







学生姓名 蓝丽仙

学 号 0202070113

系 别 经济与管理系

专业班级 会计学0701班

指导教师 周 艳

完成日期 20xx年12月



摘 要


关键词 分析程序;审计;财务报表






李靖(2008)认为分析性复核是一种审计技术方法,它是审计人员通过对比分析被审 1




胡适会(2007)与其他审计方法相比具有复杂性、主观性、间接性和有效性四个特性。 总而言之,对于分析程序的涵义越来越趋向于新准则的定义,因此本论文分析程序以新准则为准。









我国新分析程序准则说明注册会计师实施分析程序的目的包括:第一、用作风险评估程序,以了解被审计单位及其环境:注册会计师实施风险评估程序的目的在于了解被审计单位及其环境并评估财务报表层次和认定层次的重大错报风险。第二、当使用分析程序比细节测试能更有效地将认定层次的检查风险降至可接受的水平时,分析程序可以用作实质 2























[1] 赵红英.分析性程序在现代风险导向审计中的运用[J].财会研究,2010,(07):69~71

[2] 李岩.分析程序在识别财务舞弊风险中运用[J].财会研究,2010,(36):275~276

[3] 杨新华,陈海燕.审计分析性程序质量控制对策探[J].商业会计,2010,(04):66~67

[4] 张丽华.舞弊审计的方法与技巧[J].商业会计,2010,(04):45~46

[5] 余涛.浅析分析程序的应用效率[J].中国乡镇企业会计,2010,(03):134~135

[6] 王丽卿.财务分析法在审计分析程序中的应用[J].经济师,2010,(03):183~184

[7] 沈丽丽.风险导向审计模式实施障碍及对策研究[J].财会通讯,2009,(11):97~99

[8] 唐建华.风险导向审计思想的历史进程[J].审计研究,2009,(02):59~60

[9] 陈华良.浅析现代风险审计[J].财会月刊,2009,(16):20~21

[10] 谢盛纹.风险导向审计模式的整合与改进[J].当代财经,2009,(11):51~52

[11] 陈艳秋.谈风险导向审计中分析程序的实施[J].商业时代,2009,(20):104~105

[12] 陆迎霞.审计中分析程序的应用[J].会计之友(上旬刊),2008,(02):72~73

[13] 李靖.分析程序在审计中的运用[J].魅力中国,2008,(08):38~39

[14] 胡亚敏.分析性复核在审计实务中运用[J].财会通讯(综合版),2008,(04):62~63

[15] 廖义刚.审计是主体因素与分析性程序绩效[J].财会月刊,2008,(22):20

[16] 俞琴.浅谈审计中分析性程序的运用[J].中国注册会计师,2008,(10):48~50

[17] 胡运会.新审计准则下审计分析程序的运用[J].财会月刊(综合版),2006,(14):80~81

[18] 李忠安.我国新旧准则审计分析程序中的应用[J].财税科技,2007,(22):271~272

[19] 章惠娣.分析性复核程序在审计中的具体运用[J].冶金财会,2007,(01):66~68

[20] 李宁.分析程序在识别审计风险的运用[J].会计之友(中旬刊),2007,(08):42

[21] 任富强,王红蕊.分析程序的应用误区及改进建议[J].中国注册会计师,2007,(12):43~44

[22] 李铁群.分析程序审计准则的特点及提高实际应用能力的思考[J].审计月刊,2007,(03):10~11

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1996-19xx年期间,结果是不那么容易诠释。第一,活跃在环境审计领域的最高审计机关数量并没有太大变化。 “活性基团”的组成没有保持相同的:一些最高审计机关进入,而其他最高审计机关离开了团队。环境审计花费的时间量略有增加。二,但是,审计报告数量略有下降,19xx年和19xx年之间。这些数字可能反映了从量到质的转变。这个信号解释了在过去三年从规律性审计到绩效审计的转变(1994-19xx年,20%的规律性审计和44%绩效审计;1997-1999:16%规律性审计和绩效审计54%) 。在一般情况下,绩效审计需要更多的资源。我们必须认识到审计的范围可能急剧变化。在将来,再将来开发一些其他方式去测算人们工作量而不是计算通过花费的时间和发表的报告会是很有趣的。


自19xx年以来,少数环境审计是规律性审计(560篇报告中有87篇,占16%)。大1 本文译自:S. Van Leeuwen.(2004).’’Developments in Environmental Auditing by Supreme Audit Institutions’’ Environmental Management Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 163–1721



环境政策和计划,包括范围广泛的环境问题,而这样做的审计报告。在上一次调查中,最常见的审计问题是公共机构或部门(162的560个报告,29%),淡水(131 560,


