the employee an open-ended contract.

The LCL imposes severe restrictions on the use of probationary periods in the employment relationship. Probationary periods are permitted, but the length is limited. Furthermore, an employee can only be subject to a single probationary period by a single employer. Wages during the probationary period must also be no less than 80% of the contract wage.

New plastic-bags standards

New standards forbid supermarkets and shops from handing out colorized plastic bags. Authorities say those bags are mainly made of wasted plastics which will pollute the environment. The standards also have other industrial requirements. For example, plastic bags should have a thickness of no less than 0.025 millimeter, so that they can be reused. Enterprises fail to conform to standards will face severe punishment.

2 Describe an Interesting Law

这个题目的重点就在interesting 这个词上面。很多中国学生对interesting 这个词的理解非常的片面。大多数学生认为interesting 这个词的意思仅仅的局限于有意思,会令人发笑的。其实,这只是interesting 这个单词一个层面的意思的解读。这个词还表示独特的,反常规的。比如说,It is interesting that you mentioned it because what you did yesterday was totally contradicting what you just said.

看到很多考生都会去寻找一些令人发笑的法律。这是非常难的,因为法律都带有 一定严肃性。当然,一些学生可能会去说一些国外的奇怪的法律。如果这样的话, 考生首先要去看清楚这个题目是否有in your country 这样的词汇的限制。再者, 考生除非去过那个法律所存在国家或地区,否则的话,就更像是客观的描述,这 样一来,这条法律与自己的联系就很少。所以,建议不要这样讲。


One Child Policy

reward of only child policy 独生子女的政策奖励

force implement 强制执行

impose a penalty on sth 超生罚款

Reducing the population 减少人口

favorable to economic growth 有利于经济增长

one-child policy has helped the fight against global warming by avoiding 300 million births. 独生子女政策减少了三亿人口的出生, 帮助阻止全球变暖。 Road Traffic Safety Law

It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his car becomes the extension of his personality. 有一种说法我认为是对的,每当人们手握方向盘的时候,他们的个性就显露出来了。

Only Stricter Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents. 只有制定更严格的法律才能防止事故发生。

Creating a safe, harmonious, orderly and convenient traffic environment. 创造安全、和谐、有序、方便的交通环境。

Drunken driving may cause traffic accident and death. Strictly abide by traffic law will guarantee a safe driving. 酒后驾车会导致交通事故及死亡,严格遵守交通法规保证驾驶安全

People tend to rebel against laws and regulations,because we want to have more freedom.However, we cannot deny the necessity of rules.Without laws, there will be no order in society.And I’m not an expert on laws since I’m not a law student.But I found “the prohibition of smoking in public places” an incredibly good law.

I don’t know exactly when it was put into practice,but I guess France is the first country in the whole wide world to make such a legislation that

smoking is banned in all public places all over the country.This is a great law for the individual and for the state.

I mean, come on, think about it.Smoking is harmful in so many ways.It causes lung cancer to millions of people every year,and it’s totally uncivilized to smoke in public because other people will be affected by your smoking since your second-hand smoke is everywhere.After smoking, your clothes stink of cigarettes.And it’s not polite and professional if you go to work covered in the smell of smoke.And smoking is the reason for many fire accidents and

disasters every year.(这一段也可以直接用作 “不良习惯话题”)Therefore, such is a good law.

I don’t know when such a law will be made in China.But once it is enforced, my country will be a much cleaner place.I know it’s natural for people to hate any new law since the law brings to people limitation,

confinement and restraints.Yet, hey, someone once said, “You can only truly enjoy freedom after you have experienced discipline. ”只有受过纪律约束的人才知道自由的真正乐趣。


Intellectual Property Right Law


正版(authentic/real/genuine copy) 盗版(pirated/fake copy)

下载(download) 下载文件链接(download link)

打击(crack down on/stamp out) 在线观看(online video streaming)

睁一只眼闭一只眼(turn a blind eye to)

完善的体系制度(well-established system)

这个题目的探讨价值,换句话说,它为什么interesting,就在于中国其实是有知识 产权,或者说版权法的,但是盗版现象依然非常严重,没有相关的政府职能部分 去负责这个问题,而且全中国人几乎都是在大量,大肆的下载。所以,这个问题 是值得讨论的。在作答过程中,考生首先可以先将解释一下,中国有此法律。然 后阐述这个法律应该起到的作用和在现实生活中的强烈对比。最后,考生可以讲 解一下自身的感受,你认为盗版问题严重吗,盗版是否会消失,为什么人们都买 盗版,猜测以后政府是否会对这方面的法律进一步加强。

Part 3

1 Do you think it is necessary to create a law?

除非考生能有什么非常独到的观点能够让考官眼前一亮,一般来说,我们建议考生还是回答yes.然后,考生可以先说如果没有法律的约束(deterrent forces of laws and regulations),那么,不可避免的(inevitably),社会就会变的非常的混乱(chaotic, disorderly),人们以自己的意愿作为支配,造成对其他人以及整个社会的伤害(do harm to).然后,考生可以举两个例子,来支持自己的观点。所以,得出结论,法律的存在是非常的有必要的。法律能够保障每个人的权益(interest),是文明进步的一个标志。

2 Do you think the law is fair?

很多学生看到这个题目的时候,脑子都会很乱,感觉无从说起。所以,针对这种 非常广泛抽象的题目,最明智的选择就是分情况而定。比如说,首先上来,考生 能说的就是政府在制定(introduce/devise)法律的时候,都是以政府的利益(interest) 为出发点,因此这要看情况而定。这时候,考生就可以举出两种法律;这两个法律是如何保证了(safeguard)政府的利益,而同时少数人的利益会有所损失。 3 Do we have to be punished if we don’t follow the law?

答案是肯定的。考生们可以说如果我们违反了法律( violate the law),而同时又没有受到任何的惩罚(punishment),那么法律的意义就失去了(defeat the purpose of the existence of law), 人们因此会不顾法律的存在。然后,考生可以从惩罚的方式上开始做文章。这样一来,这个题目就变成了雅思写作里面非常popular 的题目。(should criminals be sent to prison or receive education and job training?), 学生们可以参考自己写作中的内容。如果对于那些想拿7分以上的考生来说,你们还可以参考一下以前我写过的关于死刑(capital punishment) 的讨论。因为这类话题非常难,建议水平不是非常好的学生勿尝试。

4 What’s the difference between a police officer and a lawyer?


首先呢,考生应该先说police officer 和lawyer 都是在法律和惩罚这个大话题下的重要的所能涉及到的人。然后,区别的话,我们的专家们建议老师从下面这么2个方面来说。1.他们在真个法律维护的过程中所担任的角色不同。Police officer 更

多的是要担负起抓捕罪犯的责任,而这个罪犯是否有罪是由法院和律师说的算。律师更多的是为代理方争取最大化的利益。2.这两方的工作目的在很多时候是相反的。当police officer 将罪犯逮捕归案,被告方律师却要相方设法将罪犯的责任解脱掉。所以,两方的利益在某种程度上来说又是冲突的。(当然,这里在讲的时候不要太过学术)。











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