

单词名词 单数和复数不同意思归纳(noun plurality) affairs 事务 (affair 事件,个人的事)

altitudes 高处;高地 (altitude高度,海拔)

heights 高地 高处 (height 高 高度)

analyses =analysis分析,分解)

ashes 骨灰,灰烬;废墟(ash 灰,灰末)

assets 资产;财产;(asset 有价值的物品,天赋) authorities 当局,官方(authority 权利,权威 )

bacteria =bacterium 细菌)

bowels 内部,深处 (bowel 肠)

brains 脑力,智能 (brain 大脑,骨髓)

carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类(carbohydrates 淀粉质,糖类 chains 镣铐,一连串(chain 链条,用链条拴住)

charges 费用 ,代价,电荷(charge索价,控告,充电) chemicals 化学制品,化学药品 (chemical化学的)

classics 古希腊、古罗马文学(classic 杰作 ,名著) commodities =commodity日用品,商品

compasses 圆规 (compass 罗盘,指南针)

compliments 问候,致意(compliment)

confines =confine 界限,范围

congratulation=congratulations 祝贺

contents 目录 (content 容量,内容)

conveniences 便利设备 (convenience 便利 方便) credentials 国书,证明书(credential 凭证)

crisis=crises 危机,紧要关头

criterion=criteria=criterions 标准,尺度

curriculum=curricula 课程

customs 海关,关税 (custom 习惯,风俗,惯例)

damage=damages 损害赔偿费

datum=data 资料 数据

facilities 设备 设施 便利条件 (facility 灵巧 熟练)

fish =fishes 鱼 鱼肉

fittings 配件 附件 装配 (fitting 适当的 恰当的)

foot=feet 脚 足 底部 英尺

forces 军队(force 力量 势力)

formula=formulate 公式 规则 药方 分子式

functions 职务 函数 (function 功能 作用)

fundamentals 基本原理/原则 (fundamental 基础的 基本的) games 运动会 (game 游戏 娱乐 比赛)

genetics 遗传学(genetic 遗传的 遗传学的)

glasses 眼睛(glass 玻璃 镜子)

hills 丘陵地带 ( hill小山 山岗 高地)

humanities 人文科学 (humanity 人类 人性 人情) index=indexes=indices 索引 )

instructions 用法说明 操作指南 (instruction 教授 指导) latitudes 地区 (latitude纬度 行动或言论的自由) lessons 课程 教训 (lesson 功课)

liabilities 债务 (liability 责任 义务)

lights电灯 (light光明、电灯)

lovers 情侣 ( lover 爱好者 )

manners 风度 礼貌 (manner方式举止)

masses 群众 民众 (mass 大量 众多 团 块)

meditations 冥想录 (meditation 熟虑 沉思)

media 媒体 媒介中介方法 (medium 媒体 媒介 中介方法) minutes 会议记录 (minute 分钟 片刻)

mocks 模拟考试 (mock 嘲笑)

mice 老鼠 耗子 (mouse 老鼠 耗子)

necessities 必需品 (necessity 必要性 需要)

observations 观察资料 观察力(observation观测 观察) overalls 套头的工作服 (overall 全面的 综合的) pains 努力 劳苦 (pain 痛苦 痛)

papers 文件 试卷 论文(paper纸 报纸)

peoples种族 (people人们、种族)

polls 政治选举 (poll 民意测验)

possessions 财产 财富 (possession 持有 拥有) practices风俗习惯 (practice练习、风俗习惯)

proceedings 会议录 学报 (proceeding 行动 进行) provisions 给养 (provision 供应 供应品)

quarters 住处 方向 (quarter 四分之一 季 一刻钟) rails 铁路 铁轨 横杆 栏杆 (rail 栏杆)

rapids 激流 湍流 (rapid 快,急速的)

ruins 废墟 (ruin 毁灭 破产)

sands 沙滩 沙地 (sand 沙)

savings 储蓄金 存款 (saving挽救 救助 节约 储蓄) securities 证券 (security 安全感 防御物)

shorts 短裤 (short 矮的 短的)

slacks 便裤(懈怠的 松弛的 萧条的)

skies 天色 气候 (sky 天空)

specifications 规格 说明书 规范(specification详述) spirits 情绪 心情 ;酒精 (spirit 精神 气质)

sports 运动会 (sport 运动)

stools 大便 (stool 凳子)

strides 长足进步 (stride 一大步,大踏步走 跨越) sweets 糖果 甜食 (sweet 甜的 可爱的 美好的) tears 眼泪 (tear 撕裂 使……撕裂)

terms 条件 条款 (term 学期 期限)

thousands 许许多多 成千上万 (thousand 一千) tons 大量 许多 (ton 吨)

transactions 会报 学报 (transaction 办理 处理) vices 老虎钳 (vice 邪恶 恶习)

woods 森林 林地( wood 木材 木头)

works 工厂 (work 工作量)





我主要从whether与if、that在名词性从句中是否省略、同位语从句与定语从句的区别、reason后面的名词性从句、what引导的一种独特的名词性从句、check、make sure后面的宾语从句、what、whatever、who、whoever等引导的名词性从句几个方面进行说明、讲解,当然还有其他方面的易混点知识,这里就不进行一一叙述了。

易混点一 whether与if


1. 在及物动词后引导宾语从句时可以互换;


We discussed whether we should close the shop.

2. 引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句时都用whether,不用if。如:

The question whether he should come himself or send another man hasn’t been decided. Whether he will win is all the same to me.

The question is whether you can go there yourself.


