篇一 :留学文书范文英语文学类English Lit program SOP

English Lit program SOP; thoughts and questions

Morning, all. I'm in the midst of throwing myself into composing my SOPs, the earliest of which are due Dec. 15. I knew at the outset of the process that this would be the least enjoyable aspect of it, and managed to put it off until after the GRE (740 verbal--woot!). We've all heard the tired cliche: "This is the hardest thing you'll ever have to write." I'm not finding it to be that, exactly, but I am finding it incredibly frustrating to approach simply because of all of the (sometimes self-)contradictory advice out there for writers. I've read threads here, articles all over the web, talked to other successful grad students, my former professors, and have come up with this basic set of constants which seem reasoned and practical:

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篇二 :雅思写作Traditions & Cultures类总结@皇家留学

雅思写作Traditions & Cultures类总结

雅思写作Traditions & Cultures一类的题目整合......Traditions & Cultures

1. Preservation of traditional cultures

Many young people inChinaare influenced by Western cultures. Some people argue that this is leading to loss of traditional values. Therefore, young people

should be made to spend two years in the army where they are taught discipline and traditional values, before going to university to work.

Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer.

2. Historic buildings VS modern architecture

Should Starbucks be built in the Forbidden City?

Give reasons and examples to support your opinions.

3. Arts funding

Some people think that strong tradition can help civilize the country so the

government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors and drama companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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篇三 :留学美国本科申请专业PS!

Personal Statement

(Applicant: ZHENG, Yongzhen)

As is known to us, USA is the most developed country in the world which has plenty of education resource and high education quality. At meantime, the free, open and flexible education system in the US differs from that in China. The reason why I choose US universities is that I feel the America education focus on self-development which perfectly meets my ambition. And the US education can help me to improve my creative ability and it provides us free academic studying atmosphere. So studying in America has always been my untiring pursue since I was young.

To make my dream come true, I choose to study Business Administration as my major at university. I choose USA because I think it has the most perfect commercial system and the best education of business. And I have a strong desire to start my own administration career which requires more foundation of knowledge and related ability. The first time I realized I had such talent of administration is when I took part in the school club activities, I could organize those unacquainted members to build a united, struggling, efficient team in a very short time. From then on, I initiated the enthusiasm in management and determined to learn more. Through such experience I gradually understand that the most crucial thing to organize a team is solidarity, without what the advantage of every member in the team cannot be exploited to the full. And we all admit that only if the supervisor is excellent enough can we maximize the predominance and obtain higher efficiency and profit as well. What’s more, I have developed effective communication skills and comprehension skills. To me, management is a sort of art. And I am also good at math and logics and I think I have the gift in dealing with business affairs.

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篇四 :PS范文及留学指南结课报告要求

A sample of personal statement

Fashion is creative, seductive, always changing and a form of art, to others it is a religion. To me I use fashion to express myself and also to show my personality but also look glamorous. I mostly like the 1920s style because it's the time when women were more liberated to wear what they wanted, the freedom was expressed through simple but yet elegant designs that were beautifully co-coordinated that were accessorized with jewellery and represented the style and elegance of that time. I am currently studying Fashion Marketing at the University of the Arts London. Studying in London is fantastic because of the different cultural mixture, and not to mention all the big art galleries that are in the heart of London. London is very fast paced which I like and the atmosphere is vibrant. I wanted to study Fashion marketing because I wanted to learn know more about the business side of Fashion. I am

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篇五 :留学文书PS写作指导—优越论文







1、思考和列提纲 PS作为重要的文书材料,从构思到动笔结束,会经过比较复杂而严谨的过程来完成,因此需要好好思考。



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篇六 :高考后留学:美英加澳TOP10火爆专业盘点




近年来,中国文化创意产业发展迅速。广深沪京等城市积极推动文化创意行业的发展,正在建立一批具有开创意义的文化创意产业基地。虽然文化创意产业在我国尚属朝阳产业,但在西方发达国家早已成为国民经济的支柱甚至主导产业。美国是全球版权产业最为发达的国家,现今美国的文化产业占GDP的27%。 就业方向:设计师、工艺美术家、创意策划人、摄影师、经纪人、制片人等。 奢侈品管理与营销










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篇七 :成都德语培训:德国留学APS审核需要哪些材料

法亚小语种外语培训学校 www.fireschool.cn


1. 在线注册证明(在线注册后请打印出该证明,本人签字并贴上6 个月以内的2 寸证件照。)

2. 汇款单复印件(请在复印件空白处注明:汇款人的中文姓名和拼音,汇款时间、金额和汇出城市)

3. 申请人身份证复印件 (如有护照,也需提供护照复印件)

4. 小学毕业证书/证明的复印件(无需公证)

5. 初中毕业证书/证明的复印件(无需公证)

6. 高中毕业证书/证明的翻译公证件

7. 大学录取花名册或高考成绩证明的翻译公证件

8. 在读生提供:大学在读证明的翻译公证件


9. 大学成绩单的翻译公证件一份,复印件一份

10. 如果申请人有更高一级的学历(比如硕士、博士),也请提供此类材料的翻译公证件

11. 德语和/或英语语言证明复印件(详见注释),或申请人自学德/英语的学时数说明

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篇八 :20xx Stanford录取留学总结帖(世毕盟)学员

20xx Stanford录取留学总结帖 【世毕盟】学员 经过了半年多的折腾,大部分学校也尘埃落定,小小总结一下(我会说主要是为了上GGU的求职指导课么。。。)我想我的经历不算标准案例,不值得效仿,但是想了那么久,做了那么多,也该给自己和关心我的人一个交代。


基本情况:GPA3.33,T107,G155+166+3.5,无科研,实习:HACH, WRI, NRDC

ad:CMU,Stanford,Columbia(MPA in ESP), Columbia(E.R.E),Duke engineering, 西北,cornell

rej: MIT, Yale两个,uppen



简单说说申请过程吧:我这个十分纠结的人真是等到最后关头,6月份暑假才最终决定要出国,面临的情况就是GPA80+,排名中后,GT全无,科研没有,实习没有。但是既然选了就做嘛,暑假利用学院的实习机会,在HACH完成了第一份实习,并在暑假开学前考了T102。大四上找了两份NGO的实习,加上无穷无尽考了5次的GRE,以及最后一次冲刺的T,最终有了最上面的结果。文书方面我完全无暇顾及,而且水平有限,这个要特别感谢GGU的指导老师 @龚晓然(224976834 )@世毕盟 @世毕盟留学咨询 ,在文书和整个申请过程管理方面给了我很大帮助,不然在6个月考5G2T做两份实习的同时根本搞不定。 都搞定了就等啊,由于最心仪的Stanford在大年初六就给了AD,整个等的过程也没有太过漫长纠结。 不罗嗦了,说说我的一些感想或者说教训吧。

1、it's never too late,但是也别忒晚了

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