



“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”这句话实实在在的印证了我在报社实习的感受,作为一个汉语言文学专业的学生,平时很大的精力都用在阅读文学作品方面,缺少对社会生活的实际体会,我虽然周末和假期时间也去打工,但是只是最简单不过的雇佣关系,与社会实际生活接触并不大。做实习记者是我第一份实习工作,因为以我自己的能力是无法找到这样的机会,因此我格外的珍惜。实习之前就在网上 查了一下关于城市信报的情况 了解到20xx年x月x日,城市信《城市信报》正式落户青岛。《城市信报》是大众报业集团旗下的生活类报纸,在日照、聊城等地均有发行。20xx年加入大众报业集团旗下的半岛传媒集团,青岛地区的《城市信报》由半岛都市报社负责管理,和《半岛都市报》、《潍坊晚报》同属半岛传媒集团旗下报纸。据统计,《城市信报》在青岛上市销售仅数月,便取代其他的同城报纸,一跃成为青岛发行量第二大报纸,仅次于《半岛都市报》。

看到这些我和同学顿时觉得城市信报真是高端大气上档次,去那里工作有点压力山大,心情也随之紧张起来,终于实习开始了,第一天便和同学早早的来到了报社,看着西装革履的男士和穿着成熟亮丽的职业女性,再看看我们穿的衣服简直就是一个稚气未脱的初中生,城市信报在13楼,由章老师带我们进去,当我看到一个一个的隔断,一摞一摞的报纸的的时候就感觉到一股强烈的职场压力随之袭来,我主动选择了时政部,时政部的领导告诉我,记者是无冕之王,谁都可以去采访,我们部的记者主要是和政府机关打交道,但是做记者得不怕累,要不然可干不了。“哇! 和政府机关打交道啊,感觉好有档次啊,我的心情好激动。完全忽视了领导所说的不怕累的问题。第二天我被派出去采访居委会的盖章问题,我的实习老实说可以按照我的节奏来,这给了我很大的自由,同时我也感受到了压力,我从来没有采访过别人,别人不相信我怎么办,什么样的采访方式才能获得最多最有用的信息,其实在采访过程中还遇到了好多种问题,比如我去采访社区里采访居委会,乘公交车过去问了居民才发现学校周边的小区竟然都没有居委会,没有居委会怎么能采到居委会盖章问题的有效信息呢,最后跑了五六个小区终于采到一个居委会的工作人员,可采访到一半,他也因为有事而先走了,一上午就这样过去了,我累的不行,却什么有用的信息都没有采到,可是下午还急着写稿子呢,心情就从激动变成失落了,抱怨当记者真不容易。晚上回到宿舍,和同学说起一天的实习情况,舍友纷纷诉苦说自己忙的不行,有一个在学校做实习教师,教一年级的学生,说一年级的小孩子可顽皮了,一节课得有半节课的时间来维护纪律,嗓子都快哑了,听了同学的经历,我也就没有再抱怨,因为我明白了做好任何一份工作都是不容易的,都是要经过了困难,经过荆棘,看在报社工作的资历较深的记者就已经如鱼得水了,只要越过了这道坎,我也会成功。 实习过程中最令我开心的一次是去采访云南路街道办事处做的一个民生大集,就是把平时不好找的例如磨刀,修裤脚啊,修电灯啊这些人集中起来,组织一个集会,方便人民的生活。我从学校感到那花了一个多小时的时间,又问了一圈儿人终于找到了地方,那里的工作人员特别热情的接待了我,向我介绍他们那的人民生活情况,介绍民生大集的情况,还和那里的刘科长握了手,来修电灯的,

修裤脚的还向我们展示他们的成果,自己独立的完成了这个采访,回到报社就写稿子,连早上饭和中午饭都没有吃,写的时候就感觉一阵一阵的晕,写完之后得到了老师的肯定,虽然累,但是心里很高兴。也许这就是人们所说的成就感吧。 其实通过做实习记者更加近距离的接触社会同时也认识到社会的阶层差别,认识到社会的贫富差别是多么大,我们在采访某街道办事处的时候,在一个海军遗留院落里看到的是相对于香港中路那样豪华写字楼不同的完全清一色的平房,房子早已年久失修,电线电灯相互缠绕,独独的悬挂于只有一米的过道上,在房子四处堆放着杂物和垃圾,那么大的一个院现在只有一个厕所,名字叫旱所,我惊奇于它的名字,居民解释说是因为它不是抽水马桶,只是在地上挖一个坑就能用了。在社会生活都现代化的今天,在农村都已经是社会主义新农村的中国,在经济总量排在前几位的山东青岛,竟然还有这样的一群人,我更加真实地感受到了在社会学教程里面提到的社会分层的概念,更加深层次的理解不同人的生活状态,我的 心也不禁沉了下去。老师似乎看出来我的心事,便告诉我说:中国毕竟是拥有着13个亿的人的国家,总是有先富的人有后富的人,什么也不能面面俱到,尽力而为就很好。在社会的发展过程中,这种情况在所难免。




