篇一 :会议记录英文版

The records of the regular conference of the living-studying

ministry,Yan yuan branch


participants:Minister Nie,the newcomers

Content of the meeting:

1、Preparations for the recently activities

1)、Those who participate in the contest activity designing of the new office bearers handed in their charts and prepare for the game.

2)、We have begun to collect materials and learning tips from the elder students of PKUM to help the freshmen pass the first exam.And we’ll list the collected data systematically into a file and send it to every class’s public mailbox,signing The Students’ union of PKUM.

3)、There are Readings and Debates recently,and the specific arrangement of division of everyone’s labor shall be announced after the National Holiday.

2、Interior construction

1)、The secretary group made the interior regulations and discussed them publicly.

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篇二 :英语会议记录模版

Meeting record

Project name: make the report

Date of meeting: May 13, 2012

Minutes prepared by: Zhang Huizhuan

Charge time to: 20 minutes

1. Purpose of the meeting

Finish the topic of business results and give the report

2. Attendance at meeting

Zhang Huizhuan Li Gaojie Qiu Min Li Yajun Zhen Peipei Chen Na Liu Dan Niu Pu

3. Meeting agenda

(1) Definite the responsibility of every member

(2) Talk about how to write the report

(3) Make the report to the whole one

4. Meeting notes, decision, issues

Niu Pu is in charge for the introduction;

Chen Na and Li Yajun is in charge for ananlysis the chart for sales and market;

The others of the group are responsible for the talk about how to describe the business results Zhang Huizhuan makes the conclusion; give the chart for the topic and the whole order of the report.

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篇三 :如何写外企的英文会议记录(样本)WORD


17 Aug 20## (会议举行的日期)        


Minutes of monthly meeting held at the head quarter Board Room , Blk 42 Happy Road on Wednesday, 17 Aug 20## at 8.30am.


Recorded by: Mr. Huan xxxx                       Acting Secretary

Distribution: All present and absent

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篇四 :minutes 会议记录英文版

Minutes of meeting

LC Paper NO.CB (1)63/00-01

Ref: CB1/PL/ITB/1

Legislative Council

Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting

Minutes of meeting

Held on Tuesday, 10 October 2000, at 12:30 pm In the Chamber of the Legislative Council Building

Members present: Mr. Sun Changkai (Chairman)

Mr. Howard Yang, JP (Deputy Chairman) Mr. Chen Kunlun

Miss Hu Yifei

Members absent: Mr. Li Dapeng

Mr. Zeng Xiaoxian.

Clerk in Attendance: Miss Polly Wen

Chief Assistant Secretary

Staff in Attendance: Ms. Pauline

Assistant Secretary General

I. Election of Chairman and Deputy Chairman

1. Mr. Chen Kunlun, the member with the highest precedence in

the Panel present at the meeting, presided at the election of the Chairman of the Panel for the 2000-1 session.

2. Mr. Chen Kunlun invited nominations for the chairmanship. Mr.

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篇五 :会议记录英文版



Minutes of Chemical Seminar

The seminar was held on Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 2010, at 8:00a.m. at Brand Road, the P&O university.

Present: Mr. Sunny Brown, Mr. Alex Jester, Miss Jenny Skies, Mr. Douglass Seaton, Mr. George Alexander, Miss Donna Ryan. Absent: Mr. Hall Franks, Miss Sophie Freda.

Moderator: Mr. Mike Hillman.

The main points:

1. Mr Mike Hillman, the president of seminar, presented the work and activity situation in seminar and got warmly discussed. Then the report passed after the modification on some contents.

2. The seminar agreed to pass a quarterly publication, which named chemical study and would be launched in July. Mr. Mike Stanley was nominated as Chief Editor and he appreciated it.

3. The participants agreed to hold a short-term training class for training chemical professional talents. It will recruit students next summer. Miss Sophie Freda is appointed to be the director of admission office.

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篇六 :Meeting minutes会议记录英文版

Meeting minutes

Date: 17th September 2013

Address: 2203 Room

Conductor: Headmaster Mr. Wen

Present: 42 students

Absent: Li, Jiang

Open issues:

1. The arrangement of the vacation during Mid-Autumn Day and National Day. (Mid-Autumn Day 19th-22nd September; National Day 1st-8th October )

2. Pay attention to the safety within the vocation

3. No leaving in advance or late for back

New business:

1. The rehearsal of gymnastic for the sports games on 28th September

2. The open ceremony on 29th September

The end

Minutes submitted by: 任娅楠 11级旅游英语2班 20111103565

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篇七 :minutes_会议记录英文版1

Minutes of meeting

Group Two

Minutes of meeting

Held on Thursday, 11 April 2013, at 8:30 am

In the Library of Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University

Members present: Bao Yuchen

Ye Shuyi

Wang Mian

Li Yaru

Li Mingwei

Members absent: None

Group Two

11 April 2013

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篇八 :会议纪要(英文版)







说明 Remark:

1. 指PE 内部服务器上的项目编号Given by PE DCC. e.g. C1201 2. 会议编号 / Meeting No.: 统一会议纪要编号规则Unified Numbering Rules for MOM: ? 内部Internal: CXXXX- 001M for example: C1101-001M ---

? 现场Site: CXXXX-SITE-001M for example: C1101-SITE-001M ---


? 外部External: CXXXX- third party name(Capital)-001M for example: C1101-CDI-001M--- 注释Notes:

1) 第一列项目编号(PE 服务器)The first part is project number (public server)

2) 第二列若是现场会议则固定为SITE,若为与第三方会议则写明第三方名字(缩写即可)The second part

is fixed for site and is changed according to different third party. Such as BCD,BOE CDI 3) 第三列若为会议纪要则用M,若为邮件则用E,若为传真则用F,传送函则为T. The third part include M,

E, F,T, respectively means: MOM, Email, Fax, Transmittal 4)

会议参加人员签字单 /Signature Sheet for Meeting


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