篇一 :雅思口语话题的答题方法总结




我们来看一道题目:What’s the most popular music in China? 这道题目显然不能只讲自己喜欢的音乐,也不宜只提供一种音乐类型。我们都知道,年轻人和老年人喜欢的音乐类型可能完全不同,因此我们可以这样回答:

For most young people, they like rock or pop music. But for most old people, they like opera or folk music.


再来看一道题目:What’s the most popular sport in China? 这道题如果只讲自己喜欢的运动,则显得太主观,且不够全面。对于运动,男人和女人的喜好稍有不同,因此我们可以依次进行分类:

For most men, they like basketball or football. But for most women, they like table tennis or badminton.


雅思口语Part1中有这样一题:Do Chinese people like to celebrate birthday?对于喜不喜欢过生日,大人和小孩各有不同,因此我们可以这样回答:

For children, birthday is everything, and they enjoy celebrating it. But for some adults, they think birthday is just a normal day and don’t like to celebrate it any more.

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篇二 :如何归纳雅思口语话题

环球雅思口语老师认为雅思口语话题繁多,每个都准备的话难度会很大,要是进行一定的概括就会容易多了。你在网上搜当月雅思题目,然后往前看以此类推,专门只看part 2!你会发现题目大概重复的有100来个,然后进行整理和归类


记住很多帖子把part 2 的每一部分都总结的很长,没有必要,你只要一个核心词, 举个例子:

描述一个 Describe a historical building/an interesting old(traditioanl) building in your country?

Where is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

太罗嗦,浓缩为一句话,历史古迹,完了,明白了么?你以最简单的方式归纳核心词,这样下来part 2的topic依然在8-90个,然后就开始归类。







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篇三 :雅思口语话题中的万能词总结

雅思口语万能词—— ☆ DO

1.他只是执行自己的任务而已。He just did his own task.

2.认真工作就是履行自我职责。Hard working is the right way to do one’s duty.

3.他所犯的罪早晚要遭到责罚的。Sooner or later, he will be punished against the crime done by himself.

4.本周末他们要在这里为孩子们演一出戏,莉莉扮演美丽的公主。They are going to do a play for children here this weekend; Lily is going to do the beautiful princess.

5.道格拉斯从小就很喜欢模仿迈克杰克逊。Douglas loves to do MJ since he was a little boy.

6.吃过饭通常我都会帮妈妈清洗盘子。I always help my mother to do the dishes after dinner.


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篇四 :雅思听力:雅思口语话题万能词总结



雅思口语万能词—— ☆ DO

1.他只是执行自己的任务而已。He just did his own task.

2.认真工作就是履行自我职责。Hard working is the right way to do one’s duty.

3.他所犯的罪早晚要遭到责罚的。Sooner or later, he will be punished against the crime done by himself.

4.本周末他们要在这里为孩子们演一出戏,莉莉扮演美丽的公主。They are going to do a play for children here this weekend; Lily is going to do the beautiful princess.

5.道格拉斯从小就很喜欢模仿迈克杰克逊。Douglas loves to do MJ since he was a little boy.

6.吃过饭通常我都会帮妈妈清洗盘子。I always help my mother to do the dishes after dinner.


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篇五 :雅思口语话题范文

A law (good, environmental)

The law that I think is good for environment is the plastic-bag usage law which took effect on June 1st 2008. (颁布日期)

Plastic bags are no longer offered for free when shopping. (内容)

You now need to either bring your own bag or pay for a plastic bag.

I think it is a great law because it aims to protect the environment by reducing white pollution.(影响) I remember the day the law took effect.

It was the weekend and I was at the supermarket buying food for the week.

I normally try to do all my shopping during the weekend, because I don’t have time during the week to go to the supermarket.

I got to the check-out counter with a full basket of food.

The check-out woman asked if I had a bag or if I wanted to purchase a bag.

I had completely forgotten about the new law!

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篇六 :20xx雅思口语话题范文:Describe a useful APP

20##雅思口语话题范文:Describe a useful APP

 雅思口语第二部分的物品类话题出现的频率通常是最高的,根据我们对20##年的话题统计,物品类占到了42%。所以今天以APP的话题为例给大家带来雅思口语范文及解析:Describe a useful APP


Describe an app that you often use on your phone.

You should say:

What the name of the app is

How long you have used it

Whether it is easy to use

And explain why do you use it a lot

Today, I would like to describe an app that I often use on your phone.(开篇点题,这一点很重要)

Firstly, the name of the APP is WeChat and it is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service developed by Tencent in China, first released in January 2011. It is the largest standalone-messaging(单机发简讯的) APP by monthly active users. (微信大家再熟悉不过了,英文说起来也非常好说)

As how long you have used it,--(考官指出把每个问题捎带一下,这样富有清晰的逻辑性) I didn’t know about it until 2013, my friend showed it to me and taught me how to use it and I was immediately attracted by its charm.(宾补的使用以及被动语态的出现会给考官留下很好的印象)

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篇七 :雅思口语话题范文:电影类

环球雅思口语老师给大家带来关于电影类的口语范文一篇,大家可以练习起来囖~ Do you like watching movies? / How often do you go to the cinema?

Definitely, watching movies is my cup of tea. You know, I'm always busy in studying. But I will go to the cinema as often as possible, maybe once every other week because it is one of my favourite ways to relax. I believe films are a wonderful form of art. Many of my friends have the same habit, so we always go to Wanda International Cinema on weekends together, which I think is the best cinema in Beijing.

Why do you like to watch films?

Firstly, I think watching films is a good way to relax. You know, when watching a film, I will throw all of my emotion to the story so that I can forget nearly everything about myself, especially the troubles. Also, I can learn many things from the roles in films, for example, I learned how to join forces to fight again devil from my favourite movie .

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篇八 :雅思口语 话题范例Tourist


雅思口语: 话题范例Tourist


  1. Do you think there are different types of tourists

  Yes, of course there are different types of tourists. There are people who are all out sightseeing fanatics. They must see everything, go everywhere, and taste every significant meal in a city. They believe they have to do it all, or they will miss out on something. These types of tourists are usually taking pictures of everything, and have a set plan on how they will attack a city. Then there are the more laid back tourists that travel in order to relax. They do not have to see everything; they just make the best of what time they have. They enjoy a more relaxing atmosphere away from all the pressures of work and home. These types of travelers do not plan out their vacation; they just take it.

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