为了得到更好的理解最高审计机关在实践中环境审计的工作,收集了有关水问题的50份报告。 “水”的主题,是因为它经常被最高审计机关审核,并在过去的6年中,这是中心主题工作组内的经验交流。收集的所有报告有不同的侧重点。









在20xx年,毛里求斯国家最高审计机关对泄漏饮用水储存和配送系统进行了审计。这次审计的原因是大量去向不明的水(UFW)(在19xx年和19xx年生产总量的47%左右),导致“水强调”国家毛里求斯的分类。结合降雨,由20xx年的20%以上,估计增加的食水需求的减少,构成一个迫切需要解决的问题的国家。这一短缺严重阻碍经济和社会发展。审计处认为,如果UFW降低到20xx年的35%的目标可以实现,没有其他主要水资源有被利用。 UFW高水平的原因主要是承包商表现不佳,监测他们的工作不足,自来水公司,大量使用不合格的材料,普遍短缺,材料,设备,和熟练的劳动力,和有限的工作规范。最后一个例子是一个审计的西贡的美国状态(2000),其中的重点是政策信息。西决定是否在信息国家水质库存的环境保护局(美国环保署)是可靠的和有代表性的全国水质条件。此外,它审查现有的数据,以确定它们是否是足以让政府官员使密钥管理决定水质。

























Environmental Audit Activities of SAIs

A growing number of SAIs are active in the field of environmental auditing. Particularly for the period 1993–1996, the Working Group has detected a firm quantitative growth of environmental auditing activities. First, more SAIs have become active in this field. Second, active SAIs even have become more active: they have allocated a larger part of their audit resources to his type of work and published more environmental audit reports. Table 1 shows the average figures. However, here are large differences among the institutions. The number of environmental reports varied, for example, from 1 to 36 reports per SAI.

For the period 1996–1999, the results are not so easy to interpret. First, the number of SAIs active in the field of environmental auditing did not change much. The composition of the ―active group‖ did not remain the same: some SAIs entered, while other SAIs left the group. The amount of time spent on environmental auditing increased slightly. Second, however, the number of audit reports dropped slightly between 1996 and 1999. These figures might reflect a shift from quantity to quality. A signal for this explanation is the shift from regularity to performance auditing that took place during the last 3 years (1994–1996, 20% regularity audits and 44% performance audits; 1997–1999: 16% regularity audits and 54% performance audits). In general, performance audits require more resources. We have to realize that the scope of audits may vary dramatically. In the future, it could be interesting to develop other ways to measure the body of audit work other than just counting time spent and reports published.

In 2000, 62 of the responding SAIs provided the Working Group with more detailed information on their work, published since 1997. In 1997–1999, these 62 SAIs published 560 environmental audit reports. Of course these reports reflect a huge body of experience that can be used by other institutions. A bibliography of environmental audit reports is available on the Web site of the INTOSAI Working Group. Here this information is used to


give some more insight into the content of the audit work of SAIs.

Since 1997, a minority of the environmental audits are regularity audits only (87 of the 560 reports, 16%). Most audits are performance audits (304 of the 560 reports, 54%), or a combination of regularity and performance audits (169 of the 560 reports, 30%). As stated before, performance auditing is a broad concept. In practice, performance audits were very often concentrated on the implementation of environmental programs (264 of the 560 reports, 47%) and on compliance with national environmental laws and regulations by government departments, ministries, and/or other bodies to which the mandate gives access (212 of the 560 reports, 38%). Also, the audit of government environmental management systems was included frequently (156 of the 560 reports, 28%). The following elements got attention in 10 to 20% of the audit reports: the impacts or effects of existing national environmental programs; the environmental effects of non-environmental programs; the environmental policies; and compliance with international obligations and commitments by the government. Many performance audits include more than one of the elements mentioned.

The environmental policies and programs include a wide range of environmental issues, and so do the audit reports. In the last survey, the most frequently audited issues were internal environmental management by public authorities or departments (162 of 560 reports, 29%), fresh water (131 of 560 reports, 23%), waste (103 of 560 reports, 18%), and nature and recreation (102 of 560 reports, 18%). These most common topics were roughly the same in all parts of the world. Besides these

topics, many other issues attracted the attention of SAIs: marine pollution, air pollution, climate change, soil pollution/contaminated sites, the environment and human health, noise reduction, biodiversity and ecosystems management, agriculture, pesticides, disaster management and emergency preparedness, industrial pollution, minerals and natural resources, mining, fishery, transport, radioactivity, and so on.

To get a better understanding of the environmental audit work of SAIs in practice, about 50 reports related to water issues were gathered. The theme ―water‖ was chosen because it was frequently audited by SAIs and it was the central theme for the exchange of experiences within the Working Group during the past 6 years. The reports collected all have a different focus.