Pingyao International Photography Festival

————the internship report as a volunteer

In September 19th, 20xx, photographers , curators and shutterbugs from 45 countries witnessed the opening ceremony of the the 12th Pingyao International Photography Festival . The theme of the festival is returning and exceeding. As a volunteer, I was honored to join this great project and really felt its excellence. And contacting exhibition work without distance enriched my horizon and enabled me to get a lot. On September 14th, 20xx, I set out for Pingyao,the host venue of the the 12th Pingyao International Photography Festival, with other volunteers.

The night had shut in when we got to Pingyao, the ancient city , which was named a famous historic and cultural city by the State Council and was included in its list of World Culture Heritage by the UNESCO in 1997. It was so beautiful that we expected to join the work and try our best to help the festival host successfully. Lying on the heatable adobe sleeping platform enabled me think of our childhood.

As an English translator major student, our work was to communicate and do everything about foreigners. Hosting this activity is a hard work because it includes lots of regular things as well as many unexpected things. Our main tasks were three: first is to meet all of the foreign photographers and curators ;second is to help the foreign curators install, in addition to those, the important thing is to translate. Of course there were lots of trifles. This report will introduce some personal experience from cross-cultural communication, translation and working abilities. I really hope that these experience can help students of translation major.

Cross-cultural Communication and Translation

The next day morning, we got up very early. After breakfast, we got our own tasks. I was arranged to help an English couple who are famous photographers and curators organize and install. During these process, I needed to communicate with them and

knew their requirements and then conveyed their requirements to the workers. Besides this, they were very kind and patient to introduce the thought of every work to me. That made me feel interested in every work rather than only looking at the surface of every work.

The other thing was that I had helped the photographers and curators install for two days from Singapore. During this proceed, I could feel the differences among Singlish,Chingish and English. It’s difficult for me to understand this kind of English, because we often listen to and practice American English and London English. Therefore, we should listen to and practice various kinds of English. Besides this, I also learned lots of Singaporean culture and appreciated their precise style of working. Another work I was assigned was to look after the foreign students, help them communicate with the boss of the hotel and other things. This was a a tedious process because different students had different requirements. But this was also a happy process because we are of the same age, have many common topics and we introduced our own culture to each other. And I also personally felt that the differences between Chinese students and foreign students. They are very extroverted while most of us very introverted. During this process, we are not only ourselves but also represent China . So we should improve ourselves and practice more, than convey our culture to the world.

Working Ability

One thing I have to refer, I was temporally arranged to meet a foreign photographer to the airport on the evening of September 18th. Because of emergency, I knew little about of this photographer and didn’t prepare a big reception card. What’s worse, I didn’t find him after the airport had landed 20 minutes. I found everywhere of the airport but nothing. Out of frustration, I turned to the airport broadcasting station for help. However,after several broadcasting,I couldn’t still find him. Reluctantly, I only

could seek help from the police but they were also helpless because there was a little information about him. At last I only came back with my guilty. That kept me up all night. It was worth being happy when I knew that photographer had arrived safely . The reason why we couldn’t meet him was that he missed the flight. However, I really learned a lot : how to cool myself and deal with things; how to return help; and know how important the preparation is. I really hope this little experience can warn you and improve our working abilities during the daily life.


During these days, we shuttled in every exhibition areas and helped foreigners solve some language problems. We communicated with each other ,made them know exhibition , know Pingyao, know Shanxi and know China. So I made following conclusion:

(1) Read more books and accumulate more knowledge not only in English but also in Chinese.

(2) Listen to various kinds of English, and improve our identification abilities.

(3) Learn how to communicate with others and improve our social abilities and quick reaction abilities.

Reviewing these days, time was short, but very full; hard, but very happy. As an translator, it was helpful and useful for me to have chances to practice. And this practice made me know that it’s difficult for a translator . We need to accumulate a lot , convey a lot. Besides translations, we need to convey our culture ,our spirit to the world.

Pingyao international festival has left me a deep and a good impression, I think we these silent volunteers who work in this exhibition must also leave his mark on the exhibition.
























