


  Is It Meaningful to Receive College Education?


  Given the fact that many college students havedifficulties in finding jobs in the recent,thousands ofhigh school students are reported to refuse to takethe National College Entrance Examination.The newsseems so convincing that many students, theirparents,and the society reach the conclusion thatreceiving college education is a waste of time andmoney. Undoubtedly, these students can earn some money working in big cities or runningtheir own business in the near future.However, I am of opinion that this view is myopic,which isto the detriment of personal development and China’s overall growth in the long term.


  Firstly, in terms of personal development, university is not a vocational training center despitethe factthat a university diploma indicates graduates are more likely to find decent jobs.Instead, university is a place for personal cultivation and improvement. In universities,students will learn to find their real interests,perfect their personality, and form right outlookstoward the world.Furthermore, students will learn to gather, analyze, and evaluate informationso that they can resolve problems in their lives. For those who are suspicious of the value ofhigher learning to some extent, they can be regarded as plutolatry.They worship money andbelieve that money is everything in their lives.


  Secondly, in terms of national growth,the advancement of a nation is characterized by itsgreatness of high education.In this sense, universities are the centers of research andacademic exploration.Take theUnited States for instance.Among the top 100 universities inthe world,the majority of them are located in theUnited States.The advancement of US higheducation is indicative of the fact that those universities produce the most Nobel Prizelaureates in comparison with other countries.American universities also turn out to be amagnet for most smart students around the world.Those universities contribute tremendousshare to the US’ growth through scientific and technological support.


  In China, if the belief that receiving college education is a waste of time and money can not becorrectedin time, it is inevitable that China can only reap short-term GDP growth but will bedeprived of opportunity to become a competitive international players in the long run, for thehuman resource will be drained eventually.


  In sum, receiving college education will benefit both individual and the country.Indicative of thedire job market for college graduates is not the uselessness of college education.Instead,college education means we should study harder to make a full preparation for the future.



  The other day, a professor from Peking University gave a lecture “Chinese Intellectuals and Written Cultural Text”. In his lecture, he held that Chinese intellectuals have lost the written cultural text since the May 4th movement. His opinion set us thinking that the loss of traditional humane education resulted in a crisis of cultural education.

  With the rapid development of economy, the living standard of the Chinese people has improved a lot in terms of material wealth. In a period when economics take priority, people pay more aned more attention to profit. At present, moneymaking and pleasure seeking are becoming a popular fashion. On the other hand, there appears a barren field of spirit in today’s society. It has become unexpectedly hard to rebuild the paradise of traditional culture.Ideological confusion, moral decline and a chaotic cultural market, all this shows that it is the high time to have something done inorder to tackle the problem of cultural orientation. Our times call for an ideal humane education.

  It is unwise to discard traditional Chinese culture as a whole. Some of the elements of this culture can be made use of in the reconstruction of our spiritual civilizaiton directly or wit5h some adaptation. Our attitude towards tradition should be “discarding the dross and selecting the essence”. The humane education of the past can serve as a supplement to our Marxist education. It should start from primary school. In this way, our children will get educated so as to be possessed of a perfect personality. The national morale will be deeply rooted in people’s mind, and will help push forward the growth of economy.

  To sum up, we can find it badly necessary to build up an ideal humane education. We should find an efficient way to develop our humane education and dig out5 more resources form traditional Chinese culture.
