Some deal with financial control and management issues, and have water issues as a secondary subject. Nearly all reports have water problems in society as a starting point, such as the lack of access to clean water, or the pollution of rivers and lakes. To give an idea of the wide variation of environmental audits in practice, some examples are briefly



An example of a regularity audit is an audit focused on the operating funds of a wastewater treatment plant, conducted by the SAI of China (1999). It was found that the wastewater treatment fee level was low, and a rather big gap existed between the subsidy the plant receives and the operating funds available to the plant. The Chinese SAI recommended that the fee for wastewater treatment should be raised step by step to ensure normal operation of the plant.

The following audits examples are performance audits.

Compliance to the Ramsar Convention on the Protection of Wetlands and two related European Union directives was the subject of an audit by the SAI of The Netherlands (1999). In this audit, the implementation of national environmental programs related to wetlands was also included. The main findings were that The Netherlands had drafted many plans for the management and restoration of wetlands, but in practice the implementation of these plans was often problematic or extremely slow. The international obligations were inadequately operationalized in national policy: the ministry of nature management had not made agreements with local authorities on the fulfilment of international obligations. As a result, the local authorities were badly informed about the substance of the obligations.

In the audit by the SAI of Egypt on the prevention of pollution of the Nile River (2000), compliance to national rules and regulations was the most important aspect. The audit was focused on compliance with environmental rules, legislations, and standards that safeguard

protection of the Nile River and other fresh waterways, the actions taken against violations, and the state of the sanitation system.

The SAI of France did an audit on the pollution of water that is intended for human consumption (2002). The audit report illustrates the dilemma of sustainable development— balancing the economic and social objectives with the environmental objectives. The main conclusion of the audit was that despite public expenditure since 1993, there has been no significant improvement

in water quality. The regulations designed to reconcile water protection with agricultural activities

were ignored in favor of the latter. Moreover, the regulations were poorly monitored and were primarily designed to avert accidental pollution and not pollution

from diffuse sources.

In 2000, the SAI of Mauritius conducted an audit on leakage in potable water storage


and distribution systems. The reason for this audit was a large volume of unaccounted-for-water (UFW) (around 47 percent of total production in 1998 and 1999) that led to the classification of Mauritius as a ―water stressed‖ country. The decrease in rainfall in combination with an estimated increase in the demand for potable water by more than 20% by 2010 poses an urgent problem for the country. This shortage can seriously hamper economic and social development. The audit office concluded that if the target of decreasing UFW to 35% by 2010 can be achieved, no other substantial water resources have to be harnessed. The main identified causes of the high level of UFW are the poor performance of contractors, an inadequate monitoring of their work by the water companies, the abundant use of substandard materials, a general shortage of materials, equipment, and skilled labor, and limited job specifications.

The last example is an audit of the SAI of the United States (2000), which is focused on policy information. The SAI determined whether the information in the National Water Quality Inventory of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was reliable and representative of water-quality conditions nationwide. Moreover, it reviewed available data to determine whether they were sufficient to allow state officials to make key management decisions regarding water quality.

It is not possible to formulate a general conclusion on ―water policy‖ based on these reports. The variation in subjects and audit questions is too wide. Of course, this had never been the purpose of these audits. Nevertheless, there is one element that does seem to be a central problem of policy implementation and organization: the lack of sufficient and reliable information. Basic information on money spent, activities carried out, outputs delivered, and impacts achieved, to be used for key management and policy decision-making, often seems not to be adequate. These types of problems were identified in nearly all audit reports on water.

International Agreements and Cooperation Between SAIs

Environmental problems are often transboundary in nature. Examples of global environmental problems are global warming, depletion of the ozone layer, ocean pollution, and the exploitation of natural resources such as oil and gas or wood from tropical forests. Also, regional problems such as the water quality in major rivers, sustainable use of fish stocks, or the investigation

of environmental crimes often cross the borders of national states. Therefore, many countries seek international cooperation to solve environmental problems. This has resulted in a growing number of international agreements on environmental issues. Examples of


international environmental agreements are the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Ships, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes, the Ramsar Convention on the Protection of Wetlands, and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

After ratification of the agreements by the member countries, national governments are responsible for implementing the international obligations in their national policy programs and legislation. SAIs can contribute to international environmental cooperation by auditing the compliance of their national government with international obligations and commitments.

The INTOSAI Working Group on environmental auditing wants to stimulate this type of audit and has provided guidelines for the audit process and the selection of international agreements. The Working Group has done this not only because the audit itself might be useful, but also because these audits provide excellent possibilities for cooperation and the exchange of information between SAIs, to examine common issues, and to share ideas on specific audit topics.

