西方文明史 复习总结


The religious reformation in Germany宗教改革

1. Germany had always been politically fragmented at that time

2. People of all ranks are not satisfied with Catholicism

3. The renaissance liberated thought of people

Martin Luther

The core idea of Luther is “Justification by faith”

the only basis of faith is the Holy Bible

All believers are priest

Build a disinterested church

Build a national church


It hit the rule of Roman Catholicism

It push the movement of opposition to the feudalism

The Lutheranism was established

It cleaned up a road for religious reformation.


In politics: (1) Cracked down the Catholicism severely,collapsed its unified theocracy in Europe. New religion branches were born and shaped a new religion pattern.

(2) Promote the development of national consciousness and national countries in western Europe

In economy: Gave impetus to the development of capitalism.

In culture:

(1)Rejected the prestige of Catholicism and emancipated people’s mind further.

(2) Brought boost to national culture and education of countries in west Europe

(3) Provided ideological weapon to early capitalist movement.

Cold war冷战

Yalta Feb 1945 Big Three: Roosevelt Churchill Stalin

Potsdam July 1945 Big Three Truman Clement Atlee Stalin

Containment was a United States policy using military, economic, and diplomatic strategies to temper the spread of Communism, enhance America’s security and influence abroad, and prevent a "domino effect".

result : Coup in USSR 1991 Boris Yeltsin comes to power 15 independent countries dissolution of Soviet Union



1.Struggle of bourgeoisie against feudalism.

2.Industrial Revolution

3.Influence of scientific discoveries (Newton) and flourishing of philosophies.

自由三剑客 Voltaire---his largest philosophical work: Dictionnaire philosophique

Montesquieu--- The Spirit of the Laws Persian Letters

separation of powers

The greatest freedom and security for a state :

separation of powers:executive, legislative, and judicial powers

checks and balances---to limit and control each other

Jean-Jacques Rousseau On the Origin of human inequality Emile

The main achievements of the Enlightenment The Social Contract 1762

a.“Separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers”, “the spirit of the laws”

b. “a constitutional monarchy”, “the law is no respecter of persons”

c. The first France “Encyclopedia”

The influence of Enlightenment

a. the Enlightenment thinkers criticized feudalism and its spiritual pillar ——

the Catholic Church, and depicted the future "rational kingdom" blueprint

b. Preparation for the France Revolution

c. It influenced many other countries all around the world deeply, and lots of the masterpieces of the Enlighteners were introduced to China, Japan and other Asia countries, encouraging their national movements against the old society.

industry revolution


1. the development of the economic and political strength.——basically!

2. the requirement of the home and the world market.

3. the developing of the scientific.

4. the people’s creation.

5. peaceful society, enough capital

6. inventors were respected

Why Did the Industrial Revolution Happen in Britain first

1. English Bourgeois Revolution

2. Capital, Market, plenty of Raw Materials

3. The scientific revolution in England prepared the way for new inventions to be applied to industry.

4. Handicraft industry

5. Population grew

6. England had a long, irregular coastline with many rivers and natural harbors

New Inventions

Spinning Jenny Steam engine(improved by James Watt)

, flying shuttle , water frame Power Loom

Stream locomotive—Stephenson

Fulton----Stream Ship


For British Produce large quality of low-priced goods in a more efficient manners.

Many cities into being .

Population increased .

Become the “factory of the world”

For world 1.A factory system was established.

2.To make the capitalism spread all over the world

3.To make machine production and modern industry (factory system) gradually

replaced the handicraft workshop

4.To accelerate colonization of the weaker countries

The Second Industrial Revolution

Invention electric motor Telephone(bell) New energy Plane(Wright brothers)1903

Faraday---electromagnetic induction


1885, Karl Benz, car

Nobel-King of Explosive

influence New industry ; Monopolies; To form capitalist world system; Productivity; Imbalance of economic and political development

Atomic Energy; 2.Space Technology; .Bioengineering(cloning)


The First World War

Incident that touches off a war

The Sarajevo Murder

In June 1914 ,the archduke Franz Ferdinand went on an official visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia . There ,on June 28,1914 ,he and his wife were shot dead. The assassin, Gavrilo Prinzip , was a nineteen years old.

Allied nations Germany 、 Austria-Hungary 、 Osman、Bulgaria

the Entente countries Britain、France 、 Russia 、 Serbia、Belgium、Italy、Japan the Paris Peace Conference

? Time---1919

? Place---- Versailles

? Attendants----- 27 victorious countries including China

? Aim--- meeting to divide the spoils and to redivide the old colonies

? Result----Versailles Treaty,1919

? Continuation---- 1921 Washington Conference , to consolidate the imperialist


domination of the Far East and the Pacific Region

The Versailles- Washington System


Time : Sep. 1st 1939~Sep. 2nd 1945

Place : European , Asia , Africa , North America , the Near East , the Pacific , the Atlantic , Mediterranean

Military strength of War party :over 61 million ( the Allies ) , over 12 million ( the Axis )

Result : the Allies won the war

Axis and Allies The Axis : Germany , Italy , Japan , Hungary , Bulgaria , Romania

The Allies : America , the U.K , China , the Soviet Union , Canada , Australia ,

Poland , Holland , Free France

三大元凶 The Emperor Hirohito Adolf. Hitler Benito.Mussolini

个国US- Franklin Roosevelt UK-- Winston Churchill China-- Chiang Kai-shek

Soviet Union –Stalin


The root cause :uneven economic and political development

The historical cause : the Treaty of Versailles

The direct cause: economic crisis

Other cause :The policy of appeasement

Influence The World War II

caused many people’s death and brought suffering to human beings .On the other side , it caused huge loss of property .During this war , many people lost their families and suffered a lot . We should cherish peace , we should try our best to keep the world peaceful

Mesopotamia 美索不达米亚

Cuneiform 楔形文字

Pictograms 象形文字

Epic of Gilgamesh 吉尔伽美什史诗

Mesopotamia is the Greek for “land between the rivers.” It was here, in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, that the first civilization began.

code of Hammurab

Homer's Epic



The unexamined life is not worth living.


He wrote The Republic about an ideal state

The Academy


Analyzing and classifying things based on thorough research and investiga tion

Taught Alexander the Great

Law of the twelve tables CORPUS JURIS CIVILIS

Roman law is a very important contribution made by the Romans. It had been so well developed that it later became the core of modern civil and commercial law in many Western countries, including most countries of Europe and South America.


Dante Petrarch Boccaccio

Mona Lisa---Da Vinci

Shakespeare Four Great comedies-- A Midsummer Night’s Dream The Merchant of Venice

As you Like it Twelfth Night

Tragedies---Hamlet King Lear Macbeth Othello

The image of Henry V

examples ① Copernicus (哥白尼) asserted that the earth was not the center of the universe; ② The passionate Petrarch produced sonnets that influenced Shakespeare and many others; ③ Boccaccio(薄伽丘) wrote tales of eternal charm: The Decameron;

④ Marco Polo (马可波罗) made journeys into the remote kingdom of China;

⑤ Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗),Leonardo da Vinci (达芬奇),Raphael (拉斐尔),and

Titian (提香) created paintings and sculptures that are invaluable treasures of the world. Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.---- man did not only have the right to enjoy life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.


These Italians, and many others, helped to make Italy the center of the Renaissance movement in Europe. The movement changed the medieval Western Europe into a modern one. English Renaissance:

This was England’s Golden Age in literature. There appeared many English literary giants such as Shakespeare, Spenser, Johnson, Sidney, Marlowe, Bacon and Donne.

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