It is unknown whether\if she is ill.

3. 如果whether后紧跟or not,不用换做if;若whether与or not分开使用,则可以换作if。如:

I wonder whether or not he has arrived at the destination.

I don’t know whether\if I can come or not.


I don’t care if he doesn’t show up.(在乎,炫耀)


I haven’t settled the question of whether I will go back home.

She doesn’t know whether to get married now or wait.

易混点二 that在名词性从句是否省略



1. 宾语从句中的that在口语中常省略,但在下列情况中,that应当保留。

(1) 当主、从句之间有时间等状语时,that不能省略,否则会产生歧义。

He said last night that he did some reading.

He said last night he did some reading.


(2) 主、从句之间有插入语时同样不可省去that。如:

I don’t doubt,in any case,that we will win the match.(无论如何,我都不怀疑我们会赢那场比赛)。


She said Lesson 82 was very important and that she should learn it well.

(若省略,后一从句则可能与上句she said并列)

Everybody could see what was happening and that poor Rose was really frightened.


(3) 如果宾语从句中含有主从复合句,that一般不宜省略。如:

They promised me that if I worked hard from then on,they would buy me a computer.

(4) 宾语从句提前时,that一般不省略。如:

That Bob was really frightened,I can’t believe.

(5) 简短回答中的宾语从句,that不宜省略。如:

What do you assume from his attitude?(你从他的态度中猜测到什么了?)

That he was frightened.

(6) 当it作形式宾语代替that引导的宾语从句时,一般保留that。如:

I found it quite a surprise that everybody in that city has a car.


That the earth moves around the sun is known to all.

It is known to all (that)the earth moves around the sun.


The reason why he studies well is that he is always hardworking.

4. 引导同位语从句的that(尤其是说明主语的同位语)一般不可省略。如:

The news that our team had won the match excited everyone.

I don’t agree to the suggestion that we give up the plan.

易混点三 同位语从句与定语从句的区别

1. that引导的从句,是定语从句还是同位语从句,我们我们采用“试加 法”,来判断。 The fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.

This is the fact that you must know clearly.

2. when、where、why引导的从句


I still remember the day when I first came to Beijing . 句中的when相当于“on the day”它没有疑问词“什么时候”的意义,因此是定语从句。

I have no idea when she will be back . when与idea毫无意义上的关联,其意思是“什么时候”,因而是同位语从句。



1.“The reason +连系动词+that“引导的表语从句。本句型的意思是:理由是:。。。。。。 The reason was that he fell ill.

2.It(或This、That)+连系动词+the reason+why引导的定语从句。本句型意为:这就是。。。。。。的原因(理由)

3. It(或This、That)+连系动词+the reason+because引导的表语从句。本句型意为:这是因为。。。。。。;这是由于。。。。。。的缘故。

That was because he fell ill.

4. It(或This、That)+连系动词+why引导的表语从句。本句型意为:这就是。。。。。。的原因。

That was why he fell ill.


阅读文中我们经常碰到这样的句子:After what seemed an endless wait ,it was at last his turn to step into the consulting room.(诊察室)句子中的what seemed的理解,对于中学生而言是个难点,下面做以总结:

1. 结构:


2. 说明:


3. 用法:

(1) 表示对某事物的看法或态度

(2) 表示不肯定、无把握极不确切的人或物

(3) 表示对后面的名词的解释或强调

4. 常见的表达形式:

(1) what one call或what is called

(2) what sb. know as或what is known as 或what is regarded as

(3) what seem\appear(to sb.)(to be)

(4) what sb. think

(5) what seem /look like

(6) what might be/have been

5. 例句

He was born in what is now known as Shanghai.(他出生于现在人人皆知的上海)

What is called atomic energy is actually nuclear energy.(所谓的原子能实际上就是核能) 易混点六:check、make sure后面的宾语从句

动词或动词短语check、make sure等做肯定句的谓语时,全句在汉语意义上虽有“是否”之意,但后面常用that做引导词。

Check that everything is in order,please.(请核对一下是否一切正常)

Make sure that the door is locked before you leave the lab.(离开实验室之前,务必确保门是锁上的。)



Whatever=anything that(无论什么)

Whoever=anyone who(无论谁)

Whenever=any time=no matter when(无论何时)

Wherever=any place=no matter where(无论何地)


Who spoke at the meeting is unknown

The person that spoke at the meeting is unknown.

Whoever breaks the law will be punished.

Anyone who breaks the law will be punished.

注意:1.whatever、whoever、whenever、wherever等常引导主语从句、宾语或表语从句,也可以引导状语从句,等于“no matter +疑问词”。


3.分开写的who ever 或what ever用于疑问句中表示惊奇(有时则夹杂有敬佩、愤怒或其他感情色彩)。如:

Who ever(=on earth)is that strange girl with Rose?(到底)



1. I don’t think the question of ________ they are old or young is important.

A which B whether C how D why

2. What I want to say is _______ we should do first is important.

A that that B what what C that what D what that

3. There is a common belief among them _______ rubbish can and should be put into good use.

A which B if C whether D that

4. If you feel tired and sick of fat food , that is _______ you have to go the hospital for a medical examination.

A why B when C whether D what

5. At last the soldiers reached ________ the locals called the Golden Triangle.

A that B where C when D what

6. I think I remembered to switch the oven off but you’d better check up _______ I did.

A whether B that C unless D until

7. _______ would like to devote his whole life to his country should go _______ there are all kinds of difficulties.

A Who somewhere B Whoever where C Whatever anywhere D Who there
