The first INTOSAI Guidance deals with the subject ―How SAIs may co-operate on the audit of international environmental accords‖ (INTOSAI, 1998). Methodological questions were answered in the INTOSAI Guidance ―Standards and guidelines on environmental auditing‖ (INTOSAI, 2001). The Working Group Paper ―The audit of international environmental accords‖ (INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing, 2001b) deals with the risk-analysis, preceding the selection of an environmental agreement to audit.

The majority of SAIs that responded to the last questionnaire indicated that they were interested in cooperation with another SAI to audit an international environmental agreement in the near future (76%, N=102). A growing number of SAIs already have experience with cooperation in the field of environmental auditing and/or with auditing an environmental agreement. Several joint or coordinated audits were performed on marine pollution. Cooperation mainly occurred on a regional level, with a shared water object as the starting point.

Some examples of joint audits are given. Eight SAIs audited the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea (SAIs of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, and Sweden, 2001). The SAIs of Poland, the Czech Republic, and the Slovak Republic jointly audited the implementation and fulfilment of tasks concerning the protection of water pollution of rivers emptying into the


Baltic Sea (2002).

Eight other—mainly European—SAIs audited agreements on pollution of the sea by ships (SAI of Israel, 2001; SAI of The Netherlands, 2001; SAI of the United Kingdom, 2002; SAI of Cyprus, 2002; SAI of Malta, 2003; SAI of Greece, 2003; SAI of Italy, 2003; report of the SAI of France and joint report, in preparation). Three Scandinavian SAIs performed an audit on the OSPAR Convention, which deals with pollution of the sea by land-based sources (SAIs of Denmark, Iceland, and Norway, 2001).

Other audits were related to a river that crosses (a) border(s). Five SAIs audited the Sofia Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Use of the River Danube (SAI of Bulgaria, 2001; SAI of Croatia, 2002; SAI of Romania, 2002; reports of the SAIs of Slovak Republic and Slovenia: in preparation), and Colombia and Venezuela worked together on the River Ta?chira Project (SAI of Colombia, 2002).

Also, other forms of international cooperation occurred, such as the exchange of information and audit methods, cooperation on audit work on a shared subject not regulated by an international agreement (such as drinking-water supplies in cities), or joint training courses and seminars.

To audit an international environmental agreement, cooperation between SAIs is not a prerequisite condition. Several SAIs audited the compliance of their government with international agreements alone. Some examples: The SAI of Canada audited the Basel Convention on Hazardous Waste (1997), the Montreal Protocol and the Vienna Convention on Ozone Depletion, and the Convention on Climate Change (1998), and the Convention on Biological Diversity (1998). The SAI of the United States (1999) audited the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change. The SAI of the Netherlands audited it as well (2002). The SAI of New Zealand audited the management of multilateral agreements, involving accountability, and reporting of four international environmental agreements (2001). The SAI of Peru audited the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (2001).

Recently, in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific, regional working groups on environmental auditing have been established. These groups will provide a good platform to continue and enhance the cooperation between SAIs at the regional level in the near future.


The main conclusions that can be drawn from the survey among SAIs are as follows. ● The formulation of environmental plans and programs by governments grew rapidly


between 1993 and 1996. Now, most countries have established some form of environmental policy. However, according to the audit institutions in many countries, the clarity of the environmental policy formulation is open to improvement.

● Nearly all SAIs have a general mandate that can be applied to all sectors of the government including the environmental sector. Most SAIs are entitled to do ―ex post‖ audits, including regularity or financial audits and performance audits or value for money audits.

● A growing number of SAIs became active in the field of environmental auditing. After a quantitative growth, a shift from regularity to performance audits was noticed. Now, environmental auditing is a substantial and regular part of the audit work of more than half of the SAIs.

● SAIs can contribute to international environmental cooperation by auditing the compliance of their national government with international environmental obligations and commitments. The INTOSAI Working Group on environmental auditing wants to stimulate this type of audit, and has provided guidelines for the audit process and the selection of international agreements. Moreover, cooperation between SAIs is a good way to exchange experiences and to learn from each other. During the last 5 years, several joint environmental audits were done, mainly on the regional level. The recently formed regional working groups will provide a platform to continue and enhance the cooperation between SAIs in the near future.

The results of the survey of the INTOSAI Working Group provide a first insight in the development of environmental auditing by SAIs. In the future it would be interesting to evaluate in greater detail the contribution of the environmental audit work of SAIs to the improvement of environmental governance and policy performance. Also, it would be interesting to evaluate the added advantage of international cooperation between SAIs on audits of international environmental agreements: the contribution of joint and coordinated audit projects to the professional skills of the auditors, and the impact of the cooperation on the quality of the audits. It would also be interesting to evaluate whether joint audits contribute more to international environmental cooperation by the national governments than single audits by one SAI.


























